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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1966, p. 7

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cSxia/ & ersonal Phone 623-3303 Mm . MIke Woods, Bownian- Misa Sally Witberly, daugh- ville, bau been visitlng rela- ter o! Mn. and Mrs. Harold tivet in Oshawa. Withenly, left on Sunday for Laurelyn Welsb la Peterborough wbere -sbe is vstg her aunt, Mns. R. L. taking a two year course in Je IRICIIII1«KFEU. Laboratony Technology at St. Mr. and Mns. Fred Carter Josephs Hospital. and Maureen, Preston, viuited Mr. and Mra. Robert Stew- relatives in Bowmanville ne- &Tt, Southamlpton, Mn. and cently. Mina. Dan Girandi, Paula and Mrs.Ed.Wrigt o Roces-Andrea, and thxe Misses Leta teN.., lud WngobRes- ntand Ruby Bragg were dinner b4 M ldedviitt bercutguests o! 'Mr. and Mis. Otto Mlde WlnotCuc Bragg and Ken on Saturday ,«,qetevening. "JM Harikt Wright, Ro- M.aiMr.A .Wl chester, N Y., hj blidaymng Mx. nd MraA. f. on- Wlith e an,'us ulndnia, are visiting Mns..Wil- Willnott.lia niothen, Mrs. C. A. Mr. and Mina. A. J. Clarke Wight, Horsey Street, and ber Wfte as4>per guests on Satur- sisten aind brother-in-law, Mn. day 0f Mn. and Mn.. N. and Mra. Nelson Osborne, Sierba, Fourfth Street. Levers Lane. Mn. and Mis. Roy spry, Mn. and Mra. O. J. Presson C8iurch Street, and their fain- and1 daugbter, Suzanne, visit- lly spent thxe weekend on a ed friends in town last Wed- iiixlng trip liHliburton. nesday. They were on thein Mr. and Mrs. John E. way to their home in Sault James, Willowdaie, spent the Ste. Manie, aflen spending the weekend with Mr. and Mis. aummer at thein cottage on John M. James and fainily. 'Esson Lake, near Wilbcr!orce. Misa Christine Beckett o! Mrs. Charlotte Katen arriv- Nottingham, Eng., is spending cd Monday, August 29th in three wceks' vacation wltb Montreai fnom Bremen, Ger- Misa Shirley Williams, Prince mnany, to visit ber daugbten Street. Mn. and Mra. E. Rietmulier Mn. and Mis. Hanry Collo- and four gnandchildnen, ne- Cutt and !amily spent a few uniting Mina. Rictmuller and bier <laya with Mn. and Mra. Mur- mother a!ter 14 years separa- ray Pnescott and !amily at St. tion. Catharines. Mr. and Mira. Gerald Groo- Mina. Jessie Kentner Acton tendorst, who have been visit- has rctunned home a!tcr ing their son and daughter- spending two weeks with ber in-law, Mr. and Mira. William siter, Mra. Hanry Smith, Grootendorst, Courtice, le!t Qucen Street. on Saurday to neturn to their Mn. oniy Hacoc ,&.h omne un the Province o! Mr.Morey ancckB...,South Holland, tbe Nethen- Belleville', bas been vlsiting lands. hi ulister and brothen-in-iaw, Mn. and Mra. Clarence J. Alin, Mn. and Mra. Wilfned Smith, Lil4erty 5treet North. Monkton,1 Ontario; Stewart lflf7 harlie Symons, Leam- Smith, Canleton University, ingonspet lst eekwith Ottawa; Rev. D. A. P. Allen hi. slte-n-law and Min. Fred o! St. Timotby's Churcb, Mra. Stuckey, son Bill, Acton, visit- Allen and Allison, Ottawa, ed hs siter n Moday. werc weekend guests o! Rev. cd bs aste onMonay. and Mina. A. G. Scott, King Mn. Tom Cailan, son o! Mr. Street East. and Mmn. Rosswel R. (Jim) Caflan ,wil l be ettending Tea- Miss Tina Hughes, a daugb. chers' College, Peterborough, ten o! Councilior and Mina. conunencing on September 13. Glenholmre Hughes, wbo is a seoond year studenït at St. Jo-1 Mn. and Mina. Walten Woolley sMhpbs Schoël o! Nursing, returned Monday night from Peterborough, will go to Tor-i a month's holiday spent in o#to on Sunday to affiliate at9 England wherc tbey had a Sick Chiidren's Hospital there1 wonden!ul time visiting rdla- for thnee montiha.1 tivea. Mra A. Carter and Judy1 Hospital report Aug. 22 to Carter spent a !ew days in1 28 inclusive: Admýissions 69, Preston necently. Min. and birthu 7, 3 maie, 4 female; dis-Mra. Alfred Carr, Waitham- charges 68. -major operations stow, London, England, spent 12, minor operations 33, emerg- a week viaiting Mn. and Mina. oncles 61. George Carter bere. Tbcy Mr,. and Mrs. Peter Auch, will sail on Friday, Septem- Belle River, Ont., spent a ne- ber 2nd for England. cent weekend visiting Mina. Mn. W. H. Carruthers,t .Auch'a parents, Mir. and Mira. Scugog Street, celebrated bis1 Leulle Coonibes, L i b e r t y 89th birthday last week wbenc Street North. he neceived many good wisb-1 Mira. Fhillp Beitcb, Windsor, es froni !amily and !niends. f Ont., and ber daughters, Su- Mn. Carruthers la in pretty tan andh Jennilfer, are viaitîng good health and enjoys spend. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing some time wonking inhi bis Clarence J. Allib, Liberty Onchard and garden each day.c ~trýetNorth. ~.Nora H ornick bhias re- tu from Tilbury where eh >,loulted her mother, Mrs. W. À&. Hutton and her brother DJr. Harry K. Hutton of Penn jState University. Mins Jennifer Purdy, a dau- gtrof Mr. and Mur. C. C. Puiwill enter St. Joseph's Sehool ci Nursing, Peterbor- ough , as a student on 'hurs- clay, Septeniber lot. Former Recreation Director here, Mr. Don Shay, his wife and chiidren, Patricia, Paul and Mary of Simcoe were in Bowmnanville on Monday re- iiewlng acquaintances. Miss Margaret Piekard, a cdamfglLer o! Mr. and Mrs. R< Plekard, will enter te* .Jose!ph's Sehool of Nursing, Peterborough, as a atudegit on Thuraday, Sep- tember' lst. Mr. and Mnb. Rowland Cocmbes, Wayne, Gary and Dmnny, Visited Mrs. Coombes' eiaer and brother-in-law, Mr. an Mrs. Paul Chant and famlly, in Collingwood over the weekend. I ST. PAUL'SI UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rcv. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. tervice at 1l amn Trinlty and St. Paul'u congregations wonshlp together 7REHOIBOTH Christian R.form.d Church scugogStroot Sev. A. VaudenBerg, &.A., D...M.TII. MARANATHA Christian Reform.d Church Uvm uda . 15P.m. Mr. and 1Mrs., Eriç,,Standen, SaÙl>t'Ste. Xiie, were week- end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, Orchardview Boulevard, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones, Carlisle Avenue. They also enjoyed a day pic- nicking and swimrning at Eémily Park, Pigeon Lake, Omeimee. The Editor is i.ndebted to Mr. Cyril Rundie for letting us have a copy of The Can- adian Statesman dated Sep- ternber 10, 1890. It is ini ai- most perfect condition and will be placed i safe-keeping along with other treasures from the past that are irre- placable. 1 Miss. Audrey Kitson, a form- er nesident of this town and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kitson, Peterborough, will begin a two year course in Radiography at the Peter- borough Civic Hospital next week. Miss Kitson's father is the owner and manager of the Bowmanviile Frigid Locker System. The August issue o! Good- year's Wîngfoot Clan shows a photo of a conveyor belt made here that is now in op- ,ration in Brazil. It is 14,000 fret long and performing perfectly loading ore onto ships. The Clan also ists several milestones of service for Bowmanviile employees: 30 years, R. R. Callan and R. J. Cole; 25 years, D. C. Ward; 20 years, W. E. Blackburn and E. E. Perfect. Miss Joanne Pittmnan, who bas been nesidixbg with Mr.i and Mrs. Howard Pickard1 duning the past year, has ne-1 turned to hen homne in Cal- gtry where she wml enter hen third year of studies for a Bachelor o! Science Degree1 at the University ef Calgary., While here Miss Pittinan « played on the Canadian Tirei Ladies' Softbail Team and wus a niemben of the Ladies' Major Bowling League. Mfr. and Mrs. Rowland Coomnbes, Wayne a.nd Gary, Liberty Street Nonth, return- ed hOrne on August l5th after a very enjoyable three weeks' holiday during whlch they fvelled by BOAC Jetliner COURTICE UNITED CHURCH Trul's Eoad North MInIter. REV. D. ARSCOTT Serviee at Il am ALL ARE WELCOME te Great Britain. Tiey visited relatives li Wales, Bristol, London, and Scotland, and saw many historie places o! Interest. Baby Danny vaca- tioned with hie grandparents, MT. and Mia. Lulie Combms Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes, Liberty St. N. and Mina Eieen Hughes, Orillia Hospital, spent a recent vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hughes in Dart- mouth, N.S. Whle there they visitcd Mn. and Mirs. Harry Connona and faxnily in Bed- fond, N.S. Tbey also iooked up Dr. Gary Humphries, on staff at Stadaconna Base. Dr. Humphries attended Bowman- ville Schools and plans to be married next week at Regina, Sask. Mn. t4orne D. Gow, in charge o! Purcbesing at the R. M. Hoilingshead Conp. plant here, advises that about 15 mcm- bers o! the Gow family fnom Montreai, Toronto and Osha- wa, held an enjoyabie reunion Sunday, on the occasion o! Mr. and Nira. J. Gordon Gow's 25th wedding anniversary. Ail the !amily old enough to carry clubs piayed golf dur- in" the aftennoon and later hýeid a family dinnen at The Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel. Graduates Happy Second Birthday EL Newcastle - Misa Janle Margaret Zwcir gnaduatcd as a Registered Nursing Assist- ant. She was tr:ained at Peel Memnonial Hospital, Bramp- ton, Ont. Graduation exercises wene beld on Saturday, Juiy 16tb. Miss Zweir la the daugb. ter o! Min. and Mis. George Zweir, Churob Street, New- castle. MAPLE GROVE Symnpathy o! this conxnuni- ty ia extended Vo Mr. and Mira. Leslie Collacutt in thc sud- denx passing of! their nephew, Mn. Jack Searson, of Brant- fond, last Thursday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Denis Hurmenick (nec McMllhian) o! Maule Grave on their marriage last week- end, also ta INR. and Mina. 3tuaàrt 'J&r' -iï -oI'htr ieei narniage. Watch Coming Events for !urtber particulars about Ma- ple Grave Tuirkey Suppen on September 28, 19t6. Maple Grove Sunday Seh-ool held hein annueal picnic last Sunday with neariy 70 li at- tendancoe. Races were beld for the children, aiso somne o! the aduits. Bail gaines were playcd bath in txe afternoon and evening, and swimmring vas enjoycd before su.pper,, vixile the olden onea enjoyed asocial chit-chat, i a lovehy >ark for sucb a gatbening. Master Wayne Martin, Bow- manville, la spending a couple of days witb bis grandrnotber, Mns. C. Greenhani. Watcx Comning Events for date, time, and place, for an auction 'sale by Miaple Grove Church Stewards. Mr. and Mus. Fred R. Ste- vens spent sanie tirne last Leek at theïr daugbter's, Mr. and Mira. Roy Topping, Tor- onto. They also visited Mirs. N. Topping, Hamiilton. Min. Franki Ollitfee, Stouffvilic, /tns. Clarence Channon, Ux- bridge, were dinner guesta rith Mina. Jennie Blackburn, Uxbridge, and on Fniday lasti wcre dinner guesta with Mina.1 A. Laird and Misa Susan Laird, Oshawa. Mi. and Mira. Ralph Nixon, Oshawa, visited thein cousin, Wx. and Mirs. Leslie Coilacutt, Dn Tuesday last. Mira. A. F. St. Pierre, Miss5 'ena St. Pierre were Satur-t ay visitona with Mira. A.1 aird and Miss Susan Laird,c mhawa.É Mr. Don Brown, Toronto, Tr. Bob Brown, Oshawa, Min. and Mina. Barry Bleeka, Ot- Lwa, wcne Sunday visitons witb their parents, Mn. andc Ira. W. H. Brown and bro- hes Dave.t Mia. Allan Snowden was a' aturday supper guest with C Ir. and Mina. Lein Goodiu-r- ýhy and two daugbtera, Osb- iwa. Mira. Wm. Davidson and two ons, Weston, Mina. Len Good- nurphy and two daugbtcrs, shawa, wene Sunday visitons witb their mothen, Mira. AI- an Snowden. Min. and Ma-s. Wayne Pic- cad spent a few days at Wa- aga Beach, als omie time ni Lake Huron. Their daugx- r Angela spent Uic tirne isiting ber grandpanents, Mn. id Mis. Lloyd Snowden. Rev. and Mina. Stanley ;nowden ami !amily, - Shaw- [îlle, Quebec, vlsited with las Parents, Mr. and Mira. ,Ioyd Srowden, also assisted Ler fanily, Mn. and Mia. C. >bns, Bovinanville, and ber item tao elebrate Mr. and1 rs. Wallace Miunday'a 25th veddmng annlversary at their1 me In Oshawa. Congratula- xIon, Wallace and Jean. They1 rere former resldents o!f tis? nnxunlty.e Miss Joyce Mills, Calgary,b 1spendinc ber holidays with0 r father, Mn. C. Mis, and1 rothers, also Mr. and Mira.j icasten Mills, 4nd vIittngj ha relativen. l i i t v a p N d a, c v a v b: 'w u L 0 a lv ai ta h m Pl a% w la i a te vi HAMPTON M&r. and Mis. R. Bothwell their grandmotber, Mirs. John and faixly, Cobourg, Mr. and Balson. The Hoskins have Mrs. R. Chatten, Hilton, Mn. returned troam a tour-week and Mis. G. Finney, Port tour dawn througb the cas- Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Mi. Van ter provinces to New Bruns- Camp, Blackstock, Mr. and wick in a trailer he bulut, and Mira. E. Wilbur, Hampton, I understand it is just as coin spent Sunday with Mr. and tortabie as any home. Mira. A. L. Blanchard at their Miss Susan Prime bas been cottage, Williamns' Point. visiting with ber cousin, Misa Mr. and Mra. A. L. Blan- phylls Marshail, Bownxan- s card attended thc wedding ville. Phyllis had been hol- reception for Min. and Mira. daying witb Susan. John Stone which was held at Thursday lunch gucats wenc thc Rives-la Inn, Campbell- MIl ~Hrionadfuy ford. Scr.B11oro risonavd ab-l Well, At won't be too long àbro ,Mr. DvdRb now before the new Mi. J. inson wlho is on holidays froin Hobbs Senior Public Sehool Glaigow, Seotiand; dl n nen wil opn is oor VoJetinguests also were Mr. and Mia. wil opn is oor toletinCheethani, Mr. Les Davis, some 480 or more pupils. It Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mira. will have sixteen class nooms, Alex Carrick. On Sunday offices for the sohool board, Miss Shamnon Cockburn, Wind- its supervising principal and sn eund hm fe administrator, a large audi- ep, endngsanethoe wit er toriumn, home eonomlixcs, miu- gnandpn oent m i- sic, industniai art, and rd gsisten ir. Mira. Carrick's course thc three R's. MihaEdthHarion Scarborougb, is going to stay Daniene Hall, Mira. Dave Hall, tili the Carnicka 'nove ta Ton- Mr. Douglas Dewell are threc onto. o! the teaching staff frorn Mn n ia oga Hamipton. M.adMs oga Callera at. the A. W. Pres- Strawbnidge and family, Non- eott home durinig the wek wood, weire Monday visitons were Mr. and Mis. John Car- with Mn. and Mira. CecilSic- nigp4 Ai muls Q1awZon. - ~dMi. Herbert Presâcott Mr. Morley Hastings, Ton- aind family, Mapie Grave, Min. onto, visdted Mr. and Mina. and Mira. Jacob Kessler and Gilbert Adcock and Hanry for family, Bolton. Mi. Elmer thc weekcnd. Mira. G. Ad- Prcscott, wbo bas been boli- oock and Hamr attendcd the daying with thc Kessleirs, ac- Canadian Exhibition on Wed- coanpanied them home bere to nesday. Hampton and bas rcturned te Mir. ami Mina. Clarence Tink Bolton again witb thein for vlsited Mr. and Mira. Don a while longer. Sunday vis!- Goode, Lake!ield, then ac- tors were Mia. Lily Prescott, conxpanied the Goodes Vo Hali- Strathaven Rest Home, Bow- 'buton to bring their son Paul nianville, acconxpanied by ber home. Paul bas been attend- datighters, Miss Helen Prea- ing hockey achool and wiUl cott and Mira. C. Stokes, botJh soon lie retuinning to bis own o! Osbawa, Mr. and Mira. Law- sdxooil in Lakefieid. rence Gray Kinsale; in the Mr. and Mira. Earl Bottreil, evening Mr. and Mira. Donald Newcastle, cailed at thc home Pnescotit, En!ield. oif Mr. and Mim. Fred Holroyd The Women's Institute will Sr., also visited Mi. and Mira. be heid on Tuesday, Sept. 6th, Lionel Hickey. at 2 p.m. in the Hamptonx C. E. Mn. and Mina. Roy Metcalf Building. Miss Armstrong, and Rosa spent hast weekend aur district nurse, will ad- at Minký Lake at thc Roy Van dress us and hopes Vo bave a Camnp's cottage. Last Wednes- ffili on poison -control. This day Mira. R. Metcalf visited aubjeet may be o! panticular Mira. Athur Bannes, Base' inteneat ta Uic yourxg mothers Line, and atteinded the Good o! this and othen areas. AUl Neighibouna Club. Mr. Glen ladies am invited, so het's Stevenson, Miss Margaret have a gond asaem.bly. Street, Detroit, Misa Norma Mr. and Mira. Alvin Braw- and Miss Marilyn Metealf, ley, Carl, Gary and Joan, Base Une, wene visitons for Onangeville, wlth Mia. John a !ew days wlth the Metetif Bahson. !amily. On Sunday Mn. and Mis. Many attended Uic Biack- George Hoskin, Beth, Pbillip stock Fair and Uic Lions Car.- and Kim,- Oshawa, visited.nival on Sturdav. It was a, Goodyear Bowling The Goodyear Bowling Lge. tunity to vie for these awands atants on Septemben 8tb for on an eq ual footing). the 1966-67 season. The league The foilowing is a list a! the bas been nevamped and will Depantinentai teama and the once again bc bowling with 12 aeason's achedule. Goodycari dcpartmental teams. Intenest bowlens please clip out and, and enthusiasin is icreaaing save for handy reference. among Uic bowlers as the sea- TEAMS son fast approaches and each and evcryonc is loakng toward 1. Hase 7. Power House captuning anc on more o! the 2. Crackers 8. Machine Shap nightiy pnizes being awandcd 3. Beit Room 9. Office ta the beat bowiera (the hand- 4. Combines 10 Reciaimatoru icap systemn wiil give cvery- 5. Banbuny il. Fan Belta anc in the heague an oppon- 6. MiUingbta 12. Braiders ALLEY 1- 2 Sept. 18 - 1- 2 Sept. 5 -10-11 Sept. 22 . 3- 5 Sept. 29 - 4- 7 Oct. 6 __ 9-11 Oct. 13 __ 12- 3 Oct. 20 ___ 2- 8 Oct. 27 - 9- 1 Nov. 3 - 11- 4 Nov. 10 ___ 6- 9 Nov. 17 6- 1 Nov. 24 11-12 Dcc. 1 ___2- 3 Dec. 8 - 6- 4 Dec. 15___ 8-11 Dec. 22 - 7- 5 Dec. 29 ___ 10- 1 Jan. 5 --12- 7 Jan. 12 - 4- 8 Jan. 19 - 3- 9 Jan. 26 - 5-10 Feb. 2- 9- 2 Feb. 9 - 1- 2 Feb. 16 10-11 Feb. 23 __ 3- 5 Mar. 2 ___4- 7 Mar. 9 - 10-12 Mar. 16 - 12- 3 Mar. 23 _ _2- 8 Mar. 30 - 9- 1 Apr. 6 -Il- 4 Apr. 13___ 6- 9 Apr. 20 - Playoffa Apr. 27 - Playoffs 'Apr. n9 m- anq1m 3- 4 9- 8 12- 2 7- 5 4- 9 6-10 7-11 2- 6 1- 7 Il- 5 3- 4 7- 6 1-11 12- 9 2- 4 8- 5 il- 3 5- 2 10- 7 3- 8 6- 1 9-10 9- 8 12- 2 5- 1 8- 6 4- 9 6-10 4- 8 2- 6 1- 7 5- 8 11-12 1-12 8-10 6- 3 8- 6 2- 7 4- 1 3-10 12- 5 Il- 2 10- 4 1- 2 4-* 5 9- 7 2-10 1- 3 il- 6 5- 9 6-12 8- 1 12- 4 3- 7 11-12 2- 3 8-10 6- 3 9-11 2- 7 4- 1 3-10 12- 5 il- 2 1- 8 7- 8 4- à 9- 7 2-10 1- 3 il- 6 5- 9 6-12 8- 1 12- 4 3- 7 5- 6 1-12 8-10 6- 3 9-11 2- 7 4- 1 3-10 12- 5 Il- 2 10- 4 7- 8 4- 5 9- 7 2-10 1- 3 il- 6 à- 9 6-12 8. 1 12- 4 9-10 3- 4 7- 6 1-11 12- 9 2- 4 8- 5 Il- 3 5- 2 10- 7 3- 8 8-12 9-ho 9- 8 12- 2 5- 1 10-12 4- 9 6-10 7-11 2- 6 1- 7 Il- 5 3- 4 7- e 1-11 12- 9 2- 4 8- 5 il- 3 5- 2 10- 7 3- 8 2- 3 6- 4 10-12 10- 1 12- 7 4- 8 3- 9 5:10 9- 2 7- 8 10-11 3- 5 4- 7 8- 6È 12- 31 2- 8 9- 11 11- 4à 6- 9c 8-12 5- 6D 1-12 6- 4 8-Il1 7- 5 10- 1 12- 7 7.11 5-107 vey nie day md evening lm these affairs. Mirs. W. Holra.yd, Jo-Ann, Judy and Ronaid, spent Fnl. day with Mr. and Mira. San Faryna, West Beach. Eaasberry eunlon The tourtli annual Rani- berry faniiy reunion waa helc on Saturday, Aug. 2th, on the spacousgmnds o!Mir. and Mira. C. A. Terril ir Hamnpton. About 90 persona attended, ranging from seven niontihs to 91 yea.ra f age. Saine came froin points sucl as Sudbury, Montreal, Toronto and Callhngwood. A!ter'the usuel lengthy and noisy greetings Uic younger set all declded to cnjoy a swim in thc pool. was followed by an hour or so of different gaines. Wncers o! thc events were: Races, 9 to 12 yeans, Lois Hendenson; 6 to 8 years, Jay Terrid;L years and under, Jkn G"oe and Joan Rans- benn. Sack Race - girls, Rhonda Fonder; ladies, Renie Ransbcrry; boys, Evcrett Hen- denson; mcen, Don Ransberry. Obstacle Race, Don Ransber- ry; Three-legged race, girls, Rhonda Fonder, Lois Hender- son; ladies, Norma Ransberry, Eleanor Terril!; Shce scram- bic, Clif! Terril, Jean Lewis: sanie seemed to think this scrambie was fixed, so do 1;- Ladies Shoe Kick, Connie Ransberry. Following thxe gaines, tables Wcne set and a lovely supper was served and enjoyed by ail. A short business session foi- Iowed, at which tne officers were elected for ncxt year. Th'ey are: President, Douglas Ransberry; Sec.-Treas., Isa>bel Thonp'son; Prograin Cmxmit- tee, Marie Lycett, Danlene Ccx, LoYuise Staham and An- na Forder. One and ail ajgneed It was thc best reunion yet. Mfter more visitùng and proloniged farewells the diffenent fami- lies fiied into their respective cars ready for the drive home, ail saying "Sec you next year."1 Graduates Jamâes t*arnet iareaara son o! Mr. and Mina. Gannet Rickard, Sbaw's, wbo gradu- ated May 20, 1966, !rom Ontario Agnicultunal College, University o! Guelph, witb the degree of Bachelon o! Agri- cultural Science. James bas joined bis father in the openation o! Ceresmore Farina, R.R. 4, Bowmanvilic, and o! Cereadale Fertilizers, Newcastle. During bis tern at O.A.C., Jim played on the vanaity hockey and soccen teama, was class nepresentative ta Stu- dents' Athîctie Union, and aenved as proctor during bis final year. Since graduation I May, be bas completed requirementa for a private pilot's licence, a course wbich was intcrrupted by a neck injuny last Auguat and froin wbich bis fnienda will be giad ta know be bas fuily recovcred. ENNISKILLEN At 10:45 on Sunday mon- ing, Sept. 4th, the Sunday School Session will foliow the church service. Mn. and Mina. Tom Holly and family, Oshawa, Mn. and Mira. Erl Masters, Trent and Cin- dy, Bowmanville, Mi. and Mira. Ivan Sharp, Linda andj Janet, wcne visitons at R. Vîrtue 's. Min. and Mirs. Wilbur Vance, Pont Penny, Mn. and Mina. ýWilbun Toms, Purpie llI, were Sunday visitons at Mina. EF. Toms. Min. and Mira. W. Bowman and Eric, Mr. and Mis. Bruce Bowman, wcre laat Tuesday dinner guesta o! Mr. and Mira. R. J . Ormiston. Mr. and Mina. A. L. Wearn and Susan wene Sunday din- nrie guesta o! Mn. and Mira. E. Pettifen, Wiliowdale. Mn. and Mira. Clarence Petb- ick, Min. George Pethick, Ton- onto, Mr. and Mina. R. J. )nnxiston were Sunday caliena it Min. and Mia. S. Petbick's. Misa Heathen Gniffin la spending a cou pleo! days with Mn. and Mina, J. B elle, Oshawa. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Cathenines, Mr. and Mia. N. Wright, were Friday evenlng visitors at E. Wight's. Dr. and Mina.Clark Werry and !amihy, Etobicoke, Mn. and Mina. E. A. Werry, Miss 3ctty Jane Wermy and littie Mlas Wendy Werry, were Sun- Isy caler. at Mn. and Mira. A. Min. and Mina. Ross Shap Kathy and Gordon vlsitcdMn and Mis. Vernon Henry, Ton- onta. Mr. and Mira. F. Beckett and (liss Manie Beckett were Sun- day gucats of Mn. and Mr&. Don Lamb, Barileboro. Mn. and Mira. Dave Both- welu and Nancy, Mapie Grove, wre Sunday callera at Mn. Rnd Mira. C. Staînton'. Mr. and Mira. Roy Langmaid. aoluna, Mr. and Mra. Harold 'ait Mina. Ale Turnbull and rlend, Peterborough, were Bunday callers at R. McGili'a. Mr. m4n3l4Mi. ,l.arnlRb. v r I. i i i i i c J I a c s d a s 7 fi r Sunday visitors of Mrs. Evu Thurston, Fenelon Falis. iMn. and Mrs. S. Lamxb were :visitons of Mr. and Mirs. C. Stainton. Misses Beth and Barbara, Haydon, spent holidays lasi week with Mn. and r. R& ~Oimiston. Mr. and Mis. Lyal Bnock, Mr. and Mi. Herman Haass, Ronny and Nancy, Mr. and Mns. Reg Brock and girls, s Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mns. 2Ray Vanineen and faznily, Providence, Mn. and Mns. Sam Piper and girls, Maple Grove, Mn. and Mina. Roy MeGill werc Sunday visitons o! Mr. and tMis. Keith McGill, occasion o! thein l2tb wedding anniven- 1sany. Congratulations. 3Mr. and Mina. Leonard Stain- ton attended a !amily gather- ing* at Mn. and Mrs. Gondon Shunk's, Port Penny. 3Miss Gail Stainton, spent the weekend with Miss Judy Dennis, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, Linda and John, Miss E. Knapp wene Sunday dinnen guests of Mn. and Mira. Irvin Cook, Ajax. A supper party was heid at Diane and Ailan Wenry's on Fniday evening to honor Mn. Allin Cole and Miss Shirley Johnston, who wiil be mar- ried Septemben 3rd. Those present wcre Mn. and Mrs. Grant Herron, Courtice, Miss Jean Cole, Bowmanvilie; Mn. Peter Lynch, Lonidon; Mn. and Mira. Bnian Lee, Kedron; Miss Gerdine Snoek, Toronto; Mn. Bert Werny, Miss Betty Jane Wenny, Mn. and Mirs. Grant Werry, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. George Stin- son, Dunnville; Mr. and Mna.' Henry Adams, Bowmanville, wene Wednesday callens at C. Avery's. Miss Elsie Oke spent laat week in Toronto witb friends. OBITUARY E. C. C. SOUTHEY In !aihing heailth for thxe peat two yeara, E. C. C. (Ted) Southxey, 70, 776 Bessbonougb Dr., Oshawa, died at the Osh- awa Genenal Hospital, Mon- day, Aug. 22. Mn. Southey was the son of the late Ernest and Sera Southey. He was born at Bow- nianville, Marcb 16, 1897 and was cducated at Trinity Col- hege School, Pont Hope, and the Royal Miitary College at Kingston. Mr.. Southxey became keen- hy intenested i thxeatre and micxeand wbiie ln Bowman- ville participatcd in amateur theatics. He niarried Uic former Mary C. Strange, Kingston, i 1922 and camne ta Oshawa ln 1953. Aftcr 40 years service witb General Miotors «f Canada, Mr. Southey retired in 1961. He was a memben o! St. George's Anglican Chur ch, Oshawa, and an active me-m- ber o! St. John's Anglican Oburch wbile i Bownxanville. Dtuing thc Firat World War, he served overseas with the artiileny unit. Mr. Soutlhey la survived by Uias wUfe, Mary, a son. James o! Toronto, and a daughten, Mra. J. P. MaCarter (bUry) o! Des Mines, Iowa. Hie ia predeoeased by a daugbten, Sally, wbo dded ln 1935. The late Mr. Southey rested at the Melntosb - Anderson Funeral Haine. Funeral took place on Wed- Inesday, frSn Uic MeIntoSb- Anderson Funeral Chapel with service at St. George's An- glican Cburdh. The service was conducted by the Rev. R. G. Brooks. Bu-rial was in Bnooklin Cemcteny. Active pallbearers wene: Pat Waddell, George Sheills, Gren- ville Williains, G. E. B. Dan- iel, R. W. Stevens and Erie MeIlveen. Hononary pallbearers were-. John Kent, Norman Mulâmuan, George Steadmnan, Dr. C. 0. Milien, R. G. Milii, Reg Bell, Ohanlie Cattran, Munroe Neali îxxd Mark Roenigk. 48 Kîng St. E. Bowmanvifls I 219 KING ST. E. SOMANVILLE ~ R The. eanadian SlateMan, ow mml, Aug. 3ai.lm Orono le ibent Sth, Bradon n& -rn Couple ' smsi4#h ý» tHonored on ;Ms.J H. BrimacOmb*',. Beamsville. She wus predV Anniversary oeased by a son, Spencerna ' two brothers, Gordonan4, A happy !amily '"get-togeth- RlhSih er"p was held at the home of The funeral service wa. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Coathain, held at the Roua Funer4 tSomerville. Rd., Orono, on Sun- Chapel, Port Hope, on Mon<. day, August 7Z. The occasion day, August let, at 8:30 4 for this pleasant gathering was and was conducted by R«v. the 4Oth wedding anniversary F. Gardiner of Canton. Uwi o! Mr. and Mns. Coathain, teinient w85 in Welcom* August 4th. Church Cemetery. Aften some time spent i Pallbearera were tour gmads,; vlsiting, lunch was senved on children and two nephes the spacious iawn In the cool Ronnie and Russell Brlmeà' shade o! the nlany beautiful combe, Keith and Rois Log trees. A presentation of a year, Douglas and Ernie Smlthd p oide lamp was made to the bieand groom o! 40 years, Her faith was the znainè. on this "once in a li!tinie spring of her liMe and wherev*. occasion". They received oth- er she was, hen assistance Ji er gifta and cards froin num- ail church efforts, and especi. erous friends. ally In mission work, wai freely and giadly given. Sh* Those who attenided were: taught the Bible Class lot Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martineil many years in Mornlsh SundaY and family, Port Hope; Mn. Shî b;er steadfastneua ka and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton, Mn. serie' was an Inspiration te and Mrs. Ray Stapleton and al ber family and to ber fe. daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn'lwwres Stapieton and family, ail of iowrea Newtonville; Mr. T o m m y Many bçauti!ul floral tribu' Coatham of Red Deer, Aita.; iutes attested to the esteem k Mn. and Mrs. Ted Coatham which she was held. and family, Mr. Tomn Coath- amn, Mr. and Mirs. Halsted HOUSEWIVS - TIiIs la Coatbam, all of Somerville i~~iK iew Cu Road. espectally for housewlve s l 'Dallera in the evening were belnt ottered et the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Symons and 1SA A B SNS sons of Oshawa.OSA A B IN S Attend bal days- Colee of SubJects. Oct FREE Literature. Retister Nov. Telephone 735-3375. Start Monday, Septcm b e r 12, 1966. EVENING CLASSES Commence -TIJEEDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. clam«e are hcld every TUESDAT and THURSDAY eveutag 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Cholce of Subjeta Get FREE Literature- Register Now. CLASSES FOR SHIFTWORKERS Enroinient ln aSU thul. classes le LimIted - Aet Now.. 10 SimoosStreet, Nl&th M. C. Barnett, pi4uofisL OBITUARY The death o! Mira. Joshua Bnirnacombe occunned in Port Hope and District Hospital on Friday, July 29, 1966, a!ter a short ilînesa. Daughten o! the late Mn. and Mira. Ernest Smith (Sarah Anin Spencer), the former Editb Smxith waa born in Toronto, and received ber education in and anound Plainville and Coidapninga. Since the death o! ber bus- band, Nov. 30, 1954, she made ber home witb ber sons and lent a bclping hand wbenever it was needed among ber family. Surviving are ber two sons, Milton and Fred, and two daugbters, Eva (Mira. Walter Longycan) and Kathleen (Mina. Arnold Thonndyke). Also sur- vivig are ber two brothers,1 hi vîè thlletir BACK TO scnooi: IDEAL FOR THE TEENAGER . MATCHING SLACKS - SKIRTS BLOUSES - SWEATERS Corne in while selection lu at its best . . . in coloun, WITH YOU AND FASHION IN MMN .SEE OUR DISPLAY OP FALL HATS A"D THE LATEST IN. FALL DRESSES ue e &k~ppe j MARY CONNORS, Prop. LONGWEEKENDING? R'"NT A NEW '66 CAR PROM US* (We're Just a few minutes away.) What's that? You say you're going to funs with schedules, and lug luggage and bail taxis and all that? Just because you don't have a car? W. uay that's a crying shaine, and w. know what you should do about it Rent a Ford-built car frorn us. Rent the. car that suita your mood and your pocketbook. Thi. cost in reasonablo, snd insurance is iluded. Sve us acaLnd join thefun EENT*A*CAE ~ ~w -- MacDONALD 'FORD SALE Attractive littie Denise Louise Fisk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisk, Bowmanville, is pictured above on her second birthday, August 23rd. lier grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rance Dilling, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisk, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and her great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dilling, Bowmanvi11e, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell, Campbeflford. 1 MRS. J. BRIMACOMBE c ommANVIIL;j MeJ 219 KING ST. E.

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