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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1966, p. 1

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r ~)-1~ s'Tae Ovier- a! Car eAcc -:ent br 04Mbl4u VOLUMEI± 112 14 Pages * BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNES'DAY. SEPTEMBER 7.1O6rb Welfare Officer Kramp'"s Defeat Ken 's Accident Roundup Six Persons Receive Injuries in Two-mCar Collision on Hwy. 35, Boy Scout training in F'frst Aid was put to good use at Enterprise on Saturday afternoon following a head-on auto collision. Three Scouts from the 3lst Toronto Venturers were in a car just ahead of the southbound vehicle. They were returning from camp in Haliburton when they heard the crash behind them. They took over traffic control, helped the injured from the výehicles and rendered on the spot first aid. This photo shows Queen's Scout Rae Marlatt, 15, of 64 Orchard Park Blvd., Toronto, comforting one of the victims while she is waiting to be taken to hospital by Bowmanville Area Ambulance. Five were iýnjured In the collision pictured at top righL# AiU Gpod Things Corne to End! Town, District Schc PPpis Meet New n Tuesday wai the start of a Mathematics, and Geography; new school ycar, and once E. Butcher, Mathematics,, luis- again pupils throughout the tory, Geography; W. Brooks, district retUmaed to their' stu- Science; J. Cryderrnaa,. Eng- ,dieç, -The ,.>ew addition ta llsh, Mathematics, Literiture- C-uý-tI*s.Zigh Sehool is now B. M rtin, Geography and IWse~clasmom~s la this ScUin Mrs. -M., Hafl'om Sb idng were ready tor Ecohomies, and L. Ïtoberts, '~dentai yésterday, but the Industrial Arts. shape are flot yct rcady for There are 12 new teachers ccçUpaÀcy, and it Ie expected on "the staffs -o! the four' Bow- that work wlll be complcted manville Public Schools. Cent- there WIthin some weeks. rai School: Miss Ratricla There new teaichers Adams, Nestleton; William en the u»tafft'o! Bowmanville Patterson, Oshawa; Miss Nell lufigh Sehool. Mrs. Ellen Brat- ton,> Toronito, will teach Eng- lish; Ldrs. Elizabeth Pease, Winnl eg, Library and Eng- cri g o lh; es Marilyn Quantrill, I Orono, who has h9d six ycars elementary--experience, Girls At the meeting o! Darling-; Physical Education and Math- ton Township Council held ln emaici ChnceClakeAn-the Township Hall, Hampton, ~aserComerial an Wil-on Thursday afternoon, the W~g~ille, Gaanoqe, Bys'1966 Court of Revision for the 9 9yiclEduato adMah municipality was formed -with ematics. ReveA. T_ flnl.-,.l.. ne - The new M. J. luobbs Senior Public School (Darlingtoa: Township School Aen), situ- ated west of Hampton on the Taunton Road, opencd yester- day. The p.rincipal is E. S. Taylor, B AB .Ed. The members o! the teach- Ing staff of this new Senior1 Public Scbooi are, F. M.j McQuy, Msicand Litemature; M. Stewart, Mathematics, Hie- tory and Geography; Mme. A. Dunhili, English and History; Mme. C. Lush, Engiish; W. Mo!- jatt, Art and History; G. Lisk, History, Gcography and Sci- ence; Mme. Noma Honnick, Lib- rary and Litemature; E. Craw- fard, Guidance, Mathematics and Englisb; H. Webster,( luealtb and Physical Educa-i tionv D. Deweil, Music; Missi J. lBulmage, English, listory,1 .nev . 1- niianenarcU UN chairinan, and Deputy Reeve L C. Muir, Councilior Carl Down, Councillor Richard Gibbs and Councillor Mary Budai as members. On a motion by Councillor Down, seconded by Councillor Budai, a By-Law ta provide for bienniai ciections for the township was given first reading. A rcconded vote was cailed for and was as foliows: for thec motion, Reeve Blanch- ard, Councilior Budai, Coun- cillor Down, ,and Councillon Gibbs. Agamest the motion Dcputy Reeve Muir. Councillor Gibbs, seconded by Councillor Down, moved that this By-Law provide for biennial elections in the muni- cipality be given a second rcading. Again a recorded vote was called for with Reeve Blanchard, Councillor Budai, ýols Open Teachers Vermneulen, Bowmanville. Lord1 Elgin School: Miss Barbara1 Goheen, Port Hope; Missi Cheryl Ana Luxton, Bowman-i ille; Misshbirley Sykes, Dar- ci Q pm Sibaroa Anne t*Wýrry, Darlington Town- mhp. OnWria Street School: Mrs. B. Bryson, Miss Carroll~ MeRolberts, and Miss MaryI RuhOsborne, ail of Bowxihan- ville. Lord Elgin and Vincent ( Massey Schools, Miss Faith Clark,, Napance., nCouncilI Councillor Down, and Coun- cilior Gibbs voting in its fav- or, and Deputy Reeve Muir votiag against it. Councillor Budai moved that Cicrk-Administmator W. E. Rundie be instructed to advertise in The Canadian Statesman invitiag persons in- tereeted in providing a site for garbage disposai, and in cov- ering and maintaining the pmoperty, to apply to the town- ship stating location and size of the area, proposed methods o! maintenance, and the mc- muneration expected. Coundillor Down seconded the motion. The motion was carried. On a motion by Deputy Reeve Muir, seconded by Coundiilor Gibbs, the Town- shi CIerk and the Township's Solicitor weme inetructed to prepame an apeement with Wlliam Tripp, Lot 19, Con. 3, te provide for the use o! the owhi a tract of land at Ithe norh end of Lot 19, Con. 3, for garbage disposai. New Attractions At Orono Fair This Weekend Interest is high in the great Orono Fair sponsored by the Durham Central Agricultural Society this week on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday. There will be keen competition in the many categories for judging, and the exhibits will be outstanding. Fiiday's program will start with the School Parade at 1:30 p.m. Other highlights of the day will be the school grand- stand performances; the On- tario Provincial Police Motor- cycle Precision Ride at three o'clock in the afternoon, and at 7:30 p.m.; 4-H Clubs Ach- ievement Day; the Fat Caîf Show, the Old Tyme Fiddling Contest sponsoréd by, Russell 1C . Honey, M.P. for Durham: tCounty, and the Beauty Queen iCompetition sponsored by Bic- ard Real Estate at nine p.m.': .The officiai opening Will takçgplacç,,on Saturday at. 1:$0,1 p.m. with j' .X. Chàrles of the Cada Department of Agri- culture. There will be the Bi¶ 4 Guernsey Club Regional Show, the Light Horse and. Heavy Horse Shows, the Beef Cattie Show, and the Rabbit 'Show. During Saturday afternoon there will be harness racing with wagering privileges, and the Orono Stake feature. The mammoth midway and the grand capitol show will also be decided attractions. Everyone is looking forward to the Amateur Show on Sat- urday evening. It will be co- sponsored by Robson Motors and John DeWith, Realtor, both of Bowmanville. The Sat- urday Night Fair Dance with Jimmy Fisher and his orches- tra will start in the Town Hall at 9:30 p.m. 22 Awards At C.N.E. for Local Breeder Leslie Taylor, Burketon, prominent Durham County swine breeder is to be con- gratuiated on the excellence of his entries at the - Cana- dian National Exhibition when he won 22 awards. Mr. Tayior's entries were also most successtal at the Sutton, Peterborough, Belle- ville and Blackstock fairs. Prohibiting Some andi Regulating Others Councifl Passes Much Needed At the mneeting of Bowmian- ville Town Couneil beld in the Geuncil Chamber on Tuesday everdàrî an Anti- 3ýsis By-Law was given àWm réading1s and paesed. ý7tsConpreiensive By-LAw dM*s with &H1 possible noisesq by roib.ttIog ansd eu- ating otiieri luis Woi L.,Mayor Ivan Nobbs, hd itd iic zooeber cansing o!,_Eeputy Beeve Weuley Fice, Bior Ken Nicks, and no lio Anie Oke to con~- t ic«M p ucosld a tinerof tisany a- the meàlinun ci-the6 wuon o tii uta of lm la a publie Up~ IPeosUon wî Noise By-»Law Town Cierk bas tiret been Qbtaained. The provisions o! this By- Law wiil net apply to an~y militamy or ottier band or aay parade under wnitten permis- sion first obtained frein thc 9Town Clerk. - ouneil aloo gave threeý readings and passed By-Law 1981 wblcb authonizes the sale o! certain land locatcd un Third Street by thc muici- pality to Kurt anid lita Sloos. A delegation o!fbine nesi- dents fimn the ]Madowvlew, lIlIltop, ard Sunset Sub-Divi- siens appearcd betore oun- cil. Bruce Colwell, thcepoes,- mmi, sald thet pelIn tusse armn Wl 1.ta have thic twe lots owncd by thc Corporation eoffthc Town of Bowmanvile ln Uic vlelty turned into a Park. He nud that ther ane matny cbildrcni thisame, and that thec nemet park, h at Lord ElginSooLHe added that h.blee thatthe ic hool Bôard dm not like the grouadu thore uu. teriv Mayor luobbs asked h10W present wouid plan te, arrange the people, Who would like ta fer a meeting o! residents. have these two lots bceome a lue asked if the town would park, proPosed ta mainitain it. be responsibie for fcncing, lue asked if thc residents O! and Mayorluo'bbs rcpiied t>bat the locality would be wàiliing thec fencing woud be eup- to eut thec grass and look af- plied under thic Ceatennial or such a park. Project. lue apoke o!f the fine work Wan-ren Towasiey, 16 Foumth don. by thec Memorial 'Park Street, asked couneil what Asamiation wbich rente the procedure would be required land for Menboriai Park for to have street liglits insta-iled $1 a -year froin flhc tewn, and in thec Oshawa Wood Producta maintaine Memroial Park for Sub-Division. Town Clemk- thec benefit o! the children Controllen Robent L. Byron and the townspeoplc. Kiwanls explained that fthc installation Park is wcll l>oked affer by o! such lights would woe tlhc Kiwanis Club, and Uic under thc Sub-DlvisionAgree- Rotai-y Club is working on ment. The aub-divider would Uic new Rotary Park, be niake application to thec PUC, added. and then pay for- suci work Mayor Hobliu suggested tiat as per Uic terme o! bis ai-ce. Uic delègatio= -interested la ment. the park ton the. sub-dlvklon Mayor Hoblis uaid that the arme where they i-cide give matter will be checked Into smie tlought te is natter, and furilier intornation Ia and subenit a letten tote this cannectica will be aent next nmting of Town Can- to Mr. To>wauley. Cia stating what they would Council'decided to mewiane b. pregared ta do In regrd its regular nieeth4s. fIce te ftie maintenance o! suchsecond meeting of! cdi moeitb a pu. 1 wiM bb hed on fthc %lrd Mon.- Jk, ,Co" " I uid f thon VrIV 10TOPA"IE WO D. Six parsns were InWued In .a two-car collision on No. 35 Highway Just south of Enter- prise Hill on Friday a~fternoon at six o'clook. lhe drivers of the cars involved were Larry Emie Simpson, Peterborough, and Gdenn McArthur Mar- shall, Toronto. Constable H. E. Cook, OPP, wasthe iaves- tigating officer. The drivers o! both cars, the wiife ce the second driver, and two daughters, and a fou.rth passenger were takea to Memorial Hospital by Bow- maniville Area Ambulance. Mr. Marshaill received treat- ment in the Ont-Patient De- partfrnent for ruirnor injuries. Hus two daughters also re- ceived treal2ment itihe Out- Patient Departiment. Sharon Marshall, age 16, was given treatiment for en elbow inýà jury, and hem- 12-year-old s i ter, Joanne, received treat- ment for scalp lacerations. Mis. Doreen Marshali, Tor- onto, age 38, who suffered a fractued ja anjdbroke left <TUANTO PAE TWO OFF AGAINI-C)M ÀPAIN! 'potsÉdlr enk Mohurr was a trifle confused wheni he discovèred that Stephen Fuels would meet Bil's Billiards tonight (Wednesday) in a replay of the fifth game in the best of seven serni-f inal series. .Frank, after being assured that the Fuelers had pulled out, wrote his column on that basis, and the article had already gone to print when this new information was received. Anyway Bill's lead the series 3-2 and a win would send thern into, the Town League Championship finals against Kramp's Furniture, starting Thursday night. But should Stephen's win, despite a rather large shortage of players, then they would nieet Bill's Thursday. t t t i. t THE BIG WINNER! - Mr. Joe Schwarz, well known local cattie drover, really hit the jackpot Tuesday night when he was the winner of the Kin Investment Draw . yes, it was worth $1,000.00 in .cold cash. t t t t i. TIGHT SERIES - The finals of the Darlington Senior Soccer League could once more stretch into the cold weather, if Saturday's game is any indi- cation. Both Zion and Solina gave it everything they had, but neither team was able to score. Should be a tremèndous series. Don't miss any of their upcoming games! t t t t t TEENS - A Bowmanville group of musicians, the Syndicate, inciuding Gord Poste, Dave Bridges, Ron Hooper, John Hooper and Dunc Syer, have launched a project that should be of considerable interest to teenagers of the area. They have tied in with the Newcastle Lions Club as sponsors and plan to mun teen-dances in Newcastle Community Hall every Friday evenîng throughout the f al and winter. Once a mnonth, a name band will be brought in. and ail dances will be collar and tie affairs. We wish thern well with this ambitious scheme. j. j. t j. j NEW GOLFERS - On Sunday, Bowmanville* Golf, & Curling Club had some unexpected and unwel- corne visitors. Two ponies and a horse got* loose from their nearby pasture and decided to see what this golf game was ail about. They clomped acros the second green, leaving their hoolprints on the soft, expensive grass and then decided the second tee needed some fertilizer. Eventually,- they were chased away, after doing a fair amount of damage. t t t t t QUIET - Tbie Labor Day weekend ini this area was a comparatively quiet, restiul affair, with practically no Meaturwe events o! anry kind, other than Port Perry Fair on Monday. One o! 'these days, somebody should corne up with a-carnival or something to provide entertaimnent for those who don't have cottages or plan trips over the Labor Day weekerid. Who knows,, such a show might even make a dollar for tome organization. - iurv& I n :xciting. Ith.(aame. >t Reports xtIn undel the rnost ty, producing the third run of re 124 wclfare re- season, Kramp's Furniture Kramp's loaded- the bases ýre during August, edged Kcn's Men's Wear 7-6 with none out in their hait d by Welfare Ad- last night (Tuesday) to reach on Ray Crombie's double ana1 R. J. Welsh for the Men's Town- League soft- a pair of walks. "Butch" Cole's iwhich was sub- bail finals. Kramp's -had won sacrifice fly and- a single by ce meeting of Town the first three' gamnes, but thelFoster cashed in a pair to tie ;night. Men's Wear bouniced back tolit Up. Lloyd Hamilton singled st of welfare for take the ncxt three- forcing but centre-fielder Alex Wise- was $5,675.01, but the seventh and deciding en- man's fine throw- and Larry ?d provincial and counter. Piper's diving tag nàiled. Ted ants; and charge In the see-saw battie, Hoar at the plate. rit to $4,853.24, the Kramp's led 3-2 after the first Another walk filled the bas- to the town will and added another in the third. es again and when the-count 1.77. - Ken's picked up a single reached 3-0 on "Moc" Rich. new applications fourth frame marker and ards, coach "Tim" Cox sumn. *ed. Six were ac- broke loose for three in the moned Mel Burgess in f1roim 1employment was sixth to- forge in front 6-4. the buli-pen. Burgess got hie )r one person. The Furniture crew won it first pitch over for a strIke, recipients for Aug- with three in the bottom. half, but the next was low, forcing ,d eight heads of but Ken's pushed it right to in the winning run. Mas=e th 31 dependants, the wire with the tying tally bounced to short for the thfrd ýd cases with 31 on third when the final out Out. 17 single persons, was registered. In the scventh Jack Parker in nursing homes, Don Bagnell's lead-off doub- reached base on an in#ld Dle who received le, a walk and a single by (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ..uppemen- Larry Piper opened the scor- re or ugst asing. In the home haîf Jun T ir o uutwsCoyle doubled, following a uniy Church direct welfare $3,- base on bails and John Mason Lplementary aid over the le!t field barrier. I ss and medicines Both teamns thrcatened in Inspector Ronald on both sides prevented- fur- hi CS nd 's report for Aug- ther, scoring. After the first Y that il1 building two batters had been retired s even plumbig itesxhSteve Bu=so drill. TrlnitY 'Tnied C4<.sh W14 eisued. There ind a twobagger to int h eoen this S4~n.~n iliginspections Meit's Wear rally. B 1 Nichol- ,jiW jj i .roeîis 'Inspectionswe i t-'ii.~*e~ onth.banged oie t itcer ý hange& New" carièttïg sud, Hngý Inspetor at1otei'aglove and**whe Mson lw Devis bave been la 4 5 inqui*ies durin thiewý wildiy to tirst tesge haiedý. d rig the. Aagm he made 14 iný aiead 'marke;r scored. erry ~î l fluuew Augusi ribs ie still a patient at -Mem- crial Hospital. Vivian Blackc, ege 14, a passenger in the] MaxshaU~ car, who sustaiaed a broken right leg in the acci- dent, i~s aIso stbili a patient in the hospita-1 here. Mr. Sirmp-e son, driver ot one ce the veihi-1 cles involved in the collision, le a patient in Memnaoial H-os- pital. Hie suistainedc head in- juries. Miss Lynne E'va Read, R.R.1 1, Bowmanville, lost cotrolc od tihe Suzuki motorbicycle1 she was riding on the Long Sault Road, north o!Tyrone, 'with the resuit it went off the roadw«Y anid she was thro'wn. A passing ambulancec from Mbosport found hem i-. iuzed, and took hem to the8 Oabawa General Hospital( ~w1hiee S ein eceiving tzreat-t ment for a skuil fracture and mnutpe lacerations. Coinsta-8 ile James Sdltultz, Opp, -7 vestigated tihe accident. n There was an uniusual aci-: dent on No. 35 Egtwua, just NEW ROAD - At long last, the paving is almost completed on the county road from Bownmville to Cartwright and if is a beautiful job, -especially cansidering the bu.mps and dips that have been jrngmotorists for several years on the aid road. On !the- probles wifl be to keep it from be- coming a -drag stmip for over-:zeà.lous spéedoterL It should aloo b e mentioned thaf there is only one stop on the road at the Fiftb Concession. Con-. Mary Ruth Osborne, cbughter o! I(r. Wd Mn,.Selsqxi Q9.. 2 gratulations to the United Caunties fload Commis. manville, rligng Mi, Qordyn Brent's entry, iâz beenD èsf m oktsderble sien for finishing the job, Ail that remairis lu for tai-est at ai-ca faims th!s yesr. &t Blsektaéc ?ar a. 'Wn ueQndb 1. p the officiais ta decide just, where the road will clanwith this colorful outfit t.hat. toolcinany et the. a ie rs 1%** Ï go at the Bowmauv4ll.end of th.eutni>.> good old days, of id addJas, ikiwi k~i~ Beloved Children's Librariani Retires Af fer 13 Yrs. Servic Mme. M. J. Hutchinson, who, quarters in the Town Hall. Pul:ic Library building ln thé for 13 ycars, has been a mém- -When the Libmary was moved uc U . rnde was opened ber cf the staff o! the Bow- eight and a balf ycare ago laet ycar Mme. Hutchinson bas manvifle Public Library, bas tram there to the building on presidcd la the spacieus Junior dccidcd te retire from hem the corner o! King and Tem- Section with its 6,000 books. position of Libmaian o! the perance Streets thene were for young pecopie. Mme. Hutch.à Chiidrcn's Section o! the iàb- oniy 85 youagsters wbo werc ineon hae also donc the Library rary at the end of September. card, holders. bookkccping for more than Mrs. Hutchinson has been in- The Cbildrca's Section o! eight yeams. valuable in hem unfailing in- thc Library at the King and Floig h teret, assistance, and advicc Temperance Street building llwnghr retirement, to the chiidren, and she will was located lr. a wooden ad- Mrs. Hutchinson plans early be gneatly missed by the 1,600 dition te the building on the ia November to fly via Pani youngsters who are card hold- west side. There Mme. Hutch- American Airways te South ing Junior Library members. insan built up the youngsters' Afnica te spend thc wint«r When Mme. Hutchinson start- intemeet in reading, and the visiting hem son-in-law, and cd on the staff of the Bow- membemship. increascd stcad- eldeet daughtem, Mr. and MM. manville Public Libmary it iiy. A. K. Cameron, la Johannes. was then lacated in smail Siace the ncw Bowmanvile burg.. Wins Second With Side. Saddle Qutfit Town Anti-m i ue rer uopy NUMBER 36 il 1 Il xi 1 (Ir- Ipaim n^-- WTTI'%Xnlm" nàb y )iecé c c IP i ti ti ti 3 Oits and

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