Tlhe Canadian Statesman owmnanvlle, Aug. 31,16 winner of ail th.ree forBi. oehroetaa01usey seven anid walked one, wieSehnadDnMMre belting a double to driv i'cl~e ucsie anls two of bis team's runs. Stçnwaouath#pt* After putting together treatfWlgt C~o~~wl S O ' oI ..successive singles with nu i(~ eutrduIdt Frank Mohua 623-7234 ~~~~out in the second andbenoentegfebtwslt unable ta score, John Fow1 tane s h ettrebt ByFakMhn637"singled to open the third.Tdegwr as us h ui Fairey walked, and 0son hetndi h orhwe ! 0,smacked the two-baggrtaGat rittraedtrdn ILACROSSE and GENE DOPP send Bill's on top 2-0. brebedw art Despite our good intentions, this reporter didn't manage With Bill Hay on baseth~d ta get out toi see the Braoklin Concretes in action until what two out, the Billiards pse turned out ta hé their final home game of the year. The co teeetulwn Mann u finalistu "- e tatone 6~-4 and ls the next the next frame as Fowlerad hnalwd iehtfne bight 13-5 ta Brampton to Jase the Senior "A" semi-final Bob,. sing es. n tkin thodeeat Séries four games ta thrée. dul hsscn) u ra a ea in . M 471 playoff average, pcd N onrhdw egdorevsisd th a-Bradley groundéd aut. Baker ________________asingle, ,double fsoeh * onandFolei eoh onri Nosonrhd ewegdouslesisiete a-then lofted a bail ta short an hreR...sBiar Orim witb ane out in ebtdapi !snls ln packed arena, but an aId familiar face looméd inta view - centrefîeld. Ellis' shortstop l .Alle awl and t wo s..1.îngîesrl- final inning when Stephnswt son' i obet a former associate with Goodyear. Gene Dopp was edîtnr of Dennis McFeeters and centre-* D ~ l ~ PP P MM Dave "Sam" Snowden anc1 errupted for bath theirrn.paete inrsatckM- the Wingfoot Clan there, while yours truly heid a sirilar fielder Gord Wallace, bath in 'D arl *Itoj* occer U m St rs Ken Baker ail had two hti ' Moorcraft drew the(oéMré,wîhadul hot pursuit, collided, allowrngia f frteVait re e pass, Ron Pollard trildsnlSepetosnls position with thé local plant. two runs ta corne across. aau Il Infadd theDon is'ho, Grw and scored on a passed bal1n olr' rpe coné In Brantford. He came ta Toronto in 1908 and played for in the last of the seventh, butj T I~I I f I ~ hp e n wt is er nyt m t p e st é F ea .tl g G e . n w a d u ng Taroe ost av s in erne the awo Eni m nW 'da0asru ne BP la y I Ia e x t Mrv Barkip e r i n wit Gah i nt on he utforai th S. imnsan aug ornt tamwhchbah fied tae scor. Frink'sh d1top ~Falls, Frank's shartstop, heldi the senior Ontario Championships on a number of occasions. opéthedthé rîwhn nthB o p c-hitless, continues bis cla.-sy Heé alao coached St. Simons from juvenile ta senior for mn au and Dave Snowden, Solina entered the finals of lZion tanight (Wednesday, Aug-;Star game. This should be tfielding. His dazzling double'MMR A years. When Gene was only 16 years of age hé was ofanYffMange ut ar fto a thé Darlington Soccer League ust 31st) with Zion leading the highlight of the soccer pai n teseodini Ch gers. by virtue of their 4-2 win that séries 3 points ta 1.ýufdotaptnilEls qpraféssional contract hy sportsman Carlie Queerie. Elssoe terow unoé apono audy Should Zion eliminate Maple season. It should also gîve:rally - Mr. Dopp, who résides in Brooklin sincé his retirement, o thé gamé in thé fifth. nigbt. Iu a game tbat was Grave tanight, thé finals willithe fans some idea of how the'; With Frank's ahead 1-0, the& Ïfèld every office in thé Canadian Lacrosse Association ovér McFeeters béat out an infield cléanly playéd before a good start on Saturday night at Darlingtan leagué compares Shoernen had a runner on! RN 9 period of 30 years. Hé was elected tô thé O.L.A. exécutive bit and scored on catcher Bob crowd Sauina took adivantage!Zion at 6:45 p.m. sharp. ita thé Oshawa and Districtifirst and one away. George' âthrieodaeo18 evnthprvnilgopfrMcManus' wild throw. that Of their appartunities around~J uno sc1r hefnasSoccer League. Many of lastîMichelson smaghed a liner:BPAN IL ~t hé ip ai ae o 1, srvng héproinialgrup orbouncéd through céntrefielder, thé goal while Hampton was bIeg ino r sdae, etem- iyear's Italia téam wiil be in that Falls speared briiliantiv. * yeas - 5 assecreary-reasrer.Brian Bradley's legs. iess aggréssive. Sauina's scor- brlt a i wthCutc uniform for this game. A win Bruce Adams was doubled offélpoe6-52 Gêne was elected inta thé new Lacrosse Hall of Famé Around the Basés. The game ing ace was Don Westlake with, té thé Ail Stars would ele-!first easilv, for the biggest one of the eight builders in Eastern Canada ta be accordéd was a great one, féaturing twO goals, others going ta Ron r beingth opsion Game ivaté thé standing of this' defensive 'play of thé night. #le hoion Icidenallyin caetime r7::00 p.m. andeaguérotrémendously.r., Hogue Ellîs'uslbats,- strangebats ssilgeny ilen* ~é hnor Incdénally lucas youare't to fmilir wth pisbbtch lubnd to poe gan l n were cry. On Monday, Séptémber 5th, evér, with thé Italia team tbrough two games of theIf *is new sports éndeavor, it was established in January af Frank's rested Harvey Web- by Graham Dallas. i6:00 p.m., at Zion, thé Darling- prde, this will flot came abouti séries, hur, theunselves in thelPD. this yéar at New Westminster, B.C. stér who tossed three wins j Solina now awaits thé win- ýton Léague Ail-Stars will hos easily. This is a gamé that field as wéll, making eight M Altbough it îsn't any wonder that E. J. "Gene" Dopp ovér Chartran's in thé semi- ner of Maplé Grave and Zion last yéar's Ontario Cup f inal- ail soccer fans in this areaierrors.S A iII1 4 afectonaelyknow as"Mr Larose", é aso xceledfinals. Their selection o! Ken'contest wbich continues at1 ists, Oshawa Italia, in an Ail- ýshould not miss. Faks o w ae n Baker for thé starting game iFrn'the bestwo sévn r other sports. During bis career hé was a member of thé of thé finals was a dandy. Kenfonén ts, he a goo tu srn ofAY routa Canoe Club Junior OHA. champions; Riversides, came up witb a trémendousl ________________e,____a_______nou of tenior OHA. champs. In football, Gene was a membér o! pitching effort in is first1 lfags for year historIn the'i 4ront aiaswe hywntéCnda uircon hurling chore in some time. 1lI ,mIfurI* itoýy te édt Cptl hntewoth aainJno rw,:George Michelson .puiled! VaMMu rieycu aenve a-1W D ED à4dten moved up ta the Argonauts. down a sure hit by Frank's t redt o the r chans ofad1 :~Gene told us that fllowing research it has bén ascer-'Garth Linton, in eft field in flI<rnu stred the chan ce s, n 8TO1 PM tâine thatlacrose ws broght t Canda bythe Nrsemn, th cafh fnge, no onekf tp'tcmsist i loo ______ti____ game's best défensive plays. ý *Esav the least. But, having 1rho taught thé gamé ta thé Indians. Thé sport was knawniDon Bishop, in thé winners'f e * Iurslvs ut n ri bokey has genk-rally caused it ta be rgardd as ur national good nght's work, hauling b' T a k e - G ae lao f eIII C ingo t sries, Ilo for'DIGTI sport. Gene says "Certainly lacrossé is Canada's fîrst national fivé flies, while Garth Linton, E1li/ PRICE PASSh ahjg goé, ndwedn' hik vn hémstrbi hcey crralled threé in rigbt field. eff ort i n Thursday nig'bt s 4 S gee"adw o' hn vntems ai okyfan!Dv Sa" Sodefrby Jim (Ixrke I two finals' games ta daté,!Frank's strétciucd their lead~ hr aéo h éis é~t h can disputé that. Frn',blé1utapi f . Baker bas pérmittéd thé usua] ýta 7-0, scoring three timés in gardiess of thé outeamé. we li t t t j. j. doubleranks, as hé otinuépais of Frank's Varîéty took a 2-0 héavy hittmng Shoemen a pal ýthé fourt'h. Ken Baker led off sikb u rvaspéî E T r doub~leasoff hitting. Bob léd in thé Jr. Mens Finals, try fivé bits, while bis matés1wîth a bunt single, but wasl tion, calling Elios pin si AMAZING PITCHER! McManus, caming an strongly,on Monday night, with a re-Ihavé connéctéd for 18. forcéd at second. Gerry Bar- gme.Wby ail théy bavé 4)! banéd ut wobit,1 ouding 8-0 win ovér EFuisý Frank's scoréd a loué runi kér was retîréd on an auto-I gms One ! té fnés atlèts tis epoter as versééiasdidKénBakr. arth Lin-ISboés. Thé winners pummel- in the first and added threematic out and Ellis appéared is atr h étf as dF Kk Bakr. gamstaTeéd anrnk'fureKINSM EN U EPA iiâ action would havé ta hé asoftball pitcher named Eddie jton's doublé complété rank*s! led ElIts' Ted Leveck for 1 more ithseod mvA haescp nyfre ongaes! T , he ir cFanes Peigner. This talented maund star will hé playing against aniséven bit attack. bhits and wéré assistéd by a in front 4-0. Bob McManus diamage. Garth Linton, Don1 of accomplishing this are R *~ 1 Gord Wallace, Bruce Adams' rash of errors by thé défend- luad a two run double for Bishop and Bob McManîî, aota opfla bb ail-star Oshawa City ,and Disrceegéagéain adDnnis McFéeters manag- ing champs. Frank's key biow. bawever, ail followed withtrigt lgdw rih Ki.nsuien Stadium on Sunday aftérnoon, Séptember llth. éd lua' only safeties. Fortu-i Rangy Ken Baker, on Fulis collécted théir first thréé straight saféties. brigtfaboclonsa aS thé This guy is so good that hé ouly nééda three othernately, neither Wallace or'Frank's mound, turned in an- bit of thé gamni whén "Doc", Brian Bradley opened thc ~Iayers around just in casé someoné géts a pièce of thé MeFeeters were hurt badly. asI othér sparkling pitching per- Adams led off thé top of thé fifth for Frank's with a sîm-,C,, be11. Of course one bas ta be a catcher, whilé anather boldsla result of their sixth inningi formance. Hé allowed justifourth with a double. Bakergetaltfidht Do 'rl PETERBOROUGH E O ILCN R jpw fist asean th reainng laer ook afér collision. two bits, whiié fanning four, bore dlown, retirin.g thé next1 Adams let get by hlm fraDi i e~ a frtbsan th eann lyrlosatrtheé1 fnd waikis T___Lethél É~~~~~~xd~~~n bis Curt. threé. In tb treé batters. turée basé error. Ellis manag-~ VR $ , 0 NPIE nldi et e i oiions. And th re you havé thé fabulous "King : e t1i sc nd biOVEté ' âdhsCut"game iu thé sixth, wbén DiDen .o 'Vf eS 3-2 New 1966 specified Ca9 rmdaé 0 arcoc Féigner la practically untauchable from a regulan isMFetr eaiu a n! r$,00Csh 1 zihund, but hé also thraws frore second basé and cnr-League AhGauét1 f ety, buoffwas c i t Tu ..i yrSn0o 0 all(6ns; $,0 IL at;$,0 ttlm bis knes - aen wbienoutbatd-fo ld Ecutvé196-67Dat All y No. Start at 7 p.m. Sharp parik f l$i6g00 b'éregular gaoé.$5 pca at. -fled xeuiv 96-7 Dae- leyN. 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 11-12. via a walk, in thé sévénth,ý Bill's Billiards postéd théir Don't forget to buy theéooypc o au u e This isn't a plug for thé Oshawa softballers who are Président, George Bébee; Sept. 9--------------- 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 11-12 but thé néxt tibrée men went second straight win, edging: Vice-Président, Rosa Wright;,saemny sponsoring thé show, or hécause it's in aid of thé CentenilMl MN y et 6 - --01 -811 -57 -3down 1-2-3, as Ken Baker;Stephen Fuels 3-2 at Vincent: Plus 4 Early BirdGaésShrtéWel> See'y-Tréas., e cut;Sp.2 preserved bis shutoutan Mssylstusaynbtta Startifit730.m !oject river théré. It's juat that this guy la so amazing tatAvérages, Vi Coolé; Fines, Set 3 - - -51-2 .0 9711 6 ýFrank's mo'véd witbin twomvenfrtthéga s a ké kn' ay of aur local sports enthusiasta will want to Angela Saman; Replace., Jean Sept. 30 ----- - ------ 4- 7 5- 1 6- 3 2-10 12- 9 8-11 wins o! thé championship. toi h éto eé eîjMn readVlal orPie 4e hlm perform. Holroyd; Social, Fred Thom- A1 un té Bse: intsériés ofKINSIIENi Aithougb Eddie is in a clasa by himself, thé oppositionso;Pt Tam Oct. 7---------------- 8- 6 10-12 9-11 1- 3 2- 4 7- 5' Bob McManus, sporiga Lft-bneBi Obre, *111 have a couplé of pretty fair pérformers on thé hilI,ý No. 1-Doris Joli, Ruas Hall- Oct. 14: 12- 3 4- 9 2- 7 Il- 6 8- 5 10-.i _________ ___________1___________ en Taylor and Pète Landérs bath tossed no-bittera in récent'man, Doris Holroyd, George 0et,21 - Z8 6 (-10 4- it.5- 9 J..- 3 1Z~- '7 ~ - . àA.S.A. playoffs and hope ta keép thé bard-bitting "King Bébée, Hilda Simuick, Rau Oct. 28-- --- ------- 9- 1 7-11 3-10 6-12 5- 2 4- 8 abd His Court" in check. Haynes. Tomm Loge, hn as té gidin bad beindthé No. 2-Berniécé Buday, Ai! Tomm Logewhowastheguiinghan beindtheSaman, VI Coale, Don Wright, Nov. 4 --------------1l- 4 2- 6 12- 5 8- 1 10- 7 3- 9i IMps thé top pitchér in thé province, advisés us that hé bas No. 3-Shirley Bickéll, Fred Nov. 18----------- .....8-12 1I5l0-43 76 95t eias ta10t- baté 4ri agei3sp--Me c7ly J6udy-Nv l'1-- 6 91 79-2 2 23 85lO u tickets availablé for local fans. You can contact Tommy at Nov. 25 ------------ 6- 5 10- 9 8- 7 1- 2 12-11 4- 31 .83-2355. Price of admission for aduits is one buck and cepildren 50 cents. At thé stadium aduit pricés are $1.25. Dec. 2 -------_12- 1 6- 7 5- 4 10-11 3- 2 8- 9i ~For a really fine sports show, don't forgét ta mark clown Dec. 9 --------------- 10- 8 1l- 1 7- 9 3- 5 4- 6 2-12' 8éptember 11tb on your caléndar. Gamne time is two o'clock. ' Dec. 16 ---------3- 6 9-12 10- 2 4- 7 Il- 8 1- 5 1case you migbt havé séén previaus publîcity about ane 6rlier date, it bad ta bé changéd from Wédnesday night to Thé second schédule wilI be drawn up at a later *gina l'SInoAp loges0 717 y féron date and will start onFriday, January 6, 1967. 4ILL'S IN FNATomsNSu, AnuLIColweIliLeon Thé Mixed League Bowling FIN LKENS TAYALVECounors, Jean Halroyd, BertW iîî open théir 1966-67 séason It was assuréd that thé Men's Town League wouid bave '.~ on Friday, Septémber 9th at anéw champion this year, when 'defendiug title-holdérs, No4OlePtield, Hec 7 p.m. ýiepen uel wee walopd 1-1 y Bli'sBiliars, astBallantine, Denise Anueart,'ý Thé exécutive for this year ~tehe Fulswér wlloed12- b Bil' Bilirds lstRoss Wright, Barb Webb, Bob:is as follows: Past Président,, If you find your rrilk fror you av rt %uslynight. If yau'll remémbér, it wasn't a particuîarly Cle. Joan Brunt; Presidént, Mary e'od evéning for playing bail, as ramn fell thraugbout thé No. 5-Helen Dunn, Pte Wlo:Vc-rsdnDick 9 p té s, Jo n ho s n, H. Pa - sb ru e; Tr a ur r, A u réBI l' h d éd éd St ph n' 3 2 ar i r n héC okna- D b în , i ud y, Ve n on , ér éc ; ec étic, v nn ts t r ep ak ae dino hevt a nG lnea eD a r lors onkh n.T- n-Osnond; irectopiqi r, J i op * , - 4.* Puels had led two games ta one at one stage. Now thé Anneart,"Jon Suteiffé, Jim' Following is a liat of téamu ÉlIliards will it back and openly root for Ken's Men's Wear. Bickell. Marié Brooks, Karlland thé achedulé. Thé first l on éach team indicates il Ken's manager, "Tim" Cox, accused this scribbiér ai No. 7-Peggy l-laynes, Ernie thé Captain. Pléase clip the ~ -,riting off bis téam - and we cértainly did. Thé Méu's BANNER PASSANT Perfect, Babé Brown, Mike schedule for future reference. Wear had loat théir last four games of thé season, ta windi iMurphy, Irene Payne, Jim First Schedulé ùp in thé cellar. Things didn't go any hétter as pennant-!63-25Nob. 8Ll Wih,'.Bl Team i-Alan Osborne, F'ern *nigKramp's Furniture swept thé first threé playoff 120 Duke St., Bowmanvihle ],No. 8--Lla SmWRig MyhtalyRt Mthl, HaBal encounitérs. When thé favorites scored fivé runs in thé first *LeIsuac nad éthrBlém akad Moore, Murray Joynt, Dot' lnning af thé next garni, you knéw it was ail over. *Lf nsrneMeNulty.Thmon But "Tirm" must have said something ta get thé boys: * Incorne Disability Schédule Téam 2--Fiton Brock, LOU tmtacéd.Thy amebak a wn ha on. nd hé sow- * enionPlnsAlîcys 1-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 Weish, Céc Mutton, Emma untackd.The cmp ac to wn tatone an ten ho-ý1* ensonPlas Sept. 12 1-2 3-4 5- 6 7- 8 B rornéi Kay Blanchard, !tg more sprtadhsi hniquesom im e pse!* ru In rac 19 2-3 4-5 6- 7 8- i _Néttié Gianvillé. 10-6 an uti hnin quiWensayng t é inpsé.ru nuac 26 3-4 5-6 7- 8 1- '2 Team 3- Morley Etcher,.. Tewn last icholdnésdas ptîht.tba md * Business Insurancé 1Oct. 3 4-5 6-7 8- i 2- 3 Ken Nichais, Ernié Dickens, Th wy ihNchlsn asbenpichng t asmaé * Estaté Planning 10 5-6 7-8 1- 2 3- 4ý Marg Wélsh, Fileen Moore, . t*e Men's Wear real conténders, with another victory last i 1 7 - - 2 -1Jon vt ntht(Tesay ealokig h sris t hrégaesapéc. Sun Life Assurance 24 7-8 1-2 3- 4 5- 6 Tearn 4-Gord Wilcox, Onie That wouid set thé stage for a sudden-déath séventh éfl-1 31 8-1 2-3 '4- 5 6- 7Etch r am Crago, Ruth opunter Thursday night. Company of Canada Nov. 7 1-2 3-4 5- 6 7- 8'GatDoMysaréL- ,~But maybe youi'ré wondeuring wby Bill's Billiards are' 2142-345-567- 781- 2i mail. chéering for Ken's. Wéll it's liké this. Bis' fine left-hander' l - U1 28 4-456-678-8 12-23 er -ik efMr ~1 Oshorne is an bis boneymoon this weék, and a Ken's! ýDec. 5 5-6 7-8 1-. 2 3- 4 ray Grant, Mary Wilcox, Mcl 'výin Tuesday would méan thé Billiards wan't have ta playI' Namé ________ 12 6-7 8-1 2- 3 4 5 ieaLiConrDan this week, with Osborne béing back in lime for néxt weék'sý fi 19 7-812-234- 456- 76 Pamr. -M Harsn: f$pai opener. Should Kramp's have it ail wrapped up byI Addréa _______i 2 - - -56 em 6MatHrio Wéll, hère we are again., Audrey Osmond, Bob Mitchell,! t>e time yau'ré reading this, the béat ai seven champion-'O Let's ail méét Sept. l2th for Ah Donaghué, Géraldine Dick- ulup sériés wîll start ThursdRy, 6:30 p.m. at Vincent Massey.1 ccptin ____th___ e first night ai bowling, ýens, Marion Perfect. Uadif yau arc not going to a m7JeNwaHzl jRN' WONOPEERI pléasé ]et us know as Danaghué, Bob Leaman,Ai ÉRNKS ONOPNE 1Exact Daté o! Birth lsoon as possible. Téléphone!'Blanchard Betty Lobb, Vlma' Frank Britton, thé main streét sports enthusiast, was ail, il23-5052 or 623-3850. Hope 'Myles. île hat wékas hé eamtha hésposor, Fanks" - - - =yau had a wondérfui summri Téam 8-Joan Brunt, Bob qi es__ ek stetaithth pnos rn' Glanville, Mary Nowlan, Roy Vietv, won thé apéning game in thé Junior Town Léagué Thé World's Greatest Softhall Pitcher !Conuors, Jim Thompson, Marg Zîyfs. It mni have rainéd a littlé barder at thé MemoriaIf taUn Crago. sirn Team 9-Hilda Brock, AI P>rk Thursday night, as thé gamé Mas haltéd aitér four E ELabb, Don Badhéy, Pat Prou- I#nings with Frank's and FUlis déadhocked at four runs, ED D IF IG I Yvonne Osborne, Frank Os-' EDDI FEINER moud. The téams clasbed again Mouday night, with thé néxtCO RT' Béamr, 0--Vince Prout, Jiru ~me slated for Thursday. :TBedKfordD H~ Ralph Mélauson, Con- ____________________'THEKING__AND____________ !u'Wnie Wiseman, Dore Mutton, I v~. Betty Nichais. I Téant Il-Ha raid Bennett,' Collision Features vs'W AL-TASDuke Brunt, Alec iea, Win OveriEllisMuriel Mélanson. nits W in ver llisi Teamn 12-Howard Bromél, OSHAWA KINSMEN STADIUM 'Hap Palmr, xJlm Cox, Murý FirstFînaiGamJoan Bedford. R if B ilm larkeMen's best af seven final. Ted >SUUI S P e 1t, 9 6i D b Clr. levcai fEllis, tooc thé lou, 2:0SE 1Boat owners Red Cross j3n aker played "JackgligU seven bits.0pm. says that 30 pr cent of al 23r4) cilling Eg strong maund work, supplied rPvu-dame ticket salemis 3-I on a cool. thréé the pnke that %evered a 1-i, BOLAHOOD SPORTS HAVEN rop. eulédfomatîng mis- n .The win gives Frank'a sixth inning tâc. "Sam" nw IN T .OSRBAWA *keep your boat alloat . up- 1.0 14 4ntb» J.tden led onj the, £rau" awiba L'rlght. cartons aIt isn't that we are buying mîIk f rom Sudbury or North Bay or Trenton . . . but it ks because we have underestimated our sales during the summer months, and have run short of our own cartons. This is just a temporary measure, an don Se ptem ber l4th, 1966, we wiIl be changing to an ail - new plasticized cardboard carton We trust that this has caused you no inconveniehce, and assure you that you are stili receiving the same high quality products. Glen Rume Dan'ry 50 WMAN VILLE '~ I