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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1966, p. 8

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s Tb@. Cauiln eSttean owVnme.tls1 La2.1!, 1U TME KING AND MIS COURT This fabulous teint had ibete bealnning ln a most un- Ilkely place - a prison. It bagat% ln 1048 whon Eddie Peigner w.. back froin World War il andi ploiftg oftbéil ina Wll& Walla, Washington. Hl* teain, whleh inctudeti Miks Meilike, Mende Kinsci mnd Ken Whte (destlned to bernme th* original other thre members of the King and Ni% Court) had clobbered their rival#. He was tounted about hi* abillty and I mmediately hurleti a challenge right bark that ho only needeti three flelders withhlm Io win. He requesteti permission ta play en Inmate team tfram Washington Stàte prison. It was approvebd and the game was helti with the four mani team wlnnlng easily. One week later they met the rivais wha started it &ILi.Peigner tosseti a even-inning no-hitter, striking out 19, with the other two being eu%>- infielti outs. The King tolti this reporter that the ane garne he'11 inever -forget wa in 1950. "We piayed Tip Top Tailors, who hati won the world tournament the year before. They had five Al-World sluggers and we playeti aine inalags of score- less ball," he said. *'We finally won 3-2 la extra play, but ineyer deviateti from anur routine ta play It stralght." Eddie weat on ta say. "It was the greateat game I ever pitcheti. Igave up ane hit; we got four." But rnost of the time Feigner put, on an amazing show with an assortment of pitches, which we mentioned ia last weeks column. Usuaily, once during a game, he starts ta deliver his behinti the back pitch, but slams it into his glove, Insteati. Either the umpire goes alang with it, or catcher Jim Herrick calls a strike. Once, while participating in an exhibition encaunter, against a strang team ia Alberta, Feigner pulleti the trick,ý causing the batter to immediately argue with the umpire.1 Eddie assumed that he was complaining that there was noý pitch. Shortly, the catcher came trotting out ta the mound, and related that the batter was really arguing that the! pitch was high. The aight before they playet inl Oshawa, the King anti Ris Court playet inl Boston, on Saturday, and thea weat an ta Baltimore for -a Monday night encouniter, priar ta an Orioles game. Surprisingly eaough, with this type of icheti- ule, Eddie has neyer had a sore arrn. He believes that tension, * is the major cause, also pointing out that h. does't throwl hard - just fast whea he has ta. Feigner's under-arrn delivery fromn 46 feet was once clocked at 104 miles per hour. Bob Feller's basebaîl best froin 60 feet 6 inches away was 98 m.p.h. He dlaims he bas enough of a variety of speetis, curves, windups, andi different types of pitches, ta be nble ta throw three games in a raw without re-usiag the same pitch! The King anti His Court have playedti ta ver eight:ý million fans, while travelling some 1,700,000 miles. And now same important items in Eddie Feigner's pitching record, as they started the 1966 seasan: Total Gaines Pitched - -___ -_ - 3,514 Tieti____________________ 44 Lost ---- -- -- ----- _____________ 301 Total Strike-Outs 52,199 Highest Average Strike-Outs per 9 lnning game for anc seasan -------------24 Total No-Hit Games Pitcheti -501 Total Shut-Out Games Pitcheti_______ 948 Total Perfect Gaines - --_____ 148 Total Batters Pitcheti to Blindfolded 9,251 ~<...- -ToalBattais Struck-Out ZllndfoIded - 9,5»3 t. tI. t - t INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY MEETING .Jin Crombie, O.H.A. executive member, who diti uuch an excellent job la re-organizing intermed iate hockey thraughout the province last year, ativises us of a meeting cf loalaiinterest. The Eastern Ontario Intermediate League will holti a get-together ta formulate plans for the caming seasan, this Thursday night, eight o'clock, at the Homelike Inn, Cobaurg. t t t t t BILL's IN LEAD After dropping the apening game in the best-of-sevea Town League' champioaship series 8-3, Bill's Billiards swept( bath contests last week ta mave la front af pennaat-wlaningc Kramp's Furniture. Kramp's collected eight bits off Bill Osborne, while )ick Stata tosseti a nifty three-hitter for the win. In the1 jnext one, -Bill'à speed-balling left-hander, aut-pitcheti Bob l'aster as Bill's won 7-1. In the third Osborne came through -' with a twa hit performance ta earn a 5-2 decision over opposing hurler Jim Coyle, who collecteti both bis teai'g bilts. Guys like Bob Marjerrison anti Tom Pearsan have been driving in the runs for the Billiards, whlle Osborne bas been holding Kramp's long- bail sluggers lan check. Solina Seniors Darlington Senior soccer league closed its play- off s on Saturday night at Zion when Solina took the championship. Zion had held the titie for four years and this is the first time since about 1954 that Solina has been top team in the township. The champs are, lfront row, left to right, Ed Werry, Don Westlake, Zion Loses Titie After' H The Zion Seniors fought ta the last second but couldn't overcome Sauina in the finals. Even Satur- day's ganme was a seesaw affair with no score, but Solina had piled up'enough points ta win the series. The Zian team, front row, lef t ta right, Wayne Jordan, Larry Nemis, Bernard McLean, John Qyler, Rickj Lead Finals 2 to 1 Soccer Championship Larry Welsh, Glenn Werry, Murray Flett, Grant Glas-ý peli and Larry Broome; back row, Coach Perc West- lake, Alf Huggins, Ken 'Ashton, Ron Baker, Ron Broome, AI Westlake, Dwight Bradley, Brian Howells,ý Ken Spires, Neil Tink, Doug Flett, coach; absent Roger' McQuaid ____ ___________ olding It for Four Years mmne5" McLean and Doug Fice; back row, Hiarry Qyler, man-J ager, Norman Frank, Earl Woods, Bob Nemis, Captain Frank Sobil, Richard Skoreyko, Nelson Chamberlain, Allan Glaspe]l, Dick Nemis, coach; absent, Hank Hoogkamp. BfIlI's Down Kramp's 5 to 2 Unless the Furaiture dealers start hitting it coultid c ia bec it r ~ as r -ar~ ail over Ibis week. A report on the fourth game, playeti - i vD onD aJ el s iE V %./ I,, , ,ilast night (Tuesday) appears elsewhere an lbe sports pages. Bill Osbone came tup with Bill's clicked on Bob Mac- Thursday, 6:15 pin., at Vin-i The fifth anti possibly decitiing clash goe Thurstiay evening his best pitching performance jerrisan's double anti singles cent MÜassey. 6:15 o'clock at Vincent Massey. If Kramp's retura ta their a! the series-a stcang two- by Osborne anti Harry Snow-, pennant-winning ,Iugging beroics, the ixlh gaine will go bitter, ta leati Bill'& Billiartistien. A p ir of errors along ~undy a 2 'clck.ta a 5-2 Win over IXramp's with Coyre's two-out single gundy a 2 'clck.Furniture, Thursday night at produceti Kramp's final tally. The Banquet anti Dance will be helti aI the Lions Centre Vincent Massey. The second1 Marjerrison's clutch single an Saturday, Oct. lst starting at 6:30. Tickets are asvailable straight viclory o! 1he week 'in the sixth drove la a pair froin anyaae an 1h. executive, by Monday, Alex Wiseman, moeiBl'sit -1lai[f insurance markers, after Hamlto, Bll aleant Jak Prke. Fnsin the best o! seven Town the first two batlers had walk- Terry Black, LloydHaitnBilClanJckPre.Fs League final. .i will also be welcometi aI a carl a! $6.00 per couple. Cosctve sb'O>regaeu ahht t t t + t "Chuck" Kilpatrick, G uy ta Coyle, struck out 10 bat- CURLING PLANS BEING MADE Paks TdDatison anti Tom Iters anti walketi three, whilc, Pasngave 1he Billiards twa 1callecting three singles ta aid Applications are naw being taken for the !orlhcoming runs la the second, with a 'his own cause.a curling season at the Bowmanville Golf anti Curling Club, double play stapping thein f Marjecrison, continuing ta wlth memberships available aI the club tram manager Les froin atiting more. 'hit 1he bail well, picked up a6 Sinale. Il won't be long now until the machines will be la An error antiJin Coyle'sdouble anti single, while Dati-3 opération with ice likely available by November lIs. bjtsnl u b rtto'o aiapretngta h ~ Leter wil b in he ailta urret mmbes, cryKramp's runners on base in plate with a double, single Lettrs illbe n té mil o crret mmbes, erythe fourth. "Mac" Richards ! and base on balîs.r gnon. Les tells us that b. waulti'lIike ta hear tram prospec- qashed onc with a sacrifice[ Coyle weat the distance ta tive new curlers as well, aloag with leagues wiîshing ta fly, but afler John Masan take the lacs, giving up 102 participate during the 1966-67 season. walked, Osborne bore down ta base-knocks, walkiag a pair ~ ~~ ~fan dangerous hitters, Ray anti claiming anc strike-out t t t t tCrombie anti George "General" victim.f t t t t t Jones. The fourth gaine in 1he. ALL-STAR The leams tradeti single secies was playeti Tuestiayf incidentally, on Saturday, Sept, 241h, Darlington Senior ruas in the next frame.,nigbt, with the nexî alateti for BANRPASN AnlSa llmccl O-0sbawa 'Italila, inupaka :5 procceda frein this benefli gaine will go tea offset expeases of parlington' a i jureti players. t t t t t ON HJS WAY? Brent Hughes, well-kaown Bowmanville hockey player, îeft on Saturday to attend the Redi Wiags training camp at the Olympia Stadium in Detroit. Seventy-eight players have ~.ncalled. te the camp anti Breat ih rateti a good chance idt~ mpking it on defense with tbe teain. He played last year With Memphis la the Central Pro League anti was the high- ut ucoring defenceman on the club. Now that Gadsby anti »urkicey ar lesviag Detroit, many experts feel that Brent bug an .xcelient chance of replacing one! thein. W. wlsh hlm everY succes. Sport car ncejug enthusaiste wilJ b. beading for Mosport fdrustht. Saturday for the MI running of the Canadian (5rM4 $j-nd the Pepui-Cola Trophy. Remember the liraI me b.k In 'il wen Peter Ryan of Canada bcta fld 1 <.p t tncldlng Stirling Mess, Pedro Rodriguez and1 - pIviaer dedlater In a race In Europe, but the race tg attract top drivera from ail over the world. Mixed Major League 'Me lbague sitarted off in V. Cannons full swing Sept. l2tb with H. Ballein many bowlers la top tarin H. Ballani afler the suSniner lay off.. P. Hayaca Those bowling avec 700 trip- B. Buday les were: M. Arineart 759 (257 D. Wr4fgbt 251, 251-)j R. Hailman 730, R. Maynaa (264, 233, 233), V. CannOrs Ab. Saman 730, (360, 217), H. Ballem 723, L. Connars (309, 216), H. Ballafftine 711, E. Perfect (314, 235), P. HaYse 707, P. Dotibins (293, 260), B. Buday 705, K. Biekell (228, 244, 233). D. Wright 700, m. Mýurphy i(285,224). F. 'Ibonsi 600 triples: Tt. Maynard 678, Ab. Saman 666, L. Connors Teal 662, E. Perfect 6M, K. Blck- eh 614, M. Murphy 603. High single went to Vern P. Haya.. Conners witii a alec 366 anti B. Buday M. Anneart taking Uicehlgh H. Dun. triple with 759 rd high aver- S. ]Btak.l age of 253 M .Mairs Averties Ave.!0. Patfield .... . ........ 3 25ï1D. Joli R.~~~ -alnn..~. 243 L. Wr4gt rs............ 3 243 i .......... 3 241 dine......... 3 237 .......... 3 236 .......... 3 235 ..3 233 .......... 3 226 ni..........3 222 i.--- -----.--3 221 .. .........3 211 s..........3 207 ....... 3 205 iy...........3 201 >11..... -....... 3 200 mus standing W L Phuns.1 . 2 2 . .I .1 . 2992 3082 2860 2829 2907, 2740 2668 2762 Youth Bowling Registration day was helti Satuctiay, September l7th with 130 children ici attend- ance. -There is stilI roam for mare children in aIl age graups, especially boys tram 12 ta 14 years of age. The leagues will start bowl- ing Satucday, September 241h. .ýBantain girls anti boys,; ill arn.; Junior girls anti boys. 1 p.m.; Senior girls anti boys,' 2:30 pi.. Goodyear Lge. The second week o! bowling finds the handicap system gradually taking effect but as yct the big guns la the league have yet ta fire their first salvo. Bill Luxton took full ativant- age of his handicap, while bowling a 274 single anti a 690 triple he pusheti this toal 335 single anti an 873 triple tai t.ake top honors for the even- ing. Other fine gaines wece recortied by Dick Perfect 2771 Joe Piper 273, Jim Coombes 261 anti Russ Hately 259. The Millwrights blew the whistlc an the Power House for 7 points whîle the Ban- bury mixeti up 1he Combines for a like score. The Machin- ists turned-tiown tbe Office - 623«3258 !h rces-ytesm 120 Duke St., Bowmanville l3Brai decs 4-3 anti the Reclair- alors graunti out a 4-3 wîn * Life Insurance over the Fan Belle. * Incomne Disability Team Standings Machine Shop --- --- 12 * Pension Plans Banbury .------- 12 * Group Insurance Hase ---- ______il Braitiers -_____. . 1 *Business Insurance Belts - __-------- *Estate Planning 'Mil1wrights ____ Sun Life Assurance Office ...... ___ 5 Fan Bell,--_____3 - Cmbines -_______3 Company of Canada f Crackers 2.... .,Pawer_____O0 - -- - -- - ~II Top Tweive IlF. Wright . .____227 Nama___________B. Martyn ____. 225 * 'vR. Slack .~___223 Adrs D. Oke----. 222 SAtireasD. McKnight . 213 8 1'E Greenham ______211 1 Occupation ______ Il D*- Perfect 207o' 1~ A. Lobb - 2m J. Stainton -205___ SExact Date o! Eh-tii - :I-A. Rowe . ____20)5 a IA Langstaff 204f M .MM L Brown 2SOS SPORTOPICS By pro& Mohas U3.1m 200 Gantes M. Hodgson 257. J. Luna' 247, D. Sallows 242, F. Land 226, D. Cochrane 224, J. Har-1 ness 212. RECREATION REVIEWS Baton, Tap Classes Registration Baton and Tap classes for, beginners will take place at' the Town Hall Auditorium, starting this coming Saturtiay, September 241h, from 9:00: arn. ta 1:00 p.nM. Touch Football Leatue Boys registeret inl the Minar, Touch Football League are1 >MtMUKIAL bARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephon. 023-5728 PUBLIC S.KATING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd -AND- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 281k 8 TO 10 P.M. ATTENTION HUNTERS'1 DUCK SEASON OPENS SATURDAY SEPT. I4th 4% iP WE ARE STOCKED . . . AND READY WITH NAME BRAND LONG RANGE PLASTIC SHOTGUN 12 Go. SHILLS INCLUDING... *IMPERIAL LONG RANGE *REMINGTON EXPRESS WINCHESTER SUPER X IN BB, 2, 4,5, 6,7V2 Your s .89 Choice 2PER BO WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE 0F SHOTGUN*S 12 - 16 - 20 GAUGE REMINGTON AUTO. Model 1100 ................$18230 WINCHESTER AUTO. Model 1400 ................$1 79.95 BROWNING AUTO. Vent. Rib....................$179530 REMINGTON PUMP Model 8701.........................$99.95 WINCHESTER PUMP Model 1200.1............. ....$11995 ITHICA PUMP Model 37............................$109.95 MOSSBERG PUMP Model 500 .............................$85.95 C.I.L. PUMP Model 60 ..-.........-................$8495 MOSSBERG 3 SHOT BOLT Model 352K .............$49.9,51 COOEY SINGLE Model 80........$28-95 McGREGOR HARDWARE LIMITED 95 KING ST. W. BOWMAANVILI,. .Win Darlington Men"'s Major Leega Brian Martyn. a new mcm- for one game. ber of aur league, started off In the averages Brian in grand style. Brian had Y.artyn has taken the lead garnes of 269-250-281 for a wîth 267, AI Osborne la sec- - big 800 triple, high for the anti, 242, while 1eat week'a night. leader, Dr. Howard Rundie, AI Osbarne hati 755 and the dropped ta third plae, hlgh single game of 331. Rusa o eihoponj Haliman hit 715. league lest wcek and i.t George Piper had a 2889 placing Jacjc Bond who* single game. Russ Hately 280, away on business for the Good. Ron Maynard 274, Stan Mc- year Tire & Rubber Ca. ______________Murter 271, Ed Leslie 263, As son as the new shirts -Laurence Leana 263, John arrive we will let you knowf ks Carter 262. the names of the business Maurice Anaaert's tearn has mca who are again sponsor- Night H-awkslts la1 takn the leati with five winln the Men's Major League. I.and anly ane loss. Henning! lut Schedule - 2nd Week BowhnQ and Brock are tieti at 4 points' ItiStnAn Bowling ~~each. e Sadn Sports Editor Frank Mohun 'Teain W L Pins P. Team Standings won îow single prize witli a Annaert 5 1 6154 3 V. Piekard ................. .....4 littie 92 score. No doubt the Henniag - 4 2 6286 4 K. Ralston ..... ................ 3 Editor will bring this to the 'Brock --- 4 2 6221 4 J. Woadlock .................3 attention of his many readers.[Perfect - 3 3 5961 3 iD. Cochrane ................ Jim Callan Jr. 110, Bruce MacDougal 3 3 6270 3 B. Mills ...........................I!Adamns 111 and Lau McFeeters Cole - .----- 3 3 6112 3 i'L. Woodcock ................ 0113. Leslie ------ 3 3 6011 3 Higli TripleJ- J. Lunn 60)1., Bob Lawton's team hati Shotter - 3 3 É002 3 High Single- M. Hodgsonjhigh triple, 3197, while Maur- Oke ----.- 3 3 5971 3 257. Avr.e ice Annaert's autfit hit 1173 IBebee . 2 4 6076 2 Averge@-[Lawton .. 2 4 5887 2 J. Lun......................20 High School Grounds nt Queen Piper 1 5 5923 1 M.Ho sn ......... 00StEast at 9:00 arn. Aay boys Average@ M. HdSJ. .......... 19who have not reglstered, but NaineGnesA . D. Landw.................. 0. who would lîke ta play, may'Brian Martyn . 3 261 D1 J. Hanes................17.5 do se by registering with the 'AI Osborne -- 8 242 J. Rxywe ý.................... ... ,Sprio t90 .,a h Dr. H. Runtile 6 225 C. Sarginson ..............163 HghSchool grounds. ýDo Oke ----_ 6 223 D. Cochirane ........... 18.....i Hockey Registration George Stephen 3 223 J. Mairs ................1 .. 46ý Boys andi Girls jRuss Halîman . 6 222 L. Mutton..................... 145 Minor Hockey Legs Ed Leslie ---- . -- 6 221 B. Milîs ...................... 144 Y aus Bill Westlake ------- 6 221 V. Pickard .............._...144 Registration for the boys JTack Bond --------- 3 219 K. Camipbell .............. 441and girls Miner Hockey Ernie Perfect- ------ 6 219 M. Sedman ...... ....... 138 gLeagues wiIl take place at the Russ Oke ----------- 6 214 B.Keith ................ 37ýLions Community Centre on Ted Bagneli - - ----- 6 212 P.Banl............. _1Ï3,the fcllowing dates: Monday, Bud Barter ----- -- 6 211 P. Wagnelk.................. i ,Tuesday. Wednesdav. Thurs- Art Rowe 6 211 J. Woodlock k........._iÏdy September 26th, 27th, M1att Harrison-- 6 209 K. dson.... .............133 28th and 29th from 8:30 a.m. Stan McMurter . 6-- 206 K. Railsan.........f... te 9:00 and on Friday, Laurence Leaman 6 20 P. Broome .....Mrphy1'36 205 E. Combes ........123 Septeme 3t r 80Mi uph6 25 D. Ogden ...........127 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. iDave McKnight _. 3 -f 05 L Buges '- **'*'"*'125 Registration Fee: ResidentsBruce Milne ------ 6 2t D. KCelly....... ........ 124i$.0,FmiyPan $5.00. Non-!Bob Glanville . 6 204 J. riht............123Residents $4.00 andi Family Buti Henning .. 6 202 . Prfet.......... «*...... l23,PIai $10.00. 'Lau McFeeters - 6 201 A. er et *«*"***'*'**" 11'Girls Minor Softbail Playoffs Bob Kent--------- 6 201 G. Brown..................... 1091 Girls Minor Softball LeagueHap Palmer ~ 6 201 O0. Moffatt ................... 107,Semi-Final series between'Jack Parker 6 201 J. Shearer.................. 02:Nichols' andi Robsons' will take Larry Piper----- 6 201 B. Beers ................1... 0(2'place at Memnorial Park thisýHarcld Michelson. 6 201 A. Lorusso .................. .100iomn Saturday marning at[Gog ier- 0 C. Bate........................ 96 ý 10:0George Piper -..6 200 A. Burgem P. Maire ...._................ 89 D. White ................ ......88 " D. DeweII-------- ... 8i1à,it b AL.

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