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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1966, p. 14

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- - ?'. '~ TMii. " CmdI tbàtangjw3wmnff, ep t.21, -lm 'The Orono News, Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor 1w. amilMun. James Felgu- wortli and attended Orono Mr. and Moes. E;rnie Hill of Ion ~ -, ofRoietr 5KV, nt Faii. Sinitha rails, Mis. H. 1!obbs ehreeas Istweek, with Mrs. Chester Archer and of OshaYS 0were7'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson son George of! Toronto' spent Mr.aZr. Percy Morgan Mr. and Mrs.: R. E. Logan Saturday -wlth Mrm Cather- over the Orono Fair weekend. lansmt week in Niagara Ine SeaL Mrm. Catherine Seal spent PaiOntario, at the Shera- Mms. Steve Nicholson of Co- Sunday with her daughtere ton2 Brock Htel, where Mr. bourg, Mrs. John Cowan, Mr. Mrs. Çeo. Jack, Mr. Jack and Ifolan att'ended the_ SupreTnè and'Mrs. Jim Middleton, visit-f faiily of - Markhasn. Couneg lof Scottish Rite Ma- ed Mrs. Geo. Moss of Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middle- sono and, received his 33rd àwa and her sister, Mirs. Wa1- 'ton were dinner. guests on dege. ter Miller of Toronto, ji Oshg- Saturday of Mr. and 'Mrs. eck..R. K. Squair ot Bow- awa list Wednesday. Stewart Tweedie et Locust »Maville, Mrs. Roy Langmaid Congratulations to Mrs. F. Hil and together Iattended the et golina and Mrs. C. F. Scholl Tamblyn on her 85th birthday Mueeumn Display. at. Brough- et ýCharlotte, Nortih Caroline, iihis wýeek. amn. 'Viated Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mirs. A. A. Druin- Moffat. 1 -Mms. Glenn Frederick Earle, mond have returned home . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Glan- the formner 'Miss Sandra El- frain a holiday at Gaspe Pen- vMle who recently soki tihéir aine Mercer, on their niarriage. insula. homne on Park Street to -Mr. on Friday eveniing, Septem- Mr. Hilliard -Bron 3 and Mii. Roy Mercer of Ken- ber 16th, in Orono United of Newicastle, broherof' el dà, xnoved to. Co'bourg this Chui-ch. Rer. EBasil E. Loýng me) Mis. Gordoni Watsont of wýeelc, where Mr. Glaanvile is officiated. Mr. andI Mrs. Earle Orono, passed away on Sep- uinployed. will reside ini an apartinent teniber l2th. Funeral was on - Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chall- on Mam- Street, Orono.. Thursday. Intersnent in Orono Sce and tamily, Mr. and'Mrs.« Clarke 'Townsh i p' School Ceimétery. Donald Chailice and son, were Area Teachers held their ,Sep- Mr. and Mrs. R. John Hl- supper guesta ot Mr. and teamber meeting at Clarke Un- mes o! Cooksville visited over Uns. E. M. Challice, Mili- ion School on Monday ater- the weelrend in Orono and et- Iro.on Sunday. n oon.- tended the Orono Uni te d Mr. Norman E. Bairitow, Mis. Steve Nicholson of Co-1ChudonSday mèe 56, biSbend of Mii. Ail- bourg, apeilt several days*hast Miand Mrs. yrville Chai- een (Peton) Bairstow, passed week with Mr. and Mis. Jimllice, * ed Mms. John Cald- we atMmoraI Hospital, Middletan. wel. i.Carl Bilings, Mrs. =O eVile, on Sun d a y, Congratulations ta Mr. Fred M. Shein, M. Everett Cou- Septeniber 18t1i. Funeral was Truil on his 89th birthday Trull; Mr. and On Tuesday afternoon. Inter- ast week. Mrs. Fred Vagg of Orono anda aient Orono Cernetery. leMi and Mis. D. Keith Mc- Mii. Tom Feirbrother of New-0 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ca irns ub and dauighter of Cooks- castle ettended 'the Horticul- I cf Schonmberg, spent the Fn!- ville visited her parents, Mr. ture Association, District Four S day night with her parents,lend Mms. Sid Barrabaîl and Convention and Banquetet a Idr..and Mis. R. H. IHollings- tanily. Cold Springs, on Saturday. Recommends Forming- Blind Perisons Club -The formation of a club for may enjay assaciate member- blind persans wes stîongly ed- ships. vocated by C. G. Hilîboin, "An Inaugural meeting CNIB District Field Sccretary, would consist ot ail blind per- ln bis eddress et the meeting sons interested and shouid o! the Bowmanville-West Dur- resuit in the election o! offi-i hemn Advisory Committee ta cers, and a considered program 1 the CNIB bere lest week. for tbe ensuing year. A prog- Mr. Hiiborn explained that rami canvenar would aiso be such a club wauld be a great requiîed. benefit to the blind. "Greater "Prograins of sucb clubs social participation is needed vary la faim. Tbey generaiiy by the biind in your aiea. open with short business ses-, Tfhey have-a necd fnot only for siens wbcîein minutes of the expanded. récréation but alsa lest meeting aie îead and in- for' the theîapy that cames formation pertinent ta the« th'ou h the discussion of a club's operation are discussed.« handicap with others o! a ike For exemple the success of the afliction," lie seid. lest mceeting's program, sug- "Owing ta a lack of - nuin- gestions for impravement, pro-r erical strength la any anc bleins cancerning meeting1 town, such» an arganization place, etc.E could - onhy be, established by "The social aspect Is thenr heinclusion of ail the towns embaîked upon and Its fari isi ln Durham and Northumber- as varied as the personelitiesE land Counties. This penhapa présent. Braille bingo boards,a edunds ambitiaus but the pleying cards, and, cribbagc gréater ncnitinaipp- boards are reediiy availebie. J lt n l on the lakefront fîam Quizzes, wdftd association lawmnvllle ta Brighton. gaies, and an endless story "'Yon mzay wonder bow suqh chain arc also entertaining. "i #sig tIsn oiîld ç>erate Dancing cen be enjoyed,, shut- tbd oa wbaF* thé meinbers' fle-board, bowling (lawn eand recréation would conslst?- To eflcy) are played extensively t begin " with a club of bllad by the blind.'v persans would require a presi- "Discussion, mtusie apprécia-d dont, vice-président, secietery tion, debating, dramea, and mnd treasuier. Ail club meni- other cultural agendas are s bers must be reglsteîed wlth widely enjoyed when pîopeîhy t thc CNIB, and-sighted pensons arranged. Outside entertain-1' ment froin the local comm ity is good; bowever, if it c( prises too great a percent of the year's prograin bl persans would not be encc eged ta create prograins theinselves. un - DOm- age [mid oui- for "Such a club once establish. ed wouid meet froin Septem. ber tbrough ta June. During this peîiod, meetings could bE beid once or twice a montb, Transportation frain home tc meeting place will be needec as well as saine physicai guid. ance while et the meeting place. "It is suggested that et the outset the first meeting should be la Cobourg. Once estebiish- cd and witb a tenative prog- ram, member towns couhd invite the club ta an evening's enteitaininent A their own aiea. "As many o! aur volunteers will bc actively engeged in campaigning in Octaber an In- itial meeting date bas flot yet been. set,., but we hope ta iaunch this new venture for the blind eariy this tell. You will be advised of the meeting date and place. In conclusion Mi. Blboin said that it is bis hope thatý the formation ai the proposed ~ilub will contribute ta the ~%%~ z Corne in and Ioê over our large uiiection of Decorator Fabrici t. boutlfy ,*.ur hRnie. CuÊtom Drapes miade t. your requirements.. - $skii b tetue, bomeu fuior uw .couvenmliçe. Complet. installation. DXE&LV WIUMP'S FOIR SATISFACTION- KRAMPLTD. HOME FURNISHINGS 4F 4PI~* ST> E. BOWMANVILLE ~1 Celebrates. First Birthclay 9 Il Little Frank Thiele is shown in the abave photo at the campletion of the celebration su'pper in hanor of bis firth birthday an August 27th. He is the son of M4r. -and Mrs. E. Thiele, Jackmàn Road and grand- son of Mr. and Mis. W. C. Kiipatrick, Bowmanville, and Mrs. S. Thiele of British Columbia. Ris great- grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. A. Kilpatrick of 3owmanvîlle. monor Orono Couple On 5Oth'Anniversary Over 40 relatives gathered ported on a gold-plated pedes- et a delighttul dinner party tel base. [i Port Hope on Monday Mis. Everton White then evening, September 12, to read verses clevenly camposed celebrate the Golden Wedding for this occasion by their oniy Annivcrsaîy of Mr. and Mis. son, Mr. Glenn Tamblyn, Milton J. Temblyn, Orono. Santa Ana, Celitoinia, who Among head table guests were was unable ta, attend. These the twa bridesmaids Of 50 added a very happy note ta yers ega, Mis. Eva Leishinan, this memorable occasion. Oshawa, sister o! the bride, and Mis. Mary Couiter, Aiiis- On their return ta their ton, niece o! the groom. beautiful home et Orono, Mi. Folaowing the sumptuaus and Mis. Tambiyn weîc pleas- dinner, Mi. Gordon Werîy, antly suipised ta be greeted Toronto, officiated as Masterjb3' the lively music of the of Ceremonies, and called o Orono Band set up under a representatîve tramn each specili ighting on their lawn. family ta tender congratula- Quite naturally, "Uncle Milt" tions. Mis. Tamblyn graciaus- took bis place witb baton, and iy îesponded, recalling meny conducted the band through e happy events through their 50 tew more musical numbeis, as yeaîs tagether, and closing bas been bis customn for over with a mast apprapriate qlua- 50 years. tation. Ater unather bour ai social As a remembrance af this enjoyment, the party dispers- auspiciaus occasion, Miss ed, each wishing the honoîed Marion Brown, Oshawa, pre- couple continued healtb and sented the -hanorcd couple beppiness tbraugh yeais ta with a crystal campait sup- Icame. HAMPTON M1 adMrs. A. L. Blan- enjoy. chard have îeturned f rom a Order of service In oui very enjoyable motor trip church Sunday, September 18. through the Maritime Provin- Sermon given by Rev. Charles ces and P.E. Island and at- Catto was another one in tended The Canadien Good "How to get back to the Roads Convention at Halifax grind." Scîipture reedlng wes returning home by way of the given, prayer and the Lord's Northern United States. Prayer ini unison. Children's Mr. Brenton Clemens spent story the theme being "The the weekead, Mr. and Mrs.- R. brass pot and the earthenware Ciemens and Brad were Sun- pot." Hymns sung weîe day visitors with Mr. end Mrs. Crown Hum With Many A. L. Blanchard at their Ciowiis," "_Ail The Way My cottage at William's Point. Saviour Leads Me." The Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blan- children's hymn "Far Around chard attended the 25th Wed- the World Thy Children Sing." ding Anniversery reception for Benediction was given. Mr. and Mis. Garnet Rickard Choir practice every Thurs- at their home, Shaw's. day in Hampton Church is 7 Autumn is upon us and P.rn. nights are getting quite cool. Sunday was the last one for Football is in season and soo Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carîick to hockey wîll be underway foriattend our church as they arel ail fans across Canada. So get moving to Toronto to reside! the best out of the fiowersthere with their daughter andl that are stili in the gardens son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. and the gooci days that are Bruce Keefe. Mr. Carrick bas still with us for a whiie to served many years as Secre- tary-Treasurer for oui church. welfaîe of the blind in the Rev. and Mrs. Catto and con-i United Counties. gregation thanked hum very, The Bowmanville-West Dur- much for the tremendous job ham Advisory Committee to he bas done. It is a debt which the CNIB members were Most can neyer be paid on earth but favraby ipresedbMr. it will be a star in bis crown. favborab lansimpres e pr- Thank you and God bless you His lub.s pas dfor th po-both for the work and friends posed club.vetwwasinecidedctha MA~ R. A. Hawtborne, Chair- mit hae woni his o t- man of the Weifare and Visit- mut ny W ealwihou h ing Committee, wîll cali onbesinyunwho. disric blnd o dscus frma Succeeding Mr. Carrick as dtrioftheblubo.icusfom-Treasurer will be Miss Janet tionof he cub.Dulmage who is teaching in our new M. J. Hobbs senior HAYDONpublic school. Miss Dulmage HAYDONcornes tîom Cherry Valley and& is teaching Englisb. Mi. and Mis. Ron Morrison Our new secîetary is Mr. and family, Oshawa, were Hiarvey Yellowlees of Eldad Saturday visitors o! Mii. M. United Chuîcb. We wish you Bertriffn and family. both the best in your new Mr. and Mis. Cecil Wood, endeavors. Oshawa, were Saturday even- There is now a nursery for ing visi tors et Mr. and Mrsisively tots i our church every Charlie Gaîrards. iSunday so parents cen wor- SMi. and Mirs. E. Thopson. lship la peace and the children Cynthia, Oshawa, Mi. Puidy, will be well taken care of. Bowmanville, were Sunday cSo, yaung parents, come te dinner guests ot Mis. A. cuîch and sec how it works Thompon. 1out for you and your childien. Mrs. Thompson accompan- WMr. A. Wy. ect n r led thm on etrip to Ux- M.A . rAbt n r brdg t ecth1 ovî A~. L. Prescott were Wednes- oured loUiage of the trees. da,?.engdir guests Mi. an.d M Rs Aho witb Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and amiy wre uppr gest' Pescott, Enfield, wheîe they of Mr.anMiywresuGornuesjtsi ha afamily gatheîing la ~f n. nd is GodonMigthonor of Mr. and Mis. Wilbeit Mf.ilbrook, on Su1iday, Sith, Oshawa, who recently Mm K Cowingand rsýcelebîated their 40th wedding Geo'rge Tabb visited Mis. Me- annîversary. bel Cowling, Salema, on Mon- Mis. Wilfred Bowman, En- day. nsilnvstdMs .W Mrý nd Ms. AchieMc-Prescott'on Thursday, Neil ioeved to thteir new home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wray, in Clarke Township 0on Sat- Miss Minnie Hain, Mina Worm urda7,,. 1 Maion were -Sunday dinner ei. and Mis. D. Cameron guests af Mr. and Mis. C. J. and Mis. Harvey Nivins, ow Way, Oshawa, to visit wlth manvili, enjoyed a melon1 t0 neces Who are visiting rip to Bruce Peninsula andirelatives la this part of the Western Ontaioa. country. Mr. an Mm.. Lloyd Ashton They are Miss Aloba Hain sad Ray were 4nngr gUents and Miss Naoml hRo*n from f Mr. and Mns. Boyd WeriY, Dutton, neai london. A nice,1 WaiIom, in honaur of McÉ. anditnie -loas enjoyed andloas NIr. Gordon Werry's 35th nice ta sectUlm a&pin.. veddng anniveisary on fl- Mi. and Mns., Clarence lay. Bradley, Bowimnvifle, )4isa Miss Lynne li eond oeu adé,C , ',lut. wMie, hem C= hIai* ed 34r. and lIts EauL*k.1 in ft*W, . _ _ _ .oauBuad.y, - 1' i I 1. a c i i d 1~ o Miee~e many forÙhoping at Dominion! COURTESY q one of theml When, you visit Dominion, you, know thet something ivarni and wondcrful la about to happen to you . . . you are gaing ta. bc made to feel really welcome and wanted ..,. by Doiio' friendly courtegy. It begfis as soon as you enter the door atD-:orninion . . . friendly courtsy*. .. whcn you can't find something you wan ... when -you have a question ta ask .. . when you need the expert advice'of Dominion's famous man'behind the meet counter . .Dominion friendly couîtesy follows you thîough the fast, effi.. cient check-out counter. And out to your car.Sw4itch toDominion, where friendly and.especielly you I [ U AI I E i E S 1 TOIOWTODA«X AP8 I ,59c Pemium-Breaktast, ýCON 'ULM(IU (irownYwancy 'Gr~ade __________________________ ~atug Cooi-gWeat f Frr17cin Food Specials APPLES Bakt697c IHighliner 1-z k. Onaro ronNo. 1 Haddock in Botter5c Firm Green jLarge . Dominion's Own Brand Domine Fancy 32-oz. Pkg. Cabbage2 '33Cs CORN KERNELS 49-C DEEP CUT FEATURES SULYnn Valley e$tandard 20-oz. Tints jOTSANI I [OeOKIuJ 10 :CreamnstyieCorn 6.1.00 Scott - 3 Colours 4 Rail Pkg. Bathrom Tissue 49 Sala"a Orange Pekoe Pkg.ý of 6' T EA B A.GS '79C Aylmer lO-oz. Tins TOMaoSoup 8-1.00 BAKERY FEATURE Richmello Pkg. of 12'8 SCONE ROLLS 27c Domino 12-o s.,,Pkg. CHERRY CAKE 39C Cou'ntry Girl 24-oz. Size APPLE PIk~ 39c ris WEEK 'sFEA TURE: VOLUME 2 ý"ANCIENT GREECE-" .129 l VOLUMES 2to 18 EXCLUSIVE Alr rDOMINION yI 4~FJI -e7# M RS. CHARLES PIPEF( 11 Victoria Stret UOWMANVJLLE, ONT.. Ail uiechandi» s. laguxmteed t. *give 100% mtluaen. Values Effective Until Clgosmg, Satuirdayi Sept. , '0l gBowrnanyll WR ICESEKR ET«' LIGOT TO -UNYtQUArNTI=. OpenThurs. 'and fr1. Ni.ts $ 9NP 2.1 i 14 MONEY SA VERS Canada's Finest Red Brand. Steer Beef Ayimer Fancy 48-os. Tins E YCRS Tomato Juice 3 for $1.00MAY RS Lux Saý Off 24-os. Container RB R S Liquid Detergent 77cRB O S Powdered 75-oe.Pkg. B E Ec ALL DETERGENT $169. Et Maxwell Iffouse 6-as. Jar EASY TO CARVE l INSTANT COFFEE $1.19CLfD DR Reynolds 25-Ft. Pkg. SHORT *R B FOIL WRAP, 2for69c AS Van Kirk 12-as. Pkg. R ASrrrE Chocolate. Chipits 5 3c Boneless Plate ]Brisket Quaker 33-os. Pkg.' InstantorQuickcOuts4lc POT ROASI 49 l I HOUSEHOLD NEEDS The King of Roasts - Short Cut IAssorted Colours PRIME RIB Esmond Blankets ea$3,99 R OA ST B EE F Super Value None Kapok - Chip Cpc uePr FOAM PILLOWS ea.$1.49 C1pcoPuebar FREH PODUE FATUESSA U SA GE P Canada No. 1 Grade Ontario Grown coNRhe«IBA 'Kin-g Stand Simpson Aveueu ~I~a WIN CASH! 1,fetk qo 1 1 1 r mm-M4 ý 1 1

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