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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 12

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12 'r eCanaian O tan2, Eowmtanil e t. 12, 1986 handicap which leads to crushing deprefflion. This abealleviated only when sighted of their owntown Speaker Emphasizes go n: to visit and re-introduce tl ential. Poteniaisof Bind. Mr. Hilborn in his add 1p Community Lit e sical assistance of tail books and whité canes i7 The abilities and potential Tom Gladinan, Mrs. George apparent, and people tenc contributions to the commun- Vice, Miss Denise Wessells, forget the emotional consi lty'of the blind were empha- Miss Isabel Davis, Miss Mahaf- ations, hie added. sited by Clare M. Hllborn, fey and Mrs. Johnston of 'I is no good sending P'eterborough, in bis address Courtice area. blmnd for three nionths tr et the dmnner meeting of the Advisgry Cornmittee Chair- ing and have themr returi Eownianville Lions Club held man Jack Dunn introduced Mr. their tawn if no one in% et the Lions Community Centre Hilborn, District Field Secre- themn anywhere or visits t]. on Monday evening. tary. af the CNIB. Discussing "There are 100 blînd Preuident- George White thxe physical limitations and Durham and Northumber] Welcomed the members of the the emotional considerations Caunties. That is why we Bowmanville West, Durham regardiiig the blind, Mr. HJk SO interested in startinl Mdvisory Committee to the boni stressed the need of Lakefrant Recreatian Club CNIB, who were special guests public education an. these the Blind, and establisi at the dinner meeting. He then prablems. active visiting commiti turned the chair o ver ta 'Lion The speaker told of the Any valunteers here intere Samn Black, Chairman of the onîgin of the CNIB. He said in helping out in any, club's Sight Conservation and that Colonel EÈddie Baker lost should contact Mrs. Roi Blind Committee. his sight in Warid War I, and Hawthorne, Visiting Chairi Mr. lac caled n Gergealter graduating fromn St. Dun- and their help would be nr Vice, the Advisary Commit- stond oEaforlte Bcind appreciated, Mr. Hliborn tee's vice-chairman, to intro- Landau ECnad, hy e cla ed duce the conittee mmes earn a living and conduct him- Mr. Black thanked Mr. Advisory Committee Chairman self i society. born for his dynamic anîd Jack D'inn; Lion James Bell, Canada at that time was not teresting address. He said the treasurer; Mrs. Frank rayt cettebidwoteLoshdnvrb Crowe, secretary; Mrs. Wayne readto taccept th e blnd hbten Lion sh aner b Purdy, Publicity; Mrs. RonaId U alte n p ha ta boeloriokftbe givfcenshandeanh Hawtorn, Wlfar; Ms. ob-stitutions, Mr. Hîlborn said. ments of the blind. He pres, ert Sheridan, Essay Contest "Colonel Baker cstablishd ed a gift to Mr. Hilborn Judgc; Miss Elsie Raikes, P.H.- the Canadian National Insti- souvenir of hîs visit ta N.; Miss Wilma Armstrong, tute for the Blind with a two- local Lions. P.H.N.; Lion Howard Gibson, fo]d purpose, the training of President White prescntE Mrs. William Edmondson the blind ta make the most cheque for $200 as the L Mms. Jucin Cale, Mrs. Nr of their potential, and the Donation to start off Hornick, Mrs. Carman Thomped ucation of the public regard- CNIB's Campaign here, ta son, Courtice, Mrs. Fe ing blindncss prevention and Vice, the Campaign Chairn Smith, Mms. La Chapelle, Mrs. the acceptance of the blind The birthdays of Wa and assistance ta thcm," hie Runcie and Glen Martyn,1 OBITUARYsaide disr past presidents of thec and Boards were started ta Bill Wallis, were clebr MES. SARAH PORTEOUS locally help in the CNIB's by their fellow Lions. A lufe-long resident af the work. The Lions Clubs give Hockey Draw winners w Newcastle area, Mrs. Sarah invaluable assistance with October 5th, Bernard Ho] Porteous passed away on Sat. sight conservation and the and Carl Schwarz; Oec Sept. lth, 1966. She was in blind" Mr. Hilborn stated. He 8th Rau Maynard and Cla her. 9lst year. Mrs. Parteaus mentioned the Lions' work for Kilmen, Octaber lSth, Mau was in very good health for the Lake Joseph Camp for the Staley and Bob Richa her years until the sudden Blind at.Parry Sound. October 22nd Jack Bond -. .., -.._r +a . ~"Isolation is the greatest Harold Michelson. Stanxley Portecus, just a year ago, then her health failed hex very quickiy. * Mrs. Porteous came and rnade ber home with her daughter (Mari orie>, Mrs. R. Haskill, who tenderly cared for her mother ail year, along with her family, who tried to mnake her as happy as they could. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie of Utterson, Mrs. Porteous was the iast surviving member of her family, a sister and three brathers predeceased her. Mrs. Parteous came to New- castle when she was a young woman and there she met and rnarried ber late husband, Stanley Porteous. Tbey farm- ail their lives in and around Newcastle and they were mnembers of the United Church. Mrs. Porteous was aiways a good and willing neighbor, and always a helping band for any one. H«r specialinterest was her home and family, and she loved to cook and bake, and was aiso a great lover of ilowers. She loved ta see her neighbors drop in and was alwayg ready for a visit from anyone. StLe is survived by two daughters, <Helen) Mrs. Ciemn Parnell, (Marjorie) Mrs. Richard Haskil. Also surviving fore nine grandchildren and 19 greât grandchlldren. Funeral service was held from the Morris Funeral Home on Sept. l2th, 1966. Rev. E. C. Woodiand conducted the service. Interment was ini Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. Paîl- bearers were all close friends of the deceased, Messrs. Fred Andrews, Brooks Cowan, Af- red Perrin, L. G. Pugh, J. M. Thompson and Normian And- rews. The many beautiful floral tributes and large attendance at the funeral and cailing at the funeral home, spake fo the high esteem i which the de- ceased was held. OBITUARIES r W. J. FERGUSON Following au illncss ai thnee weeks, the death ai WiI-1 bent James Ferguson occunred an Saturday, September 24, 1966, at Memaniel Hospital,1 Bownxanville. He was in hîs 86th year. A son of the late David and fSarah Fergusan, tbc deceased was boru in Cartwright Town- ship, nean what was then kuown as Burton Post Office.j He was twice mamied. Iu 1906 he marricd the former Effie Bradley who predecees- cd him in November, 1927. He was mamicd ini Decemben ai 1942 ta the former Eve Martin who survives. The deceesed had lived et 1Enniskillen since 1930 aud be- fore moving thene had resided si the Enfield erea. A ferm- >er, he spent bis liftime ferm-. ing and- in the employ oaiEn- Eniskillen and Enfield district .fermens. 5Mr. Fenguson wes prede- iceased by a son, Lloyd, lu Na- rvember, 1956, a sisten Margaret (Mrs. Albert Oke), and three brothens, George, Cameron 0and Walter. 1Surviving, besides bis wiic Eva, are his daugbter Elve 1<Mrs. Bruce Montgomery);à step-daugbtcr, Wilme Wattcn;1 three grandcbildrcn, and 13r great-grandchildncn.c Also surviving are twoE brothers, Harry of Oshawa1 and Fred af Enniskillcn. 2 ;The funeral service was heldE from the Morris Funenala Chapel, Bowmanvilhe, on Mon- day, Septemnber 26th, and wes couducted by Rcv. M. A.I Dougherty. Intenment wes ilu Hampton Ccmctery.t SPalîbearens were Messrs.t Ralph Virtue, Francis Wcrry,( Adam Sharp, Carl Ferguson,s Keith Ferguson and Carl Bradley.1 1T. WESLEY CAWKER 1 ieul' what y i can The Last Graduation iui blind tm Mr. Bruce Tink, member of the Dar- lington Township Area School Board, presenting graduation pin to Miss Louanne Ayre one of the last class of graduates of S.S. No. 20, Danlington. Polaroid Snaps by Mrs. R. Eakins' The graduates: Front row: John Hug- gins, Sheri Lynde, Louanne Ayre, Donna Davis; Rear: Fred Ferguson, Herbent Tink, James Barker, David Hamer, Scott Eak- ins, David Best, Gary Ganr, Gardon Perr. by M. J. Fraser On September 28th ai this year, graduation pins were presented ta the twelve pupils af S.S. No. 20 Danlington who successiully completed Grade VIII ast June. Ordiuarily,, this a n n u a 1 eveut would be afiînterest only ta those concerned. But this time was dificrent. This blackbai the lett thnee' vc "Naw, ing sdli each fa these s. shaîl ta what th twill be' "SOL] In iailing health ion the past time wes the lest, aiter almost mous aiý bbree years, T. Wesley Cewker 130 yeens, thet there will be it becer pessed away Septemben 24th, a graduating class in the vil- reckoned 1966, in Memoniel Hospital, lage schoal.- Our Grade VII ai Sol:] Bowmeuville, et the age ai 85. and VIII pupils now attend thc S.S. No. Mr. awkr ws th so Ofnew M. J. Hobbs Senior Pub- produced the late Charles M. and Sarah leSho t-apoadatnsi Cewker. The deceesed was wilh greduate irom there. ments. boru in, Bowmanville, May But however brigbt the. Amang lSth, 1881, and has been a lufe- future, and the opportunities listed se long resideut, gaing into bus- contained thenein, the end aiaen an( mness with bis father et thean. ena is a time for remin- missions age ai 16 years and continu- iscilig... isoa ing in the same business until lb was in tbc 1830's that bhe dozen d( bis retirement sevenal yeens finst schoalhause wes built in himschi ega. Pilcherdbown, D a r h i n g tao n hingb-er lu193 n.Cakc mr-Township.. in the District ihrn nîed the former Laura Mitch- of Newcastle, in the Provinc elames ell ai Ncwtonvilc ai tokpo Upper Canada. This humble ise ai residence et 212 Lilýenty St. fr henrutue fiernewbunid-scbools; North, where Mrs. Cawken 83 we fn ewbid Prison Ii still resides. He is survived ing taok its place - setting by hs wie, aura andtwothe texpayers beck an incred- militery bybi wfc auaen taible $618t with a E sons, Charles of Belleville, and I e nti e colin Parli: aireofBwanilalso I(40 Name: ewscoo feoe Brad owmdenvih (40 yeers before the present acaes fîe radcîlre."ucw" schooî was bumît, in Pa(D ; Mn. Cawker was keenly 1899) that Mn. John Hughb-s (r. J. iuterested in bath driving and seid ta bis ppî n ou President seddlc hanses, e pleesure ing, "Pilchandtowu? The naine at e which hie shaned with bis bas neither digniby non dis- wha cen, femily thnoughout bis entire tinction. We shaîl select an- whoseg lie. other!'" ren werx Mn. Cewker was a 50-yeer Accondîngly, Mn. Hughes graduateE member of Jenusalem Lodge, (wha commanded the ae- There A.F. & A.M., Na. *31, who some selany ai neerly $300 techers held their most inspîrnug Me- per annum) wnote on tbce Mr. Hug marial Service in the North- ..ullough cutt & Smith Chapel, Monday 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. G. Cal.tR. evening et 8 p.m.; also a mcm- K. Ward. Interment et Orono wrsn ber ai Palestine Chapter No. Cemetery. Mn. Mcl 249, andI St. John the Alman- The hononery pelîbearens ai aven en Preceptary Na. 15. He wes wen 'e Messrs. Milton Elliott, service sl e Past Noble Grand and 50- Charlie Johnis, Harold Skin- wenc the yean member of Flonence uer, Frank Rickerd, Everctt schoal to Nightingale Ladge No. 66, Hoan, Heny Freeman. Active scboastic Indepeudeut Order ai Odd palîbeerers, Messrs. Allen (hr Fdflaws, whose fellow mcm- Meadows, Byron Vanstone, "diphylli bers peid their farewell fnib- Albert Cawkcr, Steve Cewker, roseu utc on Sunday eveuing at the Lamne Hoskin, Norman Allun. ep Chepel i a mast impressive The meny beautiful floral prec service. tnibutes gave evidence ai tbc combat. The funeral taok place on esteema in whIch the deceased The saccE Tuesdey, September 27th et was beltI. ,fhana1 ]Pick yours up nowWHIIE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood charteredbank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 67-Avri 28 to Oct. 27 at Montreal. the daye Rangers and the bard cid tryside ( --Saline' rankcd 'N schoohya: its pravi "The c as it h again wl cames chapten tion ta E and the Red Sch( md three consonants- tens L, N and S; aud owels-A, I and O. ," said the enterpris- haalmasten, "Yau wiil shion a name froni ix hetters. Then we ake a vote, ta decide e neme ai thîs village 'NA" was the unani- lcisian. And SOLINA me . . . a name ta be Id with, for the village lna-and its schaoh, :) 20 Darlington-have ci aven the yeers an iing record of achieve- ig its graduates are scnes ai praiessional nd wamnen. Teachers twyens; ministens and aries, and more than a [actons. Mn. Hughes raised four remankable .John, wha became a nking army off icer; vhose Doctorate in the feducatian led ta an rship in Toronta William, a Fedenal Enspector; Sam, whosc ècancer was crowned Enigbthoad and a seat iment. hs ike Washington and Hogarth and Reynolds B. Reynolds became nt ai O.A.C., Guelph) iny more. The peaple me in the beginning; great-grcat-grandchihd- re among lest week's s et Saline School. w e r e nemankable ...the nedoubtable iges; Mn. J. B. Mc- ih (a brather-in-law of S. McLeughliu) wha eiirst teachen in the schoah. There wes ýessack wbose record 30 years continuous speaks for ibseli. These imen wha led Salina ;victory et tbc Inter. ic Spellîng Matches such barrons as lus" and "*pslttecosis5 )ta conirant the un- d). wcre other fields ai The debeting teem. cer field . .. For more hurîdred yeans-since 's when tbc Temarack S(full ai bigb spirits, coccesional nip af [er) toured the coun- challenging alicamners Cs soccen team bas with tbe best, with the ird et S.S. No. 20 as ing ground. old arder cbangcth. has befare, and will hen the new wey be- old-edding another and anather genera- SS. No. 20 Dariington, benitege of The Little iolhouse. KEDRON (Inteinded for lest wcck> Mrs. Fletcher Wenny, who celebratcd her 9th birthday an Monday, Sept. 26th, wes guest ai bonor et e family penty on Sunday atennoon at ber home, Ritsou Road North. Born September 26bh, 1876, bbc former M. Rosette G. Bet- ty, et the family iarm ou Harmony Road, narth ai tbc Fifth Concession road, she was anc ai five eblidren of bbc late Mn. and Mns. W. D. Betty. Her sou Clarence, and grand- sou William (Bill) Wenry are bbc present awners ai this farm. At bbc time ai ber birth, the hamlet af Foley was loat- cd south af thc corner ai bbc iifth concession road composcd ai e blacksmibh and barber shop and e general store. The femily home was then located on bhc nonth part af bbc fanm, faciug Harmouy Road. This bouse was dismanthed when Clarence Wenry builf bis pres- cnt home facing on Coulin Road, andI some ai the luxuber wes used lu its construction. She marricd ber late bus-, baud, Fletchen Wenry, 70 yeams ago, and they had four chihd- ren, Clarence, Harold, Ber- niece (flhc late Mrs. H. M.' *Brown) and Wihma Werry,ý Reg. N. who niakes her home with ber mothen. The second son, HaroldI, and bi& son Ronald, are sf111 on the Werry farnlly farm, Wer-j âlt»ugb the suifos agme.' Mary P. Di Franci tifical( Inu bers, uscd Apostl preper Comm occesi, The Baptis next Parent asked as soo Unit sponso the L( tfrorn axirtri Mrs. Wer- The program Includes mission L 3sti11 keenly interested in study and handicraft instrue- B E T H affairs af the community, tion, and meetings wiil be took part in the sod held regularly through the OrboeChallice, Bind River, ing ceremony for the ne-w winter and spring months. was home for Thanksgiving e to be bult at Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis weekend with his mother, Mms. [ay before her 9Oth birth- have returned from a tV/O Richard Challice. She has six grandchild- week visit with relatives In Mr. and Mm. Creighton and 17 great grandchildren England, whene they were the Canr and family ai Picton, of whom she thinks are guests af Mr. and Mrs. Rich- spent the weekend with Mr. lovely." ard Hcatley, W h i t c h u r c h, and Mm. Ross Cer. s. Werry strnl manages to Shnopshire. They spent some Mrs. James McKinnon spent )ut ta theibhem on occasion, time with Mr. and Mrs. Glyn the past week with Mn. and he did on Manday after- Morris, Nantwich, Cheshire, Mts. Gerald Staples at Lake- Swhev a gnoup of students and Mr. and Mrs. E. Chesters, field. Central Collegiate visited als ofa Nantwich, and visited Mn. and Mrs. Fank Marti- farm, aud enjoys "«visits,, briefly with other relatives. chenko and famiîy spent the iher two active young Mn. Davis was kecnly interest- weekend with relatives in tgrandsons, Kevin and cd in the farming mcthods ini Kitchener. y, who live next door. comparison ta those in Canada. Guests with Mrs. Ina Palm- %ides herseif there is one The farms are quite small as er during the past week were .er, W. F. Batty, Brook- compared ta ours, the herds Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Palm- stili living. rangir.g fnom 28 ta 40 head er and son Allan, Mr. and esent for the occasion of milking cattie. Mrs. Frank Hully, ail af SMn. and Mrs. Clarence The Davis's also noticed that Peterborough. ry, Mn. and Mrs. Harold the cooling requirements were Mrs. Norman Neals, Elm- ry, and Wilma Werry; Mr. much lcss stringent than here. vale, visited with her mother, yand daughter Doris:Mn. In some cases the barns were Mrs. Thomas Jackson during VIrs. Wm. Werry, Donald, only 20 feet from the bouse, the weekend. is, Eldon and Wendell; with a paved yard between Mr. Edgar Beer held a suc- and Mrs. Marris Jebson which was hosed dowu eve'y cessful sale of his farm ma- rici Werry), Dianne, Gary, day. Flics did not seem ta b chinery and livestock on Sat- ýCaroline and Gardon, a pnoblem, however. The~ urday. rrton; Mn. and Mrs. Grant also visited Wales, the Inish Tenders have been adver- on (Jeanine Werny), Beth Sea, and toured Carnarvon tised for construction of the Wendy, Claremont Mr. Castie, where Prince Charles rtew Manvers Township Pub- Mrs. Rau Werny, Kevin, will become The Prince ai liý School, which wihl be yand Janet; Mn. and Mrs' Wales next yean. Before ne- sittiated at the junction ai 7A I. Brown and Erice An- turning home, Mn. and Mrs. and 35 Highways in Manvers rgrandson, Rev. and Mms Davis spent twa days in Lan- Township. J. William Rid- rt Wcrry, Cut Knife, don, Seeing Buckiugham Pal- path is the architeet. atchcwan and great grand- ace, the, Houses ai Panliament Out-of-towu guests at the ren Guy, Jean and Clark and Westminster Abbey. Dur- Neals-Green wedding includ- unable ta attend. ing their absence, Mrs. Davis's cd Mn. and Mrs. Alex Car- rld-Wide Communion was ifather, Mn. James Cookson, ruthers, Garden Hill; Mn. and rved at Kedron UnitediMaple Grove, took aven the Mns. John Rickard, Mn. and Th Sunday Services. Dun-lopenation of their iarm. IMns. Ted Martin, Newcastle; the. service, several new! Approximately 70 students Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Brock and bers were received into Of Central Collegiate Institute famly,_M. and Mrs. Donald. congregation. From the' spent Monday aftennoon tour- nunicants' Chass, on pro- xng three anea dairy farms. n ai Faith, Barbare One af thein stops was at in, Bevenly Brown, Susan Wcrcroft, whene Mn. Harold vn, Bruce Dale, Bannie Werry conducted thcm on a r, Gaya le Na, Wndy aorafne bacnrnctihn trth SHs Dnns a lovMer, Wend tor of ted barnn. Te npw was 7Stilcs. Mn. and Mrs. Roy the course ai study which the jungman and Mrs. Alan students, members ai Grades is wene receîvcd on Cen- XI and XIII are covering this ai o Transfer. ycar iu Geagraphy. SHi V P P IN ( recciving the new mcm- of particular intenest ta the TRev. Winniired Bridges studeuts was the bulk milk a paraphrase ai thc cooler tank, wherc up ta haîf les Cnecd which hed been a tan ai milk is coolcd toaa ared by members ai the temperatune ai 36 degrees rxunicents' Class for the farenheit within ten to 15 on. minutes ai campletion ai milk- ,eSacrement ai Infant ing the herd ai 46 Haîsteins. is will be administened They were surprised ta lean Sunday, Octaber 9th. that an average ai anc ton of nts wishing ta have child- milk, approximatcly 800 quarts baptized at this time are is produced daily at Wercroft. 1ta contact Rev. Bridges Aiter leaving the Werry iarm, in as passible. the students continued ta it 2 ai the U.C.W. is Heber Down's farma at Brook- soring a social cvening in lin and ou ta the Reid farm Lower Hall ou Saturday,let Ashburn. October î5th et 7:30 p.m. Mr.s. Rodgen Bisbop will show pic- turcs ai a tnip ta the West Coast, down thnaugh Caifar- nia and back through the U.S. Au open invitatian is extcnd- cd ta ahi ta attend. The Octaber meeting ai Unit 1 has been cencelled. The group will hold their Novem- ber meeting as usuel. A ncw yauth graup, the Messengers, for boys aud girls six ta eight yeers ai age wil commence on Wcducsday, 5th at 4 p.m. in the lawer hall. Mrs. Lamne Tregunne and Mrs. Roy Robinson have volunteer- cd as leaders for this group. Redecorating? Let the Arboritelnterior Decorata Guide ho your guide to decorating magicl AMY m wA S CENTRE BABY BONUS DRAW! Baby Bonus Choque et any 0shaw& Centre Store imy wne eee 5.0k and deposit lni ballot box at the et ofpurchose attached-winner re- is et tihe Shopping Centre or reportsl ho receives $200.00. ELAIT THURSDAY "H AT 7:15 P.M. kt The PPING CENTRE -m Heres an easy solution to those inevitable colour scheme problems that go with redecorating. Its the new Arborite Interior Decorator Guide that lets you try out your colour schemes - bel ore you spend any nioney. ftlelts you colour co-ordinate fabrics, tiles, paint or wallpaper... and Rt helps you choose the rlght Arborite woodgraln, marble, pattern design, or solld colour for the cupboards, countertops, paneling and fumniture that go with them. Colou your home beautiful wlth the maglo of Arborite decoratlvé Iaminte . .. and the hep of the Arborite Interior Decorator Guide. It wiIl b.e t your local building supply dealers any day now. See him and arrange to borrow it. It's a service of the Arborite Company. ~~~DECORATvE Ille Affiottbco~m homp OMYR le a cenri su tM .,t 0 Cash youra Shopping Ce " Fileut award contact .ntry blal flag polo. (No purchase noess<i " If ballot jes tamped er e preaf clves $100.00. " If persan whose nome e sdrawn le within 10 minutes etftthe draw f DRAW IS ON THE 0F EACH MONTI Shop A OSHAWA SHOI THEUE ARTERE»BANKS SEAIWNG YOu -15 1 . s~u O a4 Reynolds and famlly, Mr.'4d Mrs. Wm. Couch, ail of Toron. ta; Mrs. Claence Ginn, Burke- ton; Mn. and Mms. John Rose- boom, Ida; Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Brock, Mn. and Mms. George Satterley and family, Cobourg*,~ Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Moone, Part Hope; Mr. and Mns. Gen- ald Stinson and family, Osha- wa. Cuc o e heUnited Church Women# met in the Sunday School hall on Mauday night witn Mrs. Carl Porteous presiding and 15 members present. Mrs. T. J. Jackson conduct- cd the worship service of hymns, prayers, scipture les- son and meditation based on the 65th Psalm. It was planned to hold a Christmas tee and bazear with Mrs. Thomas Jcnniugs and Mrs. Earl Wcatherilt appoint. cd as conveners. Members were asked for contributions for a bale af uscd clothing which wil ha packed the end ai this manth for mission work. Mrs. William Piercy, assist- ed by Mrs. Herb Coppins, led the Bible study, discussing ini bni some ai the study boak iar the yean, "The Church and The World"', followcd by a question and anhwer period., Mrs. Earl McQuald conduct- cd two contests. Mrs. William Piercy led in a hymu-sing. Lunch was scrvcd by Mrs. Thomas Jennings and membens [of ber graup.

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