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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 11

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S- -c.......*tCJ~' 4 .~ ...*~ *~-J*~.4 .....r',--*.,-4* e-r...r 4 ~ *0 4.' a * j .t..< s ra a r.... -.r* f ~....- 4... ..... .~...** 7/wRewcadI.* 94- 20,- unie saliu, -dliwe sci have aur celebration ii Canada." NE WTON VILLE n jMr. and Mrs. Sid Brown * and daughters visîted her mother, Mrs. V. Wagg, on *A family dinner party was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry, Orono, when gucsts included Editor's note: The following story appeared several weeks ago in the Blyth Mr. Dave Denault, Mr. and .ýews of England and concernis local citizens who were visiting friends and rela- Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, Mr. and tives in Seghill. Photo shows, back row, left ta rîght, Mr. Verne Rowe and Mrs. Don Eiliott and girls, Mr. his wif e Diane of Bowmanville; Mrs. Allun (Alice) Rowe, Newcastle; sçated, Mr. Hope Mrs. Ron Burley, Port and Mrs. Ernest Lascelles of Seghill. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gil- __________________________________________ "The anniiversary does not mer, Steven and -David, of actually fail until Octaber, but Islington, were Sunday visi- wc decided ta have this partytors at Mr. F. Gilmcr"s. while I was here," explained, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car- H er S s er f o know a thig about it. Shesupper guests with Mr. and thoghtshewas just cmn:r.E aky to ee omefilms taken in, Caaaby my son, but we hadi Amnong those attending the Ca ad lace verything laid n." Masonic service in Newcastle and friends of the Lascelles. Mr. and Mrs. C. Farrow, Mr. a Su- priseBesides Mrs. Rowe there were and Mrs. F. Henderson, Mr. ByKay Blenkinsop her son, Verne, aged 22 and Mrs. M. Joncs. Much as she likes life in Newcastle, Ontarlo her his wife, Diana, who wili be Mr. and Mrs. Ainsley Grean hom ton inc 145 a46-ea-ol mthe o thee21 in September. of Westport were vîsitors, hoe tn ne14 4-erod*nohro h First Time Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. retunedrecently on her third visit to Seghill - the "Verne was only a few, Boyd Harris and farnily. village where she was born. monti-s aid when we left! Phone 786-2272 with news And last Saturday, Mrs. Alice Rowe was one of England," said Mrs. Rowe, items. the chief organisers who planned a surprise party for "and this î5 the first time hel Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Staple- her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest has been back. He wantcd toi ton and daughter of Ajax, and Lasclle, ofBurlea ardnsSeghllto clebatesec the place wherc he was' Mrs. George Smith, Newcastle, Laclls o urla adns egilt, eebaeborn." j were visitors at Mr. George thpi ive dVr niesav T-rne and Diana live in'Stapleton's, Saturday. Seoumont bows in . .. beoutifully. Meet the new Canadion cor designed ta drive you happy in *67. Bountiful in extra- velue fatures et no extra cost. Beaumonut. Laon, clean con- temporary lines thot wili drive you happy i style. New, exciting power teom combinations thot wilI drive you' happy wth pak performance. You'v. noyer hod a widclr, hoppier choice. Drap int your Pontioc dooI.r's taon end discover what hoppiness rially is ... you ini a Beaumont. Somme of the mony new standard safety features for '67. duoi mster cylinder brake system 'with warning light; foldfing front seat bock latches (two door modelsd; possenger-guard door locs-oit doois; four way hazord warning flasher. E1 ~ndlsplew tomoM'ow AT YGUR PONTIAO DEALER l Authorized Beaumont - Pontiac - Buick Dealer In Bowmanville: éROBSON MOTORS LIMUTED- lsKbug &t.FE.BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-3396 aesufre Tg WatcbToevluei Casadi Football Loaue Gaines. See Local Listings For Turne and ChaMeL Newcastle:- The syrnpathy of the village is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and: family in the recent loss of Mrs. Gould's mother, Mrs. Dorothy Sears, Huntsville,! Ontario. Parties were on Uic agenda f this past weekend. Friends,' nieghbours and family of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Peel first: met et the home of Mr. andi1 is. William White. Later,l thcy burst into the Peel home,, unannounced, and pleasantly1' surprised the Peels witha! jhouse-walrmring party. The! honored couple were present-I ed with a beautiful wall tnir- f ror and throw cushion. Another party was giveri at, the home od Mr. and Mrs. Edf Nesbitt on Saturday evenlng,1 when friends and neighboursý of Donna and Vern Jones, andi two daughters, Denise andl Shelly were gîven a farewellý îparty. The Joncs famlly, longý time residents of Newcastle,! arc soon to, leave the area toi mase their home in Port j Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Jones wcre presentcd with a beauti- fui heirloom bedspread, wh15e the two little girls were de- lighted with their gifts of tai- cuit powder and boxes ofý candy. This ycar's Grand Chapter Sessions of the Eastern Star, held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, marked thc Slst Ses- sion. Newcastle members of Durhams Chapter, Bowman- ville, who attcnded part or ail o« the sessions, wcre Mrs. Nora Colwell, W.M., Mrs. Anne Stephenson, P.M., and Mrs. Florence Ferguson, and Mrs. Annabelle Riekard, A.M. The regýular Cu. iueeting, was hel Mon-dey e vening, with instruction given to the new boys on the meaning of the -Cub Law and Promise. Older boys too. were instruct- cd in giving ail the help te the ne wer boys that they couid. Part of d.oing a good deed every day could best be- gin right in the Cub Den. Registration fees of $2.50 per boy will be paid starting next Monday evening and ail fees must be paid no later than the 31st of October. Cub Camp was talked over at this meeting. Camp had hoped ta be held during the Thanksgiv- ing weekend, however, foi- lowing the meeting, and speaking with Mr. Caîl, Chair- man of the Group Co'nmnittee, this date may not be avail- able. More news on this will 'be learned following meetings this week. Mr. David Bîaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Blaker, bas lef t ta attend Carleton Uni- versity. David la a fîrst year student in the Faculty of Commerce. He bas been worrk- ing for the past two years with the Royai Bank of Can- ada. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce TiUlson ef t the village on Tuesday for a few days holiday up north. Our friends and neighbours in hospital this week, are:, Mis. Clara May Barrett, Mirs.1 Anne Biersticker, Mn. Johný Davis, Mrs. Lois Huber, Mr.1 Harold Pèdwell, Mr. Do)uglasl Perris Mr.Henry Treble, Mrs. Elsie Walton, Mrs. Ida Warl, i îMr. Ralph Wright. Bowling Newcastle:~- The foiiowingj are the names (>f the top bowlers for the week ending September 24th, i the New- castle Community Lanes. fLadies, 2M0 and over; Nancy *Williams 274, Minnie Taylor1 239, Colleen Pickering 236,1 fDorothy Mercer 218, Jean Ard 216, Evelyn Meadows 216, Kathy Mercer 214, Roseeiary Kelly 206, Frances Wright, 204, Dianne Langstaff 204, jCarol Baiicy 201, Mens, 225 and over: George Kimbali 306, Ken Whýtney 285, Ralph Wri1ght 243, Fran- cis Tufford 239, Lloyd Taylor 231, Sam Kiopper 230, Ron Go>od 227, Earl Taylor 225, G'eoge Glanville 225. Newtonvilie Ladies, 17' and over: Angela Hallen 252., Lin-ý da Sutherland 213, Mooje Weibandt 206, Velda Brown' 193, Anne Vogal 183, Jean Hall 182. Thursday Mixed, 200 and over: Ken Whitney 280, Mau- reen Powell 263, Marge Ibb- st230, Alice Kupery 228, George MeNair 227, George IGIanville 223, Mable Lewis" 22,Marilyn Couch 212, Hazeli Whitney 203. Friday Mlxed, 200 and o-ver: Ted Hoar 323, R4th Couch 307, Kay Powell 288, Bill Cal 283, Wallace Couch 268, Mari- Iyn Couch 255, Albert Pearce 247, Stan Powell 238, Francis Wright 218, Evelyn Embley 217, Ben Hoogkamnp 216, Jirs 1Doou 215. 1 WINS $10 rt7r7 King St. and Simpson Avenue (Highway No. 2,.klst) Mss. Bruce Tilson, Editor Debut '07. Beaumont UCW Holds ~e4 General Meet Ne'wcasçtle:- The General Meigof the U.C.W. a PhM 7-423 hId on Wednesday, Septeni- a ber 2lst, in the Sunday School Rooen. Presidesit Mrs. Stanley Bowmanville, Ontario, and Powell opened with a reading this was the tirst visit to and hytmns. Mrs. F. Ferguson England for Diana. "We like and 'Mrs. W. Farrow of Unit 2 it very much here, and hope conducted a nieaningful de- to return next year," she said. votional on the theine "Prayer "There are so many people and Service'. Shirley and Ste- to visit, we have nlot h of phen AllUn played a piano chance te sce very much O duet and joined by their sis- the country, but we hope t te Nanscy deighted the mem- tour around next year. bers with a vocal trio, "Let', "The cost of living is higher Go To Çhurch Next Sunday." I in Canada, and I think there Worship closed by singing; are more opportunities for "What A Friend We Have In, children and young people, but Jesus."1i I have neyer met so many Durîng the business portion f friendly people as I have of the meeting, "eports were i here," she added. Igiven and mention made of j Silver Weddlng ýthe Thankoffering meeting iný The couple are staying with1 October, and Fowl Supper iný Mr. and Mrs. Lascelles, w6hile Noveniber. Mis. George Allun1 Mrs. Rowe is the guest of her gave a portion of the Studv two bachelor brothers, RobertBook on Brizal. The meeting and Frank Patterson, of The1 then adjourned and light re-,. Crescent, Seghill.f freshinents were served Mrs. Rowe will be celebrat- tesame month as her sister, but insîsted thàt the party SocialIand should be in honor of the Lascelles only. "We are flying PeI home frorn London on August e sona OUTSTANDING BOOK OFFER! j 1% zoo

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