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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 16

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Th@ canadian stategman, Bowmanvmfe. Oet. 8, Ilm AI s DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE&> Births Articles for Sale Articles for Sale 1 Cars for Sale Boarders Wcmted la saefrSl Real Estate for SaleReal Estate for Sale Rel Estate oa CAR?1EIE-George 'ad GUITAR for sale. Telephone MANGELS. Phone 2324.'4BCKSeil2drs-BODRwanted, single .waJ.L '.BWANIL-6Re.. lna(nee Bowen) are pleas- 623-3782. 40-1* 40-if dan, new tires, V6 automatic; roorn, male or female. PhnTerKwl J.P Zeto announce the birth of aWAIRfoneaddevreG quality frit- -n excellent condition. Owner 1623-7448. 40-i1 ee . ..oyAe. i om n er onMichael George, 8 Ibs. 10 rail Clf Pethick 23-2131 produce at Fred's Fruit Mark- eaving country. Telephone RE TORE L S A E AN GRAV EL EtI om m auae hn &a , at Rosa Memorial Hos- 32-tf et, ih a 15 atett 535W2 Orono. 40-1* J' yr 2-34 o 2-74 gial Lindsay, on September Hgwy15 at Room and Board and GENERAL INSURANCE INSURANCERalEte 40t 40-1 TWO storm windows, 34%" x~ pears, special $4.25 bushel, USED 1/--ton Trucks,-pricedA52KnS.W.Bwnvle Wavll-36LbtyN 28.'isoS.9.0 63% ". A pply 54 Church St. 6 q t. basket 99c. 3 - o c e r 9 4 F r o i e c 2~ 2 4$ ~ u i D w flYKSRAJon ndFlr- fo sle 40-1* USED washer partsmtr 17105P, $150; 1959 Fargo, Lic. ROM and board availal 6232453 il Yo8 Qualify mie a e happy tn announce W ATER frsae and delivered, B at, T o a d C ol~ 14893B, $495; 1959 Chev. 4dr. fr ge tl m n. T le n ct b6Brgi23wnr O M V L -72Be-623 344 tebirth of their daughter on 24 hour service. Cal623-5756. appliances, nationally avr 6 cyl., automatic transmission r2-735. 4-1 ong. Musi be sold ealrs OMAbricenl lic1 edtheea62f3r-35oo the y ctb r 3 d,16 ,n 29-tf tised line of furniture. Paddy's ustom radio. Sharp! Li. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ o.Iw en e re__ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ z 2 be ro m un al wPriced to sel i t s2o o P E E R D A E , n w,5 h m s etrn oI W o den ray, oc t aler 3rd, -O1E66,tailMarket, Hampton, 263-2241. 306507!34 owing E, qou i cenan o Tuning with attached garage on large Terms. n 1, rc u V oiale . spi t al o w o n yman - O E t ra r d , $ 0 n _ _ _ _ 4 f C . 3 i R S . E . B o m a--lo t, v e ry c e n tra lly lo c a te d . f l i i e a e ______ ______30_vll.401__OESINA wrkgur BOWMANVILLE - Churc' uldvddbsmn.Qait omsonaadares and Gregory. 40-1* Cal 62.1-3462. 40-1* INSULATION, blowing eth- -anteed. Arthur C l lsO ,ries o l down 1,8ayment e yh oe. H Wied T p $17ma v moe e pes od, with rock wool. Work- oLivestockabe ow pymntSret__4__roin ewly SM ALL M cIntosh a p p 1 e . an h p ua an e d. F ce_ F o r S a le 6 -3 0 .6- f B nd N w u ga o s L decorated. CloseHtoEeT,ty ext a wish to announce the arriva] 69 Middle Road. 40-1 Phone Newtonville 78-26's ____________ o ! t h e ir4 s .on, a g r P a l 7 7 8 - 2 5 . a m T u r n e r , 6 2 3 - 5 0 6 9 . 4 0 -1 * . - W o r k W a n t e d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S im p s o n A ve r m s. 4h v0 0 1 2 st r e y bic k o m . x e l N H . i n n e n . h o c AveaAIuha e tor s E NIS IL EN REA-ortasoitmeoao ly im edite r1aie pos8sson I b e r 3 21 4 , 1 o n6 , a t u r d a d s p o rt s wc o a t , s iz e 1I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 t G O O S E a n d g a n d e r , B a n ty 'W I -L L d o h o u s e w o r k b y th e a n d s r e s u l - n s to v e s , A re N s w it h 3 e d r o o m - 1 a e A nT T E N T IO N LD ESyP.n o l S tmb l ro s 24a , 1966, an i l e - a nd. ulPh o n it s w e ater, 0 -i e T Y P E W R IT E R S fo r stu d e nts,lh e n s a n d ro o sters. C a ll h o u r. P h o n e 623 -53 42 . 40 -1 so m e w ith ca rp o rts, so d d e-o use. P ri e doai $8,500 wT c E N T IO N B eie dl d r>O u j Abrother for Stephen, Darla, BEA UTIFUL f-l or- -eng ihdr Pion d i y. g a. ~ O E p ny r w n 01 R TO T L I G g r o s a d s a a W o r d cs. Prîc- brrce a $ ,5 0 i 1 ac kr e , bar, e xcle t N T Sttrtart, an MJay.Mayandg rMarla.e13 hManyceFidingabiedress, ew ONsize, ro13anwiteadpiepin lrnscabinetsri- gnd erikebonew, b 32tr thanks to whiteweàndscoping lawns. stan ai $17,271. N.H.A. ENNISKILLEN AREA -b2iehoe b thanka to Dr. Ewent~~~~~~~~~~, Dr. An- and veil, $40. Phono 987-4963 1drawer $24; 4-drawer$4.toyasIdque ride, 40.1*tes.Ar,4bdrofamah f siand:lnursing staff. 40-1 40-rBi$50.00.__ ogithre ___0-___il Hamilton, Raglan. 34-tffo$5.. Phono 263-2236. HOME nursing by Regsee Prospect Street! Executive- garage, on paved highway.NWATE e,3bd RFI ANTIQUE spinning wheel, set APPLES, excellent quality, 50e 40-1'* Practicai Nurse. Cali 623-7653.tpebuglo wt frelce $ 11,500 with terms. oban trialodiie OLIVER-Bob and Betty (nee0,0! left hand golf clubs and'6-qt., $2.75 bushel. Apply, 'STOCKER cattle for sale, 40-1* Ihis is a real spacious bun- NEWCASTLE - New 3 raced. $3,000 down.Mvei Williams) are happy to an-ibaby crib. Caîl 263-2161. North o! Bowmanvilie, first1calves and yearlings, order 1FREE pickup of household dis- galow with many extras. bedroom br i ck bungalow, tm nou ce th sae rrvai o!401 frm Wet 0 S ur Staio o now. Telephone Newtonville)cardables. Phono 623-7276. Features mahogany cupboards electricaly heated, immediate- Arow. 5 rda ughterb 1 z, K onberl yL r K EYS eut auto mnatica iy, w hile aunton Ro d. Phone 263-8864. 7 6 2 7 .- 4 - 40-tf and trim and buil-in Tappan possession. $16,500 w ith term s. S A R V , 5 c e c m r 1 1 . rane Ia. I oz, n Frda ~ ou~Please bring containers, r E T -lt -- -- stove. Fal sp cial ai $19,800. NEW CASTLE - 3 Be ro r muter far mi with 43 arsO fl £ e w n 4 3 23 Sept. 66, at Clinton Publiclyu ait, ai McMullen Hard- ro Y utmGo'trs rm. bt workable; barn 50 x6;cek Hositl.A til sstr1orware , 36 King St. E., Bowman- 39.4,' Wantedfto Bu PcLEM e Porfusreeerzerfa..bthand furnacebrikhm.iRA SAELD Ho ia . GAndparlenst er M r and j -3-tf AUTHORIZED B u r r o u g hs1QU NsY f w e t 1ra Phon o Newcastle 987-4353 j Centre Street - Are you'Owner willing tb sacrifice for ,rck m e, 1.nt wt w - B w a vîe - 1 r n t Mra. Francis Williams, Bow-ISEAL oui winter weather Olympia Dealer. Cash Reg. Cail 623-2768. 40-l! 38-tf!looking for a large, stateîy r$9,50O. Terms. MTL 0ui Inanv îlle and M r. and M rs. j lwith Supreme windows and se s, A er, yp rtes W SH N ma hn m A 1M Nwill give dahom ch an inco e, large Lawre e .oht r's apt. Priced rg t fr aP o e 6 33 5 A . O i er a ilo . -1 O rs o n A l ac i e in P , ýo ý garage, a few trees, andro e C. Vbt - 623-21.5g quick sale. Requ ir s $ 00 0 s E c o N A R E A 40 itelphneFil Cbietsyor hoie,$2 oniton.inhe ow hmefor one or in g6337.)9wl.N âe dw.Nw hn 2-86 ood repair? Corme'andErnie Bradley - 623-3560 down.14 ace ar, it 10 Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. - 1'987-4229. 40-1mot ineclnt odtor _ _____ SM ITH -D avid and Cam ille IRA SPBERRY canes, disease Bill H am ilton, Raglan, (N orth LI VE outr , ld fe ter' _______ rth- e A C v rl 2 3- S 2, LU C 1 US N -JIo ] r , o_ _ __er1 home. - m n . i x ele t c nd to on y m ke ,n a (nee Smith) are happy to an- free; penies by the clump, of Oshawa). 3.ftcs .Fat ..1 eh MAC INE sharpened saws are Selling at the ow, ow pricý! 40-I1 oe aena ..N odsz an te m ______the________f_ Plant.ara tAsking $oo5,000tl-t TsrmM . Asking R. Ca5, nou ce th a ni al of th ir gu ra te d a lo m. P hon o jany. P hone 7 r 13 co ect. the m st accurate. W e have -Of $19,000. E xcellent term s. yI, n d a r 392-3964. don, Mark Edstan, 9 lbs. 12 623-.5026. _ _ 40-1 B A D G E R _ _2-t the machines!! F. Crowe, 102! C m eca Po eto A a I . I ea s a e Listing sUrgently Re urd S O K A M 24 a ozs., on Se tembe 20, 966,McINTOSH apples, $1.00 per COW TRAINERS, ETC. J I E appl eý, at competitive i- T o fn boc s t c o seL M T DB l G rd n - - 2 -8 7 wih 8 a m d h m . T o HoUpiEa, BElgin Stin.,loBksmanville. LI40.1*Bil Goreo ut M e ial H o pi a 0, -1o - b u sh e l. B rin g c o n ta in e rs. 3 7 R U B B E R ' C O W M A T S I p ric e s ; p ic k e d u p at fa r m n i A B A A fr a mn . S h o w in g a r u n d 1 i l H l n B a b o k - 6 3 7 6 8 e d o a î e a l y a avie.4- Prospect St. Phone 623-5958 ibulk. Phono colec, Welcomnel .iA R plus return. Don't buy stocks,' 121King St. W., Bowmanvle; ln ry ok YE I - lm n e a d L n a 5 R j b y solid inves m ent here.' 623-3393 iM ichael Gravelle - 6 3 3 4 ir u d A k n 2, O . T r s ( n e Z I K - 1e ) a e n h a pye a n U P R I G H T p ia n o , c h in a c a b - G o r d So n S EL VC o r E r _ _ _ _ 3 . P l u m b i n g r & H a tI l f o r d e t a ils . F r a n k H a c k e t t C l : R s a i s n e h r 4 Lft eina a quarum 40lt 53-2 46.pCaM e ber Oshawa and ist ict I M anill a 2 0 r 2 (onecberh are appyto an itr hne 9744 . R. 1 OSHAIVA HrelpWp Tanted 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvlle Three choice Building Lots.ý son, Lloyd Anthony Clem- after 6 pm 0140-I1'REGISTER now for Chrisimas - Rea____ - Boar ence, 7 lbs. 153/4ozs., on Sep- pm.4- !tre bai40-1i DAIRY FARM, ManchesterFre APrasal Ev buildingsenrilBUIG rselngfrntreAytm Jc to m be 30, 966, A M e i l B U Go r sei l lnr re U N IT P R E -C A S T L td., 983-5829 O rono. 40 .2*1 EA. Code - - 6232645 N o Sale No C a g H o s peal ,aBw mn gl lp o c e w o rk, . . o e-2 E RA . E R F C Tei n6,e a3 -F o c AN oai aC h- a r g t eT a kv i n c s L r g b a n w h b opt al, o w an vil 0.1 Hamptor :app sines s ca3-2E9me- (Toronto ) L d . A COUPLE of men ta repair PLUMBING & HEATIN O P. Kowal, Jr. - 623-.5868 M ortage M nies Avalablo ~~, A ~ ~ ,$ ,0 brilerf r en y _ __ residence 263-2695. _ _ _ 6-tf' Iinside stone Wall o ! a barn. Phon o 623-3540 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _40-iy arR ilIc oq e. Pnce Fôrthcomig FOUR pair wi e tailoe 1437 King St. E. Morland Farm ai Enfield, P.O. Box 1599 - ae We Can Rfinance Your Home LdRatr~Toa o. Dracon cutains; 2 pair linedO h w Phono .263-2778. 40Re -lEs 1a-178 Ontario Si., Bowmanvile A uction Sal sS It WiII Sel Fast a g Ing AR, 10 are - . , 1966,i ( a sl y pa t rn , 1:30a w EC E A R , fo ea st t M r an r.R osgs-la s tic y a s lengp ate n c ur- T NE I EPand Insuranc o Office. Ex- 1 O1 ct b r 15, 9 6 :,o p m ,Farm s and Land B o w m a n v l eamA R tains2 y r s l n , p a ti a l T N I E L C ES selling 34 R egistered H ereford $ 6,500- 10 A cre parcels three BoMr. ll a nnrs oss te eî 0 $10.00; 1 pair high fleece frm $99.50 complte perience preferable. For in- SEPTIC TA N K cows and stockers, property of' miles North o! Bow- ,ik cnrc ih Pt forthcoming manniage o! their lined rubben boots, size 6, Replace rtn teses rprch'vR-iMecalerkfo623cryP3111NGLeisJ.W40-R1.4,Boanville on Liberty62-5 da gher M nilEvelyn t o rn b ttwice, os i $ 1000o, wlt a RECAdSTeU TS EPo soe a uîrrf rrdcrte W I E AS I G S A Le w. Cish W ,au i ner.RL n h o d. $,4,do n Bbicoun aoww-'el wonbtPR-IEcekfrgoeymanville, ai the farm. David Street and Taunton $.0 onns xeln ol rcdt M . P aul K abulu B izi, sO o fo! al! price. M rs. W illiam M - FosFr erEemteA dveniiseer /o C d. W ian E E TL .MK I C s rved. 40-2 $ 7,500-10ch R A cr ce p n rN o.w Lr ge mdiktc- S O K F RMk0 c e M . a d M r s . T h o m a s ' B iz i o ! H o lm , R .R . 3 , P o r t H jo . T e le - F oare s m a n . P . O . B o x 1 0,1 " I .' - -TA B L En c a r0 0B o w n i on . E s a k n g d s a c t bi h g o d b i d n g , 8 r o e the Congo, Africa. The wed- phone 753-2325. 40-1* Ca l 7 8- 251Bo manvm P.e . B x 901, hooB E TOnv KIe 786255 WE KLYFi r ousce ipreamstoe.h me wt ding wilI take place in Lu o j funnac25e an bath-911Ph ne Ne to vile 78 -2 5 living in Kinahasa E____________________ 40-1CalilColleet 4 t,$2,000 down. 2 Acres - Stramrm. L ge an. Akg Will be FleviyngIin KainsrhasedUSED Equipment: Spcial: -6- Iwai trss, full ime. Waitress- LV S O K S L S (omrLeopoltlville). No tan wagon, with used rubberios part-lime. Substantial gra- FAK BRINKi$77-1Ace arCut Netedloci 2nilwllrac te atr o Tansivn adat Durham Caunty Sales Arena ice; choice gardn build a nw home. oln cobe 2.19 D e c m b e l S h i s e t a b r F îl u p p r sB 2 7 5 D t r a c t o r , w it h lo a d e r ; h o u r ly , m e a ls in c lu d e d . A p p l y S e li g o r s s , C a tl e S l ,l a n ; n. $ ,5r o n o . $ 3 0 0 . i f l t r a m oyf f7 5 former address ai Moorbeke. Cal Inter. B414D tractor, Inter. TD5 Donald Cax, Coach and Four, SEPTIC TANK -CalvesMore, Ctet.J, Ried $24o0 n rn, 30 B O R E K IN TALLATIO N & So , S al es c.Man Age R e1-f ,0 0-280 A cr e s i t hdo n Ca : Th m s D n ______________40- C. crawler, with loader, Inter. 3- Highway 115. Phono 546M2. INSTALLATIroui&sSremSnlesaMnnagerSTOCK ANDORCHDow C. BOREK furrow plow, 3 point hitch; Hampto 263-2270 aosletodSoryndhf D e ath H a m to n 6 3-2 9 7 F rgus n 2- unro plo , 3-R EQ U IRED for B w m anville H a p n I ave received instructions B ethany, w ith terrifie College 1111, Osha waa y F R M 3 c e i h g o point hitch; Massey-Feguson High School, a part time dlean- 24-t! to soul by public auction ai the view a! Peterborough termis. bidns 5 ArsI pe POCKADAY...At Memoial 38-3 3-furrow plow, 3-pa ni hich;ing -lady. Apply in *wriing, V home o! M . Allan Earle, one Ski Club. 11ûce del Mc tsh Abu 10 Hospital, Bowmanville, on Ferguson 6 f. tail dise; Cock-I taing ualifications and ex- mleVai o!Ailb okN a- coice1w0nab esn , Q an e r o rc a r s w rv b,. A -Tuesday, October 4th, 1966, TV TOW ERS shuti 15-run combinatin sed prience ta M. A. MacLeod, P i te suday October 8th at i p.m. blne wos adhm. Coe t eta 4,0. Trs A1, H a m ac ada, $R.50 up drill, on ubber; Inter. 13-un Adminisrator, Durham County ,Modemn and antique furniture, pasture. Must be sold Scool. . Asking $300 - C R S M S T EE F R 1Hapoaged 78 years combination seed drill, 'on District High Schoal Board,l ndDcoatr dishes, coal ail lamps, drap-! toc.Trs 30 on dlaughter o! the late FacsO H W steel; Case forage harvster, 181 Church Street, Bwman- 27 Elgin St. - BowmanvilllleafN tbn eetyeTerns doh.wn5,0Aboutcre3,500or and MârY Hockaday, dear aunt '~~wih rn head and pickup; ville, Ont. 40-1 No serve. R. J. Payne, aur- Rc rc.Cre w ero .n of Ernest. Resing ai tht T T TTfT .-JYLT . l w. Iter. foage havesi E w ih W djinng h ner r2,0 0 ow orr s b ric k b u ngRa ca- d o wnCr n e MorsFuea hapel, Bow- Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa corn head. Cowan ýqup- WANTEDlfmmediaely - Man Phone 623-3075 toer 40-1 propony wiîb pond, lo c orn bOrican inanvile. Service in the Just East of R tson Road ment C ., '134 King S. E., on woman ta supply onsu mn - B d oom, livi g r om a d fia iinoen-a famou n ear eto remni h m . S O K F R . 10 a Chapel on Thursday ai 2 Dial 723-8131 iBowmanville. 40-1-Bers i n Duram Couny and B- - !arm locaiednd ati nal15 min. drivealretrem eoclock. Interment Bowman-jDay or nlght - Bill Leask, Prop. __________________ *wiih Rawleigh ASPHALT PAVINGkitchen furnitune, eloctiical tak da o e. 4BdomB Ville Cemetery. 40-il 10-tfFo Producs. Can earn $50 week- DRIVE WAYS - WALKS appliances, dishs, gassware, $80 devlopmnen. Terms.j Close ta schooi an sop hme God ar. Ml 1 1 For ~~~Rent ypr ie$10aduful A okGrntd etc. the property of Mrs. Wal- 12800-Near Newcastle. 2 ping in 'Newcastle. "elkp os ihbl oln eu PEDWELLIAt, Memorial Hos- B E EF HOUSE, Newionville anea, ail lime. Write Rawleigh, Depi. -Cnat-trCuh eln nStrrsoe rm osjhm.Ielfra ltl o m n ile n M n o o r'reelc e heat and bathroo mn. 786-2420. J-140-336, 4005 Richelieu, St. - Cotctday, Oct. 15 ai 1, ai er 3 bedrooms. 21 a a îy sig $l9 0 ol p4 0a i H e n r yillM oo nton -af r y4 1 -1re e e r, l o k e r n c e , C h u r c S t , O o .2 4 / l r e f m y A k n dlay, October 3d, 1966, Harold Good Steer Bec! with 0e0x401 eryeM n re l. - 401 STEPH EN FU E LS e ns cahS., Oon.acres. La r go ýL" al ra eB W AN L , 5 o m d C. Pedwetli Rerms cash; properiy soid. shape barn suiied for.aleGrv C. s 9ed oh g.. 2, Newcastle, fat removed before you buy. B C EL R apa nimnen, e- SELL REAL ESTATE P o e 6 3 5 1 Lawrence Haris, cek; Jack 3,0oairhns T r e b d o m bu g l w ba d n w, bi k b n ao In hsat i ear, husband Of HINDS 69e - FRONTS 49e figerator, stove; in Bowman- Jo nP h onies ar es6Re3-29-f4 1i0 a cton er.40 W ll ine f n s. home Alu inu d in . ClsoomH wo d a d ie fl os th e a e E a M aud W heele , S D S 5 e l .ville. P h o n o 7 2 5 -8 5 76 . 0- f i non speciali in g e 'Fn mR e a- - i ha oo a d us to Os aw o E ce le t oc tin4Pn ce2a SIDES 7e lb 40-t itorspecilizin in Frm', V- iithallmodefonnorn onveinienceing dear faiber o! Russell, Helen Cut, wrapped and frozen IN Nowcastle one bdnmcation and TinnOsropeiies. of'<andTDbus f4t0 (isAletYugltKn i _n Tw rpries AK UGS Funniture sale ai Pethick's $45,000-3î0 Scenic acres near Bowmanviile. $12,90o exs î,o.Tns (Mra. lbed, Maungcelu ri eln Nse o x r h r eh ae p n m n, g a n , o p no c o esr Aucion Shed, Enniskillen, on r Newtonvile, g 'P o p c t O M A I L , 2 b d n et , L o y , M un ce, M u iel D o 't as e y ur m on ey n ,floor. P h o n 6 2 3 -3 8 4 5 . 40 1* w il i train y ou . P art o r ful h 1O L B U R N E R S - F U R N A C E S S atu rd ay ev n in g , O cto b er 8. gto m on d!om , od m P r c ktu ga o , robSg l w .A l m oe. (Mrs. Stanley Rickand) and!fat - Buy good prime steer beef - lE- - ime basis. Excellent crm- CLEANED tem7rorho1Mdnbic1 . _ 1F V n m h a e p r m . , . .C hairs, beds, single m a iiress, 2 b ns Ex ell n, o c d a r a l f m a e r . c n e i n e . N c l e o . lKFIVE-room haeatedorrs W e clapaurimaentrgram ission arrangem ent. Open- PLUM BNG REPA IRS 2ws in a h ne , n f ig r tae . Ey . . m ateda r velnyrn Pueitb. Cheting a nvM i s W.or c n u pl l w ra esuitable for couple. Available . . hi ng mamcbahhA umiusorm anrangde n G rag S er c h chape owmn vie . o Beef ai 5e per lb. legs Nov. Isi Phon 62 .3-5984 ngs in the Newcastle, Kendai PHONE HAMPTON or 1.3 car radios, kitchen cab- $5,0-v 4a e s, trs. a h. lm n r st n S d erv e in ih c a p e7 l o W e d- D tN V I L L E la n d O ro n o a r a s. F o r a p - 2 6 2 1 5 m t, ch est rfie d a n d ch a i r 6, 0 0 E x4 c re t Olf awco ur se H r d W I GHetc.62 -2 24$ 1M5,9 0E02 b..i nesd y o eni g a '~ O"~~~ < .a>ýYF RNIHED rom; sh ots, pointmen i al or write: i1 e, sp c ete, ra.g o ie. Goi Irorun aoib -f Interment Thornbury Union FII OKR toweis laundored, iwo friends I Mr. Omar Chisholm Mai2A3-2151sai oo spc te, ralny xcherntrgomfhome rse HoGardetWIARD -62-37haromGrgeOno Cemebry on Thrsay aI 2 share; $20 w ekly. Appl R.R. No. 5,Belv le iom h me it lGan R C D - c'lc.4-1SY STEM 47 Quen Si 401ý Telephone 962-7686 P-0. B ox 543- Bowm anv ai iCl es. Skae imee 7 .. conveniences, painted Milford MeDONAL 'D, 6331 WILSON, DvdA--udny PHONE 623-5578 HOUSE, 8 rooms, furnace- and'1 H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 40-1illesCli!!atPeacick, auctioneer.N aiaveTornd GenS era l bafhroom, 2 miles cast o!f -38-4 M ountjoy ____ -wîe H at the TvoontrothyerVIVIAN - 263-2138itTerrsn pital n Tuesay, WKESrviceOronoon5ge3onS BOWMANVeeLLE, 5HAWroomOed, B o a n v ,l6e3o n1H i g h w a - 12. o m- A u rii o n s a le s o ! fa r m s to c k i N o r th . T e r mis . 27. 1966, David A.. Wilson n! FERTTICal 23710.401 RENCHES - DRA INS land impiemenis wilh be held 1 NeteoOtro ery.?MODERN apartment, heated, WOMEN WANTED FOR FOUNDATIONS ANIntepoet e hreW oe Noea b , nan o .R thDeaniy ay M ore . frig and sove, large living S P I T NSFactoros4 n , r!ke 1,00 Lbet t.NBo G y E L e pr peny oaCh rles w. ome G u L E B A N C tio. Al moeonenv niocrs love .d esa nd Rth o Mc-yd TAEWh yNT GE OF1G e n e ra l F c o r F rnt o ! Darling on Township, ville, à roo m bunga B a t r$ , 00 w l a d e SciTC TAKS e, Lis 4and , Boken$l2,sonihery Si N.,Bow Fonshedrer roo. Aprox cf Sc rb ro g , ei ve s n PRESENT LOW PRICES Sits a ofc.40-t! S h ift X Vork mlC s o k g 6 7 7 r iles easi o! Bowman- lW 10 years d. o! Mn. and Mrs. George Wil- FERTILIZE AS YOU NEED APARTMEN for rent, ha 2: I 1 o 0 Blcsoc -4 2ob!jsie SIupendatobn ed / er 2 l50 o. p.1 son o ! Yelveron, lving FOR and hydro, $95 per m nth 1 - --ie ceelp -, ut C K E M A N - t h 5sae gisa t red J er 2w 2 15, $0 ,5Up -0 T nown. Ro d147 K ivn 1 a e VS tnaa d ce n brother .o!i Norman and Jack availabie Nov. Ist., R.R. 2lt e ssen h i al ,bu itshlin gby pi c au J rscion o 1531n & has rickt Askîng fo? Jane v ille and V an e (if \ V in te r X Vh e a t N e w castle. P h on oe 987- 487. A L L F OAAP P O N ' [ M n da ct 4. W tc orh m e O H N KI6Yh S H W , no e , r c :ed a -e C a e !7c-44__ _ _.qM7T X A A IN i t n hi a e r e ae ea i g d fipei nP op riswth g r g. M net a-;pmil 12 lechesl acm.SA2.49' -TRNITURE AND E-nnatnslenailelurnacentpacithus lai. Asl ngr $12e5spaThomas Dtc.neIl7Ask985:7264 Vau ' re en e l a wa s ABI , ET EANDORRA, 14 Division St., Bow m anville. \ A T E DUP HOLSTERY fa nm , Lot 2.5, Con. 7, Darling îwo Fron a t ag f n i khe , 3 b d o m 1 u e a g n a * 9 7 4 9 n e a r ; a i , 1 2 i n cl m l cisl e s .e l$2 .4a i h4 0f i r p l a c e ; a I l c h d w i t h $ 1 ,5 0 0 d o w n . P y l . M f e b . * 6 3 7 5 S d e nm aa z o fb y that w F lo w e rin g - r u b- iSM A L o49.4* d ou eC orner K ing n i D ivision aga. e a t o ! B ooklin or 8 m iles t o s reet . Te m mas. storey, ve y ean, ne fm n L lo a o . - 1 -3 do flot speuk o! you, '~ autom atîc il bon, stove, fig, N..le rk - reasu rer Phon o 62 -5252 no th West o ! Bow m anville. 80 C l 2 - 3 3a e o a i i n * B t a r 3 r flpd, we'll cherish you always. RED DA RBERRIT ina basement, lage garage, ___ 1-If hed6273neiuerdfro U itc1,500 wi th lo o wn ay *M e Jea1 n , y n m e m re d o ,B 18a fl oh s u m yO G r ar en ea ch . N ov. st, d T x C l e t o - -- sires, vaccina ed, classified, A l ter ' 9 .m .s 9 l Je nihlre o n'fii l W e t S PrM E A, 1$6800. W rite, describing fam- for the B E SU R E d ÈÎ D.H.I.A. tested. Many GoldId R F er Orone 321 Bu ketn gen ral sto nei h~ Hm , eW d, Rmph nd B n i à fi. te 4 It. _- _ . . -__ 79 ily and eMplonent, te Adven- Seal producers. 40 mlk cows O large living quarters. Ak Ir 3l ý 0*Ba i lI rAn, 1. t.t 4 -. ýtier 754, c/a Canadian States- Village of Q U IC K STA R TS -16 fresh in October and a ta e n ocl 62-05 ng $75 . Te i.LY ON U T MA R ha d e a n . 4 0 - 1 ~ 3 ~ 4 f 4, M a n , p .o . B o x 9 0 B o w N e c a s l eT H E S E M O R N I N G S c a lv e in N v m b o . 4 0 e i - P s t T e e 0- * 2 3 - 3 0 7 7F a n sa c m o ti n f r l d e a d MA Tef ewc"astle Iinile.401ens and calves, daughtiejac mk Wltmma*62-71 Masy More Vareties â iU ND flo-nr prtme-t- -Stage mg, qualifications ad i n Tor Car ln fer' uch nted sires as Kayen 9ie a - 6371 00 Acres gwok a. Akn hn m n 7W 3 1 SALE FROM edROom, ichn lvn oon1 salmry expected Fail Check-up uni Tune-up Farn Anthony (Ex.), Rock-Z JO flarnoski - - 723-578710Acegod ntmn.Ranblrt. ~I. 24 RI J. jdle President (V.G.), Seî- Clare M Cuough * 723-743 $19500 with ow dow n uy Oc. o c. 5 and bathroom. Compleey Paticulars obainable from Ail work done by ileeu ng Rockman (Ex.), Wis Red Kruger * 723-7900 ment. rroc UEU te aUOc. t O t. 15 ~ fnnm1ed dshs, washer, Newcastle Municipal Office m nhaics Achievement (VG.), Plus Ot- Andy Keys 72-e150 100 Acres, all wo bi e le, lP at Mbr o L BT Y~L everything needed is hoe.. open every Tuesax' & Fnday ers. 33 C in Sunset bulk mik 12.@. large ban 124 x 28, 9 ro m [ GE C Su 1i8 R b 0 ft . " Y emi&4 La UIOwner would like tea n t e ni iaî ppiîcaîon, tetank (2 yeas ad), DeL,aalDont Gower - * 7 81 S g wî oe o v i o d) m leo a d t A rz e e, a..Odwf iddlle-a.Bed oron ad ?le who VV1 llkn Stelig>,3 Eemr FadtO- o tagmoeron3 od, lceaidneop i 1 ý 1 -would board him r nreducedl F. B. PIDG19ONMyle Strn), Tenni cs. j i d okltii 655-8853 on 72 .6 27 13 L boty N. DwmvM o' rent. H o hua his own privai. Clerk - Tresurer 85 Ki g t. W. D@ im iyli s Ly d Wi.ler sn, Ux î Po2r,000. 7 ..s 1'M i eser tm i 4l lem M . G a a g , g a r d n . 1 F . . B o x 1 3 0 . N e w e u a e p h e . à8 1 M n g r 4 - 0 1 m 2 - 4 6 d i9 , M m lt n J n 40-22-0L ~ ~dgrees. LodWlo, -Pr a 915-2987 Fer Tour ]Real Estata od et-8.Nv-ubeC

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