'.-.'J7 Eowuvianville, held another Mns. Cyril Avery, Bowman- 1Mr. end Mns. Wllbur Toms nt- The Cenadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvlfe, Sept. 28, 1968 mâsoelleneous shower, and ville. itending. The foilowing day Mn-. Bob HOlmes wes hostess Miss Shirley Avery has re- they al'- visited cousinsin for a simil.ar shower held in turned ta Trent University et Cartwright and were dinner Orono. A personel shower Peterborough. guests et W. Toms and tea was given by Mrs. Sidney Deepest sympathy to Mrs. guests et C. Graham's.S .JON S C UH Barmbail, Oronc; and friends W. J. Ferguson and daughter aMr. and Mrs. F. Dorland i.J H N S C U C an rlaivs fth goo WlaMr ad rs rue ttnddRoseneath Pair onl Anglican held a presentetiosi ahower at Montgomery and family en the Saturday. Caesâxea. passng of the lite Mr. W. J. Mr. Melville Griffin, Black-, Rector: REV. K. J. FRAMPTON, M.A., B.Th. Fer-guson. stock, was a Sunday caller oni Mrs. S. R. Caldwell anid relatives in Enniskillen. ENNISKILLEN Mm. o r uchma Por ope, Miss Diane Avery had sup.f Hiarvest ere SuM. ndy frnoon j.per with Miss Marie Beckett,,e erie Lest Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Oritn Tuesday evening. 1 nanv<nivinn evie Win. Hambleton, Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 'Ormiston Miss Pat Goyne, Courtice WUUU N.Y., were supper guests of acmaid f.adMis. held a birthdey party for Mr. Misn Elsie Oke'and Mr. Albert Arthur Jackson and son Stan-1 Wayne Beckett et the home of :0am Hl omno Oke. The'y remained for hve ley, Markham, on a holiday1 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. night and Elsie went home trip through the Eastern States Floyd Beckett end Marie onj 11:00 ar. - Preecher, REV. JOHN DOBSON, with themn for a holiday. dropping their son Stanley off Saturday evening. Those at- (Rector of The Church of The Good Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rich, et the University of Nashville, tending were Miss Lois Ash- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Greenaway, Tennesee. Ail enjoyed the ton, Enniskillen, Mr-. Lai-ny Shepherd, Weston). ORkwood, were recent tee trip. Broomne, Saline, Miss Pet 12:00 noon "Coffe. four" guests with Mr-. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe, Mrs. Goyne, Courtice, 'Loren Pas- Trewin.- R. Avery, Tilbury, were Set- coe, Oshawa, Mn. Garry Bec- 7:0pm vnogwtChi :Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwinunday callers at A. Lead- kett, Burketon, Mr-. and Mrs. .0xm vnogwt hi were Sunday visitors of Miss1 beater's.M E. Holdstock, Mn. O. Beckett 11:00 a.m.- Sunday School and Baby Sitting Kathleen Webster, Markhem. M. abel Crawford, Mrs. and Arvella. Bowmenville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Bessie Hillock, Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett,I 10.00 arn.- S.S. for 12 years and over Little Britain, Mrs. Roy Avery, Simpson, Mrs. Russell Stein, Wayne and Marie had as, Mr-. and Mrs. Richard Rowe, Port Huron, Michigan, Mrs. Sunday dinner guests, Mr-. and A.Y.P.A. for young people 14 years and over, Tilbury, were Friday eveningHarold Brown, Cresswell, Mi- Mrs. S. Lemb and family, Mr. weekly, begins Saturday, October lst nt 7:30 to visitai-a et C. Avery's. chigan, and Mrs. F. Toms were and Mrs. - Lorne Lamb, Miss 9:00 p.m. Films and discussion. Mr. nd Ms. Lurie Tuesday caflers et Mn. and Pet Goyne, Courtice, Mr. Garry Mr ndMs.LureSteple- Mrs. E. Trewin's. iBeckett, Burketon. ton and Beverley, were Sun- Mns. F. Toms attended Hay- -________________________________________ day tee guests at C. Stainton's. don Thankoffering service on Mr. and Mrs. R. MeGill, in Sundey. compeny with Mi-. and Mrs. Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Hamble- M. Stainton were out viewing ton, Rochester, N.Y.. were r r M the countryside Sundey after-1recent visîtors et F. Dorland's. maon returned home and had Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Red.. D O O U K NW tee with the Stainton's. knapp, Oshawa, were with! Mr. and Mrs. Eric BahrMr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. For Only $1 5.00 a Year (with entrance fft.of $3.W0 for lst year only) Peter and Reinhart and Mrs. iMn. and Mrs. Francis Hum- You can have membership in the Ontario Motor League Bahr's sister, Port Hope, were meli, Bunwash, spent the week- Sundey tee guests with Mr.Iend with Mr. and Mrs. Raîphi Peterborough Club with ALL of these benefits. and Mm. E. Trewin and fam-' Lamb. ily. Mrs. E. C. Ashton is visit Mr. and Mrs. Allen Werrylinghetomàwt M. n Personal Accident Automobile Insurance up ta $3000.00, accompenied by 10 Hi-C mem-fMrs. O. C. Ashton. EegnyRa evc ea dieadDfne bers to the folk singing sen-1 Mrs. H. Ellison, Miss Clara Eirec odSrie-LglAvc n ee e vice et Kedron United ChurchifPage, Toronto, spent the week- Unequalled Travel Triptik Service - Foreign Travel Service, Sunday evening.i end with Mrs. E. Page. Bi odi ...u o$000 aainMtrs aaie Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vickers, On Monday Mrs. BessieBalBniiUS..pto$000-CaainM oisMgzne and Jennifer, Hamilton, wereHillock, Mns. Mabel Crawford, Monday dinner guests of Mr. Mns. Frank Simpson, Mns:[ For more information phone collect to: MR. MILTON FISHER, and Mrs. A. J. Werry and areZEna Brown, Mrs. Evelyn, Blackstock- 986-4743 remaining for sevenal days' Stein, cousins from Michigan,i holideys. spent a few days.with Mns.: or write to the Ontario Motor League - Peterborough Club, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, F. Toms. A Toms reunion wesWaeStPerougO ai. Linda and John, were Sunday held et'Mrs. Toms, with Mr.! 328 'ae tPtroogOtro evening dinner guests with and Mrs. Cortney Graham and'l Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomas married in Orono United Churchc o'clock. Formerly Miss Carol Ann Mrs. Robert Kent, R.R. 2, Newcasi Mrs. Sidney Barrabail, Orono. EVENING( Beginnim OCTOBER Bowmanville IH will conduct even ln Art, Typewriting, Sem New. Mathematics and othe, if registration is REGISTRATION will take Eowmanville High School: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBE THURSDAY, OCTOBER THE FEE - CLASSES1 lie 1966 igh School ning classes wing, Woodworking, er academic subjects, Ssufficient. se place et the ER 5th - 7 to 9 p.m. k6th - 7 to 9 p.m. . $5.00 _____________________________ ..F 1rn Hooper's 1Jewelli 80 WMAN VILLE is starting a Silver Savings CIL The Easî est Way We Know For You To 01 The. Tableware Of Your Dreams..0. INTERNATIONAL STERLING mm w47mOGES MO&. SI LVER PLATE M«47 OGERSBROS. ~StinIess HERE'S HOW IT WORKS - 1. Choose Vour Favourite Pattern From Our Speelar set of 2. Law Weekly Payments Are Spread Over 40 Week Pori 3. Club Is LUmited Ta>Only 40 Members 4. One Lucky Member Receives Complimentary Set 5S. Other Opportunities To Win Additionol Pieces 1JSTOP IN AND LEARN ALL THE ADVAI 0F THIS EXCITING PLAN TODAY JOIN NOWL sBarrabali, shown in the above photo, were on Saturday evening, August 13, 1966, at 7:30 iKent, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and tie, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Photo by Astor Studio RABALL - KENT Ighter o! Mr and MW Robert Kent, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and ts of gladioli, bathed the groom is the son of Mr. [light, formed an at- and Mrs. Sidney Barrabail of b'ackground for' the Orono. of Miss Carol Ann e.BslLn oUcad dMn. Douglas Thomas anRe BaiLng musiciae I'in Orono Unitedadthew dgmscws on Saturday evening, played by Miss Peggy Han- 13t,1h 6,at73 cock. Miss Shearyn Wylie of The bride is the du- Lnsywsslit IThe bride, who wes given were mede by Mrs. in mariage by hier father, erry. wore a formai length gown o! evening Mr. and Mrs. White peau de soie with recivd hei mnytihree-quarter i en g t h bell ecdeaivesir eny sleeves, shellow scoop neck- d wreies.chre ine and fish-tail, cathedral Lest book. ncag lenýgth train. The sleeves, tbe neckline, and train were edg- tractive teabe was ed with lace, the bodice was with a three-tiered adorneci withi a band of dai- cake made by their sies, andi the sheath skirt was -in-law Joy end Mrs. accenteci by a inatching drap- iarp. Sisters o! the ed overskirt, divided in the Id groom poured tee1 front. Her chapel veil was ids sr ed. wr cauglht tb a crown of pearîs c rs theryeofete andi lace pet ais, and she car- arst tehMe o!d the red a bouquet oif white shasta irens, n. nciMrsdaisiesandi pink sweetheart; TanCamp, Blackstockasl' tv. J. E. Griffith on i-oses. 926. They have four Mrs. Win. Taniblyn of Or- and ten grendchild- ono, sister of the bride, was mat-on o! honor andi the bridesmaids were Mrs. Bob Holmes, Cook.sville, Miss Lyn- da Be.rrahall o! Orono, sister bry of the groom, and Miss Gwen Cuddahee of Bowm.anville, were in coral, floor-length sleeveless gowns with streight eut süik. crepe skirt andi match- ing coi-ai lace waist-length jacket with scalloped-lece edging. Thei- coral crepe headbands were tnimmeci with white carnations and their bouquets were o! conal and white carnations. Mr. Rick Rickand, Newcas- bride, Mr. Bob Berrabail, )wf Orono, brother o! the groom, and Mr. Bob Holmes o! Cooks- ville. The reoeption wes helci in the ch.urch auditorium where the bride's mother receiveci in a peacock blue gown, match- ing pillbox hat, white acces- sories and corsage of pale pink: 'mums and sweetheart roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore beige andi brown brocade with beige accessories and picture hat. Her yellow coi-sage was of 'niums and sweetheart r-oses. As the couple left foi- thei- honeysnoon in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the bride wes wearing a thiree-piece tan suede andi wool knit suit with Fferspink accesoocies and pink pilîbox hat. A corsage of pink fod sweetheart roses complement- eci her travelling ensemble. They are residing in Orono. A graduate o! Peterborough Teachers' College, the bride ls a tnember o! the Newcastle Public School staff. She et- tended Lockhart's P ubl1i e Schooil andi BoStnanville and -Clarke High cok Th M1 AGES groom attended Orono Public Scbool, and Orono and Clar-ke fi 71he bride was guest of honor et several parties ~ior to her mariage. Ms-s. ah Flsk, Newcaatle, aave a mi oslaneou s ower. Miesse a Gwen mmd )4rene Cuddms Self-Service Pre'Packaged be a pr.bem Yot, con see the top swIe of *14 me.I ut nM« *0.boom Sa yov woncler. The steok l"skagood,, but le *" boffom cai boum e Sd fun? Ir's a problem .. a probleni we've given a W ouf *ougu. We tfiink we have the onswer. W. have a policy. W. put the hast side clowu. The sida you dont s» se guaranteed to b. equcd te or' befter thon the side yoiu con see. Sompie? os AVC. Effective? No more gomble. Fuir and square? Sure becouse 'We Ca.0 Is Mis a good reososi for shpp4nig A&P? W onuof manyf. 'GRADE OVEN READY 21/2 TO 3-LB AVERAGE GIBLETS REMOVED WHY PAY CHICKEN PRICES FOR GIBLETS? CHICKEN GIBLETS FRozEN pL29c 1 FRESH CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS Breast QuartersO HALF CHICKEN t_,WHOLE (UT-UP E I1ep1edae GJiUcJtiJ 1 j» Par, sll..1 WHITE BRtEAD 3>m«65C SALMON. APPLESAUCE Fa.Qu u . :': n59 4 «m59C Poeufl «M&W- SAW «£48 noe Pi"t % UO - fWêW n 1 B . AR CKEr pn. 34r 9c Dunca HMin.. - A.oet.d Vauu CAKE MIXES 2 mm89C Rete .al A eadri 'S p er 9.-VES RRig ht . *5 M 3e -sAV!1 SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY E I, 11IliL Pli DRINK 48A4- outil. if Et ?Nl TIIS ^0 SUAftNED1R &ATUIRDAV OCTODBER 10 lb CHICKEN UVERS FRESHR PORK ' Shoulder Roast li49c COUNTRY o"SsYLE PURE Pork Sausage" Cape Cod, Frogh, New Crop, Finest QueIIty, Bey rham Early, Prepar. For Thankogiving, Ma. ¶1Gti. CRANBERRIES PG29CÀ SW..t. Bell TYPO, Califom-ija, Extra Lar-ge, N.1 Grade GREEN'PEPPERS Ontarjo GrOwn, MoIr,th Crisp a" ilJuhy APPLES maoeam 31«25c 3-re Cao b" 39C Ontaio Grown, Cuy Loaf, Fr..h, Wash.d, R.ady Ta Cook. No. 1 Gra*" SSPINACH 10.ozclo pkg 9 New Crop, Frash Fr.. Th. Trop ic», Cordatum - 30 Pot Pluiloe.rou 3 f« .0( 71 b imw Parker, Spanieh -»D - SAVE 28 Reg. Pri" tin 37@ - SAVE 'Me CHICKEN UVERS