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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 13

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...........................................................J.,.. ÇommtteeChairman Reports Car Wash Nets Ove r $400 Antagonlsm i labor rela- steted. He referred ta' the tions is detrimental toaail in- laws which have since been VolveCI, and negotiations re- enacted to govern this field. gardlng collective bargainig "In Canada the labor-man- ~4geMente should be carried agement stage is a permissive fout hi a less hostile atmau- anc. Neit tier unions or man- Sphere as is donc ini other agement are forced inta agree- business dealing with con- ments," the speaker pointed tract, William Rosenveld, out. He added that sameti mes Tort, stated in an eddress a third party Is called on ta here on'Thursday He wms the intervene ta help in arbitra- Iguest speaker et the luncheoù tion and conciliation. meeting of the Bowmanville Mr. Rosenveld said that Rotary Club held at the Fly- unions have grown large and lnt~Dutchman Mator Hotel. paweniul, and some are very Don Murray, Chairman af wealthy.* Such unions in the Special Events Commit- negotietians deal with coin- tee, reparted that returns irom panies that are equally large, the Rotary Car Wash,,, while powenful and wealthy, and un- flot yet camplete, emount ta iartunately in some cases the $410 ta date. The birthday af ultimate cinsumer hes ta pick Rex Walters, a past president up the tab, he contended. of the club, was celebreted by "Our traditionel attitudes bis fellow Rotenians. arc becoming outdated, and In introducing the guest we must try to evolve equit- ,a ker, Merrill Brown said able solutions ta labor-men- tetMr. Rosenveld is a brath- agement problems,", Mr. Ras- er-in-lew of Edward Samuel, enveld declared. He spoke à local Rotanian. He told the ai a collective agreement as club that Mr. Rosenvcld, who the bible af shop stewards and was educated at the University foremen as the rights and of Toronto, and took post- obligations ai the workers are A raduete studies as a Rhodes contained in it. Schalar et Oxford University, He emphasized the vital im.- .England, Is a greduate ai partance of bath unions and Osgoodc Hall Law School, and management living up ta their is practîsing law in Toronto. obligations. The recent judge- The subjeet ai Mr. Rosen- ment that a union can be veld's eddrcss was Employer- found liable for damages in a Employee Relationships. AI- breach ai a contract agree- though labor - management ment was well worthwhilc for haggling seems ta be ging on the economy, he assertcd. almost continuously unions MnI Rosenveld in discussing and their functions are gen- cantract negotiations said that erally accepted, and mast wvhen bargaining has reached Peaple are able ta look at the an impasse bath sides have a mnatter objectively, lie said. well regulated structure for "'Much pragress has been resort. He briefly mentioned inade in labor relations since strikes and lock-outs. He told 1872 when employeca ai the bis audience that wildcat Globe and Mail struck for a stnikes are caused by frustre- >Pine hour day and were jailed tion on the part of a few ir- -es a resuit", Mr. Rasenveld responsible people. 9 - _l. -0s ave you found,11 the answer ta aooumulating V money- one that guarantees resuite? Call: The Mutual LU.e of Canada r Representative: DONALD C. WELSH, 23 Sunset Road, Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-5641 Rudolf Heydens moved a vote ai thanks ta the guest speaker for his informative address. President Bob Stev- ens expresscd his personal eppreciation ta Mr. Rosenveld, and on behalf ai thc Rotarians presented hlm with a copy ai Seven Paths ta Peece as a souvenir ai his visit ta the club. Guests present at the luncheon meeting were S. Brickley, Fulton, Ohio; Enic Jones, Silver Springs, Mary- land, and Ron Wfiliamson, Peterborough. OBITUARY MRS. B. E. ROBINSON Following e serious sickness ai three weeks' duration, the death occurred September 24, 1966, et the Toronto General Hospital, ai Mrs. Herbert E. Robdnson, of 826 Bessboirough Dr., Oshiawa. She was in ber 55th year. The former Hazel Violet Oke, thc deceased was a dau- ghter cd Uic late William and Florence Oke. Borni et Dan- lington, July 23, 1912, she was mearried Sept. 15, 1930, in Oshawa. A resident of Oshawa and district aIl her life, Mrs. Rob- inson was a member of the Oshiawa Kinette Club for many years. Besides ber husband, she is survivcd by a daughter, Mrs'. Larry Stefien (Carole) ai Oshawa. Alsa survivin.g are three sisters, Mrs. Jack Streenz (Del) of Akcron, Ohio; Mrs. Roland Zimierman (Nina) oi Phoenix, Arizona, and Mirs. Seymoaur Heaird (Lamna) ai Peterboroughi; a brother, Ross Oke, o! Oshawa; and three grandchildren, Bradley, Jef- frey and Todd Stefien. The memnoriel service wes held at the Armstrong Fun- cmal Home, Oshawa, Sept. 27. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow, minis- ter oi Northmidnster United Churoh, candu'cted Uic service. Cremation et thc Toconto Crematoriumi followcd the service. BROWN'S Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hugh- es were guests et thc Turk- Swee~p wedding et St. Jos- eph's Churdh, Bowmmavillc, on Septesnber lth. Weddin.g breakfast was servcd in thc church auditorium and thc ne- ception at Memlorial Park Club House et 5:00 'lock. Congratulations ta the bride and groom, who have built a new home in Brown's Section. Brown's H. & S. Club met at Uice chool on Tuesday even- ing, Septoniber l3th. As usuel, there was a small attendanoet et this meeting and becausei Redecorating? Let the Arboritelnterior Decorator Guide ho your guide to docorating magici 197CAMARÔ- The brand new Chevrolet Camaro, availeble as a two-door spart coupe or two-door convertible, combines the dash and power of a competitive racer with the comfort and luxury of a four-passenger car. A wide vaniety of distinctive appearance and equipment options permit "«personalizing" ta the most individual taste - such as the SS 350 option which creates the Super Sport Coupe (above), a performance machine combining distinguishing appearance with an exclusive Turbo Fire 350-cu. in., 295-hp V8 engine with four-barrel carburetion, and heavy-duty chassis components. A choice of five power plants, ranging froni a 140-hp Six to the 295-hp V8 is available with Camera. Camaro also incorporates a number 'of outstanding new safety features standard on ail 1967 Chevrolets, such as the GM-developed energy-absorb ing steering column which telescopes up ta 81/ inches. The Camaro's sweeping styling reflects the all-new look apparent throughout the regular 1967 Chevrolet Uine which, with seventeen models in f ive series, offers a diversity of models neyer before achieved in the automobile industry. of that and aloa tic difficulty at this time aifballding any meetings in the school, the future o! thc Club ib holding on by a very Uiin thread. In the past Brown's H.& S. Club hais been an active organiza- tian and has donc a number o! thinigs for thie dhildren ai the Section, but even an active, e'ntihusiastic club i.s not able ta stand bucking fracn too many directions. It la with great regret thet a few o! us remaining nmust iinally <jvc in. The Sponsoring Group ai Brown's lst Cub and Scout Packs held'their annuel big meeting et Uic Rover Den on Saturday evening, Septeniber 17tih, with a fair ettendance. Chairman Hughes conducted the meeting with Secretary Peggy Boyd reading the min- utes and an accaunt ai the year's activities. The Treas- urer, Alec Martin, gave the Treasurer's Report, showing a good balance ta start the coin- ing season. The recent Bake Sale netted the group ainiost $40.00. Much discussion took place regardlng a meeting place for Uic boys and for Uic time beinig they will be hold- ing their meetings in Uic Ro- ver Dcen. Mrs. LeQil Atichison conducted ltie electoin îo! af- f icers as follows: Charnin- Amios Lengley; Ass't Chair- nman- Ace Pitt; Treasurer - MaStilyn MaTtin; FInenc i a 1 Ohainnan-Jim, Caswell, Sec- retary - Marjorie Caswell; Publicity Chairman - June WilsQn; Convenons - Father and Son Banquet-Gwen Hu- ghes, Peggy Boyd; Bake Sale - Marilyn Martin and Elva Lengley; Socia- Lei.a Atch- isan and Maurcen Powell. Here's an easy solution ta those inevitable colour scheme problems that go with redecorating. lt's the new Arborite Interior Decorator Guide t lets you try ourt your colour wchemes -beore yon spend any money. RIlelts yoei colour co-ordinate fabrios, tules, paint or wallpaper. .. and it helps you choose the right Arborite woodgraln, marble, pattern design, or soid colour for the cupboards, oountertops, paneling and furniture that go with thern.. Colour yotzr home beautiful with the magie of Arborite decorative laminate ... and the help of the Arborlte Interior Decorator Guide. It wifl be et your local building suppty deelers any day now. %e him and arrange 10 borrow t. Ifs a servick¶of the Arborite Company. I» A rbo rte Con my, dloo n0f D OMTAR Coestructlon Ma til9ul . IDA RSORJTE iu a àrogiste red trade mark A New Breed of (HEVROLETJ MÂPLE .GROVE Mir. and Mirs. L. Callacutt were callers on Sunday et Memorial Hoital to ae Mirs. Frank Westilake Jr., and werc elso supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. Trewin, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mirs. Fred R. Ste- yens recently spent a week- end in Toronto with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mr& Roy Toppig and Zamily. Last week they werc callera on Mirs. Edna Jewell, a cousin, Cannington, and Mr. and Mire. Aaidrew Nichais, Little Britain. On Saturday they were guestsaet the. Mofiet-Power wedding in Oshawa, tic bride being a nieoe, alsa a daughter of Mr. and Mirs. L. R. Power who were former residerîts af the Base Lne, thc reception was held et thc FIy'ing Dutch- man. Mi. Charles Greenhara and Miss Carole Greenham were guests at the Shaw-True wed-. ding in Oshawa on Saturdey, and elso attended the recpp- tien. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow werc Sundey alternoon viol-, tors wîth theîr cousin, Mrs Carrie Sprackleng et She- haïd Ladge, Agincourt. Sun-1 SHO OF-m The Omnadian Sttewmn, Eowmanvife, Sept. U8, 19608 day evening they visited their cousin, MmI n Ceihtn, PONTYPOOL Oshawa, who thet day was celebrating her 87th birthda3. Pride af Pontypool, 1314, celebrated their IUl Mrs. (Dr.) MiUls, Oshawa, Anniversary on Saturday evenu Mms. Blake Short, Bowmn ii-g when the members trq.4 ville, weoee recent visitors their gentlemen erta~ with Mrs. L. C. Snowden andI turkey banquet iri6th Uosw Mr. Bob Snowden. Centre, Peterborough. Mrg. Mr. and Mirs. -S. S. Morton Lily Richardson and Mridm weeSunday visitors %rt Fairhurst supplied mustoi1'foe Mr and Mmfr. Howard Budcd the occasion. A very plleaïmnt Cobourg, and attend«¶ tueý evenîng wvas had by aL BethsdaSout Anivezary Wc werc g lad to learnxjbt Betesd Soth nniersryMr. Harold Thompson sow. Services. able ta be home from haa$t Mrs. Allan Snowden apent and enjoying fair health.', Sunday with her daughter and In spite of inclement 'weth.. husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bob er, many from here atteimed Goodniurphy, Oshiawa. Lindsay Fair. The ct, ds Mr. nd rs.SamCastie, wee sniall but there Mr. adger . stlPtei reat fshow of livestock, etc. Mr. agerCasie, eteror-Wc were sorry ta learnihat ough, were Sunday guests Mr. Sid $taples of Mlndà la with iMrs. L. C. Snowden and seriously ini and had lu'- b. Mir. Bob Sna'wden. transferred ta hosp1taUý ins An AU-Round Cord presen- Toronta. Mr. Staples la,%@h tation will take place on oct. father of Mrs. Robert Bi'wn. 4th at thc regular Girl Guide Mr. Luther Olan of! an meeting. Ail mothers and Township who was Sa serii3us- friends of Guides and Brown- ly injured by a power takç, off les, and mexnbers of the crn on a tractor is reported td- be m'unity* are cordially ±nvited showing some improvem«jý. to attend. GET CASH TODAU". Don't forget Euchre and FOR OLD APPLIANÇmqS Crokîinale Pairty, Saturday, througb Oct. 1, et 8 p.ra. ini the C. E. CLASSIFIEDS Hall. Lunch will be 6erved. STATESMAN , (Sce Corninig Events>. ]Phono.- 623-38083 I Completely Re-Styled OLDSMOBILE e -40

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