1967 OLDSMOSILE cause of the wenther condi- The Canadien Stateumani wavfe et s e T h e~~ ~ Mr. Groriyea explained that, ily on Sunnd&y. L N ' " *hé was on his way to work! Mr. and rm. Malecol l A T he O ro o Nw son steel construction at 14aînII ford, Port Perry, calldn ilton and had iIcked up three Mrs. K. Cowling andte Lt.eMs uhAn m. Trenton et 2:30 miTn. and had Mr. and Mns. FredLnaWed cMryCnaho Mm. Sybil Snell of Bow-1 Cecil Jones and tainlly ltt Boulter spent over Fridayý stopped for coffee et the ser-,an Anthony, Oshawa. iie udy manville celebrated her 88thbv motor on Saturday for nl#ht with her sister, Mrs. ývice centre ea.st of Newcastle., .adMi . olr*an r dM.ReGbo hdyon Tuesday of lest- New York City where Mr. Marshall Chatterton. Thy7r.u.nHmitnfml nStrdyeeîg ee'nTrnorety !k a&àt the homne o0fMr. and 1Priestley will be studying fer; Mrs D. G. Hooper and Mrs. * I., t :0or hthoet khdogf waa Mr. Vtor im, oon en n to tedtefuea ft Z~.Les. McGee. Friendsa md the next few months with T. MeRobe.rts spent Sunday ofrvi, an!uly a diMmneR.guest o O5hl ai Sen relatives ealled wlth con- the I.BiM. 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. «Not fobsrvt ind <g -treHmpoon n Wene atudiy r ae h asdIe f gratulations adbest wshsý r.ad r. mNorman S - RD.Rhymonnd a ery lenthy iinesa Mm. Jim Lainb returned tao McNaUly of Coiborne visited Mr. Jim Wilson of Kirby, atr. $5 an cot, r1 tr ihbsmteM.A'Gro efry otPag her home ln Ottawa on Satur-' relatives in Orono over the; Mr. Terry Grahamn have re- endas rhmo. day alter spending last week! weekend. tundte Kington to attendDoadMuiePut91 r.GRTcpni With her mother, Mrs. Thorn-'M.mdM. oglsAlia second year courses et Queen's . g Sonald ,Ma ie routi9WayneG.retn Pandsn ody ton Wilsoni.1 and sons are living ln an! University. Mr. D 0ou g 1 a S and costs, or five deys, for' the weekend with Wi.A isnsvstdwt r -Mr. Rom. Taylor of Scar-f apartmient on Main Street fori Hamm la attending Queen's eeeding August l2th. He was MrsbJm lrinsgCort borou.gh viited his father, the winter.! as a first year student. Mr. 1 Designed with a bold and sporty flair, the hardtop Delta 88 Custom Holiday fjollowed westbound past theý 14r. Chas. Taylor. Mr. Chas. V. Cooper and; Howard Stapleton la attend-L Coupe (above) and hardtop Delta 88 Cus tom Holiday Sedan are new additions to Cream nof Barley and elocked ý Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Top i.E ewre euu Mr,. and Mrs. O.-M. J. Fagan'Mr. P. 0. Cooper were ln ing Carleton University at the Oldsmobile line for 1967. Powered by the 425 cu. in. 300 h.p. Super Rocket at 60 miles an hour peat the: o n o arBwnn oeo udymtraed Doiio toe ville, Mr. mnd Mrs.G~nlnafeweketroo lh anwith T arn fMn., o! ltweek t n e atteda t Coatulasatios t e r. audndV-8, the Delta 88 Custom can be equipped with either a 3-speed fully synchron-DmnonSre Taylor and femily, Efed r.Kly hemn spent Sunday ihM.o atwe oatedte Cogautont r.n ized manual transmsision or the famed Turbo Hydra-Matic transmission. Strato James Bedwell, 39 Beath were Sunday cRIleratm r.M.adM.W. auk and Mrm. P. O. Cooper. I funeral of their cousin, theiir. RalIph Kennedy the for- bucket seats are standard on both roodels and a new sports console is sadr Street, Westhiil, pleaded notl Thompson's. eeStra eeigget Mx-.. Raymnond Chaprnan,1 lote Mr. Murry D. Lunin, age1 mer Miaà Lois Janeyioster, on guilty to driving to the left'Mmi. C. F. Rice, Bcwii fM.ad r.GletLn Mrs. Ernnmt Bryson, Mrs. Or-: 22, wtio wau lilled in a cari their manniage at Kendal i on the Coupe. New bodies, with longer hood and shorter rear deck, give Deltai of centre within 100 feet of ville, vi.sitedi Mr. and 1r.O eik sea ville Challice, Mrs. M. Shen-' eoident. jUnited Cburch on Saturday,! 88 Custom's, Delta 88's, Delmont 88's an d Ninety-Eight's Toronado-like propor- I itreto nHgwy3. Camneron on Wednesday. iM.Jh onoOh Win and Mi-. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sut-Setme 4h tions. An even more comfortable ride, many new conveniences, and many new osal . chlz P, Mr. and Mms. RossAhtnistdhs artM. visited Mr. and Mns. Lloyd icliffe have rnoved into theý safety features - such as the GM-developed energy-absorbing steering column stated hie had laid the charge and farnily visited IV.MlMi .Jono nSa3 Jotinston, Oshawa, on Tuesdaylhouse on Cobb Hill that they, *iwhich telescopes .. 14ices-aehglghso h 97 lsoieln. following investigation o! f niMorrisRon at ber cottag tadM.adMa llJ evnn flast week and necently purchased frorn Mr.Dis r e pt ¼inhs-aehglgt fth 97Odmbl îe cident et noon nean Ononô. 1 Balsam Lake.soLfrdwre hu4a '.'lewed thein beautiful dahlia!and Mmi. Douglas Allin. ichardI Logan Ne optional equipment includes disc b rakes for power bnake-equipped modiels Gecrrge Glanville northbouidj Mrs. A. Thompson wthe.XiirS garden. 1 Mn. Wrn. Leamen, age 76, (except 98's) which reduce "fade", after repeated stops, and provide consistent Ilhad beem negotiating a leftl son Glen and grandson Wye M.adMs .Mr Mn. ad Mrs Doulas Tde- Ihusbnd o!the lte M. i i~~~~eves edal feel. For ail 1967 Oldsmobiles, depending ont the model, engines range from, turn into Station Street when'i visited Mr. and Mrs. F.0.adfml iie n h Mr ad rs DugasTde 1hubad f helteMr"R ceve ihe was struck by the Bedwell i mond, Bowrnan-ville, on Stn r.Io oemdfmy mna o! Oshawa were Sunday:'Hennietta e Non Leamnen, pas- a 155 h.p. six to a 385 h.p. V8.ca tmpin tops.d.,lrW nvle diner guests of Mr. and Mrs. sed away on Thursday, Sep-gcratmtn ops.dy Orville Chatterton ad fa.mily. tember 22nd, at the Meori~ r After hearing Iengthy evi- Sympathy la exténemo MnidMs Jh ae Mn. Ernest Grffin, age 78,1Hospital, Bowîmenville. Fun-3 r are ,cs he enit o!vthe Mrs art)inthe pasng !hrSnlndne uet f3r o! West Gîlford, Haliburton, ealws nSaturday. Itr aMn E. ee i fth!Mrin nte Rsn was R. . Logan of MnnoF. G.andSmsmthedanedhubaad huaband of Mrs. Della paul1 ment Orono Cemeter3-. Ia ooee ooayIs a sapteti eoilIa rihrtre Gniffin and father of Mr.iMn. and Mrs. Arthur Mather peto Gnealchrge .SorvtoreortKCeorurtac iand rGeerlo! the Supreme, Anthony Edward Petenson ýhm. TuepaietdiaM Germld Giffin o! R.R, 2, Or-an daughter Lynda of Wil- Counicil 33rd degnee of the'pedd git o diigHcitl omnîî.. ih w ono, passed away ut the Lind- benforce, Miss Betty Gerow Ancient and AceptdSotshH I npwm nii ledebilcene ws derMr:Hopiand oMs. Lloy stnwekvstwthM.Slh am Hsptl n etebe aroutwee eeed it orth ominion o suspension May 28th. He had'were tea guest.s of MrInVîtri LnoEgm~ 15th. Interment was in Maple, guësts of Mn. and Mns. Stirling Canada on Tuesday, September Mrs.iandTt.M Lake Cemetery. ýMather and family. ll3th at the Session o! the September 27th, 1966 1 Allan Brnstow, agred 19,' Dragol.iub Simneunovic. 811been stnpprd On Highwav 4011 Ilrl at IIro, GTCS OA Congratulations to Mr-. and1 Congratulations to Mr. and Supreme Council. The session Roet Lsi htfrlpeddntgit odniving 'Ritson Road, S., Oshawq. ,,-a. b.y Constable D. Stuart, -OPP,1 and called on Mrs. S. R.CP- FRO»APINE Mrs, W. S. Moffat on their; Mrs. Freemnan Eddy on their was heîd in Niagara Falis, ae asue t hefoUni- wledd hgislcnews neyind$5an 18ors h adcaged with impaired: well, Port Hope. ae hog 46th Wedding Anniversary on I40tii Wdding Anniversary on Ontario. vgersit, a! Toento pîtded isuspension Juîy and having driving to the îeft of centre'dri viflg. This brought hinm a1 bTe cburch stewars L SIID SeDemer25h.ý erit o Troto peadd !15da jilseteceas wek 1making plans for their T ESA Sentembr 25th.J.Septemfer l7th. Mn. Logan is a Past Grandlguilty to dangerous driving another permit. Constable K.'on Highway 35 witbin 100 l5ay ailenen'ce lasdt ekAuctiniion Sale.3-30 Mankie wene guest.s et thei Nicholson col Chatham visited Past Master of Onono Lotige1 observed Bristow driving on bound he bad attempted to same time brouîght seven days "'lýkrd-Green" wedding In' bis niece, Mrs. J. E. Richards, and Jerusalemn Lotige No. 31' Constable J. A. Legate, OPP,: the 6th Concession of Manvers pass a c3r driven hv Donaid in jeul to run coneurrently. SEORN WSLCIN0 Y*lity Anglican Church, Ot-ion Satunday evening. of Bowmanville. ot h or ta .. and obtaineti a certified copv, Vinkle, Newtonville, 'as i t w s E OU tà,wa, August 26th. Rev. George Munday o!f ebsbe ao ic he and Constable G. Evans o h upnso re ro1i h roceFs of making a.T17fVI Mrs. Rowena Elizabeth Gb Brooklin United Churcb was joining Tweed Lotige in 1914,, were at the intersection O! hibiting the accused fro ettr.CntbeH. HARO bon Dean, ege 85, ib-1f h us pakradteItraflitn ihJr.I- Courtice Road and Highway ' dri-vîng. This necessary docu- Cornell, OPP, laid the chargej i Ui IM PORTED A L A E the late Edwarend wi3djo on h oist per ad helaer affLideandwthe rusa- 401 observing traffic when ment coulti not be found 5 lanRbrtGnea rn- SnavShoasln et AN D ea , p sse i O o n o C h o r p o vi e pe ia l L o d ge r o and h a e O ron o h y w re a v s d to w t h th h r e waii . is e . M . ton , p lead oti n ot g u ilty to 145 p .m . c h u rch se rv ice at away 25ie t e M mo ili g e vc Sunday evening, .p m se t Kiby h n - er og ee rbMn. ogh Is a mm -'for an eastound car travel-i Bristow left the courtroom- c rls rviýJ n a y 3lt'3 pr ; S ce e t wll be ad-! Ilospital, Bowmanville. Fun-! Mn.antiMii. Wm. Robinson Perfection and Moore Soven in t 10mlera o-r fast. !He was representeti by E. C., mmistered, it being WorldI ci-ml on Wednesday. Inter-I were weekend guests o! Mn. eign Consistory of Hamilton. When they saw it they pro oh'ex 8 D1 Sre, idmn id mnuin.Ametn mrent Orono Cemetery. jand Mrs..Ed. Hogg and family cee u ihoecrb- on ex 8 rwSre, ida.Wd o mmuenesion.iA ebedetiWTTHIG FA RC Mr. and Mrs. Brian Priest-iand attended hoUx Anniver-tenth crir antitd Ohwpeae o ulyo Constable P. C. Harte-Max- 4 p.m. on Sunday. IIH le ad auhtr ilso o SrVSeviesntFrs rv iut wanted vehîicle. Mr. Whitm- assaulting Leonard Carring-!wmîî, iPP, toini ILs Worship, Nort ancoduvher Alis on arteriches ont Fraervil e d ie Ior ford lost control of bis car, ton June th. Terence Kelly, this' was one o! the worst' hank-Offering Servie,*was, wee n th n r. aod er,.BMC . Uîend Mhun c k Sudy. swerveti back and forth acros Q.C., defense counsel, askedi ' ~i tvery well attended on Sunday__________________________ iitr h oic u u rn ' SN O TY were valtia Mn. nd Mr. Mn nti M. Jac Kerrthe highway and sliti side- for a romand te October 4th. 1~ o ,îgo s night. Rev. Basil Long of; (O rono i Arena asit h a haiOf!I Alfred Alidreati, chargedý radio despatch wvarning mn- 1 him. '~~~with assaulting Gien Anthurl torists te stay off the râsantigv iemsae h TheNIN Io A(LA SSES Ic The off icen said that the~ Rowe, pleaded not guiity anti unless absolut 1ely nay soloist was Mrs. a:. 01S. ALLP PER wiIl hed Uic onk at he Onoo înk euxxîttd that e hatibeeni three weeks. dents in Toronto anti twentyE Tpl eec-otse wl ehlinwithin the next two weeks. dninking et a party. He seua on etelod90Wlo in Cobourg," continueti theE op sclle u hwer or! USTM OLO MACHINGOU CLARKE Work includes finishing the he was in a hurry to get toý vne o ilpeddofcr Tý iha was icy 1ofa iiclaeu hwrf UTMC reconstruction o! the spectator Bancroft anti diti net see AeuDo iî, laein o tsicer. " hewavy wns rie Milison (a bride-to-be),' setin nduptarsror a ethr ruse.not guilt. o! assaulting Clive ~twih eaywns which was beld ln the schoolý H G C O Lthe north endi o! the rink along Magistrate R. B. Baxter Davies July 3th. He was de- blowing driftinig snow. At house on Thtinsday night.ISE ALY REGISTRATION DATE with replecing some of the fined inhl $250 anti cests, or fened y . R Dode.e530 arn. stiwnas tte Marie recelved many IOvelyî side cushions whîch hati been one month in jeu,. anti sus- Mr. Davies, a Pinkenton C.P.R. veras19NewCarstle r e1s nemoved for alterations. pendeti his license for six guard, told the court be was westbound on Highwav 401..Mr. and Mrs. George Ber-; A B E O ctober 3., 1966 r k bees have been ar- months. wbo t the drag races at Mopot, I followmd hm nti cloçked j rial.ad iy, Tuo, iw a.p~ u ragdfrtenext two Sat- Thomas Magne!! andi Paul July 23rd to assist the mar- 1hir t 8W miles an hour. 11 were Saturday visitra at Mrs. ~fImma. claseswIl behel ti Ar, Tpewitig, weleome to gîve a handti t broke out o! Cohourg jeu dcean of pedestriens. Betwemn H. Wight interceipteti thel Miss Joan Falls, Kendal,! 33 KING T .BW ANIL Evenlngclse llb edlArTpwing complote this job. Se¶tember 8tb and who have l eae awben service vehlicles vehicle. If lho bat not, I would1 wa s suppor guest o1 Mr. antiT.W Sewing, Woodwork, or any other subject where It is expecteti that the rink been in Whitby County jail were using the traek lhe oh- h avp abandoned the ehýase be- Mrs. W. Blackburn anti arn- ,________________________ there la a sufficient number of applicants. will be in operation sometime sinco they were recapiured,; serveti a men ad his wifel- around the first e! November, matie a brie! appearance in crossing te the inside andI FEE $5.00 Now, with haviag artificiel handcuffs. They wero funthor asked tbeim t go back. Tbey ice, those la the area cen ex- romandedti t appear la Co- informet i hm they wene go- CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL, R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE pect an extended use of the bourg. Both pleatiet guilty to ing across te the washroerns. A nnouncing the Toronado-Insre PHONE 987-4842. rink with e probable two the jail break. Lai-uc pleaded Ho suggestod they use the months earlion openiag than net gullty te theft o! a car washroorns on the outside e! ..lin peat years.-Times. following the jeil break. the treck. Ho atidet tihet if you let one or two ecross others get the saine idea and à crowd of 6Qd mb l people crossing and recrossing croa tes a hazard. Hie retuied m te, his previous position anti observoti that the couple wentlo ofn w.w y xp es ( farther d<nwn the track and E gain erossed oven. Ho ran te bring them baek. As he climibeti over the fonce Mn.1 NINETY EIGHT'TORONADO * DELTA 889* DEIMONT 88 *CUTLS URMIULS Bextuello struck him on one1 side of the heati with a rock' andi on thxe other aide wit'h his fist, then ran. eJohn Leister said ho Was ~ :. assistant manager o! Pinken- tn*s and Mn. Davies' super- for. Wbon heo oherveci the souff le hie came te lxelp Mn. Davies and calleti the OPP. infornxation neceivedeho went Longe«, racierhos prysrdcs te the faryi where ho found Fasideck flair.Thdhigoordoipldte ' - CONTACT -a shotgua wired to a fonce . OldsTobila Iookfr¶97 j wi th a triç wiro attieched in And Oldms goingo o note hf m uch a menner that if a deer ever. New ride mrvmnsadegn j umped the fence the gun refinenients si a ' h WOLNPRDC S j wold discharge :utomatical- : are availoble.' Add yro urth iaginto rdyu a aet "I tested it with my service . ens ca r in ili . Mike Harrison, Port Hopem' acting for the Crown in *I4T-IN NEWC STLE ONT RIOCnown Attorney G. F. Bonny-1 NEW(ASTL, ONTARO ' E esoi ing the fence unwittingly could easlyCUW have been kuleti. : Aotonewysoexrsyi-.I Mn. Green adnxitted that bis Alotof WU' client had acted unwisely. HoeI st.eted that M.r. Ablewhite had .....w.... set out $2000 worth of dwanf IId ~ ~4~w.gu.ui apple tnees and rabbits antid2 .J Imm VNiui*iuqkillN deen fromx the bush and o,~~ce.u êNIIi.t~I F NATIONAL EM PLOYM ENT SERVICE mot II teare: h es.edi SEE THEM AT YOUR LOCAL ATOIE UI LSOI responsible porion emiployed uht» iooil «e nB" ; 314 IMC E ST Sfor the sanie flan for 20 yeans' and that h. had intend no OSHA A ON ARIOharm te anybody. 'Me fine was $10 mnd cota ROY NICHOLS MOTORSLII O or thnee dlays, mand the gunDOMNVLE5356 ?8Ç wan coniiacated.