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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 17

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~~IACCIEIEI% AIC ~~~~Tenders Wcmted The Cam&= aStateànnBwavfsSp.8l6 1 C ~LASSIFIED AD* **Tendrs*II e recelvedy Loithcadu T ~~~ ~ ~ ~ noon on Monday the 3rd day FEMALE Beagle, lf a OI ~edl Cctsof IUUanks In J.emoflam Coming Events -Cars for Sale Auction Sales Notices of October 1966 for fihe pur- tattoo -F4ESW. phoele-l~ o!.2d bs Ofr cobr1,16,13 a. FrFle rs rdcs erties owned by fihe Public 986-4838.3- rnd o ieOial Gae aodwish to thank of a dear brother and son, bourg, Tea, and Bazaar, O(t. Phone 623-3459 a ter 6:30. elling 34 Registered Hereford cail Elsie, Phone 723-0444. Sehool Board of the Township mn nOxw a relatives, friends, neighbours Bruce, who died Septexnber 22, 2 - 5 p.m. Admission 50c. 3i.l* Cows and Stockers, property South Durhxamn,calli Witby School Area of Clarke- and 4W o ey. G. K. Ward for lth, 1961. 39-1 of Lewis J. Wood, R.R. 4, Bow- 68886583. 28-tf 1. Real property composed the -mly acts of klndness Youi, presence la ever near us, Eche Party Maple Grove '5 PONTIAC, best offer. manvilie, ai the farin. David of Part ai Lt 1 BrkenChild ren Fin shown during bis recent ill- Your love remains with uls Hall, Saturday, Otal>er Ist Apply 12 Flett St. mter 6, ev- L. Cornish, auctioneer. 39- Dr. A. È. McKenzie wil l rotFrnCocsinathTo L deatix. 39-1 yet, 8 p.Amsin7c u c eings ,39- ron Cncesin o teLTwn You wcre the klnd of a brother pro dnxissi39-1c. 1unch ALCO,39.*lege be in his office front Septein- ship o! Clarke ai the County ivi ernaa and Hazel Murphy and sornde.3- 16 ACOlwmiegWZEK.LY ber 28 ta October 16, both Oi Durham having a frontage 1 t*takail their friends Your loved ontes wauld neyer Monster Bingo. Thursday anc awner; reasonable. Phone -dpof2 ' more or lesa a'" J8kg iafel'u s fo gf acada farget. night at 8 o'clock, sponsored 263-8478. 39.1 LIV STOCK SALES dates inclusive. 39- ai 8ho24' more or les n a he wesend of on e1 orm. end best wishcs, with special -Sadly missed and cirer re- by the Sunnyside Park. Red 15 OTA ovrila uhmVUiySlsAea AtrSpebr2,16 subject to the purchasers _______________andBar._Nothshaw. __ agr955eiNTAC andeticovenanting 00uty alestre WedneSptdayr 8, esn engsdfoune t4rk othe comiittee whomebedbymte anBrnNotOsaa new tires, new top, Ai motor, Oroiio - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Phone Ackermnan Water Haul dgreoisn d eav ix and grenade. Th twea. plved their At Home on familY. 39-1 Bawmanvile Rod & Gun $350 cash. Phone Orono 371W. SeIling NOsse, Cattie, Sw0,lnemg, 623-5756 as I have gi e build ndpree siute as tdrnd oer TI o 34ptember 17, 1966. 39-1* Club will hold a Turkey 38.2 Calves, SIIeep, etc. J. A. Reid up hauling water. Man ildnrsnl iut manville Police bythyurg McNUTLTY-In ioving me- Shoot at Thistie- Valley Park & Son, Saies Managers 1-tf inanks to customers. Wm upon the property within a tr'penso d-~u1 lie a han Ms.mary o! a dear daughter Kath--oat October l5th, 1966, at 1 pm. 1964 RAMBLER Classlc 680, Hasiuk. 39.ï rne ta be specified.str paetonTude' Apermceore ùwould l____ _o _____ ____ 2. Real property composed The finders were a Caieiron anid Mrs. Topple for leeri Louise Overy who pass- 39-1 8 cyl., automtatic transmission. of! Part of Lot 25, Concession about 10 children rnig~iniaffx in ont' arranglng the wonderful brid- cd away September 29th, 1962. Anyanc wishing ta order Man extras. 28 Wellington Auctian sale ai 60 Short- O E H U E 4, ai the Township ai Clarke age frasu four to eve ete trlgo hrd a hwrwihwshl tTo knaw ber -was ta lave her, sprays, wreaths, etc., for Street. 39-1 horri and Hereford cattle, 3 TRSOP E OUENDtif ony !Dra a-o! age.evngSp.2tnsedo, Had1 Shoe ch wasI hld a ai Tfouesdaany, Sept. 27 Srvc, les tle ratoshle, e sde Ha s aN I heCony f uha hv Hayd o nkool e ould afo Adtheforfamly nd frued rmitc evc, iael-'64 PONTIAC, 6 cyl., standardtatrblenw sd- Froin 2 to 4 o'clock In ing a frantage of 99' more or police Chief Ber, dR dl etwe' ttma. liketa han evryoe fr Ad fxe weenes o!herphone 623-3221 before Oct. 1. Strafa-Chief; radio, wliewa11s' delivery rake, funl lime af ma- less and a deptix af 165' more K.itriey said that fiegrnd useful gifts, which are very T.memory 38-2 25,000 miles, piaf.$1,515 chinery, propèrty of Edgar Wcstvlew Helghts Subdivision or less, subject ta the purchas- was iri a rusted conitinwt UL much ýpeitd a ete i o hwsBk n rdc rtetor 'Ponae.6356 Beer, Lot 15, Cari. 8, Manvers, NEWCASlTLE crs agreeing and cavenanfimg the tirincg pin stili n ostin Tmmerari ithr di narSh9s BaenandPodceorbei 62r.3-56.3miles wcst o! Bethany an _______-Moiher anid Frank. 39.1 Sale, Saturday, Oct. 1, 10 a.m.-3-1ta demolish and remove fixe Chie! Kitnicy urgesalpr MO<MNS NI We wsh t si- McULT-In ovig meory6pr., et Price's Fruit Stand'6 PNTA sistnad 7A, then north from Gallo- New 3-Bedroom Brick building presently situate upon ents to warn thei!didcr AER Wews oepesorsn nN.2Highway,% mile'0POTA sistnad way Scixool, s farm, Satur- Bungalows built by tixe property within a iet not to t uc nawobjci cere appreciation t h Solina ceUT-nlvigmmr ast of Bowmanvillc. 39-1 4-dr., equipped with limited day, Oct. i. Termns cash. Sale Alwood Homes be specified. He said that the ecotino Comnxunity for the gifts they af a dear sister, Kathleen slip differential. Jin Byers, at 1 p.m. 'Ted Jackson, Ted 3. Real property camposcd the grenade found by h oa gaeu temer17he isete nd LoaysepMtier 9fh,1962. da, O oe Clr Nes- acksfock, Phonie 986-4796. Spericeley, auctianers. 38-2 Onie wlth ai Part o! Lot 18, Concesincide md fe1eey m ' SAFR gavtemubi epr e setn on LouiseerMNuty , 16passdac, Oon r enCar afurs- 39-lN.H.A. 61Y40/% Financlng 7, of the Township ai Clarke _____________ ..> f0.LD thanks ta the Solina Soccer Dear Kay, you are not btt and her orchestra. Pro- 9 Quallty Craftsmanshlp o! the Courity of Durham cari- N¶D Club for their gift. forgotten, ceeds for Artifîcial Ice Fund. BUICK, 1965 LeSabre 4-door Auction sale ai bedraom, $16,000 - $4,700 dowa taining anc-hall acre more or REST.LTS CIU T HrlanLosYlole. Though on earth you are no Admission $2.00 per couple. hardfop, power brakes, power livirigroom and kitcheri furni- Cali less tagether with building CnutaMme ftep,, _____Stili in memory you are with Rèbekai arid Odd Fellow Phonie Newcastle 987-4746 ator, Findlay cook slave, box W. Frar'k 4. Scixool Belîs.____ __ Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. us, Rummage Sale i Trinity Sun- affer 6 p.m. 39-1 siove, wash sets, dishes, etc., Real Estctte Ltd. 5. Two Qil Space Heaters. Safr a 'Werry wish ta thank ail who As you always werc befare. day Scixool,'October 14, from fixhe praperty o! Mr. Norman * 6. One 200 gallon où storage 1 1 k IDOEl he1 d ini any way, fa make _..Ever rcmembercd by brofh- 10 a.m. fa 6 p.m. Home bak- USED %-toni Trucks, priced Kennedy, Lot 11, Con. 6, 21 King St. W. - BowmanvlUe tank.LMTD ther aniersry uc a app e BIlChrsaiahadpougyig. or iciplelpixne a lea: 154FaranicnceCorkgTowshp, nc oFcosr62.393 Oe dep-cl pup. . _____ ocso;terfmyrl-las, sistcr Jean, Cuily and 623ý.3508. 39-2 17105P, $150; 1959 Farga, Lic. sion soutix mmd a haîf mile 39-1 Inspection aofixhe said a liiui oesanin; thfi r famly , ela- _________________-14893B, $495; 1959 Chev. .4-dr., wcst o! Kendal; selling with- ,.praperiies mybe arngdby MULIPL LIAS chîldrendn. 39 anda1* A Hobby Tea will be held 6 cyl., automatic transmission, ouf reserve on StraO. ic m Tmay arranged MULTIPLE LISTING e thé U.C.W. who served such PARKER-In laving memory each Tuesday ai 27 Horsey cuslom radio. Sharp! Lic. 1sf at i p.m. Terms cash. o racfigteRunesign O haae a ýdeâlcous dinner and re- ai a dear mother Ethel Mary Street. Tuesday, Oct. 4 will 306507! Cowan Equipment Property sold. Jack Reid, PROFESSIONAL work guar- Phone 32WO rOtraeRBs ido hwa&D trt 31 nasS.E Wtb ception lunch. 39-1 Parker who passed away Sep- be "Rugs", 2:30 - 4:30. Every- Ca., 134 King Sf. E., Bowman- auctiameer; Clerk, L. Harris. anteed. Arthxur C o 111 s o ri, Highest or amy tender not Real EstateBorM0ak855 _______temnber 27th, 1962. anc welcome. Phone 623-3587 ville. 39. 38-21623-3900. 36-tf necessarily acccptcd. 38-21_______________ Wc wish to thank aur Wc treasure sf111 with lave for information. 39-1 friendsanmd relatives for the Beauliful memories ai ane fixe Past", Town Hall, Wed-- lovely gis and hospitality sa dear. nesday, November 23, 8:15 shown on fixe occasion aifaur -Lovingly remencbered by p.m. Admission $1. Proceeds 25h WdigAnvray agtrVla o-nlwfor Centennial Celebration. FO wt pca hnst ag-Gro.39-i Sporisored by Lionelfes. 39-1 ICD k r A1 . t Saron, Marilyn and ____ sisters-in-law Vivian PRESCOTT-I oigm-Fall Fashion Fanlasy by fixe REG*UWV and~~~I Eilenvina ea meu - Mary C Shoppe, sponsored by ar g aend va Mc onl.mry o ersn n rt-Rotary Club, Bowmiamviile,m Marg nd Evn Mac 39-1d er, Ross William John Pres- St Joscph's Hall, Liberty S., __9__1 colt, who passed away Sep- Monday, Oct. 3, 8 p.m. Door OS wr wihtfan thi fodyrm bre,82Mr. and Mrs. Perey HaY- Deme nr , art. you are pies, refreshmenîs. Tickets Ii many friendsanmd neigihours Sweel, h ap p y memoriesMO SE BNG for the beautiful flowers, guifs ding'roun yoBINGO muid lavely cards sent ta us Truc hearta that loved you THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'elock on aur anniversary and Mrs. with deepest affection Sponsored by fthe Junior Hayward's birthday, l9th of Always will love yau in Chamuber of Commerce i c by Mrs. Mariori West and Mrs. -Ever remembered by maux- O S HA WA 8-tfepmbr Tawssred dti csa.JBIE PA LlNl Louis Cox, maklng fixe oc- er, broîhers and sisters. 39-1 Woadview Community Centre ( casion a happy anc. -Mamaler B ingo. Twenty, Percy and Rosena Hayward. TENNANT-In loving m or ames-twenty allars; five 39-4* ai J. Arthur Tennant Whoîriy dollars; $150 N sngpmssed away September 281h, jackpot, mnd two jackpots atmIt Nursin Hôme T965e 2love a heares. deart LI'NTONHURST MANOR bas Nothing cari cier take away Momdmy, 8 p.m., Red Barn, t forlaieead o m emories holds d Os 0hmwa. 46-tf- accommodation frlde n Fn eoislinger evcry Pas aatndteCOF gentlemen. Reasoriabie rates. day,PlntatedheC.F Phone Orano 371W. 33-40* Remembrance keeps hlm Hard Timne Dance ta be held near. at fixe Lians Centre on Satur-' -Ever remembcred by wlfe dlay, October 22 at- 9 p.m SAVE 11 and family. 39-1* Music by Dodsworth's Orcix: - anld fatixer, Gardon Van Camp, Dor't miss radio interview RCETO OM! $ A AP- oigm-cme o ikt elpxn aya ada ubn md63.44 91who passed away Seplember an CKLB of C. G. Hilborn, W C C2t,195 isrc icdScrlrAlways a smile instead a! a I.B. for West Durham on Tues- BONELESS -*LEAN frown, day, Oct. 11, Thursday, Oct. 13, was down; in aur district a d Blitz, Mon- mIO qDRk- ROASI Always truc, fhoughtful muid day,. Oct. 17. 39-2 indu etre elf On Sunday October 2md Woreidu.eoie eiitBovmanvil1e Kînsmen will bb-E ehinmmrd. lssonsor fixeir annual Senior 73 bwife Marionannd family. CtzesFa for "hixetor FOEH-MLAN VIRTU-In îovýing memory are asked ta Phxone 623-5364 ]ROME-ADE aofMy dear husbmuid Otta L. or 623-5066 net later than Fri- Virtue wixo passed away Octo- day, September 30fh. 39-1 Tixere is na parfing front those TOUR I SA~~Il we love,ANI 9 For today in memary's garden THANKSGIVING WEEKEND) LflC Each dawning day a thougixl Oct. 8 -Oct. 10 -YO RS L U7b of him, W- SAorE$$$ Ien At evenfide a prayer, Wieo eehn ________________ And ix e hearts fixaI loved C L E ]FRESH - MEATY He hwswlm be there. TRAVEL SERVICE TO B H L I URC UDTICE S OR PO Rk HOCKS -Lovingly remcmbcred by hisOchrve MDt U rf !lorun --- Fit M14rs str pcial mic. Turke ENROL NOW ?iowing MatchiRGSE O COCKTAILI FOR SEAFORTE 15-oz. RED CROSS SPONSORED October 13 RGSE O COURSE Go by Cbartered Bus Tinà59 HOME NURSING Phone 885-2527, Port HopePH N72 161RZEW NR SAVE lc Conducted by "Color Tour" I BRIGEWS Qualfiedl Istructors ALGONQUIN PARKPH N .7 8 61RIEW NR RIGHT'S Commenelug and SANTA'S VILLAGE I-M .D U EO APPLE JUICE Wed., Sept. 28th Sunday, October 2 OR M1LARDOUGRV SHWOT Fer furtixer information For information te abovo 2TIRS 2 c 3-88n2527 Port Hope PWHNOTNEE6728-1 6 1F7 IARBOR SAVE Oc BOWMANVILE Wllij<Wet V. 8*AM SAVE BADMINTON CLUBI THANKSGWVING WEEKENDI UW fff DllIT Tl. October 7 -10 U ..-v~ w w u~bU rtIuiffdefumIrde D A. N C El DOlxeAi-ooaeuon"e O HWdO D R D C S LD I aurday, Oct. lie____ ___ __ PIESENTS Personal I COURTICE OSHAWA SHOPPING CINTRI' "The g #HYGEMC Sp -àb Ugl Dukligs"~>sealdenvelope With pr=c liai. Six samples 25c. O UE~~I 9 - ~24 samples$ 1.00. Mail Order 'ILN-IJN M vw~ ADISIOe .$1]DeptT-28. Nov.-Rubber Co. U M -IN MTOs »O 39a D i, HAMiltonOt. 1-u3 '0i

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