Iii. Canadian stateffman, Bowmanvll., Sept. 28. 100 DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p. me AI Births __ Deaths Articles for Sale Livestock For Sale Lost Real Estate for SaleRelEtefoSae elEtteorae F lE aeor î HdmHs - jack and Marg KNAPP, Nicholas (Nick)- FIRST grade hay. Telephone GEESE and ducks, five months LARGE blackadtnde (nsBue) are happy ta Suddenly at Memorial, Hos- 986-4426. 39-1 aid. Phane 623-2756. 39-1 hound, vicinity oi Maple FOR SALE B ENE oenounce the birth ni their pital, Bowmanville, an Sun- QObD hay for sale. Telephone TWO Suffolk rams. Phone Grave, wearing 1965 Scar- Kih Pelers JackM NE TOLA son brnSepemer24,196,day Sptmbe 2, 966 Nck23-2056. ______39 1* Don Stapleton, Newtanville barough tag; reward. Phone REALTY LTD., 728-7328 R IC AR D teudrindslctr A -brother for Darlene, Cindy Knapp of 90 Patricia Avenu eTVESpup htgn,$0.* 623-7630. h39-1rige & en.3- Ohwi i thyear. EES upst u, 5.76-2528. 39-1 103 KING STREET EAST ta 12:00 noon o 'ia h .. aM Lean 39 Belovha a, ih is 59thf Hilda -h n o 263-2508. 39-1 300 YEAR-OLD Legh rn hens. X fla tedOSHAW A L td ., R e a lto r fath e purchSe a h el E tt u n u a c KNMGHT-Colin and Carol Hobbs, dear father of Ronald JOLLY Jumper, brand new, Apply Eldon Foc, Burketon, neATO fopterap-as Belavd hubandai _____________________ EALTRlery aiRubyBlaoheeC986,14477e.tySt. ., ofmanîIIe S(4M Smith) are happy to of Lindsay, Rabert ai Sca $7.50. Phono 623-5484. 3- hn 8-47 _ 39-1 Cash on the So Nice Village HomeB avle consisting of aninuste 26 mnhounce the arrivai af heir borough, dear son af Mrs. d 150 EXTRA god qua lityl o mnil , WAERfar sale and delivere Sptrouglwwt lsdi mn, Darren Colin, n Septem- Oke (Susan) Of Cobourg. Rest- Cal Cliff Pthick 263-2131 Hereford and Durham stock for Dead or Crippled Farm Right in the heart of Hamp- 62 53 orchbundgaraestuowo bSe th, 1966, at Memorial ed at the Northcutt and Smith ___________ad_1____________tock i telon Pced Il Pr t o w ty'rc oe o4ptl omnil.3- FnrlHmBwavle r steers and heifers. Sale T- Cect26327.1 wit"h onclosed sunporch, fulll lSieAt Ig etino h .s iea Funeral service was held at BALED Oat straw. CalC.'WdedyOt th1ere rwF basement, 3 large bodromrs,' Ilod emrickBldg. EecrseCc treetoouth i rn. A.L e 'I'IER-Pal nd orohYj:3 a'loc Wonedayaitr~Brownl, 263-8496 aftor 5. A. McGoa, OtPh o 8-2213 ilFur Farl full dining roam, beautiful,i Mern brkdloom. Paeyrd. his hoSeiequppd St hpiyannonce the birth ofi noon. Interment Bowman- I3941*Havelock. We deliver. 39-140 TYRONE ibright and modern kitchen,jIncinerator, etc. $1,245.00 in-,ail furnace, colotlm- RALETT N tpilr sn Jeffroy Evan, on Fni- ville Cemetery. 39-1 'TWQ 20-ton house jacks, nowri Licence No. 4-C-66 hot water with ail heating, 3,co dy etme23196 ti$40 pair. Phono 58,9M2, Orono Room and Board We Honor Any Bonus Card piece and extra 2 pioce bath- 1cme. $115,000. ing and electica ntla UAC A mr osther io Parnel;KNIGHT, Mary D.-At Me-IR.R 2. 39-1* 1tf ioom, large garage, lot 9 b iOdl S. ioadr.on v4l Abue.r orP ma rial Hospital, Bowmanville, HAMPEËýËRS- and ]-ids, -bushel Available ..evie~164 it. deep. Get out ai the 1 Clean - 3 bedoom brick623726 aid John. 39-1 on Saturday, September 24 - .a../ea Service high tax area. home. Close ta CenralHges ranede o ___________966ingtnMSr e, oin92hem5t 725-5169. 39-1 gentleman. Phone 623-735 Hithest Cash Prices for Dead Orono ISchool. Asking $13,ooo - $3,000, necessamily acceptdOMNIL Engagement M966, Maree, i r92 Wel iz, se oce Iknne.sapRctanibaonaaiabefo Herbert - - var beloved wiie of the late WATER for sale and delivemed, __9_-1oîansd Crippled Farm Stock Bungalow, 4 years oid, w'ith 'ov.iseto itepoetyro rclreros et HretParsons, 64',J. Wesley Knight, dear moth-124 hour service. Cail 623-5756.- --__ BURRETT FUR FARM ail canveniences, lot Ion x îîo,' George St. may be aranged ycnat a.Batflcniin rc ___ ___StrethonemLong DistanceMrsw heating costeIe nlyf 12,900.teFourPonedronm ibrickehomeeatnggcMms. William,9HCaour Phonom bdick seeijingith. terms. aàiucthe.eggmn fln fTrno l fFo1 1______LL __29_-tfZeih 6-0 1hrg t oi)Should be seen. rdining roomn. large kitchen. 345W, Orona, oc r ai OMAVLE=4Bd onaITrotaAlanaiFlnpick up househald-EXPEËRIÏE NCEËDap-pIeZnt 65 nocag ou pikers. Gray, Phonoe8-46,Nw oo rmDiel ecrtd her daughter Regina Alice, ta da and the late Mrs. A. rtdiscardables free. Telephone!Phone 987-49,Nwo elby Dpt. Agric. Lic. No. 351-0-65l Taunton Road Area Asking $3,000 down. ýcastle. A da aiyhmCuc Mr. Douglas Lorne Flewell, 'HaddY (Kathleen). Rested at 623-7276. 38-tf 9l ___ ___ 23t Vc fic3d bCaiseA.W.KyyetSret3190.em. ben ai Mr. Gardon Flewell!teNrhct n2SihFn- -I--tfgaiowy nie3 edroom un- CrileAI sdtelate Mrs. Flewell, R 'te raiHe. uaneralSmith FunE ryRxtn rb loWATESwne. ~T~~ onlY 2 years aid xith Tostorev brick home. W.nonami, OWAVIL 3bdro lw shed at2 o'l Parta o nes Re t ur n , Highway 20_ _.,monthlv Payment only Asking $17900. Finoleireteatonform maturaytOctaeaer ,196,afennItrnt Bo623.7562.._age.-* 0 f. marriageta takeplace o aternoa. ntormnt aW- 9~l*115, Newcastle. Telephone MAN aver .10 wants part- $92.00 per montPIT'nao~Batflcniin ieu 2'tday Ockit. ohn's5 196Ai-manville Cemetemy. 39-i1:QUAN TITY ai Rodney oats. 987-4226. 39-1 'time job, 3 or 4 hours a day. Enth, kI.Tîentai .acaliyoarineetdn dn huchBomaniie. I !Ed. Hoad, Newtonvilie. Tele- WAITRESSES over 18-years. Phone 623-3512. 39-1* nikle Two bedroomq brick hun2a- U ' ir elîrtcashm n -LEAMEN, William Johnson-'phone 786-2506. - 39-1 Apply Mary Sundberg at the CLEMENT Poultmy, Custom. eync ero u-lw onro Ontario and W. Frank eR Ltiearnetaiset Forhco ing At emriagHopitlSo eKEStctaatomtiallti wileVoyger Rstaran, Vw-PicingeurdvRorfrezeruaantfly fve ear ai, uec. Iealretreenihom.orMITD OWMNVILE 3 d manville, an Thursday, ySeatpa-cMle ar-mnvle 3 1po ecate98-33 large lot 100 x 250, attached $2,000 down. Marae 1tomber 22, 1966, William Lea-1 ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- B ABYSITTER wanted, _ vicin- ____8-t double garage, very modern Commercial 2 igS.WBwavleEmvhmlrelt Marrage -imon, beloved husband ai tho,ý1î0_______ 3tf .home with largoe wL . pOSS121 nKiAgbargain.a Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, 'late Henrietta Non, dear:- ____3_ ity ai Queen and Ontario. Will i nbatfl iwiLildrc'arge rontige on Base Liîie 623-339'3201, ihtrs Ppton, Ontaria, announeifather ai Gardon ai Scer-C GRADE Mclntash apetk h u.Poe623-2444 ans.Mustbe sen.Road and Waverlv Ra.Gn ene saaadDsrc OMNIL p aplsatkr- dot Poo -tionforst seen.rosati oor ambik argnc o the orthcoming marriage o aaîg n Hnya Oak- $1.00 per bushel; bring con- after five. 39-11Getlma'sFmmce o eviesaino their daughtem, Dianne Eliza- 1il' in his 76th year. Restod Uainer. 37 Prospect St., Phono 1THR-E experinc-ed -meni Plumbinq & Heaitinq etlmn' aright industry, etc. Real Estatefor i odrsdnilae.T bath, ta Mr. Douglas Charlosat the Barlow Funemal HoffeA 623-5958. 3 fwomen ta strip tbccrte1N10nS. omuvie Acrs craes ad\eypo elyncgv saci Frerguson, son nf Mm. CamOrn SevcwahedOSENstwiosailI$.2 pr our; hourate.m35-f ucteesai odm arbo r9olcae i rn. oSl oChre arneanapîîet onf Enniskillen, and September 24 at 2 p.m. Inter- isizes. Phono 623-2367. 39-1 IPhone hon 55M. .911-fdcie simdr ar etal oae nOoo oSl mlednwl aepaentOr_______ 3-ýMNEL,$2 on hoeFEMALE help wntdfor--ERNIE PERFECT larg~e modemn kitchen, natural'al modemrnveino.O wdig 263-149. 94*fctorywark. Aply o Curvplyes Oly orw Saturday, October 29th,iTAYLOR-Suddenly, at Bow- 'FALL2and Win3e--coat and od Prducts, OronadplUMIN &HETIG stone fireplace, 4 piece bath, $ 15,8900.:We Cen RefluancoVueoears emn rre ah on Saurday Sep- woma's sie 20;reas orce air ilgarage,,baaninpavrodohigh way.l ! 90n i t 2:30 , o lck in la d nille , n a u m a , e - u tw2a4 s 2 ; m e sn jask for D en ise A n naert. 39-1 1I P hon o 623-3540 - exo ce dle air e ai ih n , b n 1nro o - 1 , 0 S h W il S u F tO n y $ .5 . exc6,llent repair, with'w ate m T hrep bedroom o hom e on F m i u a dE N S I L N A E 39te-Cumh, Sain, n t mbr ,1 966ya, Jo n a lorfor seîing, lss ai weight. SEVERAL trucks -needed for P.O. Box 1599 bowls and stanchions. InspectIPrincs.,; t. Hot w tr h a, am n tUiO ___3 of n hi 17t yer, dan b roter1phOl_6- - 64.39-1 hauling Christmas trees. AIl 78 Ontario St., Bowmauvillethi.s property. Cal John'etc. Terms. watr2,Acre, $per0 $1000eown - Mcariages Diana (Mrs. Charles Green) / USED chegterfield, 4-seater, local womk, fromo approxim - f Kuipers 72.3-6,590 or Bob hef~260pra re-9arsni000 edomfa * WOOD - SYMONS--The mar- both of Bowmanvîlle; Williaff and chair, gond condition, $40. ately Oct. lth ta Dec. iOth. -Jhno 728-2,548. 4 Bedroom Brick two highwy.E-grgnc o.Nwvdc * riae was solemnized af Joan and Margaret(m.Ala.MlersSoe12 igSt hn 6325.-SEPIC TANK List youm home, farmor Close to schooi and shopping collent ptnilfroae.$30 ihtri Wëôd ai Bowmanville, ta Sparks), bath ai Oshawa . E., Bowmanvilie. 39-1 FULTM and part-time C]re yoso emn-Service was held in the MarrislBUY- - or selling fumniture waitresses, plus a short oderMPING vcntlnwt hi;fie oraeveageptIomre, futureeveom tOOO rebidn tont. The marriage was sol- Fune-ral Chapel, Bowmanville, lor appliances, cail Elmer, Coon xerec prefemred WHITEWASHING STABLES - *wnized in Trinity United on, Tuesday, et 2 'clack. In- Hampton: business 263-2294 - but oint necessary. Dutch John Whitb. t NEWCA-.50- Newf Cfturch, September 24th, 1966. termont Orono Cemetery. reiec 6-2695. 6-tf Oven RestaLmant, Orono. Tele-1 BERT TOMPKINS JonI.Dw h e C.K adwste31j lrebedmoom bungalow. Townahîpi5].~5rcl1 etd meit ~ê.G.K. Ward waa the 39-1TYPEWRITERS for studns phone 290. 39-I'ý Phono Newtouville 786-2552 REAL ESTATE LTD. Aluminuni siding. Close ta bush. GodCnna psosin 1,0.Tro - *t .citing m inister. Recep- u- -. --- tihwas held at the Flying THOMAS--At Memoriel Ha- office modela and portables, COMPANION - Housekeeper, t Cal Colleci, 41-tf Bo Pono 63-3950ran St sawmlandibus. $lOshawaTrs ,50Rve lt6' y7' omsem(bahad u Dutchmian Motel. 391w pilfel, Bowmnanville, on Wed- reconditioncd, i yr. guar. $39. mature, for one lady, two bed- Phn 2-3195r0k t.sconland bus ta Oshawa rVrscnc.Tra ECSTE-3Bd - edy etme 8h1.6,Filing cabinets, like now, 2- oom apartment; gond district, FRFAMK50BcreINih gnd Plx Af. Jdg n cee inNthTrm 1___________ -70 years beloved wife ai AI-I Bil__Hamilton, Raglan. 34-tiltion. Write Advertiser 753, Treching hamn. Watem bowls, steel i On Concession StWel Oshawa. Pasaal A - ORfr Dc)CoTeCnria ttsa, SPI AKsacinBeautiful sc b ment, eut .50rnxb1ick'. Pmiccd taableîf. CAMRON Rfon (Dck- fred H. Thoma, R.R. 6, Baw- APPLES, excellent quality,1 1co2heCandinctaesan, SETI TNK. allofer con- Gond incarne. $53,5004erms aa l,0 ~- Suddenly at his residence, onl menville, deer mother afi6-qt., $2.7.9 hushel. Apply, PO Box 190, Bowmanviiie., 1 INSTALLATION sidemed. 1 bdawn.ei Bunday, September 25, 1966, Frank, Oshawa; sister ofi Gor- North af Bnwmanville, îîmst 39-2. Oshawa Ion Dick Cameron, ai 1l Prince don Pimbley, Peterborough.,;farm West af Spur Station an PREFERABLY experienced,Ha tn l brnon A. Caverly - i$11oODow fr63-2Coi632a gdtet, Bowmanville, in his Reating et the Morris Funeral Taunton Road. Phono 263-8864.!wcitress, ful time. Waitross- ___ --thntgan isin ra I Feat frontantneam. y arhbelovednd buhbandrieit ChepelFast.. 61re bChantdhsan atOf ihapBôwmanville. Serv- 'Please bring containers. es.pamt-time. Substantial gra- V rîe$,0.CaiL aoCollege Hill. Full price on.00don 3- Kathnt,(Mrs. B.Heoaki inte Chapel an Saturday - -39-4ýtuities. Kitchen help, $1,25 VAN2- rie36. WiIaHAW L- rono533W,. $ $1, 00 0 fooy fr aahen(r.B okna 'lck. Informent BOw- AUTHORIZED B ur r Uh -hol~ry 3eas92c-de3A964.iWlntd oj Je(Mrs., G. -Williams) and ma2 o'll Cmtr. 3-1OypaD 'Donald Cox, Coach and Four, Pait SOKF'ARM, 248 acres-. L i da (rs. J. Moorcat), mnil eetr. OypaDeler. Cash Reg- Hihwa 1.Poe562i. omdhm,2b Howcrd WIGHT - 623-2,524 hom,, orom1 16figgraudiather ni eleven itr. ddrTypewriters, Hgay56M. and Dcra3 hecd[Grit IAD 2-79 luiu arncide.Rested atepthe File Cabinets, your chaice, $2 ' cattie ail yeararound. Aek-Milfr McD_____ taO chools u hp iin 2-13 wkly. No monoy down. AMBITTOUS man with Car 2 Egi t.-IVEavilelfpaultry, ieaond Ak 1ONL, 23391phg.K Srhutt and Smifh, Funeral Ud, Rentils Service, Trados in Bowman ville district. Sup- Ph e ing $2.5,000. Terms. * Dorothy VIVIAN- 263-21,18Rod rc. ondtksM.FaRR.1Beh Home. Funeal service w sPh n 623-3075 7 ACRE FARM, N eto 39-1 lRond insh a. a y P on 7 r 13 olet mfternoon. Interment Zion Certiflod Watehmaker of Of Osçh8m'a. 35-tf 'and service the poduets of 39--tf ville amea, with hanise. b m.Torms. ctmeteny. 39-1 tCanedian Jewelier's A"n. T Rl lotolxeCnaadLmt ungi'amo. Exrain efer T $24,0028 ero w th TUfKEYS Full or part time. Complote ASPHALT PAVING! sed unalo.n-to P Kowal, Jr. ~o0~oaJJ~cp7op~~ ,qlitann rvddsel]. REATORfacm o uisFetodpie;pce paami sales trainsly-Atne. providod.leryPhono DRIVE WAYS - WALKS STCKFAM,19 are, mitrout strem na ukPooclet ecm mâ ia Hospta, . wseyA t e- a r' e el eFreshly Killed a d Dressed Trnto 693-3389: 421-736 col- A l W ork Guaranteed * SwTO C ellent building san. P tb - mral H sal, S pebo naler 2,- 39 King St. W . for Thanksgiving sd lect. Ask for M . Smeet. w t xeln ulig nln GENERAL INSURANCE Btay ihtrii 524 93 1006 s leyrd a S pt er f 2 42 Fal Suppers 39-1 - Contact - paved rod. Stream a. Largo 52 King S. W. Bowmanvlle view a orfn u h - _1_ _ _ Liberty Street Narfh, in his Refrigeration Call ARESRSTP NFUL j pond, stocked with tmaut. Has 623-2453 Ski Club. 10arsSALue rsuepm ta hSSRSEPE UES b o sld ta close estato. 11 chaice woral ad o hllwwl;ms oi 86th year, beloved husband qaîîd ivtd Po 2-40roeiIncarne plus living quarteraiblac of.,Laura Mitchell, dear father aud C REK.Apiatosar. itd Poe 635 0 tSTOCK FARM, 100 ac-res in this 2-apartment hooasture._________ ~~~11~fromquali-iedHaimdressers hom9eom. -sapi et ,Bowmanville. Rested ac Appian Service 26229 r4 part time instruction oai -ar, 'n ou-tec.Ascontaylote.Upraan-*250-1 Aestcfam ~ ef~hr1es i ~ Garg ~iance38-3 Girls' Occupational Classe. edhe only house0. etc. Ak etcnais2bdom,7 oom bikhm;FrRn thh ortcut andSmih Fn-nCmmeciaitedDomun- -CommReuirciforlwoardtree all JAC BURESS ingonly$18000rTers. ivigrmom, itcenncliathnlage bnna Exel- IVEmooedlamigdetche l'y% held et 2 o'clock Tuesday OLBRES-FRAEi ae o ae od odoebdom living maom, din-ý near Ida.Eayfr.lt.hoo6374. 9- etternion. Interment Orono Phione BERT STER $50 il Secondamy School. Appiy in 1 CLEANED buildings. Large stmeam. Ex- 'ing oom, kitchen and bath. Coietery. 39-1 Days- 623-5774 writing by Sept. 30, 1966, tacletsil sig$0 ________ ~~O SHAWVA wM. A. MacLeoci, Administratorl PLUMBNG REPAIRS coln o] si $000. Modemn mmncc. Cons ide r- i $28,000-Near Necsl.2 Nlghtg 623-3177 ln Secretary-Treasurem, 181 PHONE HAMPTON Terma. able remodelling donc several starey 'an oueBCHLRafimnt i DEAN, Rowena Elizabeth-AtTVSPL T.CucStBwavle STOCK F'ARM, 144 acres y.ýeors cga. Lovely treeci lot. 3bdo 3"ial 1o Sna, Septmbe riad ELEHTrdCTwaord.Eeshw ___382 3-lwith modemn brick Ihome.. JWeare asking only$1.0 acres, large"i saemnhy hn 2-43 4,=-pebr adEETI Just East ai Ritson Road - Mail Address: Largo 120' harn. Drive shed, with gond terma. Dan't misa barni suiteifo 00-. n ff Roen ElzaethDil 73-131SEL RALESTTEetc. Close ta schooî and this Opportunity-.Call tdy laying boshWer rd Gàlan 5 i Ooo Il73831SL ELETT P.O. Box 543 -Bowuianvillefochhome eon fd8,o rnArticles for Sale Day or ulght - Bill Loask, Prop., Join Ontario's largoat Real- _ - urch. Priceci ta sel]. Three 10 acre parcoîs just ifrhm nOhw.Necsî. Edrycul Dieè of fhc late Edward F.l.fIo pcalzn nFrn a STOCK FARM, 92 acres north ai. tawn. Priceci at $32,000-35 AcresHmtn eere.PhoOoo37W fan, dean mother ai Hesper, REVERSIBLE white pile end _____ -îotîto scaing ion PoeFamm, Va-wt tebto ln.8 om 1500 ah 4 E&W(Ms.A.Wef) nc HA-nyonWnwst)t, nabond Hatr- nylonnoprtis. iVoUltnywit ts ei o]ad.8 onme$,00bocy JSttnd -sory rictMDEN patmn- oiail oi Orono, and Kenneth, one girl, like new, size 2, $101 B E E IF Neproc eosay1eBche evc dhm. ag -hp $2.500 Down will buy this hm.Bn niaae ag iig ___tanu Pr rfl acheSrie ban odsz farm pond.icozy 2-bedmoom bnao Excellent.0:had eese. Rsfe cfthoBar eec. Pono623765. 3-1 fr yiîrfrezer Inker lime basis. Excellent com- 1RENCHES - DRAINS A:;king $17,000. Terma. iwith garage and paveci drive, pond.Wud kem Apy fStema low 'Funeral Home, Omona. MASSEY-Harrîs self-propelied Good Steer Beef with excess mission arrangement. Open- FOUNDATIONS AND CAESAREA - Cottage lots!Central. ieifo uc excellent hmcin.Ofc.3- d e c a ed u W de- c mbn, 1'tbe, throughly ft r o ed eoe u b y . in the Newca.ftle, Kendal, SEPTIC TANKS at Lake Sugog, within 2001sa e t $11,500. Terme. d4r et 2:30 p.m. Intermont overhauled. Massey-Ferguson 'HINDS 69e - FRONTS 49e andi Omono crocs. For ap- Phono yards af public beach. Priced i $1,00nown folaghme Ctae.dHms mntpif dvwaan Ômno emetéy. -1Dealer, Little Bitein, Phono RIDES 57e lb. pointmcnt ccli or write: 1cknfrlag oe Ctae n 39-1-t Cut, wrapped sud frozen Mr. Omar Chîshoîrn Blackstock 986-737 at $,200. Cili: Mm. Donneîly,jan spaciaus lot in Haydon.i$ 1,500-Lake Ontana n.'nr'caalheimdae mEUA-ville, nlye t Bo NW BUGn-b y aeDntNo extra charge R.R. No. 5, Belleville li8-76.This iS a real buy et 57,000.1mnvleWsBac..Poo2-23 91 1966 G, n ary damd Sep. ents e ah spycaems 5Bygo pioserbefH ET LD ELO BWAVLLroomeci Ccil Now! IFmnviahe «3bor te~~~er 24 Satuod'ywaste your mney onl Telephone 962-7686 buglw vih IEetvetcoae, creend- - modets ea bungalow eabacheloruheateed D1Luca, aged 18 yeans, ho- canes, dug ta order. R. Man- tWe eac upylwrgade 3-41Acanvoniences. Located north cls asopn.AhoueyIpmh DUning Orono ___a__ ___ rgrade 38 ACKERMAN $closeMapîeshopcingbah, bed-sitting moom 10aio fMr n r.Eio1 na.Oon 0M. fBeef at 5c Per Ilb. less endi oi town. Asking $12,500. beautiful iin every way and $,00-apeGravRro Apyu tt~ fie D É Lu soa, 6 Mn. ad MS . £ , Ï GàHiUu 37-y fr i t f' a-nd 1 - !-7X C A ATi Term maarrangec. tfeatu ing, f m l -i o kt h n o e o o w rymnvlle, dean broter a"-H ultyfut ndBOWMANVILLE M N O y __RNITVV rx 0Y T lA: aml-i- ithn oeo amRoald Haynes) and Rita 1.R reaNaLUVriuaOrono f New Location 1lfCMEHOE, upex rom.hoeaw a,.re lot ric -eBwavlî mPooR MleOao10 th e, . emis ) Re stin a t - - EDFOR iPhono 150 Corner King sud Division Stà. carListing ai 5 ooms in ach at ony $12900 with $3100 brick ho meon8 x _ __ _ _ _ _ - - ~w aville. Requiem Mass ton w gon, ih uedI T IIP o o 2-2 2apartment. A l modemn con-_ down. Real bargain.18' V ry c n al BE O M A AR EN rasFnea haeIUE qimet: Special: 6. a HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A i17-fiveniences. Priceci ta sel. Brand New Homes. We Trs v But osp omanvithlle ItierB414D raor, tratrionanle What BIG INCOME- MAIL__________________5__ T:rmshvevfourbîe, CentraL $75 Month23-3 Jhrhophs anCath10iictires, 10,0:Inwthaerioal Plowdown The W.' T. Rawleigb Co. Ltd. B UR F brick bungalow in the beaf lows behind Dominion Store.-'After Ipan.8zwihGrg.$0 y Chrc o Tusdy t 0 25Dtx.t ,wth odr; and40 ihle, otel ..part of town. AI a~nAil moder conveniencos in-, ~.0~ret 39-1 crawler, with leader, Inter. 3.-05RiDelt.ieu-140-HyPQ.QIC TA conveniences. Finished mec. cluding Tappun stave. Priced pst Teo 2.07KWLRA S furrow plow, 3 point hitch;j Fer a Complote Fertiliseri Gentlemen: I arn intemosteci in mHS ORIG oom. About $5.000 wiîî lram $17,271,00 with N.H.A . IKen Hoekin - o 1355 225 01AY-At Memoial Hospital. Fenguson 2-iurrow plow, 3- PrOgrans - Sili Testlng th'e cworld famous Rawleigh THS ORIG andle. term, Camne andi soc these on26, 1906 , ont-urowitc;Masy-eguo CprRem eang > s BukýL n afine homes. Jaek Whiteman o 6371 ___ _______3- 26, 986 Eree3furow pl .û3po. iciSpedn at-iebssFailiCheck-up and Tuno-up and Exclusive P' M"lIh Stret784ttractie tche lrumk Ir )Gray, Newcastle. aged Ferguson 8 t teldisc; Coçk- CUSTOMI BLEND . . . () Full-time. basis au pcas3bdombn<ur ~ u om, n vnr j 8 ~gaduar brother ai Art, uhidm15-run eoiubination seed 18 TUE TREND PlCoosBook nd mcaFRlogUe' m doeehanicensDnald ountJCall: 23314bi-nd savu e A o aibous-ae NIrug.h îsîe n btrcmlt Pieue sncime FEE Il ork oueby leeneetAlLr Hers dl:galow witb fireplace andRo Marion (Mmns,3.,L. fr111, on rubber; Inter. 13-rua nirBoo e home.Krge l~io> i~wvU;cmnbnation -ueed cdcatlogu me CERESDnalALEuntth 63-ncedd laKey witb ipi Catafo.ragThmasrvonelly -985-7264 for $19,800. N.H.A. term 2-10 vn ~ ~ with FERTILIZERS Name .~. Phyllis MeRobbe -62-19with 614 % mortgago. Dong Gower -31 aw uî ietarut S0I'VIOB e Yte. fora e harvester. w ith LT . Address I. lger Jorgenien - 9 7-4491 Evenin g, cal: fo ru F rd r -o ld o rd m f r re c d ~~ ~lai. cornhed Cowen EqwjJNEWCASTLE - ONT. City-------------5 King st, W. gawmanville.Lyle Maman-- 392-3964 'A. Code--- 623-2641'i BrookIli 1535 et .he i w nvt eCern- Ment Co., 134 King St. lW. It0 &33- a u&.987-4711J 1Prov. --____Phone_023-31" JIR .vium-Bth 0. . K . . $23-868 !eorge . edrom Grag, aron 831 wuanil 3-1 39u a-1 174.18 39-1 Kwa30,. -1 erut - -26.l0p8-1