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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1966, p. 5

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Brown family picnic li Dal-1 AI J * * astle; Sec. - treasurer - MrIl. The Canadian Statesmani wavle u.3,16 ryrnple Lake, Suniday: Mr-Wi oodw a rd ra m l ies 'Cecil Neals, Peterboro ugh; _ __________________ Orono Firemen Entran amodQucgPcica Hrn ugu saw, mnscubofte.ek.Thyhae ere MsT.Henderson' and fam- OhaaMrLad ak, Bnafw ayVwE ilM.adMs amnM l d i ni t O r n Jr.Do eguo Oshawa. EîA E HVL E M.anMs .Paokls Trimn,Mr and Ms Jim GiI The reunion n 1967 will be he mnscu nier and family, Peter and, The sixth annual WoodwardtWilbur; Ba1loo»i Blowing - held the third Sunday inhrhpeaedad M.adMs.J ecc n U n t d C u t e s B ig d e Carol Henderson, Mr. and Picnic was held a't Orono Park Karen Walsh;Eg Throwing-ýAugust at Balsam Lake av ied th srcpes nna y aryipsasnwoh Mrs. Roas Brown and aiy on Sunday, July l7th, 1966. A Helen and Kenneth Wood-i wavchewaseres n yalwt n h oia.wt The Oronc Pire Departmenti The special charity associat- meeting the firefighters adby.tne n noe h vns h horshshoe pitching co go tnda ce.anrs V eaocwim hv PlYdhost to the United 'ed with firefighters will haveiguests enjoyed lunch and Tamp of tMr. andtesMn. H.onStaatL AsoitinlstWd i CR ncnjntonwt freshments supplied by the kins and family, with Mr. andi Sports started at 2 o'clockward and Brian Todgham. ipertthsrvc. tg i MtuaFieACid e - a o oth at tar herde ar hei d epr opisvstfiwith a peanut scrambîe frCentreo, vryneaS IToronta, spent a few asrnfo pn MIh ir Cie Rs te al Pirwer.lteatrehotdearmet . ~the children and then folowed own to an enjoyable supperh Urban I CthM.entMrehiksn Me~ras chairman of the!and information on thîs causeý The next meeting of the M.adMs Art Austin atitercs n omn Wlo the 1r - tî Mrhi.ynho ave pen Hh meetig. 50will be available. 'association wîll be held in Selby an Sund.ay. Thriir fthraeiPeienwsual o t o eb ~ rs naepe More than 5 firefighters At the close of the business IM!ilbrook, September 22. Carol lIenderson is visitingiBoys and Girls up te 5 years, ten aUh.w.A.nfnevandMRs. Els MHu.e hiko' from throughout the Counties her cousins, Karen and ynRad Wilbur, Kent Wilcox, hoapital. Mr. Don Wîlcox, ad rs H Glmrtareur t2W5ty 0/owek attndd he eein whchGîmer i PrtHope, fornae1RadyBowmanville, visited wihM.M.ndMsWehuerwl attnde th metin whch ilmrforPrtaShelIy Wilbur; Boys and Girls1 Vice-President, conducted the' osn trsi h raýn r.C ety e Iflcluded a demonstration of M L few days. 16 to 7 years, Todd Wilcox, Ericlelection of new executive for: osn trsi heubnadMs .Bety eet1 emoigit hi .. the effectiveness of foam on ETNI L Next Sunday, Sept. 4, our Burns; Boys and Girls 8 to 10 11967, which is: President - centers of Canada totalled Mr. and Mrs. Prank,Ms.LatB mnvle hi wek 011 in a fine started for the Mr. and Mrs. George Sta- way af the U.S. regular church service, in:years, Pearce Wîlcox, Ian Wil- Roy Tadgham, Vice-Presidentý 10,214 units in May, a decline May, Mrs. Horsefield,Per-eaytgoacfrsho. PUTpOse in an excavation near pleton, Keith and Dorothyl Colleen Gaordon of Oronoý charge cd Rev. R. C. White, cox, Doug Wilbur, Sharon!-Ken Woodward, Secretary-1 of 25.2% from the level of borough, visited Mrs.WatsMr. esesewfltcha Mi~township barns. visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold j spent last week here visiting i will resumne at the usual hou, un;BlonbraigfrTesre-o alr prtsl the samne month a year aga. recently.CetaSholBomnie Other items that came up Whitley, and other relatives,: ier aunt, Mrs. Wallace Bou- of 10 a.m. Special music wiîî men- Don Wilcox; Ladies'iCommittee- Harold and Marg' The reduced volume of acti- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peaok n r.DKkra eta during the evening was a de- at Avening and Stayner, re-ý ghen. This week, her sisttr be supplied by the four dau- Shoe Scramble- Anne Wil-iW'Ibur, Don and Anne Wilcox, vity resulted principally from John and Janet, Kirln olgae saa chiien ta enter a tug-of-war cently. 11Darlene Gordon is taking her g'hters of Mr. and Mrs. Jack cox; Ladies' Shoe Kicking - Bob and Jane Smith. a drop of 33.3% in the num- eVent with counties firefight- Mr. Raymond Bruce attend-! turn at a week's holiday. Allen of Warkworth, and it is Hazel Smith; Wheelbarrow It was decided that the 1967, ber of starts on apartment ers making up two teams at ed the annual Bruce familyl 1Mr. H arry Stewart of King- hoped a goodly congregation Race- Sharon Burns and Vel- Picnic would be held at Orono' dwellings while star"ts on the Port Hope Pair, Septem- reunion at McArthur's Milîsi stan was a weekend visitor will be on hand, fresh froni ma Taylor, Harold and Marg Park. single-detached houses were ber 16 and 17. It was also last weekend. with Miss Dorothy Stapleton several weeks' holiday perîod ctîvi y drigth3.8h%.VfiTTOW~O decided ,ta have as mucl-i M.G Saltns Dntfre z hn nActvt uigtenot Mr. dMA tttrend bogt e3,57uit h antique firefighting equadMsieerHlptM. .saltns.Dntfrett hn n90 Mm e s A t n ment as could be gteeo stege and girls enjoyed a' Susan St.ark af Starkvilleý yeur list of visitors, or any E II U~~bogttnsfrteubncn View lit the Port Hope Pair couple days' tri p to ppr spent Thunsday visiting Ca, atm f news ta 786-2272. total strnt3.7îits frthe ROYALcen this year.~~~~ Canada Village, and thej Henderson, while Bruce All-~ ,o L o fe vi i - i eln fl." - - --Thausand Islands, last week. dread was a visitor with TXfuLT from the figure for the cor- 1M.adMrs. Joseph Lazare Peter Henderson, the saine!.IfU'I ..rspni'gpeid f195 THE SHr. 1nd son Jody of New Or-~ day. i P cnicu t O rono P r The percentage decrease e BUIESC LE EienLa., are halidaying! Mr. and Mrs. M. Hallowell (lntended for last week) , flected a drop of 27.5% ini the anmun«o thé op.ninq of the ' here, the guests of Mr. and! were -Thursday supper guest-31 Mr. and Mrs. Arthun Young- The Montgomery -Martin Re- Basebaîl thrown mn basket, volume of starts on apartment Sy u.Da FALL TERM Mrs. Peter Franchi. with Mr. and Mrs. Ross'mnadfmiy u.E union was held on Suanday,1 Children under 12, Paul Neals:, dwellinirns and an increaseo1 _______________________ 01Miss Vera Farder of Tor-!Brown. Yo.nmn pn udywt August 21, in Orona Park wîth!Children 12 and over, David 6.3 % in the construction of~ Tuesday, September g onta, Miss Eva Ban < at Brown enetofdr adMs.Fe1Yuga 90 members present. iNeals, Guessing number of single-detached units. Nine day school courses ýHamilton, and Mr. Bensanieght of his stmall friends onliat their cottage on Daîrymple Duiite feno a pro-!candies in jar, Cecil Neals. AplctosfrHA an trmwSc t 1 ThuunofOhwawre U rs dai gram of games, basebaîl and I Prizes were given tel thldurin.g May related ta 4.5871SC DO 0F MU Jrob wlacmeto oseinfchwaee .trnoth ca-Lk.swimming arranged by Mr. winners also tathe 'wlig,2.%bthehe' stEm-tre azln rnia Jo laeen evie atM. n rs .j.Joe'sion of his seventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Henry andMr. BilMcugh nd2e7be,%M. Wîl Mntinof for graduates. on Tuesday. YadMs ilMHg n ebr r ilMri f Coli.. h pproed ~ Mrs. Clifton Robb and Mrs.,' Mr. and Mrs. Clînton Brown and Karen, Lindsay; Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson Orono. The yaungest member, May, 1965 level. Ail of the, 273 BloorStetWt.Trno Collae tlppon P Glne wr dnnrgustspent a few days hast weekiMns. Herb Powell, Bawman- was enjayed. Winners of the Bannie Hanson, daughte f easewsa ibtbe eT Indiviual Intructon Wedesday ight, with r i M Nr. and Mrs. C. Dean,iville, were last Thursday visi- races were: 5 years and under, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hansan of a ower level of activitv by M Vur' xpéiecelaTraining and Mr&. P. J. Rowe of Janet at Keswick. tans of Mn. and Mrs. A. Young- Pauline Taylor; 6 years ta 9 Oshawa. The largest family- ýappnaved lendens. Loans. of Youn eple ville.l Mr. and Mns. Bruce Doni-iman. years, Patty Ferguson; 10 eight children ta Mn. and Mrs. this type declined by 434(,' FALL TERM IE SS T Get youn Copy of "Training Mnr.and Mrs. George Han- nelley af Port Hope, with Mr.! Mn. and Mrs. James Wqad- yeans ta 12 years, girls - Ruth Bruce Taylor of Enniskillen. while applications for direct For Responsibillty nes and family toa'k a few and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Lais ley and children visited ber Neals; boys - Paul Neals; 12 The persan who travelled the' CMHC boans increased by Comprehensive tann nalmscsbot In Busine3s." days' holiday last week, visit- and Neil, wene guests at thej parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. yenrs ta 15 years, Rut h Neals;1farthiest ta attend., Mn. Jack 20.6%,. Fran Januany to the lnclividuai instior-pca ore Reoqtmt. ow -. Enrolment l i. ' atOta , Haliburton and, re-tpetnwd gon' ogisn uoa Married women's race, Mrs.!Montgameny of Kirkfield. Tri- en'd of May, the averaîl vo!- Ca Liited Tin tawa, Green-Stapleon edig di r ndson Anoalte PrkDonna Mackay, Mrs. Betty bute was pald by Mrs. Harry urne of NHA lending s'tood Cassfrcide Tl. hone: Oshawa oot.,Stna fena i t'M.adMs atnPr McHugh; Marricd men's race, Montgomery ta those of the 4.8% above the level of the MS8.73 Io simesis. North Mrs. Bea Jones returned by'ý Paul's Chuncli, Bowmanville. retunned home last week fromn - - - - - - - plane, Wednesday evening. On Sunday, Mn. and Mrs.lvîsiting relatives in England. Jeurgen Achtzehnten; Lady's members who have passed simular period of 1965, with ~ii ad ailCopo Ifi-rn a three weeks' visit in onnheM.adMs.Sa'Ms akGib lortr-.hoe kick, Mrs. Donna Mac- away during the past 25 yeans an increase of 52.2% in direct tfoudétails - N.o Oblgi.tioni Edmonton with Mr. and Mrs. 1 pletan and Lois matored tai ed home last week froni visit- Kay; Men's shoe kick, Bob since the reunion was argan- boans by CIMHC mare than g* - --------- -- BudJones and famrily. Niagara Falls. ing wth fier sîsters and broth- Wright; Lady's walking race, ized in 1941. offsetting a derlineo181 GrU: - Ae: I M. ndMn. nthnyTo M. nd rs At anett e l MncestrEnlad. Mns. Elva Montgomery; Men's Officers for 1967 are: Pre- in heactîvîty of the apprav- Gadre:-- - . and art motnt yTouebe r an Mr Chtîs n D erinMn.andhestr. RahHuis alking race, Bill MacKay; sident- Mn. Ted Martin, New- led enders. ___________________________ - - - - - Jlast week, coming home by of Port Credit, were wee'kendlIattended the wedding of Miss * visitons witih Mns. Clifton!Betty Russell, Unionville, on Robb. Saturday aftennoon. Stray evening a stagi Mn. and Mrs. A. His, Mn. with parT yW hnonîng Mn. Johnýand Mrs. R. His, Mn. and Walkey, prospective bnide-IMrs. David Craig attended a I i-Tr J w t . mnieBamno Clb ofHnoattehm afM.WereMoac PrhetWpedFI p i RACKgroom, was held at the Baw-1shower for Mn. Douglas Hilis" L U G O A (îE 1The Pee Wee girls' bali. and Mrs. Wesley His, Sauina, 1. teani were entcrtained at a ý Saturday evening. M A RG A RIN E . 3 1 0 Iv~ODEN AS O MORRW and100% CNADIA wiener and corn noast at Mn.! Mn. and Mns. Arthun Ham-Bet rkrRe.Piepg4 -SA h g evening, winding up their ef- with Mn. James Dugan and f orats for thîs season. Rev. Chnis. Dugan at thein eC K I E Mrwn r.C.M oeDevil's Food, Chocolate.Malt, Wt,, kColasLao.sIhi Mm.Bea Jones, Mr. and Mns. Wubc Dark Chocol, French VanilarGemsholt. MAGNESIUM LUGGAGE P. Hendenson attended Su-- Mrs. Lamne Phare, with hen <rOfDR.Piebx$~-SWA U eJettîner introduces newest day manning service in Port'sîster Miss Mabel Jewell, Hope United Chunch. 1 spent iast week at berduh advances in Iuggage design Mrs. Arnold Wade and Mrs. 1 ters home, Mn. and Mr.ns antOO E E wit mae srenîh. and Mrs. R. C. White ta !Mn. and Mns. Martin Le, 0 wit moe tregth 1Bnooklin on Sunday monnin-g.Brun and family, Ottawa, aePrr where the former pneached'were recent suppen guests orfhe 0SiSeek scuif-resistant 'bis final sermon et thîs 'ho>li-iMr. and Mns. R. Gibbs and vinyl finishes, wash day seasn. miy visited hen grandpaents, M. RDOUBLEPIEU or adMrs.anThom.A b. I ftU affer trip.1 noon at the home Of Mr. an and family visited Mn. and LEO IEM rDt îMrs. Wilfred Wood, those pre- Mns. R. Dalliens, Salemi. That'. for snea 0 Sanitized linings sent being Mn. and Mrs. Jack M. n Mr.CClkad Pye-Pinch and family of'Scar- M'anMrsC.lrknd tbroghat ClSUS bnoug, M. ad Ms. visited on Sunday with We're tâllcing abotut the otere whe stiri manage aàMille Jane ParkcerR. Pàh 8-8 thouhutenue oruhMr ndMr.Ge.Mn. and Mrs. E. Knamer and aMd a "Thanic Vou" lotm Saturdoy afternoon after a buggy week'aLfn WHOLE hygienic freshness. Felgate and family, Union- Mn. and Mrs. Gannet Finnen, WHE-Adevne mthymotfWgtptp Jetilner open stock Taronto, Mn. and Mrs. Stew- er retunned home aften spend- mthdesmls art Wood and fa'mily, Bow- ing six weeks at the Clark wm're talking "bout ow mspervisors, store managers department Mat-vel Brand - Assorted Fhooouws Sg oo 0. matchd ensmble manville, Mn. and Mns. Harold home. head and] tha,,r ameéistants wl¶o shape *»e backbone of A&P. f EA have Pline practical I Wood and family, Mrnd M. and s.W.Pak ist travel sizes planneci Mrs. Reid Wood and family. Mn. and rlts.W. Pr i- CC R A fo h niefml. Visitons Sunday with cd witruh orelae i etr Tho". bob,.d the mcenée, toc, - literalyhWundreds of devoted_______________________ for thOetie Nmly Bea Jones included Mn. and bruha udy employées ii eut officsl warehoutes, an~d other facilitiez. ~qI)t U A Mrs. David Mernili of Wark- Congratulations ta Miss 4 exciting colours: White, Blue, Grey and Brown. worth, Mr. Eanl Merrill and Shelagh Murphy wha was wilu 1 hftfn epe eewud' & SEAN ' f MCH For MEN- Jet Brown end Jet Grey. front $29.50 Miss Trudy Manes of Oshawa, mannied in Tynone United Wtotalteefn epe hr oud' Mn. Del Mernill and Miss Chunch on Saturday ta Mn. be an A&.P - end we k-now K. B K R"8 O C O K Freda Wood, Campbeliford. John Hancock af Orono. Re- "B K R Mn. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow, ception was held in Tyrone Thy o hr ... wa're proud of themn. Llce gost of us, 1-48 BAG 3-LB &-AG ~ A with Mn. and Mns. F. Henden- Hall. o hmw ettc..o aorDy son, motored up to Toronto Sympathy ta Mn. and ettc -onLbrDa.u H O O P E R ' S International Ain'port, Sun-. George Ellott on the passingl 83c11.39 i ay f ber aunt la Quebec. Mns. ýi 1 SAVE 4c SAVE 16c KE4 ~ EVELL RY & G IT SH P iMn. and Mrs. George Sta- Elliott, aiong with ber broth-i zwKING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE farewcdl gatibering for Mr.1 Miss Eleanor Syracuse and1-/ , and Mrs. Robent Jibb of Coldfriend, Toronto, were dinner' Mokes ali heri uggage Springs at the home cf Dr.1Iguests of Mn. and Mns. W.!u e - i h MitYo r B s Bý old foshioned! ________________ Charlotte Hornen, Cobourg,iJewell. k- unyiveinMn. and Mns. W. Jewell and: Mrs. Horace Hall and Joan at-1 tended the neceptian held at 1111 rn iv im lu ilMn. and Mns. Eric Stainton's, Recent cahiers of Mn. and I ib Mrs. W. Loveridge werMn. and Mns. Arthur Thampson. Danlene and Donald, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. W. Lovrnidge, and children visited Mn. and' dia 61 rech :ra. .:rtn:ndurnitb, NAVEL ORANGES _ _ Mans.J. Arthurd Smith, Columbus, visited Mrs. R. CNR ut HL . ' £ M r s . P e r e yeMsC o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mn. and Mrs. N. Cox, Stouff- " sc No1GrdORSEK 01 R E 1Coy reunion n Sunday. m o LteDMLare Size 89s FULL CUT HALF HAMAS NoCNTELCSREVS The W. Vaneyk family held M a picnic on Sunday at the SHA&NK T home of Mn. and Mrs. John Why the change? - The first "P' of the ld number ("113 Mr. Russell Hooey, Toronto;' CIRADOR AST PALKSTEN, i GRACD 2 f 421c *'sd114") is needed for Direct Distance Dialing, which becomes childrcn, Baîlieboro, were tea! effective October 16th. For full information on how to eallgusts of Mns. Annie Hather-' ONTARIO GROWN, EXCELLENT FOR COOKING OR EATING, No. 1 GRADE ayonSndaM. Lo onA DP 9 Information and Repair and "the other party" on two party Myr.n Sndayr. Lo or, "WEv LT YFO PPE 3-4b cello bag 3 9( A you rcoy.PaulpandMrAnerH athRADFyRDCARROT> NO. GRIS ASD ,N H lineb, s*e y < itor.PalpMAnndace, rs.En' BAFOOMR1,F184 RSIWS1E AATE Rev. and Mrs. W. Crawford -- O SNO GAX3-bb19c l of Caesarea, spent a few days Couples' Club will meet at B L 'the home of Mn. and Mrs. PRUNI PLUMS wa.lSGADE qaer box 3 9g.SPT , I SW n.Wadowned by Ccinadiens evening for a wîener roast. - ~ D~1~ .na~e AUdcoupes weicomet

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