Si - Y - ~z~w ~u r~u.îurw~ -r--'~ ~ ... ~ .-4-.*-- ~ ~ f ___ ~ 2 2 the Canadian Statesman, Eowrmnvlle, Sept. 28. 1968 thesle bllnd Canadians wMl be- m corne better known and under- Bri ae R.., stood by their seeing nelgh- ..J Wil HoId 'Antique Sale' hoste__er ttd n added that the.Advisory Com. u~ ttee wilI rnake avallable toD ra e Sih ail pupl material- revealing the igitations and horizons Pire en' Saturday nlght. J Y & o e l C e r es of the blind. about 11 0'tclock, destroyeul 110 Years in Bowman ville -n staff of BowmanvlleHg 8~~ll On Monday morning, Ot becanie a partner with his now the Bowmanville Museum Judge will select the wimers cailed te Ray' Barber'. home che 3d, ur & LovelpreeptorMr.David Stott and in 1941. fo the finalista in each a rsoyi hr Phlsrmacy will oe theirthbmesbcae known as At the Urne of his death in class. tfrobi Dae waang do=r to. celebratethe i lth Stott & Jury, Chemists and 1955, Mr. Loveil was Presi- The winning entry will he gible. annlversary of business in Druggists. Some Urne alter the dent' of Loveil Drugs Limited, published in the Canadian ~ eelg oe Bowrnanville. To mark the death of Mr. Stott, Mr. Jury which operated a number of Statesman. The CNIB Essay one pboned In au alarin by occasion. Mr. Fred Tippins, hired the gold medalit grad- the better retail drug outiets Contest titie wili be "Blind-miaefrm teGve Manfager, has organized an uate froin the Ontario College in Eastern Ontario. He was ness and Me", and each con- mjinEad afrea the re er "'Antique Sale." He states they of Pharniacy, Mr. E. Arthur Ch airnian of the Board of the testant should include ini their Pi Raes ,bt ner con- wil hoe offering "1old-fashioned Loveil. In 1909, Mr. Loveil Anglo-Canadian Drug Coin-compoition thei understn- cobls a h u - bargains" aet "old tyme" prices. bocame a ful partner in the pany, à member oU C orw n cfposinntes andetought o ls a h uh Many drug, cosrnetic and sun- business and the naine waa General Hospital Board, a past about its prevention. A mini- dry- items wiIl be drasticaily changed to Jury & Loveil, the President of the Rotary Club muni of 200 words is required. reduced I price to offer the naine under which it stiil of Oshawa and a past Master Mrs. Purdy reported that d4 Y v..mO id cuatomners good old-fashioned operates- today. A few year5 of the Masonic Order. Mr- finalist entriceq must be post- bergains. Hlghlighting the Iter the location of the busi- oelwaprasbs nWlmre o ne hnWd prootin wil e te pese- nas as ove acosath for his rnany contributions ini nesday, October l9th. She tation of several prizes every street where it rernained utl the field of education and was Mloved the adoption of her s on t day of the week. The prizes 1962. At tiS time the store namned winner of the «La report. This was seconded by <FROM PAGE ONE) wfhoglft ranging froin was rnoved back acroas the of Learning" awarded annuL-MrBeladari.M,.Rdadhsbothe salng new sets to carefully- street again to its presentily by the Ontario Secondary MsR.AHatonec ompeted in alsntoe agd«antique" gift sots. Many corner location. School Teachers' Federation. onded by Mrs. D. W. Arrnii- regattas i the past four yearsl favors hiluding roses for the Both Mr. Jury and Mr,. Lov- Today the original business stead, movcd that two dozen and have remaine<j undefeated! laie will ho offered FREE .as cil led very active lives, in and fnddh Bowmanville re- yeflow carnations be sent to ln class compctitions drn 8 aualgesfture of apprecia- beyond Uic drug industry. Mr- mains part of the chain Of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charles heats over the pasttoyas tioi or heyers f atrn-Juy was a member of Uic retail pharmacies extending as Burdctt on the occasion of the Hisurntytock IOnboards agi en t edbyuic n paessun of Uicy Colleyforge farat as Cornwall. The head 60Ui anniversary of their Director to the Canadian Boa- Theprsen bsinssof ur Phrmcy ormany years and office is located in Oshawa wedding, and this was carried. ing Federation Racing Com- I &Loveil bas a long and President of the Canadian and is succcssfully operatcd _________ mission and also a director of Interestig history. It first Pharmaceutical Association in by Uic late Mr. LovelI's two the Federation executive. Some began as Stott's Drug Store in 1912-13. He had diplornas froin sons, Mr. Everett A. Lovdlof the trophies won in the past! ;850. At that Urne It was thrce of Uic continent's best and Mr. Stanley Loveil. 0 1 0 two seasons include the Im-r Imted on the former site of schools of optornetry. He had __________ p eia O roh a etr 'Mie old Public Llbrary at the travelled widely and in his borough, Barrie Chamber ofi north west corner of King and private Ille Mr. Jury founded Sati (ROM PAGE ONE) Commerce, Midland Rotaryi Temperance Streets. the Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- _ stre with the series Night- Club, Canadian Boatn Fd1 In 96 hr catp. aseation High Point Plaque,l i» 1 81 fr.J. . H Ju y s rle . H died t i or e, n 1963 an tson8Ca a-Carling igh Point Trophy, SEASON STARTS - Winter is rapidly closing in B iIieZ nic nOttnigCn-ali 1965; and in '66, be re- and along wt t the hockey season. Bowmanville dian for bis contributioln to peated rnost of the sanie winsi with t, <ROM PAGE ONE) television, and i 1964 pro- as well as adding a trophy Juveniles play their first game here against West of Grades 7 and 8 in Bowman- duced Uhc award winning film from Buffalo and Tonawanda Hill on Saturday at 7 and the local Midgets will ville and West Durham. She The 700 Million About Red Power Boat Club. ineet Wexford at 9 Ail these teans have thanked ber commrittee mcmn- China. Later that year, Watson ________ benennctising for somne timne and should provide bers, Mrs. E. Jarvis and Mis and Douglas Leiterman launch- good hockey.Wilma Armstrong for all their ed This Houx, Has Seven Days, B h ' work, and expressed appreci- and the foilowing ycar Watson ation to Mr. Hllborn, the Dis- turned over Uic production trict Field Secxetary, for bis responsibilities to Leiterman to (FROM PAGE ONE) advie an asistace.become host of the series. In Hanry Snowden beat out a Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Sel!:adic ndasisaceeUcsumnier cf this year, Mr. single, Osborne was waiked Mrs. Purdy~ reported that Watson resigned from Uheic ntentionally and Ted Dadnn wlth whom are now merged letters sent to the Principals CBC after a long and unsuc- siashed a towcring drive to of Senior Elemcntary Scbools cessful fight to kcep the prog- Uic centre-field fence. It was Motih ihWaters & Co. have explaied that the Bow- ram alive, and be bas accepted caught by Hamilton, but pro- Moneih, ieimanville -West Durham Ad- Uic post as Adjunct Professor duced another run. A pair of visory Committee to thc CNIB of Political Science at Water- isrnemrer rse h ChateedAcoutatsis sponsoring the Essay Con- loo University. As a writer, plate wbon second sacker test to awakcn public interest Mr. Watson made a signifi- Vern Grubin oouldn't find the Nontreal Oshawa Toronto Hamilton in blindncss,, its causes, and cant contribution to the recent- biandie on Tom Pearson'ls Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary prevention. "There are pres- ly published book The Restlcss bounicer. Xdmonton Prince George Vnovr entiyV 26 blind people in West Cburch. Kramp's clicked ln Uic Vancuver Durhamn and 26,000 in Canada. Admission to tis meeting opening frame on Llo'yd Hami- In Ontario 350 of these are will be limited to subscribers ilton's lead-off infield single Gordon W. Riebl, C.A., RIA. Burt R. Waters, C.A. children. By introducing to only, and subscriptlons will be and a wild throw by Girardi.1 Oshaws Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 pupils of Grades 7, 8 an aware- available at the door the night The losers connected for suc- ness and insight into the of the meeting. Ail are cessive triples by Ray Croin- handicap of blindness, we feel1 welcome. ___ _ ie and "bMie"l Richards along 19W M1wliwith an error oh Uic first three battons, for two runs in thc seventh. Bill Osborne tossed a four- bitter, lanned five and didn't le S re t Seewâàlk a batter to ern Uic de- cîs]ion. Losing Pitcher Coyle allowed four safeties, claimed a Pair Of strike-oute and gave Up thiree bases on halls. Fos- ter pe'nmitted two singles and var 01.walked one. BITT R ID AS!Kunettes (FROM PAGE ONE) ÀW in this direct mnail promo- tion plan there arc four in- formation cards, cach one a different color and with an 'N - eYe-catching article attached. Chairman of the Industrial Commission, told the States- .6 7 S 7 sman that there will be four '67FOR S ST ANE HIH SAND RD mailings Owesidformtion the back of wbich are two Places to be checked. One asIc- FOR MAGNIFICENCE IN STYLE! ing for more information about tstonlanwrtwica Bowmanville brochure with - O N - technical information, pictures. and other data will be sent. The other is a request for a meeting with a representative rDin AV 9 r il1811niN il f the Bowmanville Industrial expese rcgtting out -cf GALA IE e', * and, considex, putting dw ~roots ln Bowxnanville, the WW place for modern thinking A FORD * industry. Bownianviile offers - e CU T@ MT.L EDS you low costs . .. plus lots of a large pool of skilled work- *STATION WAGONS clerical staff . .. etc." Tedirect mail piece bead- cd with a sinai plastic boxlaeld'rs omnil YOUFLL BE AHEAD IN A FORD FROM Arable sks o abuies need breathlng roma sthe city air getting too thick and real estate costs toc inllated are you suffering froni 'big city squeeze'? Then I- velstigate Bowmanvllle's spa- cious new Glenbrook Indus- t!rial Area, a fully serviced low-cost arlke sctting for A Cindustry.Locatcd on the Mac- D O N À L DDonald-Cartier Prceway (401), Bowmanville la at Uic Up... ~L U M L ~ E Lstuck tW a pctured treac s: KINGST. E. 'I