Theb Canadian Stategman, Bowmanilie, &ePt.7, 1966t Permilt the &rM to moe through the moat useful areas A of the body in a changing et tbha mma fidthf ow Ietlcally Poweredjth= yuolgiel' «m eft *à et ma " yoim~j~~ 0fiflhifiL la t tNiouwt a ynd wa. t à meOà the &m.i «"IhI an This Uflw* d aui orihet twlâý"If vetinha~ilahw 1.à eS mieai @É 1 i m m s torminaî ri 1 à yS'1 é àh db@Ot u .eI4ôal in A nta Ths froeteCâàââ* lt- " e . b aa il tA uIiff t scnd ai th üInles t Tan his @m Vetaa t aioeuateo &, gtisorie.Thiha out êétwuekhgetew trie cd lat -w"rw E)E iCi ty Mf Mrilt. thP yàthgëf..ý h tlle * f 4 rll Coln m".ma Mm n il i etteSmu1. n eêâthâhàfaCàlta @ gaspng éhâmullyla outh _5q# of thémtéWoft mwi e r M.nllthft~el, Wters& Ceîiedeâld t o int th od Piener, 48$kné asell finaftd aM, gincldng grasp sure onthesetwo swithes ar Montreai Oshwa Toronto Naulllton activates the armn and operatess Windor Wnnieg Rgin caiàrrPower is supplied by a neat UIBIOIhD IUtO <JOtge Vaoasei P os. battety pacit womn on te body. Ëattefiemcanlu e ne- COrUli W. kheUC.A., 2-L A. inîlA. W4ters. <i*L chatged aVenlght in the horne OUJIWS Obaw Utapplg ~ettland dperating cats are th5re- fort ninimail. This has a dis- ________________________________________ tinct advantage over other types of power suinily, such as the C02 gas cylinders whîch are hèaVièr titan btteries and oc have ta lue rêburnécd tb a dup- esl plier for refliling. tri Ttelatirely nmainitenance free ha Thls 'Ia w il doand Weighlng ohly 25 Ozs. - Of This Pla uld less than halfthe weight of fol everything to get ability and simiplicityofpeb. atibli mbke5 it extremnely suit- o! able for thé very young chlld. nii your youngster a However, for ail ils light- cei ness, a chlld may lift up tao 7 lits. with titis ai;, a welght lue college degreegreatly li excess of anything U excep pas hlsIt la bellevedi that this new type o! prosthesis will luetir qu Inestimable value to the child n 0i~ m rObomn withbut even the slight-1 exam s for himest vestige o! an arm. Ini the iO case of a double 11mb de-th flciey, à pair of thèse co- fir( 's'u can't guarantee that a youngster now in h ighi ofditiated armés could lue used i ichôlwil gt hs ollgedegee Bu yu crt for li-manual activities. eqi tchol wil et is ollge egr.. ut ou ariThis new development et cri guarantee that hé wilJ get the chance tû try. the Ontario Crippled Child- tri' Thât's theéesence cf thé Bank of Montreal ren's Centre Is just another t a bètter chance for physicelly 1 $Ovihgs-loan plan that enables you to spread the itendicepped children. Olt( ccgt of a University éducation over periods up ta The Centre la an Eestem mîe years. Seals oupported service o! the eqiu iYOu statPayments when your boy or girl ie stil Ontaio Society for Cnlppled for In ighschol nd akethefinal pàyment à year fg Zion (Hope Township)1 Mrs. Norman Genow and David spent te holiday week- end witit relatives in Welling- ton. Mrs. Citas. Menellley called on Mrs. Carmen Irwin, Mon- day a!témnoort. Hope Township P ub1iec Scitools re-oluened for te Fali tCmfli on Tueoddy, Sept. 6th,' 9 aim. Titene are se'veral lue- ginners at te Zion Scitool. It was believed te Mon Scitool Would lue closed mter te June ex«rniuâtib)nw, and tite pupils trensponted by bus to te George Hamilton Scitool at Welcome. Howevem, te ad- dition ta te Welcome S9choal is flot yet complebed, do te old school bell rings again and te little Red Scitool l In operation for anotiter terni.1 Andl DrIver. Beware - Thte: new regulabions became effect- ive September lst. Drivers( niust Stop witea scitool bus1 lights flash red, witether you1 approacitte bus fro bte1 front, or oventake lb frornite rear, the flashing mcd lilgita mean you MUST STOP, andc utay stopped, as long as te1 red ligiht are flashing. Chilren sitould also lue ad- 1 vised ta Stop, Look and LIstent betone they cross te higit- wmy, for wito knows, saine- time peritaps'te flashers on l icebus may refuse ta operate. RIMIMBER IN BO0WMANVILLI YOU NOW DIAL NEW NUMBERSo FOR INFORMATION AND REPAIR 'dial 411 to reach NFDRMATION dial 611 to reach >0.u*IVâ Obm &»fl l a fimmifematon onhow t. WI ~ qp 3a*gust U~d the e tb ther party» on two. pa*ti~~~~ IL. u drsov New Fort Henry Mascot li. J. A. Ci. Ati1d, Ohtriù Miniâte t o rUriâîn and InfoermntidegeIâ üihtt with th few ft iamcot of Old Pôrt ttenir, flnvid I1, as t4oat-Major tienu X~otdnvou and ti . Cli'e Mâon, Pregidènt ù t> t. t David's Society look on. 'Ple mascot is a prominent fuature ai the famed Fort Henry Guard as it per- forms its ceremonial drill at Old Fort, Henry, King- ston, Ontario duringË the summer months. Lands and Forests Weekly Report Lightning Fires The pàst Week has seen tht ýcurnence o!fltilnerous, foi st finesinbte indsay Dis ict. The majomity o!fbtes ive been caused by lightniný )f ell the causes o! fire in t areat bte anebteat reises bth ceateat appreiengion 1s ligit ng. When only a amali amoun frein eccompanies the ligit ing, fines are certain to b auéd but will often Il mouldenlng for sevemal day efore bursting into flames rually titis heppens on a hot ry efternoon. Sucit a fine ha good head Étart ani-it re uires prompt detection anc IppreaIsion ta unmit it ta i nall acreage. Ligittning fines cen occur ir lated areas. In bte past mse fimes were reacited bý re-!igitters wita packed thei juipment and su p lies sev. al miles ovcmlats frain the mrest road or leke. Sucit s ip would bine even bte angeat, severely handieap. ng bte wotIk o!f ire-figiters. rbdfay bte fire-figiter ceti ten lue deposited wltth hé uipment alm-ost on bte tire r hlicapter, fresit and ready rselVeral itaurs of hard fine ghtifig wonk. ~The. Lihdsay District bas en fortuinOte in havlng a koMpter available duiig bbe st week. Severel. likitnxing es, impossible ta reacit by yother means except wet1k- ' for miles troug the bush, beec itelj any Ing 1Stranger thlngii have hep- pened. tRégular wvorship service for te Zion-Morrish çonigrega- tion was h jdr I nUnUrited. Churc'b, ,SuzId7aYi Sptembeir 4th, at' 10 p.m eyý tan têit of tliè, É 'pon wag lohn O 29-35, I am thé flrèAd of Lutie; HMîh 315 uJesus ýhou Divinie CohIpanIon"> and' the flenediction, concluded the sérvice. Next, Sundayi September illth, the-only 'ser-Vte on the Weleome charge will lue thé Annlversory Service- nt the Morrimh United Church At 11:16 am. 11ev. IL 1-H. Laclcey of Warkworth wIil have charge o! the service. Speciel mugic is beinýg arnanged for by the Morrish organist, Mmm. N. Mc- Holin. Wednesday evening, Sept. l4th, there will be a meeting of the Officiai Board at the Mornish Sunday School Hall. Sunday School wIll flot lue held At Zion on Sept. llth as this is Mornish Anniversary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneil- iey had dinner on Sunday with1 Mr. and Mmm. John Meneilley, Port Hope. OBITUARY JOHN J. IRELAND he e eg ie t- ie le s as s8V 0OtHy UARKER nSumîner's for River Roving t, I ratiter envy Don Taylor o! Saint John, New Brunswick, bte job ite bas undetken. *Having retimed irom, the afeaigit sales départrnent ! bte e Canadien Nationail RalWays he bas set hIiself te tesk of wmiting the itista'ry o! Cana- dian river boats. Titis was started by bis fa- bter, Capt. C. C. Tayllor, who spent bis entire cancer on te river. Like fatiter like eoni Don Taylor begen bis uwn scateer a&. purser aboard bte aside-wheeler paddle steamer, L-ýOcnée, which operabed irom Baifit John ta Wickitarn. I hope ta Interview Mr. Taylor during niy. sum-mer safari In search (if copy sma- banial for tie colunun. In bte m-eantine, his plantled under- taking rerninded me of nly: final river boat experience ;wheni I set foot aboard bte î4>a4ie Queen betied et lUs b~d.koen :Nairn Avenue, ei llod,aâsuburb of Wih- h 1 ' ,eiftà replct. oté n adpaýde Nvteeler la not otxly bte lut1sInes' rentore of Ray Senft, but te culminablon o! a pel-sistent dreata. Success- tui ln bte construction busi- ness, Ray sold out a-d decid- cd he'd use itis fiying plot's license to InVestigate ail bte ipaddic» wieelers lue could la-1 cate befùre starting oônetruc- bion ofi-hbisown. Aiter ben tbouand miles by air he knew just what be wînbed ta build into tite Paddle Queen. However, bis-e ta bake advan- beige o! a sunumer season was ruoning out. Forbunetely bis knowledge gelned in bte con- .struction field stood hlm in goéod stead. Startlng on Apnil 15 lest year, bis dreamn boat was ready to ply bte Red River by July. Titis flat-bottomed boat is'! liccnsed ta carry 400 passe n. gers and bas been valued et some $200,000ý It makes titree, thmee hour long trips a day,1 Pquis charter trips and has celebrated weddlngs, ânnIver- sa-ries, blrthdeys and jusb plaint holiday revel aboard ince site wes Iauncited lnto the tounlst business. Perbaps have been extinguisited by cr lsbrnsp)orted by belicap- ter-. ime smail acrèages o! tese fines are the resuit o! the labouns of well trained, fresh cnews. The death ef John Joseph KaY's otier itiLILo o start- Ireland aged 58 years, occur- ing a flying school has oni: red t Mmoral Hspialbeen pigeon-holed. For a mai Bowmanville, on Monday, auccse ful iUghi teae uh August 22, 1966, following an scesu lgtqteeaen illness of about three months. liis tels achlevemnents. A so ai he ate ohn While we are on the suh. Andrew Edward Ireland and je irvrbaaltm e Mary Ireland, the deceased Btite a SorndZoo itn was born et Carlisle, England, BErdm e trldZoi where he attended St. Bedes Edonton, she crulses the Roman Catholie School. He Saskatche<wan River pilotec was predeceased by his wîîe, by Capt. Julian Mills. Beides the former Mabel Luella Cun. binay cheoey cereo ningham, about four years ago,.od~r ahndolac&ree Mr. Ireland resided at 5 o private parties, -clubsan Carlile Ave., Bowmanville, conventions. I expect the for- for several years and had, et nmula of last auimmer's Pridey oneUrn, asolivd a Grf-and Saturday night moonllght ton end. Sauit Ste. Marie. He ~IC ilb nfi oc had been employed at the agaixn thls year. Edmonton by Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com- lTlOflight froxný midstream ih pany plant here for many tiu]y beautifui. year, m wa a embr ~ Irf t is true that "levery nice St. Joseph's Roman Catholie girl loves a sai1,6r" then It is Church.equaily true cvery tourist A member ai Branch 178, oea ipbwtr.Cue. Royal Canadien Legion, Bow- are becdming one of Canada's manvîlle, Mr. Ireland served Ç-eat attractions. From the during World War II îrom UN s uxury, ship Prince 1940 teo 1945. He was first Géffle sailng ùp the rugged with the Midiand Regimexnt, emst el'British Columbia te later transferring to the .Aiaqlca, tb the little boats that Hastings and Prince Edward chue aong th4 'Thmmsnd la- Regiment. I= th be hr c f the east Mr. Ireland is uurvived by anld wSt comeoro~ uI'glori-ý two eliters, Mns. Catherine oue noznthern lakes, boating Aahby and Mm. George Jack- heu becoene big business. son (Margaret), both ai Toronto, and one brother, William Ireland of Newcastle. [He was predeceased by a* I sister, Mrs. Mary MçFarlane. The deceesed rested et the »orthcutt and Smith Funenal pOVwIWM mu Home, Bowrnenville, w it h FOPAEN) Requiem Mass in St. Joseph's WO AEOE Roman CutthOlic Church on north of the 3rd Concession Thuisuday morning& August25 of ClarkeTownaohip on~ Thurs- et 10 O'clOck. ReV.]P. K. ma- day et 5:18 p.m. A paseing ln oftWcated, with grvealde motoriat saw nrioke pouring givn b Re. C. *rmm a large truck, nolue o.Internent w~ as u lmrted the driver of that vine ~aCeMtery. vebâcle by qounding his car's PawWemMesura. orn. 0 a penin<thie ,rear Ice Cooper. KM* P ergsoa, doors ot the v*dhle ley ,4100 DenUeni, " 1 -dtht heMMj c on fim n d bumnIng Intensel The furaiiture van was carr, irg a load from Ottawa ltfUilMé ft lotwlÀg hOthri t'à&" 1 1l Wml, &k*âÀAlno à bMia 10É%.,jCu ledm. M IaâY Itô"ti UP1fltitate fli&e i*ma Wb-ô&Co on ôt liidéy it i401 I{igl W&lu ~ait itléy ItoÉd At 6:ý le h4OIvêd wé x @ûnei Allmieflen tiMIlà, an o#t1, pu the itiid th#at iôeha be e i.Casis e ittifacc dé der M~fietly lai'ge Canir Jtt~Iéfrli the itbac à@t t iéIttit, dmd léhde *wIth adOhIt On t h ue ak that thé ear slÔwed tlown. t êlûîlOst a stti, and at folio,% 4g Car utii b etO 9(hlàtimn uollidéd Wlth ie bdck of bth tfirat tar. 1 orW cars àCOlkled ait si 0'clek erj vriday afternoo it teJ ulitlony of Count Road One and Road No. M, -The drivers involved wer -Willard St. Louis, Oshawý who was d'nivingeaot un bth Taunton Ro,17 éd A1!re Jennings, Silve' Steet. Con 9table Schttdz, OPP, investi gated. A car d-ii by Rober Vandam, ntypool, strutk cOw on No. 5 IHiguWaY, nbrt1 of Pontypool, on Saturday a 11.40 p.m. The animal, whîci was owned by David Pi'eston, rR.R. 2, Pontypool, was killed Constable J. D. Côe, OPP, ini Afereford stee, owned b., ROY' Stronïg, Rit. 1, Betitany was struok by a cel- on Ne. ai Highway, niortitof bte 7A eut off, et 12:45 on Satunrdar Tlhe anthnial Was -net serio*usl3 in ,red. Conctable K. Ruttan O, in'vestigted. On Monday, Labor Day there wag ae one car accid-n- on No. 35 Highway at Kirby A southbound car driven 131 John Gordon McGee, Cooke. ville, Ont., tried to, pasasÉ vehicle in front ce hum whieln a northbound car appeared Mr. McGèe headled bis car in- bo the east diteh bo avoid a 'collision. Constable Clarke Stephan, OPP was bte laves- blgatlng offîcer. P~our cars were involved in a colliIont in tihe weatbound lat !401 ItghmWay et flen- nett Road et 5:e o'clock on Monday. Coriporel. B . Closs, OPP, investigated bte acci- dent. Thte drivers of the tais in- Volvo! wene Jacques Ger- main, Burlingtcin Manluel Sousa, IHaumilton, k en ne t h SWaile, Port MüNiohol, and Neýil Marvin MeLean, Osit- On P'riday at 101:20 a.m., william 'ran-k Purdy, 5 Third Street, was parking his car on King Street East when At W,99 struck from behind luy e car driven lay Mra. Irene P. ilipârick, 7,6 Scugog Street. Damnage to the two, cars emoutted to $360. Constaiblei Ron Parkeir wau the investi- FOR 'THE HOTEST DEALS IN TOWN mCHECK OUR ToPKfol To Kl Sizzling Gcalaixie Demonstrator 1966 Ford Galaxie Cen m out! 4-Dr. Sedan 6 cyl., automatie, two-upeed wiperu, black with red interior.$77 Lic. J17481 ------- 2 7 off e1 r- (liIOMât @Q NÉ) d. boblule, wtit te OuéoM eh à 1. saetitlCC Suâd imoid hote tIlIM hon& Voutid iout. Jjtiui bot .5 d 1i e #tiIté eut Dive W et- ,' ry arid lXItAf)l'W tee Ifit@ th fiflalà. aiui d pbgit MifenüP bton ila Sfatiid i PSiir te gain hui P Ipl»-ulf i*hln.têifiblôh 6II It anl glhtzhitt5r, 155usd siglit ltb àiS o baila a id didn t hâté@ td any ài&'utbte va fi e KlâhaÎiq swth h hwie un arid 'k siugli f~ agiti 18 ~Nwhile ýd Cô#le 1usd a jlétt ie gt at re theS lJlate with & diàubleIm ige Lo andtd bW& w àk. g âl ait j- Bütti eaeh cOllet a i h oble ie and attigle Iti the llgitîAUSe, ýe Cou nel 7.Paisses 7e a, (FRPR I'AE aNÈ) ie day ttvenltng of ivey tnotb.i d A meeting et bite Indùetibl i- Coibtlasôn for WedntW*y i- evehn t t hie week tt eVen- bhitty *Ieldi.k wâà âl1ed by t -the chàirunati, cdôtiucllor a Jemés Ëuutké. A hmeéting of h the Pinatice Crunittée wal !t et fortlhursday eVelng. h Setutenuber Ath, by te hair- i, giCounc4ldr lehaui t- A letter trom te Départ- mient oif Htdhwayfiwluleh y' plans tVorellace thé elvietlng. bridges over Super Ci'etk onh 5Higitway No. 2 neent the ees- - efft limita o!fte bown, en- cloeed a Copy of is t'eun y nÉry plan for titis wxitk. 1, itËis was recelved and 11lild on a mOtion by Decputy Iteeve FIee, Oeconded by Iteevé Sid- t dey Little. itIayor Hobbéq PoInted out that tounicil had r. ruested the fwprbaint of H1gtwOyate kkalter taât prt'Ion of Nu. 2 Ilthway lie- t ween Bow=nnville Ceetetty' and Si. George Street, and hié eald thet thege two bridges iare withiin titis erea. A réquet from te Inde- pendent Order or Odd Prel'lows for permission ta use parking 1 pace on Temapérance Street 1for its boat ' ad traller tor te puilpose o! selling idkets on te oigtization's dràw for thein, was l'ecelv'ed in a letter ffl-ned by Leêslie Chittlck. it was explained thet an intermm permission lied been given te I.O.O.'F. for titis pending its ffornial application at a coun- ail meeting. Councillor Bôurke n-oved tihat counicil cancur in the re- queet frof i te Independg±it On*der ai! Odd Fellown. 1¶iis wes seconuded by Reeve Little, an-d carried. A comnmunication froni Lan- de!rSta.rk 011, Limited atâted that a new âuntner use for fuel oil trucks la to utilize the tanks and pumping facili- tleo o! suicittrucksanmd t-urn eech into & watem fluaiter to l~ that " n e vlçwoldulot I itly lié IVailBe làhtlnMi OliMOn, but Uhh lfiquinifi ftt Oh tdie Wt t Ih"M tul-i ci là itfi t .im att Otmwllite. Titswasbëpi id #y (otîtwollet tmid eft- rie&, * ~ ~ ~ h Iki nu*enm xo~Iô. 2 &IIIWy aud ~treet 1nA~ 1 à#t" hi ôtbà im A" DB4WALL N/oNY Up tA 12 h r leffOÏ fUur fi MIA/è.pt WitO/fiM 0. opuiar nMer n t$seIfIefullt me Whefl ubed fuli Strêhlth. Ou~ R~M10 Aatà~.pV. MOL/P W 1#U. Xmpkv flàvouied m4~umhwash Nid ~ MexIls fineat pain oeil~ve MW beffWa tutom réllef WM mu lOts slOhehIB indlus amiprïplràM f« r244how efctlm-. ou oulrdlotary stapment to guaâd aintcdelkjency, 100 Mg.m i JURY & LOVELL LTD. 2 King St. E. r- [y Ln !h 10 l- airer graduation. Iromn thé first depogit, the spécial life insurânce feature guàrntêees that h15 or her oducatioh costg will be côvered. Your low mônthly payrmênts include interèçt thargés totalling a srnall fraction of what you would pay ôn any straight Joan programme. This ls a flexible programm .. . adaptable to iri- divldul dutation cogts and payable over a varying itumber ofyears, If yiou havé a youngster in thé first twb or three vear& ci hlgh schôpl now is the. time to star. Drop Inte Your T'eighbourhood branth of the Rnk of Montréal and Jet us fit the li te your needs. tlhen' tônvince your yt2nXster the rCtt up PS: If you need help flnancing a student already in univeruity- or planning to rqlister this ver talk to your B of M Manager. Chances are he tan arrange a tuition loan with extended payments adapted to your circumnstances. Or, Il your youngster qualifies for a Joan under thé. Canada Student Loans Plan,,send hum tô see the B of M. ]BAN~K oIFMONTREAL Canadâ's Fîret Bank 2 King St. E. Bowinenville et #âký 1 , 1- - 1 ý1]-,