-- ..~. ---. - Xs. Pvoi4 and Mailyn spent thê L~bur »aWeekend ât .Lake Placid, .. Mr, and Mrs. Don Foulds id Diane; Owen Sound, spent jPlî, weeken4 wlth Mr. and 1rs. Lloyd Ayre and faniily. Miss Pat IGiLl dàughter of Mi. and Mrs. Rtobêrt Guli, là commencing lst Medical year ët Quéén'à Uniiverslty, Kings- ton. Mr. and. Mrs. E. J. airey, k~ing St. Eat, spent te holi- day weekend at their cottage, Twelve Mile Lake, Halibur- ton. ,Mrà. Wm. S. Ètàgles, Silver St., bias returna orne after vrisiting With ber father, Mr. Walker, ih Meaford, for sev- èral wËeks. Miss Pst Thompson recently received word that she bas received an honorary secre- tarial diblomià froni Shaw'z business Sciioci, Toronloc. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Copper- thwaite Ted and Chheryllynn,1 Miss Ehànne Guest and Mr. Pete Irvi e were Sunday guesta of Mrs. Emma Marsden. Mis. Jack Nichols bas ne- turned after a three-montb visit with ber daughter and non-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Jack Bominer and family, Calgary, Alta. Mir. tlougisaa Nichols, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichois,i Duke St.i is entèring second year Textile Tecbnology at e h Hamilton Insitute of echnôlbgy. .Miss Judy Trewin, daughter ë! Mr. and Mrs. Si Tre' in, Klng St. E., his returnëd frôni bu)lidaylnig witbh hr unc1ê aud auht, Mr. sudMi. David Mtr- rowv, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George M~ut- ton and Debbie, Mr'. and Mrs. LId Stainton and Suzàtine, Mr.Ëil C lèspent thé weekend at Élandstone Lake, i2onth of Lindsay. Miss Linda Steel, daughter of Dr. àîid, ýrl A. W. ýSëI will cdiùnce a' twb-yéfti Laboratory Techilogy 'Course et WèllealeY Hospital; Toron- to, oh ebtber l1th. Mr. and Mrs. Edward, Ilamuel, daughters Lisa, Cath- érine and l'ene, and son, Jobnfl King St. Eaîf, hâte return home after spendîng tbe sum- mer at their cottage on Lake Bimncoe. Miss Ssndrà CrbWley, Mi,. Larny Thômpson, Mr. apd Mrs. Earl Ttinibâbii motoned hi the East Coast %where théy vîsited Mrs. Thompson's niece, Mr'. ind Mrs. O. Holdstock 'aud Heather, et Dartmouth, N.S. Miss J6ab é Hubbat-d, ,,caù eiof tr.and Ms. E. ' Outario Ladies' Collage, Whit-1 by. Her bnotber, Master John1 Hulibaft las îtètdî0lnkr8t'e lacbbol, '.tôrdtib.1 141g fmahy friMlds *Ilbe pleased tg lçnow that. aja Crago, adn 0<or'sr. n&Mii..% Stuart Ciàgo, Ptlice St., la convalesélihi st horihéand flrb-1 gressing favorably following1 an operation at Slek Chlld-1 REHOBOTH ChriitIài Roefffinld ChuPcN MIiii~ibr: ie Rev. A. ývsnd*IilBirg, ]BA.,flf.1.f. MARANATHA Chritfibln Re#beftd Church .~30 P.m. fllceTtod ilot1r CKLB tvery Sunday, 9:15 p.m. tbis summen. After A 1letyrabouê in dâhéwrà Generiru o1 mli.r ni Neads, son o M. wd Mi'.. Roy Neads, Weif Eàch Road1 was welcopi'd horne, by blé %*any frien wees *ëk. He suffered mrlous leg Injuries in a motorcycle accident but Ji now making a ïrapld irî- covery. Mis Margaret Léxisdale, fornierly o! Barrowlord, Lau- cashire, England, sud now liv- ing Iu New Ybrk, bas béén vlsitlhg Miss Aleen Aked at Quaint Acres. Miss tonhall is s niece o! thé former At- torney Geeral ù ,Hong sud Mn.. Ridphalgh, who visit- i cd ber. In 1955. Mrs. Howard Smyth& bas returned 9fter visitiiiï het daugbter and son-in-lâ*t,F/ sud Mn.. B, Armatrong sud faiily at St- Bueno, îQue. PIL sud Mns. Armàtt-ni ngsd theit faiuily, who have justi umoved ta St. Bueno tirm1 Moosônêé, b roug jht i M.,, Smythe borne iéud rérhilnéd. here for à,tew dîya.1 Mr. Sit Mrs. .Gordon C.1 Martiii, accouipâuled by Mrâ.. Alba Crydelrman, Mn.. Ethèl Prout and P4ns. Ethel Hanna visited Mr. and Mrs. AllanA. Martin, Port Crédit; Mn. Wal- lace Hoîrnea, Who Is a patiént lu South Peel Menlorisal Bas- pjital, Cooksvile, and Mn. snd Mrs. Frank Hinghsm sund fam- ily, IsUigton, on Suuday,F Septéinher 4th. M4r. Bill SmSlc, à forrr9 student at B.H.S., left receutly1 for Bric'bridge where hé wilI be atteniding lh Sehool. it 1 rnothi, Mrs. L. Smalé anid1 Cyounger sou, Deunlè, have been aI a lodgé In thë Brace-. bridge areà since carly àum-1 iher, sud Mr. Snmle, Manageri o! Bowmanville Gol! & Cùlr-î ing Club, ekpetts tb imtheni1 later lu thé faîl.1 Local friendsanmd, relativet wh' attended the Lalrd-Greed weding iu Trinity Anglican Cburcb Ottawa, on August 2fth *ýrê thë *brbbmmother Mrs. Eièsât Laird, Mrs. Charles Bickle, Mrs. M. E. Lèàgk, Mits ý Mry, jèwëll, Mr. snd Mri. Clfttrd Tréwhi. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laird' and, Fenwick, a&l of Bowmanville and Mfr. mnd Mrt. Roberï Clark, Oýhâ*à. Rev. sud Mns. Edward Col-. .well, Susan, Tonmmy aud »lêther ip5nt *1* last week of August with Ted's mother àtid btrdiber, P. trt Col- gettogeéthers wlth W~ativeà *b1-e he]d. On September lat a nuumber of' the famnily, in-. cludlng thé#Èrndoifnts, Mr'. and Mrs rneât Foley, trav:ý- elled to Mâltoz- te bid, TedA Nve yeari as mIssionaries ifi Brazil. iVelcome të Mr. and Mr§.1 1kihueth $sk5*iÉr&,daugtet Aune ilhti é huAdrew and1 John1i Who fitxviltÏ8Bawuan-1 ville iëcerntly. t1iY h&'vë juri-1 chased the lfdrhLi- rildence of1 Mr. and 4,â. tnie Stutt, ,WellingtonSet. Mt. Mackenziz is the rbjèit Efîigineer, ii 1 chargaof deuloplng the ne* St. Miystèifiit Comnpanyë plant In this area. Mr. andt Mrs. etultt nd farnily havé COU RTilCEi UNITED CHURCH leuui's tMad North Minister: Servies t il ar. ALL ARE WElàtOME. FTRINITY UNITED CHURCH jM1iuter - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthuî- CillMh, Mus.È., L.ft.É.bt. Il ».m. - Morning Worship ",GOD IN CONTROL" SUNDAIr SCI10OOL 9:30 &.m. Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 aâhf. -P'rhiry Ahd Klndêtgat'ten 11:00 On, eglfier ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, 1Rector: BEV. K. J. FRAMPltON, àLA6, E.TIé SUNDAY, llth SEPTEMBR s:00 soim. - moly communion » .t- P515111 vsss fl ih à,* eho M" Il atm a aIi.l a ta eh ~" *Ib*W1pet m m i r. l 7:-64 P.- Evenlug Phayer EV~ WE.,10:»~ A.M. HOLY COMMUNION SUND= SCHOOL PROMOTION BAY smT«fly, l8th SEEREa la yeat às" vé ai*0les.m. - Flm Unier 1Ira - atIil a.. -Film _____ w mov.d te Orono wher ey ow: Ucdrus store. MussChritine Beekett of WilDli, sc trek While libre, lwiàâdMWs ber, ll uâ g' '1Miss Marion anat., sud Mins «o i ~ awa, journeyeé i rU* hi at- eru parti à t , p6viê?è. Miss Becketý, Miss Vanstone and Mins Williams also spent a few day in Niagar ala. An eoyable day was Brunt a ltéë Cafldiân eitàuons EtVhi;- bltoftOp turday, Seliteniber amd audthe ±1olldwluÈ ,da, Sunidày, à suiprliîw bfr; ps-y*shéld 1f i ià éêk- Ml.and bina. Cébil l Âid~ mad ltandy, Lil*rySt. CM havé, rétuMlid frot à ýeV«*- iekvçatièn tour o! . hë via thé Tnin-Ciànada Ià wsy ta Wjhuiilpég, titn tô te- na u akaon héyci- oyed the. Klondike IOay.* dmnontou, and aise thé 8c ;,ïrhani a snowmobil> iÏdès at Jasper aud Bauf. t l~te thro gh thé Okânogan Valley in mi ih Col1uibla, ana ré- niàinéd there lor à *eek bi Vancouver tsland, viêWihi thé thé uxàhy placesof Iiteneýt. They al ôvisltéd moitié of the Nbrthweeten States, retuiru- vn via lary ànid Med1binê lit, travelling 8,000 ilei duing théir holiday. The Editor recel#édl à beau- athi pot8dportrait o! Pope Patl Is wiék frdmi Roilé, sent by Norinan J. Scôtt, fotln- èrly of Brooàkdalé!-Kligsway Nurserlel and. now tourlng rnany Europeau countries '*lth ail agricultural délégation. ýrhe card rends: <"Our group pluis a few mernbena of Uic Cangdian Emnbassy -had ai private audience thia niôrri- îng (Aug. 27th) with Popte Paul in is summner palaëe by Castel Condolfo (17 minutes). Very itiipressive. He spoke to us as à group o! Agriculturists, quitè fneely about ourtrip and the import- ance of aur chosen profession; and ho* it could help for pçteahsd reeding thé. ueedy, o! the world. *Yesterday tie met delegateà at F.A.b. W. are uearing théened o! 20,000 miles 12 couniries (some wèré àdded after we lèft). mA host o! forelgu dignltarie5 *#nd à gréat deal of nilxed liquld. lu Yugoslavii, I àpent à ful day ien g with Dr. Prof 8Staii- kovic, thir toreièist 14làt Ibrèeder. oils Anne Werry, daughter Kiug St. E., bas receutly me- turnd frontà.s véry êujoy.ablè aud éducationiai tour ô! Enit- landt sud the Continent.. Shé was enrolled lunProt. É. C. 17aylot'%. Europêau Odyssèy 1968. Pro!. Taylor, au as., 5ociate o! tht College of Educaiâéin d University o! Toronto, lias ample supervis- èry and teathingà staff te en- ible hM ta é pitthree tours !lW BiOAC jet ta Loni4in, El~,and aetg tauring that ~iyproeée>déd ta Belglum, ÇFrancé1 Italy, Switzenlsud, Austria, Gerrihby Luxémr- Abur nd b&ck té FMané ta i.at thé RMS Fraunilàata Lê Haàvre, dréking in MôlitI- réal. «Shé has véI'y vlvid Sud mtmdlbablé mt'slnâo éf ' tout. Onè o! thé blighllghts 6 the tour wiàs hsvinig heén granted a aéni-p vite audi- ënte wlth Pépé Paul VI at the Vatican in Itte.. Miss Werry took approximatély 600 g Jidès durnigher tnpi. On êétmbet 111h Dr. sud Vn.. Werry willi aëcceipaliy thelir dâughtér té týuéen'à uni- vérs1tY. igaoWherd a. %vil tbrméTue ber fi't yéa lun thé Pre-Mî1dcal course. Powell Family HolcisPiçni AI Waltona bhSuIày Autis ~êh, 7 ~scéd~b~ *fhohÉÉan ily picnic in Waltona Park,] Newcastle. Attendants camCi from Campbellcroft, Downs:- view, Milbnook, Oshawa, Pou-. typool, Tononto and Newcastle. Donna and Frank Rudge were iu charge of the recrea- tion. Tbe wInners of the race§ were as follows: under là, Colleen Powell, Donna Pow;- e1lD;e ndPii4 hdgej undéé, enn~gP*ll;lanà unden, 'David Walker, Rickj' Powell, Marlene Beatty, Patti ëdwéll;ý 12 and unden, Shirleyý U-ktty, Dale Powell, Diané Beatty; 16 and under, Brian Howell, Harold Powell, Dan* Coulter, Judy Powell, Nancy lta*e11, Helen Trew. T~ winnlug teas i th~ #J, ~e race were Judy an~ ifhtlhley Powell wlth Hiaroli and Kathleen Powell comlnâ a- '. nd Maur- à" owe, W. e ladies' shoo "k wAl *bnW by Marg- uenit6 91kqt aAiê6Lthe men'i shoe 'k c . Y GIb Tait. A penut scramble ended thé gamt peniod. The oldest attendant wat IMn.. Sont Powell aud th* ybuxnMit *êIb of, tt and& ibn, Daidld uie.wliant Powell won the time gue"ÉI contest. When the. food was sprea4 on the tables. Dorrene Powell led ln the alnging of grace. After a hearty meai was con- ,o itCrago conducted. â- Z or lidâs perlod. Iren4 , L 1 ryfayot the fô Sun4y~iAi at Waltona Pât . 6 b eerea tary, Razei Craço, was eaS ntly aurprlsed wheu n ai Rug p medhrwith à gift20r lérMx yartot uer+ vice. A MUi garne and viatinÈ broUglt another.lamlly plcm t~e t".u- M. rriod in-ri. -~IsUnited Churc< Mi. and Mrs. Edward John Darch are shown after their wedding in St. Pau1'â UJnited Church on Saturday afternoon, August 6th, 1966, at four o'clock at which Réèv. Harold A. Turner officiated. The bride is à daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- lami T. Locke, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and the groom is a son of MVr. and Mrs. Edward B. Darcli, also of R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Photo by Mary's Studio Wif /n g DARCR - LOCKE Arran gements a! white chinysanthemumÈ, pink carna- tiofià sud gladioli forrhed au attrattlvé mtting iinSt. paull's United Churcb for the wed- din of Miss Patnicis Gail flockansd Mr. Edward Johu Dab h t fbuir a'clock on Sat- urday s!teinooui, Auguat th. Rev. H-aroid A. Turner offi- ciated. Thé bride is a ,daugh- ter of Mr. snd Mira. William T. Locke, R.R. 4, Bowuian- ville, sud the grobsi is a son o! Mr. sud Mrs. Edward B. Dârcb, usô of!IR. X. 4, flow manvii. The wetfing fi Given lu marniagé by hêr !'athe 'the bridé *orè a béau. flif1 llenigth gowu o! whité silk ýogauza over taffeta, styl- ed with a sweethéart bodice ef imported Aleucon lace, that had a bateau necklîne ànc4 lily point Ileevês . 'ÙII boufiànit skltt teatured inÉérted panels of Mienton lace to, tht hhi, aud itilai' lace Insertiolns bôtdered thé detachable bow triimedl Watteau train. Her bouffant veil o! tulle illusion WBs held by s conanet o! pearîs sud crystéls, sndahe carriéd a cascade bouquet e whlté carnations, yeliow sweýt- bhéant rases, sud atephanotia. Mn,. Donald MeGregon, sis- ter- o! the bride, was the ruaI- non o! honor, sud thé brides- miit wéne Miss Susan Flinto!! and Mns. William Bayd. Their Identical, full léngtb gowns Were o! turquoise organza aven taffeta and designed With Swiss eyélet bodices sud French sîteves. Thé bridal aI- tStidapts' gowns neoklnés were séan-batteau, lu front and squared lu back, where they wlëç esch finished wilh a] iv baw 'o! Swiss eyelet with s cascading fulil lngth train. Fon a héadpiece each attend- sut aore smal ltiaào! çrys- taSsdpearîs which held sR àhouidèr lenglh veil e! tur- quoise net. lu the exact shadé suà their gowns. Thein, cascade owmadvllle Petecost.I 19 Libenrtyet.i. ]?km* das-Si, ranters le,. A. Kadra, . Speclal Speakers: gutudé3, sept. il Evangelisi and Mrà. W. a. KLfIOËPOIN 11 &Mn. sud 1 p. Sualdy', Sept. 19 REY. 19. AN Il hr. -7 au . Osi s eli o IP&MIOY Night &riMké bouquets were et white aud yellow carnations. Ronald Locke, s biother e! the, bride, waa hie beBI jman. Thé ushers were Barry Locke, a bnotbçr o! tha bride, sud David Dorch, brother o! the groom. The recèetian waslheld lu lhe Hampton Commuuity Hall. The bide's mother received weariug s pink flawered smuél sud jersey sheath di-cas wlth white àccessoriel, aud a cor- sage of white antd medium pikcarntiens. The inether of tht groûM, 'Who assiste in receiving, were a three piece White snd pink carnations. Poliowing the reteptidii the bride anid groom left ont a weddiug tri1pte Otta V nd plàcès in ÈEa Ménri Canad:a. For trttrelling thé bridé wnre a becailiing two pieté pink suit with matchihg pink sud whlté accessories, sud a corsagq of white carnations sud cdeep pik sWèétheart roses. They w1i réidé St 19 Prnué Stréet Bowmanville. The bride , ttended Provi- dencé Publie Sohool sud Bow- mnanvilié Ëilgh Schclbl. She la s sécretary at Brookdale- Kiugsway Nurseries. The groom atteuded Salem Public School, and he is an.empîcye o! Generai Motors o! Canada, Limlited, Osbawa. FPior ta her marniage the bride was tht gutat o! houai' at seiyêral ahowers. Miss Sue White entértàlnéd for hér nt a mriscellarieous shower, and ~trs. Williami Bàyd sud Miss Siusan Fintof t Were misa hot- tesses at a miscelîsueàus shower lon her. A cup and saucer sbower was guvén fur her by Mrs. Barry Locke. Thé hostesses at a linèé shower In ber hbndr wéré UË0r. Ronald LQcké snd Mrs. DJohéid Me- Grégar. An exquisJle lpair cf crystal candie holdérs wIere pteséuted to ber by the office staff of the Brôôkdslé-Xinga- wsy Nurseries. MORRISH (InteSAcit for lait week) ttégulsi' iiOrship ser'vice WÉLs held lit Motrish Unitedi Church ou Sunday August 28th at 10 a.mi. Tht i;. lUn bMufirolu charge. An avéraàU number wâs présent. The tnîheni given by thé choir <'Sweet PiOtr oetPrayer»' was sweelly' suug amui rich appreciated,.. beint a favorite of mauy. The thoi4ght for the weék wss "Mtad your Bible ail through, take Il;loto yaur heut then ppss it on. eTé Rev. Munitu fève à mont ltis»Jruni titoti. Thétst éhf Sn î U gt. htàtthêW Bih chapter, verses 13 snd 14. "Ye are thie sait of the earth and the light et thé WorMd." Twtb dl thié gréalcat prèbierné; o! bur Christian world tb b. dcii with. t M11.. unro ut- plâlued lunaàkeMW ifiplé Wordâ bco Chrlhtlànk ahetli itrivt th avércofltn tie trbubleuonie étI &Y dif'flcultiet. .. Ilie é-vioct onoludêd wlth hymu 154, ,C'VdMiS1 aS hît, Rebvenly Dive0la dth n- dlétioit. Thé aniuivenuary nt Merrimh IJlted Clwureb wlil bdhé hld on Oundy, Sept. 11h et, 14"1 aur Suuday Scbool wili attend.« Miss Jane Harnéss, daâugh- ter of Mr. snd Mrs. Morley Haruess let Malton air porti for Vancouver, B.C. ou Tues-: day, August 24th. We shall miss Jane very much. She was an active member of pur Suin-j day school sud luna l -sôtidl . aclvitiu oft he diurch vau The OIamdât Màtmu, Eo'wmanvle, li& %.1,IN awI»ing- helper. W& Menttn Over 660 Witness WedeAdaytà AtendCôonference Fred cCdt~ell~ Clams Sbatton, Dlitnct Sup- study rneffods. home for a aFrt te 1Mhlza fte'1é poéi a&atoctlveque getu*%neuiti*d< ilo Mn.. Dvid Adgénn1br i sae vile Ms Wlim4v, ~~~rn W tëk r ton i" atéiit v4li MomeontSumayl, T rna, e l e*mdmda rtiitb*às~1 1 Mn.. Tesheis k er . o! Van' jrjst a v l*orm tbit q më h a mabt ralt. o Mn.. iedMr. eLoascM iX' te o hdk awt;n Mrs.Tinkrs e. oi'Va-, drffl havC..ty ur à'. fty' i>s*w cov>..'isVsiig t.teitn lies. oa Ô! egli, l epl duby wtt IvuI arM llenPktba. i bisapn m- m i w ..at the.. L qxité e he 1h. acnýtnut b! BÉ tia 3i nnatdu t.r 6< Mr i*n Mn.. f.,J. Gibsoxi, mi? rylyù LVrn and t!ll ayriè, tbilkWéh 919ritltdùrtflg thé ré lir Sutld rservic t ea Kcrn ChueY réhoni Suindky, Auiust à8. Thé ~Mânse CummitteL- ré- g0rtà that Osha*.qPesbyt ne* mausé id hé built ou Coun- lin Roàd Bait, ilnitly east &f thé cburch bproperty. Mlr.'John a. Glover and Mr. OraHi"g haëvé cêtda- pol en thé.Berk1 b Ste.ard%,brin# agth trbÊth of thé!Board t I rhe'ibér*. Misa Kathy Gay Rahd Master Douglas Mac onald were the guettéo& Mr-. Sud Mrs. Chai-les Maschke, an, fàmlly f, egrave,forutàèrlyof1 week. .Mrs. !Ç. P. Lyxide, Harnionyi Road lWorth ila prbgnessiug favorably lu Toroéito Géneéral Hospital. Mns. Lyrnde fell froni a car. ou Simca, Street Xorth asat Saturdsy, sud suféi'ed severe injuries toi her face suid head. She uuderwent surgery on Thursday to set lier jaw, which was birokén in sevênal places. Hét- nase waà alan brokeu sud oeecar badly tom. Tii. farnily wàs travelling north, enroute hou èWheth the accident occurred. Mn. Lynde rushed Doretta ta thé Oshawâ Hospital. 5h. waa liter Irans- ferred ta Toronto. The four Lynide blîdren wene with théir parents at thé lithé o! thé .accident. ocw a bout mxakldng disci:i dmn? No, tids Se a coouand" Ië umed.contliulng th set thé téthéÎ, 9Màicb Dbdp1fës", hbk àÉkêd the quetion, tllow eS thIMS be clone?" The evenîng's program wus devé4oed wi*h à vi!èt to tans*bring tat Sàtuýdgy aiftaruoon ifford- red new Jehovah's Witneames to be baptized. For Jebovah's W1ttlé*se thé &ët of water bap'tLsÈicon*titutes 1IIèit ceré- inmny of ordination " znihls- tors. Six ponstook the $tep1 on~ Saturay in OVnawa. Sat- uirday evenni thé eé1êates édeMn*ed ~r a detaIlécl an- alYtdt of the Witnés' diief1 *niiterial function: hélpinig People to study their own BI; à in tlheir own hoqms ktllwng JeMus' éxat~e 0or usmng illustrations- 1h teadh- Ing, the. eveniing1g pl'ogrà-n pRgsckIptIoNs L D.A RWM AL EX ,McG;REI SING ST. -W. "c » '~ t... I. _ PlION 'i ana . J &Ttm ano . I&. Stattôn thonwènü a a.nd gave evidelike fretas11 & rl o h t ithé hock 6 âà giowi,* how Gcîd han hlie Im. fluenceluin . past wbil ~ lu the unèaiting Ôc"= civilizationa. li s eneéwaè Slm Miii couraeld with the evtdhaUM fltténcéd tié lé'tow . dénee *at presented diôhw hbw God ha& great 1luiueff in ibis 20th Century wS~klij throiigh Gôd -feann'~ p wlio pénnlt Gbd to1fêc théin. thréikh ,cLAêSI0'IED6 STATESMAI4 Phane 693-3303 SL6 PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister .- Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.Dj. Organlist - Mr. Ross Metcaif, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M Ail éiasÉes meet ln Church Auditorium for iPROMOTION SÉRVICES 11:00 a.m. - Morning Wàrship in memori et Mrs. A. Laymev 9:15 p.ni. - giblu soclety Meeting Côlorèd. film on Wiark ln Afn1ità A Prices godutlst.Sept1 Super SpocialI CREI !OOTHsl0 Bromo Setzer~4 EXCEDRIN sl.0 SUGe. 1.13t 1.60 s tt 9 6'S SUGG. LIST 1.2e50 FEENuAmMINT IHelene Curtis j6'9 SUGG. LIST 9Bc 79 1 PRAY NET 88c" ____ ____ ____ ____ ___L____ -.Z. SUGGC. LIST i»0 LISTERINE 77 MECCA 14-OZ. SUGG. LIST 98e j77cG. INTMEN 51c ONEmmAAY_~1~UE Plus Irons UE 100S SUGG. LIST 4.98 1Mtm rtu 2 ' Pyribenzaimin 70S C OR E 18#8 SUG, LIST 1.07C IHoir Cream jSUGOi. LIST 59c à,% 'AM .1 1621,2ip69 Marker Pen *9 1 SECRETRoIO SUGG. LIST 1.29 WILKINSON STEL LADES ", SU». LIST 75e l= 9 ti: ý- .. -- mb lui , - 1 11.1 M