CLASSIFIED ÂDS *** aitae or Co1ping Events pMgs r Coming Events Help Wanted Hel' Wanted AnnzalRotar>' Car Wash,, WOodvfeW COimunltY CenUle REGISTERED Nursing Assist- MALE Clerk, ful tîme. Apply ept_. 17, et Robson Motors -Monster eB i ng o. wenty ant wented for private. 30-bed Dykstras -Food Market.,BBow- HeId in Bowmanville Ltd. 33-3 games-wny d llr;fve nurafng home. Phone 623-7157. manville. Phone 623-3541. RuraeSale at the Sal- guies-thirty dollars; $150 32-tf 35-1 Aumtat Rth, 1966 ed them on theïr own bail 7t*i. He was fined $50 end1 vaton rmy Frday Set-$250. Door pr iz es. Next APPLE pickers to start Sept. AMBITIOUS mean with car Earl Thoençsn, Newcastle until Septemier 27th for pre- costs, or seven days. 2nd, *rm 9 Ifltil 12. 351 Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn. 19, five or six weeks' work. in Bowmanville district. Sup- cha.rged AugI.5t Bih with ha'- sentence reports.osaleD tarOP Girov Turey Su- Osawa.46-tf Apply to Rob Roy, telephone plement your income. Seil kng a stil, was renianded to Charles James Croft, Ter- tOld the court he stopped this Grv Tre Sp shw.263-2164. 3- n evc h ri_____________________of__pembe 2M onto, pleaded net guiit>' to car westbouind on Highway J . 2 More particulars inter.R EDCPBEprofr - Electrolux, Canada, Limited. Atu an aa,37~xe~diigJl t.H 401 just west of Darhington-W.Rsr 28t~35- ESCORTM TOTJ iedyFi rpr re Complete Philip Murray Avenue, s-Wsdfne yE .WI- Ontario County lime beceuse eR m t 35-1 ~~~w eek for two school children sales training provided. Phone ea rdeîkG Org sLh- masdn. yE.C it a otilldt.Inte LA _____ igo______adn_______ TENDal ooto63 w EeercGereieg- a. tlidnoti lgts n h LA - ED MonterBino. hurday BUFFALO, NY a nepr-2hol-h216C0lToono 9-3389; 421-7136 col- lin, '545 Logan Street, Toron- Reginald F'rost toid the back seat was a cooler con- 111-ht et 8 o'cîockt, sponsored62-10 35-1 lect. Ask for Mr. Smeets. ta Gr- lnBr,îocuth asenbud~tinmng beer andl on the rikht BaM NortSunnshaw ar, RedTRANKSGI8VING WEE1E IUlL and part-time help. SmceStreet, S., Oshawa, 401 at 4:30 p*.-.onlthis r-tween t'he front seat and the Barri.. orth Oshwe. 39tf Oct. 8 -Oct. 10 Apply Fireside Ber-B-Que, PART-TIME assistant to the Wayne Francis Cc.bell, 245 dey in a long Uine of weekexnd orweeto mtybr Th ort wlua illociet rirct Highway 115, Newcastle. Tele- Librarien of Bowrnanville Anna Street, Osh9wa, and traffiC. Suddenly everyone ti , a art tw ie and a < Irthe BowavllScetyDisit Write or Telephone phone 987-4271. 35-1 Public Library, must have Ronald Bryant, 487 Ortona the driving and perning lanes boe magartl e fud . F)jer. e-d VgebeShwi 'TT>E MNfrhretn Crs- some bookkeeping and typing Rond, Oshawa, were charged stOPPed. The car inediately Ma.aeger mutated tula tcu1tura BuildingENforhaat Highhrst experience. Applications close August 26th with theft of a behind him shot past and pro- Mr alge ttd t SeholWeneseySetemerrDH t'T QtD~7PPmas trees, begining Sept. 15. Sept. 10, 1966. Write, steting suinof imoney with violence ceeded on up the median and he had cone frorn Watertown, <> 4_0 .LLL.aJ.J VL%..L Apply Joe's Esso Stto, -. qualifications and experience, from iRbert Kasiosi. Lauh- the one behind that ra n to e ok ii nyoeso _______ 3t5--1.m uli nvtd 14 Orchardview BIvd. niskillen, 263-2359. 34-3 if any, to Mr. Geo. Vice, Chair- Uin was also oharged with il- the a-car of his vehicle. at the service centre east of. EuhePryadDa __ BOWMANVILLE BA STT ,5-awek2 man Library Board, P.O. Box legal possession of a cigarette Constable D. Stuart, OPP Newcastle. He denied ail LEAN- TEND boat re Party and rarwil r-shford hlrn i 30 owavl Ontario. lighter. Ail five were romand- invtiaig ofiesad knowledge of how the beer T bo el at, otrdandSet. tr a wîî 23326 r homaed ch'ildre,. 130,Bomanile, 35-1 cd on bail until September there were traffic lig&hts at came to be where At was. 8e hen.,atura. S.F Le. llat35-4 8 on homfe, 'i4. 3Apply UALOPPORTUNITY 2nd li Cobourg. thîs Urne et Bennett Road The fine was $50 and oosts, 13 30 8i S.. t.OE.OF. odgeanvll, ____________ Kn >' Wayne Thomnas Ablewhite, where a bridge -was under or seven days. Kagin S. E Bonwmvle.rilz BANK of Montreal requires Promotions w i t h i n aur chaa-ged Aixgust 24th in the construction. A w or km an James ROY, Cooksville, col- Cas pizs.Evrynewe- FrtlierYoung man interested in bank- Sales Organization have cre- Township af Clarke wilih hav- turned the light and brought leoted two traffic tickets fa ;S T E A corne. 35-2 ing career. Grade XII requir- ated openings in surraundang ing e loaded firearm in a traffac ta a standstill, resu1t-ý having no front naarker on his - You are cordially invitcd ta INCREASE YIELDS ed.* Apply in persan or tele- area which are unusuelly gaad psil sowing disa-egardi for mng in this collision. car. On July l7th on bis way F attend the Special Decoration ' phane Mr. Bcnny, accounitant, oppartunities for mien- with the life and safety of other Mr. Ca-oft said he had been to a cottage for, bis vacation I Day Services ta be held on fo forage 623-3368. 35-1 recent agrîcultural b ac k- pesoswa remanded on diriving fa.r 22 years and he was stopped and charged W Sunde>', September llth, 1966, ~ o MAN for dairy farm -~ ground. Position is fuiltirne, bail until September 6th. averaged 35 to 40 thousand in thre Cobourg area. TwoU et 3:00 pm. in Nestieton Unit- . m- ar can be handled et first mieeahyrin is ok days later he was given a cd Cuc. pae:Re.~ D D '!QT mediately, single or rnarrîed, along with yaur present farrn.. LÂuL.f.f. " withaut an accident. Hre added ticket by Constable D. Stuart, Harry Atkinson, B.A., Toron- separate house with conven- ing operation. Successfui. ap- awa, aged 19, pleaded guilty that this experience had made OPP. lie added that thre dayLN to. 352 n te fa inces vailale. Aply wih pliant cceusiet gbae-disturbanca dreurolve inaîmusesl7A t nàe Aainer- hetr obtabtaede the amark i ncIlDncatth heleferences, Wilfred Bowman, average carnings an e weekly th e ageo Neweas tle Jl tua-e. tic motar blcw up. The mnat. DancS-OM BLEND . . W___ee. Enniskillen. 35-1 basîs. There is also excellent 1t-H a represented by Cnvcinbog-tafn e a doandutlSp evr rdyand Saturday IS THE TREND RLAL woataab-i prtnyfredncment N. H. EdmouIdso<i, Oshawa. of $50 end $16 costs, or 10 tember 2nd in Cobourg. every Fatriday, elanw nc pre-school child in child's in this area. If you are arn- Constable J. Schultz, OPP, deys. Considerable tinie was spent' bands, 8:30 - 12. Friday, Re- BULK SPREADING SERVICE awn home while mother bitiaus, and went ta be as- told the court hie had radar Hugh William AllisOn, R.R. on a private coniplaint ta de- cordHop,8::0 - (Tenswarks. Write Advertiser 74 sociated with thre fastest- set up et nomOron Mill Street 3, Bowmanvilie, pleaded not termine whcther Ronald and cordHop 8:30 -? (een, rgh QuaIity coCnda ttsaP~O' growing company in Its fieldtadsung pengwhr guilt to speeding 70 miles an Donald Spiers, R.R. 2 eh bring ou faouit reors! Box 190, Bowmanville. 35-1 write tdlling me about yaur- ehilda-en walk tolfWaltona Park houa- June 1 t, an Highway 2. any, should be bound ovea- ta (Tia) -- __ 35~f BALER TWINE self. Write ta E. J. Orendorff, to swin. Two youths went by He was defendcd by John kecip the peace. Plan an evening in the MALE or female dish machine Personnel Mgr., Advertiscr ver>' slowly on a motorcycle Greca-, Oshawa. Ljubo Popovic told the court eharm~ing atmosphereof the CERESDALE operator wanted, excellent 748, c/o Canadien Statesman, and the passenger, Madill, Constable fi. Stuart, QPP, that he and bis faniily had Sailors' Lounge at the Flying wages, meals and uniforms P.O. Box 190, Bawmanvllle. shouted abscenities at the Oi- said be ciocked the accused farmed in thre area for four Dutchman Motor Hotel. Danc- IFERTILIZERS provided; 5 ta midnight shif t. 35-3 fioer. He had typed the ai- westbound froua SaUna Road y-cars and been an friendly ' ing 9 p.m. ta i a.m. ta the Appi>' Mr. Gayc, 623-7242, fensive words on a slip ai for tira-e miles. Under ques; ternis with thc Spiers twins sterea music ai Aubrey Hallis. LTD. Plying Dutchman Matai, Hotel. W ne papei! wlich passed from hanld tioning lie adrnitted tiat Mr. Disagreeanent a-ose over the Far resca-vations phone 623- NEWVCASTLE - ONT. 35-1 _________________ta hênd frou thbe crown «t- Allisen had explained Vhat be lban of machiner-y and the 3373. _ 34tf Re 623-7150 - Bus. 987-4711 SUPPLY teachers for Darl- GOOD used toys, suitable for tomney ta defense ceunsel, tO was in severe pain and on bis pasturing of cattle. One hing MONSTER, BINGO32-tf in.gton T.S.A. Public Schools Nursery School. Telephone tire magistrate and ta the way ta Oshawa General lias- led ta anotirer and Ma-. Papa- ]DA O HU DAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock for school year 1966-67. Sal- 623-5068. 3.;cutseorpe.ptlweeh okda nvcadhswf ttdte Spnordb teJuirRearsay$1.0 e ay ppytConstable Schultz seid a orderly. the>' and their seven Young FRESIT - CRI Chaberai ommrcer' . R Morcaait Suervs' Cash on the Spot lady and ber little son were Conviction brought a fine aofdirjdren were ini fear for thir JUBLE PAILON GUARANTEED television and Principal, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, for Dcad or Crippled Farm hvn uc nterlw 1 n oto iedy. sit.W .A Pair, Peter-BNCE O S H E A w A 8-t radia service toalal mekes. Phone 72.5-0133. 35-il Stock. Plcked up promptîy and could not help but hear. Traffic tickets: (Constable borough, defended tire Spiers ( OS A A 8TeisinSrieC.PoeQAIIDto n i e Telephone collect 263-2721 Tire 3nutbs then passed and L. J. Mehoney, OPP) Giles brothers. Televsion ervie Co.Phon QUALFIED oorepdassedakthre corner keeping Beaudoin, speedintg Highway Magistrate Baxter ada, oura-C R O Bethesda Cemetery 623-3883. 524fl ers for dlean, modern plant: Margwill Fur Farni up'aebarrage of shouting. 401, 80 miles an hour, July ed thre mattea- until .O(ctober Decoration Day - Top wages, benefits, peman- Lîe;RONEC.66 SIorti>' beferre 1 p.m. thc af- 25th, $20 and costs, or five 25th and u'rged ail cancerned Service wiIl be held onTachReaL.n ToîCa. Ltd., Simnpson Ave. We Honor An>' Bonus Card ta thec box factary Wbere he 25tir, spceding 70 miles an ences befare tiret tii-e. 2 Bobs. 1:CertIlfld Watchmaker of S., Bowrnenville. Write P.O. 1-t kncw tire youths were em- heur on Highwey 401, $10 and4 S n a , Sp. Canadian Jeweller's 'A551. Box 392, Bowmanville. 35-i ployed. There a caowd of 20 costs, or tiree days, (Con- 2 2 servc3 llIbe dIn c haelf a irjirne ATEE#Acc nants' Deadstock Service or 25 hlard the accused shout stable T. A. Yard>', OPP Rd Cros reports that 34 S LOI service Offieebas apInings for recentJeHeghest CashTPrices for Deadtthre sanie abuse so the officea- Kenneth PYfe, July 7th, un per cent ai ail drowning vic- Offce as penngsforrecnt ighst ashPries or eaddecided ta charge hbu. lawful parking on Haghwey 2. isi naa pesyaer Pleas. bring your own chairs. 89 King St. W. Grade XIII graduates interest- adCipe amSok Dfnecuslsae ht(h a a ettr-efe ewt ________ __ 35-2 ______________ d in enroling with the Insti- aFUR pped FARM ok Mese. cdi ot iris job e - n The hghwa y a t ire wïsc ae d risons etert tute ai Cbartered Accountents. BURRETT FRFR r eillothsjbb-Otontehgwyadte weantcrainîsc t W H TH-ANKSGIVINGRefrigeration For interview, write Johnson, Phone Long Distance cause of tii incident and was owner went daýwa Wilkmott b ae ieto H TOUR Stewart, Boumne & Ca., 320 Zenith 66550 (no charge ta you) now picking tobacco. Caeek fishing), $20 and casts, TO Rand Bey St., Toronto 1, or Phone fiept. Agric. Lic. No. 351-C-65 «Tirere is no excuse foi, this or three cr. aies Hiarold FINE QUALITY SAVE of NEW YORK Iloîect 368-1761. 34-2 23-tf sort ai behavieur, 'rneaked Webb, speeding 70 miles an MONUMENTS AND OCT. 7 to OCT, il Appliance Service C nAtre G .Bnr-hour on Hîgbwa>' 401, July MPARKERS 8c FREE COOK BOOK doepkrAttbrey . ' e y28tir, $10 and costs, or threc e - B>' BUS - TRAIN - AIR Commercial and Domeutîc Personal castle. "It ism deys nrbe. Th' a"' SMOL OPTIONAL 8IGHTSEEING Refrigeration - Mi1k Coolers Get yaua- Rewlcigh Cook- police have e job ta o dDnadJonG iagh OMM~Lu~ Book now and information HYGENIC Supplies-<Rubber ta have ta subrnit ta thi in Dnl onG agher"SL JR & O E LPhone BERT SYER how ta meke mone>' selling gaods) mailcd postpeid in of abuse la degrading ipbtead ntgit ailgl OF STAFFORD possssio TRAVEL AGENCY Nithts 623-3177 part time. Write Rawleigh, price list. Six samples 25c, Magistrate R. B. Baer R SU TSV SAVE S King St. E. - Bowmanvllle ea Dcpt. li-140,PC, 4005 Riche- 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order agreed and fined bini $1it00 juihoriniT - - Phone 623-3361 .Lafluer .LLruware lieu, St. Henry, Monta-cul. ficpt. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca., and costs, oran mjaah i CnsutdvMebewudth 34-21 and ELECTRIC 35-1 Box 91, Hamrilton, Ont. 1-52 jail. lie was grantcd a manth _D Charles Ells, Oshawa, Stfodtohr dharîed Ma-oh 7fia with thet LIMITED F0' FOR THE, HOTTEST DEALS UN ffo.Ipra iapae fotr sentence. Counel forclec- monuments 77 King St. W. '~fense, E. C. Wfidunan, aaid bis MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Bx13SO N A I client was steedil>' employed BoxDitr1t338 DndaOSt E.ND SAN"H TOW N-CHECK OUR h and restitutioniad beenn-a esawa_________18_BadasS._E.,_____ or seven days. lie wes granti Estae Boa8 cd two wecks ta, pay.J àWly C.rescent, Térorto, ýT 0 ».M o i T 9cirerged with daiving ta, leit À ofi centre within 100 feet ci an intersection an lighway 35, pleaded not guilty lic 1966 GalxieClea - ut1James Sandison stated that "500" 4-Dr. wI 5 ndowehb nd ton g Luxury equipped, double power, onta lighlway172 toward Part 'Epetom radio. Perry. The lanning caran m J EU 111attenipting ta pas, sideswiped Efirgundy.711EMli eace hie± end telann eal "500 2-Dr.ardtp i 1966 Glalaxie 7 Litre %1Medthre Clowane Halli, e srnooth filat finish m ieguihy ta lraking, enta-y ande dries in 30 minutes 2,r artpitAi hyweerreetdeft frou a reuidence Jul>' "500" Convertible "428" V-8 engin. with 4-barrel cerb., 4-speed b>' John Greer, ee.sne asl pl Luxury equipped. Gleaing black with transmission, fully powered nludmng seats Ctb Ge L ues, Oiha.te interior. spe wipers, w/w tires. Andemsn, R.R. 2, Buxketon, Li.J720----s 3 5 NW Onîy ---------------$ ----399 ludtefotorha MADE IN CANADA BY 2-speedbeen lorued openan a ebattle VISIT UR LOTTODA N OTHERSIZZLIG BARGINS ~ of Whluey, e bottle ai wine DT~ID~ VIST OR LT ODA MAY THE SIZLIG ARGIN-1 nd eal trensistor radio *CANADIANPITBRH ND pofrtcd ta fath e aoeused CAD )VA £ ADMr. Greer sald that tire two l dn the eei rom 4r n - -- kig U no ion ie. Te SHOPPING CENTRE *AITkCOURI broke inai nd helpcd tiaem- LIIU 28 repoted their car missang, 219 KING STO' E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623.2534 bolie tti adedm E~~~M that y olie. we de lin Contact One of Our Courteous Salesmen: t lien g0t s lstor, nk M BUDD FOGO JERY KMIN RAP Pu" r be r.stitu*on lm the - -'- -~-. ... ~ i .4~ ~ ~ A ~ ' ~ ~ tGeor and-payfor thre liquor A .omn N MIo ULDO au_1 agk4ate a.zter remand-1 lern Shades USTRIES roducts 1ICE LI t m m m