LC.B.O. in Action Over 70 Employees e.njoy Tournament At Erinli's Course Erinli Golf anid Country Club was the scene of some VerY fuie and nome cf the other kInd of golf when, on -aundey, Sept. 25th, over 70 employees of the L.C.B.O. at- tended the first of what ls ta be an annual tournament with trophies, prizes and good natured needling in plentiful* UUapP,1. Wlnner of the Gunn-Ran- kmn Trophy for 10w gross was ]Rusty Peppln cf Toronto, with a aparkllng 77, while low net honors and the Spero Annis Trophy went to another red- lhead, Jack "Red" Bell, also of Toronto. Ris actual 78 less handicap gave hlmn a fine 72 ta top the field. Practica'lly every golfer re- celved a prize cf some des- cription with the low scorers having first choice cf the fine selection from the prize table. . oitowing a roast beef din- nier catered and served by hast Ken Nicks and his cap- able orew, Mayor Ivan Hobbs. as guest cf honor, welcomed the golfers on behaîf cf the Town cf Bowmanville. This welcome in.luded members froin as far east as Trenton to TiLqonbuig on the west. Juveniles Down Mr. J. S. Abra, Asst. Gen- eral Manager cf the L.C.B.O., heading a delegaton of reps.1 fro'm top management and, stated that in their opinion,l this had been one cf the finest tournaments Ftaged anywherel by the Board's ernployees. Tournament chairman, Mn ley Ayres, of Oshawa, res- ponded ta the Mayor and Mr. Abra and stated that he. wîth, his committee cf Don Childs,j Bob Guthrîe, Bill Orme, andi AI Fletcher, ail cf the loca branch of the Board, wýee very pleased with the attend- ance and the success of the day. Present plans are that this event wibl be repeated here again next year, with Zone 14 of the Employees' As- sociation once more assumngc the raie of host, Ladies Legion Bowling October 6th MR. 818 or write t. the Ontario Motor League - Pete 328 Water St., Peterborough, Onta iNew'1ville - Sta-rkvillei Bowling League Thursday, Oct. 6 Averages Mary Skelding -___177 Doris Tompkins -____176 Marlene Stacey _____176 Dorothy Stark ___.174 Betty Brennan ____173 Marg McDonald _____172 Marg Wade . ____158 Marie Trim . ..155 Laura Miles ____152 Edna Elliott .....___151 Berniece Henderson- 146 Ina Brown.--------145 Olive Henderson . .144 Joyce Stacey 139 Sharon Brown ___136 Jerry Rypstra 134 Betty '3othwel - 127 Helen Sinclair -____127 Debores Walkey 99 Shirley Martell 83 Nettie Savery .~ 77 200 Games Af'ter five weeks of bowlingl M. Trim 213, M. Skelding Brnice 'Partrer came up with 211 O. Henderson 200. her best effort this season,i Gaines Won bowling games frosu 323.1511Oaks 10 223, for a total cf 696. N icelAsh ~____- 6 gnIm _________1 -- 5 goi.g ernice Averages tO 2 Bernice Partner ........19 -Bradford 13 t Barney Boisvert .......... 183 Bowanvll Jueniesde- 1Deniise Annaert............ 166 fetdB rafodmanvll uveilsde-rMarg Blake .« ............. 162 fad Brd.r Sa rdY B. othwell.............. 155 night by a court of 13-2 in a...........11 gare played at the local ar- Nyhi Sheenan......5 ena. The first p2riod was a iErla Bruc ......... ...... 141 ce, close-checking period,' id inc.....4 wit?. one penalty going tolAnieSatan ...........140 Gary Colangelo of BradfPrd' M. MCNuIty .............133 for cross-checking at the 8:15i Audry Bate .............126 mark. At the 11:55 mark, Jean Burton .............119 Bradford took a 1-0 lead w1îth Grace Downey............ 114 the goal going to Art Er- L. Bruton---................ i11 waght with the assist to Ken- Ann Piper..............13 ny Scotch. D. Richards .............112 In the second period Bow- GRathMroh ........ manville broke ore and as R ahgate .............105 ea result took a commanding Millie Bates ............1,. 7-2 lead. Bowmanville scorers M.Wsoe......' were Brian Peters with 2 M. Williams ................ 91 goals and 2 assists, Rick WoI- Leah Graham............... 72 ner with 1 goal and 1 ssst Marg Laurie .............. 51 Dennis Homeniuk scored 1Ta Team Standings Ps goa an 1 ssit, I BownNo.2 B. Partner............ 12 got 1 goal and 1 assist, Robert N osvr..... Large soored 1 goal along No. 3 M.Blakver...........7 with Don Forsey, Gary Baker No. AnnBaert.........2 and John Oyqler each receiv- N.1D-Anet....... In assist. pro a id High single for the evening: Tethirdpro awid Bernice Partner 323. and wooly event with the re- High triple for'the evening: feree handing out 37 minutes Bernice Partner 697. in penalties aitogether. Brad- of which was a ten minute sniseonduct given out to GaryCulr Colngloat18:45. Bowman-jPa v~ile recelved 19 minutes !i P a nsu t ~naties. Don Forsey and' suc o fenny Scotch were engaged' 'Ia emaîl fight and as a re-F rmet iers suit received 5 minutes eac $or fightin-g. Bowmanville1 On Monday, Oct. 3rd the og-ain scored six times in the1 Bowmanvllle Ladies' Curlingr final fraffne with the goals~ executive held their f irst going to Rob Large, Fred meeting at the home of Mrs. Brown with two, John Oyl er, Audrey Cummins to plan their Dave Maynard, and Brian activities for the coming curl- Peters each with one. The ing season. Mrs. Marion assists were credited to Brian James presided. Peters, Dennis Homeniuk, Weather permitting il was Steve Morrison and Rick decided that November lst Woolner. The final score was' and 3rd (Tuesday and Thurs.. 13-2. day) will be days of instruc- It looks as though the Bow- tion for new curlers. There mnanville Juveniles are going, wibl be experîenced curlers to have themselves a good ta help those who have not ;yeae so get out and suipporÉ~curled before. The regular ,CLstei. Their next gaine is~ scheduled curling will then ~~udynigbt at 9 p.m. start on Tuesday, Nov. 8th. ALL HOME AND AWAY Oshawa Generals HýOCKEY CAMES Wili Be Broadcast On CKLB-1350 CKQSm93.5 JlM BISHOP wilI give the play by and Calar Commentary will DICK TROTTER. play account be by ir -------_______ 3 Mixed League Matt Harrison broke the sourd barrier this week with a tremendous 903 triple; Har- rison had games cf 371-323- 209. TPhis is the first time any bowler in any league has been over 900 this season. Connie Wisenvsn topped ail lady bowlers wth a big 823 triple. Connie's games were- 345-282-196. Other good triples for the gals, Hilda Brock 650, Shirley Davis 645, Fern Bradley 626. Hig;h triples for the boys were Morley Etcher 785, Bob Glanvible 736, Elton Brock 709, AI Osborne and Vince Prout 683, Ken Nichols 678, Howard Bromell 672, Dick Perfect 633, Don Bradley 621, Jim Redford 600. Morley Etcher had a 321 single, Gord Wilcox 302, El- ton Brock 289, Bob Glanville 256-293, Virce Prout 287, Ken Nichols 268, Howard Broanel 264. Shirley Davis had 266-209, Rilda Brack 253-201, Audrey Osmond 258-203, Betty Nich- ais 244. Barb Buttonshaw 240- 203, Yvonne Osborne 237, Onie Etcher 235-222, F'ern Bradley 227-212,c Joan Red- ford 219, Mary Harrison 216, Joan Brunt 215, Ruth Mitchell 212, Gerry Dickers 203, Marg Crago 204, Velma Myles 200. Bob Glanvile is top man bowler with an average ai 228 for 15 gaies. Rilda Brock has 210 ta lead the ladies. Matt Harrison's team has 23 points for a 2 point advan- tage over second place Joan Brunt's outfit. Team Standing Team W. L. Harrison .. 9 6 Brunt ..... 9 6 Wilcox..... 8 7 Nowban ... 9 6 Prout....».... 8 7 Osborne 8 7 E. Brock 8 7 Bennett 7 8 Perfect .. 6 9 Bromeli 6 9 Etcher ... 6 9 R. Brock . 6 9 Averages Bob Glanville ....15 Elton Brock ....... 15 Gord Wilcox .....15 Mlatt Harrison ....15 AI Osborne........ 15 Howard Bromel .15 Duke Brunt ....... 15 Hilda Brock ......15 Dick Perfect .....15 Jim Bedford .....15 Morley Etcher ....15 Vince Prout ....... 15 Onie Etcher ....... 15 Mary Wilcox . ..1.9 Jocan Brunt......... 15 AI Lobb ......... 15 Don McMurter rounds left end while Anderson's hopefuls try to stop him, without too much success. He was one reason Bowmanville won by a large niargin. Pins Pts. 14214 23 14520 21 14129 20 13546 20 14098 19 13828 18 13217 18 14022 l16 13831 15 13673 15 13734 13 13758 12 228 226 226 226 226 218 212 210 210 209 207 204 202 202 . , Juniors Open Sunday at 7:e30p.m. Bowmanville Junior Hockey very cheap entertalnment, two will open its fourth season, fine games cf hockey put on ISunday, Oct. 16. First game by aur own local area boys 7:30 p.m. Ken's Men's Wear, from Bowmanvible, Maple a new entry in the league this Grave, Courtice, ZMon, SaUina, year, opens against the Legion. Hampton, Orono and New- Seconid gamne has last year's castle. We stili have open- champions, Nichola Mators, ings for a few boys 22 years going against BiIl's Billiards. of age and under. iDue te the fact that ice rent- Along with the hockeyex ai has been raised for the citement there wiil be a cash coming season, we have ta in- draw every night cf four dol- crease the ticket price at the lars. This will replace door to 35c. This- is still "Score" cf other years. The league executive in- vite you one and ail, eut ta 1 O W ?Memorial Arena, 7:30 p.m., for fast hockey action, $4.0 cash y y draw every Sunday night. President, Jack Baker; Vice- .00 for ist year only) Pres Sid Worden; See.-Treas., Motor League Mianagers and coaches fer cemmng season: Stan Stephens w benefits. (M), Irwin Beauprie (C), Bill's Billiards; Norm Bothwell p to $3000.00, (M), Bert Perfect (C), Legien,; Dan Oke (M), John Osborne and Defence, (C), Nichais Motors; Grant iTravel Service, MalIey (M), Nelson Yeo (C), Kens Men's Wear. Contact Motorist Magazin~e. any of the above mien if you wish ta play hockey. MILT N FIHERPete Staoey is'back for his fourth year as time-keeper sckstock.- 9864743 andi statistician, in the nff rboroughClubas= Pete looks after Junior crberugh lubmpion Green Gaels La- Rrio. crsse tea. Mixed Maijor Hec Ballantine was really in top foi-m Monday night, bowling a nice triple of 858, also Ab Saman with 809. There were several with over 700 triples. Righ single gaine went ta Hec Ballantine with 358. There was also a change in the teain standing. Team Standings Team Pts. Bqday .« ....................8 Dunn ..................... 1 Patfleld ................7 Haynes ... ... ...... 6/ Mairs. . .- 6 Joli............... 5 Wright ..................... 5 Bickell.................... 3 H. Ballantine ...... ...252, Rai Balem ................. 238; V. Conrors............... 234 P. Dobbins .............-232 Ab Sasnan ............... 232 D. Joli...................231 M. Murphy .......-.......221 B, Buday ... ..... ....221 R. Halhnan ..............220 E. Perfect 219 M. Annaert ...............211 H. Dunn ....209 L. Connors .. . 205 D. Wright..------..-- . 204 F. Thornsn .............204 R. Maynard .............. 203 AU entry feus must, be pald in IUli by thisweek. COF BOWLING Teain Standings J. Bond.................. Pts. Pins R. Westlake ........ ... Snowden.........'27 13,621 G. Prout ............. Westlake......... 27 12,356 R. Brock ................ Bond ............. 23 12,587 B. Griffin ................ Woodward --~.. 21 12,482 B. Allen........... «"«»****,, Macnab.......... 19 13,349 D. Bond ................., Dakin............ 19 12,264 B. Westlake ........... Prout .......... 13 12,348 E. Roberts .............. Nolan .......... "*il 11,890 M. Dakin ............... Marshal...."...-9 i11, 631 J. Macnab ............... Brock .......... 6 i11, 571 Roy Woodward ......... Jack Macnab took high tri- F. Stubbe't .............. pie for the evening with 753 B. Potter ................ followed by Ernie Archer 752 G. Marshall ............ and Harry Snowden 704. N. McLean .............. For the ladies Betty -Vest. J. McKnight ............ lake had 639, next was Dot E. Archer ............... Bond 5e8 and May Aldread B. MoReelis ............ 557. Men's high single, Bill Al- len 380, Ernie Archer 378, R. - Snowden 3o6. L N A L Ladies' high single, May AI- Mrnd rsJonoh dred 26,Betty Westlake spent the holiday wee] 231, Carol Roberts 231. wih erstrMran Over 200 Games Bii McLaugin, R M.anys I D. NOlan 257, C. Roberts BllM ad Mrs. G. er: I 231, ROY Woodwarýd 215, B. and.fanily sent.a per Griffin Sr. 248, 246, Bill Pot- andfanoonon Monay la ter 222, J. Macnab 202, 288, a F odya 263, M. Aldread 256, G. Mar- od ar Shall 206, D. Bond 208, D. Me. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gib Reebks 201, J. Bond 246, 219, Mrs. Pat MeMullen Finch, E. Roberts 289, B. MeReelis and Mrs. Normuan Davis, or 225, -H. Snowden 236, B. West_ and Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Pi lake 231, 224, F. Stubbert 212, insoir and Debby, Couri 209, M. Dakin 290, 214, T. AI. attended the Pugsley - Pari dread 264, R. Westlake 253 son wedding at St. pet F. Snowden 227, R. Brock 223,: Anglican Church, Cobourg, 230, B. Archer 271. Saturday afternoon. Top 20 Averages H. Snowden . .............. 214. nston !kend Mrs. mibîs. cnard asant N'or- bson, ,Mr. )rre ark- tice, 'kmn- cter's 9on Lands & Iorests Weekly Report Charles Ewert, shown here as he caught one of znany passes on Thursday, was one of the big Bow. manville High School threats as they defeated Ander. son last Thursday. He was plcking them out of the eting of fine quality products. associations. (c> Public education em- (f) To work with goveriio phasizing the value and use mental and farm orgniztians of maple products. which have related interesto (d) To promote b e t ter for the betterment of the Ila. marketing and higher returns dustry. to producers. A. E. Wafroth, (e) To estabish regional, District Forester. CURLERS lir% AND THOSE WHO WOULD LUKE TO LEARN 1 * FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. l4th SATURDAY, O0(1.15 THIS AVERTISEMENT SPONSQRED BN' Smithi Beverages Ltd.IA.AH. Sturrock & Sons IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. OSHAWA, ONTARIOPHN 623-5516 30 WMAN VILLE Morris Funeral Chcapel BOWMANVIULEONTARIO Canadian Tire Corp. Western Tire k&Mi' ASSOCIATE STORE su8Iper CO. CHRCJI ST. BOWMANVILLEIX NG ST. W. 0WAVLL Digs In For Big Gain Hampton Beats Whitby 1-O 1All Broadcasts Presented By The BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA WHITBY AJAX DO YOU KM For Only $15.00 a <with entrance fée.of $3. You can have momb.rship in the Ontario Peterborough Club with ALL of thest Persona Accident Automobile Insurance ul Emergeucy Road Service - Legal Advice Unequailed Travel Triptik Service - Foreign, %ai Bond in U.S.A. up to $5000.0o - Canadian1 For more inormation Phone colleet to: -WMPM-- Fil