14 Mm. Canadian St«tausianm wmnkl, Sept.-y» 1M0 f. fi f. Some folks think that . POWDERED MILK (OMES FROM DRY COWSI1 0f c .our se, farmers know that dry cows don't give any inilk, or milk cheques, either. That's why more and more farmers are using Artificial Insernination proven sires to build high, lasting production into their herds. Sires available lnlude:. Wintermar Anthony Stylemaster His daughters (Holstein) average 8% more mulk than their herdmates. Klnghurst Supreme Climax This Jersey buirs daughters have a milk "Plus" of 13%. For service or information, contact your nearest office. (Calling heurs weekdays tili 9:30 a.m., for Sunday service phone Saturday 8 - 8 p.m.) CENTRAL ONTARIO CAIlLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Listed in local directories. .finety-five ntie * Jr., Gardener Anual Show in Orono ýAnother successwu annual Thise IJnised Flowers J"un Grdnes how wus Novice - El1a in e Vag!F Il ed Aga 5h Orono Yvonne Schoenmaker, Dl United Cliurch. Nlnety-five Evans. . entriez were shown. The Senior- Donna' Challice, Judgej were from Bwma- Julie SchIiM, Evelene Brown. ville 1IanY Clpb: redTIp- Vaue of Mixed Flowers pins, Rosu ackman and Ted Novice - Yvoinne Schoen. hutton. maker, Laurie Schznid, Dale The" Klwanls -Club sponors vans *gardn club trphes sdCr=- Senior - Evelene Brown, ply Wood Produets of Orono Charmaine Newman, Donna * pnsored ' prize money for Challice. gt d ai n Competitions. Our Dinint Table Arrangement OPecial thanks to ail who Novice - Laurie Schxnid, aSsisted us in Dur Junior work. Yvonne, Schoenmaker. S The next special event will Senior-Julie Schmid Den- - a new ides for our group. nis Cobbledick, Eïveene .A special Flower Service to Brown. Wi held in Orono Unted Carrots Church on Sunday, Septem- Novice-Dale Evans, Laurie ber lltli. Rev. Basil Long Sclimid, Yvonne Shoenmaker, wifl b. In charge of the sev Senior - Evelene Brown, ice and special nmusic wiII b.e nni obeik ui supplied. Any sick or shut- Schiiid. In wil be given baskets of $lowers, following the-service. Beets The tes room, as usual, was Novice-Dale Evans, Yvorne well patronized and total' pro- Schoenmaker, Laurie Schmid. ceeds from silver collections Senior - Evelene Brown, axnounted to $15.75. Dennis Cobbledick, Charmaine Age in the ]Nýcvice Section is Newman. six to il Years' in the Senior Tomatoes Secti, 12 to '16 years. Re- Novice - Yvonne Schoen- buts in the judging are as maker, Dale Evans, Laurie foflows: Schmid. Asters Senior - Evelene Brown, " Novice Section - Yvonne Dennis Cobbledick, Donna- Schoemnaker, Nancy Mercer, Challice. 1aurie Schmid. Driftwood Arrangement r Senior Section-Wendy Mer- Novice - Laurie Schmid, ie cor. Dale Evans. Zinnias ýSenior-Julie Schmid, Gaye I: Novice Section - L a u ir i e Quinton, Donna Challice. I Schmid * Dale Evans Nancy Noviced lEans. Mercer. oieDl vn. SI Senior Section - Evelene Senior-Dennis Cobbledick, n BrwDonna Challice, Cathy Donna Challice. nv1w Vegetable and Fruit Characters mii3on. Novice-Dale Evans, Jamie P African Marigolds Quinton, Laurie Schmid. Novice-Dale Ev'ans, Nancy Senior - Donna Challice; Mercer, Susan West. Julie Schmid, Gaye Quinton. ej Senior - Gaye Quinton, SnaPshot of a Garden Scene Charmaine Newman, Wendy Novice-Dale Evans. B Nercer. Senior-Dennis Cobbledick, W OBITUARY Mrs. Nellie May Hockaday 1A well known and highl: srespected resident of Solina Mss. Nellie May Cowllng Hockaday, died in Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Aug. ust l7th, after an illness o. more than two and a hall years. She was 82 years old, Mss. H-ockaday was born in Hampton on March 2nd, 1884, She was a daugliter o!fthe late William Cowling and the late Charlotte Hobbs Cowllng. She received her education in the Hampton Public Schooh. On New Year's Day, 190)8, she masried Sidney James H-ockaday, and had lived in Solina for the 58 years since that date. Mrs. Hockaday'a husband predeceased her en IJune l7th, 1957, as di.d a brother, Francis Cowling, whe died on Februasy ath, 1963, and her only grandson in Masch 1943. Mss. H-ockaday is survived by her son, Ernest; her broth- er, -Howard Cowling, Whitby; three granddaughters and a sister-in-iaw, Rilda H-ockaday. She wlll be rememb.red by her relatives and friends for her kindliness and her prime interest in her home aud fanihy. Mrs. Hockaday was an adherent o! Eldad United Church. She was iterested [n the community and always rcady to help lu any way possible. She rested at the Morris l'uneral Chapel. There were iiany floral tributes icluding one from Soina Womeu's Institute. On Friday, August 9th, Rev. Walter Rackham, former pastor o! the Hampton United Church Charge, con- ducted the service at two n'cock. The pahîbearers were Russell Vice, Ray Pascoe, Charles Langmaid, Wesley Werry' Arthur Blanchard and 3ruce Tink. Interment was in the family plot in Bowman- Our "Tune-up Centre" Is Noýw Equipped with the Latest * ALLEN-tronic Scope-Analyzer COMPLETE PRECISION ENGMN DIAGNOSIS IN BMUTES: Alternator Generator Battery Starter Ignition Systers Blectronlo Compression Test COMPLETRC CHBCK Toe.vis e yor car ..INMINUTESI1 Mach.M Ford ~uoe~ ~ Getti ng, the Fa ir U nderway Well knowzr Master of Ceremones Ted Speneeley, .Durham -County"s. Dairy Princess, Mrs. Doreen McH-olm and President Walter Wright are interested observers of the Pie-Eating Contest as Blackstock Pair gets- underway. Mrs. Mc- Ilolm- officially opened proceedings. NEWTO'NV ILLE. Ms. Mary Stewart of Sas- kabchewan was a receut visi- tor with Ma-s. Clinton Brown. Mr. and Msn. Laverne Tin- ney and faaxily visited lier parents, Ms. and Mrs. Ray Doxsee, at Apsley, last week- end. Sunday afternoon visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilimes, ut Chemong, were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Richards, Linda and Bsett, of Bowmanvihie. Mx. and Mus. Don Vinkie spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Ms. C. OBITUARY Foilowing a lengthy ilness Io! two and a hal! te thie years, the death o! Mss. Sid- ney J. Hocked-ay, aged 82 years, occurred at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, August 17, 1966. Daughter o! the late WLI- liam Cow"g ngsd Charlotte1 Hobbs, the former Neihie May Cowling was ber» at Hampton on March 2, 1884. Sihe attend- cd school in Hampton. On1 New Year's Day, January 1,1 1908, she maarried Sidneyi James Hokaday who paede- ceased lier on June 17, 1957. Mis. Hockaday had resided1 at Soins for 58 years, sud as long as her health pernmitted,e residents of the area foundc bier alWsys willing te aasist, , in any wuay possible, i» cern-1 munity activities. Hes prinme Intereats, hcrvever, centredà around her liansd family.e Sire was an adhereut o! Eldad1 Undted Churcir. Surviving are oue son, Es-o nest o! Solina; a brothes, Ms.v Hoviard Cowling, Whitby; sud a sister-in-law, RUda Hooka-v day, Thice grazKdaughtersv alse survive.e Mrs. Hoekaday was prede-N ccased bY a brother, Francisa ýowuing, oni February 8, 1963, and by an only grandson in l March, 1943. e Thc frieraI servie was5G beld iraSn the Morris Funeral a. Chapel, Bowmuan'ie, on Fri-S day, August 10, and via con- l ,du0tÜ by Rev. Walter ]Rac- hân ot Oshawa forme pester i of Hamipton âiarge. Inter-A ruent vin the licfanuly plot, R Bo'wmanville Cemeteu-y. '0 Palibe&Zers- r UMears. cd ]EueW1 VICe, Ray Pamcoe, ai Chas. MLaa, Wesley Wer- t "y, Authar Bianchd Sdad Bruce TirÉ. - AMocq " semauIy buYMrItul Gilruer and hfamly, Linidsay. Mis. W. C. Robb returned to, her homei Westmouint lest Wednesday. r The death oc'curred Wed- inesday, August 31, in Memnor- lal Hoespital, o! Miss Bertha Thonipsoqi, a hifelong resident so! this village. The fumerai servi-ce was held Satusday af- temnoon at the Morris Chapel, Bowmmanvilhe, followed by in- ftermeut in Lakeview Cerne- tex-y, here. Flowers placed at the church altar, Sunday tmornin-g, were in memory of her. Mr-. and Mrs. Arnold Wade *and Grant were receut Suipper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ma- vin Holdaway, at Orillia. A iscellaneous shower in1 bonos of Miss ielores Morris, bside-el-ect, of Bowmanvilhe, was given by Mrs. Earl1 Waikey and daugihter Joan, atj their home Monday evening.- About thirty relatives were in1 attendance.e Ms. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster( and Dorella were guests at1 th~e Cohe-Johuston wedding inr I'yrone United Churdch, Satur. d-ay afternoon.t Glen and Earl Wood weut J Vo the Ex. in Toronto on Sat- è urdary and stayed overnighti with Mr .and Mrs. Ken Smith. t Mrs. Esîhe MoEwen and G.race-Ann visited Ma-s. Cecil] BurleY during the weekend. I- Mi. and Mi. Laverne'Dox- see, Diane, Donna and Danny,V of Ottawa, were visiters oves -3 Sunday with Mx. aud Mss. L. h rinney and famiIy. à Mr. and Mes. A. Wade and u MrSs. C. Waikey wese Sunday L evenig vLsitors et Mr. H. EHodawsy's ini Port Hope. &I Mirs. Margaret Day o! Tor- S Onto was a weekend visitas -IV with Ma-. and Mss. C. Browin. Mr. andi Mm. Raymnond Ttrim di weec art heir cottage at Dal- ai VYzple Lake for thc week-,sl end, and liad as their guestsaa Mra. and Mis. Ray Tornmpkius and children.W On Auîgust 2Oth, Mus Char- ai lene Hall took part in several F, events et thc Baltimore Hills Gyiihagxa hcld at the home M of her tea'her, Min Saliy IM Suale, and came second in Id No'vice equltatioe. 4 Ms. and Mss. Sid Lancaster ai atoon-panied Mr. and Mss.XN Arthur Bedwln, Lakeshore bE Road, sud Ms-s. Jean Cochrane of Nevicaste, to the funeral ar, Di the late Mmi. Neda Raney, Si at Oamington. Mss. FAkney M~ twt*t et thre La4edh.re <lied nany ycars amo. e ?4s. and 3fS. Roy Hall and wi Charlene have beea on houl- en *M. »ending 5&meiminel b'US, nd thre reat at Toc W9 PMM*e lamt lede, lpmçiui. y -%fr. Md»W. gesta-lm 086M, and. Doothy viuited Port Credit on TLtesday. NIvr. Ken Ware o! Toronto spent a couple days hast week with her mother, Mss. Lena Ovens. A jiewehlery dernonstration was held at thc home of Mss. C. R. Farrow on Thursdýay evening. Mss. W. T. Nicliols, Port Hope, and ber sister, Mss. Guy Ar-nold, ýFelirnore, N.Y., were tea guests recenthy et Mis. S. J. Lancaster's. Visitors this past week with Mr. Raymond Bruce included Ms. and Ma-s. Tom Curry, Belleville, Mr. snd Ma-s. Dun- can MeMillan, Ms. and Mms. Earl Aide, of Bancroft, and Mrs. Dan Bruce of Hermon. Msm. H. TÉin heft Thua-sday to spend a week with Mss. Baihey, in Castieton. Friday supqer guests with Mr. sud Mss. F. Gilmer were Mrs. Gilrner-Srnith o! Bow- manvîlle, Ms. and Mrs. Ge-orge Kimbahl, Mss. AIlf Grahami, and Ms. Fred Graham», New- castle. Fred has been notificd that he reoeived tiche gheist m-arks in Canada lu A.R.C.T. Organ, for the past yeas; for this, he will receive a Gold r'4dal, te be awarded at Gra- duation exercises te be held i Convocation Hall in Oc- tober. Miss Shmaron Isteari o! Port Niope visited Miss Charlene Iall, recenthy. Mss. Fred Henderson, Mss. WT. Milligan and Miss Bernice Willigan. were among those helping serve at the Walkey- M!orris weddig smppea-, Sat- urday, at tue Bowmauville L.ions Centre. Mr-. and Mss. Jack Hakill and lamuly o! Toronto werc SÙindiay . visitois wlth Ma-. and MIrs. BHarry Wade. Mr. and Mss. Truernan Heu- [emmon d famnily, witli Mr. Rnd Mss. -Sàd Brown aud girls, spe±it tue holiday weekend at Rcottage at Apsley. Mr. aud Mss. C. M. Jones were weekend guests' of Ms. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at Eganviile. Sunday visitois et the Nmuse inciuded Mrs. and Mss. Wiltoi MéMillan o! Castleton, La-. and Mus. Jack Allen and laugliters o! Warkwrorth, Mr. ind Mrs. Ruperit Moores of 'ew Glasgow, N.S., the latter )eu supper guests. Ms. snd Mss. Don Adamns td faunily, Toroato, were ;unday visitors wlth Ms.nd [&a. Jini Admui. M. and Mm. Robert Will- ber o! Oshawa apent the veekcnd bere witlh ber Dar- ets, Mr. and Mirs. J. M1artel. Ma-. and Mms. O. Edgerton ere supper gueso, Sunday, d&i Mr. and Mrs. N. MCciii- MiâesNorma and, Beukh lallo'wellwmSrmuday sUp. per guests witl Mr- and Mrs. Mise D'iene Kirnbail was home from Toronto, where she is taking a niursing course, for the weekend.* Miss Dorecha Lancaster of Oshawa also spent the week- end with ber parents. Regular dhiu.ndh service was resumed Sund-ay morniing, at the usual houa-, in charge of Rev. R. C. White. Special mu- sic was su.pplied by Glenda, Betty Dawn, Bonnie, and Hol- ly Allen, f Warkworth, whose two selections, "God Will Take Cas-e of You"' and "Take My Hand, Lord", were xnuch appreciated. Some o! oua o'wn choir niembers provided cof- fee and lunch, later, for the visitors, who included the girls' parents, Mr. and MIrs. Jack Allen, as well as theis grain4parents, MI-. and Mis. MI-ton McMilla!n of Castieton. Newtonville Wonien's Insti- tute wi1 meet on Wednesday, Sept. 14, t 2 p.m., ut the Ceresdale P'ertilizers, Ltd., in Newcastle, for a tour of Uic plant. Following this, they will repair to the home of Mss. Melville Saîmis for the regular meeting. Ail ladies lnterested in 1-home and Coun- bry cordially invited. Quite a suocstssiful sale ot the household effects « WMs. Gilmier-Soenith wes held here on har Prefises, Monday af- ternoon. A numiber o! forner residents Vook adventagec of the occasion, and Uic pleasaut weather, to renew old ac- quainitances, es well as many passing Inotorists returning borne frocs the hoiidays,' so cars w'ere Parked on, aU sur- roundlug streets. BIlackstock Faïr Paradle Enfers Grounds ted'byDurham's DaWy Prirrcese,, GENEL EXIITS PEGT 9SHOW.M FERAMPBELL A:30 P. -PLUS- INDUSTRIAL &s RETAIL 2nd ANNTJAL TRADE FAIR PETER CAMPBELL ARENA - FR1. & SAT., CANADIAN WESTIMGHOUSE, DEMONSTRATION MIDWAY ADMISSION - - ADULTS 75e - STUDENTS Ut. CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS FREE ,THS AMTSTO-MAINGROUNDS* --" TifS TgADE FAIR Topdressing your hay arnd posture pays off 1 You con feed more cows per acre and mairitain a high level of milk production. GET AN EXTRA CUMTNG THIS FALL: One application of Agrico Phosphate and Potash for alfalfa or legumnes will push thesecrops along Io a profitable extra cutting this faiLl WINTER PiAOTECTlON: A fall appli- cation of Agrico fertilizers wilI enable your forage crops toa go into wititer stronger and better able to..survivean4 This is the A IOdfrn AGRICULTU RAI.CI4MICALs UMITfEp LON DON # ORANGEVILLE a PORT HoPE "P EARLY SPRING GROWTH: An appi cationof Agricfo frtilizers now will bu Nd stronger root SYStemsa and help Imeage get ý off to an earlier, healthier amotn pt spririg. BAG OR BULK: Agrico fertiligmi . available in bags or bulk. YoMr'.IoU Agrico dealer has comple bulk-f.. lizer facilities. Tpauveyou time and money modern 4-ton Agrico apreaders oe eavait. able ta Agrico customem âome low mintail basis. Soe your Agrico dçàlor to-day for- a,j Soif teft anct hi$ recommendatiSw j !velene Brown, Donna Chahl- ce. Most Points in the Show- Dale Evans, Bowmanville Ki- l'anis Trophy winner. Best arrangement, in Uic show-Julie Schmid, prize do- natcd by Mss. E. Milison. Best Garden, 1966 - Cash psizes donated by Curvphy Wood Products, Orono: Novice .-Cathy Milison, Nancy Merc- er, Elaine Vagg. Senior-lst Donna Challice, Bowmanville Kiwanis Trophy winnes; 2nd Dahe Evans, 3rd Evelene Brown.-Orono Times. BLACKTOCK IL Panid Mà&.Viciar ]oWui en and five ctiildroei, Schenec- "we2 Ud T.Boy tady, 1T.Y., vidtslût suncle Taylor Jmrgaya'd i*MMrtnp and aunt, r0r. anid Mn. Austin t e i. Eu Ooutý 'UCtIn Beocock, last week. ni Içstii~~ut Mr. nd Mn. Chus. Sith st. Ilawimikc" ùan~ i and Mr..nd 'M. Oscar gc.tlimiePr ' 'itbse 'a Quade visit.d Mns. Herb. Tre. OfC o~eb> ~sqI Win and Mr. nd Mms. Keith BUldkWinml Beatty, Cobourg, Wednoe.. flned by Mr. and Mrs. Kelth De Mer- 2nd in 10"4, *Ud M>ieg chiant and children have, re- eration Chbm. turned fron a holiday inn »t ml»'net intheN4 Florida, Geape, and Est mw hS Cos.Englemid States, <r~l~it Mr. and Mxi. Chas. C'asey,OftiOatC wa. Doee, onald and Barbara, FAid*Y n ~t a. *IO -w&W Toronto, ?Ars. Fred Andrews cM in the lreto and sen Bert, Newfoundland, in honor 01 a ent. were Tuesdet gues ~of Mr: ried cSwae, Msr. d and Mms. Wilbert Archer. 1.eslie Anelstine h M 1r. and Ma-s. Normnan D yte a MC.n n aiiw sart retuned to Metz, France, tewa MC We&semay, following a monÏthe 1,llo1wing Progn: piano with their familles and rela- solo, Linde Mooetjoy; t# tives her. readings by Rosie Tp« 'love'o Blon" and f"Asire Mr. Melville Griffin flew versary Glft"; Piano solo, Deb.- home*fronMeTLnitba on Tues- bic Swain; two sojog~jýjnii3 day, where he had spent two MeLaKq#Lhn, "Trip Toe woc weeks hioldays, the. TUliE" and 'lover thE7 M.Paul Rafrn, havi < *omRainbow"; ', *00, NDt pleted his fia-st year at St. TWeangMs.Goe Joseph's School of ua!gWolife, «"Uak-Cutt"; _pmno so61, Peterborough, goes to Tooto Judy Swain; readiing, ary on Sunday, Sept. 4th, to 'i- Frey, "Recipe for Hlow te liste at Sick Childrefr Cook a Hlusband"; piano solo, tjhree moriths. esfrCarol Werry. David prescrit. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, Jovely table' and chaire snd Brie» and John returned sorne rrmacellâneous gifts, Les. home Monday froni a wonder- lie muade a very a!pRprRt fui Month's holiday. They reply o! therti.. Following toured the Br-itish Ilies and lunci, dancing t e mie Iy Europe, aise visited several Mm-. Toonba, Meuor. StIngo», relatives and. Rev. and Mrs. Willyo and Bob Burton wau 'Harort;(doxnier rector of enjoyed. COME TO THE PORT HOPE FAIR, PORT HOPE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETYV\,t Fri., Sat. Sept. 16, 17 AGRICULTURAL PARK - PORT HOPE SATURDAY HARNESS RACING - HORSE SHOW RAMRODS CAR RODEO s AMATEUR CONTEST -- IREMAN' TUG-O-WAR PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE -HER MOUlu Us: owio do - 6m DANCE