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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 11

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3 Cubs Attend Ci Enjhoyable Weekeni N.wcstle:- Shortly alter Tilison, caught thec mre day,~ six pin. on Friday. boys in had to Wear pyjinas over her Cuib unifonn were seen head- unilomi. What made At mc Ma-,jiowards te Canmunity muoh fun for the boyswas Hall, welghed down with the fact that it waz Sunday1 hige and sleeping bagsa s and many visitons toured the they anxiously awaited the camnp site. Aiea they lied been cars that would drive theni proenieed a hike to thc store, to Coap Sarnac, in Oshawa. acrosa Simace Street to the For many, this was the last restaurant for ice cream,,and time they would attend Cub the tares fromT passing cars Camp as Cubs, as they will et the two leaders caused the. oon b. atepping up~ to Scouts. boys to double up with Iaugh- For a nwnber cf others, it ter. 'was their first trip ta Cub Nature hikes were taken Cezmp. But every one of themn and lamnes oft ootballand was quite excited and before soccer, Wolf or Flaga were long ail 35 had waved their played. Crafts too were en- lest farewel and were on joyed, and et rest tisne, the their way. 1 leaders read ta the boys. Mrs. Bruce "Tilison, thel On Sunday moenlng, churcli Aiela tor A Pack, was asit was held in the. open chapel ed this cear by Miss Isobel at Camp Sarnac with Mns. Pear'o who was nicknamed Nesbltt taklng the service thus Pebblés by the boys. ALea as- year. aistmg were two Scouts, Non- Juet before churdi, saine cf mnan TRlson, Fearless Fly, and the Rovers frain the Oshawa Mark Tilison, Bain Bani. Mrq. District vlsited the Newcastle Bd Ncsbitt, the Akela f'or B Cube, then gave the Akelas a Pack, was assisted by Mrs. grand tour aof the camp an a Peter De Jong, Bagheera. homne made RoIls Royce, two The two Packs staycdin huge wheels and a board and two separate cottages, but away they went. When the nearby, so that many fun tour was oveoe, the Raivers tumes were shared together very kindly left theïr clabor- durlng the day, as well as ate and priceless antiques for evening when the Packs put the boys ta take turns with, -on skits or sang around a and they thought this was camp fire and raasted hat somcthlng pretty swell. The! dlogs. During the night thene>Cubs later pay the Rovers a «waý,as xnuch mâishief as any visit, and were invited ta in- aroup a'! young boys might spcct theïr new den. It reallIy think up, and several turnes was something ta sec. Mod- the leaders would awaken to ern and very up-ta-date, the find herseif tied down in bcd boys bullt it theniselves and with giggles finally building it's lovely enough ta be en- f nto great laughtcr of delight vicd. The boys ail igncd the as she struggled ta get untied gucst register and swaps were and out of bcd. On ane occa- made. Laten, they went out sion she lost a suitcase which doors ta watch theni launch was hung higli on the rafters their latest kite. They flew and partly open sa that it toak it 1500 feet. It fairly great cane and caution ta get simple gettinjg It out there, but it down without evenything bringing lit back was saine- bursftw ot of t. ting cisc. bursin< ut o it.On Sunday, just after lunch, The "Pink Gizzmo" *ias in. the bays wcnt ta the gates ta trodvuced into Cub Camp this await parents wiha were coffn- year, by Mark Tilison. This ing ta tour the camp site andi was a amail plnk object that drive the. boys haine. Whcn was slippcd into a Cub's or they arrived, thc boys forinec even a leader's boat, pyjama a circle and thc Grand Hawl pocket or jacket and on many was given by Darreil Darling occasions durlng the day it of B Pack. At - thu, turne, a would b. called for. The one wclcome was given ail the being caught with the. gizzmo parents, and Mrs. Nesbitt would Pick a piece of paper called on Harold Couvier, frai a bowl and would be Robin Duetta and Gordon Bla- asked ta act out whatcver was ker for investinent. Thc wnitten. Saine were fun awaird for the Best Ail Round prizes, and a boy would be Camnper, by vote of both lead- relievcd froni dishes or win ers and Cube, was then a chooolate bar or second awarded to Vernon Sunday. piece of cake. But some He received a jaek-knife. The wercn't so nice and they night gnoup with theIn mst points have to alng for their supper carned by gaine or beet bunik or dlean u4p alter camp fine. room was awanded to Darrel lhe biggcst laugbe were when Darling, Donald Tilhson, Ver. Mrs. Nesbltt was cauglit and non Sunday and Gardon Bla- ha&,ti wer er uniform ker. They received a cresst bac~ad Uailday, and M-i. for theïr coata. Jlewcasdie Social ana'l(Personal Newcastle - The sympathy of been working out a way and the village lis extended ta the a mcmi ta help yau. XNaw, William MacLean famlly ln help them by placing this the suddcn passing of Mrs. number in the handiet place. MacLean's father, Mr. William There lil no Cauncil news Birtch, of Orillia. this week. Due ta the Thanks. AUj~.nd Mrs. Chances Cowan gvlng holiday thc meeting was bavU1qccrtly rcturncd ta the held aven, and ncws frein there village having enjayed a wan. will be braught ta you in next denful holiday wlth relatives week's edition. Bowling ncws in Saskatchewan. While thene, tao in missinq, fram this week's thcy attcndcd the Gllliland- paper, but will aiea be brought Birki wedding. It was a beau- ta you in next week's editian. tiful September where they Witrmt . utaon wcne, Mns. Cowan said, and the corner. One sure sign is thcy left with &Il the flowers the tact that Mn. a.nd Mns. etillinl bloom. George Walton have vacatedc Don't farget that the Arti- tieir summen home here at ficial ces Cornnuttee stili has Waltana Park and driven a welconie mat out for you and south ta their wlntem home inc will welcome any volunteer. Flonida. The mwimmcnm round8 There in work ta be donc if these parts wil be looking for you have an haur or so. «You'rc thein ta came back riglit atter one cf many that thcy'nc look- the spring cames. keeÏ nmid that the date There bas been no holiday is October l5th when the new news this weekend, but we're telephone number for the New- certain omeone muitst have castle Fine Department camei been away or had campany. inta effect. The number is Don't farget to alinl your 987-4211ký It is hoped that younewse won't ever have ta use it, but Friendsanmd nclghbas in of firofighters wfII go Int. fht TItS NUMBER WILL BEc 987-4211 f Write titi number down, a«d place it near telophon& Fln. CluBSFraakM ller and Peter Wcylandt; Music, ap f r SteplinrdenTmBae- a m p -f r Garencra, John RudeUl; and and Bill Couch. As a amali token af thanks J ~i tîng given ta Akclm mnd thc boys, d O uting a gi!t was peseted to Pcb- bics, Bain Bam n ad Femnîcas Fly, ta wbidi the Cubs gave In A Pick, Mn.. Tilison was thnee cheers. Bob Gould then assisterd by Scouts Norman gave thc Grand Howi and and Mark Tilison in invest- camp had endcd for another ing four boys,, Albert Hamiii- year. toin, Danny Shields, Paul The boys attecdicg camp Quinney an d Douglas Adams. this yean wene, Harold Cou-' The crests fan best bunk rooni vier, Robin Duetta, Gordon were pnescnted ta Robin Rie- Blaker, Danneli Darling, Don-, kmrd, Albert Hamiltonan md aId Tilisan, Vernon Sunday, Dancy Shields. The boy ne- Dale Barett,,Robin mnd Roc- ceiving tue jck-knife fan the aid Lowry, Rod Carveth, Bill best ail round camper was Wagar, Trmcey Fnnbley, John Peter Wcyimndt. Bould, Kevin Drane, Grant A Two Star Investinent wasHcndny, Kenny Nesbitt acd then mnade, Robent Gould hmd Kenny De Jong. In A Pack, made bis final teste mcd pas- John Rudeil, Bob Gould, Doug- scd thein while at camp for las Adams, Comey Cli, Peter this award. WIien he necei*v- Weylandt, Mike Alldnemd, Ro- cd bis camp with. the twa ger Cobbledick, Paul Quinncy,' stans, he then sluted the Stephen Dryden, S ammciy othen two star Cube, mnd stcp- Glanville, Al'bert Harnilton, ped back icta the cîncle. Bill Couch, Terry Bernard, Robin Rickard, Bob Northmup, In A Pack, màny of the Danny Shields, Tim Blaker, boys neceived their badges. Geandie Walton mnd Stewart The Caliectars badge was giv- Tilîson. en ta Tini Blaken acd Tcmry Bath Packs extend their Bernard, Houseordcrly, Bob thanks ta thie Newcastle Liane Nonthmup and Terny Bernard; Club, Toms' I.G.A. Store, Ai- Swimrncrs, Geordie Walton, bent Pearce o! Glen Mac Bob Northrup, Stephen Dry- Dairy, t alal parente who den and Tiqc Blaker; Cyclist drove, and for thc use o! a was given ta Steplien Dryden; truck going acd retumnicg, Teanc Badge, Geordie Walton, Rose Cobbledick mcd Fred Stephen Dryden, Corey Cali Glanvile. Dies in St. Thomasi Br.. Jack H. Hare St. Thomas - The dcath o! medicice. When lie neceived hlm Dr. Jack Hawkins Hare, who service diechange, he wcnt ta cmme heme 18 yeams mgo after Cleveland acd spent a ycar in service overseas in Worid War genenal internsbip at Charity Il as a medical officen ttach- Hospital, then spent two yemns' cd ta bbce Royal Canadian nesidency in abstetrics at St. Artillery, took place at his Anne's Hospital thene, reture- home on tbc Talbot Road just ing ta Canada i 1948 an cam- west o! thbc Fingal Hill on pietion o! bis studies mnd Sunday morcxng, Oct. 2cd. Hc establishing private practice in had not been in gaad hcalth abstetnie i St. Thomas. for saine turne, but his deth Fan many yemns lhe served as at 49 yeans was ucexpected. chief o! obstetrice at bbc St. Mis tunemal was held at twa Thomas - Elgin Genenal Hos- p.m. Wednesday tram tbc Si!- pital. He wms a memben o! bbc ton funeral home and bunîi Elgin County Medical Associa- taok P lace in Elindale Mcm- tionan md tbc Ontario Medicai anial Park. Association. Dr. Mare graduatcd in mcdi- fDr. Mare wae aiea a member cin frm Qeens uivesit, o bch St. Thomas Golf mcd cineson Inr 94m Qu nd wunisiyCountry Club, and tbc St. Keiaton, in193,acdvewercen-Thomas Curling Club, mcd lhe mcdmtiy ct aciv seviewas an dbeent of Finit cammissioncd as a captain acd United Cbunch. mcving in Italy, France, Hol- Sunvivicg anc Mns. Mare, tbc land, Germiany. Ater nturn- former Mary Munro and twea Icg ta, Canada mnd campleting daughters, Mms edek(u pt-graduate medical studies s ilasn . Fnedni1k Su- in Cleveland, be establlsbed hiesac)omasan issc, R.M 1,St n actlce in St. Thomas, misoa Thomes, mcdpMies li nroew ieeicg up an active intenet catloe; bd is paendw le the miîitmny, semvxng masoemr-nc , aDris andhersc o! thc medical officere ttacb mo.A.hcn-înlm, TDr.t mcdMs cd te bbce Militia unit o! theiSoN. A .Muo, abo Rad Elgin Regiment. He bas since Sotbl. .Hneo is been mn assaciate memben of Uniev. H M.Hcucte a thiet the Ofices' Mss.tuceral service. Dr. Hmne was banc at Brigh- At bbc graveside, Trumpeten ton, -Ont., a son o! Mr. acd Mns. Robent Ryckmac o! bbc Elgin Pcncy Marc, caw o! Newcastle, Regiment, played Last Poet wbere bie attended school be- acd Reveille. fane going ta Queen's ta study -St. Thomas Ties-Journal BLACKSTOCK The Thanksgving Service in parng vegetabies. thc United ehunch, suitabiy Saine o! tbc members cook- decorted with !lawers, veget-icd double boiler scalloped ables, fruit, etc., wms really cabbage acd tomato soup. well attecded. The choir sacÇi A vegetable plate coinpiete two anthens '"A Prayen O!l with cucuniben boat holIding Gratitude" and "A Sang of cgg dip was assembied by Mre. Thacksgiving." Mev. Rameril Wottcn. O Canada wms aung preached a ýine sermon oni acd bbc food ampled. "Thankfulness." -Canai Werny The Anglicans aiea had ai Mme. Armstrong mcd Mr. mnd geod congregation. The cburch:Mre. Rud Heasiip, Taranto, was beautifully dccorated in were weekecd gueste o! Mn. keeping with Hanvest Festival. anmd Mrs. Harny Van Camp Mev. R. C. Rase, premched almcd Arthur. fine sermon on "Harvest man r nd M rs .H ol Thansgiing. i nd iomDon Mils, Mn. mcd The Sacracient of Baptisin Mrs. Gcrald Ferguson, Hmmil- was dmnistered ta Robent ton, Mns. Gardon Edwand, sac o! Mn. mcd Mn.. Stng, Mn. mand Mn.. Robent Donald Gree. Stnong wenc Sunday dincer The fourtii meeting of tueiguests o! Mn. mnd Mn.. Eric Cartwright Casseroles 4-M Barand Beverley. Club wms beld at bhc home o! Mn. mcd Mrs. Peter Vander- Mm. Malpb Lirmer,- Stundiy. huel and Julia, Orillia, spent Sharon Lamer opeced bbc bbc weckcnd with bhc Ccci meeting with the 4-H pledge, Gibsoc'e and M. Vandenbuell's. followed by Canal Wenny nead-1Mn. mcd Mns. C. Gibson and Ing Uic minutes. The rail call, Kennýeth, Mn. and Mnm P. Van- adinnen menu I plmcned, wms derbucîl attecded the wedding anmwered by mil 13 members a! Mns. Gibson's ndcc, Mis prement. Louise Waltcrs and Mn. Robent Thé leaders taugbt us a few Wiiiiîmmac l in mrony notes on vegetables ton suppen Cburch, Oshawa, an Saturdmy.1 or lunch and cutting and prs-1 Mr. and MM. or OISU Mrm bru.. Tilison, Iditor Phon.ol721 and fmily, Ottawa, spent the and BU! Ferguson'ls were Mn. weekend. with his fatiiern d mnd Mns. Grant Ferguson and brothers and familles. family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Mr. Robent Wolfe from Car- Noci Menton and boys, Osb- rigaline, -County Cork, Ireland, awa, and Mev. and Mns. C. is visiting bis brother George H. Ferguson. Don Mille. and Mns. Wolfe mnd boys. Mm.. E. Bradley, Bowmac- Suruday aftennooc all went to ville, spet bbc weckcnd wiih Niagara and each day George Mr. and fMn. Harold Craw- la taking bis brother ta mec fond, Janice and Kenneth. diffenent local parts o! Oiitaiio. Mr. and Mm.. Lelth Byens,I Mr. and Mrm. Marwood Mr. Muray Byeni; Mn. and McKee were Sunday gucats a! Mn.. Oscar Grahamn; Mn. and Mn. and Mrm. Bd Lmwson and Mns. Gordon Strong mttendcd Bruce, Yelverton. the funenmi o!flins. Alvin Phiiip Phayre, Bowmanvillc, Hunter, Port Penny, Monday. spent the wcekend witb John- Mn. mnd Mns. Walter Wright ny Hodgc. -mad girls, Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Miss Marilyn Archer, Whit- Wright mcd famiiy, mcd Mn. by, spent Frlday n1ght with and Mms. Gannet Wright, Port bher gnndpanents, Mm. and Penny, mnd Miss Hazel Wight, Mme. Wilbert Archer. AIl thrce Oshawa, wene Sundmy supper spent Saturday with Mn. and guests o! Mn. and Mns. Keith Mme. Emmer Archer and boys, Wright and family, Oshawm. Whitby. Mm. and Mns. Vincent Mr. and Mme. Donald Lace Archer, Bowmanviile, were and Tenny, and Mms. L. Pearce, misa guests. Oshawa, wene Sundmy suppen Mr. and Mns. Genry Fengu- gueste o! Mns. Gea. Crawford son, Hamilton, spent bbc week- and Mn. mnd Mme. W. Peance ccd witb bbc Gardon Stnong's and Miss Mary Lau Crawford famiuiy.anMrGereCraaPt Mns. W. W. Van Camp, Miss emcr. ere anaan, Prt Mabie Van Camp mnd Richard Pny eeatnoncles Gunter, spent tbc weekcnd At theinr respective homes for witb Mn. acd Mme. Ronald the weekecd, Lynda Kyte and Drnkwater acd fmmily, ot- Janice Bycre froni Guelph-, tmwa. Marion Bnmdburn, Mary Bnmd- Mn. and Mre. Menvyn Gra- burn, Betty McArtbur, Doreec hani, Mns. Ed Harris acd Mns. Van Camp, ail of Tornto, Wm. Mabafty, attended the Lamaa Wright acd Mn. Ray tuneral of mn aunt, Mns. Mount]oy of Waterloo acd Rutherford in Peterborough, Lanry Hoskîn of Hamilton. on Fniday. Misses Eva Brown, Hmmii- Mr. and Mrs. Jackl Rahm tan, mcd Vena Fonder, Tononto,I spent lmet week at a cottage wcre Sunday dinnen guests of at Baisover. the Walter Wright'e acd called Mme. George Fowlcr spent on the Will Forder's in tbc the wcekcnd in Oshawa. p.m. Mr. acd Mn.. Camenan Mr. and Mme. Lloyd Bemcock Porter, Onono, wcne Sunday acd boys visited Mn. acd Mrs. supper guests of Mn. acd Mns. Cecil McLeod, Onillia, Satur- Stan Rmbm. day, and taok a drive ta Hunts- Mn. and Mme. Kenneth ville, Smta's Village, Lindsay, Brown, Miss Donothy Brown Sunday and Monday. mcd fricnd, Oshawa, cmllcd Mn. and Mme. Bob Bnyans Satunday. and fmmily were Sunday sup- Mr. mnd Mme. Noci Morton per gucsts of Mn. mnd Mms. acd four boys, Oshawa, wcne Wilf Brown and fmmily, Cour- Sunday supper guets ai Mme. tice. Cccii Hill mcd Sucday cvcning Mr. and Mme. Dmnny Cola- Rev. mnd Mrs. C. H. Fenguson, cicco mcd famuly, Oshawa, Don Mille, called. spent bbc weekecd wubt Mrs. Weekend cailers with ROY L. Thampson. 14 CALIFORNIA, RED EMPEROR, CRISP AND SWEET,-N.I GA GRA&PEÇ LETTU( SPINACH ONIONS mE LARGE, FES GEPIMF4.8 liýd2 C No. 1 GRADE ONTARIO GROWN Ioocnpcs9 FR1814 CUT, CURLY LEAF No. 1 GRADE F2 .zcn ks 9 ONTARIO GROWN COOKING 1 BRUSHED AND POLISHED 3tSb2 c No. 1 GRADE h JANE P*R APP.LE 3 R-opes .eh~ 100 j 's -W rpOrRptto nEeyPcaeo etW e4l SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY - FROZEN SIDE PORK *SPARE SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY - SMOKED COOKED PICNIC STYLE PORK SX BRAND WIENERS 2RLB PKG 99C RIBS SH OULDERS Super-Right - Vuc Puc (o oked Ham P59 Pork Sausage COUNTRY STYLE -59c lb5 7c lb49c ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED) RINDLESS No. 1 GRADE SIDE BACON 1-4b. P4 2-4b. Mcg. e?,M- FEATURE PRICE! 4 20or tzms 9 9c "NEW PACKO Choice QualitY FEATURE PRICEI fMNEW PACK" COie. QumIlI A&P PEACHES 3 »-4z tins 1 .00AUP TOMATOES «NEW PACK» Choie. QualitY FEATURE PRICES A&P CORN crem syw6 1---« " 89c AIP'm Own Ion& Brand A (Colour and Peotin Add.d) Reg. Priem 40 - SAVE 10o STRAWBERRY JAM 24--z iar39C AU* PCES MT1410 AD QUARANTEgo .I*oUwm J"IYT r ENNISKILLEN The Canadlan Statesmàn, Bowmanvile, Oct. 12, 19668 i Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Allen, Barry and Janet, Pro- HAM PTON vidence, weme at O. C. Ash-. Sunday, Oct. 9th, was aur wiâh or desire thieSaam t tan's. 'flanksgiving and Thankof- of Baptian lor your chlld or Mr..and Mm. Edgar Wright fening Servie. Guest speaker ct4idoèÉà lemse contact Mr. was Rev. JhnPeë -f Rni Bnidly, Zion Mr. John vpent the weekcnd wlth Mr Ebenezer an&:$t-'aple flGrove Knox, Eldad, Mn. Ted Chant an<4 Mrs. F. Spry and feSnsly, charge. Scipture reading was Hamnpton, or your minister Rochester, N.Y. taken frnan Luke, chapten 7, Rev. Catto who will oece mi Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Êg- verses 36-46. Aiitbem sang parents con<,erned on Sunday, lish and Roy, Mn. Lloyd by the church chair was "The Oct. 23rd, at 4 p.m. at Himp- Stainton and Susanne, Bow- Earth Is FuU o! Thy Riches."~ ton. d manvilile, wcne callmr at Mn. Solo parts were taken and Me. Wllfred Flck and Mrs. L. Stainton's. beautifully rendered by Mr. and Nancy, Ottawa, were Bruce Hurst. The côiamnniiion wcekend guests of Mr..and Mr. and mrs, Jo. McGill, table was decorated with Mme.James Ruddy and family. Shaun, Dean and TOMd, Pont fruits and flowems o! auturnc IMr. and Mns. Bill Udwards Credit, Mr. and Mns. Garth and was beautifully dune by o! Osha>wa and laziui were McGill, Mark and Kini, Can- Mr. William Axford. The udy ineges oMr nington, Mm. and Mns. Hanvey hymns we rc "Caine Ye Suday d.ine guey !. McGill were Thanksgiving Thackful P e o pi. e Corne," adn s ine iky Sunday dinnen guests at Mn. "Take My Life"; childrcn's Mr. Fred Holroyd and Mn. and Mns. R. Virtue's. Joe and hynin, "We P¶ough the Fields Frardk Holnoyd, Bowmenvlll, Garth McGiljl mcd famiaies and Scatten." The sermon was wer Sucday evening visitoru wene weckcnd guests of thein well given by Rev. Romnenul with their parents, Mr. and parents, the H. McGills9. and was an "Why Should We Mr&. Fred Holrayd. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey Give." Even though I did not Mr .and Mrs. Ken Cmverly' and Veina, Bow'manville attend Uic service It would were M1ondmy dinner guesti Mme C Saito md irlý make- you Uhiik what this with Mr. and Mm.. Bruce Cêaz- wre.C Snst at M g nczns You cn gve mmcy erly, Ohawa, for a pedal Stanto's.thinigs that do flot mean much occasion. Stainton's.but sometinies a littleie Many attcndcd thc football Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin, cither in word or deed means dance held Saturday cvening Ca.rol and Gail, Westan, Mn. a lot ta soincone dean or even at SaUina Hall. and Mme. Fred Trewin, Lloyd a neighbor. Wcekend and Mondmy vWa- and Emnle, Mre. Alib ernt Picase do cot farget the tors mcd Mrs. 1sig Kee. Wright, Blackstock, Mm. and farewcîî cup o! tea at the e r.adMsRg.e- Mns. C. E. Honn, Oshawa, apen house in thc C. E. Wing scy mcd son, ttwa ýh wene Sunday evening diliner for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Car-.aa gw1th Mn.Sid KcX y gueste ocd Mn. and Mre. E. nrick an 'riday evening. Oct. viSted Mm. Kersey at Simny. Tmewin. 14ti. Ahl their friends and brook Hospital on Satutda3r MisDomeen Trcwin, in neighbons will be welcoaied. and Sunlday. Mi. Kemscy 18 Misecoing malang cvery eley. conxpany with Mn. and Mrs. Ncxt Sunday, Octoben l6th, For Thalksgiving dirince an E. McNain and famiuly, spent is Laymen's Sunday on the Mondaày, Mt. and Mm.' Ken the. weekecd at South River. Hamipton charge. Mm. C. Rase Pooler and !amiiy, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Oke, Mn. and Stainton, chairman o! the Mr. and Mns. Len Player and Mrs. F. Donlmnd were Satur- Zian Board of Stewards, wil !aiily, Bownnanville, Mn. and day guests of Mn. and Mme. be gucst preachen at aur Mr$. Harcad Ashton and 36iâs Stanley Turner, Oshawa. church. Mm. Staintan will be and Mr. Allan Stainton, En- Mn. nd me.Raili ambassisted in Uiec onduct Of niskillen,- Rev. Ted Kersey Mr. nd Ms. RlPh ambwonsbip by the Senior Eider, and Jim of Hamnilton. and baby Leslcy, Mm.. Stuart Mr. Ted Chant, and othen Mr. and Mme. W. Law-rie, Lamb, attended the Hctz- layinen. Rev. C. Catta will Bowmrnxille, Mn. Samn Fary. Soen wedding on Satunday be pmeaching at Enniskillen cm, bMarge and Heather, Ce- at Fairview, Penn. and Newtanvillc on this Sun- dar Crest Beach, wene* Mon- Mm. and Mme. E. Pettifen day, Oct. l6th. day dinner. guests wltb LMr. and Rome, Willowdaie, spentl Sucday, October 30Vh, wil and Mmea. W. Hiroyg and bbc Weekend at A. L. Wearn's. be Baptismal day, so if you !aIy. h What Does AP eli Tha's a fair quesflofl. And an ecsy one ta answer. A&P segs only Canada's finest, Red Brand Beef. but thats nfot the whoe story. This is iniportanti A&P buys onIy Red Brand Beef that mccli Som, beef lab.l eRd Brand it in'î good enougêh Io b. cafed Muper-Right.M You see we're fussy abow th ibecdeot label "Super-Right." Are "Super-Right Meccl. a good reoson for shopping A&P? T4bcy'se mo f mony. No De * Abot. .eGrcryB-s NIW PACK" Choie Quality A&P PEAS FIATURE PRICES o»LZN 79c "ZIN S Sety Crocker Reg. Prlee pkg »o - $AV£ Se CAKE. MIXES 19vaw, 2às 09c Fresh Produce 4 1 ---Nooed:e f P-IE

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