j4The Canadian Statesman. Bowmianvflle, Aug. 31, COF BOWLING Date -Alleys Sept. S. Sept. >16. Sept. 23. Sept. 30. Oct. oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Ny.' N6v. 1-2 3-~A 5-6 7- 9 -1- 2 __ _ _ 4- 7 __ _ _ 3- 6 ___10- 5 6- 8 5- 4 7- 3 2-10 9- 1 8- 7 3-10 9- 2 Dec. 2 6- 1 Dec. 9 7- 9 Dec. 16 Chicken Roll-Off.... 2- 8 Jan. 6 ____ 10- 4 5- 6 8-1 7-10 9- 4 7- 8 10- 3 2- 9 1- 6 9- 7 8- 2 4-10 9- 5. 8-10 6- 5 1- 8 10- 7 4- 9 8- 3 5-10 5- 3 4- 2 8- 6 7- 1 6-10 * 4- 5 2- 6 9- 8 3- 7 SECOND SCHEDULE Jafi. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 Ma rch 3 March 10 March 17___ March 24 _ _ March 31 ___ 5- 9 4- 6 9-10 5- 2 4-i1 3- 8 2- 4 10- 6 8- 9 1- 3 7- 5 1- 2 April 7 4-7 April 14 ___-3-6 April 21,_____10-5 April 28 -6-6- M~ay - Playoffs - 8- 4 3- 2 7- 8 10- 3 2- 9 1- 6 9- 7 8- 2 4-10 9- 5 6- 4 3- 4 6- 9 5- 8 2- 7 10- 1 3-1 10- 2 5- 7 1- 9 3- 4 5- 6 6- 9 5- 8 2- 7 10- i 9- 3 1- 5 7- 6 8-10 5- 6 8- 1 7-10 9- 4 3- 5 8- 1 7-10 9- 4 3- 5 1- 7 6- 2 4- 8 2- 3 7- 8 10- 3 2- 9 1- 6 9- 7 Bowling Banquet in May. Team 1-Roy Woodward,' Team 5-Glen Prout, Bob Griffin, Bill Potter, Shar- Smith, Earl Luke, May Arci on Milley, Elsie Prout, Shirley Teddy Aldread, Marg. Tipi McLean. Team. 6-Jaàck Bond, Ei Teamn 2-Ray Westlake, Lois Roberts, Bob MeReelis, Ri Woodcock, Dick Dennis, Ray Woodward, F r ed Tipp Crawford, Florence Snowden, Stella Hawkins. Helen Ovenden. Team 7--George Mars. Teai 3-Milt Dakin, Larry Dot BonDan ce Vesna, NeiliMcLean. Shir a wrzon, DinneeMcRi ley Duetta, Bob Griffin Jr:,BiC arl ns.~az Nme Jean Crawford. Bih awkîns.r Sow Team 4-Ron Brock, Rita BTt eain 8-Ha rankSnt Nolan, Ken King, Velma Bety Gwetlae FankPS Luke, Bill Buma, Marion Ald- bert, MGwen MDennis, read. Team 9-Jack Macnab,1 GET CASH TODAT Allen, Ernie Archer, 1 FOR OLD APPLIANCES Aldread, N o r m Woodcc througb Florence Potter. Team 1-Doug Nolan, CE CLASSOFIDS Roberts, Faye Allen, N STATESMAN Zondervan, Ida Andringa,1 Phone 623-3303 Aldread.- 7THEA4 Cs rCONFIDENCEU \4% CON VENIENCE I COMFORT' Central Ontario Trust 1. CONFIDENÇE - knowlng that you are receiving the best rate of interest - paid more often. 2. CONVENIENCE - longer saving hours daily and ail day Saturday. 3. COMFORT - dealing with friendly people - with a community Trust Company. C. SAVE WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 King St. W. Bowmnanvllle 623-2527 19 Slmcoe St. N. Oshawa FOUNTAIJqED 723-22 JP i on Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and hMs. G. Chartran (nee Phyliss May- nard) on their reoent mar- rnage. M&. and Mm. F. Blackbumn and Brian, Mr. David Shack- leton, Mr. and Mis. Leslie Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. Ron We]sh were recent visitors with Mr. and Mts. Walter iPingle at their cottage at Stoney Lake. MsBob CoHacott and Joan are holidaying wt r n 1 and Brian and Mr. David Shlackleton were Sunday visi- J tors with Mr. and Mus. Wm. Cowling at their cottage at Wfim'Point. IMr. and Mrs. Barry Cowling and John spent hast week at a cottage at Hall's Ltke. On Saturday evening they at- tended a party in Memorial Park Clubhouse in honor of Mr. and Miýs. Ralph Ormis- ton's 25tih wedding anniver- sary. Mr. and Mis. T. Brima- combe and fan-ily are enjoy- ing a nîonhls holiday in Scot- land. M.r. and Mis. M. Marchant and farn!Iiy, Miss Ruth Shack- leton and Mrs. J. Grahani, Town, are holîdayinîg this week ini the Midland district. Our "Tune - up Centre " Us Now Equipped with the Latest ALLEN m tronic Scope m Anailyzer WESLEYYIL E gladhly suUéed because of the'smm -arSmmd -fte quare. Mm. GrmnilleF1nt% V,. ROlidayu me drawing to a Wh'ng I wi ahead and and iamily q>ent the weekend Bari HMI and Danny Brad- clomwomd for the most of the Plougibing begim. with the. Howartba of Weeton Shaw ce Port Houpe spent a aununer tjiey had really good - nmulUk oM.E at their cotage. cOuPle of da". witti E. Bar- est OWÇnwho elebatedhisrowelougha lat week. Play%-weathe. SO long sunnhy, I3rd birthday last Friday, He- Sharon Thomidyke retu Severai fanilles away at ini faet, tbAt anY iýncnven- 1 stsIi hale seid hearty and On MandaY, Aug. 2? h, froei cottages and on holidaskp lence now frum showero ilable to enjoy his daffy Walk,, Aiols ent with her aunt,lattendance down at Sna acoo( but teacheu w oepre- 1un enteat1mh ils sent Ibr ai ciRMes ma ted th Ue Eaatm e tWB t ff . may la lin te bee-Hope on W&dneedW e*&n at Welcoene and the choir was Aiig. 24th, at a traesd*~,tW back for ti service after a on the lawn.. BrIgtly d@o*gt& bief rest, and were jolned for ed with eourel2sI thie anthem by Rev. lan mua made a fine utal %*r a roc.1 M..aild Mm. Amold .&u, hàppy «eveing. - usage ri 1 a 1 1966 ZION ( ater Scott Stainton has days at OhwaGnU= gEdi 9-ISipital. 1Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, 9-10 Brend andKathy, Scarbor- à-2ton's on Thursday. Kim and 4- 1 Debbie returned home wîth 3- 8 themn after spending a few days with theïr grandparents. IMrs. Clarice Moore, Mr. and 2- 4 Mrs. George Gordon and tazn- .0- 6 ily, Oshawa, were visitors at 8- 9 Keith Stainton's on Sunday. 1-3 Several home owiners along 1-3Taunton Road have had their driveways paved.% 7-. 5 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton 4- and daughters visited at Wil- liam Massen's, Toronto, on 9- 6 Sunday. 8- 5 Miss Eva Carruthers, Cooks- ville, has been visiting at Ray 7- 2 iCameron's for a few days. 1Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton 1-10 and family returned home on Saturday atter holidaying, for 3-. 9 a couple of weeks at Lake 1 M.andu Irs. R. C. Stainton and dau.ghters spent the week- end at Keene .with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poloz and sons. 6-7 Mr. George Sonley, Toronto, 6- 8 spent a week at Fred Cam- 1 8eron's. 12: Mr. Geo. Sonley and Mrs. Fred Cameron spent a week- Aend with their sister and hus- 4- 7 band, Mr. and Mrs. Percy 3- 6 Bryce at their cottage at 0- r Mountain Lake. 6- 8' Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor, Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Krummenàcher, Bowmanville, 5- 41 were recent visitors at Hans 7- 3 Geissberger's, Sr. 2-10 Misses Kim and Debbie Thomas, Scarborough, spent 9- 1 several'days at Russell Stain- 9-10 ton's. 1Mr. and Mrs. William bart 5- 2 and Bill, Little Britain, Miss Jane Dart, West Hill, Mrs. F. 4- 1 Richardson, Cambridge, Mas- 3- 8 sachusetts, U.S.A., Mrs. A. 2- 4 Buchann, Toronto, were rec- ent visitors at Henry Dart's. Miss Doris Dart and broth- ers Arnold and Mike, Wood- ville, who have been holidaying Jimr with their grandparents, Mr. leer and Mrs. Henry Dart return- oPins. ed to their home on the week- Erie end. R.uby M *rs. Alex MeMaster and )ins, Joan, Mis. F. B. Glaspell, visited Mr. and Mrs. George shall, Hilts, William's Point. eelis, Brian Hircock, Oshawa, Kig petaweek with his grand- den, Canieron. tub- Mr. and Mrs. N. Potter, Peter Washago, visited at Henry Bill The sympathy of the coi-ý lvaymunity goes to Mr. Frank Moay Pascoe and daughters in the ccpassing of Mrs. Pascoe on amlSunday morning. Mrs. Pascoe ýaiok had been a patient in Meni- Bicl orial Hospital, Bowmanville, Bilfor a week. SALEM C&hurch service will be held