Th cmmniy sS O L IN & iwthMrCandMSatsma, wmn J( et 2,16 euc<41den andw Bruce.R Th cmmniy aspleas-: swivel rocking chair and an Schoil acc<nmpanied Mrs. Kyle Mrr .and Mrs. RayMddRS ed and proud Saturday nh.ght1 ornanental piece of glassware. Squair of Bowmanville to cali ton and faxnily ofTrn I M. ANE when our Senior Soccer tearn Mr. and Mrs. Yellowiees re-lon Mrs. Eva Bragg, Provi- Mr. and Mrs. Kari l tro K1le lay any Mms Brmc Tilison, Editor Phone 9874213 were the 196f& chamnpions of ceived a pole laaip and an or- dence, and Mr. and Mrs. Will'Islington, were guest ! ~ ae 2 pse wya h the Darlington Soccer Leau. aentai piece of glassware.1 Moffat, Orono, and later, they Mr. and Mr". Alex PYtr osMmra optl 4d This is the first time the Sen- Both Lorne and Harold had! enjoyed tea with Mrs. Squatr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex ote a, n - lor team bas won this honourý played on the Soccer temani D E m W C h a m pioa ndn Srs . R yn g Lg a n g - P osi e d r e e t t r h ô r a - n s s s r i e y h r h 0 W L Jrde '.4'~" ommunity since 1954, eight of aur 1966 the teamn presented each with C. . ScojÇ 5an rsiCg Lng Mrs. siedre Ptlywe r . n b 1 lnth S c u s u b o n e r a Vl on the Junior Chamnpion team Harold on behait of their WV n withMrNilMltn aieyd -~~ Bowling ~ i 1961. Well done fellas! i e and thernselves expressed!famd Mrs. Roy MeGili and Mr. Allan F'raser bsr-duheAln ngA large crowd gathered inter heartfelt thanks. A tasty ,y niklln r n turned to clames atteUn-rdCte)Sudlndad the Solina Hall on Saturday unch and chit chat was en-r, Ori l un ndirn versity of Western O01 i ttre os itoCr n A t r S t r as Me i gNewcastle - This season of evening to bonour two of ourJ.oyed in tbe lower hall. A:~ Ptroo n r hre fCnigo h bowling hasgotten unde way reMrstbLioegdooPrestonLand faund ofraanduMrs.asLorne TinkLlod aresoonurd fvmd Mr.ber Mfatheor with the saie spirit and Tink and Mr. Harold Yellow-!frtecm'itei hagbas now returned te Roches-iget ih M.a F' >rrr, s G ro u p (o m m itte e ~past. We wisb those bowlersý special guests were asked to. Birthday" to Harvey Yellow- ,NYo stRW i Bruce h r. ad Ms 9h v ery O C C U P Y h~~~~~~~~~il e r so n M r. G eo rg e S h o l M . a d M s r c j g r n s n e n t o t s o porting the top bowlers' scores: front of the hall. Mr. Larry1 able evening to a close and their families bfr oIcle nMs .A 1.~iudrad mNewad urent eetinmpaot in any ha esinbe ay therwe s amore ta ne1o ade 00adoer .mstro ermnesadcîl etak r s aint]:.. is ienHokdywa'ae a abay Pbi called by the Gr&u.p Commit- But he stressed too, the im-j per family. 'Phese boys arrow Lae 23, B. TP sn 22, ýed i o n Wslev Hilî s, who th e , emoi Hopespital, o- radlHre ei oefrteweedfo bo n id olgae c a nt i a k 2 , . P e rn t 2 2 4 , i D n T ay sl -o n g wth i A s m n v ie ,f e g ho pe s h e w jll lo w le e s a n d f a m ily a t te n d e c i t e R g s e e u s n g A S s } h o k d i held on Saturday afternoon. Scoutmaster Win Collier, How then could the~y rai ' Hneron 22 ndKthmeosctutwaupror-ea]eanibn t e oma ofiefo was to determine whether or 'You have no problem, Mr. Again it was up to parents or MnsLae -5an1r nd atCh aretnnce of O'Mr.meed vsitedw.tMcC r . wredine uetsw rtives honoured Eillee ataas mrid n Ca ry flo eroug paenthrepareCairanwe avethelea-Iorgniztios n ge ths on-v30 thmbe .,. ad rs.Brue Hrrion nci gtheingatohe omeof r.Unied burb. he as er cared if Scouting continued in ers, we have the problem. You 1ey raised for the boys, such a 1 Cverd 5G . Kimaîl 254, G.IKb issMaîy:n r. ely HlsamîyOshawa. andM . e nest H ocaay ntrsed i br chr Newcastle. In the past year,' say you have no working comn- 1 the Mother's Auxiliary hl b Gard le27 andL . Karce nu and Cpathy Veain so fa Mir. Ca. liB and r ndMs Rs rydr Inany meetings were called: mittee, but you do bave. Every ý ing a bake sale. It is too late 226. Mrs. Francis Johnston and' ville, Miss Nan Allin, Toron-i man and fa'mily were Sun day1 Barry Browes. CourtficwrW.utlbreabprvtd with at best, only two or father of a Scout or Cub is on this year to raise the money ý Thursday Mixed League - Mrs. John Knox were ail very to, visiteci with Mr. and Mrs. guests witb Mr. and Mrs. also celebrating their ed-i three parents in attendance. your working comn-uttee. You in time,, but somethie will1200 and over: J. Pitt 260, H.1 entertaining. Mrs. Chas. Lang- Wesley Yeîîowîees. Harry Knox and fa.mily. nnerryothioc-1T This meeting, did bowever can't ask anyone these days, be planned to raise the moneyPitt 238, M. MGeo 236,. K.. maid read an address toMr On I .dy, . me unerar-l servydice, bendld ation prove a lîttle better. In saile: you hv to tl them.G tellio nx yearan ease telWhitney 234, G. lnie1 and Mrs. Lorne Tink, Mrs.! pby and Miss Katherine Siemn- Ron *Broome of BowmanvilleI r n m o am n ed n o nCnigo cases, the men could not at- i hem that this needs doing and load bitting so bard at one, 226, A. Kupery 2 10. e r.-n1Ms DnL I elyHlsra nadesioTrno adMs oad eec-otse o e-family o aleoo tend because of work i n gthat needs doing. l'Il bet they time. Friday Mixed League -Ted WeMrsde Huisrld addressî onTrnadMsHwd were co-hostesses fo!snlsoe ttforme p of BaecilKibrMr n n ensdv ucs 1a bours, 50 their wives came out corne out then and do it." One of the Scout Troops Is'Hoar 305, Ben Madill 247, towlMr. and rs. hihtec-a arol YlMils onu g re.boteses or nalinshoer aoteforMeiss Mrs. Aw rhe Kit f s-I pm, a cndcedbgR to learn wbat the meeting '"-And what happens if tbeyl now meeting in the room be-* Gord Gray 233, Jack Hoimes, les were presented with gift..Mrs. John Slemon on the c- ane Tink. M.adMs rhrMoeitretwsi dnCre %vas ail about. A total o4 16 don't9 Do you kick bis son low Mrs. Enwright's store. 238, Ben Hoogkamp 229 Mr. and Mrs.AÏu attended this meeting. and of out of scouts?" asked Mr. Cal Witb renovations soon to be-iMarilyn Couch 226, Albertl n r. Tink received a casion of their 25tb wedding Mr and Mrs. Russell Vice'and Keith. tr.Teplbaeswr these, one man was a Scout . ..Cbp.lg fYlet;Cranynt hsi h gin in the kitchen, one Cuýearce 226, Nîna Maaîll 221 l, anniver.sary at the Milison, were* Sunday tea guests with: Mr. and Mrs. Gord BonnoesJh ihs hre leader and three women werefather, bes a man, talk to Pack, one Brownie Pack and!Stan Allin 217, Evelyn Emb-i ,.rn recentiy home.h leaders of Cubs. Two other'hm ortu ohim. orgtu ohmandlone Guide opn ilbv e ,Ee Compch 20l 6 Stan and one was also seen around Ms eenBkr Trno ubs.Fred Watson and familvit-Rne adGenAlad mnen represented the New- lay it on the Une. A lot aren't to vacate the building, so itPowell 200. the Russ Kerr premises be- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and ý r adMsRyObre1dUie CnaVla 'aigia ahrssiiu aiyatne th Bragg! Lkethe weekend. 'Temn euiu lwr borirîg group, which left a dsifo ha hti n1ing that ail three of the.se1Kimball and Ted Hoar who manner. Both disappeared in farmily gathering at Solina1 od , Oss ihis ere wek- Tbe Solina Sehool C0bwl oeeieneo h semi 1,ed stiffend guestslwithisMissPeaei.arbold theirrfirunttmeetinglofnthenwhichihthe deceasedrwasmbeld. large flurnber of 10 motîhers.tails. Inform hlm. be'Illhelp,"igrouPs would iikely want tolboth bowled 305 on the veryiate udarnesbeforepnitie MrHllonSundaery. Mr aîd Leacband Mr. and Mrs. DoUg 1on hd or fathers at this meeting. But!said Mr. Collier, use the Scout Room and'first week. ,actîjncouande taken Mr. in WertFiett eason onTuray, Spt22 Thsfomadtnc wh tif ooerto a there "Yu coud be ight.i wa would share rent expenses. j There are still vacancies on! The unusual warmth of this Mrs. Wes. Werry attended a for S ad ndda joined thesho.Ahg ted things gtndway. care Yuud f wen i gt Int At this time, the meeting ad-' the men's league. Anyone1 past week or two (with a 2-i gatbering at Mr. and Mrs. timein wl bt adtiGroup oteune Cran the group committee, but now:journed, with a feeling of wishing to get signed up forday exception) bas been much 1 Alian Werry's, -Enniskilien. riDnadTylr seetingfwist letep-an Ms.Pu odasad Gop miteCama, having accompiished a greata good sport is invited to cOme'enjoyed. Swimming was in-' Recent visitors with the' and family and Mr. Elgin, graduating class. Eeroe r.adMsBrtRcsan Bill Call, could not stress to' that I have gotteni into it there dea. ____ someTuesdayevening. 18ulein today, Sunday, Sept. Werrys at Roselandvale were,ý Taylor were Sunday t e aiwlecome. Ir n m omnLco to s' omc odjs et el 8by the three bardier young- Mrs. R. Werry, Montreal, and j guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mor-; n nir.Fe asnWlodl, Ms group committee. Without one& mg it done with some bl, uns, something of a record for Mrsq. Meredith oft, s-iy i.o1 oubs Carol and Paul, are gtigFakTi fNrhBy n the Cubs and Scouts in New-,replied Mr. Caîl. 0*I 'this time of year for anyonelawa. Mr .and Mrs. Russ Dow,! settled now in the formerMsohr rmSofvle sa cast,,w.ould have to foid.1 It was then suggested bvL>b iv ig C h er but members of the Polar Beari On Tuesday last, Mrs. Royi Karen and John of Provi- A. J. Balson home in 1h i-wOoo ecslBw 'We can~ let thse ki'l Mn. Collier to obtain enough Club. Langmaid and Mrs. Charles' dence, were Sunday visitorsiaemnvleLida.1 brd . down," he said. "Shift work1 pamphlets and take tbemn toi: l ff suakes it difficult to form the fathers so that tbey can i-or i.ornIT ittee Mv en these committees, I know ibat, 1 read it for tbernselves.I 1 work shifts and so do ourl A committee was fornmed byi Newcastle - On Monday1were invited into the Lion's Scout Leaders, o we have tol the following, Bill Caîl, Chair- evenîng, boys from both lst Roomn witb A Pack, and Mark try and do Our best. There is man, Pat Blaker, Secretary,ý Newcastle A and B Packs met1 Tilîson of the Newcastle Scouts flot ail that much to do, just Charles Megit, Treasu r e r,1 in their regular meeting places 1told the boys of bis trip to tbat we need to be or.ganized. Public Relations, Bill Stork,Ianxious to learn the outcome Camp Gorton near Corning, No one man reeds to dip into Finance, Tom Messen g e r, of Saturday's meetingrk Hwasohatmn Ihis pocket, but we do ask Camping, Ed Nesbitt. For the the parents. They cheeredîNewYokHeashdmn that you corne up wîtb somne position of training, it was.loudly and bappily on learn- itemns whicb he bad excbang- A&P Fanoy QuaItBIy Rg ha.2M, e A! ideas. A meeting a month suggested that District Coun- ing that a committee had been ed or bought while at camp Wa could keep these boys togetb- cil be asked to aid thîs h selected from the men h that proved interesting to the .11 ~~~~~wbO boys. fe einsdhs erfirst meeting to be held bylattended and that plans Aftr e fnihedbi were given by Mrs. Howard beld at one p.m. in the Li.ons'and Scouts as active in Ne7îsong and with the assistance Quinney, wbo has a boy stant- room on the second .1aturday cstle now as before. fDrri ialn, oi ing Cubs. She bas been with of October. Anyone will be The boys coming* out to Rickard, Geordie Walton, Bob AP R9 re i 7 A£U Guides for many years. She weicomne to attend witb the Cubs for the first time tbislNrhuBhWgradDl 4 ..Pielilc-SV * & ro explained the ways in whieb committee. yer1r ie a welcome,' Barrett, several skits were IE P L -~ tihe mothers have proven help- The probiems of Cubs rais- and aIl the boys were remind- 1'per acthnformed R PEaF1U rnotber in charge cet tester, Cubs stant in September and! more week that boys could llarge circle and the grand transportation or social. Many: a camp is arranged for Octo- register with Cubs, after next howl was given. Following the of the suggestions could be' ber. Eacb boy attending camp week they wouid have to waitLords Prayer, the boys were I used by this cormmittee with pays $3.00 toward the cost cf, another full year. ýdismissed and reminded to go fathers helping the leaders in food expenses, but even bil The boys then enjoe asraigbt borne. oMeetings are WUWUEU botb Scouts and Cubs. fore tbey can go to canmp, their garne following wbich B Pack now from 6:30 to 7:30 pam. C h ar le s M eg it , o f t h e L io n s r e g is t r a t io n f e e o f $ 2 5 0 u p e rT c s m p e l , t i à r a W t o n b n d r a e n P k r Club, explained that as the1 boy m ust be paid. This is $5.50 -ih sli q p i efrti m ora c n utt e o d o i sponsoring group, they would asked for in less tban six Y E LV E Rc i, mipotoo O N..i Miss Judy Robinson bad the of Millbrook learned with re-OUSaAP, 'stiopst. Imisfortune this week to fali gret of bis accident when hie Qualety cornes first Value. .. th. best for,' ,. haut ioff ber "hobby"' horse and éame in contact witb the is the mule for our private brandi. W a t break ber armi below ber power take-off during potato If you couid sée the way A&P Brandt are mode tlew castie shulder and will b: sportng picking, suffe ring the loss of uonoer odI:t..o cr.uyh ie5 9e- -m-.flaR.Porc.47c-SAV! l (~O iCl n 1 r ora o a a ekrddiio Kenny Wilson, attending bis who manufacture for us ... A&P Brandi wc'ald TOU TLLEIhSS L RR V "M with Misses Norma and Anne 1vri tidyea t lh n-always b. on, your shopping list. Newcastle - Mrs. Maria around, were two libranians,t Wilson. vrsty o7 9 Stomîmel of Cologne, Ger- Mrs. Nettie Butler and Mrs.i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mal- Mrs. Gerald McGill is ex- We're 50 sure you'? tike them, inany, bas been a visitor in Reta Embley. Somne of theýcolm of Oshawa called on Mr. pected home from bospital every A&P Brand carries an U94CONDITIONAL 4&5 3 Canada since April. She bas Library Board Membens wereand Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm and this week wbere she bas been money-back guarantee of satisfaction. both a married dugbter and also on band to show the tea- at Malconia on Friday of this confined. hnosaemeyndbsuefwate u? married son living in West- chers the books that are week. Malconia was taken by Wyfo aemnym .sr fwa o uI Jan«. Parker - Mix or' Match R..PiF.c 5c-SV 5 view Heights Sub-division. available ta the students. The Condolences to the Bethanv storm on Saturday p.m. by an Chaos. A&P Brands! AG Her daugbter and bier liusbandl teachers were asked for any1 Intermediate Boys Softball Italian invasion wben Mr. and I RIWBARB-APPLE or f f ere Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Voh- suggestions regarding newTeam wbo lost out to Baille- Mrs. Aldo Nasato and Louis Are A&P Private Brand& a good reason for CO ANTO NGIA SZEPE( sener and ber son and bis wife book purchases. It was mst bono for the championship on acmaidb w alassopn &?Te'.o.o ay are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stom- 1pniov,,hî , limq.i - o+f- riiu or ,.. n--11 i f AlrI' unnieand ui ns grel. Tr-bv be rand- getýher the seventb and final garne paid a co mbined social andi children that Mrs. Stommel of the series, each team bav- ýbusiness excursion to ourl had neyer seen before, soit ing won three games eacb.1humble premises, was ,ý,eeal tbnall to be able to A E They are to be congratulated A canload of Yelverton visit with them. h leaves A E not onîyfo thein splendid, ifladies attended a U.C.W. neet Canada in two weeks and. futile effort, but aiso for the'i ng this week at Mount Horeb while ber farnily and friends Our Raliy Day services on, i in Grniny illbe osthapSunday were in charge of ýfne display of sportsrnanship at whicb. a local missionary py o st, eragan, amiy rs.D. ortey Sh wa as ýltbough the team is called Miss E. Skuce, was guest and friends hene will be sorry sisted by Mr. Johnî Twist and' - a misnomer - te!speakr tohv e ev.membens of the Sundayshol'majority of the players are Yelverton 4-H to av br eae.The responsive psaîm wsredfrom Yelverton: Catcher, Terry' Leslie Anne Ste hnwsrad acl;Phenen, Varryugis.ban CThe Yelverton Vegeta-belles, daughter of Mrn. d MrsoIy urKeTisSuna raîg Ma om iceVuhnopened the second meeting H. tepensn, .R.1, ron, gave the Bible read ing. Mr.,icGill; lst Baseman, Murray (Sept. i7th, 9 o'clock to *1l, H.f Stpnon, .. !OrnJohn Twist led in prayer and Quackenhusb: 3rd Baseman, Yelverton Churcb baisement) left -rom international Air-. told the children's story. A Ion Page, Short-stop, Bnian wt h lde olwdb port, Toronto, on Saturday, .to junior choir provided a seîec- ison; Centrofe Fieldo, Jimt olcî nhsceaysrpr attend FulierSchool of Eau- tion. h emnwa eytcY.alo ev 'ntn wthread by a eretr eplon. itation, Fulmrne, Buckinghamn- capably given by Mrs. North - ogaraitn n ae amela hecl sbie, ngand Onariva n y.Ronnie Vivian, RF., and Du lection. We decided on a London. sie was met by lier! Mn. Glen Blackburn, Rieli- Porter, L.F. name for aur club and what aunt, Mrs. Sigmund Rjappa-ýmond and Miss Jean Willett, Mn. Ray Robinson is cur-,covers we'll use. Norma Wil- port. (uee Isobel Stephenson,1Toronto, were weekend visit- rently employed as bus driv- sn rsdnwsi hne foneny o Nwcatl, Ot rswith Mn. and Mrs. F. er of Algan Bus Coi-npany,,Leadersq Mrs. Clarence Page and well known here bv Blackbunn.1 transporting the High School jand Mrs. Balfour Moore took mnany) and a cousin, Edith' Mn. and Mns. Genald Shack- students to Lindsay. Due to over and discussed with us Mlaxine. ileton and Ruth drove Mn. Eric the increase in attendance lhow to bake, steamn and cook.ý Mn. and Mrs. Ed Genoux andIShackleton ta Ottawa over the seating capacity on the th ree 'Marguerite Wilson demon- Mn. and Mrs. Don Hazelton, wcck,2nd. He will be commric high sehool buses serving the strated how to make whitei Waterdown. were Suinday vi.s- ing bis third year at Carleton aurea are reported taxed to the 'sauce; Mary Shea demonstrat- itors of Mn. and Mrs. Bruce College on M'onday~. limit. Mrs. Ray Robinson bas ed lîow to cook frozen peas; Tilîson and family. Mn. John Twist left on returned to bier teacbingiNancy Moore steamed squash; Suîndav visitons with Mrs. Sunday to commence bis The- position at Pontypool JuniorIMarleab Malcolm baked Po- B. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. ology studies at Queen"sRoomn with Miss E. Found of Itatoes and Mitzi Malcolm dem- Al.bert Pearce and family,1 University, Kingston. Little Bitain in the Seniorlonstrated bow to cook fresb wer Mr ad Ms. . picn, Salemn U.C.W. held their Roomn. Miss Found is a Ivegetables. Ann and Norma Toronto, Mrs. Pearl Richard-iSeptemnber meeting at the,daughten of a former Yelver-Wlo redptsfm or son, Anizona, Mr. and Mrs. K. church. Mrs. Sam Buttery, ton girl,the late Mrs. Alvin1 members' pamphlets. Pearce, Orangevilie, Mrs. Ir- president, opened the meet- ,Found, previously L ueli la Elected officers of our first win AllUn, Newcastle and Mr. ing witb a bymn followed b.y Wright. meeting wene as follows: and Mrs. Frank MeMullen, lpray2r. Mr%. Bob Cnaig and Mrs. Etta Robinson neturned President, N or m a Wilson; Scanborough. ber group were in change. The wîth the Ray Robinsons fnorn Vice-President, Maleah Mal- Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson was Bible reRding and meditation Sutton on Saturday wbere she, colm; Secnetary, rouéng; Treas- host to a birtbday Party on werp giveri hy Mrs. Craig.-hati been Ispending the week iurer, Pamela Stiu1%on; Press Sunayforbe autMrs Ll-Several hymns were sunri with bier friends the Joblins.1 Reporter, Mi1t z i. Malcolm. lianMcGaw, onoto, vuoWorship closed with prayen byjMiss Christine Harper and Again I enjoSr being able to had celebnated ber 8tb birth- Mrs. F. Blackburn.M.Ke Lea were also1 present you with Yelverton day. Guests were Mn. andý Mrs. J. Hall gave a read- wpekend guests of the Robin- 4-H news. Mns. Charlts Mesener, Ton-: ng. Miss Cindy Cnaig favored sons.Asmt edraeawe, ontr rs G.RiharsMn.B.wîth a piano solo. Mn. John Mrs. Mabel Rowan and MissMAns owedsiarnenaware owon and Mn. Ric ad Mr. Twist, who had spent the Annie Rowan are spending a Project is, to publisb a bistony Howesonand Mr. and s summer at Carnarvon, nearI few days (or weeks) with Mrs. of Manvers Township in order Fred Byers. ail of Cavan adHalîburton, told us of bis ex- IRowvans son and famlly, Mr. to preserve it for posterity and Mrs. Grace Toms, Newcastle. Ipeiene as a student min-'and Mrs. Dick Rowan of En- to repay the debt in small Friencis and îîeighbours in! ister. niskilîen. part we owe to our pioneer Memnorial Hospital this week, It was decîded to send $25. Mr. and Mns, Dave Wilson fonefathers for tbe hardships are. Mrs. Clara May Barrett, ,to the Iodla Famine Emergen-:retunned this week after a 10- they endured that we might Mn. John Davis. Mns. Fernin-iy Fund. We also gave $16.,day motor trip to the East enjoy more of life's arnenities. dina Hartemmnk, Mn. Ottolas our share of the expenses!Coast with stop-offs at pointsMrs. Ross Carn, our capable Cankils Mm. Mona Maje,of Vacation Scbool. We are of interest bere and there. bistonian, bas compiled all Mn. Harold Pedwell, Mrsh ob Marga SmotldMn.g our bazaar in Novem-1 Mn. and Mrs. Lawrenceithe facts that she bas been! Marg SmthMr. enribe. :Staples and Mr. and Mrs.Bo1 successful in acquiring. If any' Tretbbleand Miss Josephinel Lunch was served and a Moffatt of Orono attended aiof oun readers bave funther voqels. social time enjoyed. medical convention last week- data, we would appreciate TiniGodoGryonon . an1 The Couples Club met at end at Sault Ste. Marie, motor- sare before this history is, Mrs GodonGra. s attefld-Itbe church on Saturday even- :ing up via North Bay, Sud- banded to the publishens in irkg Carlton University, Ott-jing when Mn. and Mrs. ROIlbu ry, etc., and returning, near future. awa. This is Tim's first yearland Coombes showed pictures througb U.S.A. I During the last couple of ene. ;of their trip to the British' Two friends of our minister, i weeks at ieast two more foxes 1 e IePbi Iie hssme.Mr. Stobbart, from bis former: have been sighted in our corn- golTeachrrs visited the; Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cowl- charge near Picton in Prince'munity un close proximity tro ~ewcaslePbiLirr oinwregessatePck Edward County, attended buildings lackîng their normal WedneedaY afternoon. Sep- Luicas wedding at St. John'schurch service nt Yelverton on animal shyness and thusu- temiber l4th. On band to wel- Anglican Church, Bawran- Sunday. Ipected af being rabid. aO8nt Omoe themn and ahow th=m villle, on qSaturdaï. t 7iends of Mr., Luther Olan ifox wua followed into, the 4-.ôsS e-i et QeaiyM as SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY FRESH CHI WHOLE cmJ wNO 9 TO il CHOlPS PORK LOIN QUARTERS GRAPES f s-I--M. Buy The Parts You Like BREASI QUARTERS, LEG QUARTERS, 1i Aft HALF CHICKEN, EN (UT-UP WHOLE ,I'IICKEN CHICKEN GIBLETS REMOVID l b GRADE "Am OVEN READY 21/2 TO 3-LB ià3.9c SUPER-RIGIIT QUAM '8 9cSIDE PORK 6 c ib i 9cSPARE RIBS P Californic# Flame Takoys Finest Eating,, S~ .tond Crisp, No. i Grade SAVE utc ON A PACKAGE OF 2 GA,. LIGHT BULBS SEST BUY SHADOW UAN 5,40,1%00-Watt40, 00, 100-Wat p1 4c ~ 4u9 A U EA SOnt. Grown, Ne. 1 Grade, BAKILEII EA S w»e nd Juicy c#basket 89 C O NIONS 5Bru Gmhei edPoih"o. 1 Gade 4b co I 2.9c CARROrSSweten ede~ rN. Ged 3-lb cella bag 17c AL. PRICES IN 7H38 AD GUARANTRE TMROIJON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2~ lUS. M Fresh Fruits and Vegetà m Imm CHICKEN