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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 9

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3.8 SNOSPOMRSSIVE An almost continuou rainfal failed Io dampen the spirits cf the Bowmanville Hlgh Sciiooi seniors, who romped w a40-1 victory over .Ajax ini nter-school football action I*~Uiday afterncon. Coupled with their opening 41-0 deciuion C'ver Courtice, tint gives the local club a huge 80 point spread ln the early tsson golng. The B.H.S. seniors will be in action again at Uhc local campus when Whitby Anderson 1*1gh wll provide tic oppo- sition this Thursday. Garne Urne is three o'clock, on let's get oujý and give the boys some dcserving support. B.H.S. has one. more game here, actually a Courtice home game witb the team hitting the road for its rcmaining two contens. t t t t t*$ YANKEES NOT IN WORLD SEUlES? It bas been many a year since this reporter saw hua firot major leagut basebail game in Washington, D.C., and ln Uic years lmmedintely falowimg we were ta ste quite a lew, quite aften lnvolving the New York Yankees. Not being a real fan as fan as watciing on the TV tube is concerneti, severai years passeti before wc took in aur next major leagut contest - lait summer ta be exact. Tht Yankees were home anti no were the Mets at Shea Statiium. At fîrst this scribbher thought h. hati wandereti into tic wrang park. This surely couldn't be tht fabulous Yankees. A few nigits hater, whihe watching the Mets, wc arriveti at Uic conclusion that titre reaily wasn't much ta choase betwtcn the two teams. Bowmanville'a loyal Yankee fans informeti us that wc wcre indeeti wrong, tht Bronx Bomber. were just havlng an infrequent pon season. With tie world series first game playeti today, we automatically figuredtihti Yankees woulti be back representing the Amenican League. Muci ta aur surprise, they enieti up at thc opposite enti af tic standings, first time since 1912, - anti wouhd you believe - ast turne we looketi, the Mets hati a better record! Tht sports editor was able ta interview three staunch Yankee supporters this week. Bob Kent tolti us that it has been miserable witb everyonc giving hum a bard time anti he atideti, "I ceitainly will be glati wben tic basebail seasan la aven." . Rusa "Buti" Oke bas become se upset tiat he bas 7eêcitied be just won't be able ta even watci the games on television this year. "Buti" forceti bimself ta watch last season but "I couldn't go thnougi that again" h. talti thtl press. Alan "Goose" Osborne took most of the summer off and this rest items to have helped hlm te survive the Yankees' collapse. W. can remember a time when AI rooteti for the Yanks, in spite of standing to win a fair bit of money on the Dodgers. Once again, "Goose" has been fortunate ta draw Los Angeles in a pool, with a world stries victory belng worth aomething like a hundred bucks. With Baltimore providing the opposition this time, AI said "I'm going to cheer for the Dodgers." And s0 these three fine gentlemen, who have been taking It for granteti that New York would always b. lu, the series, iaow find themselves being taunted by cruel people who support L.A. and Baltimore. Even supporters of the White Sox, Carda, etc., are getting their kicks, because although their teams aren't in, neithér are the Yankees, and more people are Yankee-haters than fans of other clubs. It sure won't be the same watching the series without the. Yanks - for the second year i a row too! But it appears llkcly that the New Yorkers are destined te be missing for nome years to corne. Ont thing we will have ta say for thc Yankee fans - they will remain unflinchingly loyal, noa matter what. No switching around for them, because they are truc blue. W. know, because I was - arn that la, a Yankee fan air. Now as for the world stries - it sure was ni1ce of the powcrs that b. to arrange for the games ta originate from Je national league Park during the week, aud tht junior Jgcuit on the weekend. More people wiU b. able ta sec thc stries than ever before, because of the time difference en the west coast. Undoubtedly our many readers will be waiting for aur word on the series, secure in the knowledge that wc are seldom rlght - wrong that is! Anyway, Ccc Mutton, we know for sure thone danin Yankees won't wln. But afier delibcrating for quit. nome time, cansulting the. records and statistics, securing medical reports and even chccklng with Uic weather man, we are ready with a prediction that ha. a 92.5% chance of being absolutely correct. Now the Dotigers are suffering from variaus aliments which have matie it impossible for therrita ficld a sounti bail club. Even Maury Wllls can't steal bases anymore anti anc of their most promising young pitchers isn't likely ta be available. -'The Orioles matie a great deal ta get Frank Robinson for their hune-up, and the guy respontied by winning the runs scored, runs-batted-in, home rima anti average titles. However, third baseman Brooks Robinson didn't enjoy any- think like the season he had last ycar, anti Baltimore pitch- lng can't rate with the Dotigers. Las Angeles has a left-hander by the name of Koufax, who will llkely start three times. This meana thrce wins, and bctwecn then, the ather Dotiger pitchers will notch another. Now if your mathematica is as gooti as mine, that ati up ta four, and that's about the right number ta capture thc world series. Learn a Trade while Being Paid Through Canadian Forces NAVY, ARMY, AIR FORCE IF YOU ARE - 17- 24 years Navy 17 238 yars -Army 17* 29 jears Air Force Bave Grade 8 or botter ?bhyiescUy fit and i stge A Canadia Citizen or P', rit1ihSubject WE OFFER -ý $207.00 a month whlle training la electronles, mechanlcal, communiea- tions, administration or many other flelda. Fr.. medical andi dental cane Free unifore Frocesports facilltes A very generous Pension plan 4 weeks annual holiday with pay Why not visit us to discuua your possible future es a techuiclan in the Canadian Forcea; contact the Mobile Recrulting Team ata BOWMANVILLE LEGION 12 NOON TO 4 F.DL WEDNESDAY - 19 OCTOBER 1966 Mail Coupon belew te: Can"ain Forces Recruitlng Cmer 0-om ft Biding Petebrbenouh. Ont. NANA ADDRESS 1CITY IDUCATION ?<~AVY O FORCE ci Wins Fair Number of Trophies Bill Osborne, southpaw pitcher for B iil's Billiards, this year's softbail champ- ions, wound up Saturday evening's banquet with practically ail the individual awards. He is shown here with Mrs. Os borne, who is also a teacher at Port Hope High School, where Bill is the Phys Ed Instructor. Receives Champions Trophy AI Osborne, Coach of Bill's Billiards, left, on behaif of his team, received the Hooper's Jewellery Trophy on Saturday at the annual bail banquet. Mr. Rooper presented the award. rLadies Major Bowling League Sept. 26, 1966 Bowers rosupedti t their third stnaight shutout victony, last Montiay nighit at Liberty Bowl, wh.ipping Perris 3-0, fa increase their Ladies Major Bowling League leadti o two points. Joli etigeti Martyn 2-1 ta holti town runner-up posi- tion, while Buttonshaw broke up a four way tiadlock for thirti, towning Donaghue 2-1, while Etcher nippeti Baker 2-1 anti Patfielti won aven Siaght by tht saine score. In a battît between the loop's basement tennants, Tennant teciiedt t let Bickelli' remain as tht only tennants,i as they wallopeti Biekelî'S bowlers 3-0. It was their :first win of the season, with the lasers hoping thingis will im- Team Standings Pt.s.l Bowers ......... ........ 9 Jol ............ -.-..... 7 Buttonshaw .............. ..6 Baker.......................«,5 Slaght .................. ... Etcher ..................... .....4 Patfielti ........................ 4 Perris.......................... 4 Tennant ....... ..............4 Martyn......................... 3 Donaghue.................. Biekell..........................i1 220 Games andi Over O. Patfield 241, J. Harness 240, A. Hodgson 241, D. Collins 263, E. Mitchell 249-268, K. B1igcgs 245, O. Etcher 288, C. Hooey 239, M. Colt 257, L. Hazeltien 233, E. Whiteheadi 231, D. Bond 227, D. Joli 288- 258, I. Mountjoy 238, K. Steph- prove. n25 .Ge ut Banb Buttonshaw was th siaw 310, D. Atiams 249. loue bowler ta uit aven tht Top 12 Averages 300 mark, leading tht 'way D. Joil 238 with a fine 310 performance. J. Harnes .--- -_____207 Other top efforts were turnet B. Buttonsiaw -_____206 ln by Doris Joli 288, 258; Onie o. Patfieît _______194 Etcher 288: Edith Mitchell E. Mitchell ___194 268, 249; anti Dot Collins 2e3, D. Collins .. - 192 Doris Joll's 738 total took S.' Biekeli ---- ----- 192 higi triple honoura, followedjM. Colt ------------------190 by Edith Mitchell 727, BarbýJ. Baker . -------189 Buttonshaw 648, Marilyn Colt b. Mantyn ~___187 639, Onie Etchen 629 ant i 0eO. Etcher -----------185 Patfielti 618. iD._Bond ------------ 182 Goodyear Bowling Tht Hase s-oSi junspet iri- count. However, these two to finst place in the league teains have garneneti 4 points standings no douit through iiiti attawes hy got thein feet wtt, so just the exicellent performance of wtch their steam froni now Don Oke who bowleti a 3.8 n single and a 896 triple. This' ntnig fine effort by Don enabletiSanig hlm ta take aven sole passes- 1Hose_........................... 23 alan of top place in tht aven- Belts....i. 2 ages witi a 253 for 9 gaines Bats ......... . 20 bowleti. Bob Miller matchet idr.......2 Don's 338 with a nice 302 plus Reclainsators...... . 17 bis handicap. Two others Machine Sho .~.. 15 reachd i ven tic 300 mark iu Office............................ 14 tie persans o! Dick Perfectý Millwrighte ................. 13 and AI Wnray. Oke captureti Combines..................... 13 the. high triple anti a fol- Fan Belta .................12 loweti by B. Miler 773 antiBd ur........12 W. Allen 766. At the other POwer House ............. 4 cutido!fUthescale BillMartmn- Crackers -...............'**'**4 dale foundth te hitiden score. Top 12 Tht Hase rooni wasied iD. dawn thie Banbuny cnew 7j B. points to 0, while the secondulD. place Belts lacedtheUitMill- A. wights 5-2. The Machine F. Shap can-curedtheUi Fan Belts A. 7-0 anti thetOffice irote-of! D. Uic Bralders 44.. Tht cellar D. dwellers, Power House antiJ.* Crackers ivene again trounc- J. cd, this tant by thc Combines T. mnd Rclakuators by a 5.2,L O ke .............. . Martyn.................. Perfect ................ Lobb.................... Wrighst........... Rowe........... Parker .-............. McKnight............. Houck .............. ... Grahasu.............. HIUkman .......... ... Greenham ..~. ....... RECREATION REVI EWS Girls Softball There were a number of wel.i played gaimes in thc Re- creation Departmnent Girls Softball Le.ague Playofs last week at Memorial Park. Coronation defeated Rota.ry 21 to 16, with Shirley Morris, Joan Perfect, Janet Large, Nancy Oowle, Brenda Harri-s and Joanne Therteli leading the way for the Ccronation Club. The stars for Rotary were Cindy Masters, Lorelie Osmond, Debbie Bro'mmel, Jackie Davis, Karen Davis andi Jay Wright. In the Nichols-Robson play- off series, Rotbson defeated Nichais 13 to 7, with Carrne Pearson, Nellie Heimstra, Ma. sic Edmonson, Susar Brown and Dianne Kilpatrick leading the way for the Robson Club. For Nichols, Jane Cowlc, Nola Raby, Sue Bryson, ShelIy Vainstonc and Heather Wrieht were the standouts. ---Trthe second playdf tah' between Rotary and Corona- tion, played at Memorial Park on Monday, Sept. 26th, Coro- nation defeated Rotary 25 ta 6. The pawerful Coronation bats were in full swing as Shirley Morris, Brenda Har- ris, Joye Rom, Carol Living. stone, Nancy Cowle, Janet Therteil led their team to vîctory. 7%e stars for Rotary were Joy Wright, Cheryl Car- ter, Paulie Staipleton aud Lorelie Osxuod. ENNISKILLEN Correction of last week'à news should reati like this: Miss Pat Goyne, Coutice, helti a birthday party for M. Wayne Beckett at the home o! bis parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Floydi Beckett anti Marie, on Satunday evening. Toast at- tentimg were Miss Lais Ash- ton, Mn. Lariy Broone, Se- lina, Miss Betty Goyne, Cour- fiee, Mn. Loran Pasooe, Osh- awa, Mn. Garry Beckett, Burketon, Mn. anti Mrs. E. 1{oldstock, Mn. O. Beckett anti Arvelia, Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mm. Geo. frwin -on Saturday attentiet tht Bobesygeon Fair and visiteti M. Ernest Inrwin ani M. anti Mrs. T. Smith. M. and M-s. Allan Martin anti f a mi1y, Bawmanvllle, were Sunday caliers at Mn. -anti Mrs. R. Virtue's. Mr. anti Mns. Leonard Stainton attendedth fe Milis- Essery wttiting at Courtice en Saturtiay. Mm. Jim Muller and Darryl, Mn. anti Mas. Murray Axford, Oshawa, were visitons at Mr. anti Mr. E. Wright's. Mn. anti Mrs. Robent Tho- mas, Niagara Pa-Ils, were visi- tons at Mn. sud Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. Mn. anti Mm. Clarence Stainton and girls, Mi,. anti Mrs. Milton Stainton werc Sunday dinner gueste at Mn. anti Mrs. Garnet Towns, Pet- erborough. Mn. James A. Werry, Mr. snd Mrs. E. A. Werry anti Betty Jane wene Sunday din- uer guests o! Dr. anti Mra. Clark Werry, Etobicoke. Mn. anti Mm. Adam Sharp Ïhati Pniday cvening dinner with Mn. and Mina. A. Brunt, Bowtnanvllle. Min Reta Dickty, lHamp- ton, Mnr. B. Mos, Oshawa, weneremenit visitons at Mr. sud Mn.. C. Pethick's. Mn. and Mina. N. E. Wilght are holldaying witb heir daughter, Misn Marguerite Wright, St. Cathmrines. Mrs. Fred Tomna lid the honor of pouning cotffée on Sunday at thie Golden Wed- ding Anniversar-of Mr, anti Mrs. Gardon McLean, Bow-' manville. Mira. Tom is one. o! the surviving guests that attendeti tht wedduig 50 years ego. Mr. anti Mzv. Gordon Beb Bow.nasville, weu%-. da visitons at O. C. Aixton's. Mrs. John Sleion attendeti a painting weekend at Lake Couchiching, Monsored, by the Centraland Easten ClOitathjo Art Associations. YOUTH BOWLING Thetre are now 148 ohihtiren :igh Single: D. Lewis 180. rcgistered and we have room High Double. D. Masters fer Baitani girls and boys 8 315. to 1l years aloo Jr. boys 12JuirBy to 14 years. Aduit helpis uirBy neteti for Junior Leagues at Preston 5, Bouwmeester 0; 1 o'clock. HoiN>yd 5, Wilson 0; Brunt 5, Bantam Girls MacDonald 0. Mountjoy 5, Bryson 0; Cox High Single.* B. llroyd 5, Tice 0; McMiUiihen 5, Pas- 2&5. sant 0. High Double: B. Holroyti W*gb Single: D. Bronitîl 144. 361. High Double: D. Brorneil Senior Mixed League 251, W. Mountjoy 218. Bautam Boy Etcher 5, Colville 2; Hately D)o noghue 5, Jen 0O; Van- 7, Badley 0; Beauprie 4, driel 3, Comebs 2; Nlcker-Can3 aon 5, Brunt 0. High Single: R. Etoher 228- High Single: R. D)oneghue 244, B. Colville 245-223, D. 151, S.* Vandriel 142. Sellers 225, A. Chittick 2,35, High Double: S. Vandrici M. Hately 251, J. Donoghue 220, R. Donoghue 219. 209, C. Evans 210, R. Beau- Junior Girls prie 236-229, S. Cain 209, J. Firth 5, Patfield 0; Cowan Broindi 201-200. 3, McMurteTn 2; Henning 3, High Triple: R. Etcher 663, Mixed League Bowling Murray Grant won tie high single prize this wcek with a big 311. Joe Nowlan finisheti second, having a 301, Jim Bedford 298, Bob Gianville 279, Gord Wilcox 296, George Glanville 269. Joan Brunt topped tic girls bitting 286; Hilda Brock hati 275. Gond Wiicox had hie! tri- ple 743, Bab Glanville 718, George GlanviIle 691, Duke Brunit anti Joie Nowan 685, Ai Osborne 669, Murray Grant 668, Cecil Mutton 626, Dick Perfect 617, Bob Mitchell 615, Jini Bediford 610. Ceunie Wisemnan won the ladies high triple 6851, Joan Brunt 660, Hilda Brock 612, 7cm Bradley 605. Standing - End of 4th Week Averagea Naine Games AI Osborne........ 12 Eltan Brock ....... 12 Bob Glauville ....12 Gond Wilcox......--12 Duke Brunt ....... 12 Howard Bronieli .. 12 Jim Bedford ....... 12 Dick Perfect....... 12 AI Lobb............ 12 Hilda Bnock ....... 12 Matt Harrison ....12 Joan Brunt....-. 12 Onie Etahen ....... 12 Mary Wilvox ...... 12 St. Josephis Lge. Imps won oveT Go-Getters, Mafits defeated Strikers, and Underdogs beat 1}leadpins. Ladies' High Single - Betty Trudeau (239)-, Men's High Single - Maurice Annaert Ladies High Triple - Betty Trudeau (594); Men's High Triple - Maurice Annaert (705). Ave. 228 224 224 221 217 216 212 210 209 208 207 205 204 202 Ladies" Bowling Naine Gamea Ave. Bennice Parner 9 197 Barney Boisvent- 9 195 NyhI Sheehan - 6 175 Denise Annaert- 9 166 Fran Bruce .. 6 157 Angela Saman 6 151 Bernice Botbwell- 3 150 Marge Blake - 9 144 Audrey Bate 9 141 Hiltia Simnick 9 137 Grace Downey - 9 112 Mel McNulty .. 6 111 Ann Piper----- 6 110 Donothy Richards - 6 110 Jean Burton - 9 108 Lorain Brutan __ 9 107 Rena Batbgate ~ 9 102 Teans Standing Bernice Parner 7 Barney Boisvert ____6 Marge Blake .______3 Denise Annaert _____2 Hlgh Single Barney Boisvert ..238 High Triple Banney Bolsvert- 584 Town League Hockey Teains Olympia - Bob Abbott, Grant Wright, Murray= :rwn Bab Frairey, BrianHuhs Tenry Baker, Burns MacMIil- lan, "Jlggs Cowling, Bill Nicholson, 30e Baisoin, Bob MéManus, B. Morrison, G. Asidrws, John Miller, Bob Sheridan. Roboon'a - Terry EBkek, Gary McC'uflugh, Bill C4ros- sey, Bave McCuilough, Mort Richardis, Bruce Cale, Ken Veltch, Gary Akey, George Heathi, HIowand PoRand, Jlrns McKnlght, Steve BsnH. Allison, N. TherteILlS, Ilhonpson. MRculty's - Terry Masters, Iton P'olard, Archie Cromsy, Pa" MeCullough, Alex Wise- man, Barvey Bowve, Grant Flintofif, Irv Glu, Warren Townsley, Bob Jahnson, Tonm Wilson, Dave Werry, Gene Baloin, Jbn CIae*e, AI. Cale. Crystal Dairy - Ted Pair- ey, Bob MarJemnlaon, Raye Wet, Ray Cronible, Gary Lune, Don Prout, Gary Coop- er, Cnt-t Vanutone, Larry Per- ris, BRon Burgess, Leo Me- Leans, Char lie Kllpatricis, Gar-y Bagneil, Barry Oliver, Joe Bothwell. iriGumseset8gom Thuraclay, Oct. 183, 196 7:00 pzm. MeNultys vs Rob. sons; 8:30 p.m,. CIry*sv Team Harrison .- Nowlan. Brunt-.. E. Bncck Wilcox.. Bromell. Osborne. Prout.. Benriett. Perfect. H. Bs-ock Etcher .... W. L. 8 4 8 4 7 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 567 5 7 4 8 5 7 5 7 Pins Pts. 11137 20 10823 18 11716 17 10505 16 11332 15 10882 15 10812 14 10958 12 11152 Il 11014 10 10915 10 10716 10 Oct. 1OVh. NESTLETON 1by Mr. anti Mm. Herb Hooey are spending tht winter with Ms. A. King, Port Penny. Mfrs. Herman Samells ani Virs. Mabel D'Arcy are at Ms. Ead's Nursing Home, Nestleton. Fnientis wish these 1folk happineas anti content- nment in their new environ- ment. M. anti Mrs. Milton Fisher and Mr .and Mrs. Merlin Sug- >gitt attentiet the Grand Ses- sion Easter Star banquet in tht RIoyal 'York Hotel, Tor- enta. Mrs. FL«sher, Wonthy rMatron Elect, remaineti as tielegate frein Tuesday to Saturday. Mr. anti Mmp. Lamne MeKet were Saturday - dinner guests with ber brother anti his wife, Mr. anti Mrs. Melville Henry, Oshawa. for the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party of the Henrys, Mis. Herjuan Rodmnan, Kar- en anti Wilson, Little Britain, spent a couple o!ftiays last iweek With ber parents, Mn. tanti Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Sun- day callers with tie Wilsons rwere Mr. and Mm. Stan Mc- 1Neilly, Toronto. LMr. anti Mi. Merlin Sug- igitt, Joan anti Ray, and Mrs. Allan Suggltt wene guests at the Whitehouse-Wa1la weti- ding lu St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Toronto, anti attend- cd tie reception at Fantasy Parra. Sunday dinnen gucats with the Sýuggitts were Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Walkey anti iJoan, Newtonvile, anti Mn. Richard T1horupson, Whitby. Mrs. Robert Wright, Janet- ville,' was a Friday visiter with her brother anti sister- in-law, Mr. and Mirs. George Ntasii. Oser visitons with the Heaslps wtre Ms. HarolId Fleming and Douglas, Linti- say, and Mr. anti Mm. Reg. Ruskin, Scanborough. MIr. anti Mm. Richard Da- vison entertaineti Mr. and Mus. Carl Elliott, Davidi anti K to dinner Saturtiay even- ing for Mn. Davison's birth.i day oelebration. On Sunday the DavISOns were guests at a bnthtiay Party at tht hoine of ber parents, Mn. andi Mas. Charles Gist, Peterborough. The Misses Leah anti Max. Ine MeKe, Toronto, were weekcnti gucsa with their parents, Mn. and Mm. Lamre MeKee. Both Leah and Max- Ine aentaking an I.B.M. training cou-rse anti are en- joying tht work. To be ac- cepteti for tht course they ne- quireti a rating a! 130 points but bath girls receiveti an A grade anti ratings o! 159 anti 179 points. Mn. Alan Gardon anti Roy, Ohwwere Wedntsday cal- 1ers with Ms. R. W. Jackson ani Alan. Mr. anti Mra. Ra.lph Bowtrs snd Ian, Tyrone, were Sun- day dinner guests witb is parents, ?&. and Mr,%. George Bowers. Sunday tihiner guests with Mr. andi Mns. Arnold Wifllams The. Cmnadian Statesman, Zo'wmanvffle, 0& 8, 198e Be.H.Se NEWS CURTIS MAGAZIN SALE events taken on by the studo, t TO START THIS WEEK» body. On Wcdncsday Uc otr by Earry Krawchuk contest was anounced. Th On Tuesday of this weck, posters were ta be made "b; thc Students' Coundil helti its any member of the student second gencral meeting. The body who wants te bave a gucet speaker was Mr. Curtis chance ta win a large, furry, of Curtis Magazine Sales. Mr. pink bear. Tht theme ls the Curtis came ta discuss thiS coming magazine sale. Ail thé year's magazine sale. Wlth posters werc ta be finihed- him he brought a caravan of and exhibited in theichalls b3ê, prizes which will be useti as Tuesday morning, October 4 mncentlves ta the students to wheh they would be Judgedi sell magazine subscriptions. by Uic Student Council Execu. Ht also showed us this year's tive. To anyone who entered,, 1magazine list andti t say tht thanks, andti t the wlnner, sleast it is compicte. Ail types congratulations, but take go of magazines are avallable; care of that pink bear. photography, mechanics, en- The senior assembly, gradeÏ tertainiment, current events i1, 12 and 13 on Tuesday and sports. Ail the pricca arc morning listenei attentivcîy to most reasonable and any dis- Councilior Ken Nicks who in counts are honorei. The plan responsible for raislng th*. is ont af tht beat offereti and neccssary funtis for Bowrai not only will you be helping viîîe's Centennial Project. Mr. yourself by renewing and or- Nicks startei off by warnlng,, dering subscriptions but you us that he was no speaker" will be helping B.H.S. The and that wc't better get ready Student Council will bt usmg for the worst. Though heedeti, the rtmuneratio i t mnikes for his prefatory speech was un- financing social and scholastic ntcessary for we were hardly boreti. Mr. Nlcks hat camne tg andi faïniiy were Miss Marilyn ask for volunteers from, the Weldlon, Oshawa, and Mr. High School ta, sell tags on Bert Bowers. Friday night -andi Saturday. sors.yto report littie Lor- The funds gathered from the inda Jackson, daughter of Mr. seiling of tht tags would b. anti Mrs. Hariey Jackson, is a used for Bowmanville's Cen-. patient in Oshawa Hospital. tennial Project whlch is to buy The sympathy of tht com the neteed playground cquip. m.unity is exteuded ta tht ment for aur parka. We thanlc family o! thc late D3avid Wil- Mr. Nicks for asking us, for son.tiemn tht pupils of B.H.S. are ai- wavs eager t help tht town. Excteentisrunning high of Bawmanville in any way. in this oomanmunity these days. Several functions started An-other lively bail game wasthsek.TtScaBain. plnay i Po err rk, nton Club hati its first practice. Sundy ateroonBroklmMany members showed up and versus Nestleton Foresters. birdies were flying ail over This was the foiirth gamýe ttgmai i.Jeebr the five gaine stries. Nes1lte gy lnih.Rreb, ton~~~ ~ '- h aiel ih B.H.S. is a football school but tnd won thaif mrin . Thsit is also a badminton school, andonehal ining. Tisafter ail we easily won tie resultei in Vwo wins for ec intersehool taurnaments the teani. Tht fifth and final last two years. The senior gaine will be played at Port baskttball team coachcd by Perry next Sunday afternoon. tht indefatigable Mr. Sheridan The four teains la the leagut hati two practices this wcek. are Burketon, Brooklin, Sc -Mr. Sheritian is anc cf the few gag Islandi and Nestietori. The coaches Who actually practises Nestîcton teain bas been aiong with his team. Maybe ha coached by Alan Jackson - figures that if hie tries hard pitcher, Bob Parker-; catcher, anti long enough they wll Jet Ronnie Minshall; first base, hlm join Uthc team. Way ta go Tommny Lawrece; s e c o n di Mr. Sheridan. Tryouts for the base, Murray Quackenbush; girls' junior anti senior volley., third base, Carl Elliott; field- baill ean starleti this week. ers, Harley Jackson, Fred Tht girls are always near tie Thomas, Roy Werry and Btrt top in interschooi competitian, Bowers. Other members Of 50 good-luck girls. the team are Ea.ri Bowers, Somnething uew in tht way Jack Andirews, Harry arri- of haif-time entertainnient son, Ivan Rohrer, David Hut- will be offereti during tht next son and Garry Rohrer. football gaine an Thursday, 4-H Club October 6. There will be a Tht 4-H Unit, Tlhe Raimibling speciai garne bctween the.' Radishes, met again at Mrs. "Jolly Green Giants" andtiht. Lawrence McL.aughlin's home. "Redi Wrcckers." Not unusual,- Tht 4-H pletige was reptated they are ail girls! New cheers, anti thet business was discus- new antics, anti new citer.' seti. Tht meeting was then leaders (are tbcy ail boys?) turneti aver to Mrs. Lawrence wiil atit a littie spice ta the Malcolm who told tht differ- garne. Tickets will be sold at ent ways vegetables couiti be ten cents each, thc money to eut so they would look more be uset t pay tht expenses o attractive. She alm o ed other the football teai., Everyone, ways of using veigetablea. A young anti- aId, la invitedte t baked cabbage casserole sud attend tht game andi sec the tomatc soup were matie. Tht haîf-time show. Incidentally, members samipled Viese anti we are ail praylng for a dry, ,AA iba,, ¶,re .a A1 mn....av- CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Your National Ernployment Office hot taken on à new name. It's the smre addresm, 314 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. lt's the smre 'phone number, 728-4631. But the. mme is now Canada Man power (entre There will be more than a new name at your Canada Manpower Centre. There wlll be im- proved service for both employers and job scekers. There will be increased einphasis on such important labour market activities as coun- selling, training, labour force mobility, up-grad- ing, research, and labour market information. Whcther you are Iooking for a job, for a worker, or just for information about employment gen- erally, the place to go is the Canada Manpowcr Centre. Published by the DEPARTMENT 0F MANPOWER .and IMMIGRATION CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 314 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Phone 728,,4631 DO'YOU KNOW> For OnIy $15.00 a Year (with entrance fée of $3.00 for lst Ysear nly) You can have membership ln the Ontario Moto, Laque Peterborough Club with ALL of tIqu benefits. Personal Accident Autobil. Inuramce up te *3$M.00, Emergency Roati Service - Legal Adisude ati.ence, Unequalled Travel Trlpik Service - FereliguTrayel Servic, Bail Bond ln U.S.A. Up te $5W6.00 - Canad"a Motorit *&goda&e For moe. nformation phone colleci to: MR. MILTON FISHER# Bleckstock . 9f64743 or write to, the Ontario bMotor lmffl - ?et.nboreugh-Club, 328 Watr St., swoeuhOtto I requtat Infersation foer. ARMCI AIR -- -.- -4 1 1 1

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