The Cnadfrn Stateunian, Ejowmanvlle, Aug. 31, 1066 and IWof Bath en Wednes- n l IP ie da, ndMmM. P. P oaiu Puayers Win Loadis of Pie Mfr. and Wk.. Meriii Van Camp attended thewedn Reports from 1frJànSon M. vSpn cer) in Campbellford, Satur- Y day. Mv!r. and é.ol -W me 's Insiutes em gestsetth lze RiIoltby wedding in Prince AI. FtietJi Apnfersary and letters of congratulations. bert United Church, Saturday. OnAugust lith, 1966, the - Two solos were enjoyed Sunday disiner guests ci Mr. ~aetville Wonien's Institute during the programn by 3.adM. elMlck n cplebrated thefr Sth Annmver- Glen Skuce, accompanied by famly were Rev. an~d Mrs. S. mV7 in the United Church wlth Mrs. Wilson'Heaslil This Jr . H illier and Mms.E. J.0Cook, guesba froml the branches in tion was closed wUi Gd Sve Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- 'ite district and former -mem- the Queen. ley Malcolm and Mr. and Mr&. bers. We adjourned to the base- Wallace Marlow, Caesarea, Mms Bert MeMullen, Presu- ment for a sing song, while and Mn.. H. Taylor, Black- dent, presided and Mrs. V. lunch was being prepared. Tea stock. Sblies, secretary, Mrs. Olive was poured by Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mirs. Normian Me- - auiah, werc in charge et the McMullen, Mrs. Everard Toole, Nally, Coiborne, and Mir.and fstbook, 76 guesta reglater- Mns. Cora Johnston and Mrs. Mms. Roy Wright, Toronto, ~e app ocasonopeedVende Staples from a table visîted Mir. and Mnh. Carl wi hae ocarsto oeartsuitably decorated for the Oc- Wright, Saturday. Coit, the 4 3 ~~ casion with anniversary cake Mrs Willim Klly, Bob- '*let h 3dpal n and candies. cay«eon, spent last week with Ithe Lord's Prayer inl unisof. Mis. Geo. Wilson of Yelver- her son Gerald and grand- 1rh, President welconied the ton cut the anniversary cake. daughter. Am. Gerald Kelly guests in a few well chosen Mrs.CoraJôhnston expres- returned home fziomJ hoepital Words. Mis. eorg Wilo f Yel- sd a sincere appreciation to on Priday and Mr. Wim. Kelly Ver.on acrteg me r aU who helped niake this 50th joined thiem for the weekend. and a Past President ln the Anieray suhahap . and M m. ERoy Trewm %anly twenties was brought te occasion! and faimily, Weston, were Sat- ..... the front and presented with uirday supper guests of Mr. aà corsage. o h rnh B A K T C and M". Fred Trewin and 1 Th hitoryof he banch BL CKS OCK boys and Mra. Wright. for the at5 years was read Visitors wifjh bMn. and Mns. by the aecretary. Services in both churches Stanford Van Camp duning Mrs. Robert Vivian read the Sunday inoiong were unden the week wei'e Mr. and Mns. Xemorial and placed a basket the a'uspices o)f the Can'adian Jack Purdy, Toronto, Mrn. and of flowers as a tribute in axern- Bible Society.' In the United Mrs. Jin Gallapiier, Julie and. ...................... 0 or3' of 47 departed Institute Cjjrc, ev. S. j. Huiler of Andy, Soarbonough, Mr. and inembers. Mrs. Fnank Fry flrooklin was speaker and de- Mms J. C. Stewart, Heather -sang an appropriate solo, after liveme a very ilmpressive ser- and Duncan, Montreaj, Mr. ýwhlch two minutes silence V odad wua observed. A poem writte mon. In St. John's, Rev. Colin and Mms. P.V.Wo ad la hei meonyby rs.Rudd of Peterborough was Pointe au Baril. .notrm Cutt y(nee Nrma the guest speaker. He aise Mr and Mrs. Richard Howe Th.setootbl ayrfomtetwnj irlag ,JhnKptic Ntacy) a Cts (read y rs.gave a very inlormative and (nee* Donna MVarie Avery) Thstw sotalpaesfo teton uirlauJhnKlaic Olive Englishra . heiptul address. Do ail know calledon erga<aet, and AI Munday, right, found the right cornbination at several of the Lions Car- -Speakers froni the District that $1-00 per faimily would Mr. nid lVs. J. A. Johnston, nival booths on Saturday. Before the evening was over, they were carrying were Mrs. Shensley, Currins finance the Bible Society fori Sunday. around more prizes-of various types than anyone else on the grounds. Disrict President, Mrs. James a year. Mm. and Mrs. George Dun- i~Wlke, Scrtar Trasuer Thie annual meeting of the bar and Lamly visite the Mis. Perey Junkin, Fed. Rep. Cartwigiht Branch of!ffie Rcy and Bill Fergusons and Mrs. Malcolmi Emmenson anea Cndian Bible Society was Lloyd Wnights, on Saturday. TRN *o! Tweedsmuin History, Past held in the Nestieton Presby- Denise and Cathy remained Y.N PresidehtrMes. eyL. Htan, amht the sevc.Of c llos-e ss rs.ew ary s The Septemnben meeting of few days with Mr. and Mrs. whch were played anound the1 Mn. hares eyel aPas th sevic. Oficrs il 'e- 1]esrs Lary Ink and Tyrone United Chunch Women J. Oliver, Fenelon Falls. camp fine were led by David President o! our branch froni elected: Pies., Mrs. Geo. Wofe;:Brin Muntjoy left Saturday wiil be held. et the'home of Mr. and Mns. Bert Mortlock and Elizabeth Craig. The ne-1 1938-40. Then we were veny Vice P.res., Bey. Romeril and mmingdniving a school bus Mins. S. E. White. and son James and fnîend feshments wene loaked aften happy to have hier chose e ose; Treas., Mérs. Harold to Edmonton, Alta. Several from Tyrone cern- Ricky, Ottawa, were aven- by Rab and Nancy Lambert. Dt rla. AnmbfrestouVic- Craford; Sec'y., Earl Dorrell. M toride Ans spoafew weî hst Aust2thwaMibe . and Mrs. Chas. MeNeil munity have been attending night guests cf Mr. and Mrs. The September meeting at1 chosientswoas. wel s uy t Cathwaglht. e- and famxily, Toronto, were the Exhibition. Jack Gibbs and aise visited which Rowland and Wilma TheSereryred te ar sunvicens Carere ed ighlat Sek-Sunday dinnerguests of Mn. Patrick Wernbam cf Cern- Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs. Coambes will tel of thein trip Anglican, UaitedadBtacksaeck and Mi's. Ivan Mountjoy and bermere returned ta bis home M L ~ta England will take place at AnglicanU nitd BNesteton daughters. after spending the summer rS. L. Jones spent a fewýSalem United Church, Satur- andPreshytenian d S elet oen ate ai alclisetholidays with bis aunt and days with Mn. and Mrs. T.iday, Sept. l7th. For sty lubterathecretaxy re- kstekhohay alomsprtuncle Mr. and Mns. A. Knowl- Moore, ennth .ean~d Mrs. Marshall Mil- Canvss as ot fllycom gradmoher Mm.A. . CokMn. and Mns. G. Estabnaok, Rosevean, are holidaying at visited his grandmathen, Mns. VT er piete, but would be soon. The Brooklin. Caurtice, were Saturday even- Sait Lake City and ather W. Millen an Sunday. I.Visis To filmn "Treasures in India", Mn. and Mms. Neil Malceolm ing visitons of the Knowlton's. points. Mn. and Mns. Frank Hathen- shown at the evening service attended the Silver Wedding Mn. and Mis. A. Bowens and Mns. F. L. Byam was bostess ly, Beverley and Glenn, Part Durhamn Forest Headquar- by Rev. C. R. Riadd, depicted o! Mr. and Mins. Muxray Rob- Ian attended a picnîc on Sun- fon a miscellaneaus shawer fan Cnedit, visited his mather, ters was the scene o! the the great change of lfe where inson o! Bnooklin at their cot- day at the home ef Mn. and ber niece Miss Audrey Spicen Mns. Annie Hatherly. ulrth 4-H Forestmy Club meet- the scriptures wene taught tage, Caesanea, Sunday even- Mrs. W. Vine, Nestleton. on Tuesday, August 23rd, Those attending the Bruce- ing. Beginning at aine o'clock, since 1792 in that area of ing. Mn. and Mns. K. Black and wben 19 friends attended. Spnagg wedding in Hamilton we conducted roll eaUl, show- India. Mm. Velva Baihey and Miss chihdren were Sunday guests Mr. and Mns. Jack Hatherly, an Satunday wene Mn. and As mehis w absenclbte.isMraetHeyli Getrude Henry n et u r n e d o! Mn. and Mns. Roy Bryden Newtonville, vîsited bis mathen Mrs. Ross Hall, Mrs. StanleyÉ As hiswasou clb tur Mis Magart ooey lfthome Frid'ay frein a conduct- and famuly, Cobourg. Mns. Annie Hatberly. Hall, Sandra, Anlene and Bey- Mr. Helson secured a fores71 lat week by Jet for en ex, ed bus tour o! Quebec City, Mn. and Mns. Vendun Tbi- Mrs. Thomas Alldread of erley, Mn. and Mrs. A. Thies-t truckanid we visited the fine tended holiday in Europe. Ottawa, New England States, bault and famuly, Oshawa, Carman, Manitaba, visited Mr.sen and Faith, Mns. S. Walken. 1 tower, the Dale and the Big Mr. and Mms. Kennetlh Samn- etc. wene Saturday guests o! Mn. and Mns. G. Alldnead and Mn. Mrs. Keith Robinson, Mn. and1 Guily, ail neam the area. els anid Mr. and Mina. Russel Mm. and Mirs. Ernest Swain and Mns. C. Clark. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Mrs. Bill Hall and Wendy, M. 3 Various stops slong the way Mountjoy spent lest week in attencled the Sniders-Wilson S Gary Thibault, Oshawa, othen relatives. and Mrs. Horace Hall, Stuart1 phowed the effect o! sou ,era- fthe Bruce Peninsula. weddinig in - Kenilwomth onspent a !ew days~ with Ricky Wednesday evening Mn. and and Joan and Vicki Rabm. alvnfjh nedfortrcson he Mn ndMr. Cas SithS Clray and spent the week- Clark and now Ricky is holi- Mns. George Alldnead enter- Mnrn r. .Hl, aloipes and the large w.ooXl-.visited Mm. and .Mrs. Bert end at Mount Forest, Guelph daying with Gary at bis home. tained nieces and nephews of Stuart and Joan netunned ».t o ea~ yteDpr-Hoy a~hadMn.H .adHmbo.Mn. Peter Hodgkinsn ur- Mrs. T. Alldnead. Those pres- home on Sunday aften visitingd , pï tfd Y heDear- ooyCaohen mi lton.eWelr o-oa spent a few days with ent were Mn. and Mrs, Harold at the home a! his sister, Mn.s mento! ds nd orets. Asix~oe ad M. ad Ms. anvihle, spent the weekend the James Woodley faniuhy. Ramsberny, Orono; Mn. and and Mis. Harny Spnagg, Hem- lwld oenetemSabrt oeven bg= onýter in fh e erbor- wthJdy o adDebe Congratulations te Michael Mns. Taîbent Alldnead, New- ilton. .'col u S c Onono7 : Fon eatytr ihtvi mihen W el1 Mr.-Vi,_ m. anJdy sBob an Hamil-Gibbs for- getting hisa ine sub- a8ste; .-Mr. - and Ie~vid ,Mr. and Mns. Wiil Roy and d aSwainthnrn orsr oswihteSitswr r jects in Grade 13. 'Alrdnead; Mn. and - n 'O- ebbie, spent Sunday at Lake tj attn.nd Mima. Bon Pierce, Colleenn M end M. Nil Baail Mns. Percy MCoy spent a ard McRobents; Mrs. Fred Mce Simcee. f Stationard, M m. an d Mrs ei .aie Roberts; Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Senry te hase Mn. and Mrs.a an* r.Jeries; Mn. Allan Farrow; Miss Howard Brent fnom aur coi_- Roy Corden, Mnr. and Mira. Jim L O l Carole McRoberts, Bowman- mnunity, having seld their farmd Marlow have been holidaying L o 4 ville and Mn. and Mns. Lodte Mr. John Dennîs o! Tenante. et a cottage at Nottawaga sn V l M, Beac. Sene ! teni aveAlldred and Maxîne. Mn. Dennis aise owns the Beac. Soe ofthen hav CMn. and Mrs. E. A.* Vîntue encherd !ermerly owned by aleady gene toeother points. E IV visited Mn. and Mrs. S. Parken Mns. Ronald Scott. Mn. and PeryVamndCaWpridhtMiss (FROM PAGE ONE) on Sunday. Mrs. Bnent bave bougbt ai BACKTO PreyVan ampand issMns. Annle Rivers returned home in Oshawa. Tbey are Aileen Van Came tene Cole and Wahly Braden wene homne on Sunday a!ter spend- havîng a sale this Seturdey. SC Ot rousseau tee for Msa Valerie l care ! te ickt sle ing a week with Mn. and Mrs. l Paint at the home ci lher par- on the anva runds. Frank Ind, Keswick. n, ents, Mr. and Mirs. G'odwin Te1-nhpral ee Several fnem hene attended N S E O Paint, Toronto,- Sunday after- Vision wras won by Mns. Don Bhackstock Fain on Saturdey. E T TOW noon.Boe, Liberty Street North. Mns. R. Scott and Mns. W. Gueosaof Mrn. and Mms. Wes Ralph Kelly was the TV Draw Macdonaldl spent e few days Constable Jerry Bowers, Fi 4 4i/jjjPearce and Mns. G. Crawford: Chairman. Me was assisted with thein cousin, Mn. and Belmertewn, is vecatianing fora On Wednesday, Mir. and Mrs. by Ted Miller and Rance Dill- Mins. Charlie Brown, Peter- two weeks with bis parents, a Gordon Cox and famlîIy, ing. Gail Pallis drew the boneugh. Cici.CulsMn. and Mrs. George Bawers. ar Cleveland, Ohio; Saturday, winning ticket. Tynone Crut CulsTbe Bowers bad a family pie- ir $AVE ON 'a a aMr. and »mir. Fred Crawford The Liens Cannival cpened Club- had a veny success!ul nice t, Laurel-Break Park on o and Miss Mary Lour Crawford, with a so!tball game between openîng meeting at tbe home Sunday in banoun o! Jerry's fi Por Pnn; unay M. ndan Ail Star Men's Senior o! Mn. and Mns. David Cnaiglhamne-coming. W. Pnor. nd Town League Team and the on Satunday evening wbichl Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Devi- l Debbiary e MLaugliin eM-n iobente nt and Jtacrs Ceme s. Gah frmesnd mcanter, pnigaplaetwe' iUP I Ç andIst ekwt- M.ndMs.BogAer ncag elh aato ihbi nl n 1 auertu Lrom inis commn- supisor ht.d" work - 'ryl and Ri.cky Rahin, (FRONI PAGE OiNE) ity went to Little Bnitein Set- suplesT Pot Penny, arne visitin~ their In the Cheviot chasses Boyd urday night te see Sonya 9gtndparents, Mr n. eM!n.mtoAntBraves edge aut Little Bnitain. iWEMO NOTE BOORS John Balis, who hav justeJno1i the grn and reserve Sonya and Stou!fville will now Amorte turesedjfama two weeks' champion rams and the me- play in the final senies. AotdSzsOnly i Oc holia l acttffat Bols.serve champion ewe. Grand lpacMn. and rs. ruce iness over. champion ewe was shown by Mprac.andMsAied herucousins, IAINBOW MEMO NOTE PADS MT. and Mirs. MencBarr ,en.. LhOYd Skinner o! Tynone, Harold S. Taggart Mr n i.AvnBueSa Amsrted Colours ________- Only 10C iJ'yed a trnp te New York, Ont. grave, on e day's outing to Washigton, Richmiond, Vir. A Cotswold ram shown by of London, Ontario, was eîect- Serpent Meunds Provincial LEATHERETTE ginia, laist week. C. J. Shore o! Glanwcnth, Ont., cd president o! the Association Park. Tbey noted peints e! Mr, and MiS. Ros Dunwas namied grand champion le o! Kinsmen Clubs at theFan tenesktroute, saHasthenogs ~XERISEBOOKS Only 59C Grahea and ýMarilyn had ý' the Lincoln, Cotswohd and nual meeting held in Pont-oktnuhetHsig Pleasnt holiday trip to the Leicester clama. A Lincoln nain William, Ontario, August 24- lange cabie cruizer from New Il 1TMEN 5-BOOK REFILS Eas CaM owned by A. J. Gardhouse o! 27. A well-keown lewyer, Mn. York passed by after tbe 8.g 6kOnly 55C Mr. and Mir. Hmrld Craw- Unionville, Ont., was nanied Taggart senved as vice-presi- swing bridge nolled back. This lord, Janice and mîy spemit reserve champion, dent of the association lest Trent systemi is one e!frnany SCRAP BOOKS their holkdayg in Gananoque, W. W. Werry and Sono cf year and now succeeda Will O! Ontanîo's tounist attrac- 4k Vaue _________________ . tpper Canada Vlaend amton, Ont., showed the Klhein o! Regina, Sakatche- tiens. *cSpecial 3c points eat, granchamapion ewe, a Leices- wan. Rcn usswt h rc Mr. and Mina. BUIter and H. M. Lee and Sons Kinsmen clubs acrs a Cn- Mcaslips were Mn. aed Mns. M O' F FIN POINT and Alan and W.n Bo soOof lghgate, Ont., showed the ada are well-known for their Manwood Stinson, Windsor; NYLON WATER COLOUES 88_____SC son visted the oynt l resenve chamiIon ewe. many contributions to corn.Mira. Marvey Davidson, Beth- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a th C or iedale h e m u nity b etterm en t and service any ; M r. an d M rs. E lw ood ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___or___S__ ___ __ sn at hy-ota e clast, Elmc oft Farina of Beav- work. Ave nUl, Clive, Tinothy, Hen y TEE-AGES ..ACN orSMN PEOBLEMS? Mi.Gog oln~~ enton, Ont., showed the gad Our Bownianville club that and Peter, Cooperatown, New A*k for a FanE cpy of Mr Artin Rusto.nanplon rani wbile Çe forma a part o! District 8 had Yonk, and Mn. and Mirs. Hanny 1&*andMrs Ar RutonBrothers o! Elmwood, Ont. a hand ie ralsing $26,500 for Campbell, Bailiebono. &Pre lt Skin Cane" Bo9kiet and DnlPr rd & showed the. reserve capio. Cystie Fibrosis. On Tuesday nigbt the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o n a d , P r t r e d t, f r . E i n i c no ft Fa r i m a h o w d D u r in g t h e a s t y e a r m o r e S q u ir t s ' ba l g a m e , C a r t w r ig h t idM Uns. Robert Ford and Ro- thc grand champion ewe whfle than two-tbls of an esti- versus Port Penny, was ralned berta, Wllowdale, Mr.And J.Clanke Torance of Nash- mated 91350,000 for a workshop out. Aften two inningi Cant- Mm'. Hamy Smith, TOrOnIto, ville, Ont., b.d the reserve for trai g pronlfrwih a itela. Thes JU Y & LO E L LT .»d ovethecampowe wok with rtaried childnen games are tesm-iasi et Mr..uand 2kw. EHaniy eClara Briind of -.4das Ont.,ic m od for this building lenid Mira. George Johns. Lagllsi ad the. reserve doe. Toronto neit year, Ins. Lawrence Miclaughlina attendJed tUi 4-HSCoursemet Orono on Thursay and Fni- 4-H Club wonk, contact cithen is c d nt Ro nd u Mira. BMcLugblin, the leader, >M8s Lorraine Hellyer, agc vestlgatcd Uic ccldÇzj_ or im. alcla, icassstnt .R.R 6, Trenton, Ont., was Two cars wn dama e x. orMs. MClcolmea ssiarandt.und in a three vehicle col- tenslvely on Frlday evening Mrs Clra mea, Bry ndlision at 8 o'clock on Fniday et 9:35 o'clock. Donald E. Glenn, Newcastle, were Sun- niorning on 401 Higbway near Osborne of 10 Meadowvjew day guests o! Mr. and Mns. Bennett Road. The driver o! Boulevard wats driving north Lawrence M al1c olmn. Mins. the car la wbich she was a oh Liberty Street, and when Sroead and boys have just ne- passenger was Miss Hellycr's lie turned his car to enter tuMred from a vacation inl brother, Leonard Hchlycr, R.R, Meadowvîew, his vehicleý d Switzerland. 6, Trenton. Herbent Paeden, a car driven by Koena . On Mionday the Lawrence R.R. 3, Newcastle, was the Mostert, R.R. i, Tyrone,'>- Malcolais wenc guests o! bier driver o! the pick-up truck llded. brother and bis wife, Mr. and involved, and Leonard Hoy, Mirs. Grant Brooks, Pont Hope. R.R. 1, Kendal, was the driv- Mn. Mostert was treated in Little Karen Rodmnan, Little er o! the other vebîcle in this the out-patient Departient Bnitaîn, is bolidaying this collision, a dump tnuck. of Miemorial Hospital where week witb bier grandparents, Miss Hellyer was taken by h c der ived atentCforta Mn. and Mirs. Cecil Wilson. thc Bownianvllle Area Ambu- uunebino.Cntae In Uic United Chuch, Sun- lance to Memorial Hospital Ray Hart investigated. day morning, Rev. JohnC. whene she received trcatment Earlier, at 7:35 p.m. on týie Hill, Gaît, was the guest for fenehead lacemations in Uic sanie evening Constable W speaker. Me chose as bis sub- out-Patient D c p a n t ni e n t. was the investigating office? ject «'The Future". The chie! Constable F. Dryden, OPP, in- for a two-car collision on nequisites for a glonieus future King Street East et thc east are: (1) Belief in Christ, (2>) ESEeVLL trance'to Uic IGA parking The Bible as a Guide, (3) HRd W S E VIL o.Th drivers involveci Work. Mn.adMr.Lrec were Miarlene Jarvis, 12 ,.lcîn ang the awnte Shaon Thonndyke visited Meadowview Boulevard, and MRealco snptem te". witb Mn. and Mins. C. Payne Robent Grahami, 124 Elgin St. It isign Tho rn ton Pont Hope lest week and Damage toi the two cars Mm. ihs presnt oght t was interested in accounts o! aniountcd to more than $100. M r. H ll's p aren s b o ght h ife in the M aritim es froni Ian property et Scugeg Point, Lake Miunnoe o! Predricton who A car dniven by James Scugog, in 199 and thein cet- was aise a guest. Edward Smale, Hampton, and tege was buiit in 1920. Mn. Mm. and Mns. Milton Brown, a caf dniven by Ada Mary Hill said that be feels like an Bnian, Dale, Billie and Dae Cooney, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, old-timen as lie bas been bhl- o! Metcalfe were visitons with sustaincd more Uian $100 daying et Scugog Point for E, Berowlougb's et the end damage in a collision et King these past 46 years. Nestieton oÏ the week. and Scugog Streets on Mon- fniends are pieesed thet .hle Min. and Mrs. E. Barrow- day et 2:55 p.m. Constable takes time, !nom bis vacation, clough, Mn. and Mrs. H. Bar- Hart aise investigeted this ac- to suppiy while their ministen, rewclouigh and Min. and Mrs. cident. Bev. Philip Bomenil, is visit- E. Kenvonen e!, Scarbonough At 12:55 p.m. on Mienday a ing ie England and Guernsey were in Kingsten on Satunday car owned by Ross Alldrcad, the Berawclough - Green- Libenty Street Noth, wes On Wednesday a!tennoon way wedding. parked ie front o! Slcep's the Pnesbyterien S un da y Mr. and Mins. Percy Hoskin Store on Libenty Street Northi School had a very enjoyable entertained Mn. and Mina. when it was struck by anotb- picnic et Cantwright Coni- Walter Longyean e! Elizabeth- er cen going south. The lat- munity Park. Twenty-eight, ville et dinnen an Sunday ter car was owned by Allin inciuding cbildren, their teach- evenieg. Edwand Bowe, North Street, ens,, Mins. Keneeth Gîlbank Mns. C. Dickinson and Newcastle, and it was driven and Mira. Howard Lee, and Clarke attended the wedding by Gien Arthur Rowc o! the The ministen and bis wi!e, Mn. o! Mrs. Dickinsen's grand- saine addness. Damiage te the thein parents were present. deugbter, Joan Turner and two cars amounted to more and Mina. Lloyd Peumney, con- Wendell Palmer et Bowman- than $100. Constable Bon ducted the games and pnizes ville on Seturday August 20. Parker investigated. were given te those entening______________________________ the contests. A delicieus lunch was senved, picnic style, by the ladies. Mins.' Pourney Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Souis left fon Montreel after the picnic but Mn. Pourney will with whom are now mcrged be pneaching hene Sept. 4th and Sept. 1ltb. r Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Parade Opens (FROM PAGE ONE) Island; Longest nmariedý Mr. and Mina. MalcolTn Enimerson, 55 yeers, (-there wene sevemal oven 50 years); Youngest child, Eleanor Kelly, aine days. In the wood chepping con- test there were four beets. Ro~y Werry won thli lt, Tom Honrton 2nid, Vernon Malcol.n 3rd, nd Henry Bumia 4th, nd Mrn. Hortion the overai win- rieT meceived a radio froni Walter Wright. A large n-umber enjoyed the lehlicicus barbecue chicken supper served in the United Dhurch Christian Educatien Centre, then at night the lance in tJhe Recreation Cen- nre, wiih nmusic by Boy God- frey's orchestra, was aise wel attended and enjOyed. Ail Ldded up lie a full, pleasant [ey. Prizelst next week. Ruth-Anne Cameron spent a rw days' hoiideys with Lean- e Vivian, Tynene. Alan Vivian spent Sunday with Raymond Camenon. Mn. and Mina. Hoag wene ?riday suppen guesta o! Mn. ind Mira. Cameron. Mn. and Mira. Bye Gibson ind Mn. and Mirs. J. R. Pprk- nson, Countice, wene in Ton- rite on Setunday te attend the 1 uenai o! littie Todd Speffordl vho passed away on Thunsday.1 Mira. Muldred Parkinson,1 'oboung and Min. Glenn Puzs-1 ey, Toronto, wene Sunday, ,ening visitons a! Min. andi MOTOR HOTEL Chartered Accountants Montreal Windsor Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., RIA. Bart R. Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 128-7527 Oshawa Winnipeg Toronto Regina Hamilton Calgary NOTICE COUNCIL MEETING Due to Monday, September 5, 1966 being the Labour Day holiday, the next regular meeting of Council wiIl be held on TUESDAY, SEPT. 6 1966 at 8:00 p.m. I IVAN M. HOBBS, J very pleased to announce that. it is now under L. C. B. O. Licensing RESTAURANT HOURS: 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 &.m. Daily LICENSED ROOM: 12 Noon to 1:00 &.m. Mon. to Fri. 12 Noon t. 11:30 p.m. Saturday We invite you teo drop in and enjoy refreshment in pleasant surroud 4 after shopping or the theatre. HWY. 401 - INTER. 75 13OWMANVILLE PHONE 622.2272 OF PHONE 623-3373