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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 14

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The CmaadanStatesman Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Residents of Oshawa since Kingst i16, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Mr. ai W. Nesbitt of Rosehili Boule- Mr. ar vard, were honored by a large sona gircle of friends on the oc- Mrs. E Ç~ion of their 50th wedding Mrs. ~Iniersry'An evening re- James deption was ai'ranged at their Mrs. b ore by their granddaughter, Norma Vrs. Richard Stata. Mr. ar ,The bride of 50 years re- Mrs. ' ee ved, wearing a jade green Terry. Ofilk crepe dress with a bead- Mr. ël neckline and a corsage of marriei gold baby roses and camna- came1 ~dby crystal candelabra with Motors Iod candles and gold carna- retired ons centered the tea table, couple Mrs. Richard Stata admitted Mrs. 'V fe guests and Miss Darlene ton ai ope, a granddaughter, kept Mrs. E "i guest book. Presiding at Oshawý "e tea table was Mrs. Alan (Deani IËroDwvn, Sr. The evening was lenee 1fent recalling nany happy Kingst( mres and a buffet supper was son, Di erved. Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt receiv- I T idniany beautiful gifts and ÀJ~ oral arrangements. Th e iridegroom peented his bride Chur !sth a diamond ring and the at Gai de gave him a diamond tie- Sacrani ck. served. P icGIuests from out of town M'rs. *ere a dqughter, Mrs. William the tes >ope, iliexe 'husband and two-urday ;aughters, Darlene and-. Louise, igh -i -i 't il -4 4 il, .4 4 i I .4, '4 4 .4 4 F Bownianvffle, Oct. 5, 1966 mond and Mr. Blgelowq thefr retirernent fror ti teadiing staff of Port Hop Annmverary Arexceflent ht bee i, On Priday evening Mrs. Morris, 'Mrs. C. Beatty, Mr W. Longyear and Mm. 1 Thickson rmotored to Cobour and enjoyed the, "Portraitsc the Past" put on in the Vic Centennial Plantirig Comnil tee and shown at Cobourg fo On 'rlesday three car Ioacd of Women's Institute mcn bers motored to Cobourg. Wý arnived at the County Cour House at ten and met Mrm Fisher o! the Cobourg Tow. Council and she conducted u. on a tour o! the Health Uni court room, Warden's counc. ToOM, then to Maie Uesser' home, on to Cobourg cour house and Victoria Hall - veiry elucational trip~ enjoy'eic by iail. Mrs. Fisher ieft us a, lunch time. We had our lunel and met at the Rtadio Statiorî at one. We met the. differeni broadcas-ters, weme in the con. trol rooms, even were on the radio program. From therE we went to House, Northumnberlad Museum, shop- ped a whule and then home. Mr. and Mms. Jackson Pea. cock and boys, Kapuskasing, weme with Mr. and Mms. V. Peacock over the weekend. Mr. and Mm,. R. Westheu- ser, Bowmanvîlle, and 'Mr. and Mr,. J. DeKoker, Whitby, weme with Mr. and Mm,. -.Thicksqon, Sunday. .-. Mrs. Ron Provost, Belle. v'Ille, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mm,. O. Mercer. A number in the community . . .. . .attended the car races at *Janetville where Mm. E. Fowl- cm and Ron Mercer had a ac- > W. Nsbitting car entcred in the races. W. NebittHaven't heard how they came out yet. ton; from Bowmanville: Mm. and Mrs. Orville Ken- tnd Mm,. Bruce Colwell, nedy, Port Hope, had their nd Mm,. Donald Thomp- aunt Ethel fmom British Col- and Beverley, Mr. and umbia at Mr. and Mms. C. David Preston and David, Beatty', an evening last week. Stanley Preston, Mrs. She is spending a time visit - Houston and Shaughn, ing relatives. Albert Gilders, Mm,. Severai attended t.he funl- n Black, from Whitby: eral o! the late Wes. Airn- nd Mm,. Norvil Fleming, strong, Welcome, on Thursday William Cyr and son1 at Port Hope. and Mm,. Nesbitt were Mm. and Ms. L. Muldrew ?d n owanile ndand Mr. and Ms Don Whit- .d i Bomanvlleandbmed motred to Bracebridge to Oshawa to live. Mm. and Dorset on Wednesday and ýt worked in Generai visited Muldrew Lake and a suntil 1963 when h escoo uewee m.M- aftr 4 yers.Thedew's uncle taught years ago. have one daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldmew, William Pope of Kings- Oshawa, were at Sunnyside nd four gandchildren, ovem the weekend, also Mr. Richard Stata (Donna),adMs htr. a; Mm,. Peter Brooks na), Newtonvilie; Dam- Mr. N. Waidmon, Gore', and Louise Pope of I.anding, and Mr. and Mm,. N. on, also a great-grand- Goheeii, Canton, visited with ýanny Brooks.-Times. Mr. and Mm,. L. Muldrew e- centiy. Mr. and Mm,. B. Terbenche ZABETHVILLE Port Hope, were with Mr. andj ZABET VILLE Mm,. C. Mercer at the week-1 end. rcih services were heid Miss Sharon Trew, Peter-' mdci Hill on Sunday. borough, and Miss Gloria nent services were ob- Quantrili, Peterborough, spent the wcekend at their respec- H. Thickson attended tive homes. timonial dinner on Sat- Mrs. Paul Woolacott i, im- nirght in Port Hope provngaftem her recent ton-i Schoot for Miss liam- silecteny at Port Hope. 1 MFNU MOTOR HOTELj LIBERTY ST. S. and HIGHWAY 401 - BOWMANV Iced Shrimp Cocktail Choice of:z Chicken Soup or Consomme BrunoiseTomato, App, or Grapefruit Juice Cranberry Sauce Baked Hickory Smoked Harnwit Fruit Sauce Au Jus Roas Prie Ri of eefMajor Grey's Chutney Grilled Strictly Fresh VVhitefish with Wine Sauce Gr.4 Cand VEGETABLES en Beans Cauliflower Gratine. Baked Idaho Potato or Whipped Potatoes died Yams Tossed Green Sa lad Choice of Three Dr.'ssings Variety of Roils and Butter DESSERTS Jello and Whipped Creans Old Fashioned Bice Pudding Sherbet Fresh Fruit ln Season Cheese and Crackers Coffre MiIk For Reservations SPHONE 623m3373 e BWMANVILLE aie ~Thrdaughtr's, 1Mr. and 1<rs. u _ il Leg ion Deats 'G.oodyear ar Golf Roy Topig, Toronto, while ie.r ~~~thy ttended a business meet-Io rý clC upeO lZng at Niagara Falls.Su ve G. M. Wm Davdsonand wo!ilvrAnniversarv ~~. I sons are retuýrnig home Il5 r.q. week after visiting hem sister, and husband, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whyte parents, Mr. and Mrs. nes ri ~~Ron Rogers and tamil, e entertained at their residence,1 Taylor, Lindsay, were also Of mother Mrs. Allan Snowden,ý95 Queen Street on Saturday,i present at the Silver Wedding c- ~and other relatives. I Sept. 24th at a reception and ireception on Saturday evening. Je:Mrs H.R. ole ha reur euchre party in honor of 1, The 60 guests present were Mrs H R Fleyha rtun-ýWhyte's parents, Mr. and Mrs. from Lindsay, Blackstock, Dried home after spending neryTompson <Tom) Taylor, R.R.lCourtice, R.R. 4, Shaw's, Otta- tour weeks with her nieces,,4, Shaw's. on the occasion of wa, Toronto, Newcastle and Mr and Mrs. Allen Loney andfthe 25th anniversamy of theiriNewtonville. is! ~family, Windsor; Mm. and* Mrswedding. ri-i ~~~~~~~John Stevens and familv' isFy alr ag e!odn and npeMr jdter of the Silver Wedding EL IE LD i.> IlrWs. on Hllad a icelebrants, was in charge of niCongratulations to Mr. andlthe guests' book-. Mrs. Taylori Mr. and Mm,. 'red Saniis, Mrs. Ted Barnes on their mar- receîved wearing a becoming Albert and Stuart visited Mr. S' age last Saturday. !dress of blue crepe enhancediand Mrs. Roy Nichols at Port j m n r. ilrtlk with a white collar. Hem cor- 1 Carling. Sarnia, were caîlers îast ae was o! a riglds and Mm. r. aG riffin accom rton their aunt Mm,. R. R. Stev-;gyPsOPha.aie Mm an Mr. e1 ens, and cousins Mr. and Mm,.1 The family's ilt to Mr. and Smnith and family of Coluin- a . H. J. Brooks,- Mr. and Mms. Mrs. Taylor was a beautiful bus to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ted it ' Steve Jeffemy and other cous-178-piece siîvemware service in McLaughlin at Fenelon Falls. th i omuit'sptr Mr. and Mms. Alan Scott Square dancing stamts atmi a handsome cherywood and Dwayne, Mr. and Mm,. it .x~i~ Maple Grove Hall, on Satur-ifloor silverware cabinet. Their Warren Smith and Murray, 1-~ day, October l5th. An invita-ifriends and neighbors in the Oshawa Mm,. Wallace Scott, le tion i, extended to ail those[Shaw's community gave the Whitby, were visitors of the interested. Silver Wedding celebrants a G. Bowman's. ,e The many fiends and schooliloveiy set of matching silver Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid, chm fMserDvdBonCream jug,sua bowi and'Bowmanville, Miss Flo.ssie Swili be pleased to know that ,tray. They also eceived many Graham, Newcastle; Mr. and ...~~ he ig recovering nicely fronith' attractive gifts of silver Mr,. Rae Cowling, Whitby, hi, eye operation in Oshawaýfromn other friends and rela- visited Mm,. R. Griffin. - Genemal Hospital. His eye wasltives. Miss Pat Skelton, Oshawa, i. njured while at school, but' Duing the evening fine was a weekend guest of Misa he expects to return home thisitables of euchre were in play. Dounna Samis. . .. . .. .. .Mm. Allan Snowden accom- Cuthbertson and Mac Rab.- so, Enniskil len, were e- .~~ .. i ed h r si t r and husband , h rceene s w e e A nd M mof th . R us ell O rm- prand Ms.Reg Taylor, Osh- ed ilcoslnhwssr-mansgusso heJ .Bw awa on Satumday, to visit their table h fctveyapitd Mr and Mm,. Edgar Prescott MrPn m, .H was centred with a were dinnergussoM.aid Wilparns, Porttim wdHopcakei.dMrs. Harold Ommiston, Osha- Wi.kind Pr HopRse. lan wie n ecste wa, and also visited Mr. and Ms.C. usel ad ilver. It was li.chted by tai M'\rs. Oliver McCulloch, Co- family weme Sunday \istors at white taprinive cad-lmbs hem parents, Mm. and Mr,. H-Icl and also adomned with The U.C.W. meeting 'vas Weastpwav, Cameron. They rnarigoids in silver vases. heditecuch asmn also called on hem uncle andhedite ur bsmn aunt, Mm. and Mms. Muray'Mms. Mervin Taylor, Mrs. 'with a good attendance. Mrs. McKinnion, Cambma.uray , Alvin Taylor, sisters-in-law of Rudoîf Stenger of Enniskil- Mm,. J. R. Macdonald, Wes- ýthe honored couple, and Miss len wvas the guest speaker, and The ecod hlf f te Lgio-Godyea Gof Turnmiet tok lac onton, spent last weekend withlCarole Tay'lor, a daugliter of in lier efficient way took hem The ecod hîf f te Lgio-Godyer Glf ouramet tok lac onhem cousin, Mrs. C. Gmeenham the Silver Wedding cellebrants, listeners along with her on Saturday at Bowmanville Golf & Curling Club with Legion winning the honors Congatulations to Mm. andipresided over the tea and cof- hem trip last spring througih over the Rubbermen 22 to 18 points. Goodyear's team president Don Gilhooly, Mms. Ivan Milîs on theim mam-1 fee cups. Mrs. Fred Pollitt, Western Germany and Switz- left, is presenting the Hooper's Jewellery Trophy to the Legion team president riage last Saturday. Miss Joycea cousin of Mm,. Thompson erland. Mills, Calgary, was home lastTyo, ad M. alr' The devotional period was BobHidîth ow ros ws on y ihLyl, L);lo ne Grd elers ();weekend for hem brother', brothers, Mervin and Alvin, conducted by Mm,. Herb High hidden holes, Gary Tighe, (G); Jim Newman, (L); and Ray Therteli, (L); (Ivan Miii,) wedding, retumn- iassisted in serving. Owens and Mm,. George Ir«jjI Low hidden holes, Maxie Yourth, (L); Ted Dadson, (G); Don Oke, (G); high on ing back to Calgary on Sun-, Mr. and Mm,. Taylor weme The ladies discussed plans for selected hole, Dick Patfield (L), Bob Mitchell (L); low selected hole, Wayne day. ' married in Cadmus, near the annual bazaar in the near Thetel (L, H Cole G)andJimBarlay (L) Flloingthetounamnt Mr. and Mm,. C. P. SwallowBîackstock, 25 years ago. Mm,. future. Therell(L),H. owl (G)andJimBarcay L).Follwin th tounamnt weme Sunday visitors with Mr.lTaylor is the former Miss Our Sunday Sehool attend. both teams joined in a wiener roast. _____ad Mm. Stewart Sleemon.I Eileen Johnston. She is a ance is proving that a holi- Mm. Ted White attended the,daughter of Mr. and Mm,. day through the summer Bay of Quinte Conference f0~or e Jonsn, Cd s.oth has no disastrous men at Elim Lodge north of Foll"jving their marriage Mm. effects. Mr. Norman Lee as M A P LE G R O V E wf Peterborough this past week- an~d Mrs. Taylor lived in our new Assistant Supemin. end. lacktockfor seven years. tendent, 1, very capably fi. We welcome Mm. and Mrs.'money. We are sommy to lose and family in the boss of ie MssDbeBrg, lo-Ty moved to Bowmanville ing hi, post. Jim Elkirh and daughtem to Mm. and Mm,. Gordon Beech,,and mother and to ail other' manville, spent the weekendi'8 years ago, and have made our community who are the Misses Janice and Bonnie relatives. wthenicmsNayail ayfrndinhs new owners of the business Beech, and hem mother Mm,. BRey. John Romemil and Rev. IWhite. Mm. an m. Talrhv CetYour Price formerly run by Mr. and Mm,. E. C. Ashton from our com-CCaoofaptn ilex three daughters, Mm,. Riph[vr Gordon Beech, known as munity. They are residing in 1change pulpits next Sunday, ; Every 11/2~ minutes, day and Whyte (Donna), MissF aye Fo aur Lavestoc Maple Grove Groceries. Bowmanville at the _Hendry both taking Thanksgiving ser-1night, a traffic accident hap- Taylor and Miss Camole Taylor, bog A fareweil party for Mm,. apartments, King St. E., Bow- vices. pened in Canada which kill- and two sons Murray and TATESMAN GordonBeech as hel on maville.Mr. and Mm,. Fred R. Stev- ed or injured humans, or caus-lWayne. Mm,. Taylor', par- cLAssiI Tuesday evening, Sept. 2th, Sympathy of this community.ens eturned home on Monday, ed propemty damage o! overlents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Phone 8330 at the home o! Mm,. L. is extended to Mm. H. Thomasaftem spending iast week atl$l00.00. Cadmus, and Mr. Taylor'si ____ 623-3303___ White. There weme 20 ladies present and 10 others who could not attend but assisted. c The evening was pleasantly spent in social chitchat and games. At the proper time, Mm,. Beech (Alice) was pleas- antly surprised when she was prsetd it pi1o bd presented with a pair o! bcd- room dresser iamps, a piece ot1 Blue Mountain, also somer double yurmoe with Canada Savings Bonds Centennial ertes Centennial Series Canada Savingi Bonds offer you their highest interest yield ever- 3.48% a year when held to maturity. The new Bonds pay annual interest at the rate of 3% for each of the first four years; 33401 for each of the next three years; à% for the following year and 6% for each of the lust five year-a total of $72M2 in interest on every $100 Bond, And for the first time, there is a special compound interest option. To take full ad- vantage of it, leave ail the annual interest uncollected until Nov. 1, 1979, and you will get interest on your interest, amnounting to, $27.75 extra on every $100 Bond. It ail adds up to total interest of $100 on every $100 Bond. It's a safe, sure way to Save. DOU13LE Yooa Mo!NEY With Canada Savings Bonds Centennial Series. This Series retainu ail the traditional features which make Canada Savings Bonds Canada's most favoured investment. They are still easy to buy for cash or on instalments where you work, bank or inveet. You may buy as littie as *50 or lu much as *10,000. Every Canadian reuident ma.y buy up to this linmit. So can estates. They are stili simple to cash, anytime, at any bank in Canada for their full face value plus earned interet. Juat fil eut the redemp. tion form on the Bond, present it te your bank and you'Il get your money right away. And now they're better than ever te keep with the higbest interest yield ever and intereston interet. DOUBLE TOUR MONET With Canada Savings Bonds Centennial Series. SELECTIONS Roast Ontario Tom Turkey Ausort.d Pies Cake and ces Creans Strawberry Parfait Cheddarý Tea * I 1 il 0

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