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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 14

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14 YI~e Canadian Statemman, Eowmanville, Oct. 1!, 1960 .8 ~UI _ aumoe DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Birthis Articles for Sale Livestock For Sale For'Rent Room and Boaird Realsae o al el Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sal Real Estate or TINDALE-Ralph and Jean 500 BALES hay, alsa straw. 100, YEAR-old White Leghorn FIVE-roamn home, hot water BOOM and board available. J. SXRO mi (nut Stacey) thank Gail for Call 623-7088. 41-1w hens. Phone 263-2675. 41-1 heating, sun porch. 623,2234. Cail 623-5512. 41-1 New 3 Bedrooni PlrKum rm o ae hrhad thet Mie arrivai of a son, Pau! ATjËkforisale and delivered TWO- 0Sufokrm esi __41-1 PBrick r. Pontypôoolmonïïpave ihaEdadSresNwate James, an Saturday, October Call Ciff Pethick 263-2131 Cochrane, Phone 263-8457. 'ONE bedroomn heated apar-t- SNated toBuy 4P BungaieTle aw REALTOR 25d mildes rmOhwa o Poe98-7594 Sth, 1986, nt Peel Memorial__ 32-tf --LEH-Nea-ldhesment in Newcastle; ground - -p.CealTleBand GENERAL aNUR Nd Cdwte.S,00-$.00CC Hospital, Brampton. 41-1* - YSsaes i15,0xelet pLy ElG N er le ns.rkeifloor. Phone 623-3845. 44LIIE poultry, old feather Mahoany Trm 5 KngStSWURwAN Cile down. Apply Box2,Mco.bidn osi e _ _ _ _ _ _ _s k ates ,s. M . Fatxc eR .Rn t1, B eth - CElg inB uFîe ,C aur k e - , ---- - - - -St. W .cB o wmM .vFî ea_ _ _ _ __R . 1 , BA pp-yCu s td i v i d e r a nab inntr M cariage condition. Phon 623-3257, ;ton, 986-4477. 41-11ONE-bedroomn apartment, re- an . Phone 7 r 13 collect. Divided Basement 623-2453Watr P rnd , teeh e anc - JA ES Mr a dCHEVIOT. rains, aIl ages *ie ratoPh oe;5 n85 owmn-f -28-tf F uIl P rice $15,500.0 O Hme W ith bIncore! $If95. o u ll D w 6-2 4.qî JENINS- JMESMr.andWA9ER or aleaddlvered.1breeding stock. Sides of beefvlle.Phoe 25-576 4-fJUICE apples, at compeitiDowit Payment, open t.e ffers Stately 2-storey home with I o ulf Mrs. William James, Pointe 12 hour service. Caîl 623-5756.150c lb. Phone 263-2655. 41-1i HEArED 1 - bedroom apt., prices; picked up at mpet inv Ciariae, ofQue., r aug her. ___ _____ 29-tfiW Wlhpais1boe t ely decorated; 75 manthly. jbulk. Phone collect, Welcomne For further Information self-onaiedaiartment in New three and fo1 bdom~E Hete rnt r erneOVAL Quebec heater, gond ride and drive, alsa buggy, ýKowal Real Estate, 623-2453. 1753-2246. 39-3* petg oain we a oefaulgHIyodGA EL 4111__ Cail 623-2970 speiît considerable money on kitchens, pleture bo ah PileahrI r eni tao ofMr erance condition, burns coal or w od. Isleigh and harness. Telephone, 41-1X 7± 41-tf major improvements. Lovelyjoins, storms - d srens jt a Mrs. Sydney Jenkins ai *Baie Cal 6-216 - _1263-2246. -- 41-1 IIVE-room h-ated apartmet,., oris.vafted lot with numnerous trees. Gar- built In range aioenpu DUeQeSpebr1tBOYS' skates, sizes 4 and 5- STOCKER cattle frs »elsuitable for couple, available[DYcarA.-en--m w L. IÂooe y. age. Let the rent help pay many more exlpensv xrs Llllf 1966, in Cedar Park United gilsfgre skates, size, 2. calves and yearlings, orderNov. st Phone 623-5984. _1homie. Phone 263-8419. 41-1 REALESTTE ND ah$1 me0. Riegod tcrsi H. th astO walctin 2334 Church, R'. .L onPho'nef623-.5424.__41-1_w. Telphone -wtanvll- -_ 41-FREE pickup of hausehold dis- RELNSRTANDCute and Cozyl rlte!sesin officiating. _41-1f BAB Y c rib a nd m attress7and 1786 -2972. _ _ _ 40-4 IHOUSE, 7 r - ndbt,(3- als.Poe62-26 ISRNImmediate o a newply en;3-ped rcod 10 ETR god uait-berm ra omssae bths ralsioPhneNo37v6.Camfortablye 2 bedroom I PhoeC Death nwplayr Nreco 97-66.rd10eTrAand Duhambstck roornplyS. Psession ov.40-tf Bowmanville - 36 Liberty N. bungalow, centrally lacated 3bdOr achAE.bna. ALHI-A-Mniri i o- -.-- __ - _41-1 Icalves; l12 xear-old stocker 623-3396. --41-1 PickiMn, eayoulrfreezer. 623-7264 Has full aeetand gar- 2-14o Pital, Bowmanvillc, on Str SOME furnace ducts, variau tes j efrs aeWe-MDR1aatethaePhone Newcastle 987-4353. Spag ndLvey oand adn NIEhrwodtruhot1ag BOWMANVOIL.LEt- CGercghASpiciandn Span., Vacant.ving-Sliving4 raomofeaturrgs acant.urn- dayaOc. ,O166,Heenil19646,ranfitinsefr Mumilleresd 4"ctil9h. eogei.tIfrgnad soforlrgeliingStret 4 edrons, arg lt.tiedat posesio. AkinoGsFFNsisiirenac, inig rom age 72 years, beloved wîfe of Phone Hampton 263-2126. McGowan, Phone 778-2231raom; aduits only. Apply at -3tlEverything in nice condition. $11,800. Goo ersaaial uiu rct George Aichin; dear mother ___ 41-1 lHavelock. 41-1* Statesman office. 40-tf GET ready for fail and winterlPriced ta sei at $14,900 - DC'JT ttl"X'Tri mrab eaon oomwit proiects. Have your sax\'s Terms. Prestige Bungalow! .LL.U L rgrgapetes on ai Rager Roy Aichin and OàNE bed-ch-esterfield,-beige; PROVEN Purebred Polled APARTMENT-One bedroomn sharpened now. F. Crawe, 102 i BOWMANVILLE - 31 Bcd- Located in an area of fine REAL ESTA3 ened T ispc June ('Mrs. Austin Stephens). anc Axminster rug 9x12, like IHerefard bull. Sire Elmica lapartmcnt in Bowmianville.lElgîîi St., Bowmanville. 41 1* I ____s n orhsetin Rested at the Morris Funeral new. Phone 987-4871 after 5. eet Rollo, Dam - Bar VC lImniediate possession. Phone lroam brick, central. Garage. ne0oe nnrhscin.~BhGro 2-31o Chapl, owmnvile, ntii -- fa, qietwithher4onB1WARollo'1s1Rolo's riuph.Progny fl 23-540nftc6623-741-1 A. A R S $13000 Lo daw1-am1nA.,48 s. fet iveLouclowGnyLEBLNC 63-875 'ruedaynoo, ten t te frmquie wih hrd n -BOWANVLLE- 3Bcd: large roams. Features include: Arsdar non , hea t tH e KE YS et automatically, while iPasture. Apply R. G. Wolfe, THREE-bedroom a partmentIr T gJACKbicMenra.'Srge RD., Estatebil-i T p-Re l Oshawa, for service on Wed- you wait, at MeMullen BreonH8-44. 4-2as1patetscniting u big&L rooi rikcetrl.Gaan Realo Sale MustnbeSold. Tw .Anstrng FunralHoe, are 3 Kig S. ., owmn--447 bdtas Rt *th 0fPlumbing iea Ing ovply lot. $14,000. Termns pnsoe i p t nesday morning. Intkeonment6 ___3_Stone .lstrs andsens, it 147 Kin. hmegn 2ars fln ___________ c-siti ing6 in S.E. Bwmn----------Yrooi,kitchen and 35 Nelson Si.Bowmanville 1oe tr it ri tesHtrwer ________________62__504. 4HAPT ON AREA-10 Acres the Prpery culdbe iviof Mount Lawn Cemetery 41I ville. Pet g. aie bshs,$19it,8o0tbed0ap.itN.b CO IE SK , anel C tires, 7.35-15. Two nearlv GERM AN Shepherd puppies, East,60b0d down FOUR Fîrestonenietlalij.-i BOWMNVILLtoEy osERNIE PERFECT-$1000dow. $7,271.00o s the ful price62-41"odsin-ClBiIGr (R.C.E.M.E.)-Suddenly, as the ýnew. Reasonable price. Phone Iblack and tan, ail white, $20. romI½soryhue large for a brand new 3 bcdroom d 623-331or23-85 rcslt f a acidnt n F1-162-373. 1.* Cil 23-22. ____ 411 lot with garage. Possessioni PLUMBING & HEATING NEWCASTLE AREA - 4 brick bungalow with built-irî Bowmanvfen i_____ ____-Ot 8 Cal Guy Leblanc, Phone 623-3540 Bedroom frame, bathroomn Tappan stove, stornis and West Beach Dne alI:cllg Coiesi i ..B. t H-heater, like new; hospital bed' as Sl elo,6376. 41P.O. Box 1599 ILake Ontario. Priccd ta scl sres ul iic flycupeakn daocoersk7of. 196, Dat. IîEnîM szedQuaerrpacfor Slbun--- - ---- 10, 1 oue nk; l-OPcOeramictd4ah. eplete.$Buye0s-vaîlabl bert, Que., in his 20th year, and mattress, Moffat electni '59g-dffË-- r sedan, -I THREE-bedroom brick u-7 Ontario St., Bowmanvillc at only $050with ternis, inrI-o ane 200dw o 40 Sarsi iabik5 bcloved son of Mr. and Mrs. tv.2322. 4 c t. -orsdn -glw arwyCecn.ýdul in;crmetld4 ah.iii Dominic Cobierski, dear broth- s__e~26-55.-cl Reasonable. Telephone1 Possession November I st. A. - 4 NEWTONVILLE AREA - 6 picce bath; sodded front lawn.ý er of Susan, Patricia, Dennis, NOW IN-Good assortment ofj623-5510. _____441*1L. Hooey, Real Estate and In- r *rn> rancr style bungalow on Truly reniarkable value.We rties aî owfr euA* Ne Woen, ol lndl-S P13TA K 12 ce igo an.Gr aeohrsa lgtyherî2Are ih6 omhosP E rvel el sa iBarbara, Michael and Robert, New oolWool ooaransBlensIl52Ç0-in ternational su rance, 623-7264. 41-1 PUMPING1a1,.àaeo d ad.ric averice ts double geý 2Aresrnî rbui8Diiioht, ora6i ail oi R.R. 2, Bowmanvilie adryWo atnPi truck in very good condition, APRTMNT.for oons nd diat 1,0. ie. to icome Propertiearage, 900 Rested at the Northcutt anâ in Cotton, Chiffon, Silk, Wool, ,52* Cl 623-5068. 41-1 f orrom n sl t 1,0. ens service at door.Asngpie'2-31 Smith Funcral Home. Requiem FeIt. Squares, at' Gaodbrand $5254 Cail _üe_ Sprt412 bath, partially furnished, if WHITEWASHI.NG STABLES ToIcm rpris$690 Mas, t.Joephs huchatFabries, 28 King St. W., Bow- 96CEVSueSpr2-j desired, separate entrance; BER TO PKIS Bradley - 623-3560 on King Street O t_ 4- 10ccok usamanville. 41- 3 door harditop. First class con- adults only. Availabeiemi-Ke A. Caverly- 263-2632 Investigate the tremendaus Ro aS.Oeya.l ti rn elEil 10 'coc, uesay Otoer _ __ _-- dition Joe Fett, 27 Centre, mediatly. Phne 623-35991. Phone Newtonville 786-2552 Lawrence C. W hite - 623-215g returns n these blocks. lt level home with bui i tv llth. Interment Bowmanviiîe ONE Morris piano, gond con-,Street. 41-1* 38-tf___ Cali Coliect 41-tf _______________will astaund you. We have aili and aven, wa-ouùtasrnt Cemctery. 41-1 Idition; anc vanity dresser and S- 53....ILu f ~LTrTTFparticulars.Caitaywkb LITF - - matching chest of drawer3;1pIckuFURNISHED basement apart- FRA-iNK BRI1NK !__ __ __extra family roarnn ay MITCHELL, Eva L.---At Me-ilanc cofice table with glass, stake piatform, racks andment in Newcastle. Young $NElageb0ckan tDihoe n bss.l Snack 1284 mrîthî, PcT.2 maorial Hospital, Bowrnanville, single bcd with spring and heIcerspîg.P oe preferred. Apply Kari hound, in Darlington Town- bar with repair garage and gas 62-39 on Fiday, October 7th, 1966, mattress. 49 Qucen St., tele- 1623-7276. 4-1Weyrich, Newcastle, Saturday I . TNIhp upae.Tlehn up.Loae nbsl ecsl r Eva Sinclair in her 83rd year, prone 623-3273. 4141119-66 CHEV.hfto ic-paiternoon, Sunday, or ci EP26AK3hpd- pae.2392.'iha. akitati 'a ih rai g-eor bc ov d if a he la e re - O R D E R N O W - C ustom nade ltruck , F leetside, posi-traction O shaw a 728-9801. 41-2 __ ___ __ ___ __ _ l vel 3 a cd r e.u n R aAEsa erick J. Mitchell, dear niother Drapes frani aur many sampies axie. radio, 2tn paint MOHERpt4oro263apartmen, _________ Evenings, eal: wth$1,500 dlown. of themptonF. Ken-th Mith- of pitd and latnnityTneand$garage.plyAs3ing $5,St.0ODFRNe4rAppralsaîsne-tA24yti * ell.. Rcstcd at the Northcutt Dralon, Fibreglass, etc. Free E., Oshawa. aSt 4tf porevinvn EPRENE anifre iyAit ce e ant Sm t un r l Home. Estinates at the store or taken XIr D vso Sr es I m dae r î ystrey h use w th g Funeral service was hcld at in arhm.GdbndNtc tCedos possession. F r e c parking. A N - RO0 farm. M. H. Pedweil. Phone P* Kowal, Jr. 623-2865 arn and gragnwMrgg Mne viai j ni- 987-4331. _ _ __ _ _ 41-1* 2 - 8 8 at afrn c, a ge , 10 o'c'Iock, Monday, October Fabrics, 2 King St. W., Baw- Ap--Sms a!;sFod, 1raj.ntersCEKI-- __ 41-1 'living roomn. Askin$2,0 eCa IMt. Interment Little Britaîn manvilce 41-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 14 Division St., Bawmanviile. I ENIGwonian, twicc a - withilow dlown paymet oI IISiFs Cemetery. 41-1 Olymp-aAND OTHERS _____-____.40-41 1 and Decorators month.' Phone aiter 5,, John F. De With er Buidin2loHiagNccasîe AUTHORIZED B u r r a u g h s, in the Estate aif 'A SHELL Canada Service 27 Elgin St - Bow~manvillel REG2 TER592. fr ChrstiasBow Hqiegyosak a MiOYSE-,At Torontn onSat- OypaDealer. Cash Reg-1 ROSE HOCKIN SatanonHgha_11.E- IPhne63-07_tc b__gpic wrk1Hf R E lAL EvillE 14Fan tD.Ony$50do.picdfai$,0.N urday, October 8th, 1966,,istens, Addcrs, Typcwritens,! Al persans having cdaims 'ceilent location, goad galion- jle 14Fran St yf r , be iv d usband of w kly. N a noney dlow n. N ew , H ockin, late of the V illage of age . M oderate financing neces- 3 -f Lt998-5 2 r no 0 2AP oc63- 9 0rsc ste o s ri ed a $ ,5 0 N o r a n M . M o s e a e d 9 0 F i e a b n e s , y o r h o c e $ a a i s t t h E t a e i a I e d i t e p o s s e s s io n . - -W A I T R E S S d a y o r e v e n i n g T R E N T O N , 7 0 a c r e f9 9 , Ac r e , x c e l e t b ego n dw a $5h i0 ma:bel Colacutt, Toronto; dean Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. Nexvcastle, Ontario, who died'sary. ni dsate 72.087. SPHALT PAVINGisit hr f'e co for ev- aîmost in tow. Modernmea, a6 wih oobrn 50x5,I 0 Wodd cre a ide father af Gardon and Bob, Biii Hamilton, Raglan, (North ion or about' the 28th day 411ofEAY AK grandiather ai Naran. Serv-ofOshawa). ___ 35-tf 'Marçh, 1966, are hereby noti- ~ ý TeleEWAS -anc t;ni short.order cOypakan.Mchn hamePon. 16 re osewti , £.0 on edneitecutyo ic *ýshl nteMri _ýf ied ta send particulars aifOURlage ---s-bah lnd Ail Work Guarantced Restaurant, Bawmanviile. Asking $26,500. Ternis. Cal large barngo lyIamnilfcn golfcors ice Wal Chel inothe mariseDINETTE suite, coanip e t e 41-OU392-3964. $100batdawnd onMnaya ocak I-'ît iufetbl,' censamne ta the undensigncd with-i laundny, apantment, New-, - Contact 4 1-1_92396. ___$100o o n_ _ __a y a n2i ycO n l y w t$ 5 . 9 00e t t a b e , 4 c h a i s ,d o w n.n tenentBoniavîIc ene efd -ettoeece- in thintl* days ai the 7th af 'castle, main faor electnieSEPFUL PREFERABLY experiènccd, TRENTON SOUTH, 143 nyl9.0 4saton ccvns $95 - October, 1966, aiter which heat and biyd:ro, lawn. Avail- ENtes ultm. ates cefrmwt odbid $19950; wainess, mil.te. Waitressracre fanywthngoodebuid-$1B5; L-1 27TPartlyFUEdLS acts teî-y. 41-1 pc aeosienlncv date the Estate will be dis- able immediately or Nov. lst. Phonevvi623-5410in es part-tume. Substantiai gra- ings. 9 Rorned home. Barn. i omanville, LiberyS.N etnil.$.0 ens ROESA h og us rswivel rockers, $16950;1tioe ihrgrsol aMitnTmln hn 6W _29-tf bourly, nicals included. Apply Ternis. Cali: 392-36.$1,000 cdown.1,0sq .uniihdoue ROG RS-A te odg N r ]rn s £ 29 : lo r am s, 'te d aims ai w h ai thenerDornoa41d*Cox, Coach and Four, COXVALE, 200 acre fa n M ap e Grve, larg lo on $ 80 -Te is rîeàday, Octoben l2th, 196,1$1495; table lamps, $4.95.,sianed tieectansha the n ï&ý osuit four adots- JA K U GEH 1ighway 115. Phone 546M2. wth 6 roorned home. Barn. No. 2 Hîgbway. Askig$.0 p8Ars yoe ihb Anna Blanche Rogers, in berIMurphy Furniture, King W.,havged eticathe ullnd er OUn L 7tfCos aClnndnLae sk it owdw pyen. Scncrolngndwt Plt ea, ie i helaeBowmnanville. Phone 623-3781.sindectrwilntbGoudforarmnt two OIL BURNERS - FURNCCEse ing a r 360 erdnike s. Cali: viw. $0.00 erni, g 91t ea, ie f hel4e1.1* hiable ta any persan ai whoselbedroanis, kitchen, living- CLEANEDSL RA STT n. Mon 392640. WeTernndis.10 AreCalit:s r ReV. W-.-P. Rogers. dean moth- _4-P-. aim it shah flot then have inaom and batbroom. Camn -PLUMBRALNG REPA.IRS M32-.64.WeL.S.o Ecluiv er of Raymnond. Ottawa. Rcst- rrxrrýnotice ' pletely funnished, dishes, wash- PUBGRPIS Ji nai' ags el 3ARSwt emdr ...o xi DATEDh Mri ueal T O ES hSeeertigneddi ee PHONE HAMPTON ton spccializing in Fanm, Va- brick bungalow. AIl modern 500coceSoc îc Chapel, Bawnianville. Service 5DTDa ecste2325 50 UP 1th day ai Octoben, 1966. lOwnem woold like ta nent ta 6-25 cation and Town Properties. canveniences. New ba mn. rayfrmne.Gae c in thc Chapel on Friday a t OHA1T Executan: !middle-aged an aid people N- expenience necessary. We Streami. Comnmuting distance jackcpst. Hus n an 2 'clock. Intenment Orono O H W William Jaseph Hockin, wbo would board bum for ne- Mail Addmss: will train yoo. Part or fulta Oshawa. Pniced ta seil. Cerrietery. 41-1 TV SUPPLY LTD. By: bis solicitors, duced ent. He has his owii p.o._Box_543_- Bowmanvilieltiim-e basis. Excellent coin- HORSE FARM, located on R I C A R1 200 ens Artilesfor ale Taunon d. E Osawa Lovekin & Stubington pivate bedroani. Garage, miso arrangement. Open- paved road. 9 Roamed home.1 LdRatr cletqoa odbidns BauntnisteErshaw Solîcitor garden. 263-2204. ____Mounjoyings in the Newcastle, Kendal Barn. 3 Ponds. Al affers Bawnanihl aRa.$5000 Stun' ut as o ltonRod Box 9 iand -Onono ameas. For ap- iconsidcred. C a i11: ThoasI-Tens 1-f41-3- IRENCHES - DRAINS Mr. Omar Chishoim VALUABLE PROPERTY6320 elntokfn ters ditian; $70.00 cash. Phone _____1-f -- - ----- For Fuller Brush Products, FOUNDATIONS AND R.R. No. 5. Belleville 193 acres, located close ta 2-5 263-2375 aftcr six. 41-11- ~ Tenders catdjaîl Elsie, Phone 723-0444. SEPTIC TANKS Telephone 962-7686 Oishawa. A-I buildings. Pres-.' an on ac ,*,o EUYJN G or seIling f urnitun-e i BLESE.FI'South Durhami, call Whitby Phione H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR ently operated as a dairy fan, $75.00 Per MontTn~ or appliances, cal Elnir, for our freezer, Inker 66-tf-6583. à 8-4 with Oshawa nilk cntract. an $2,0f0 or less d w o e ea reldnc 63265 D. .F.Mceni wllnti2't NIGHT SCHOOL cheque. $17.000yearly mlkthis centrally locatedbikggae.Mdmaatej HID 9e - FRONTS 49e BOWMANVILLE !be in bis office frorn Septern--------ACRES-tffunnace 3 neExbatht business.aAil f POTATOES-T our many j SDS5cl.ber 28 ta October 16, bath , ACKERMAN TEACHER hoe. arEStb 9 andooned btsnanhadfnedra t' I*'*.o'V.r&. home. Ba1 n, str7ealb.Oand pond. yard. Asking $11900.$ 000(o n cutmes-Weaesorry We Cut, wrapped and frazen oidtsncuve393 TO Located Port Pcrry area. Ask-'ISriesao, have nio potatoes this year.! No extra charge EX A AIN 1,60 . rsecite Hiope ta do better next ycar. , Dn1twPaeintringe anursday, October 27th at LOA'g - TENCHN TCchi Do' wse ormne o ODIG-ng CIG Tec Swn TmDonly, 95-26.Here's a modemn bicbo- Hueicdd. cdfr M. Mnte, Buketn. 4-2 at -Buygoo prie seerbef ontrctos n., 80 Hoisteins, complete g Sand, G reWnCT TmTDonnil 98- and M. Mantel Burketon 41 Gra2veftTop SouonandrmTOsADULTSef35onACRESs located Deastsal pluawO withText5nasRsuchocaseTVasquickalsale.t566,000.s ATTENTION! Apples -Tolman JWe can supply a iawer grade yLdgDipnaplsFilDelivered Nwate aig41H -aravnta ln Bwes ota S' iTANN COYS ieFO.y Eupela we RR.1 by -o ATdSEVIE One Night Per Week Nwaslfaig 0 igh.aravnta lns ln- wesCtannow, De- 1 of Beef at 5c ver lb. îess TAIN OSHOL OR y Equipentowed bY di, o2ý-orWA ERIEway,. Only $500 dûwn. înurn stonis. oil fuinc.4 lilo s, La ale nd cr b B O X VM A N V IL L E SEALED TENDERS will e skillen. Selling at the M R a a a l ae Apply ta 0 C ES E st a Newton- pce. bath. $15900., o p n a k -S h oh u e apls nn otesHaas, % mile North ai Tyrone. FRIGID LOCKER received until 3:00 p.rn. (E.D., Lot 25, Con. 7, Darling- pi B1ANIL MR. E. G. WITHERSPOON, an witb bushe, bunalnw.stre-!80.00 Per Moth -$.0don Township, being 8 miles a M Irnia Clarke Hlgh Sehool c asi n 250dw o hs3 41-1 T.) ai~~~o Brooklin or 8 miles m B1E V ~ rn i a, P a e1 C E L T . W a'c, e r o o e n a n xr uli g fricre USg- w-asber -part-s, m atons,! Y T MlV d cdy O tbrl2h l96 h west of Bowmanville. 80 u PLIJMBING & HEATING J w a t e 8 - 8 2 170ltsCREn a 1 ares, asy S h o. Fre i lre lt P ny ol I o Bat.Thor and Crosley POE6357 o h It o n xeir~.75 regîstcred, froni Unît E SALES & SERVICE e.U ase ea9744 1 c Pried gfrom$100 anresfonace, TV acnial witrtr,$00- apobancs, natonally advcn ____- __.4tf Painting of the kitchen and S- vaccinated, classiied, T 24-HOUR ah Predfo $530 nd tc Asig 120. appba lne sof n ton . all y _ _ __ _ _ _ _ in n ro nni building, Train- .A . testd. M any G old w Qi Dn - Scal]:iohomee tied un a f mntu e. Pa dy s Eq Df Equipm ent: Special: 6- injg School for Boys, Bow- " i n rn0S e v ce_ËA N E .CT A GL: Oic e L -Pi ret. ak ig $. 0.2,00 awn Market, Hampton, 263-2241. ilwgowthue 'ipodcr. 0mlkdWrqlr cuo ndltri at ak Trd0eUbnLiigvcre lt ilcnenecs cd;- ith r ck wol. W n wagInte . 4 D traconu Ier. D 'o tan d n Caî T m D nn lly 98 726 . 3-b dr oni bu gal w .a40cstl. ill co sid r es JUNIPERS. PFITZERS. FERTILIZE AS 'iOU NEED fest Prhs nwrtn akd mrgg UPeHOLSTERY623-3678,-8623-395D,'CourticeBOWMANVILLE' 1510acre d 4Bion ya rick rnh ugao. -argr te n d er u rc aj iN ewti L o c ationrt a jr ta r a 7 2 5 -8 0 8 0. 4 0-2 p rc e l w th stre a n i c e d 4 BeW e r o m r ico e a ee2 c r m c u at m o s ANOORRA, FOR ~~~~~are tn be forwmrded or delivered t. the underslgned until Corner King mnd Division Sts.---- -jseatitwnPrcdaWllaedfrierhmfrpac.MyetasExr H~~ETZE. eAN S'49FO tht 21qt day of Octoher, 1966 at 5 p.m. Poo6355 Cash on the si a ue teti ecsi.lrelt 3,0-ens nebes, e . S.1.49in te r X h e a t 2. A certified deposit cheque f 10% f the purchase p ice 5 5 7 -f f r D e d o r p o at a O T P R Y h e , A l o h s a o f r pay bletothe und rsgne l tr st hal a co pan eah toc . ick d u p ompiy branid new, brick bungalows bldg. lot which could sl Flowering Shrubs Plowdown effet and tht balance ef the purchaze price sahlb paid 0Fhalmdr ovnece.o ul n sig$ M W BAR ERRY B E SU R E F Telephone collet 263-2721 wth aI m em c n ni cs. o bu t o. A kng 1 ,9 0 Af r p m:i ,' t-' b _ 9e ad oagsencemt Hardwaod and tile floars. Prie- EASY Ternis. 18 uchs bmhy - <e a ~ ~ ora es 3. The closita date of tht m ie "&aIl b. en or before the Q U IC K STA RTS M Ctrgw ill Fur .arm e1d at around $18000. Terms. owmrd ode - Stee M I Wrtth SPIREA, Fer a Complete Fertiliser 15th d < et N v*»er,1 9 TYRONE Cail: Thomas Do n n l lruyod ,tce rokl 5. 3 ILte4ift - _------- 79 Pgrant - SoliiTesting - 41Cpe.e tT lHi EcrpteEada uveOf h lndLieceN. --fe 987-7264. 30 Acres oi moling woe hîmn 6371 4W I 1 i I. te 4 fi. 39Ç Col;Recommedatlons - Rulk 4 OI fte jl ecito n ure ftelnsiLiec o --6'and with two acrepod k! pYSCXLE, 3 te 4 M fI. Sc*reag and premisets belat offered fer aie and any furtiier Bring Your Car in for We Honor Any Bonus Card We List Photo M. L. 19. controlled spillway. Hasbi a e --*6337 an leS ampi. -. .CU8TM EEN»information are avallabie ai the office of thi. underaigned. Fali Check-up and Tune-up 1-t m xlsv stocked each year forpree ohn.*0355 a,,,. ~~~~ M "à TjgN 5. Irbehigiiest ir.p asOffb, te Pareha,.wilil met neeessarily Ail werk donc by licensd Deadstock Service oaiterHurs Cmli 23:61 fsiveyaswt pcke.J.Droki-.7358 C Eb . S» « Pte& * nech an es fllh est C ash P rIce . for D ead $oa d M u t o 2 - 6 4 A k n 13,500 - T E R . d t c u i u h . 7 3 7 4~ FR UJW. ATI>IislI1lo c Crlppled Farm Stock Thomnas Donnelly - 985-7264 Garnet RIflARD -62379 e rgr-*737S~ 38 Klmg Stres WegI. ~ BURRTT FUI FAIM Pyiile Mebbie - 423-7159 Milford McDONALD, 62-91Aj4Kem--7806 P lwcA ~ $1 0142' Box 7 Phone LongDistance lger Jorgenzen- 987-4491 j Deothy VI VIAN - 23238Byose Oon31 *. u-v. u&=, OKMUILOîKo. 85RigSt. W Bwnisnvlle Zenith 66550 (ne charge te yen>1'Lyle Maïen -. - 3964ffWI HAWKE - Orono 3WGeg etn- slemetois ftlb. *w4mgo.Phn m-5 et Anc ic o -C-65 Roe Davidsen -Bethany 30r2 Howard WIGHIT 62254jPt ~ ~ ~'.,. ~ 418 7 j3d*i41-11 11 .... ' 4-

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