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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1966, p. 18

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D ne je daye this week, Thurs- adffiday, marked most excitenum enth Ae week. udy we lied Improve- Day, a day in1 ilch neputs on their best m 1me an md beliav- Flay marked the spc- senior amsemnbly for the of Iettcrs and school *On Friday night, the mneof thc yemu, "Wel- a", wss held. Quite a Vo cram into two Inutvemet Day was quite a<iocess with everyone look-j *their very bust. The girls, they aiWays- lo>k good, on an qXtra show by get- *Wë;I T iirvery hast and It Weil with -their llexry. One girl when ask- wliat she bmted worst about eent Day said that mepttlng on and taking off tejewellery was the most ~ruu. The boys naturally dhed their shirts and tics. unlike prcvious years, was a greater variety It camne to jakets and Corduroyz, collarless,1 Ifljackets seeffu popular1 [ BTUR I5AMES GARNET MAHOOD P ollowng an iliness of five tbs, the death of James t Mahood, aged 75 years, ocred at Oshawa General J~eital on Sunday, Septem- J>r18, 1966. --SSn of tihe late Joseph Ma- and Eliza Jane McKee, e Qceased was born in awright Township near usa= , where lie attended beool. On Deceinber 27, 1916, lemairried the former Helen arscadden who predeceased #tm. B fefore ooanlng VoBowman- bein 1924, Mr. . Maihood re- 1 cIn Darlington Township. ~~ormer employee of the U~dear Tire and Rubber çPOÇÇpany plant here, hie had ~sretlred for 10 years. He evsn adherent of Trinity »mtdChurcli. ~ f.Mahood i survived by son, Alan Mahood of Wil- IE!dae, and a daiighter, Uaon(M is. Gordon Byers) - aw.There fare iglit =mnchildren. A sister, Mrs. Psr1hton Devitt (Lena) of 922viw'ile, also survives.t i 'flhè tuneral service was1 fl, f rom the Morris Funerai ha Pcl, Bowmanville, ont LuedY, September 20, and i gm conducted by R'ev. George ILWérd. Interxnent wua in1 vill e Cemetery. c Pallbearers were Mesrs.' tavwne Devltt, Cecil Hanifi Goedou Wilson, Alan)I ,aîrin Nesbitt and i Itw as - LcVVJ -always the best tumes to havi t«r picture taken. Làke ti years belone, packets containý Ing pictures of varioum size iwill ha aold. However, for thf tfirst tkme these pictures wIl -be i living colour and iot -of colour there will ha. Foi eall Umoe wffo are interestec 1tia wae' the lirst of severa: Dhnpvrovement dm sto ha helÉ tAris year. Each year, durlng Septem. ber, awards for the prcviow yeai- are given. Awards taki mamy Lormus, some being: tab, givemi for outstanding perfor- maaice in fielde sudi as lit- erature, muisic, scholarship citizenship, and athietics; let- ters, given for earning threE tabs i amyone of fthc afore- mentioned categocries; sohool crests, given for earning three letters one of which being for Scholarship; and finaily the "Big B", given for outstanding athlctie achievement and lea- dcrdhip with at least a 60% average in grade twelve. This year, as last, chairman cf Uic auwards oommnittec was Ma,. Stacey. With bis delega- tion of teaohers he congratu- lated ail the recipients of awards. Special congratula- tions ik extended. Vo jilI Nichois, the only winner of the sehool orest, truc testi- mony to Uic dcgree of diffi- cultY encountered in obtain- ing this award. Weloomnania. was held on F'niday. Welcomania was the first dance of thc year. Wel- co'mania was a succss. With the help of a great grouqi fromn Toronto, "Socm e Pcopls Children", ani Don Taylor as emeee, attendance shot over the niagic nuanher of three hundred. Thougli Uic teru1per- ature on Uic dance floor was better than nlnety degrees the action did' ne: slow clown. "Some Peoplc's Ohuîdren" is the first of niany groups to cSeto B.H.S. this year. Other great groupa are bound to corne and maybHe Some Pccvpde's Children'1 wil return. Great, you bet, and if you inissed Ulis week's dance don't miss Uic next one Prut on by Your Students' Council. i i J T'h. C*aidan Statesman, Bowmanvfle, Sept. 28, 1ME D u c * uWc 1 sMurs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. John. Pritchard who is with his grandmother for titis fycar and attending Courtice High School, s pefnt the.week- end at Manotick with his par- fents, Mur. and Mrs. Otis Pritch- ard. Master Roy Brooks, young- est son of Mur. and Murs. Ron Brooks, had the misfortunc to break sme bones ini one foot, whlc out in the apple orch- ard. Mr. and Murs. Murray Mc- Kinnon, of Cambray, wcre Thursday last visiteurs with their nicce and nephew, 1fr. and Murs. Ccdric Russell. Mr. and Mns. Tom McGulrk and farnily were weckcnd visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wismcr, Breslau, who celebratcd their 25th wcdding anniversary. Mr. Cccil Milis was a Sun- day visitor with Mr. and Mns. H. Short who were celebrat- ing their 4Oth wedding anni- versary. Quite a number from this community called on Mr. and ivis.Liane Kixaci n un. Barry Xrawchuk. day. They were celeburating 3urd Vice President, their 25th annivcrsary. Students' Council. Will anyone kriowing the whereabouts of the Guide apron please rturn it te, K. MAPLEGROY Whiney.Thank you. MÂPLE ROVE hetney. Maple Grove Girl (Intended for last wcck> Guides enjoycd another week Mur. Hl. G. Freeman lias ne- of camping at Camp Adelalde turned fromn Gencral Council lu Haliburton. The little nain hcld at Waterloo four 10 days. wc had dici net seem to, damp- Murs. Freeman visited rdla- ce the girls' spirits. tives ln Brantford amd Harn- Wc had five girls from i1sf ilton. Bowmanville Company and Mr. Brian Bradley ha. ne- five from Hampton Company turned Vo Kemptville Agni- ioled our 12 girls. cultural College four hi. 2nd There weure eight girls work- yrcar. ing on Pioncer which we will Mur. and Mns. Ray Snowdcn, complete this Fali., [sllngton, were Tuesday lait- Nine girls received the! r vnattons with heur mother Finit CIa.. Swlm: Barbara durs. R. R. Stevenn. imtea nd4 BeckettaG+ fm .-T.,. 1967 SmmCx husand, à&. and Mis., K. J. Brooks. We welcome Mr. and Mus. J. A. James and family I& our community. The -have pur- chased the hoquWan d lot own- cd by 1fr. H. J. Brooks, just west of Brooks' farn on 111gh- way 2. Mr. and Mrn. Howard Cryd- erman rcturned home on Su~n- day froni a two and a hall weeks visit with fricnds, rela-, tives, also thear two grand- children in Vancouver, Vit- torna; Mrs. Allan Taylor (nec Elleen Balson) of Victoria, asa visited folks at Edmonton, Ima in Alberta, Vernon, End- erby. Mrs. Allan Snowden rctunn- cd home on Sunday from; Holyrood, after spending two weeks with a deughter - ad husband, M~r. and 1frs. John Aitchison and family. She was accompanied home by an- other daugliter and husband, Mr. and Mns. Howard Hage- dorn and family of Plattsville. Little Miss Laurie Rogers, daughter of Mr. and 1fr.. Ron Rogers wase in Oshawa Hospital last Friday whcre she underwent an eye opera- tion. She is home and doing nicely. Noble, Sheila Goodmurphy from Islt Maple Grove; Mary Monahan, Sylvia Katzcr, Eliza- beth York and Barbara Bor- ek from Hampton; Beth Amur Cliffon from Bowmanville., The Best Camper, Marion Monahan; Most Congenial, Pat Anderson; Best Patrol, Jose- phine Preece; Slow Paturol, Linda Stevens; to be Remem- bereci the Longest, Jane Noble; Best String of Beads, Laurie Preece; Little Mother, Pat Welsh; Best Ester, Barbara Bourck; Best Cook, Sylvia Katzeur, Most Helpful, Sharon Gordonier; Most Co-operative, Laurie Pureece; Most Cheerful, Josephine Pureece; Most Ener- getie, Nany Symons. The Maple Grove U.C.W. meeting was helci in the church hall, September 15 with 23 present. Mrs. W. H. Brown opened the meeting by reading a poem. Murs. R. Dubcau con- ductcd the worship service, the theme. being United Na- tions and Peace. Hymn 252 was sung followed by prayer. The meditation was read by Mrs. C. Russell. Hyrn 514 was sung, and Murs. R. Dubemu closed with prayer. Mrs. W. H. Brown, presi- dent, announced the U.C.W. Regional Faîl Meeting would be held ini Ajax, Nov. lst. Miss Elizabeth Braden and M¶r. Lloyd Clifton, two Grade 13 students from Bowman- ville Hligli School weure intro- duced as the speakers of the evening by Mrs. H. J. Brooks. rhese students werc sent to Waterloo this summer te a conference on United Nations. Everyone e n jcy ed theiri speeches and ail werc enliglit- ened on the work cf the Unit- ed Nations. The meeting was thie Mlzpah Bene5 lowed by a social kh ed wlth )n. fol- Oshawa, Ont. - Genera' Motors of Canada today' un. veiied the 1967 Buicks, plac. ing the empliasis on masi c stylng changes, two nevm Powcer plants, and a host cd product inmprovements. Th7e Buick niodela will g on display September 29. Bukck for 1967 offers e total of 37 different models. ThE vanjous serles are Special, SPecial Deluxe, -Skylark, and the Sqiortwuagon, and LeSabre, Wildeat, Electura 225, and Ri- viera. General Motora noted thal product imp(rovemnents were a major consideuration in de- ,signirig the new modeas. Buick's brake systema are more closely tailored to the weight and porwer ouf thc car, which varies from series te series and according to power Plant 0options. In addition, front whecl dise brakes are offered as oqtional eqluiprnent on rnost models. Lrnproved lining maternaI and incireased thkikness are provided where brakln-g de- manda are greater because of the poweur-weight factour. Buick's regt&lr-sized cars, the LeSabure, Wildcat and Electra 225, have new bodies and introduce an attractive new side appeïrance with a contouured Une that swecps froim front fender Vo rear bum-per. Two-door and tour- door hardtops have new rooflines, esuphasizing a fastback Bp- pearance. New grilles, bunmpcrs and tailligits 'have been designed for cadi Buick serdes. Specials and Skuyiarka have been given a'number of styl- ing refinements i exterior anmentation Vo crcate a nore pleasing design. Bvic¶k's Mai efort In1967 In txtero e dM ame ditet- J les more readiiy identifiable. Thie Sikylarka look different froi the Specials, and thc rLeSabre, Wildeats and Elec- v trias have been given their fown dIstinguLshing fMatures. The Sportwagon lias been i astylcd with a new horizon- tal grille, and as optional, an 1entirely ncw side treatanent of'simulated wood grain pan- dling. 1 The new Rivieralias been given a number cf reflue- mien s, inoluding a restyled grille, new stainless steel rocker panel moldings andý ncw interiors. Produot improvement tems lncluded as standard equip- ment on ail 1967 Buicks, in- dlude thie new four-way haz- ardc warning flasher, dual master cylinder brake system with warning liglit, GM-de- veloped c n c r g y-absorbing stecring. wheel and encrgy ab- sorbing steering colunin, pas- senger-guard dcour icks on all doors, folding front seat back locks on two-door models and station wagons with folding seats, lane change signal ln directional signal control, en- ergy absorbin.g instrument panel with sinoofli contoured knobs and levers, and inside day-n4fght shatteur resLgtant vinyl cdgcd mirror with breakaway support. In' keeping with Buick's higiemr brake standards for 1067, thc use of aluniinum front brake drum-s lias been extended Vo incinde the Sport- wagon seules. These brakes also have new linings and a largeur dianieteur power cylin- deur fow mucliIniproved per- formance. Comparable improvenients were aoconIiphed on Uic LeSabre, Special and Skcylark serles by adopting a larger pow er booster and iuprovcd sAgMateriai. ail B!Ik boa sixen- dSatt. Me wu amhe~ aâ lni Uie new Hm, rsngilng ,1iilty Uzdted Churdi, Eowbé: the V6 power plant.nmanvile. whidhi k standard on tAie.Spe-'lIer huabuad,* red~4b cia series to the new 430- cu- predeceaeed, her ln 1W'n bic inch V8. she was predeceased by a daugliter, Laura Smith, Maj yeare ffo. OBITUÀRY MeSmtlasrm BUS. FRED SMMI George Smilth ofBowmaiville. .T1he funeral service was~ lhe death of Mr. re held tram thie MofrisFu Smith, agcd 85 years, oocurred Chaîpel1. B owmnan v 1llý on Stnday, September le, Wednesday, -September 19M6, at Mémorial Hoptal, and was condhmtedby Bowtmnanvle-, followig an George K. Ward. Intene ilnew of me ee .was hi Lakevâew Ceinetery, Deuig!ter cd the at JhnNewtonvlile.> Bmerson and Anne Page, ?albearexu eTe Messims the former Lila Emmersn ~McKIIIg!t, Bob Hayes, was- born on April 30,-.1881 Ed. Fo'ler, Cliff SasnisRa at Kendal where she ,attended nwoSd.Gibbs anld Harold Bi~ school. Ini 1901 she nmared rOwVIOugiI. P'red Smnith. Aniong thc beautiful floral Mirs. iniith residcd on their tributes, evidence of -the es. terni property ini the Newton- -teem in whieh the decesscd ville area for niany years, was held, were those frocn R. moving in 1948 to 3 Veterans M. Hofling9héad ocd Canada Ave., Bowmnillc, heur rçài- Ltd., Whiz Dept.'40, and Tri. ATTENTION HUNTERSiVI DUK , 1S E A SO Hom LIMITED AML 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Wi*lfred McMechan- and Staff 'of Robson- Motors Limited cordially 'invite you' and your friends, fo attend our annual. Introducing the adventurous 0 9 0 New PONTIAC for '67 The easy car is here... '67 ACADIAN THURS. - FR1. The tuned The big, boId -SEPT.O car '67 BUICK new . .. GMC TRUCKS 29-30 REFRESHMENTSoI wiII be served * 3 p.m. until. 9 p.m. each eveningi1 FAVORS for everyone! GORD- COOtES, Sales Manager gy ST EW PR ESTON lt 166 KING ST. E. TERRY MASTERS BER WYMNE TfL.LC(K PHONE 623m331 w v '-'-*'~*~' ~ ~- This Buick Wildcat two-door sport coupe illustrates the new roofixes, em- phasizing the fastback- appearance, on 1967 Buick, hardtops. Ail 1967 Buicks have undergone major restyling. Wildcat, Le Sabre and Electra 225 -ail have new bodies featuring an attractive new side appearance- with a contoured line that sweeps from front fender to rear bumper. A -special effort- hai been made to give each 1967 Buick series its own distinguishing features. Buick's Sport-wagon has been restyled with a new horizontal grille a2nd, as an option, an entirely. new side treatanent of simulated wood grain paneljipg. Besides important ne w safety feat- ures - such as the GM-developed energy-absoirbing steering- column which telescopes up to 81/ inches - as standard'equipmnent on ail models, Buick of- fers. a host of equipment options ranging froni fronit wheel disc brakes (for power brake-equipped niodels) to a manual or a utomatic Four-Season climate control air conditioning systeni. Six enginesrange from a 16(a-hp V6 to a new 430 Cu. ini., 360-hp V8. NOW, OPEN! WEARE STOCKED . . . AND READY WITH NAME BRAND LONG RANGE PLASTIC SH@TGPJN 12 Gco. SHELLS INCLUDING *IMPERIAL LONG RANGE *REMINGTON EXPRESS. *WINCHESTER SUPER X IN BB, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7% - Your Choice$ 2089 PM . PER BOX WE CARRY A FULL LINE 0F SHOTGUNS McGR'EGOR HARDWARE RMera MOdeb l» i have beau lvcui d& ltlboaking kIm. Pvaovemmets. The numiber of fts on the akaainuzn front bmke drmms bas been doub- led and more mirface added for fastei' cooling. 'lh. aize of the Power braice vacum= bxý h«been lnceased *Oen elght IUndes in dl"eter to nine and one-half iches, giving a 40 per. cent Increa in1 avallale power amslt. New brake Uining mateial ci Inoreased thickness has been. adopted for Imprnoved fade reuistance, hkh apeed effweotneas and longer lin- ingý Mie. nhe two new engines 1n#4>i duced-on the 1967 modelsaTae a 430 =ubic inch VS *with four- bàrrel- quadra jet carburetor, and a 400 cnbic'indh i also wiith four-barreI ,quadrajet carburétor. Uhe la-rger engine, podue- lng 360 horsepower, will be stan~dard equiqxnient on the WiLdcat, Electra 225, and Ri- viera.

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