Mm Caadlaa StaLtoman, Bowmanville, Oct. 12, 1966 Iwifl le a SpeIal JTunIo Par- - mers Service in Eldad churdi. JEveryone welome. Sunday, Oct. 3th, wUI be T... Iaptuom Sirnday and tiiose M nvers *w . Council wising to xeceive teSca -CI pment of Baptiani should con- yhe October meet- for the 1966-67 Wmnter Work C. Catto as SOOn as Possible. -cf the Manvers Township Program.- Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett, wus held on October A by-law was introduced Mr. andi Mrs. Wrn. Ashton, t rebr rsn mi ast aataize a Misses Marie Flett and Lois project lu observance anti Ashton, Messrs. Larry -Bracine Ibd R e wis McGill pre- commernoration of the Centeri- anti Donald Kellett attendeti nii uth ulsing, of an the Couroux anti Wilbur wed- Histonical Book, known as ding Friday evéning lu Hamxp- #Cmmunications were te- "The History of Manvers ton United Church and necep- g*ived, read and discussd Townsip". tion lu the Municipal Hall. ~lopment* Association with stting a speed imit of 25 the bide's attendants. P u report; 1966 June miles per our in a summer Mr.. and Mm. Arthur Moore ownshreprth a l- rscuotsb-iiio n a Ashton, Lois andi Ken, Mn. Townh2p145; O a poulA cgog.d by-law set the loca. anti Mrs. Lloyd Brooins and )ads Association re 1967 con- tion af the polling sub-tiisions Larry, Mr. sud Mrs. Chas. unt.o eevtos et fl avn onhp at atmi teddUcPs uicipal Ail airs te 1966-67 names the personnel t& look coe-Gotye wedd-ing on st- intr or Prgrm;Ontario aiten same. urtiay iu Ebenezer Unitedi jdro te list of unpaiti ac- The assessment roll was ne- ing ur hn e Suutiay Solo- unts to go on tax roll; Gold ceiveti from the Assesson, AhIrooas nAyShtoolan Xnias Trec Export Ca., te fred Johnston, in the amount Mon. LaisysBroms shtnmcd dm ce for records; Russell of $2,160,275.00 an wbich 1967 brs Laf hr r idai patty. en ou,,ey,,M.P. e Seaway Mot- taxes wilh be baseti. s16grvel truck and sev- Among the accounts ondeneti iMrs. WRn. Ashton anti Mrs. aa ccounts., paiti were: the Roati Account i Chas. Langinaiti aocompanieti 1 Aplcatonis to b. matie voucher No. 10 ln the amounts Mr. a.nd Mrs5. Gondon Burk- lra$5,000 maximum budget Of $13,688.20; Robent Brown hart of Oshawa ta attend the __________________-an(! Joseph Staples $4.00 each Terwilligar - Winters wetiting ~ fan fox bounty; A. B. Sisson, Saturtiay evening lu Centre c I1~ÂI fuel for Townsbip Hall $60.00; St. Unitedi Cbunch, Oshawa. UVidget Dow Charles Morton, dog control, On Saturday a u ero $6,30; Alfreti Johnston, on ac- Explorer girls gzathereti for a count for township assessor'S hike to Mr. Frank Pascoe's >uveniles 2-1 salary, $,000.00; Lewis Mc- woodis, accompanieti by thein 1 byCaterie Echer !Gil, ossDavitison, Alfredi leaders, Mrs. Ross Cryderman b1 Ctern tce Jobnston, $8.00 each for pick- and Mis. George Knox. The ~on Sauday evening theling jurons. Explorer meetings wiii begin 3owMîui1eJuvenjIes played! The next meeting of council Fiday, Octoben l4th, at 6:00 An exMhibition gamne helti November lst at p.m. la the church basement. eIe Bowrnville Midgets. . Mn. Elgin Taylor is spenti- SThe hard-fought game enti- ing a few tiays with bis dau- iascrof2t,1frthe gbter, Mrs. Robent Shenwin 9-dgets.rea2toifr e SOLINA anti chiltinen of Durham. We , Ro Web wa to scoeriare sorny ta hear that Rev. Wéith Vwo goals for the Midi-' lThe community was sad- Swi en ia n t e hsiab jets. Iu thc first perioti he deneti Tuesdav morning to ha peedyeov n e w cooreti with assists gOing tolihear o h tof M iss Mn.anti Mrs. rceylo Plowes andi Wilson. Iu thelIAuilda Hock aday at the Me- M antichltrwere unaylter decond peniod hle scoreti un- moial Hospital, Bowmanville. angu ith n . r Snan t ns aisted on a break.away. "Aunt May" as she was known BzueMotgoMe. ny. rs *The gaine was ritidiet with to rnany will be misseti as BuMn tgasoAmneBry.n penalties eapecially in the she was usually seen workilg vill. Cwas. Sulnay guest o ~nal period, with the Mitigets in ber garden anti tentiing Mn. anti Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees. *eeeiving thie rajorlty oÈ1hen dail y chones. Our sincene Mn. andi Mrs. Ernest Lai- thezn wlth two h-inute mis- 1 sympathy to Mn. anti Mrs. mr lcsok eeSna onducts anti a game mis-1 Emest Hockaday, Mns. Barry guests mdth Mr. anti Mus. =osxduct. iBrowes (Evelyn), Misse s Harvey Yellowlees anti fam- 4 The Mitigets hati a well-'Elleen anti Jean Hockaday. ily. Sunday evening callers balanced teani. Ia the third Mn. anti Mrs. Alex Potter with the Harvey Yellowlees erot the Juveniles really' visiteti with Mr. anti Mrs. wee m.ani rs uuwed tixeir strength. Thel rdElot saa Recent Walter Short anti Luther, ftmt line cf Peters, Sinmpson, visitons with Mn. anti M m.z Courtice, anti Mn. anti Mn. énd Homeniuk kept the pa Alex Potter were Mr. Jim Murray 'Vice anti famuÉly. 'tof their owu end. la a Patter anti Bobby, Salem, Mn. M.t Mr sGe.K x Pai barrage cf sixots ony one anti Mrs. Haroldi Potter, anti* family visiteti "Bircli t in. Ron Simpson scoreti Hamupton, anti Mn. anti Mn. Billa Lotige" at Wilberfonce ta pas from, AI Brown. Karl Potten. lslington. anti also visiteti witli Miss S)n1y the superb playing of A large congregation at- Helen Outram recently. Sun- TmuHayes, goal for Midi- tendeti the Faîl Thankoffening day visitors with the Ge. 1topptd titis fabulous Service on Sunday in Eltiad Knox famlly wene Mn. anti Une.~ Uniteti Church, with Rev. Mrs. F. Svetec anti family. It he tr selection onRmnOb n Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cir'der- The tliee tOXcharge, assisteti yMr. John man, Ellen anti Larny visiteti Wus: No. 1, Ron Webb, Mid- Knox.' The church was very with Mr, anti Mrs. Jackson fets; No. 21 Bon SiimPson, Ju- attractiveîy tiecoateti by the Wray, saa .~rnil; N. , Dug aye, .G..T.girs.The choir sang Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, goalforMidgts.two selections, "Rejoice" and Mn. anti Mns. Barry Cowling Couic out and ch.eer the "Sing to the Lord of Hanvest.'1 antiJhM.dryWlh bosson a vctay eerySat Mn C.Ross Stainton wil Salemn, Miss Mary Lou Flynn, iurday eVening freux 7 to il ha the guest speaker on Oct. Oshawa, were Suntiay dinner êt the Bo'wianvRie Arcua. 16th, Laymen5s Sunday, anti guestswt n niMs o <i2o gine pe nilit lutheeveiii at7:30 there Baker anti famuly. Miss Helen Baker, Mn. anti Mns. Tom Ba- ker anti Catherine visiteti Mn. SEE IHE ., anti Mrs Maurice Baker, Ux- Pl #rA 7 S bridge. Mn. Ken Knox, Kemptville, Mn. and Mvrs. Grant Down anti A R famlly, Sunderland, Mr. Ro- bent Kerr of Acton were Sun- day guests with Mn. anti Mns. John Knox anti- fanily. Miss Ida Arnot, Mrs. Jee 4TH ANNUAL PORT HOPE - COBOURG Chester, Oshawa, visited with MsNWttea antifamily. anti Linda wene Suntiay tea guests with Mn. anti Mns. A. À%UTO SHOWYoungmaa anti family, Ty- rone. Mnr.and Mns. Lloyd Broomne IAIC 14 15 -1 a. 0 PIaflteD Mied Fnitiay evening OCTOBER - ~o l, .-.n. the Pascoe anti Goyne wetiding x-heansal. PETER CAMPBELL ARENA - WARDST Guestsa with Mn. anti Mis. A. Moone wene Miss Ada Pas- coe, Port Credit, Mn. anti Mrs. PORT HOPE Archie Keibli, Oshawa. Mn. anti Mrs. R on ald AAI.. Broome anti Kelly, Bowman- Ail The Popular M aftes ville, Miss Lois Ashton were BLACK'eS Ç/ridcaicSalon 72 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA Why do so many happy brides buy in our store? Where else do ' they find such superlative personalized Servce .- Where else do they sSe such a varied breathtaking collection? Where'else do their attendants' dreses coordinate s0 magnificently? Cone In and see for yourself! Br"da (owns- $60 to $200 I Relive Farming in Early Days Forrest Dilling of the Bowmanville Museum Board, left, shows how a pioneer device for sowing seed broadcast by hand was worn with a hanness over the shoulders, and Mr. Earl Osborne, Churcli Street, Bowmanville, who farmed for many years on Con- cession Street East, examines with interest a sieve used in early days for winnowing grain. The seed box is one of a number of interesting articles on loan: from Mr. andi Mrs. Francis Jose, R.R. 3, Newcastle,: andi the sieve is one of an equally intereÉting collection, from Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Clarke on the fanm next' east of the Jose's. The sieve for sepanating the chaff from the grain is adjustable in size, and beaus the name of R. W. James, Agent, Bowmanville. Y E LV E R T O NA questionnaire to bel ai with their bare limbs point- answened was handed out con- ing pointlessly to the heav- This community bas dis- distant with the cooperation cerning what changes may belens as in an attitude of be- played more activity than of adjacent land owners in expected in the farming in-1 lated supplication. In this usual this week prior to ourithe matter of trespass. Ultimn- dustry between now and 19801aura of. breathtaking beauty annual Thanksgiving turkey 'ately it is the intention to to assist the Dept. of Econom- in whichi we are temponarily supper. Along with the cus- have an indoors "little boys" îcs and Development in their engulfed we submerge in a tomary prepanations the Board and "littie girls" roomn and crystal bail gazing. cloud of painless unneality of Stewards of the White an additional beating unit to . The date of the annual meet- devoid of mundane considena- Chunch have sanctioned the warm up the "deep freeze"- ing was set for Tbursday, tion for the nonse - a fairy- connection of a permanent! the Church Hall. On Friday Nov. 24, 7 p.m., to be held in tale twilight zone from which water suppiy from the com- the plastic pipe was laid foi,- Cavan village with a fowl we too soon shall be shaken munity well, some 500-600 feet lowing excavation of a trench, dinner to be served by U.C.W. back to grim neality as fromn the f inst step in the path of of Cavan. Guest speaker, it a lovely dream. ~~yp pnogness. 15 hoped, to be one dealingYeero4- BL C ST C On Tuesciay evening, Oct 4 *wth a timely topic of a Cen- evro4- teUC.W met at the home tennial nature. On Oct. 7th from 4:30 - 8::30 WihVcePeien r.tfhe RyRbnsnwt In the full agenda was in- the Yelverton Vegeta-belles Perey Van Camp presiding, Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Vice- elded the naming of dele- held their third meeting at the Women's Institute opened President, chairing the meet- gates and alternates to the the home of Mrs. Page. We their meeting ln the Con- ing. Mn. Hanold Stobbart con- annual O.F.A. meeting in opened with the pledge fol- munity Hall Wednesday after- vened the devotional. Five Tononto early in November. lowed by roll cail and sec- noon, October Sth. by singingivisitons wene welcomed by This week, the arboreal retany's report read by Pamela the Ode and repeatin.g thelpresident, with 21 membens splendoi' on the "His of Man- Stinson. The collection was Coliect. Nestleton Institutelanswening the roll cal vers" has reached its cnown- taken. Norma Wilson was in ha'd been invited and a goodl Minutes of preceding meet- ing glory- the prettlest in charge of the business section. numnber attended, also three ing were read by Se'y Mns. yeans. This majestic hanidi- Pamela Stinson, Barbara Wil- ladies fno~m Shirley and some Arthur Rowan. Treasurer's ne- lwonk of nature cannot but son made cauliflower-carrot non-members f r omi Black- port was given by Mrs. Bal- appeal to even the most un- Islaw; Carol Stacey made Cab stock, and ail were pleased to four Moore. Flower and fruit sensitive clod - the flaining bage casserole. Ann Wilsonl have Mms. Gilbert Marlow of report also was presented. cimion of the maples and the made baked potatoes, Norma Brookiin back for an alter- Business of course - the sumacs blended in such pic- Wilson made white sauce. 1 noon. A beatty welcomne was forthcoming suppen. The next turesque harmny with the After discussing dinner1 extended to ail. meeting place was accepted by contrasting. greens of both menus, cooking potatoes, etc., Mrs. Kenneth Saimell.s, group the in,0'tation of Mrs. Bert deciduous and the deeper, we ate the food. Miss Wray,i leader, preskled for the pro- Gibson of Blackstock. Lunch danker shades of the conifens, our home economist, was pres- gramn. The roll cail, Menior- concluded the meeting, serv- gîves a pot-pourri of coloun ent at this meeting and told ies of an old country store, ed by Mns. Ray Robinson and no artist could even hope to us about Achievernent Day was well answered and sev- Mrs. Art Rowan. emulate. Even those fonlorn and ouxr pnoject for '67. The eral humorous. episodes ne- Manvers nesidents will no elms, victims af "the bug" fail meeting was closed. called Mrs. Sameils gave the doubt be pleased to hean that , Current Events, and the mot- the new Central Public Sehool to, Life is like a ladder, every is one step neaner with tend- stop is either up or down, was ens for samne to close the lat- nesponded to by Mrs. 'Ray ter part of Octoben. Progress Bradbunn l a real intenesting had been slowed by the un- and thoughtful manner. certainty of an adequate water Following some community supplyý which bas now been singing, the leader introduced assured, at a depth of 409 feet the guest speaker, Mrs. Con- (only). J. William Ridpath neil of Toronto, who 1S a of Lindsay and Peterborough, great-niece of the late Colonel bas been chosen as anchitect. George K. Blackstock, after Durham Fjederation News whom our village was na'med. On Thursday evening the The theme for the meeting second fali meeting of Dur- was Histonicai Reseanch and ham Federation of Agnicul- Mrs. Connell h'ad certainîy ture Directons was held with done a great deal of research a good attendance at the Board and toki us of the Blackstock Room at 14 Frank St. in Bow-I families fnom as fan back as mn a n viii1 e. Mn. Lawrence 1816 when tbey came to Caxi- Staples, Vice-President, chair- ada from Ineiand. Those were ed the meeting in the absence ancestors of Colonel George. of the President, Dalton Don-* Ail Voroughly enjoyed Mns neil, who was up visitin~g the IH Connell's address and she bad Eskimos at New Liskeard or E a rnost interesting manner theneabout. aud broujgt in several hum- Business included a st onous episodes. month's minutes. Considerable M Ater the thanks had been discussion centered on the dis- W e o u p r tew r expressed, Mrs. Van Camp astrous side-effects of the ~ hnyusp ottew r conducted the business period strike at Canada Packens on for the Blind, you support a realistic which included the neading of the farm economy. B3r mid- the resalutions and voting on August 11/2 million dollars had tion, Residential Care and Researc] them. Mns. Ralph Larmer te- been estimated as lost ta the poted on the 4-H Club. fanm community because of Following the singing of this stnike on hogs aloie-the The Queen a bountiful lunch pnice of hogs consistently $2 H l u si h lc was served and a social visit above both Chicago and Win- IH l u si h lc enjye. us Anhu Hladnipeg markets in past months provided in our own area. Rememb( president «f Nestieton Insti- m sud tel nped anuhadre ne-i es. uha tute, expressed their thanks. Nma in a thilaeel. ho Another enjoyable evening iN in ng m afflie wit ith o ura aespntiheetDuhm was spent i>y a large sypah wthethn h in the Recreation Cnr i-labour movement on the man- day niht, ~ Centr Fna-ement of this packing bouse daynigt, hèstime in honor aguty tedrcor fDr of Mn. and Mns. Camern o ýhin dusrtein etn f r-t H OM N IL ter (nee Carol Rahrn). Mixercise teir rlee oF]E BO MNfIL wth a brie ani rom toinvited the inresponsible attitudes of ADVISORY 1 te ideadgom decor- i-oth gnoups in negotiating a atdseats on the platform,1 settlernent. Any attempt by andi calleti on the following prornoters to pnetend that1 prograin: Piano solo, Marie labour leaders are concennied! Is condug Van Camp; readin.g, 1Wa over the farmers' welfare willý Eveny Husbanti Ought .oJ fear fali on very deaf eansý Know" by Linda Venning; in the futur e by any but thel solo, "Always" by Mrs. Har- most gullible of agicultural- i old McLaughlin, accompanieti ists. by Mrs. L. Thompson; read-1 As a resuit of this eanlien. ing, " 'Twas a Success' by d.discussion-, thene spawneda LTC Grade 5, namrelv Manie Vanmeetings andi the provincial Camp, Susan Thompson, Ca-I organization requesting OFA thy Gunten, Janis Dorrellh.4andt t demanti a more nesponsiblei Debbie Swain, sangt"Thelattitude on the part of or F O R ,F Clock,'; Cheryl Wrîght neat i Provincial Government in deal-, "To Canol fnom Cameron" andf ing with stnikes of such or Haroldi Wright reciteti "Toi nature that jeopandize the in- Caneron fnom Canal"; Eliza- corne of innocent third parties beth Thornpson reati "I Do, with compulsony arbitration, I Wi11, I Have"; an amusing1 pneceded by negotiations pnion! skit was presenteti by Judy té contnact termination. Cochrane, Floyd Kyte, BeU Bruce Taylor, our memberMN DY Thompson and Linda Ven- to O.F.A. gave a resuine of MNA ning maeril coere atrecent At this point the M.C. ex. meetings, dwehg particularly tended the goot i wlhes of on a bief toi goverrnent pen- thier friands and neghltors taining ta expropriationpo pie .wth a pole lamp, a vac- as to much needed changes som .ene ihapco-edemd eoreddosI G V EI K I D L . uun cleaner and several mis- that those affecteti would h cellaneous gLt. Bath COIro at least as wçll off as thy and Caineron ýexisetheir were. before (nat aiways the, If the volunteer C.N.I.B. canvasser n I Rereoition Neweb There will be a referees' scored the other touchdown. and coaches' hockey rules cli- Childreu sAttivitie ic onr Wednesday, October l9thOl IintUn and 2Mt at the Lions Centre, Starting on October 15th at Beech Avenue, at 7 pan. The 9:30 to 11 on Saturday morn- clinic will be conducted by ings, oi painting classes la Mr. Bill Morrison, formerly1 of the 'Rose Room of the&ons the 'National Hockey League Centre, for boys md refereeing staff. This clinic ofgeadu. fe is open toaial who wish $30tor2 eks n learn the rules of hockey. sr* fos i r s20 ee., tVa n-s In the Recreation Depart-stctessMr..VnNet ment Minor Girls Softball Cbi1dien's Dramatics league the Coronation defeat- Children's Dramnatics wIll ed the Slaght & Cooke teamn start on Saturday, Oct. 15th by a 13 to 5 count. The top in- the auditorium of the Pub. performers for Coronation lic Library on Temperance were Joan Perfect, Shirley Street. Beginners' Dra Morris, Brenda Harris, and from 9 arn. ta 10:30 ii!d Joye Ross. For the losing Advanced Drama wlth one Slaght & Cooke club they were year s experience from il a.rn. Karen Connelly, Darla Nichol- to 12:30 p.m. Fee $3.00 for son, Darlene Rowe and Evan- 20 weeks. Instructress, Mrs. geline Merkley. B. Kitney. Touch Football Swlmming Claimes In the first game the B.T.S. Start on Monday, October defetedtheflu Bob- 7th ât the Ontario Training boys eetdteBu ob School for Boys Pool. ers by a 13 to 12 score. The Po:64 o72 a. touchdowns for the Bombers Pol6:5t 725pn were scored by Mike Marshall. Learn to Swim; 7:25 to 8:15- In the second game tîie Bronze and Royal Life; 8:.15 Argos defeated the Roughrid- to .8:55 - Intermediate a n d ers by a 37 to 13 score. The Seniors; 8:55 to 9:45--Ment; point-getters for the Argos 9:45 to 10:25-Beginners and were Dave Colwell with two 'Juniors. touchdowns, Ranidy Donoghue- Gym: 6:45 toa'7:25 pin.- three touchdowns and a single i Bronze and Royal Lffe; 7:25 while John Morris scored one to 8:15 -Intermediate and touchdown. For the Rough- Seniors; 8:15 to 8:55-Mernt; niders it was Jerome Billett 8:55 to 9:45-Beginners and one touchdown and kicked a Juniors; 9:45 to 10:25-Extra single point, and Dan Nowlan'ATtificial Respiration. TYRONE 1,Mrs. Percy Phillips. Essex-, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowe bMrs. G. McCoy, Mrs. H. Powv- and farnily, Bowmanville, ehl, Mrs. N. Leach, Bowmnan- were Thanksgiving dinner ville, were guests last week at guests, Saturday evening or the home of Mn. and Mns. A. Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodley and -Youngmnan.. iMr. C. W. Woodley. Jim Youngnîan, Kemptville Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodley an-d .Agnicultunal School, and Allan family visited ber parents Youngman of Queen's Uni- and Mrs. R. D. Hodgii .vensity, Kingston, spent the Aurora, for Thanksgiin8i- .weekend at thein home. Sun- day. day guests of the Youngman's Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evans, ,were Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie and Linda, Miss Pearl Leach, Webb, Miss Mary Lou Milîson, Solina; Mrs. N. Leach, Bow- Toronto Mns. Allen Moffatt, ,manville, and Michael Wolnik, Bowmanville; Mr.' and Mrs. .Hampton. Ed. Milîson, Orono, attended .Mr. and Mrs. D. Southwell the Goble-Milîson wedding and cbildren visited her Satunday in Tyrone United mother Mrs. G. Heayn, Prince Churcb and were also guests Albert, on Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. 1Mr. and Mrs. Irwin South- Mrs. Florence Scott visited well, Oshawa, were Monday Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowman- guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. ville. Southwell. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley, ;Miss Betty Newton, Toron- Foxboro; Mrs. W. J. Bradd, to, spent the Thanksgiving Oshawa, visited Mrs. Russell weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Virtue and called on several Neil Newton. friends on Monday. 1Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Glas- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore, pell attended the Pascoe - Paull and Grace, Mrs. V. E. Goyne wedding at Ebenezen Milîson wene Sunday dinner United Church oil Satunday. guests of Mn. and Mrs. A. E Congratulations, Loran. Moffatt, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. E. Deeley Mt. and Mrs. Jon Moore, visl'ted Mn. and Mrs. M. Mc- Oshawa, were supper guests, Cuish, Cookstown. Monday of his parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harm- and Mrs. Leon. Moore. er visited at Sparrow Lake on'1 The Tyros are holding a Satunday and Sunday ati.paper drive this Friday night Georgian Bay. and Saturday morning. Kind- Ernest Harnier of Tninity ly have your papers tled fe. College, Port Hope, spent cure. Monday at bis home. Cojngratulations to Leslie Mrs. Percy McCoy spent the Goble nd Marie Milison who long weekend with her daugh- lwere marnied on Saturday ter, Mn. and Mrfs. Jim Wood- Oct. 8th in Tyrone Uniteý THE IL D LP THEMSELVES of the Canadian National Institute progrcam of Rehabilitation, Recrea- :h. p ýer, *we need $4500 for services **. monies raised in West - WEST DURHAM COMMITTEE' icting its ýMPAIGN UNDS.. i OCT. l.7th misses you, donate by mail; srid to Montreal, Bowmanville, Ontatrio. NSITTEFOR THE BLIN A.9 m