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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 15

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ed there by the chn&den of île Canadian StatesnBw nvleOt,2,16 *CLASSIFIED ADSthe different classes, wo _________________________________________________________________own offering of fuit and popeddfo ulyt Com2ing Events In Memoriacm C;Rcds of Thanks .tUCtill bS to- yOUrE Road Au.stOrangeJohnenreed Dance at Enniskillen Cern-IjCOTTER-In .lov*a memory I wish te, thapik the neigh- The Durham Farmers An- matoes, potatoes, huge beets was efene cunse as Court manity HallSra, Oct.'of my dear husband Bruce bours and everyone who sent nual Fafl Feeders Sale wi .b n carrots, turnips, parsnips, sal .J aoeOI 22. 41-2 who passed away on October cards Dr. Ferguson and nurs- held at the Durham Con ns, "cuc<u(~mbers, vegetableHed n Bo m vilwadsmsdfloigln SocrClub Benefit 15, 1962. es on the thard floor durmng the Sales Arena on Monday, Nov. marrow, Swiss chard, apples, ed i Bo m n le Hl, ctbrThis month cornes with deep time I waa in hospital. Thank 7th, commencing at 1:30 p.m. pears, theY were all there, tytsioy 2* IBron's rçhestra. regret, you. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 41î ain it fclur ctober 11th, 1968 Iono was fnd $50 and Nigel Griffiths, Scarbo~ogKihMss 0 ats 41-2 It bringsa dyIwntee ebetLiho.4-backed by sheaves of corn, Oeo m.olead hibaa ie 41-2 day I won't ever Herbert Leighton.uch 4or1w.i.h tocosts, or three days, for driv- w as fined $20 and c st, o S2 an c ss, r ve d y Golen louh Ldge - forget; October 15, 1966, 1:30 p.m., soigruhfrwiht With Magistrate R. B. Bax- ing his metorcycle on Sep- five days, for failln erpr o aeesdiing Se1eb GolenPloghLo geCo- You were taken away without I would like te express selling 34 Registered Hereford be thankful. Two srnall boys ter presiding and E. C. Wild - tember 3rd while his license an accident to a policeoffcr bourg, Tea and Bazaar, Oct. goodbye, sincere thanks to many frîends, cows and stockers, property of g0 petaerly on Sunday mani acting for the Crown in s nion 1p osaleT .Yry 22, 2 -5 p.m. Admission 50c. But mernories of you will relatives and neighbors for Lewis J. Wood,R.R. 4, Bow- mrigt e rs rn~steasneo rw Attorney oral J. Wood said he laid the laid the charge aftEr en -41-2 neyer die. cards, gifts and visits during inanville, at the farm. David of maple and sumac te bring G.ý F. Bonnycastle, a> long list charge after checking the called te a local servicesain CntbeJScut, PP Long Sault Club 50 Turkey -Lovingly remembered by my long stay in Oshawa Gen- L. Cornish, auctioneer. Lunch autumn beauty into the' o! charges were heard. They vehicle for speeding. 1 to inspect a car badlydm hre r oe olwn Suppr, Novernber 5th. Watch your loving wife Florence and eral Hospital. served. 40.,2 church and trim the white included the ones which fol Dennis Tripp, Port Hope,' aged down the entire lf ie nacdn nterrpla for full details next week. Family. 41-la Mrs. Harold Muir. 41-1 pyramids on which the offer- low plus traffic tickets, PCV sfnd$5adcoto etdyM.Grfih di-igof iha 5t ih ___________41-1 ______ings were arranged. cases and family court. Many wfie ds$fo5cran a is t ied that heMrGifissdthr a ,i hc rc Newtovill U.CW. BzaarGRA]AM -In meory ! Th famly o thelateWEEKLY The choir sang two anthems others were remanded un til fturbace inr Newcnaste uly eingsth oni WaerlyRa rieloddwt rvl and Tea, Friday, October 281 John Daniel Graham, died Daniel Cobierski wish .toecx- LIVESTO CK SALES and Mr. Munroe's message was later dates. lt.CntbeJ cutadrnit re akkie n lpe vr at 3 p.m. Aduits 35c, chiîdrenjcoe 12, 1965. tend smncere thanks te family, at Durham ConntySaeAra based on the theme cf. Four Oshawa men appeared OPPteCostedatb tol e cutz,-anbkszek Soa r, .R3,PijRph uus erBrc Octo4-1'Hsber hnd are resting friend s and neighbors for Oreno - Every Thus., 7:30 p.m.Crsigot. for sentence. Lloyd and Roy cyclists rode slowly back and Hope, was fined $50 andc s tet saa lae o 25e. 41-1 'His busy hands Mr. and Mrs. Archie For Saunders, 835 Oxford Street, forth past his radar unit yell- or seven days, follewgco-uîttecrlsdrvn or Monstr Bino. Tursda Hiswr, nerhi oe kindness shown at the time cf Selllng Horses, Cattle. Swine, were away for a few days' Donald Wilkinson, 653 Shakes- ing and shouting insuits. 'The viction for carelessdrvnHihy2Jly2han - MntrBny.Tusa i oko at sdn;their bereavement of a dear Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid holiday during the week. Mrs. pae Aeu n nr te ot a ovceAgs 4h esal .A ea ossinc iur h. night at 8 o'clock, sponsored lus worries are al ever, sone> veu and brthr.411*& by the Sunnyside Park, Red His heavenly crown swn_____oals aagr 1-tf Jerry Houston cf Toronto Beaucage, 560 Tennyson Ave., some time ago on a similar x'ardy, OPP, laid the ca is hrewsdsîsda4- Sa ot h hw. 3 9t y F or a l us he ihi est , i 1 w ou îci like t e sincerely A uction sale f furn iture, se nt e d esdori a h e f Tr ho m e w ere c a rge, ud ly 2t h îth charge. follow ing an accident o î ~ h e o d b o g t a f n ~ Snt. a e a e An repeCu c am- Ma G d ra t lm et rn thank all relatives and friends antiques and farrn equipm ent, t shr Gohe Nicd iharsdcf Toronnkilli g a 4 0 poun stee,0thehere M r S 2 n ot r fv a for kte wasshomehfor teewweekend;beropertytcfeRalph Davey.rRicharddStrong, PoBtrpoo.,_wqye401 werear.horavY.. inoth Bake ale. pecia rest for indneses hown e whie te e hel at KndalOctobr Mr and rs. W. Barow-viidencn wasw eardhepte wasScnvictd-cf areles dri- trîdounsccesfullyte pas andthe lquor as cofiscaecL, Delicatessen and diet dishes, -Lovingly remernbered b in Memorial Hospital, especial- lSth, 1966. Stoves, TV, dish- clough o! Peterborough spentbe tan temter j ing September 2nd and fined another car when thepv- CntbeLR.aesOP- Frldy aferncn, ov. th. ife nd raha famly. ly thanking Drs. Hubbard and es, chairs, beds antique love Thanksgiving evening with journed for pre -s en te n ce $50 and costs, or seven days. nment was wet and h hreatra ci 41-1 41-1 prul Rev Harold Turner seat and chairs, binder mower, his parents; Mr. and Mrs. John reports. Each man was fined Constable G. Evans, OPP, said George Anderson, RR ,dn ntevlaeo etn Scuba Dv:ng Traininr. and Third Floor Staff. harrows and numerous other Robb of Osgoode, Mr. and Mrs. $100 and costs, or 15 days. The the accersectfie so p ghaythurkthon ascagedi wahMriees' cmecnNo.6by Osha- OMSO n loving re- Ethel Bell. 41-1* articles. Terms cash. -Deug- E. Karvonen, Meîody and gun used was confiscated' teitreto fHgwylt ihcneln nidc-esbud olddwt a wa Diving Club. For further membrance cf a wonderful ____'las L. Gower, auctioneer. Daniel of Scarborough; Mr.. 115 and 16A and ran into a able offense. He wasrpewneigHgwy2fo -. information Phone Bill Mitch- father and grandfather, Edwin41*an r.RHilKreEl Michael Joseph Howe, 90 1966 Ford causing $600 dam--sented by G. L. MudcIsdNsre.Be wsfudi~ e 62-25 _- 41-4 Ormiston who passed away We wish te thank our many 41-1' andrMrs.,R.HdhArtKarenaEarlage.Osa , hntec el 2-25 ----October 17, 1965. friends, relatives and neigh- Gnd Wendy cf Port Hope visit- QupenSre, ad tu alOh, wheh as a h frtcr Corne te St. John's Evening Hus memory is as dear today bours for the lovely flowers, Bedroom, living room and ed with E. Barrowclough's on Mape le Gov Rodwet reak Rbr aod Rdhw er etme t W.A. 2th Anniversary Tea. j As in the hour be passed cards and other atts of kind- kitchen furniture, electrical Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. H. ceargdul thwih r ak, Roet, Hpar ed rshat-whards pt e ber th Ti Caue anesR.2,P ClaTbe oeBaigýrr nr adtetfo e r e mnaprefosetwathoninoinMiheHoewscovcecfakn GiftTabe, ome akig,: away. ness shown us at the death cf appliances, dishes, glassware, Austin entertained the Fod1 nr n hf rmGog ence following bis hearing Howe and Arthur Hall. ai-a mrprîf uno h Gcoo ClthC go atudaynNo. 1e sffeedauchheeared7.d r bothriricGra.,tc.'thaprperyncdMr.son, uffrd amiiesan th Anersn, .R.2, urkto. Spteber2Ot ini hih h trte axtr dsmisedtheThid Cncesio o!Clake I2th, from 2 te 5 pro. 41-1* bis rest, Arthur, Frank, David Gray, ter Couch, sellhng on Satur- Jarvis famlly cf Cobourg on EvdnewshadS pedgit olevn h hrg u or Sýt. -Joh-n's-G-uildettes invite1 The Lord teck hlm for He Marion Marjerrisen. 41-1* day, Oct. 15 at 1 p.m., at bier Monday. ber 6th and the matter plenfade aguidnte Coavie- the cgout oi' u thtaptmbre hbCnvctn f________ c S. roo JmsWese o!Crltnadjourned for pre-sentence re- scene fa acdnt ovi-h eudhaehn hredhogt a fine cf $10nd and $850td etor you to "Canada's 99th Birth- kriew best. Trsidecshu rh St, Oond o. Jaes e b tawstefC treottin.rugta inwf 75ad itattmte etrton osso fvedysuCns-l day", Saturday, October 22,1-Pemnembered hy his family. Many thanks te al mv Trics; rpry sl.olld ege Otta a spent the pors ntencewasrgie 5U5rcosts, or 15 days. When asked Fred Reid, 1222 YorkRodG.EnsOPivtgae 2:30-4:30 in Parish Hall. 1 friends and relatives who serntLarned auie er 402JinPor Grabe.with bond set at $500 and one foat it had en taen a tte on care lea drîv no ut6h Aftcrnoon Tea and Bazaar iWALKER-In loving memory cards, flowers and gifts wbîle IRiacine.4- nPr rny term being net to associate in htby followng an acci- John reers d efeinscu n- temns. 4 1- 1 of a dear husband, Sidney, 1 was in Memorial Hospital. Aito aec eeals with Hall. Tbe latter was fined snete.slad Cntbe Mwt Beheïpassedceaada50-Oct.awil1957 nurses on Medical Floor petatoes, apples, home-made MORRISH $100 an cst, o odys On August llth Reginald OPP, the investigating ofcr INo mornin dawns, nonight NanaMairMeanburneMSwitzerakOrono, Ralph buBulpithliEastalBeachihelEa-tTBechcharge fhelchaedefanIacci- will be held Saturday even- Nt-onn ann îgtNn ar n e c utybkin, sglawdioi hlbdali a nkgvn eviewswsconvicted cf impaired ed bimself te Peter Simka's dent at the intersectinc Ing, October 15, Tyrone Hall. returns, Sincerely, tlb5st vewood hemselar- Thanksgivng S Otervice wascoerItad ie owcrEidnews er igwy3 adteJ But that I think cf you, Molly Maîrs. 41-i rew ad an$50e mscandldonSuda. ctben9hdrvn Oc olrs st nd orined cow ert. ideceweah drd hay 35CndictheonetileTISW KN Cfr Nesbitt's Orchestra; i________ hndar vrylaneous articles at Haydon at 10 a.m. in Morrish United$5adseedolrcOtrSpem r2tbThseeheserd.Cnitnbrgta evérybody *Thoe lft bhin1are1er Church Shed, this Saturday, Church, tbe Rev. Ian Munro seven days, wilh autematic was fined $25 and casts or five fine of $25 and $21 csto*DAL - ecm. - 41 geod, We wish te thank relatives, 'Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. Sponsered in charge. For a Thanksgiv- suspension cf license fer six days. five days. *WEL EËu-cbre card -p-arty,-Memorial' But none replaces you. friends and neighbors for by Çhurch Stewards. Clifford ing service the number pres- monthS. Ralph West, 321 St. Paul Ernest Schugardt, Pny OTL Park Club House, Liberty St. iMany a slent tear is shed, cards, fiowers and ail expres- Petbick, auctieneer. 41-1 ent was very smaîî. Constable T. Davis told the Street, W., St. Catharines, wasl South, Tuesday, October 18, When I arn ail alone; siens cf sympathy, during the Special hymns were sung court lie was called te an ac- convicted o! careless driving 8 p.m. Admission, 50c. doer !The one I loved se very much, loss of aur dear one, Reford Household effects from the for this occasion, also the an- cident on Wharf Road wbere August l6th and fined $50 andý GET CASHR TODATKeAOAL AE prize. Proceeds for Crippled' The one I called my owfl. Cameron. Special thanks te saeo h aeRwn te rsne yteJno he found the Switzer vebicle costs, or seven days. FOR OLD APPLIANCS M aD nl Children's School and Treat-l-Ever rernembered by wife Dr. Anfossi and Northcutt and 'Dansligb ulcac hir sitdb r.D a led te negetiate a turni Constable T. A. Yardy, OPP, truhFr ment Centre. 41-i Eih 11* Smith Funerai Home for ail tion on Wednesday, Oct. 26 Haines was aise in keeping and gene over an cmhank- stated that Mr. West explain-Sa s MONS ERBI GO RMARtheir kindness. adFmiy at 1:*30 p.m., at ber fermer witb Thanksgiving. ment. The driver admitted ed he was driving west on CLASSIFIEDSBO M NIL M N T RBN ORM RDoris Cameron aeienndDces t, rno heRv I unos tr having consumed four bottles Highway 401 and was adjust- STATESMAN 414ý* edroom, Dliving t., ro and or hlren waMros a tlito!o beer and six shots of liquoir. ing bis windew when he ran POE6323 'EHURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock kten fur ivnur TV and fogirl od reevdaew Rcrd alh Mrsittereear o!bou the car aea.Phone 623-3303 Sponsored by the Junior MEMORIALS ï would like te thank all ice ric V adgr wohdrcie nw Rcad Rlh Morsn noterero h aaed Chamber cf Commerce m erfinsi n rudeetia appliances, dishes, drawing hock and box o! JUBILEE PAVILION Dignified aad Distinctive mydarfied n n aon glassware, etc. Terms cash, crayons and in bier excitement ,M AI A~on,liments - Fiat Markers «0 manville who have been Jack Reid, auctioneer. 41-2 ran te tell ber grandmotber 0 - ---8-tf ln desigus for any need so kind te me since my dear ____ who was shocked te bear bier 152 Simce St. S., Oshawa wife passed away. I also Mr. Wilfred Wood, Lot 9, granddaugbter exclaim "Now NEW ORLEANS 1wsh te thank- Dr. Sylvester Con 3,' Clarke Twp., 2 miles I can be like God'! "Hush, r FIFTEEN DAY TOUR.. Memerial Hospital, Bowman- bis farm and will seil by pub- that, my dear". "Why not",WIS T H E T IM ET OB U ItD Escorted Office Eveninga ville; Rev. John Romeril and lic auction on Saturday, Oct. replied the littie girl, "God Ô - -s - VeýîS Morris Funeral Chapel or22a t 1 p.m., ail bis farm made ail the trees, flowers Eo.ventsc 3Dmn their kindness and considera- stock, hay, grain, impiements and birds beautiful and now i T H A P IlH_ _I For information' Woodview Community Centre tien ta me and my family. and some furniture. Included I tee can draw and colau HT M UHNEE -Monster B i n g o. Twenty Alfred H. Thomas. 41-i 1 ia this sale wil he 20 choice beautiful things witb my Phone 623-3265 games-twenty dollars; five Dean-We would like te Hereford and Durham stocker lovely colaured crayons".M COL ERgaîïes-thirty dollars; $150 thank all our many friends, steers. Ternis cash. No re- The theme o! the sermon jOM Rackpot, and two jackpots at relatives, neighbers, Rev. Basil serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. was "The Growing Years". As TR V LS R IE$5.Door p r i z e s. Next Long, Heather ekaLog 41-2* we grow there must he ne Monday, 8 p.m., Red BarnRbeaLog going back, we mature as we ________________ 40_-4s1 aa.46a nd Senior Citizens for their Fifty head o! Shorthorn grow-unless we grow there M Th-Ecesirs h oir,-- 4- exprssions o! sympathy and cattie, Percheron b or s es, is no life in us, we wither ITeAnnualsiFahl ort form- floral1 tributes receîved durîng s wi ne, poultry, furniture, away-we must go frwardM erly Rehaboth Choir, presents the lcss o! our. beloved fl1otb.. 4000 balles -hay, grain, straw, growinighi grà*ce, neyer lack lit Anua Fal oncrt"Then er. Tbanks aise te the Bar- Massey-Ferguson tractar and ing back-Gad made it se. 4Sings My Seul". Director: E. low Funeral Home, staff at the equipment the prcperty o! The service closed with M. McCoy; soicist: Miss Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Halstead Coatham and Son, hymn "IWe Plaugh the Fields Drygala, soprano; Oct. 22, 8:15 ville, and Dr. McKenzie for Lot 19, Co. 5, Clarke Twp., and Scatter the Good Seeds on p.m., Tow-n Hall, Bowmanville. their thought!ul services. 2 nîjies east cf Orona, selling the Ground" and the Bene Admission: adult $1, student The Dean Family. 41-1*wiotrseeon audyico.I' Ë-nsO________41- Oct. 29, commencing at 12 Sunday Scoai was held at Ennsklln U C WHot Tefmi !telt ih o'clock. Terms cash. Farm 11:15 a.m., Mrs. D. Haines con- A.~I~ Suppr, Wdnesay oas Mrsbal KnppRwshdt auctioneer. ducting. There was a very I I Nov. 2. Settings 5 p.m. - 6 hn hi many friends, od kRi, 41-3* gaod attendance o! 23. One MPr e t o C r gan v nur vv i. er p.m. - 7 p.m. Adults $1.75, relatives and neighbours and birthday was banaured, Kath-Strs B te Un e Co r SAVE!,!and under, 75c. Tickets avail- Street United Churcb, Oshia- and implements will be held ate yaung lady. ad able fnom Mrs. John Slemon, wa, for their kindness duing on the pnaperty o! Charles W. Mrs. Milton Bnimacombe in $and 263-2621, and Mrs. L. C. Stain- thein sad hereavement, and Dawney, Lots 4 and 5, Broken the absence cf Mns. Harold ton 263-2514. 41-1 the many floral tributes, cads Front cf Danlington Township, Osbarne acted as secretary Orono Artificiai Ice Fund Drs. Rundle and McKenzle, 1 % miles east o! Bowman- and treasuren. ThanksgivingS1 GL DacOrona Town nursesc Mmani al Heopial, ville. Implements andi fccd hymns werc sung, Mns. Helen HalHomaviTe aseMeonB sale, Saturday, October 22 McHolm as pianist. Sturday, Oct. 15. Dancing Park Club Hause for being s0 with 85 registened Jersey cows Mrs. M. J. Osborne, Mrs. D. from 8 te 12. Two bands - kind. sellîng by public auctian on Haines and Mrs. M. McHalm *GbeRo R OAST "The EIkose and a sevn- Hîlda V. Knapp and family. Monday, Oct. 24. Watch for were guests o! Miss M. Beck- *2 "Sudn 6 ete ping for ceBandi. Danc- ___4___________in this paper or sec sale ett andi sisten Mns. Mary Simp- *M"x4 td igfreveryone. Entire pro- bis. Both sae tant t 1 son a! Cooksville an MandaMy2 "Rfer n olrTe cbeedissfor ntificiaperIcern. Nursing Home a'clcck. Tenms cash. Jack- afternaon, Oct. 3rd. Sn * 210 lb. AsphaltSige 6 5Thank-a!fering and Tunkey LYNTONHURST MANOR bas eSOfi &RPctbick,a40-2 day it M. cea nd Suna-y*Oe cnmyDo Supper. K en da i Uni t e daccommodation fan ladies and 40-2___ Becketh r r. HM y* 9OxnSe E lO vehed ar Do vrayService, Sunday, Oct. Phone Orone 371W. 33-10* Thursday, October 27tb at Mrs. William McHalmi was with Hardware LEAN - MEATY Chrch Thank-affenng Anni- gentlmen.fReas.nabderates.Melvagee LADE RO et, 2:3 p.m. Guest speak- P ro a Stoney Lodge Dispersai plus MeHolm for Thanksgiving TW O L_ * 44" x 31" CottaeS erW do B A ER AST e16 HaCm R.paton . SpecA..muiB.D.. 80HoIsein, cmplte gesto!_n.1nd'Ms. ivlleAR GRachal Eteio Aplac SrieThe weathen man provideti________ I 62 -326 Appianc Ser ice a fine cnisp day anti the ladies c 41-2 Commercial and Domestie Of the U.C.W.. provideti a gooti BEHAYREM ENDER .. ido ~ i - bC W s H Refrigeratlon - Mllk Cooder, turkey suppen last Wednesday,Eeyn M ino, !R CR A I NO M CARWASHPhneBRT___________5th when about 300 Miss vlnMKno.f Manted! DirtyCarsl Days -people came te enjay bath. Montreai, Que., was home for RC A IN R O MRS. LUKE'S Crî Dy 623-5774 The ladies were assisteti by the weekend with ber mother, - SAWER Vhn Otbr 1 Ashby anti Mns. J. Fraser,adMnFrkPusk and COST 75e Per Waash1 ander Hardware Mrs. C. Dickinson. Absence Of daughtenFranie saiK andn J Man E EC RI garden flowers still fresh anti wth Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas I otor Sales thèse were usedti t deconate Jennings fan Thanksgiving. S cn ih cob W here M ac D onald AKERS suh e a s a hei. an of t iMn.f r obenat ii Toun toe o dN igt- c e r1 Jar 39C Time- 12- 5 p.m. MONUMENTS AND Sunday Scool room whee the spent the weekend' with Mr. 14-cL Spo- or - bUA LITY thpe r tal e ni d ow!t e A ei Wati g o t,7 :0 0 P.M . - C O U R T IC E S H O W R O O SAVE 16e Anglican young Peoples 'Music was provideti for aGueMssRobit rs I_ _ _41-1 ' ", eu& v . those who wa ited thei turn Charles Reynolds for Tha nkrs- .A ANNAV Tew castle r Uk \ ichs . >sab y r. n olgiving were Mr. indMrs. Sid- >a W admnto Cmbr- i, RO. LTD. a doorman, anti Leonarti Mns. E. W. Wade,,Tononto.Il faa PlayBadmntonin theei dners. Rae Tuford, RSULTS COUNT'f! P enD ie was carrier boy for the w hip - (inu lt a M em ber o f theC O T CEm a u mS O P I G E TE- Wed. &Fri. pdckawichn.maeCO M «W &re 17PJ..i SaodBrtes George Tufforti was in LUE 72&1617m 77Kn t .NewcSstle unaymrignt tIAiNïrrE» cbdrge o! Sunday Schooi on 1. 77 Km g St W. i Tow n H all m onum e uts carrieti on at a slight handi'A L P BowiavslleSTARTING OCTOBER 12 cap for tables were Ieft h UTPELSIIs vc Pho eposition erhi e ýdfrom the previous FIE E ELIVE Y Eve ycue elc1 318 DEuaim St. E,, Wldtb y ed esay in readineas for O h w a & D i Bt rict U I ~ U . * AW $30 tueti Mohawk 8-3552 The Thanksgving dcr-Rc sceB d* = TTEN M T ML I UMocA the Ui hrCh were plac- ________

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