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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1966, p. 8

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1 1 r SPORTropics By Fraàn oua 423-723 7bhrepresenteci. The western division will b. made up of tour "Ce' taen.Ilncludlng Ontario champion Port Perry, Little Britain, Keswick and Sunderland. Fiflh club will be A "B" entrY from Uxbrhdge. Ins the eust, Trenton R.C.A.F. forma the lane "C" leain, With "B" clubs seeing action frain. Cobourg, Port Hope, Picton and Napanee. i. i. . i. i EILLS BILLIARDS COP TITLE League president Alex Wiseman was watching the skies, aller Thursday's gamne was rained out, and for a lime he Wa visions af playîng the final contcst Salurday morning - wtth the seaaon-ending banquet that saine night. But they did play Friday night ,and Biil's Billiards won 6-0 ta capture the championship in seven gaines. Lefty Bill Osborne was in complete command, tossing a three hitter and fanning eight of ten battera in the second, third and tourth frames, when it was atll close. Although Osborne didn't compile the best pitching aver- age over the regular achedule, he undoubtedly was the Ilaap's top hurler. He led the league in hitting, and had at least two no hitters that we can remember, anc of them in the playoffs. It camne as no surprise when Bill was named as tie wel-deserving winncr of the mosl 'valuable player award. Elected ta the executive at Saturday's banquet and dance were Ray Crombie, president; John Stainton, vice-1 presldent; Jack Parker, sccretary; and Vern Grupin, treasurer.1 Wilh the sesan over, wc would certainly like to thank ]SM Cale, who did a greal deal of work on aur behalf ta gel reports into the Statesman. Alsa "Tim" Cox, the guy 1 who handled the tough chore af looking after the statistica,1 deaervea a reai pat en the back from us and the entire beague. Juat ta get away front the Town League for a moment,J It go. wlthoul saying that w. are indebted ta Jim Clarke, l Who handled the camplete publicity for the Junior Townîç League, in hia usual capable manner. Thanks Jim. t. t i. it 1* BRENT HUGHES AN L Falaowing last Saturday's Boston Bruins-Oklahoma City L Blazers gaine In whlch Bobby Orr provided niait af the show, ]E we encauntered referee-in-chief Scotty Morrison a few nighls C later, vlewing the Toronta Mapie Leafs-Rochester Americans IV exhibition. J Scotty told us that Bobby was the big gun in Boston's inv 1-1 tic with Toronto in an earlier struggle, which anly made IF us more certain &at the young 18-year-older las destined ta 'T become a star in the big-tiine. We had the opportunity to sec Orr in action again last T Thursday night when Boston defeated Detroit Red Wings A 4-2 aI Hamilton. Babby again was one of the more notable H perforniers, praznpting gencral.manager Hap Erms ta state lu "You'd thlnk Orr had been in the league four or fîve years?' C Actually, we didn't realize that Boston was playing, Pl and really were quite fortunate In seeing the gaine. As we si mnenlioned In an carlier column Brent Hughes was anceaof 18 hopefuls ta attend the Red Wings camp at the DetroitC Bi Olymnpia., We remembered that Detroit was scheduled to play pi an exhibition match.7in Hamilton, and asked Brent's father - Li Marry if we couid hitch a ride with hum. Of course if there was a Town League softbaîl gaine we couldn'î go. Well - il rained Thursday, cancelling the softbaîl, but tr * we forgot about the hockey gamne, until Harry phoned. A of capacîty crowd of 3,910 packed Hamilton's out-dated forum wi as Alex Delvecchio opened the acoring early in the gaine, s wilh Orr tying it on one af bis blazing point drives. Hughes ed was ln the penalty box when Murray Oliver sent the Bruins 77 In front bo stay threc minutes later. ( Pit Martin fired the lone goal of the middle session ( 26 with Dean Prentice 4nd Wayne Connelly clicking la thc MI third. It wouid appear that Lea Boivin, Bert Marshall and Fi Gary Bergman have three defensive bertha locked up for H( the wings wlth Bart Crashley given the inside track for 7 the. fourth spot. Haowever, Crashley, just ouI af junior "A,, 70 ranks, wasn't nearly as good iast season as he had been 'C i-. previou.sîy, and didn't suit up for last Thursay's cantest.C A Generai Matora employee in Windsor informa us thatst *he Det.roit sparts-writers say that Brent had a good training 1h camp, and rate the fifth defence position as saping up as 1h, a. battle belween Hughes and Bob Wall. We certaly wish CI' Brent the beat of luck. Il would reaiiy be nice to sec a Br' Bowmanyiile boy playing in the National Hockey League. BO Last Tueaday nlghl at Oshawa's Civile Auditorium, Tor- 30! l enta Maple Leafs spotted Rochester Americans a i-0 firsl "1i period Iead and scored twice in 1he third ta pot a 3-1 victary. JO] Quite oflen exhibition garies leave a lot bo be desired, but ani thua was a real dandy - better than many you sec during GI the regular campaign.1 A crowd in excesa af 3200 watched bath clubs tass saine ha Iuisty checks, particularly rookie Wayne Carleton who took ga: a run at just about everybody, cvery tiine he stepped on Ru thie Ice. Mike Wallon, who acored Rochester's lone goal, Jr. shou]d ha a cinch bo make the Leafs this season. Dave hi X.Ieon and Frank Mahavlich lurned in fine performances for CaI the winners, each collecting a goal, the ather going bo John sin, Brennemnan. 275 AI Smith, in goal for the firsl two perioda was aulstand- fo ing for the Amerca, while Bruce Gambie in the first two onc and Johnny Bower in the third, looked sharp in the Leafs' J net. In Editor's Note - Since starting this column wc received a press release fain Red Wings publicity director, Ron Can- tera, which lista the 19 man pre-season aquad, with the fitve defencemen listed us Bergmnan, Marshall, Boivin, Hughes and Wall. The release further states: "Four newcorners werc named, defenceman Bob Wall and Brent Hughes and iarwards Murray Hall and Peter Mnhovlich. Hughes and Mahovlich both won berths on the uquad wilh strong performances in an lntra-aquad gaine at Sunday at the Olympia. Mahovlich scared two goals. and Rughes, 23 years old, a trang 200-pounder froin the Wingu' Memphis fus-m club, wuz the White Squad's beat rearguard." Bobby Orr fans were shocked when Il was announced that the Bruinz' star waa rushed ta the haspital Saturday. ofer being checked heavly ita the boards by New York's Vie Hadtleld. Lateat reports, hawever, confirni that Babby wua only badiy bruised. b MEMORIAL ARENA DO WMAN VILL Telephone 23-572 PUBLIC SKATING PRIDAYI O«TOUIR 7th W E*MSDAY, OCTOBER l2th 8 TO làPJL Men'fs Miajor Lge. Standing Fourth Week Second Schedu!. Averages Namne Gurnes Ai Osborne ..------12 Russ Halbi-an 12 Brian Martyn 9 Ed Leslie ---- -- 12 Ernie Perfect- 12 Don Oke -- 12 Dr. H. Rundle ----12 Laurence Leaman __12 Jack Bond -------6 Russ Oke 12 Bud Barter -____12 Art Rowe 12 Dave McKnighl - 9 Maurice Annaert- 12 Bob Kent.--12 Malt Harrison 12 Don Bagneil -- 12 G3eorge Stephen - 9 Bud Henning 12 Bob Williams 12 !red Thompson- 12 Bob Glanville 12 E.arry Piper--- 12 Jack Lander 12 Hiarold Michelson-. 12 Si Trewin ----- 12 John Gould ------12 Stan MeMurter 12 Norm Henning ..12 Lowell MacDougal 12 Lou Wiseman - 9 Harry Akey . 12 Ron Maynard .12 Clarence Oke 12 Mlurray Tighc 12 Jack Parker -----12 Don Bishop ------12 Mike Murphy .--_12 erank Mohun ----12 red Bagneli ...12 Standing of Teams Lnnaerl - Renning -- MacDougal-- ole Brock Perfecl holter *awton.--- Dke ----- Bebcc iper esle Pins 12630 12814 12968 12611 12674 12417 12284 12392 12380 12402 12238 12197 Bowling News Maurice Annaert had high riple this week bowling gaines >f250-283-242 for 775. This vas Annaerta best effort Ibis eason. Twelve other bowiers crash- id the 700 barrier, Si Trewin 73 (276), Ernie Perfect 769 265-285), Russ Hallinan 768 268), Al Osborne 761 (261. i3), Don Bagnell 748 (292), lurray Tighe 734 (270-271), Prank Samris 727 (303), Dr. oward Rundle 727 (272), Ed ýslie 724 (303), Ruas Oke 21 (253), Harold Bennett 0l (272), Don Oke 701 (270). In tic Single gaines Gari laite started off with six rikea in a row and finished ith, 336 for the high gaine af e night. We really will thp e aid hat b aour hero Gar! .arke. Other gaod single gaines: rian Martyn, a big 324 gaine; îb Williams 303, Harry Akey 2, John Gould 291, Bill Jake" Westlake 281, Bud arter 277, Bob Lawlon 273, hn Oke 270, Bob Richards d Lou Wiseman 268, George lanville 265, Art Rowe 261. Fred Cale puiled off the t trick in the iow bowling ývision. Fred had 108 for anc ime and 403 for iow triple, îss Hately 409, Jin Callan %441, Cecil Mullan 448. Bob Lawton's teain had' ýh triple, 3522, while Freda ole's outft bowled a big 1378 ngie for an average ai S 3/5 per man. Annaert's leain bas 10 points rtop spot wlth Henning sec- id with eighl wins. In the averages Ai Qsborne .ds aller 12 gaines with 252, .ss Hailman la second, 231, hile Brian Martyn is hitting r7 for third place. Ru: wli 227 Rural Bowling September 27, 1966 Maple Grove ..... H i C s ........... Enniskillen Sra.6 Sulein . ..... .... Hamnpton ......... 4 Tyrane............2 Sauina .. ..... i Ennlekillen Iml. ...1 High Single - L. Cen*Ie High Triple - L. Côomibes Low Single- A. Stevens Law Triple- A. Sharp Averages Over 188 F. Wotten ............. B.L.fird............. DaveReynolds .... Ce Mlia....- - à J. Slemon ......... B. Bothwell....... .. John Coownbeu .... . .. DÔèg Reyods ....9 B . Taylor ......... 9 H. Mlacugiuia....9 E. Dickey ..........9 H. Michebon ...... D. Tennant ...~.. G. Shackleton .. L. Coambea .. .. T. Pleasane .- F. Beckett . DWoods ... Ray Dave7 9 D. Taylor. .- 9 R. Coooebes 9 B. Konopeeki...... Bruce Coombes ....9 R. MecRoberb ...... C. lw.el - -...9 Pins 0403 9252 8889 8340 8016 8604 761 BA Y!~PASA~ while Tom Pearsoôn nalched--s 781 340E PSSN doube and Bill Hay and Guy a 302-35 Parks picked up singlea. a 57 12Dùk ick Stata, with a three 272 10Dk St., Bowmnanvill, win - no Ioas record, permit- ted eighl safelles, walked one *Life Insurance and fanned one in taking the 211 Income Dshiiy defeat. 220 Pens ila Bill's. aopened the scoring on 217 PesoPln an unearnad marker lInlthe 211 Group Insurance f [rst, when shortstop Jim 211 Cayle fired wildly an Harry 20.% Business Insurance Snowden'a lead-oft bouncer. 203 * Estate Planning Osborne's single cushed hirn 200 LSfngAsuranceParka and Kil. 199 an s ai fie b yof Da 199 Su iéAsrne Patrick, Pearson's two-bagger 'Dg Company of Canada anscrf eflo fDu 198 ,os m m -mm m - m m m-mSt. Jsp' ie 1971 Jsp' ie 196tNne______ Bowling League 1041 Go-Getters deteated Uiider- 1921, Addreua __ _ __1 dogs, ImW beat Misaula, and 180 taie Strikers won over Head- 1898I pins. 18 Occupation ______ Ladies' IligiSingle, Derise 189* Azniuert (274), Men's 11igh 183 Iigle Jin Pair (301), La- 183 g Exact Date of Birti - d i i tTripAe- *naret (635), Mea's HliTri,-~ Champions of Men'"s Town Softball League 252 231 227 '"* 225 224 224 21 217 214 213 213 210 209 208 208 208 207 208 207 203 202 202 203 202 Mernbers of Kramp's Furniture teain, front raw, Ted Hoar, Coach-Manager "Red" Mantie and Lloyd lefI ta right, Bob Foster, Jim Coyie, Bruce Cale, Ly Hamilton; absent, Bob Williams, Dick Stata and Larry Lawery, Vern Grueben; back raw, John Ford, George Miller. Jones, Maurice Richards, John Mason, Ray Crombie, BiIIl's Take Sol thali (ha mpionship Defeating Kramp s in S even Games Bill Osborne tossed a strong three-hitter as Bill's Bilîhard: defeated Kramp's Furniture 6-0 Friday night to capture the Men's Town League sot. bail championship four games ta three. Osborne struck out eighl batters, ah aif themin i the second, (2), third anc fourth (the side) innings. He gave up a lead-off single tc Lloyd Hamilton, a double ta Ted Hoar, and scratch single ta Georgc "General" Joncs, one in eacl i the first thre framnes. First batter up in the fourlh reached base on a walk, Osbornc's second, but the ace bore down ta retire the luit 12 in a row, wfth only one bail gaing out ai the iniield. Right-fielder "Chuck" Kil- putrick collected thre inglesi in as iuany trips, driving in a pair of ruas, ta puce Bihi' ata thc plate. Osborne added two 9Girard! broke il open as the ýs new champions counled lhree emore in the fourth. They add- c d a pair ai insurance tallies ,- in Uic sixlh on a walk, and ssingles by Kilpalrick and tHay. Mixed Major League The league was saddened' Monday night an hearing c the sudden death ai Mr. L. Goulah. Wc extend our deep- est sympathy te Mrs. Goulah and fanAly. Sorry lia hear MalIy M.irs is hoepitalired and do hope se will soon be home again and able lia bowl ln the nexl arhedtile. Hal Ballein tock over first place in the averagea, bowling a nia. 834 triple. Pet. Dob- bina aboa lid a nie. triple o 802. 3S0 Gaines were H. Duan 330, P. Dobbina 330, H . Bal- lemn 326. 600 Triples and over - H. Bellemi 834, Peta Dobbins 802, E. Perfect 737, Ab Sarnan 714, H. Dunn 898, M. Murphy 670, H. Bailaintine 662, J. MurphY 643, R. Hallinan 615, M. An- naert 602. High Single, H. Dunn 330, P. Dobbins 330; HAgh Triple, H. Ballein 834; High Average, H. Baliern 244. Tean P. ~P. Haynes ......... . 1-. Dunn ........... ....... B. Buday............. L. Wright ............. - Sf 0. Patfleld . .... ........4 D. Joll .................. 4 M.MIairs ................- 4 B. Elckell..................2 Averages 2109ail Over H. Baflum..............2 44 H. Bullantie . .2...41 D. Jolli.......... 2 ...... 28 B. Ekby .........-... 2281 V. Connore 226 ie ke ie P. Dobbins ............ R. Hallinan .... .... ........ E. Perfect ............ . Ab Saman ............ R. Maynard ............. M. Murphy 222 219 212 (ommerdiai Hockey Lau Firat game, 9:00 a.m.; second Februa7-W gam , 10:15 a.m . Sponsrs: 5- W . r. R eal sta e vu 13 Mtn and Gould Shelsa (M.- Supertestz G. Sheil), Irit. Brooks Super- MG. Shela vu. le. Smoka tes (B. Supertests), Bryaon'sShon SI oke Shop (B. Smoke Shop), 12-. r Wmltr Fank Rea Esate imoe Shop vs. W. r. Waltr Frnk Ral EtateRealEstate (W. F. Real Estate). B. Superteats vs. M. Eceodule SheUs j October- Mutton and Qould-A. Cr 18--M. G. Sheila vs. B. Super- sey, B. Hughes, R. Par, tests Guernsey, D. Gfr Bi R ur¶ W. F. Real Estata vu. eu, A. Wiseman, D McU. B. Smoke Shop. lough, J. COwIIng, B. Rowe, P. '23-W. F. Reali Estate va. M. Stacey, W. Tows1ey K. G. Shelas Veitch. B. Sinoke Shop vu. B. Walter Frank Reul £#te,- Supertests R. West, H. Lane. L. Hamllth 30-W uFpeal Estat V.B.iMort. Richards, G. Cooper, S. SupereatsBurns, B. Sleep, L. Piper, J. M.G. Shelas vs. B. Sinoke IBothwell, T. Bke, W Shop e- Thertie, J. Clarke, G. Wriglit November-v Brooks Supertests - T. 6-B. Sinoke Shop vs. W. F. FaieB.MrerioL Real Estate j ireB ajriI B. Supertests v. M.. rout, I". Crombie, Butch Cole, 'F. red Cowie, B. FalreY, H. Shela Quinney, H. Rowe, B. Lyle, 13-B. Supertets va. B. Sinoke j. Fowler, B. Sheridan, D. Shop Bishop. M.G. Sheila vs. W. F. RealByn'Sok ShpB EsaeCrasseYJ o, G. Flintot!, 20-B. Smoke Shap va. M.G. J.1sn Shels . cCullough, H. Pollard, J. B. Supertests vs. W. F. Coyle, L. Perris, J. Balson, B. RelEtateHellarn, Bill Cole, B. Nichei- Real saeson,-T. Wilson, C. Vanstone. 27-M.G. Shefll5vs. B. Super- î ________ tests W. F. Real Estate va. B.,! *I C Li Smoke Shop iINew'viIIe.tarkvilIe December- u.wlgLau 4-W. F. Real Estate vs. M.-'BwigLa u G. Sheilsi B. Sinoke Shop vs. B.iMar.Iene Stacey .......... 190 Supertests! Doris Tompkins .......... 18() il1-W. F. Real Estate vas. B. IDOrothy Stark ............. 177 Supertests Betty Brennan............ 175 M.G. Shells vs. B. Smoke Mary Skelding........... 174 Shop Marg Wade ..............151 18-B. Sinoke Shop va. W. .Fx -edr Elliott-............... 150 Real Estate Berniece Hendersoni. ...148 B. Supertests vs. M.G. Sharron Brown............ 146 Brown.........142 Joyce Staccy............141 Olive Henderson .........38g Laura M~1ies...............ljâ Jenny Rypstra.............38ý Carol Peck ..............121 Betty Bothwefll........... 119 Marie, Trim .............. i Jane Owls ................104 Shirley Marteill............ M Nettie Savery .............78 200 Garnes - Doris Torp. kins 211-224, M. Stacey 268, B. Henderson 251, C. Clement 211. Gaines Won - Oaks 7, Aah January-1 8-B. Supertesta vs. B. Sinoke Shop M.G. Shells vs. W. F. RKeal Estate 15-B. Smoke Shop vs. M.G. Shela ]B. Supertests vu. W. F. Real Estate 22-M.G. Shella vs. B. Super- tests W. F Real Estate vs. B. Sinoke Shop 29-W. F. Real Estate va. M.G. Shela B. Sinoke Shop vs. B. Sup- ertesta BOWMAN VILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT SWIMMING CLASSES FOR YOUNG ADULTS AND ADULTS Boys Training School Pool start MONDAY, OCTOBER l7th 12 WEEKS - Fe. $400 Thase interested in iearning ta swirn, those trying for Red'Cross Awards and Royal Life, are urged ta register at the Recreation Office froni 8:30 a.m. ta 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, Octaber 12th and l3th. For Further Information Telephone 623-3114 Invi*tation! W. were pleased to welcorne s0 many of our old friends . . . and rnany new ones . . . to our ""1967 Auto Show" Iast week. To those of you, because of inclemerit weather, who were unable to attend this showing, we *xtend this ""Special Invitation"" te, corne in at any tirne when a member of our sales staff wiII gladly show you the new models and answer any questions you rnay have. The exciting 1967 Pontiac - Bulck - Acadien - Beaumont and GMC Trucks are on disploy -at our spacious promises at aoi times. If you are, interested in dealing on a '67 model see, us first 1 lu 166 King St. E. STEW PEESTON mRY MASTERS BERWYNNE TLLLCOCK GORD COONES, gBale s nge 1 Î 1 AIWI*- »ý - - -- - ream nt the -1 .1 1 a

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