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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 12

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le, 1l- la- ,P. ls L. ris 'Many Prizes Won at Rebekah Penny Fair IbOh Beehive Bebekah Lodge house 253 Betty Caravtfl P~TSale, an annual event Bathrooun Set 2023 Mn. Phy ~a l1aways greatjy enjoyed lis Haynes, Electrie Fry Pa DYs large numb-r of people, 1442 Jean Rice, Hamnpton Pt wa edon Frlday afternoon low Cases 2298 Cliffoi!d â;w ~ Wvnin, Spt.23rd, ah the low, Dresser Set 356 Mns. E Cog"mmu n 1ty CentÎre. B. Rundle, Apron 1270 Loi i leGrand Mrh Goudy raine Michelson, Dalla Clothe ýw1à tii general convenor. She 1448 Jean Rice, Hampton, Ai S'auisted by Blght Sup- plque Quilt 1001 Charle P!he5Florence Moore, and Hone, Glass Rellah Tray 104 Wt upporter Hilda Hurnph. Marion Wiseman, Necklac sud Zarrings 1003 Mrs. 1 »ole Grand Goudy intra- Casagnette, Mîxin i Md~ District Deputy presj.. 2245 Mns. J. T. !coal doat Betty Major, Orono, who White Cushion 1523 Haze odU pened the Penny Samis, Coffee Muga 1182 Mn ' a"e :0p.. h atse Lloyd McRobbie, Can Opene: et 2:30an.mNoble ruda wesss2359 Susan Mitchell, Pillov WW.t Lionel Byrni, Mrs. carl Cases and $1 bil 928 Mns. C raedeii, Mm. R. Mitchelirs Clarke, Saskatchewan, Electri Ryniond Nutchiinson, Mm. Toasher 1940 Mary R&shotte LevttMms. Joseph DallS Qufiha 2155 Pat Goode ~~rMmsT. Prout sud Mns. Men's Socks and ilver $1 2121 eWood.Marilyu Major, Orono, Doilie The couvenor for Uic Sale 1915 Myrtle Sparks, Rlchmoni Ot SOM. Baklng was MmA. Hill, Crystal Creani, Jug, Sugal C. Burgeas, sud Mn. F. Alex- Bowl, and Tmay 2112 Vi Mar. ander wus the Candy Table Jemison, Tay 472, Mmi. Ceci: Cozwenom. Mrs. Lionel Byam Mamison, Foaam Piflow 235( WaU i charge o! the 'Variety Mrs. J. T. McDonald, Flannel. t'able. ette Blankets 2169 Carol Mc. The planlst was Mm-s Edwi Roberts, Crystal Csudy Dist. Wood, sud Mrs. Nina Clarke 1089 Dama Moore, Toronto w.s In charge of the sale o! Apron 552 Pat McCarthy tickets. The posters wcre Oshawa, Blue Mouittain Dis) Miade by Mmi. George Michel- 2077 Lame Kerr, Barbecue Sel son sud Mrs. Lomne Kerr was 487 Mrs. Gary Tîghe, Doll 2289 the convenor for the making Laurie McQuarrie, Crochel of tickets. Doily 2097 May AlUin, Omono, Theme were hourly draws for Flower Pot 308 Mary Pansons, door prizes. Mms. Bert Colwell Wethoii, Evening Bag 1490 Mns. asslsted by Mrs. Gardon La- Ivison M u n d aY, Luitcho mnont sud Mrs. John Humph- Cloth 885 Laura Brithon, Pil- rey were i charge of this. low Cases 2169 Caral McRob- The. door pies wcre won by ents, Earrings 1599 Eileer M* pDnRunle rs TmStapletan, Newtonville, Flan Grahami, Mrs. G 1 e n h a ni e nelette Blankets 827 Mamiomie Nuùgies, Miss Kelly Gould, and Highfield, Baby Set 885, Marg- Miss Lynue Harrison. aret Barr, Bidhouse 1191 An exquisite centrepiece In Vemna MacDougal, White Blan- a cryshal bowl of cosmos, snap- ket 1194 K. Moore, Ptllow~ dgon, sud dahlias in pik Cases 1209 Venta MacDougal iuve and deeper pink, which Blue Cardigan 1255 Reta Niv- had, been arrsugcd by Mrs. M. i, Cheese Tray 1369 Marian L;.Ëa.gnell, enhanced the semv- Edgctan, Ncwtonville, Orna- in~ table, and it was lighhcd mental Fruit 1785 Scott Bec. W htall bronze candles In crys- cham. tai andlesticks. Theme wcee -The .r!e yet ta b. claini- two other beautiful floral bou- ed War: 228/Towels, 370 Elec- qUets. One on the mnxtle was trie . iig Pad, 403 Baby COniosd of dahlias, zinnias, Set, 603 Knitted Blouse, 608 dahty acelile flowers sud Earrings, 759 Dish, 841 Pillaw èbw'ysantemun'ts ail in aut- Cases, 843 Towcls, 1241 Cup ini shades in a Royal Hager and Saucer, 1317 Crib Quilt, dlah was flanked with match- 1382. Teapat, 1573 Teapot, 1703 u candle holders with bronze Apron, 1819 Place Mats, 1838 fpe:n. The othen a striking Mixing Bowls, 1921 Pot Hold- e ,omblnation o! mcd sud white ers, 2104 Pillow Cases, 2360 dahlis sud other autumn Dresden Plate Qufit, 2371 Pli- ilowers was on the piano. Mrs. low Case. Bagnel had also artistically The holder of a wlnning armanged bath o! these. ticket eau dlaimi a prize by Thdie who pesidcd aven the notifying the . Beehive Rebek- tescup wre ilPast Noble ah Lodgc Recordiug Sccrctamy urpnds Mrs. . L Bgn iMrSs. Ca. aeden, 6 ane W.,.. oanph Hutchin ,Street, 3-3096. Mu JsehLevett, Mis. Carl - Paieden, Mme. Robert Mitchell, ê(rs. Joseph Flett, Mrs. Lionel HAMP'IfT nya, bi. Edwin Wood sud i~~4 Mie . Prout. lMn. Harry Farrow and Mmi. (Intended for ladt week) Cotdon MoMurter wcrc the Girls! Bra'wWn' gS ated ecqnsers for the. tea tables. Wednesday, Sp.2tl h Nach tea table.had a prettyChristian Sdeptiot n the a cenfreplece o! emali P>tel the Hampton Church. AiU plnk 1!lowers in Iow crysta girls who have passed the Sge 10wl. Mrs. Edwar Rchards o! seven and this was on on wsthe. kitchen çonvenor. beifore August 31, 19M., are HsWorshi), MayoIr Ivan eliglible to joit, ailso girls up Mmébbs, drew -tât winung tic- ta ten years. The. tirne willl kets. for thc Penny SaI's 82 b. a!ter you leave school ah attractive prizes. He was as- fous- o'clock. Corne on girls, JMW4 by the Noble Grand, youwàm have fuit. à"s Martha Goudy, and the VIc*4rnd, Mns. Earl Cox. Mosport was busy agalu Taiewnnèns were: Bird- aver Uic wcekend. Trial races t,:uée 660 Betty Beera, lunch- wr lusa u mdy am cloth 306 Greta Munday, with the big race, Grand Prix, Cabawa, Elizabeth Ar-den Set being run Saturday, wtth a ,114 Heen loo, Dily242 lt o! the big drivers, W Pearl Burnham, Avon Topaz wih thein aîl gaod luck, but Cgpgrie 971 Gordon Lamont, there can only b. anc winnem. 'Whlhe Sweater 2231 Mrs.. B. Belated syunpathy la ex- Wo'uton, Measuntng Cups 1295 tended te Mrs. George Yeo on ,TUM Paeden, Newtonvillc, the dcath o! hem broUies-, Mr. Ofowel Set 1108 Mrs. A. Pal- Normant E. Balmstow, who uiaheer, Toronto, Pillow Cases passcd away Sunday, Sept. IgJ2 Rase Alixander, Jolly 18th, iu Meinorial Hospital, jumper 1134 Marilyn Web- Bownianville. Also ho aI] siei Towels 2354 Gwcn. Gould, !arnily and relatives cthUi PilwCases 930 Mrs. L. De late Mr. Bairstow. MM 1 e, Unlonvile, Bathmoom Mmr. and Mrs. Charles Temp- est 1666 Mis. Hugh Mur- stra were visitans In thc vil- ,Picture 1824 Helen Cour- lage over Uic wcekend; along oi, Kendal, Cup and Saucer, wiUithemm were their thneei 14ÇO' Gertrude Biand, Oshawa, children, Michael, Rickie and IranilngBoardCaver'1084 Mns. Julie. ,à.-.Pa]mter, Toronto, Cup The Ladies W. I. ae ot- W*d Saucer 2251 Betty Wessells poned their mnthly meetingq an»sd Dtp Tray 3030 Elisia o! Oct. 4th ta the llth, as they Ch4pshte, Newcastle, Autumn are holding a leathr caft LovsQuilh 2180 Lilliani session on October 4tih, sth M~BbcraTrnte, Bird- land 61h. The W. I. proecet for, 1966 Âninvestinent o* o let y-ou down. <Jo4bnad poplo boy th*f bon&s at U.Q~ LAWTON, Usasg.oe -e C.mlumSa yewMflbd atmee on thei. NOW this Winl b. a big izndertaiting for the W. 1. llef, gteii anyone wouid 1k. to help In tiiis project plecontact Mn. Luther Alli or Mm George Yeo. At the meeting thit month, Mr. Brewster will attend to show and dslay saine oit the atreet posttsand signe trornthie Me- ehaffical Advertlslng of Osh. awa. Ladies çplesu attend this meeting s It wlJib. very in- teretiuw ho see what help we receive lin .11 ways. 1h wwould be greatly appreciated. Other Hnripton clubs can assist In tht. project if ttiey so desire. I'm eoir yta report that G&rry Deliica was kflled in a car accident on Saturday night. Garry was a resident of Hamipton. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dehica, toock ver the store that wu owned by à*-. anid Mm .Warrack a f ew yeams ago. I un sure Garry will be remembered by thie tengers of the village. Sym- patiiy i. extended to Mr. and (Ms-s. Deluca, family, -relatives and friends en the Ions of a r- Mr. and Mms. red Holroy .1and Lynette, Bowmauvilli 5were Sunday afternoon vis 1_ tors wihh Mr. and Mrs. Fre c. Hols-oyd. ih Mrs. Bil Edwamds, Oshawi o, vlstted Mr. and Ms-s. Lioni y,Hickey on Sunday. ýhMauY train thc village at et tendcd the races ah' Mospai 1on Satuzrday. Mn. Donohu ewas the successful winner a: 09 hem tic untimely troubles th, 3, othcr drivers ran inta dus-la Uicth teste and the actuel racE ,n Thiu was Uic sixUi Gran% -Prix race., n Ohurch service on Sunday *Sept. 25th, order ocf servie wem e Ucsciptturc ncadin@ prayer and the Lord's Praye: ýgiven by Rev. C. Catto, ais( thc sercmon which was titîtc "v The Miracle". Hymns wen "lStand ,Up, Stand Up fai r. Jesus", "Father Lead Me D&3 nby Day", "Let Us Withi Gladsonie Mmd." Chfidren', shcowy wa "Show Youi Rands." Chus-db was closet with the benediction. > Ncxt Sunday, oct.' 2nd, i. y World Wide Communion and 8h iwill be sa obsemvcd ah Uic v Ham(pton Chus-ch. P Mns. Samn MèReelis, Oshawa, called rccnhly et lec homi O! Mmi. A. W. Preseott anc 8spent saune turne. Mis. j. S. Eddyvean, Orono, spent Sat. us-day wtth hem aister, ms Prescott.- Mr. sud Mrs. A. W, Prescoht accocmpauied Mr. suc SMnr.- Hes-b Prescoth sud famt FIly on a trip thhough the country ho, view thie leaves of yautuni, which, Mmi. Presoott cnjoyed vemy înuch. Ufr. and Mr&. W. Lawrie, Bo'Wmauviile, wcme visiter. on Saturday for aupper with M. and Mrm. w. Holroyd; alsc MB.. Samn FarYna, Margie end Heaher, Cedar Crest Beach. 1Mr-. snd Mns. Harold Salter visted hia eluten,mis. Hilton Peter. and- Mr. 'Ralph pëteni it Tomante, and whle, thenu Vtatted wtth Mr. Milton Peters who ta a patient lu Riverdale HOSpital. Sunday guests with the SalterO wene Mms. Howard P(rice, Toroento, miss Mary Péters, Shaws, Mr. WiII Tay- lor, Bowmauviie. Receat visihors with Mm. J. D. Hogarth were Mrs. Pearl Richeards Tuacon, Arizona, Ur-. sd Mme. RaylMas-ris, Mm. Bowen, Toronto, Ms-. and Mn.- Bruc Hogas-th and Ka- thy, Pickering, Mr-. sud Mm. J. B. Wilcox and Donald, Ca- bourg, Miss Madeline Wilcox, BOwmanvilie. Mr. aud Mns. Perey Deweli athended the Nichol- William-. son1 wedding ah St. James United Chuioh In Peterbor- ough. Mini.' Enidý MeCon-key sud R og er, Peterboreugli, were $unday dinner gueas with the Dewells.ý Mr. and Mns. Gardon Leask, Solna, were visitais with Mm.-n Mirs. Ekncm Wilcbur. Glad ho repent Mr-. Sid Ker- seY was home fs-itSn Snny- brDok Hospital for the weck- end, and returned Monda y evening. Mm. Mel 'MicCune sud Cidy, Mr-. sud Mis. en Pooler and famnily, Oshawa, Mr. and MnS. Len Player and bays, BOwnnanvmle, Mmi. Han- oid Ashton, Enniskillen, Rev. Ted Keraey, Hanillhon, 'wcre visitons with Mr. and Ms.Sid Kcs-sey. Mis. Mes-vin M ou nhtjo0y Mpent a dacy wxth Mm. Mé- Ltait, BOWrnanvûlce, misoaa day iu Tomonto, lest week. On Wednesday Mr. and Mms. Ma'untjoy along with Mms.. SffilOw, N«eston, sPent the daywlthcousins, Mns. Brad- bur u MnS. Wright o! Janetviile. Mm.* Ben K.illcns and the boys took a trip ho thc Hall- burton aea on Sundcay. DuninthUicwcek Mn. and Mmi. Hiemutra, Oshawa, viait- ,Id Mfr. and Mme Ralph Bal«- lard. On Sunday Mm. sud Ms-s. Raîlh Ballard vislted with Ms-s. Ballas-d'e Parents, Mr. and Mm. HRUry A tn M.sdMme.WilauiAx- :Far, s and Ms-s. W. D). 7vcuidcfu%"Acation ah Mm le d tJ b1 WJ'utby Brownies EnjoyOuting at Ceclar Crest Beach On Sahurday, members of Whitby's 8th Bmownie leaders assembied on the beach for this informi Pack spent mast of the dayiight hours doing tests, picture. Mrs. Kazak told The Stahesman that Brawnc hiking and ohherwise enjoying themselves ah Cedar and Guides are flourishing in Whitby and expresse Cmest Beach, on Lake Ontario. Theis- Brown Owl Mrs. the hope that many former Guides in B3owmanvii] Myrna Kozak, fornerly Myrna Tuerk of Bowman- would offer their services here ta overcome the lacî ville, was in charge, assisted by Tawny Owls Mrs. shortage of leaders. Nancy Leslie and Ms-s. Joan Kerr. The pack and their Square Dancers "Y Molle Efllott may lic shocked ta ieann that there's a gang o! thieves in Chitzen! T Bowmavilleis ein tswuareyne tigi and Cin squme danethingw man cle wnievs Bow-u manyvilleSngin' t Baws.Bu manvilie Banner Brigands", by tht Swînin' Squames Club It's the custom of many S/D clubs ta display a banner whenever the club is dancing, visiting or at a festival. The Swingin' Squares club is proud of its new banner an original creation by former Presidents Jack and Hilda Stewart, show- ing the club emblem, name and caller, Bill Cooper. But on its first trip away froni home, the banner feil into the hands of the Bowmanvillc brigands! During the month of May or June each year, a unique convention is held in the Roy- al York Hotel, Toronto, when hundreds of squame dancers in colourful and beautiful cost- umes gathemed fmom ail over Canada and the U.S. to ex- change dances, learn new routines and dance ta expert international callers. Many members of the Bow- nianville square dance clubs, as well as Swîngin' Squares, with hundmcds of other dane- ers, attcnded the convention last spring. The Swingin' Squares' banner, hanging proudly ini the convention hall, attracted the envy o the are Thieves? thieves, and ane day a mem- ing Swingin' Bows of Bow- ber of Swingin' Squares manville. They have plans spotted a Bowmanville dancer for a big. Hallowe'en jam- cutting down the banner and boree, and are looking for- making off with it. ward to their usual fabulous There were immediate de- New Year party. mands for retribution, and etnilyaisspcly the Port Credit Club laid aCenrtefalryer i pialyn pastdcub cn haenge»h undreds of Canadian couples manville Cubto calneta modern square dnig- them to a dance and return of orntoa danc ing the banner. 0f course, in the unaialace process they expect to spend Everywhere, Canadians are a delightful evening dancing stressinga this theme: Learn ta with their friends in Bow- square dance now s0 that you manville! The Swingin' Bows, can take part in the many through their caller, Bill dancing events of Canada's Carey (and wife Jean), issued national dance, in 1967! an invitation, and on October Classes for couples wishing 13th, the battie of the banner ta learn modemn or "western" will be on! style square dancing, will be This is only ane of 'the closing this month. Anyone many happy events lined up interested should caîl now, for this year by the fun-lov- Glen Dowson, 728-5042. SOLINA Sunday was obsenved as zen end Maple Grove Charge "Wonld-Wide Commu n i o n" o!ficiating. We hope ho sec a day with Rev. Charles Catto good crowd out on Thanks- using this as bis text for the giving Sunday. senriori. Rt-v. Catto and the The Mills-Esseny wedding Eiders wili be bringing tht supper waa held in tht hall Sacrament te ail shut-ins this last Satunday. Miss Jean Ba- week. ker o! Saulna was a member Next Sund.ay, October gth, of the bridai panty. ah 10:30 a.m. will 'be our A number o! C.G.I.T. and 7hainkodfesing service with Explorer girls and their lead- Rcy. John Romeril o! Ebene- ers Ms. R. Cryderman and Mmi. Gea. Knox enjoycd camp nally at Canmp Pretori Kedron Mr. Elgin Taylor was a oenight guest with Mm. ari Mms. Ernest Larmer, Black stock. Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Yellow Ic-es and Murrnay werc Sun day dinner gucsts with Mr and Mrs. Ha.rold Yellowlees Bowmanville. Mms. Wes. 'Yellowlees at hended an afternoon tea at th( haine o! Mrs. John Montgom.r ery, Thornhiill. Mr. and Mms. Rosa Cnyder. man, Ellen and Larry weî( Sunday dinner guests witi Mr. and Ms-s. Robent Flett and girls, Columbus. Miss Pat Knox necently at. tended a Junior Farmers Dir. ectors meeting at Listowei. Messrs. Bnian Kntox and Ken Ashton delivered thE "Century Farci" signa ir Manvers township in honoui e! the forthcoming centennial year. Recent visitons with Mms N. Wotten and !amily wenE Mmci. Muriel Wotten, Mr. John Gniffin and Robent, Oshawa, Miss Muriel Gniffin, Toronto Mr. and Ms-s. Roy MeLaugh- lin and Deborah, Nestietor, werc tea guests with Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and !am- ily. Mr. Ed. Thornton, Milii brook, was Sunday visitar with Mn. and Mns. Don Tay- lon. Mm. Taylor acmoonpanieî Mn. Thornton ta, visht Mmi. Thornton in the Oshawa hos. pital. We are pleascd ta hear that Mmi. Thomuhon la lmpnov- 1ing stcadily. Solina Scitool Club held it: first meeting o! the .season, with the presentation o! class pins to Last year's graduating class. Mm. Bruce Tink, mcm- ber «f the Danington Town. ship Schooi Area Board, pre. tsented the pins to Louannc Ayre, Donna Davis, Sheri 1Lynde, Herbertnt nk, David Best, John Huggins, *Gordon Par-r, Fred Fenguson, Gary Gorr, Scott Eakins, James Baker, David Hamer. Cor. sages for the girls and bou. honnies-es for the boys were *Prcacnted ho hem pupils by M.m. A. Rosevean (Principal). Guest speaker for the even- ing, Mm. Macleod, the ncw in- spector for Darllngton sehools, was intmoduced by Ms-s. M. Snowdcn, convenor for the evening. His addrcss, expiain- ing the new trends and needs in education,. was very weil received. Mr. Rom- Meteaif, aceompanied ah the piano by bMs-. Taylor, ddlighted thc audience withh is solos. A, tasty lunch concluded a most enjoyable evening. Mr. Randy Fraser and AI- ian are 'enjoying a hunting holiday with friends in the Heanat area. ZION Aan Reed Unit Meet The Septemnber meeting o! Zion Ami Reed Unit was hcld on Tuesday, SePtember 27, ah the. home of Doris Geisbes-ger with thirteen meoebers and two guests present. Our leader openeil the meeting with a verse entitltd 'Sucnxner enre. The. worshtp, service waa eonducted by jean Barlow snd R.uth Stainhon oni the thme "Th'ankmLv1ng." Jean Banlow oçened thie worshlp service wfth a verse folloywed by the singiug* o!hymnn 577. Ruth xi rthé.cripture taken tai Paalms 103, verses 10 ho 18. A story entihled "Count Your Many Bleossin" waa read by Jean. Hymui 15 was Sung and the. worship service wua closed by prayer. The. Ami Reed unit in ho plan andi conduct an ev.ning woedS service at heUic Ps. almeeting ho be heid i jx on Noveînber 1. We are In agreement ho bave onteniember trainthe Ami Reed Unit and one. mci- ber froun tht Afterrlon. uàit t. plan -andi canduct a devo- Sional mund pzogrsm ah tth. joint meetings. _ qtber nieetUg o b. held Olbr23th ah ltbe haomece Businsswasadjourneti fol- kMpd by ý 4 48MM s k ui* oeved by Z ItI 'yOsla r ABLACKSTOCK (Intended for last week) to bring 10 cents to help pay' AUunits of the U.C.W. met for the vegetables. this past week. The Candace, After discussing topics>tnd on Tuesday morning at theinotes were copied the 12 girls homne of Mrs. Roy McLaugh- weme eage.-'to-cook the vege- lin, with Mrs. Neil Malcolmi tables and then eat thern. in charge In the absence of the At appmoximaheiy 8:45 p.m. leader. Mrs. Ken Lee gave the meeting was closed with the devotional qn Bcginning 0 Canada.-By Beth Duns- Again. Mrs. Ralph Lanmer nioor. expounded on the l3th chap- Mns. a vr il ter of Jesus Christ -and the spent StRay Aver', and bry Christian Life. Ten members, Richard Howe calied, and Mr.ý one visitor and two children and Mrs. Millard Failis, Oak.* ~'ahtended. ville, visited Sunday with Mr. Eight members of the Anna and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Unit met at the home of Mrs. Soytarpt M.Or Roy Taylor, Tuesday after- Vcnning is still in Memomial noon. Leader Mrs. G. Skeld- Hospital, Bowmanviile; aisa îng opened meeting with pray- Mrsý Charles Smith in Px cm. Mrs. Murray Byers led Perry Hospital. We hope 'to the study of Chapter 12 Of hear of more progmess soon. Jesus Christ and the Christian Life. The worship an "Envy" Mr. and Mrs. Art Ruston and was prepaed by Mrs. Lamne boys, Prt Credit, werc Sat- Thompsan but since she was urday gucsts of hier mother, Sunable ta attend several ladies Mrs. R. Frd. rcad parts o! it. A very in- Mrs. John Ballingal attend. tehresting letter cf thanks for ed a Legion Convention ini cards rcccived from Miss Windsor, Monday - Thursday. Frances Walbrîdge, Angola, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammer. was read. Pickering, and Mr. and Mrs. M rs. rd D y s w s h s - D n C ilt , W ib , w e esfrthe Dorcas Unit Wed- Sunday suppen guests of Mns. *~nesday afternoon. Following A. Fowler. Sthe Caîl to Warship, a hymri, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Larmer, psalm and scipture passage, Toronto. were Sunday supper the leader, Mrs. Lloyd Wright guests of Miss Edna Larmen. gave the meditahion on Alive Mr. and Mrs. Reid Heaslip ia with His Life and led in Toronto, are guests of Mr. ana es prayer. Each member told Mrs. Wallace Marlow and sorne interesting thing she had vîsitîng their ather relatives ed doe orseen through the sum- in this area. le mer. A Biblical quiz, Cast! Mrs. J. Martin (nee Mary ai the Intruder, was thought- Corley) spent a few days pmovoking. Attendance seven. with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Twclve members of the Bailey. -Esther Unit had a fine meet- Mr. and Mrs. Adoîf Schlacht, ing ah the home o! Mns. Ernest Courtice, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. a Swain, Wcdnesday evcning. Erie Barr and Beverley, Sun- a, Mrs. Arnold Taylor, leader, day. opened wîth a reading, Hymn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright an o! the Week by Miss Beatrice attended the Parent Orienta- id McLean. Mrs. Keith Van tion Day in Waterloo Luth- k- Cm led a sing sang of eran University, Satumday. hyis ihihso iso- Congratulations ta Mr. and uaies in Brazil and their work Mrs. Cameron Porter (ne. n- and poblems was discussed. arol Rahm) who were mar- Ir At ahl units the Regionai ried in the United Church, ýsY Meeting in Kedran, Nov. 3rd Saturday. was announced and several A goad many froni this area i items of local interest planned. attended Lindsay Faim, al- A large crowd gathered in though the weather was show- ie the Recreation Centre, Friday emy and chilly. ri night, in hanour o! M. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze, Midland, Mrs. Lyle Milîson (nec Pa- spent the week with local r- tricia Wotten). Mr. Cecil friends. le Gibson acted as M.C. for the Mr. Stanford Van Camp, ac- th programme. He invitcd the companied by Mr. and Mrs. dbride and groom ta seats on1 Norton Van Camp of Lîstawel the plat!orm whilc Mrs. Gar- le!t last Monday by air on a Sdon Strong played the Wed- tr'ip ta Holland. ding March. Piano solos were Ronald Martyn spent the played by Wcndy Lee and weekend in Peterborough at id Cheryl Graham. Sharon Larm_ a eunion of the Centennial !e cm and Karen Thompson gave Gmoup that had haken the trip in intemesting readings; Shamon Ita Chumchîll in August. Ali r Archer, accompanying hemself enjoyed a sight-seeing flight l on the guitar, sang "Send Me aven Peterborough. the Pillow That You Dneam' Mr. and Mms. Memv y n s. On". Joan, Caral and Norma Graham were Sunday guests le Wotten accompanied by their of Mm. and Mms. T. K. Stewart, n1 mother an the piano, sang Bowmanville. n, "Have You Even Been Blue?" Mr. and Mms. Mamwood Me-. 0. and "Galioway Bay". ,Kee spent Sunday with Mr. 1' A mock wedding presented and Mms. Ed Lawson and , by Ivan Bradburn, Maxine Mc- Bruce, Yelventon. 'c Kee, Denise Malcolm, Ray Mr. and Mrs. John Car. -Badburn, Nancy Frew and nagharî and family athended Doug Fallis causcd much the wedding ol a nephew, Mr. làughter. Bill Carnaghan and Miss Mam. rThe M.C. Prcsented the ganet Smith I Montreal, Sat. -happy couple with a coffec urday. d table, two end tables fnam the community; a set of TV tables d Se so N -froni hem Sistens of the L:O. rB.A. andi some mîscellaneous Hold e so -gifts. After bath had ex- pressed their appreciation, C nrn 1..rI, S lunch was served and social At Co muingtoI 1chit chat fallowed by dancing s ta musie furnished by Mms. The September meeting cg 9Howard Lee, David Wottcn, the Pioncer Button Club waa Roy Ashton, Sharon Archer held at the home of Mrs. and John Archer. Mr. L. Fmank Gnosjean o! Codrîng. Argue cailed fan the square ton. Thene wcme 15 membemi edances. and anc visitor present filon, iIn the United Church on Cobourg, Baltimore, Poarth ISunday the choir sang an an- H a p c, Waolem, Newcastle, ri thcm "'Wc Hear Thy Voice"l Bowmanvillc and Oshawa. Yand Rev. Romemil deiivered a Mrs. W. Whitehead gave a 1fine sermon on "Amn I My talk on Black Glass Buttons .Brothem's Keepe?"' and showed many beautiful .In St. John's Chumch, Rev. buttons ta illustrate hem talk. LRose spoke an "Authanity", The story a! five picture but- isupplying a great deal of food tans - The Fax and the Grapes, for thought. Mme. Chrysantheme, Tmum. Sympathy is extended ta the peter o! Sackingen, Sentinci , sisters and friends of Mrs. J. of Cracow and St. George and Gibson (Eunice Whitfield) the Dragon, was tald by ane who.- died in _Cobourg last o! the members. everybody needs the GETUPAND-00Oof MILK itt the greatestl You neyer outgrow the good things you get in a glass of milk. Enjoy it anytime you need a real pickme-up. And glass for glass, milk is stili one of your best buys in pure food value. Enjoy it: every day.* It's one of the healthiest habits you can get into. THE ONTARIO MILK MARKETING BOARD Ram 'r Il t 1 d

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