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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 1

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HeavyTbanksgiving, Traffïc VOLUME 112 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1966 15#, Per Copy NUMBER4 Cdn. Club Speaker Ex Seven Days Host Stresses Importance 0f Speech Freedom Patrick Watson, formerly of me was the lack of free speech. "Thi Hor Hs SvenDays",There were no outiets for dis- entitled bis addî ess ge t1sent'" Mr. Watson said. Heý the Canadian Club of est added that while there wereý Durham on Wednesday even- some impi ovements, many! ing, Speaking of the Un ýpeople particularly the more speakable. He emphasized theI intelligent and educated, verc importance of freedom of lupset and restless as a resuitI speech and the public s need of Communîst regulations of accurate information. They deplored the ban on The meeting was held ini travel and the inhibition of Trinity United Church Schoolicontact with visitors from thet rooms. President Russell Best, Western world. he explained. who presided, introduced Mr., "When 1i questîoned my Watson. guide, a member of the Com- The social health of a munist Party, on this, he said: nation varies ln inverse ratio 'We have machinery for com- to the size of the inventory plaints. We deal with this of subjeets which cannot be privately at congresses from taked about, Mr. Watson stat- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ed. "Now, the number of topis which cannot be meln- Blndi. I as tioned is climbing rapi(dyb fl (nV C social health is diminishing atl such a rate that this could be'k a threat ta the free world,"' " x M n a On Monday afternoon and evening, the westboundhe claimed. ' e t M n a e of Highway 401 was a so]icl mass of traffieý "When 1 was ln China onei rigbc nt h iyafe h as oia fiof the things that depressedý Next Monday afternoon ing ackinto th cit afer he lst olidy o1 1and eVveing, October l7th, *le season. This picture was taken toward the easti VISITING HERE the Canadian National Insti- about 8 p.m. from the Waverley Road bridge and. I ei tute for the Blind's Blitz ý4rs Jaes CcilSnovrej Campaigu to- raise fuuds to shows the solid mass of cars as far as the 'eye can, (Gertie), Wli-isk, Ont. (Hud- I assist the blind in this area see. Amazingly enough, there appears to be room for 1 son Bay) is visitinîg her 'fa-~ will be heid in Bowman- one or two cars in the north lane, buLi this gap pro bab-1 ther, Mr. H1arry Allin,, Edsall ville ly was filled up rapidly. It was one of the heaviest Avenu e. Also vîsiting is an-I This bouse to bouse eau- weekndsfortrafie bu forunaelvonî nie .othýerudaughter, Mrs. Maurie: vass will be conducted by dents werereported,_with no fatalities in this acc-Prco (alo)o Bok the Bowmanvilie-West Dur- il ae.ville. b ain Advisory Committee to Reai Est ut e-Agent 0f fers New $300 Scholarship ForAgrîculturci Students 1A.-O. Dalryînple. Ag-ricuI- ac _' mic year. tural Representative foir the T ýhe 300 scholaishîp will be Beware cfOntario Department of Ar-pi to the student's account' cultre nd oodat1owran- hrugh the registrar at the 'i ville, today announced an ad- ,University when the student g - ditional agricultural scholar-jhas successfully completed at F ast -Ta lking "1 9 1ship for young men in Dur-!Iléast one semester or terrm atý ham County. Mr. Dairympleithe university, and is ta lej M asalsm n eetiat a:300schlarshipiusedf'orboard apituio. IWalter Frank of W. Frank representatives of the Durham The Bawmauville Ontario Real Estate Limited with the County 4-H Agricultural Club ~olce Detachment bas scholarship ta be offered ta a Leaders Association and stat- *I'id Bowmanville and Durham County boy taking ed ut that tinie that he wish- vaarea resideuts to further studies in agriculture ed to make some type of an- oear f fast talklng lat any recognizcd Canadian nual sdholarship that would magazine salesmen working jUniversity lu the 1966-67 (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ln thse area. Police Cpi. J. A. Wood said) thé salesmen are golng from door to door advislug people that by purchaslug subscriptions they will be1 belpiug bhe sehools lu their arca. ,% 70-year-old Blackstoek ma' n %vas fast-talked Into inaklng a dowu paymeut of $45 for three-year subserip- tir -s to three magazines. 'Mter calllug the Bov-1 J 11e Provincial Police ~~#hment, police were he to retrieve the money which had been paid by el'r'iue. Corporal Wood said the operation bordered ou fraud and warned area résidents, especlaliy older People, te, beware of the salesmen. He said the gronp had recently Juvaded the Peterborough area where local police placed an advertisement in the uewspaper warning resi- dets Kinsmen Will Attend md - ~ - - de the CNIB. The campaigu for the CNIB lu surrounding districts wiii start on Mou- day and continues for two weeks. There are 26 bllnd people lu this area ranging from four re.irs old to 80. This number lucludes one uni- versity student. People who suifer fromn slight handicaps are helped lu varions ways lucluding physical aids snch as talkiug book machines, etc., re-education, and occu- pational guidance. The CNIB. is also carry- ing out a blindness preveîî- tion program, and is educat- ing the public regardin.g the limitations, horizons, and abilities of the bllnd. If a volunteer canvasser misses auyoie; -be'mydou ate by mail to James Bell, CNIB Treasurer, Bank of Montreal, Bowmauvllle. C. G. Hilborn, District Filid Secretary for the CNIB will speak ou CKLB Radio ou Thursday afteruoon, Oct. 1Sth at 3:15 o'clock, and on CHEX Television, Channel 12, ou Thursday eveuiug at 9:30 and Suuday at 9 p.m. ,u[isxr ictoirerence L~inJury's Announce Kne rmalprso Representing thic National Ex- ntq e S l October 21-22 for the ann1a (National Tresurr). 'Prize W inners During the past year more' Fa11 Council conference of than two-thirds of the esti- Last week Jury & ILvell clubs within flhc district. This mated $350,000 for the Kins- Rexalti store held a very suc- year the conference will be men Anniversary Projeot, an ces'sful "Antique Sale" and held in The Carougel Inn, institute lu Toronto ta help manager Fred Tippîns an- Oshawa. Ontario.1 in training those who help tlic nounces these prize wiîrners: Among the many topies tai1 mentally retarded, 'vas raised Mî's. M a r il1 y ni Hutchinson, corne under discussion will le'by the Kinsmnen and Kànettes Yardley Lavender gift set; tIc formulation of the poli- clubs throughout the Asso- Mrs. WSm. Dounoukos, Nox-ý cie-s adopted at the 1966 Na- ciation. Ways and means of zema giit set; Mrs. M. Knapp, tional Convention held iin cornpleting the fund raising J. & J. baby gift set; Mrs. G. Fort William. August 24-27. by the clubs will also be dis- E. Mann, Noxzema gift set; Governor Jim Poulous mill i ussed.i Mrs. D. Cox. Ctirity baby gift ho ln charge of the busine.ýsi Attending tIc conferencel set, aIl of Bowînanvifle; Miss sessions and will be assisted! from the Kinsmen Club of Darlene West. J. & J. baby fr' members cof tIc district1 Bowmanville will, le Presî-1glit set, Orono. Numerous executive and tIc deputy' dent Ralph Whyte and Pasf otheci-gits were gîven out governors fron thfe six zones,_President Bill KiIpatrick. daily during this sale. Unusual Cheerleaders Add Zest to Haif Time Show lugli-Btaplg, bsuncy maie cheerleaders wlth The group indluded, froni left ta rlght, Paul Parker, que ciotunes took over dwring the girls football John McGuirk, George )Saunders, Don Jamieson, me et hafftisne on Thursday at thie Uigh SchtoI Terry Nichols, Brian B~n, Ian McQuarrie and Don tue, They put on quite a display of strutting and Taylor... 00*&t broeg hoemAroý th. ls»>gê Cro On Friday evening about 6 o'clock, this large barn owned by Mvr. and Mrs. Robert Guthrie, Lamb's Road, burned to the ground in a spectacular blaze that caused several minor accidents on High- .vay 401 as holiday drivers slowed to watch the flames. Consumed in the blaze, in addition to the large building about 160' x 30', were 180 pigs, feed, grain, straw and hay owned by Jack Brown, plus iplements owned by Terry Price and some chickens and other items owned by Mr. Guthrie. The estimated damage was over $20,- fAieces WIN AGAIN - Bowmanville High School Senior football squad won again yesterday defeating Ajax 34 to 0 at Pickering. Tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon they will meet Courtice High on the BHS campus for the deciding game. If they win, they will enter the COSSA playoff s. Better let those new cheerleaders loose again. If they don't confuse the opposition, nothing will. SERVICE - About 2 or 3 o'clock Monday morn- ing, a couple of youngsters were having some fun on the street outside Jury & Loveil's. One fel or was.pLshe-d against, the large plate, glass winiclaw-.- on the'south side and it went crash, with a bang that was heard ail along King St. The lad was cut but not seriously. Police awoke Jury's Man- ager Fred Tippins who was soon on the scene. Hie aroused Manager Paul Andrus of Beaver Lumber who brought up some piywood sheets that they soon had instaiied. We would bet the oniy ones wide awake were the kids who started it ail - and the police of course. t i - t + GIANTS - Each week The Statesman continues to receive freak vegetabies of ail kinds. This week, uniess the note we have is in error, a giant multiple carrot was brought in by Charles Disley of Mearns Avenue. It appeared to be five or six carrots ini one. * a. t DIRECT - Manager Jack Lowry of the Bell Telephone advises that on Thursday at 5 p.m. there wiii be a special ceremony in Oshawa to mark the placing of the first officiai cali on Direct Distance Dialing. Civic and other dignitaries, prob- ably including the Statesman's undignified Editor, will be on hand for this auspicious event. PLUGGED Last Saturday morning, a sewer plugged in the Victor Manor building next door to The Statesman over which we have jurisdic- tion. There were about two inches of water and muck in the celiar when plumber Tony Baars and the rubber-booted Editor proceeded to attempt unplugging the drain with one of those lengthy wire affairs they use. While this was going on, we had two young spectators, chiidren of one of the tenants. They sat on the ceilar steps, not minding the stench at all, singing in their loudest voices, "Jesus, Loves Me." We needed the moral support but our language wasn't quite on such a high plane. PRIZES - Mr. and Mrs. Murray Griffin, R.R. 6, have been doing weli with their three-year-old Palomino at the fail fairs. In the saddle ciass, they won a second at Lindsay Fair, a first at Beaverton and a second at Markhani. In the English saddle ciass, they took a third at Mark- ham and fourth in the parade class. Mrs. Griffin does the riding. t t t t t UNDERWAY - Work has begun on the St. Mary's Cernent Company's plant south of Highway 401. Giant earth moyens have been in action for several days, clearing the site for the building to be erected. Canvass and Tag Day Nets Fund Over $800 For Centennial Use Appre<iation of the fine tion toftic Centennia Projeet work of tbe Bc>wmanville Fund. Proceeds front the la- High School students who cal Kinsmen and Kinettes, undertook a Tag Day for the volunteer endeavors In their Centennial Project F'und, and bouse ta bouse Blitz Canvess of the successful bouse toa auounted to $585. This can- bouse Blitz Canvass carrled cass covered the town with out by mnibers orf, the. Bow- the exception orf that portion mnville Kinemen and Kin- north of the C.P.R. tracks. A ette Clubs, was exprçued ta- Blitz Canvam will le held In day by Councilior, Ken N4càs that kirea lu the near future Cairman of the Centennal by the North Ward Park As- Finance Cognsnttee. soclation under the direction Bowmnvile IgIsctolt i A H.Sturrock, Mr. Nicks 000. Fortunateiy, the wind was blowing from the west and kept the fire away from their brick home. While no definite cause bas been established, it is believed children playing with matches ini the area may have been responsibie. Bowmanviile fîremen were at the scene for several hours, but the blaze wvas out of control before they arrived, minutes after the alarm was received. According ta neighbors, the newer section of -the barn was constructed with 1timbers from the old grain elevators at the lake. Centennial Chaïrman Explains 1Full Details of Project Plans At Kickoff Meeting in Town Hal i iThe audience aitne Publici roll, rflythîn andi blues band. AI' meeting of the Bowmanville Centennial Commnittee Chair- ~cci lent Centennial Committce held man H. oprwlme j recently lu the Town Hall everyone, and. said that the Rodiounu d-uyeda wondcr- purpose of temeeting was te p This was given by the Bow- cipation by ail the community manville Legion Gîce Club,J. the. activities of the coni; Two Lindsay mnen -Were ùrz' thëe-ownanville Ladies Trio, mittee for the Centenni! jured lu a two car cOl]1510l the Halos, western melodies, Project and celebrations. at tihe corner of the New and the Syndicate, rock and (TURN TO PAGE TWO> County Road and thic Taunton Road on Saturday evening at nàne o'clock. The drivers of these two cars wcre John M Michael J. Tooley Wadley, Oshawa. l John McMurrrow, who sus- ins Fe is i taîned a back injury, was Area Ambulance to Meniorial Princeton, NJ. - Micohael theological statements may Hosital. He received emer- James Tooley of Bownianville, have cognitive significance gency treatment there andi Ontario, Canada, is winner of1 and validity. then was transferred by the a Dissertation FeIljo w s hi pl Mr. Tooley is a Ph.D. cari- same ambulance ta the Osh~. froSe the Woodrow WTlsn didate in . Philosophy at awa General. Hospital. National Feiiowship Founda-' Princeton. He received his His brother, William Mc- tionl. B.A. from the University oi Murrow, a passenger, receiv- &'Theological Stateinents and, Toronto in 1964. ed treatrnent in the Out- Cognitive Significance" is the' Woodrow Wil.%on Disserta- P.atient Department for minor tentative title for Mr. Tooley 'stI fou Fellowsliips are awarded injuries. ',Constable J oy nt,idissertation. This topic isafter a jury oî specialists ira <TURN TO PAGE TWO) namely .ta show in. what A7ayj <TURN TO PAGE TWO> KiIled Coming Home for Holiday On Fxiday, Craitsxnan Daniel A. J. Cobiershi, 19-year-old soti of Ab. and Mn., Dominie Cobierski, R.R. 2; was killed In Huntingdoný, Qe we i *t cycle collided with a car. Mie waï riding from, atb~ bis home for the Tha1kspging holiday. On Tuesdey n ~ with a mllitar funeral. Photo shows Bugler Boy Last Post andËev;eille at the gaveaide. nuet à~h joIn.4 Un urmv* two #a )nu yu= ffls a v Spectacular $20,000 Barn Fire Slows Holiday Highway Traffic a il- Oits and

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