S. hi IIa1aDStaegnanBowmmanDIeAug. 31, lm B.T.S.u &ienent Gives Rotary Classification Address bY A. B. RIbev At the Rotany huncheon or Fnldaty, Augua 26tii, "Hub' BOCPer, a memiber of tis ser. vice clubi, gave i Classifica. tias Talk. This is a talk Ir whleh a Rotanian tells abati lus business or profession, and brieS7outlines ifls own ies-- PotibIhty lnis chosen field of endeavour.Ithese addresscu are always lnteresting, and serve a useful purpose in gett- IDg newer menbers, better known ta thec membership at Good Medicine to keep ýyou" Income heaithyt * o raiy incarne might drzpta croif the brcadwnner sets sick or hurt and is unablo ta work. Regular monthly bills oudquickly pile up ... net Sao deton tie extra medical bis yo'd have. Th esuit coud bc everwhelming debt. To prevent sucb a linanciaI catastrophe, sec us fou incarne iurnco, ital family pro- STUAIT E. JAMES j GENERAL INSURANCE Si King St. E. Office u3-5681, Bowmanvllleý Residene 623-54931 large, and making them icel speakers excelent qualifica- Ui toroughly at home wi t tei tbun, and splcndid background f' idlow Ratarlans. o! experienoe, for Uic position "'The folowlng visitlng Ro- lie oocuies esSpnnend- Starians and gucots were pic- cnt f! Uic local Training a. sented by Jack Bryson, chair- school for Boys. Ibis exper- lnman of Uic Felknwship and lence, Mr. WitAerspoon stat- LClub Activities Camsnlttee: cd, liad been galned by Uic id H. J. Whiston, Massena M.Y, speakei's serving in aisnost --an from Ohawa, . Bannend, &Il o!flthe institutions o! this Id Geo. Iueland, Bill Fertile, An- type nuaintalned in lthe pro- gsDixon Gea. Roberts, also vince. M-r. Hooçer lad also, JiHaggan-t o! Lindsay, guest lie added, taken advantage ai o! Keill Jackson. These visit- variaus apeckilzed courses ta er ous werc warmly welcornnd by &urther qualify hlm for this -t thc Piesident on behalf o!flhc important service. Club. Mi. Hooper nientioncd at The Puesident reminded club tiec oooennent oa isisd- nieanbes that, caenrencing dress that as six on seven Of Thureday, Septesuber lst, and bis predecessors lad been continuing until thc end ai the merubers of the Rotary Club cuirent ycar, weekly meetings of Bownuanvilie, aider nmem- will be lield on Thursday. in- bers o! the club lad no doubt stead oi! Friday. This change heard so muah about sehoël ln thic day of meeting is being that extensive hlstorical back- given a four-nonth trial per- guaund would be unnccess- lad, as representation lias been aiy. Howeyer, he continucd, mnade ta Uic Club's Board O! for Uic benefit o! newer mem- Directois that sanie membens bers sne ai the higlihlts in find it dificult ta attend mec- the lufe a! the schoal sliould be lngs on Friday. Before Uic end poined out, ta put themin t the of Uic aforesaid trial periad, pictune ,so ta epeak. memciber wiil vote ta decide Ile speakcer then explained wliethru his plan is 5ta b co- athedaa!abysrin tinued beyond the pcniod pue hte- nd of abnsanrUicnda sently arrara g e d. Rotarians in 1923 ta AcI Edmone ad- have met on Frlday during the !m923ed at mexetig i the ad- 42 years their club bas been i n ry Cluba o!etounte.d Mh.Ro- exitene.Fora itre t wilmisan at tihat ine was a ncw- sem strange, cspccially farygaue lwe h a è1de meber, t met o an been interested ln social wel- other day. To tueni, Friday and faTe work and closely associa- Rotary seens almost Binony- ted with Oppoitunity Outlook Th o tayPs.wokp CamIp at Weston. He là: today and cor rark work pad rty Alex Ednsison, Q.C., Presi- and oinîoat shedicdfor dent o! thc National Parole Monday, August 22nd, was Bad Chmd ofu th cy Coke, * At this Rotary luncheon,' Charma aiUicconmitcein diiectors ofitUicOhldren's charge, îexnindcd Rotarians Aid Society weie present as that thc work panty, and coin us. roast ta foliow, would bc held hnteleJH. . Monday, Autgust 29tli. He ur'g WJurn, Uic apnte J .11. H. cd members ta be on hand urwh a p-set lan assit wih th wor, an tcd ai the great needofain t assit wth licwor, ad t stitution for training b~oys bîing their ladies ta flic corn Wh lacked proper home en-R Mertbeswreas rmn-vironnient he stated that lie Membrs ere lgo'remnd-had 150 acres at Bo'wmanville cd of thc annuail Rotary Car which lic woulld donatefo Wasii, schedulcd for Satundav. Ibis purpose if plans c fudrb Sepembn 1Ui,(or24tifi laid ta commence a training wcather incleiment, Septernber selool. Mr. Edmison callcd a 17th), and wcre asked ta Sel cab, toa n uy acne thirtikes neh a adr'anoe with the latte Judge H'awieyc ta ensure the succss of th'is Mott ai the Toronto JuvenileE Important Rotary !und-iaising Court. Out a! their discussion t !iraiect. grew a Plaaipetin Intodce Seaer On Auut 24th, 1925, flicT In bis introduction of Mi'. late J.J. Brown, later a Sup-C Hooper, Vice - Pesident AI. cintendent af the Bowman- t Witherspaon outlined the vil ýnnnc R O YA L OMNIL Thursday to Saturday - Septomber 1 .3 Matin., Saturday 2 p.m. Walt Disney's CHILDREN 35e ANYTIME Sunday Mid-Nite Show, September 4 'Dr. Terror's House of Horrors' and "The SkuII"rd Ail Colon Aduit Entertainment Sunday f0 Wednesday - September 4 - 7 On. Comploe Show at 7:30 p.m. "Racing Fever" ln Colon Aduit Entertaiument and "Seaside Swingers" ln Colon vin 1Laming IJ-N.hooUV, Orougfl 16 boys froni Opportunity Outlook Whio !ormed the nuc- leus O! thc present training plan. ln fhe eaily days Ro- tarY and Kiwanis Clubs in Toronto weîe inteîested and lent fleir support. Aniong the ested ands9fBiw mom mwrns local citizens wlio werc active in aîganizing and eniisting Public support tIc speaker nientioned Messis. j. j. Brown, T. H. Hoigate, J. rH. H. Jury and Geo. W. James; all Of w-hom are now deccas- cd. In 1926, two residences, Jury lieuse a nd Kiwanis Hause, weîc buiit ta accona- date the students, and a good kitchen est ablished. In 1929 Roary Clube o!flie Province raiscd approximately $20,000, which sum was used ta bulid and equip a gyannasiumi and a swiîmning pool. These fac- Ilities played a significant part ln Uic tralning pro- gramme. The speaker rapidly outlin- cd the growrtl af thus train- ing Centre aver thc ycars and thc différent mctlods oi ad- mission employed. At furst, boys were admitted on appli- cation only, wlhicli posed sev- cral problenis for fthc staff. This palicy was cbanged in 1935 ta anc o! aamimitting en- trants ta Uice chooil by court anden, which lias proved more satisiactoiry, thc speaker ai- firmed. Duîing thc ycars 1941 ta 1946, the schahl facilities werc commandenred by the Federal1 Goveinnient for use as a pri-1 son Camp, whenc Nazi prison- crs o! war wcrc inteincd.1 During this interval the sclool students were aocom- nsodated i Sinclair House Mon.., Sept, 1 OBITUARY MRS. A. MeRENZIE Mrs. Charlotte Annie Me- Kcnzie fonnserly ai Oshawa, died Wcdnesday, August h 7th at Smitls Falls Public liacs- pital. She was 74 years o! age. Mrs. McKenzie is suivived by Dr. A. F. McKenzie a! Orono; Ivan McKcnzic af Oshiawa; Mis. Hubert Fengu- son (Florence) and Mrs. George Code (Verona) o! Eastons Corner. She was prcdcceased by lier husband Lamne and a daugh- ter ieat her af Peterborough. The funeral was hled urom the Lannin Funeral Home, Smiths Falls, Satuîday at 2:30 p.m. Interment at Ma ple Vale Censeteîy mi a ils.1 ti li Ilo IY 5th aod Alexander Houm. 1%ei Bowmnvllle Tralain Sdiool was ncaçencd ln 1946 Hitiierto, training adicals, re. founiatories a nd industria farrns had been oçcrated un. ider the dirction of the Pro. vincial Secrcta.ry -or the De. partaient of Weifare. As cl Mardi 31, 1946, the Depart. ment of Reform Institutionc wau forned with its aw n i -iserial Head. The latte A. R~ 1Virtue, wlio had been Super. intendent of the Bowmanvill Sdiooh, was appointcd a Dii. ectai of thc newly fornsed De- partîment and was very active in forrnulating new procedur. es. icannection wlth correct. ianaii institutions. At anc thue thie plan oi training was for students tc spend balf days i lassroonu and hali dayz at work on the chool lerm, etc. Today, the focus of attention is entfrely on education. Last year, con. tract teachein weie eniployed, an.d the teachers engaged, Mr. Hoo¶per claiined, are tihe equi- valent o! those sehoolsithe oomimunity. Students resident i the schoodl are now being released ta enter schoods jr their Own canmaunities; and twenty-twio o! these dld coim- Plete their sehool grades this year. Today, thc s&hool has twelve eiemenitary school teaohcrs, three vacational teacliers and three trade inaructors. T'here are alsa on thc staiff two psy- chelogists and a social work. ci who plan group discussions witli teboys in coperatin with the staff; the principal arbject being to teach the boys how ta hive, s0 that thýey may go out and becoane useful inembers ai aociety. As evi- dence af thc iact fthat the achool niaterialiy heipa ire- ha-bilitating boys, Mn. Hoer instaaiced two letters he h-ad received îccently irons for- mer students who wcrc prob- lem cases whule i n esidence. One of these was fîom a mnan now in the United States op- erat i n g his own business with tWo sons assisting him. This Mn i l be coming so to revisit thec sehoal during a trip ta Ontario. In conclusion, the speaker rnenti<>ned that lie lia worked in six difierent comniunities during bis expenience in train- ing school wonk and had been very pleased with the co-op- eration of oitizens gcncralhy in these several 'areas. Hie said he was aware that the 00aperation here had been excellent over the 42 yea-rs the school had been in opera- ion. Mr'. Hooper invitcd inensbers oa is aaudience Vo cn as a group, or ini groups, to visit the school sa that thcy rnight better appreciate the progiran if training now be- ing undentaken. Jins Speens, a fellow ad- ministrator in the field of education, expressed the &p- >reciation ai thc audience tc M(r. Hooper for lis enhigliten- ing address, and in his vote of thanks statcd it was cvi- dent thnt the speaker possess- ed 'qualities ai synipatictie understanding and administra-' tive "know-ho-w" ta look aiter the many dctails in an a¶per- ation ai this sort. President. Bob Stevens, in tendering this vote af thanks ta he speaker, nentioned that lie lad always had a great deal of respect for Mr. H-ooper - first be- cause his father had hed such respect, and hater because he1 hiiseif had iearncd ta proper- ly evaluate thc speaker's ster- Ling qualities. RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Churcli Street 623-3861 Wl!. .. H. COGGINS Chartcred Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanviile WILSON & HURROWS Chartered Accauntants 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Partners.: Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A G. Edmnond Bunrows, C-,A. Phone 728-7554 C hi r op r aclc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. af Harsey St Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointmcent D e ntal DI. W. DL RUDELIL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bownianvlle Office Haurs : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phne Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 King St. E. Bowmnanvllle Office Hours:- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.ns. daily Clased Saturday and Sunday DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvllle Phone 623-5604 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally Closed Wednesday - Saturday Insurance DONALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auto, Home Insurance 9Y2 Kiag St. E., flowmauffile Phone 623-5962 Land Surveying HERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. - Bowmanville Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 Le gal1 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. Bownianville Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.E. Baurister - Soliciton Ring St. W. Newc;,utie Hours: 9 - 5 dally; Sat, té- 12 Phone 987-4735 MODGINS h FLENMON Hugh E. Fleming, Q.C. Apha I. Hodglns Barristers -Solicitors Notaules Public lé Frank St. Bownsanville Telephone 623-3351 STRIKE aMdSTRJK.E Barristers, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edwaud C. Wildman, BA., LL. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone 623-5791 Morigages lADRE IIAXILTON - OBONO Phone 1 r 18 Finît Montiage Fundu Residences - Fairs Busiessropeti 1 po m et 143 Kn t omnll OfficeH ours: Ey appoalentm To27elephon Sm Mon - ues -Thurs. - Fri. 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wed. and Bat. - 9.-12 Thuruday .rzilng Peach HalVeS 2 Ti'43 Save 200 maxwell Bouse Instant Coffee Save 29o Plilbury MoIst CAKE wMXsL2 Save lDc LESTOIL Carnation Evaporutedl MILk 6 Sav 10oWhite orCol Jars 99C 18-os.Lf Pkgu. 6 C 1-0&45c Tali l f Tring 997C 2 Rol45 BAKERY FEATURES IGA Ovein Fresh Con. No. 1 Grade Local Grown SWEET GOLDEN cesCORN!:n!!¶e COB Jdi VALENCIA ORANGES 49c e 'Cau"& Faay Grade .C. Prod.of US.A. CL Finest BU lor Bartlott Poars6. 39c SeedlessGraps b25cl Bowmanvillle IGA Foodliner 10 WMAN VILLE en Gardens at Jackson's Point 9 and the Dieppe Gardens. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. SMr andUn.Alan Wilm n d to be able to visit them in wlth a lovely pole lamp and Miss Lena Elford and Mr. . andMrs.Jas.Harrison are the hospital. Recet visitors they receaved mnnY other gijts. Charles Elford. They visted ' atening the Tupperware at the Johns' home were Mr. This was a unique event as Mon Cemetéry and saw the convention n Orlando, PIorn- and Mrs. e Moore and fini. ail their famfly were present Efford Memnorial Vault whlch da adejyn a 10-day va- ily, Miarkharn. for this happy occasion. had been recently dedicated. catonthee.Both Mns. WUI. Mrs. T . G. Langield went ta Fi'iends wish them ManY ror Eleven of the Elfords are 'son adM Harrison are Hamilton on Thursday to) visit years of health and happlness. buried there and the major- salesladies with the company. wlth ber son and daughter-ln. Debby and Cindy Heaslip, lty of them reached the yen- Mrs. Wllson's mother, Mis. law. Port Credit, remained for Pa erable aXe of 100 years. Mrs. SMd Lockyer, Brooklin, 1 is it- Mr. and Mns. Grant Thomp- visit with Mr. and Mn.. Maur- BowrlU sa cousin of the * ng with Suzanne whlle her son attended the Johnstan re. ice Nesbitt and sharon *Nesbitt Efrs parnts are away. Miss union at Pefieriaw on Sunday. returned home fromn her visit Little League Basebal lihas ' Drthy Belyea, Lindsay, has The 35 guests included rela- with lier uncle Mr. Gordon been receîving a great deal of b en ay guest at the Wilson tives fram Ottawa, Lively, Heaslip and Mis. Heaslip. attention recently. There are homne this past week. Toronto, B la ck s t ock and Mr. A4nold Williamsas six teams in "The Squirts' *Mr. and Mrs. Oram Moore Nestietan. On Tuesday, Mr. leadeac* pne the Cant. Leaguae 0t 2 at have neturned fram a pleasant and Mrs. Thompson were wright Cubs ta Darllngton wright Squirts' team lias been eight-day vacation ta Mani- guests of their cousins, Mr. Park and camped frin Friday caached by Mr. Ray Cook, Mr. toba. They enjoyed thc scenlc and Mis. Roy Ega, Toronto. ta Sunday. Frank Gould and Mr. Larry 3beauty af Ontario's North. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip Congratulations ta Mr. and Mathison. land and went via Klrkland were Thursday guests af his Mis. George Donnerai who On Tuesday night, in the >Lake, Kapuskasing, Port Arth. cou-sin and lier husband, Mr. were married ini Hamilton an semi-finals, Malcolm Memori- ur, Fart William, Kenora, Win. and Mis. Ross Curtis, Orilla. Saturday, August 20. ai Park was the scene of an- nipeg- and Brandon. They They weîe also pleased ta Sunday dinner guests af Mr. other lively ganse, Cartwright visited the beautiful Peace rneet their son, his wife and and Mis. Lawrence Malcolms Squlnts vs. Goodwood Squirts Gardens on the International family, Mr. and Mis. Dan were Mr. and Mis. Stanley with a win for Cartwright. boundary between Manitoba Curtis, Trinxdad, who are Malcolm, Caesarea; Mr. and On Thursday the return and Narth Dakota. On their holidaying with his parents. Mus. James Millet, Michle gaine was piayed at Good- return they travelled through Fiiends are pleased ta know and James,' Willawdale; Mis. woad and again a win for 1North Dakata, Wisconsin and that Mis. Vernon Hudson is Herb Taylor and Mi. and Mis. Cartwright. With two stuaiglit Michigan and enteued Ontario home from hospital. Mis. Neil Malcalm, Gordie, Mary wins Cartwright is stiil in the at Sault Ste. Marie. Hudson Sr. lasitlng with Lou and James, Blackstock. pîay.offs. Mr. and Mis. Gardon Heas- her son and ianiily. Mu. and Mis. Cecil Wilson Ten-year-old Larry Werry lhp and famnily, Port Credit, On Sunday Mr. and Mis. entertained their daugliters was the pitcher for bath games were visitars with his sister George Heaslip had a very and their famiiies, Mr. and and like the big leaguers, he and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. pleasant surprise an the oc- Mrs. Norman Lyons, and Lori, went ail the way and pitched Maurice Nesbitt. The Heas. casian of their 45th wedding Uxbridge, and Mu. and Mus. the nine innings in bath lips were returning frons anniversary. A faniily pauty Herman Rodman, Karen and games. Dave Larruer, the Ottawa hr they were visit- was arranged for themn at Wilson, Little Britain, an catcher; gaod fieiding and goad ing his brother, Mr. Lloyd Orono Park. Those present Sunday for the occasion Of batting and good iuck gave Heasiip. Sharon Nesbitt re- were Mr. and Mis. Eari Ross, Mus. Rodman's (Eunice's> thens the edge aveu their nyv- turned home with thein for a Mr. Gardon Fleming and Mr. birthday.. ais. In the hast of the ninth week's vacation. and Mis. Reg. Ruskin, Scar- Congratulations ta M iss5 uck was ueaiiy with them- Mr. Gardon Fleming has boraugh; Mr. Lloyd Heasiip, Diane Mairs who was success- three up, three down, no hits, been visiting his sisters and Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gardon fui in her Grade XIII examin- no runs and nabody heft, and their husbands, Mi. and Mrs. Heaslip and family, Part Cred- ations and she has been, ac- the ganse finished with a one- Gil Purceil and Mr. and Mrs. it; Mr. and 'Mrs. Kenneth cepted at Peterborough Teacli- run ead. Earl Ross, Toronto, but he is Heaslip and fansily and Mrs. ers' Colle ge. nowv a guest ai his aiste n Harold Fleming, Donald and Mi. and Mrs. George Bow- broherinlaw Mi. nd rsLois and Mr. and Mrs. Percy ers, accampanied by Mr. and Gelt our Price GrteorenHeas r. Frinds are Preston, Mrs. Normian Muir- Mrs. Hender Tick, Lindsay, wishig helipîvreds eaih.head, Lindsay Mr. and Mis. vacationed last week a Fotou Lvzlc wishng im mprvedheath.Wilson Heasiip, and Mrs. Robt. Niagara Falls, WnsradFrYu ietc Mr. and Mus. George Johns Wright, Janetville; Mi. and Detroit. They visited the shrougb weîe happy ta hear af the Mrs eog Johns and Mi. Jack Miner Sanctuary at safe arrivai ai their grandsoxi, 8s.A George A William, Ian, in Scarbougli and Mis, Maurice Nesbitt and Kingsviile, and in Windsor, V L A 8 8 1 F 8 E D 19 Hospital, hast week. He is tamily,- Nestieton. they saw the Hiram Walker Phone 623-3303 the son o! Mr. and Mis. Win. The iamiiy presented thens Historical Museunm, the Sunk- Johns, Markham. His grand- mother, Mis. Johns, was pcas- Business Direclory L AB O UR D AY SA Accouniancy 1 É V_#La #% l*%A Ne éA VKI aM À 20-oz. $1.00 Tins JarsL 99C Save on Burns Luncheon'Meat ins-o Spork or Spam2 Skist Frozen Reg. or Pink 6-os. IA Royal Gold Reg. or Nippy WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. $1900 Sogs. 515C NO MILK DELIVERY Save 18e With Park Clarks Beans 5 Save on Hot Dog, Sweet, Bickalilli or Ban-B-Q Hamburg Regular Milk DeIivery mri TUESDAy', SEPT. t Rae il. MI 1- -.R_- LONG SAULT (Intended for last week) Rcv. and Ms. Humbckn Madac, spent a couple of Mdays with Mn. and Mms G. Bern- ard and iamlly. Mr. Baxter Mus. Andrews, Noriod, an7d Mr. Hillard Gallaghei, War- saw, wenc Sunday visitons at thc Bernaids. Mr. Dan Gal. lagheci las ueturncd ho, alter spendlng two mnont- North Bay. Leanne Vivian, Ty0, spent a few days hi day.l with Ruth Anne Cameront. Mu. and Mis. Robt. Cameron and famuly wcre Sunday sup. per guests o! Mr. and Mr&~ M. Kellet, Janetylle, Ray- mond Cameron retunng home alter spcnding a plea. ant weck's holiday at Jael ville. On tic Sunday thc R. W Cameron's vlsited Mr. and Mms Harold Tnivett, Toronto and attended a family plcnlc there Red Cross says ta discouru age childien from relylng on air-Inflatcd toys ta keep Uiem afloat. These devices give thean a Macs sense o! security. 1 k 4 089'