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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 3

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eover last Monday to attend1 The Canadian Stat aBw;vle c.1,16 Exchîange Vows in Trinity United Church Setting Was St. George s Anglican thefuneral of er siter. Weneda aLaten em -, b~ers of the U.C.W. executvumeeW dd n I me inthe Sunday Schonl' 1hall ta plan the various com-' mittees for the annual bazaar. Mrs. C. Robinson and Mrs M. Morris of Orono, spentf ~Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.i Wm. Stapleton. Thursday afternoon some1 nineteen ladies from Newton- ville W. L. were entertained bythe Bowmanvllle branch, alorig with a group from Ken- inteSalvation Army hl.Following the business meeting, the visitors helped supplv the program consist. ing of Mrs. Gartshore's talk on "Buttons" and Mrs. J. Cas- well's vocal solo l'Il Get y accompanied by Mrs. F. Gil-'! mer. Kendal's contributions were1ý several recitations by Mrs.I G .Cathcart and a resume' of their village history, comrpil- ed and read by Miss K. Stew- art. Lunch and a social hall hour brought this enjoyable afternoon meeting to a close. MIrs. M. Samis and Mrs. Fos- ter expressing our apprecia- tion. e Names of those attendingl S~ fromn Newtonville were: Mrsi1 M.ND J. Adams, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. J. Caswell, Miss I. Mllin, Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mrs. G. Gibson, Mrs. F. Gilmer, Mrs. I~~ ~ T. Henderson, Mrs. M. Gart- ' ho re, Mrs.M, oeMs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melville Swinburne, who are shown in the above photo, McC.lones, Mrs. G.aca, chose Saturday afternoon, August 27, 1966, at 2 o'clock for their marriage in St.'r Mrs. W. Milligan, Mr~ George's Anglican Church, Oshawa. Formerly Miss Margaret Irene Ewart, the W.Paeden, Mrs. M. aiis M -. <~ bride is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph Ewart, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Ewart and H rm r.A ae r R, C.White, Mrs. Quinnev the groom is the son of Mrs. Jack McNulty of Bowmanville and Mr. Frank rda eeng th frs SwnunDo ii.carci party of the faîl seasnn N. was held in conmmunity hall, chiffon over panel. A satin i À with seven tables i play, andl bed ihfront bow, high- R'ecefly v ,varrieu ines s olows: high lady ljghted the waistline. They,1i - BrendasHndronfo ~h wore matching bow head-, man-Peter Henderson. Lucrn pieces with floral accent andi iDas-aeIlcJcc veiling, and they carried Sae n rizBuhn' noegys of white and blue MVr. and Mrs. Harold Best ~. tinted 'mums. and boys were Saturday sup- 1 Mr. and MrsJmsT Maero aeson i S Mr. Donald Swinburne, Don .. per guests with Mr. and Mrs.teaoepoofloigtermrig nAlSit I Milîs, was best man, and ush- Don Vinkle.On. ering were Mr. Gil Graham, ... Miss Dorothy Elit was Roman CatholicCucetahry nStr le..~ - Oshawa, and M r. Richard ~~ ~ home from Waethfr e d y u u t 2 96 h r d s h o m r M s Ewart of Ajax, brother of the hâliday weekend, as was also' Leslie Claire Cunrhadu teofM.nd rs brMisDianeKimbalfrom 'lTor- Carl CunninghamSrtry nih rdgomi .-The recaption was held at l~- onnto and Mr, Bart Ton from, the son of Mr. adMs hmsMsesn omn ~ ~ a- :.y - - S t. G eorge's P arish H a l,!L ke eld . vi e where the bride's mother re- .natvlllo ducit e with matching lace coat and1 -~ ~ Rev. H. E. Beare of Oe'trstgt ah6 mmbr Mr. and Mrs. John Allan Stephen, shown signîng the register in the above ceived in a pastel bhie sheath ---aa- a' hrch servc enexiu  C itheIJ ,hoto, exchanged marriage vows in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on corageofpin mms.Te day morning at 10 o'clck. y~ ~peet gaturday afiernoon, September 17, 1966, at 4 o'clock. The bride is the formeri grooms mother assisted tai re-! Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams went Ms .Foeo oor Miss Audrev Pearl Spicer, daughter of Mrs. Arthur H. Spicer of Bowmanvîlle celve and chose for the occa-] ; toterctaetHrodID.II. tokteevtnapriad and the laie Mr. Spicer, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan sion a turquoise dress with, over Sunday and on Monda.yTall Roiaa MslAlWylln fHae PC.Sehn loo omnil.Poob soStdo metallic lace bodice. Match- entertained"'Mr. and Mrs. DonI lckgv be rpota a P. . t e h e , a so of B o m a vih e.P h to by st r tu io ing lace a plique adorned the ý A d am s and fam ily at th eir ý .A~d l g t o e l v l e T a n sheath skirt and the dressws home bere, for dinner. S ~.e.oev. Mr. Theighn Brommel, bath complemented by a corsage ofi r n r.A aead of Bowmanvilîe. ' white carnations. . .M.adMs .Wd n n col The was held in The ~~Grant atte.nde.d a bal] gamei Tie Peterborough rsy ie ryradbndc The reception ahedi Te couple honeyrnooned fi., -' in Peterborough, Saturday af- terial Women's Msinr inavr ecm uc teSunday School Room of, Florida and for travelling thei ternoon, Society's (W.D.) 1alRlyadcpo e a evdb Trinity United Church whereibride wore a pink dress andi to. and M Churctpi. ash Bowanv]eonte. the brides mother received!coat ensemble with white tacand arol speni the week- CucBwavl wearing a turquoise crep(, cessories and white corsage., r sheath dress with lace top'They are residing at 380 Gibb Mr. a-nd Mrs. H. C. Maor Presideni Mrs. W. H.T1 Fl and three-quarter le n g i h St., 'Oshawa. oif Hamilton, were. weekendltoni of St. Paul's, PotHoe sleeves, matching accessories; visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. was in the chair. AsP e x and corsage of pastel pinki H. Lane. . ecutive meeting wa, hl sweetheart rasebuds. She was HEARD - WHITE Mrs. Margaret Day' fTr et 14 at Centreviims assse Ythe groomn's mo-ý Bethel Tabernacle, Hunts- onto, was 'a weekend vstro h time could be ivnt the wo or apecokileprttlyd'wiih Mr. and Mrs. Clinto wrshop sessionin blu eorte wthBrwn a cCOMnia4dlthem capable bands' ofMis-Ls- maoigaccessories and cor- 'was the setting fortema-dnr STEPIIEN -SPICPR iand Mr. John Allan Stephen, 1sage of deep pink sweetheart1riage on Saturday, August 13, .-.g.uests n o.f Mhr. anwedinn cwe ndfmîyrPtr son- of Mr.,-and Mrs. Allan P.'ro-sebuds. 1966, ai ofJiMr.eandLuella -i - -'" Gilmendand ff Standards of white 'mums~ C. Stephen, also of Bowman-i Before leaving on thcir.Wh ite, daughter of Mr. andi m.bruh gladioi, bahed i theville. ýwedding trip t the F.ast1Mrs. Daniel White, Huntsville,I ~BMlia n Miss Mn nd Mrs. FGlir i- u~glow of candlelight, form- The officiating clergyman coast, the bride donned îherand Mr. Gordon Lloyd Heardj --- -, $a ýMlia spent the, ited Mr. and Mrs. W.JVa- tJhe attractive setting in, was Rev. G. K. Ward, and the 1 travelling ensemble oi a son of Mns. Gwendoline Heardi --..-.Z ekn nMneaanigcc nPtroogSn Tninity United Chunch for the' wedding music wvas played by w'hite wool dress with match- 1of Boxvmanville and the late - ~the r-eron Saiurdav ngl to Chalt ong ici b dune narriage on Saturday afien- ithe church organist, Mr. A. ing grey mix coat, cnanberry Mr. Wesley G. Heard. -- ith uMer. han rw eorîgd, eas fe-r.wic a eydrv riocn, September 17, 1066, at 'Collison. Mn. Ross Metcali, hai and gloves, black patentl The officiating clergyman1 tpltn o'clock of Miss Audrey the soloist, sang "The Lord's- shoes and handbag, and cor-'was Rev. SDf. Gibson and, oa 1Glmr n fm-y Pearl Spicer, daughter of Mns.' Prayer" and "Because". sg frdseter oe.Ms ihaHn lydte tpeoKihadDr- imradfm-y SthY wene Mrs. Bert Caidwell Mr .and Mrs. Orvill ae sag ofre swetear rse,;-Mj, Voli Hnt laed he of Toronto, Mn. and Mns.1of Windsor, have bee ii- Arthur H. Spicer ofi Bowman-! Given in -marriage by bier: They are residing ai R.R. 3,lwedding music. Mrs. S .fi i4-Laurie StaplIeton and Bever- ing lier aunt, Mrs. ville and the date Mr. Spicer, uncle, Mr. E. A. Virtue of! Bowmanville. Gibson was soloisi. i fAa.oe h oia aky New Tyrone, the bride wore a forJý A Registered Nurse, the! The bride, who was given in! l Mrs a. May ONeil a dthe- und y i hre wee i Announe e mal lengih iraditional gowni bride altended Ontario Street'mnafliage by her father, wore! -r.Mr 'elladss uda l he of white satin featuning lily-1 Public School and Bowman- a fonnial length gown of white HoefciFrdaotnaBey. Jaes, LakesM rean ter Ms. S. Lous ofPort ecooesps f M-. a1 Hlealing Substance: 1xitdscvs co ek ville High School. She gradu- satin with lace overlay bodice, few days in Detroit. 'Monday, had dinnerwihMs .$ , . ..- Piles uine and A-uine skirt. Thei aied fnom the Petenborough and elbow-length sleeves. A -a - isLnaCî,Nwaîe eaAdnoMrih-.- Scathedra]lri, oig rmCveHsptlcolo urs-itra ,f11' ngfro the hIM - -acli NwateVr ndroM nrIns ie aitine fowngfrmiCiicHopialScoo o Nnsiia1, în rm.Asu was a Sunda-y visitor ai Mn Mr. and Mrs. P. Hîtg Shrnk- Pies thewaitliewas edged with~ ing in 1964. Thp groom ai_ý- d-s, highlighted the gown, C-.Fro'.ý1dgrsvstdf laceebaigsusacepoe to sik'aet match the dness appli- tended Salem Public Se0ool'and her nylon tulle veil was - -C. . ayn' ndgrsviie nins !xluleb mln su stn epov noç ri k ques. Her illusion tu le veil and Bow m anville High Sc oOl.ýhed by a braided m ohair1 M rSundaM .dJoner' ge si a et r oruM rre.un a he orh is n rpi d m ge ISU. w as caught it i a cluster head-i He im employed as a w eder crandir l d w t p aî. M rs. H arve Bn-itton o A »ýX,5,ned research institute ha, piece Of lace petls outined' ai General Met.ons. e rdibuutwso e. Newcastle, Misses Anne and founâ a uni u healing substancei with seed pearîs, and she car-I Several parties hoaeth roses and white stephanotis.i Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Porteous are shown mni the Allie Mrs Ba ons 11 onreuteers GeDigsTir t, g Cleaner CJouncI with the ahi Ly ta shink hemor- ried a cascade bouquet of redr bride prion to ber marniage. Mr.G izgs oronto, wasi above photo as ihey sign the regisien following the ir pn Monday, Mr. George Pe- rhodsp.inesay.treievsichig rse, witecaratonsandA ridi sowesessld whiten a hooaforhansisenswedin i Trnit Unte Chrch Boninvileon îck Toont, as luch and discomfort in minutes and sepanti.the bride's former co..taÎîîeýnd the brîdesmaids werel i Govennmcnt inspected burnc, son of Mrs. Jack Mn-lwore corsages oi pink nases. Driuesmaias avis. ijennis Bis- bY Mrs. .R hpa n iî£iaaiis . OPE T UR DA -FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P M. Nulty nhBwavlead A h opeli or'ahp, Miss Barbara Craig,thMr.K W. Keene: a,lunch-eon SPECIL FEAURE!Mn. Frank Swinburne, Don honeymoon at Geongian Bay groom'*s sister Miss Lindalýat Sunningdale Golf Club~ giv- SPCA ETR!Milds, was solemnized in St. and Niagana Falls, the bride MaU s te nson, a nd; s1M iss Susanen by the brîde's aunt, Mrs. George'*s Anglican Church, was wearing a three-piece suit Cnigai itro h F .Cag odn n h GRADE "A" ROASTING OR FRYINGOshawa, on Satundax' afier- ci Milano linen in navy and bride as junior bridesmaibde gadm hr MsJ.t' tme o tik (H I( K EN S 9 C noon. August 27, 1966, at9hite, white accessorieS and, wrre gowned alike in floor-: A.Kely, Buriingon. Missab t ** 2!/2 to 3-lb. Average -6 3 officiated. will reside at Countice, Ont. chiffon. The dresses werelher home in Mt. Bnydges, andi Given in manniage by'lher uo opeina hir new1identically tashioned with . MsRG. incombe, Mrs. j.1 ROU D TE K Aaio Oshawa, bthe bride e The bride attended Williams-! scoop necklines and short1sey entertained for the brie SIRLOIN TRIMMED Ifull length, bouffant s re port and North Huntsville siceves, empire bodices touch - a the home of Mrs. R. G. Pin- BONE TO c Igown of white nylon organza Public Schools and Huntsville ed wiih bows and sheathio etrhoy T B N Olb with Chantilly lace bodiceýHigh School. The groom at- skirts accented by overskirtsi ______ WING 9 9FCTO and Iily-,poitsleeves. The tended Central Public School, of chiffon. They wore Match-,O V~- F'EL.L nec~Bomavile. .CV.l inOs- ing rosette headpieces wch- Vreshly Groun et rw' limecre aapita h w.adte Standard Engin- cocktail veils. They carried I? un Ht o n '&dec r e d ack.oint_ __ -quels oste hanoas, ard N EWa, L L iscrebak Thnee wide pan- eering Institute in Toronto. contem'porary cascade bo'î- .an Ma>.MaDnl AM RGBREAD es 4matching lace empha-' Iand myrtle. iv hoe' lb. 9c5 ozes 7 sized the front of the gown' Masterson - Cunningham 1 1es maawa Doaldek fromn their western c ez 2 Ibs 79c-oav'. 9 ki adback interest wsBetmn wasDnl a-hldytrp. é created bv a bow nestling at. AU Saint.% Roman CathoEc tarson, brother of the groom.1 Mrs. Jim Holda'way with àimeBrndPruoo'albpk.the waisitine. Her nylon or- Church, Straihroy, was tht Alvin Masterson, brother ofih er two smail sons. arnived - STEAKETTEs l7 c BACON ENDS* 5 9 , anza, %houder-length voit. setting for the August 27 the groom, Robet Fairey and here Tuesday from Mntb o ute norato ~ B r a n d l b 7 9 c I P e a a w o o d'a l b . pigwRs caught te a cluster head-! w eddin,,z cof Leslie Claire C un- John Cunningham , brother of 1 for a vi t wih M . nd rs d UP m en , p e e HOME FREEZER SPECIALS peeciognarassès, andýningham, daughier of Mn. and the bride. ushered the guests a .Y Wadeca-26.4. FRONTS SIDE carnied a cascade bouquet1 Mrs. Cari Cunningha.m, Stra- Mrs. R. L. Keegan was or-I Mns. F. Gilmer accompan- FRNSSDSHITDS iof red roses and white 'mumns.,ihnoy, and James T. Master- ganist, aecompanying MissI ied MissIezyonsfMn Maid of hanor Miss May* son, son of Mn. and Mis. Jean Kersey, the 'soloisi. sh r. Haey Ohore of r IL.45c IL.55c IL.65C Conway and bridesrnaid Missi:Thomas Masteirson, Bowmlan Reein gess i hel Wedonead r sbored of '1 v i nI ho c g a h 1 Judy Ewart. niece of the i ville. Rev. Father J. F. Suin- home of the bride, t.he bride's! Redknap or Oha-wa, to Tor- l N e t n P Sîds of Pork (headleu) lb bride, both ofi Oshawa, werel mers cf ficiated. moihen chose a cocktail-leOnto, Tuesday, where they AU e t. l.aerage d : in emire styling, with lace gowned in an original floor- and aoid French matelasse &i-gets<f r lc oe TORONTOLi te Ail~'ecer Ordrs Cu ad W appe Fedbodîce fashioned with cap' length govwn of ice crepe. Tue' tallic brccade, with matchingý leemian. aleeves, mnd aheath akirt withl bodive wua amPY li ld withl coat and tulle bat Ute grooni If.M à Snth left for Van-

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