The Canadian StwondenedBwhatnvstaSeet.ph8. 1erlawmoChurchthuXday mom.---.h s ~r ~ ~ wmavlfl, Set. 2. 108 n ' .*1967 ACADIAN cuenon wacu rng nwacoutebya * There were 53 major and -The Bruce Halpswr se rî h oor ijt 182 minor operations in Aug- Thursday visitr wthM Atpeethreinom er ust, also 260 Emergency De- . and Mrs. NoranIriea hrebttesrcei1' Admit Over 300 Patients nt tretmet TeMr. and MrsAlnriecniu suul 13 ou-ains ad 484i-Friday evening inrgetlnteUîe hrhSn T o H o sp ita l D u rin g A u g u st TeRsit AmiUtrti9 it~ s rMr.Bua Ronilto care n Theh the Heaslipsmd Satur- day moning Rev. Philli On Wednesday evening Hos- IMr. Jose, Mr. Hughes, Jamesý Mr. Walters, the Finance dting the month lncluded 212 and Mrs. Wm.Sne~n oei lo.1y ~ gi ptiW Board Chairman Keith A. Bell, Rex Walters, Mrs.lComm îttee Chairman, told the:adults, 98 pediatric, 27 new- Janetville. Atrisix eesva Hsital Association diploma Rudeli, James Stutt, Mrs S. meeting that he would like tolborn, and two chronic patients.- LBfinsar ihn l o IJohn Seirhula for aatisfac- G. McMurter, Dr. A.F. see three of the committee's This. report was adopted on 4-nHp~be 6 h sc elh torY completion 0of a two-year McKenzie, Dr. Keîth Siemon, resolutions forwarded to thet motion by Mr. Hughes, sec- On meeg0m he4HCu course ini Hospital Organiza- Mrs. Harold Gibson, Clarke.OHA. These Included suggest- onded by Mr. Cowan. n metgo tion and Management. Mr. Township, A.M. Thompson, tng insurance on th hospital wais held again ttehm Selrhuis la the comptroller of Maurice Prout, H.A. Barron, be carrîed by the OHA, o r n thc hospital here. The presen- Darlington TnhipR. J. nt pertaining te the CÂDMUSin.IV tainws aee heme-Dinte S îp tr-Tesu ansocains nt l aut..........ther ad aotngfrs vset Ing of the Board of Directors er, and Hospital Admnistrator procedures, and a third asking inr abns. omoesweebae et Memorial Hospital held in Bernard Holden. that th e method of calculating Cadmus U.C.W. met at the adbocl the Board Room. Mr. Hughes reported on bis per dîem rates be explored. -home of Mrs. Russel Larmer, The trim size and crisp lines of the 1967 Acadian are emphasized by his members sampedtecoe Mrs. W. M. Rudeli, Presi- tour'of the Winnipeg General The Finance'ý Cornmittee was Wednesday evening, Septem- Cnosotcue ubro tln hne nac cda' perne eeals dent of the Wornen's Hospital Hospital in August and on his empowered ta put forward ber l4th. assprco e.Anm roftyighnes nineAadn'apaacvgtbl. huziliary, presented a cheque discussion with Dr. L. 0. these resolutions on a motion Mrs. Doris Rohrer' opened including a 'new grille, neW rectangular parking lights set inboard of the head- This week's ril aiwsoe for $2,500, a donation from the Bradley, Executive Director of by Mr. Hughes, seconded by the meeting with a reading. lights right in the grille, a modified deck lid, and new, ornamentation and trim. vegetable brouhtro hme auxlliary to be uscd by the this 1,000 bcd hospital which Mr. Thompson. Mr. Hughes Hymn "Unto the His" w85 The 1967 Acadian lineup offers three ser ies and a choice of 18 handsome Magie heral (nee Lc aged board for the hospitai where is set in a complex containing moved that the Finance Coin- sung, followed with the Lord's Mirror colors, 13 of them new.*Standard engines, depending on model, are thc eeetetie nah .. son thanked President Rudeil, Hospitai and smail Provincial resolution asking that the en by Mrs. Keith Stinson. Econoflame 120-hp six or 195-hp V8. Extra-cost options for 1967 are an Econo- O.F. Hall at asupie ary RE SE VI and, expressed the board's Mental Hospital. O.H.A, acknawiedge nomina- Rail cail was answered and flame 155-hp six or a Super-Econof lame 275-hp V8, with four-barrel carburetion. o aiiStuirday eveig red grtiue o teauiiays i rprtdal i nfec- tions and forward a list of minutes of the lest meeting Outstanding new safety feature for' 1967, standard equipment on ail Acadians, ta welcome Mr.Dnea a fifl am cvrg generosity and continued as-itions, consultations, medicai brs of the O.H.A. Boar,dwere read and approved..The include the GM-developed energy-absorbing steering column which tlescopes up!the community. uitance ta the hospitai. 1 records, most . modern ward, of Directors showing each one s: treasurer's report was given. to 8¼ s Harry Jose, Newcastle, sec- laundry, and boiler room. length of service. This wa 'Crrspndence read, which to8/ nches. There was a sotporm -~m~mfrpeetsn ended by Glenholme Hughes, Chaininan Jackson thanked M .1 seconded by Mr. Walters, and'icue h inlddseveral tank you coverae in al vita anoved ta aletter of appre.. Hughes for presenting this ln- carried. Cairanothe ds. dtohv arwMrs. A rthuHlnad ~ is~i rbes substantial donation. Th-is wasi Accounhts amounting ta $14,-, Property CÇmittee ipo t wsd1 ' i . I O1nerai wereginsat fm alsorrciepic carried. 1894.95 were passed for pay- that the work of renovatian turkey supper again this year. NSL O honor and Mr.OlvrR PeettthBor etmen. This was moved by Mr. and refumnishing of the Mater-I1 Mr. Romeril gave the "World,.a neîghbor, read elw ing were Chairman Jackson,!'Walters,- seconded by Mr. -Bell nitv igi xpce obe!Mission Reddr"onsscor ar's.tuHyy gest diprMrlsentnille whocanofsr.rndeyyouralacePerations.s. ,cnpetdwti worthree'film which was very inter- and Mrs. George Donneral, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thop:ilr yrone.e us f~iyfo okoe arpeetisr 1weeks. esting. were Mr. and Mrs. Win. For- 'son attcnded Beaverton Faim mKtcee Bro wsteamunityo Dr. McKenzie, President of Meeting clased with hymn!tune, Patricia, Lynda and an Saturday and visited with'a guest Friday ta Wednesday Bath Mm. and è onri acadmk pcfcrcm the Medîcal Association, stated "The Church's One Founda. 'Vîrgînia, Wilowdaie and Mrs.'his sister and hiem husband, with Mr. and Mrs. Hariey replied and expmse iaue edtin.W ol iet that arrangements in regard ta tion" foliowed with the Miz ýHarold Ne'sbitt and Garry,'Mr. and Mrs. Roydon Currie, Deveau, Toronto, and attend- at this kind geuroftir xedthsevceayuwt- 9 "a summer doctor had workcd pah Benedictian. Beaverton Beach. ed the Payne - Webwood neighbors and fins u biain alu . o y *- ot excedingy wel. He dd-i rogran conssted f rea-e9 ceedinH...yuwell.uesHewiadM- anPragram oncansisted: defiread FR11 cà d that the rrpsdadtoa nsbyMs amradMs 6 Mrs. Cecil Wilson were Mr., Friends wili be sorry ta hear cd and a socialtm enod. orpoecin use of the recorder for in- Thelma Phayre. Contest by nd Mrs. Stan McNeilly, Tor- that Danny Payne is in hos- Thnecmuit cnga- FLAVORED patient reportîng wouîd be an Mrs. Mary McKee. onta, Mr. and Mrs. Norman pitai with a ruptured lung. A lae r. andMr.Dnea BRE KF ST- ~~ f SinsiithflkaninaPlysfo Lyons and Lori, Uxbridge, Mr. camplete ecovery is wished. and wishes h Mr hopon harano Ms Kih tnsnthned'in la sfo nd Mrs. Herman Rodman, for hima. of health and hpies BRE KM S te quimet Cmmtte, e-Mrs LrFestivalig he Karen and Wilson, Little Brit-~ Sorry ta repart Mrs. George, The Presbyern Lais pote tatthreissae elymeeting. Lunch was served, vrono iFendMmtivreaSmeis Heasiip has been iii and is'Aid were entErtîe ttegjq inRthK 'elivery of itern re-land a social time spent. Ba nvll.Mr. Sameils has under the doctor's came. She home ofM.n MrsHarya~R DR Mqie omdriethe kt The Orono Drama Festival been away from this commun- is impraving and friends wish McLaughlin on Tedyee- chen. The 15 suites of newofoeatpyswl hd ity for 26 years but hie iived hiem a speedy ecovery. ing. The ladisW eeplae fumniture for rooms in the N IL this year in the Orono Town ýwith the Wiisons for five Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ross, that Mrs. VernonHdote MaeniHlla tre oseuiv1years when hie was a teen-1 Scarbarough, were Sunday president, was al ars A E Cornes to you et the in of ere recîNew N IE Dnights, October 27 ta 9.At ager d r RbetRhd sitor with Mr. and Mrs. heduties aft e cran arud he (Tntended for lest week) the present time ni ne ladies. wndre GERoeERALhdesURANCEp R E Hbeds in this section are already Mr. Howard Cawling, Whlt- are expected ta compete inLittle Britain, were Sunday- Mrs. Arnold Williams has present, much bsns F E, spent a few days with his the Festival with six arayviwaswthle rohradbentahnge evetndsuse n frorng the daiy am te months daughtem, Mrs. Les Cochrane having made entry. wassister-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. this past couple of weeks. was enjoyed. from thedairq a urveGeorge Bowersct.ofIndthemiaftThe-dThose twhFestivl fortunate BoLunchInwae aservedhobe thewe623-5881at623-ch498 the hospital's aperatian and, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carr and moved ta late October ather noon Mr. and Mrs. Bawers anti in eigtemeoonS-,sesadhe - - - - - procedure was instituted bY chiltiren, Newtonville, wemelthan September as it is felt M.dM rs hdee eud igth e meeondaT-hessahemrasisant dBeoar ta bechJacksod. m .a nti Mrss. f teCraw-fiwn tesumrsesn onetRyos faet was given ta each o Sunday tea. igive further time toayr ordbreakfast drink that cornes obtaining information neces- Mrs. John Slemon of Ennis- Ifresb frorn the dairy-aII ready to sary for accreditation killen, at the home of Mr. antid[un serve. Beep contains addcd Vita- - Hospital Atiministrator Hol- Mrs. Gordon Beech, Maple .fccoun a c mi .Hsasodh~ee atten in his report stateti that~ Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Bow- -RAY J.11DILLIiNGi inC aa noh-ee at Grant Lockhart has been ap'iman were also guests of Mr. RYJ ILN Rayornhatboth children and pointed X-ay em ftment 93 Ms GretRca fCh umch SAcutreet tht1of the X ay ebrtmnai e watleoniithe. occasi~odn of 9Chr ccouStat grown-ups m lcommended the first month's their 25th wedtiing anni 2-381__ ___lm SAW HOEAf II -And te, iop'evrth Beep work a Miss Norma Griffiths, versary. WM. J. H. COGGINS ýpoby epet o AA WourestALeemei ltS Icqsts les@!- tha4 'fresh -aqueezed I Mrs H. Self, R.N., Miss S. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Taylor aitrdAoutt Orme R.N.A., Miss J. Geach, enjoyed a trip ta Hamilton 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Sjuice! 1_Phone_623-3612 RNA., and Miss B. Ph lalst week. Poe6331 'ivftb ig d esa m m KamR.N.A., joined the nursing Mr. anti'Mrs. Edigar Prescott WILLIAM C. HALL staff lest ïnonth, Mm. Holden were ovemnight guests of the B.Comm. I atetrceytm o L reported. Jim Harris', South Monaghan. Chartemed Accountant vstyu oa G tr He stated that the appeaIr- Mr. and Mrs, Les Cochrane 36V2 King St. E., Oshawa an ýegof the boiler roamn has were dînner guests ofMm. andti - _,725-65durng he extO weks btd~b9v- rôýred Mis KnCohne Wity BURROWS, SELBY & CO9t bak reaalbea O F4L Y ~~ ~ QUART by a renewed paint job. Wl Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Rad- Chartereti Accountants ny h heuas DELVEED liam Pegler has been appointed boumne, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. 323 King Street West DEIERD ta a relief staff position theme. Norman Hughson, Myrtle; Mr. Oshawa, Ontario Mm. Holden reporteti that in andi Mrs. Keith Taylor, Janet- 725-6451 - 728-7554 PUETSU BEL y August there were 678 out- vle iie with Mrs. T. William A. D. Selby, C.A. patient anti 485 in-patient ville,________G._dmond _________C.A G LE N R A E D A I R ~~~~~ Phyiotherapy treatments. In Taylor. Sudyfemon 1dT dBrmwCM NTSO 000 IL . G L EN ài l.that month there weme 201 out- Mm. anti Mrs. Godfrey Baw- PHONE 62354U4 Rays, also 30 out-patient anti with Mr- anti Mrs. W. C. G.EWNM NDC KIN ST W.BOW ANVLLE136 routine chest examinations, Parsons, Bowmanville. OffiEDCINopMActoD.C KIN T .BW LN ILEsix out-patient anti 42 in-pa- Mm. anti Mrs. Gardon enterfice: todayato t-l1ýent E.C.G. examinations, 18 lbm anti chiltiren visited ti 1 at nS. or fHosyS out-oatient anti 25 in-patientM._Reg._Gibsan's._Newcastle.15EgnSco.oHosyt ____________Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appaintment D e nia DR. W. M. RUDELLD.D.S. . ........ T ,:*. 75 King St. E. Bowmnvill ~ MERRILL D. BRaOWtN 5 Tins -et-um UENL. 5..'.ForW ......121 Queen St. - Bowmanville r pTabeRte licd Bu.adRes. Telephone STe2eHbiat6o L__e__ g aUU Vezetable J ForTaeReSknesPk E. RICHARD LOVKIN B.A., LL.B. Save 55e Moderne $1 Bing st W.-PSoliciSAUS GE22Roll Kst. . Newc;.stle pg Hours: 9 -5 daily; Sat., U -12>TaA Phone 987-4735 E o yh 'RIKE and STIUKE Barristers, Solicitors LeanMaySd 1WCe. Sor ou.Notaries Publice M The easy ciar is here ... 1967 Acadian., A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildman, SET&JIYVLNI B.A., LL.B. SET JIYVLNI Be the first on your block to drive one homie! 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvllle Telephone 623-5791 ~L Beat the rush. The new Acadiens ame out. Theyre out to maic il Acadien hau six trlm-size modèe for '87. Tae your pick. It's very easy. Butthts only one ration you'iI cati 87 Acadien the Essy Carl wsnt to pread a littie joy ... park it where your neighbors cen sueo it. 1£ HAMILTON -OIRONO f W& eay on the eyus. Easy 10 drive. And PhoeA1UJ16*.0.RA.N v" oepyto owfln. Euv ~U wqy nw Acadcmie oesth a bost of 1967 First Mortgage Funds ________________________________________ Lom* et Acidien'a new styling. Steak. 67 A *dia ùWymues, bseude.induî duel niaste cylisîdur Residences - Ferme r. M-t it fi M dt t b romsyim with wenil l ight. lent change Business Properties t Vwi eW 1Q k cm.iy *W*twi -,... Ca -wenvhazard weaRilng flastter man.,0pf0 41"èi eU - Iý, %tic - ffUi Dealer la D.wmanvill.: KEtIHA ILetris Bw OJJ.le I *IAAIflOffice Houri: By appointmenf u~ ~I/I~ K~ ~telone 623-325 - 8~OWMAN"= ?ba634 1 9 a.m. to 5 pm. OW AIL ~ 4 1t&s~&I4p~e~*Igs Ve TIuM . a eae Wed. anti Sat. - 9 - 1 $1, Thuruday @venins