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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 11

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'School Bd. WiII Ask Council1 :ry Accept Responsibility for School Crossing Guards Newcastle -- The regulari monthly School Board meeting was held on Monday evening ii the Public Sehool, with al niembena present. Before the stant of thc meeting, the principal, Ronald Munno, Board Members and the two reporters present were given a tour Uinough Uic new additions. These new roonis viii son be compîcte and rcady for use. The children, no doubt, anc quite anxious ta get moved into the niost up- to-date and modern roomas. The nminutes of the'laut meeting were read by the Sec- retary, Ed Barchard. The principal%: report vas given by Mr. Munro, who ne- ported 298 pupils wene negis- tered at the schoo1 on Uic lait day of September. He further reported th et a supply teacher vWas stili required te take aven ln the absence of a teacher who miglit be ill. He also fcît that four teeter-tottens shared among eighty or more children Was just not woraitng out too vweil, mad suggested ta cither do eway wlth themn altagether or add to theni. For board i- formation, he infonmed them of six teachens who took a Departmental sumnier course. ,<Business arlsing froni the l rincipal's report wau the need or a aupply teacher. One or two appliations had been ne- celved and discussion was held &bout the applications. Reverting to the playground, it was felt it would be a shame ta take the teeter-tot- ters away from Uice children. To help solve the probleni, t was suggested that a slide be added to thc playground. Thisý would give more children a chance of havmng a turn quick- er thari waiting for a teeter- totter ride. Insurance on the new build- ing vas dlscusscd. The prableni again arase about Traffic Guides. The Board felt that It was up ta theni to look aftcr this pnob- lem, until Board Memnber, Doug Walton neported that lie had looked int it and learned that in Oshawa, the City Police do the hiring cf such help. Later in Uic evenlng, Chairrnan John Rlckard con- tacted Uic mayon of Bowvman- ville, and learned from him that in Bowrnanvllle, the coun- cil pays for the hining of Crosing Guards through their Police Budget, and the Police do the hiring. "I think froni that, that wc should let our Council icnow how it is donc in other municipelities and leave it up to thcm," suggest- cd the Chairman. "Well, I thlnk lt's aur nes- ponsibillty and as parents and of the Board, I feel that we should go as a delegation ta the council," sald Board memn- ber Margaret Brereton. "It's nat totally our respon- Uewcast/e Socia/ and1 Çersona/ The uympathy af the village la extended te Mr..and Mn:. Percy Hame in the necent laos Of thoin son, Dr. Jack Rare, of St. Thomas. Dr. Mare vas well lcnowr. by many through.. out the village and niany have been saddened by hi, death. Mn. Ernie Aldread, long time ernployec of the Post Office, retlred necently aften 17 Yers af faibliful service in recognition of hi: services Paît Office staffs-froni Peter- borough and Onono gathemed at Erle's home ta presenthini with a beautiful vullet and a lovely cake as a farewell git. Pleese be remlnded through this Item and tic advertlse- tient elsewhere on this page, tIthat comxnencing at 3:00 uam. Ocetoben 101h, thene yl ho a new 'Phone contact with the Fine Dept. The new nuniber wili b. 987-4211. This nuniber will ring in 12 of the 15 fine- menos homes. Bach has been equipped with thc sanie tele- phone nuniben. The 'phone will ring tvice befome being answered ta allaw ail available mien to anaver andrmcccve the messageetathé cseme time. Only one man vil do thc queationlng, and thît man vil stay an the 'phone until an- other fireman lias hmd tirne te neach the line hall and give the alan. Keep thus nuniben ,An mmd. Botter etil, write SIt down and place lb near your ophone. This ih belng donc for oun rotection and youn belp can e useful. ILn and Mn. William Stonka have recently neturned bo the village iter a visit to New York. Mn. and Mn.. Sheldon Mc- Candlest and Mns. J. J. Mc- Candîcas ver. weekend visi- tons with' Mra. Shirley En- wnight and Buck. Baptism vas held in Nev- castle United Church on Sun. day mornnng, Septeniber 25th. lMve children wene baptized, 'rhey were: Lori Ann, daugli- ten of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rog- erson; Mark Hmdley, son af bi. and Mmc. Clifford Mather; Susan Hazel, daughter of Mn. and Mis. Cecil Miller; Re- becca Irene, daughten of Mn. and Mrs. William Crockett anîd Donna Rae, daughtcr of Mr. sudl lis. Ray McNevin, of Oehawa. Rev. E. C. Woodland eMiaated at the morning serv- 100. At a Mmsoriic Service during the evening, Rev. M. C. lisher, former niinistem af Newcastle United, vas the ut speaker. Mrs. Lloyd a member of Trinity Unifttd Clurch, Eowmanvllle, wus the gueit solodat. firat Newcastle S cou t Troops held thoir finit meeting cf the season since their re- tsjr from sumnier camp ln JUýy. The boys vene advised that there was a registration foe af $250 per boy, requincd to be pald before the 3lst of Octoben. lb vas hopcd that niaist cf Uic boys could bring ther fées ln ut an eenly date, as next Manday there vil ho ino meeting duc ta buie Thanks- giving holiday. Finit Newcastle A and B. Cub Picks met again Monday niglit for Uder egular meet- ing. Loud cheers vere given iwhen thcy learned that therç .would be camp again this 1year. The boys louve froni îb thetwn hall at 6:30 pa..Prn- tday night and wlll be ready to leave the cami3 Mondav nt 12 . Boys are requested te bring thir money ta thc camp for expenses, a fée 0f $300 per boy. The boys wene thank- 1 1 egin for tic hclp they gave during the Sîturday car wash. The money naised vil help show the boys mn even better time at camp. A!nobhcr firet meeting wms the Newcastle Hockey Moth- ers who met an Monday even- ing. Ib vas a vemy pon turn- out a onibens and emch vas encouriged ta get more mem- bers interested as Ib vms getting near election time. Meetings arc finît Monday af eacli month. Thank you notes wene read from the New- castle Artificial Ice Associa- tion thanking the Hockey Mothers for their donation made to the Atificial Ice, aud for the help gîven themn in running Uic nefneshment boobli durlng the cannival. Another thank you note wes ncad from Ken Gray to Uiank the Hockey Mothers for the vallet pre- sented ta hlm at the close of the aena. Mr. Gray had earned hi: guif with the help ho lad been ta those opért- Ing the booth. Friends and neiglibours in hospital this weck arc: Mn:. Clana May Barrett, Mr. John Davis, Mn. Lloyd Ellis, Mn:. Ruth Harvey, Mns. Donlîda McCarron, Mn. Reg Meadows, Mns. Myrle Naylor, Mn. Henry Tebble, Mrs. Elsie Walton, Mn. Raîpli Wright, and lu Oshawa Gencral Hospital, Mn. Hanold Marris. The price per copy af your Statesrnan has been nalîed five cents, now casting you 15e a week. You vill, hovever, agrée that there is mnoe Us 15c, worth or news and Items of interoît being brought ta you lu this piper each and eveny wcek. This la your paper, and. for Newcastle nesi- dents. thus lu your psg e. Help us te kec lb illed. Remem- ber to dia! 987-4213 when you have mn item of interest. In- cidentally, vo would bu happy to take care of your nov or renewil subsciption. The pnice for a yean ia only $5.00 anywhene in Canada. ATTENTION RESIDENTS 0F NEWCASTLE Comeneclng Octob.r l6th, 1966, at thre &.m., 12 talophon«e placed ln homes of fir.fighters wiIIM go into effect. THIS NUMBER WILL BE 987m4211 Write tis umh.r down, and plae. It sair yur telephon.. Fire Chief Frank Miller sibility," said Board Member George Chard. "A lot of lb la up ta the parents. They should edlucate their childrnn on coming ta and from the achool the safest way." "Wcll, I sure would feel very badly if some child gt hurt and we hadn't even trnled to do somnething about It," ne- pllcd Mrs. Brereton. "I vould toa, but I still say theparents should get bchind this Let thcm forni a delega- tion and go ta council," said Mr. Chard. "I agrce that thene should be samcthing donc. Those dank blue signs can barely be scen, and haif of thcm don't rcad it anyway," said Mr. Walton. "I may be able to go and represent the board." "I can't go if it's Monday night, but I agree someane from the board should. I have a son old enough that I don't have the worry now about his coming ta, or froin the school, but as a board niember 1 take on the responsibility of the probleni, and when we've been appraached by parents, then this is my duty," replied Board memnber Pauline Stonka. "Well, that's fine," replicd tic Chairnian. "If ane or more af aur membens attend vo can then add any more informa- tion than what nxay be in the letten we send te council. But I agree that a delegation .hould be made up of panents ta hclp." Just as a bit ai information, board member Irv McCulough gave thc latcst population count ta Uctenîebers. With a total of 1506 in the village, thene arc 171 children under bliree yea o f age, 33 four- year aida,146 fivc-year-olds, 77 aged 6 and 7, 66 ugcd 8 and 9, 131 aged 13, 24 14 year- olds and 215 year-old. These ages and the nuniben of children in the village, proves again how Newcastle is fat lncneasing and the need of cnossing g*rds even great- er wlth so many attending, school. Alter the bills had been iread and authorized to be paid, the meeting adjourned. HoId Party to Celebrate 25t1, 'Anniversary Newcastle - Mns. Allin Rowe *as the guest of honor at an afternoon tea given by Mrs. Ronald Hope, Mrs. Tomn Brown, Mrs. Hlao1d Couch and daughters-in-law Mrs. Vern Rowe and Mns. Brian Rowe, held at her son Brian's home. The occasion was the celebration of her 25th wed- ding aniuveratry. Dianna Ilowe presented her mnother-ln-law wlth a beautiful corsage of plnk and white car- nations. From her sons and daughters-in-law, she was pre- ftnted with a lovely radio and fromn friends throughout the village she vas premented with a beautifui swlvel chair and two cups and saucera wlth silver wedding written on them. Family and frielids attended the tea to help celebrate this W ala occasion and to wish Mrs. owe many more years of happiness. STARIKVILLE (Intended for last weelc) 'A, and MnIs. Banton Mc- Neill, Dean and Marilyn, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson. Mir. and Mit. Howard Far- row attended Rmosneatii Fair, Saturdoy. Mr, an*d Mrs. J. Bothwell, Bownianvillc, apent the Week- end with lier parents, Mr. and Mm. Russeil Savery. Mr..and Mirs. Lawrene Flarrow and lamfl&y attended Linduay Pair on Saturday. Mr..and Mn..Grant Sylves- ter, Julie and David, Sarnia, were weekend gueula et Mir. Jini Stark's. Mr. Orme FaUs and Harvey spent Saturda& At Roseneath F air. Mir. mnd Mia. Lennox, Gar- den Hill, weré Sunday even- ing dinner guutte wlth Mr. and Mr&. Lawrence Farrow. Mxm. Warrn Carson and Wilsoni attended Linduay Pair "nday lust wesk. ?&. and Mr#s. Chuilli. Trim, Eowinenvllh, viited At Mr. Orme Fels and later attended tue Kermedy-7oster w.dding et Kendal. Mr. Paul Niaigon And son Paul, Eowmamvil, and lMr. mUI Farrow, Newtonwille, were Sundia visit=r witii Mns. Victor %rrow. Mrt. end lM. Keith Riowe and faifly, Bowsnenville, Mr. and Mns. D&Lapuun md dia- obte Hmwonwere Sun. dey vete w1itMr. and Mr. H~oward Fanro. Sfah u tv a bben planed, ferct. Seth, witk .3esker, end Mm. BIeck, nuLiias sblt Wives Urged ta HeIp Hubbies Get to Arena Newaate-Wiveu in this cemmunlty &Mre bg ré- rauested te play a part in thé installation er artific lub ln the arena. flxer are mked to keep reminding their husbanis that velun- teer heip la sorely needd at the riait eVOrY eveaint sud esPeolally during thé Thanksgivint weekend. There are, many jobs te be donc, most of themni e- quiring littie akili, no tocis, but PlentY Of eUthusisma n enengy. Evcry heaitby maie ment- ber of the community hs urged to take a bit of lime to beip ln orlon that the Job may be compieted qulck- Iy.. Co.munity Bowling League Standings and Hlgh Singles to date Monday Ladies Kendalites.................... 21 Jetaons ........................ 15: Whirlûrbirdl ................. 14 Royals......................... 12 PontLacs ....................... 8i Oronoettes ...................... 7 Corvettes......-................ 4 Wildcats ...................... a Higli - - Nancy Williams 274 200 and over Mary router 251, Joan Ard 228, Teresa Lanàgstaàff 225, Bernice Part- tnen 222, Beverley Lake 221, 1Minnie Taylor 219, DorothY 9Neal 220, Eleanor Perrin 215, Kathy Armstrong 206, Fran- ces Wright 203, Grace Couch 2()3, Joanne Ruttan 202, Dora- thy Miercer 200, Marie Rowe 202. Mcna .League sipitiflreu........21 Saibres ............... 21 Orphens........................ 12 Curve Inn................- 7 1.Wildeate ....-................. 2 rMustangs...................O Higli- George Kimball 306 225 and over - Larry Pearce 283, Ron Good 288, Rla Wright 278, George Glanville 1275, George Kimiball 275, Bon Munro, 280, Francis Tu-fford 1253, Nevionvlle Ladies Crows.............. *"**»""«"*'14 Larks ..................12 Owls .............................2 Jays . .................o Higli - - - - Jean Halil 261 175 and aven - Joan Hall 2o6, Linda Sutherlanid 228, Mildned, Bingham 192, Myrt Henris 186, Jose Weiler 184, Lis Willenia 184, Sophia Wil- leme 182. Thursday Mixed Bugs.........................16l LImps ..................... . 8 LCat@ .............................7 Brats ....... ..................., 4 High - Ken Whitney 280, Miaureen Powell 263. 200 and orven - Alice Kpr le0 Mrln Cuh 248, Gèere Glanille 23,5, Mange Lbbotson 228, Ken Whitney 221, Bei Morigan 218, Art Du- beau 215, George MeNair 205, Mabel Lewis 204, Meareen Powell 201. Fridar Mixed Siireddles ......«.............. 17 MMtsfi......................... 14 Sugan Jets ..... ........ ý12 Undcndogs-. ........ .....l. Hi Jacks ...... ........ il. . «.. Hotshots ....................... 8 Rosebuds ...................... 7 Migh - Ted Hour 323, Ruth Couch 307. 200 and over - Stan Powell 272, Alice Rave 269, Bill Caîl 289, Mezel May Maunro 248, Marilyn Couah 247, Tracy Embley 236, Albert Pearce 230, Laniry Pearce 225, Myntle Pea-rce 223, Ted Hoîr 221, Ruthi Coucli 218, Laur~a Huzel- den 205, Kay Powell 203, Ruth Bonatiiun 200. S TARK VILLE Mr..and Mn:. Percy Hubble, Stockdalc,' vere Sunday even- Ing dînner guesto at Mn. JIni Stark'o. Mr..and Mm&. Clifford Fonk were ln Toronto lait week viîitlng lien mother, Mra. A. Dobson who Ia a hospital patient there. Mr. and Mmm. Kcltb Rave and famnlly, Bowmanville, wene necent dinner gueuta with Mn. and Mns. Howard Farrow. Mns. E. Rubliven, ZMon, was a Sunday visiter at lir. COf- fond Vonk's. Mn.and lira. Jlm Stark attended the wedding of hon nièce et Castieten, Satunday afternoon. WESLEY VILLE PloughIngap"le picklng and sevei alconstucion Job. about the farm have occupied the menon f tbecommunity durlng Uic pat week. Ladies wene busy with plans for Uic comlng fowl aupper, and tme enierency help was asked for by the tobcco growemtthe be cnn f the week au a though tender viesUk eu cumbens venu frozen, vege- table producta dld net imem to be lnured, on the lake shore. Mn. aldlins. Hcctor Darke raturned home on Sunday miter ipmndlng a week ln Toronto. On Monday and Tueiday of Pub Iish Swimmers' Naures Who Passed. Recent Tests Newcastle-We have Just Tadpoles I--Mchael Wade, received the list of namnes of Susan Wagar, Dale Dubeau, aIl those boys and girls who Peggy Zulaus, Mike Walton, auccenafully pasued their swim- Susmn Foster, Joanne1 Le- mlng testa whlch foflowed Gresley, Leslie Wallace, L~ some six or seven weeks of Parker, Trevor Hamiliton, Cle- lessons givèn by Instructor ine Brockcma Russell Abbott, Mns. Jean Rice who was as. Pamela .hbbott, Kenneth De sisted during thictsson by Jong, Cindy Branning, Wednt Mr Chances Zwert and Miss Freethy, Karen Ruttan, Julia Lynda Eilbeck. Those-receîv- Sikma, Donald Rowley, Merla mIn awards in the Tadpole Gllbank, Henry Hogeterp, Shel- classes were: Tadpoles 1 - ly Aibin, Dennis Rogerson Dale Sheila Munno, Stewart Till. Aflson, Wendy & Nancy Lake, son, Darlene Nesbitt, Mary Robbie Pfautoch, Nancy Tis- Cryderman, G o r d Dancey, novsky, Jini Hoogkamnp, Bobby Nancy Parker, Cathy Broke- Joncs and Dens Simipson. ma, Sharon De Jong, Cindy Tadpoles 3-Candy Mac- Sinclair, Shefly Brown, Bnian Gregon, Robin LaPoint, Debra Miche, Irene Breneton, Debbie LaPoint, Wendy Kelly, Gail De Bruln, Cralg Kent, Carol 'Milhench, Rodney Dancey, Selby, Wendy Johinson, Lance Christopher Gosleigh,, Billy1 Paync, Susie Eilbeck. Garvin, Allin Fneethy, Danny -Q2uinney, M a r t i n Lowry, ladies washed the chuncli eoge Sikma, Wilma Hoge- floon and put on a coat of terp, Arthur Me senger, varnish,1 to protect Its surface. Marysia Majer, Cathy Metrail- All classes at Sunday School or, Nancy Shearer, Martyj found temponany accommoda- Brown, Sarah Miehe, Bnian tion downstairs to give the Allun, Danny Allin, Jill Adamis, floor a chance ta dry. The Yvonne De Bruin, Brian Jones, concludlng hymn for the xnorn- Wendy Mary Lake, Sandra Ing was played by Cheryl Jessup, Audrey Vanderstoop Clarke. World Communion and Karen Noden. Sunday was obsenved at Wel- Learn to Swim 1-Danny corne by aUl four churches on Danilko, Joann Danilko, Judyi the charge. The choir sang Pontsmith, Tom Fox, John1 two anthcms and Rev. Ian Fox, Tracy Adams, John Lem-1 Munroe spoke of the unity Of pen, Cathy Lempen, Douglas those present with feuow Whyte, Sammy Glanville,1 Christians all around the R4ckey Glanville Terry Park- world in this special service. er, Timmy Parkcr, Nellie Van-i He was assisted duning the denstarre, Douglas Adams, Al-1 communion service by Messrs. bert Hamilton, Denver Ham- Ken and Harold Symons, John ilton, Calvin AllUn, Cindy Fa- Elliott, Pcncy Snell, Clarence shay, Danny Hopkins, Gregory l Nichols, Arnold Thorndyke, St. Amand, John Gilmoun, Mac Irwin and Allen Peters. Christine Joncs, Maxwell Bur- Gloria Nichols of iToronto nove, Jacqueline Adams, Biliy spent the weekend at home Selby, Rosemarie Gilmoun,1 and Mr and Mrs. Harold Aust- Tommýy Couch, Joanne Collier, in, Pearl and Valerle visited Robin Walton, Gary Zulaugh, with Mr. and Mns. A. White Trudy Flonk, Gondie Cochrane,1 in Rexdale. . Greg Wade, David Rowley.1 Learn to Swim 2-BUi Per- rin, Mary Parker, Beth Couch, Danny Gilbank, Cathy Tuf- ford, Angela Lesnick, Sandra Garrod, Brian Hoogkamp, Nancy de Bruin, Tim, Malk- Witz. Learn to Swim 3-Janet LLovekin, Mary Garvin, Paul tQuinney, Robent Lowry, San- dra Kean, Anita Miche, Wanda Vanderstoop, Bian Mlklos, Joanne Willens, Peter Plonk, 'Mary Ani De Witt Venonica Rueggcn, Cornelia Rueggen, Rodney Payne. Beginners 2-April Couch, Stephen Selby, Jeanette Wag- an and Patty LeGresley. 1Advance Beginners--Donald ThIlson, Jim Atcheson, John De Witt, Chnistina Selby, Sus. an Lacombe, Karen Lacombe, Marty Foshay, Phillip Met- railler, Gene Dubeau, Debbie Shearer, Peggy De Witt, Linda Catto, John Rudeil, Cindy Gar- rod. Junior 1-Susan Maîkiewicz, Kim Perrin, Aime Brereton, Tlmothy Blaker, J en n ife r Payne, Gordon Blaker, Dcbbie Gibson and Ronnie Lowry. Be inner Pins--Lamne Allin, Canaoline White, Anne Horts- man, Suzette LaPoînt, Maxine Gllbank, Sheryl Lantz, Phillip Metrailor, Christina Selby. Allan Wallace, Brenda Nes- bitt, Sheila Gilbank, Kenny Nesbitt, Patty LeGrcsley, Mel- anie Jcssup, Jeff Lowry, Rob- bic Foshay, Stephen Selby, Jeanette Wagar, Rosemary Tisnovsy, Neil Vanderstoop, Penny Webster, Alfie Adair, Shirley Hamilton, Caby Flank, John Rudell, Marty Foshay, Cindy Garrod, Gene Dubcau, Karen Lacombe, Susan La- combe, Peggy De Witt. Junior Plns-Rickey Lave. kmn, Stephen Dryden, Grant HRendry, David Sheaner, Char- f Th@ Cinadian OtatoMt% B OWr4nVlfl Ckt 0, RN lotte Mary Brereton, Darreil presented to the Interàwdié* Darling, Garfleld Payne, Bob SwIine Eilbck a Northrup and George Visser. Beather Iloar. Intermediate Pins - Greg. Bronze Award- Z. RIoq, Gray, Geordie Walton and BUil Gray Md Aiu Wagar. Ewert.Ga Senior Pins-Susan Walton, Bronze Bar-Pat Arlene Munro, Frances Hoar, Silver-Lynda Eilbeck &Md Anne Eilbeck and Jacqueline Charles Ewcrt. Rice., Award of Mert-Lynda Royal Life Awards were beck. To keep Pace with the growing demand for gooda and servces, many Cainadien buainem bave m- larged or up-dated their facilities wlth the. ald of IDB boans. If yout are thinldng about modernlzing or Uil panding your business, or sitarting a naw enterpriuN and need financi-al assitanc, perbap aun B lam uen help yOiL IVINDUSTRIAL DE VELOPMIEN T BANK TERM FIHAICING FOR CANADLAII IU8IE8 TORONTO, ONT. 1250 Un!verslty Avenue - Tolophont: 3684148 HOW GOOD ARE A&P TURKEYS? SO GOO WE 0lM, 10 OFFER YOU DOBE YMI MOUY SAMe Our OAr" wAud i6me WT-&AM ak r TURKEYS TU RKEYS lu SUPER-RIGHT QUAUTY mom#^1omm 0 Po 18- tu.m- 8»49-c -READY To SEMV MOD SHAN CIS RSTEARS WHOLE HAMS - KETCHUP TEA BAGS CAKE MIXES OATS uTn t89c SIIANK HALF '~I~63e ts63c BUIT HALF olcmIM'M73c- A" oP mm>g Pd»s bti ne - &AW 1%c "AP Sla nieu Twlinki. (T Varltie FRATURE PRICES Mood - CW* or e stant rie. pW Uge - SAVE 49 TOILET TISSUE MTg El pkgf2.a157<,361m -Im paptim VirU-G5 *1WS It4me M D MeSml STEAKS & ROASIS * 8TEAKS * SMROIN. WING, TOP ROUND STEAK, ONDSTEAK eUwIll *ROUDO erSMT8 BONISS mUMPI SIBLOIN POINT lonelesa, WING, PORTERNOUSE or TOP ROUND ROASTS PORTERHOUSi tOAST e- QD cm 1.07 A&P WHOfl'BAN iÎJ 4s"eb99C »0i~69c COFFEE SAmàLEl -MW *8 o'dock' ~$ «%« A". 0 lu i r7FRISH FRUITS AND VIGITABLES VIRGINIk,, GOLDEN, THANSGMVNG CROF, PM. 1 GR. SWEET POTATOES ib 9K Ontario Grown, Foncy Grade, Scorleti Pippins, Excellent For Eatin APPLES cl3-1 " 2.9 4 u5-*s8 9c RBOK&r w-..3 9c b,83cr - ,urmw PUMPKUN PIE Nui 84". 0049c CRACKD BMAD 3 6 5 a*&.pt" . hau- ...SA S No Doubt About These Grocery Buy's! - maum 1 F L s f»l* POMU&

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