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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 5

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k~. Anderson Was Victi BtfS RacL To Con tir à. by David Goheen BtWrnvanville High Sehool Se r'A' football tearn con- tinues ta dominate their op- position, as illustrateti by thee score they achieveti 1a st thursday when they ti-ounceti Anderson of Whitby 59-0. Trhe gaime was playeti under Ideai conditions with warn Weather anti an abuntiance et aunshine. This certainly was a change frein the other gaine playeti on the preceetiing Thursclays. Bowmianville has a total Point score atter thi-ce gaines of 150 points te 1 against, with thetoughest part of the sched- S14 Available in an attrac for both me HOOI JEWELLERY & PHONE6 29 KING ST. E. B 24-( *1 AAPLEI GROCE' ýhwaqy NO. 2 at Maple1 JUGIA lomo 64C a (Plus 25c depo READ1 OZ. LOAF - -- -- Watch Next Week Foi WITH A]ý A CHAI riPAIR OFH( 2 BLUES AT MAPLE TOR SATURDAI OVEN1 BREAD ani SUNDAYS - ÏM Takes Dehivery o First Camaro Solci in Bowmanville ~Up Big Score 5 9-O iue Winning Ways ule yet to play. B.H.S. has no moire seoring in the quai-- tour games in the next two ter but it did feature xnany weeks with one an exhibition fine plays by both teans. scheduled against Central of In the second quarter Lary Oshawa before the playoffs Simpson on an excellent off- stast on Oct. 28. The BHS tackle play scored a touch- squad muist continue winning down. The extra by Don Mc- if they want to repriesent this Murter was good. Charles district against an Oshawa Ewert also scored on a pass School. or i-un play executed by haif- In the tii-st quarter of the back Don McMlurter who gani, played Thursday at threw the baIl to Chai-les in B.H.S., Charles. Ewert opened the nend zone. Extra point was the scoi-in~g with a fine catch wide.. Don McMurter scored delivered by Guy Parks on a a major on a 20-yard pass 15 yard pass and i-un play for play from Guy to Don in the the major score. Extra point end zone. The extra by Don try was wxde. This came early was good. in the quarter and theTe was The third quarter didn't. featui-e any scoring but An- wt score. If it had not been. for ý E $ e mfie work by oui- touigh de- s. fecAnderson would easîly ... o n the ave foTtquarter featur- *~ i.; .*.. Sansnitee~dg the iargest output o cr *Ucounted in this quarter. Ron On Saturday morning, Harold Kennett, Queen several others are now waiting for delivery. At lef t, t Sivepoayte xcehlntw hdfa Sreet, achieved considerable distinction by being the Salesman Ted Miller of Roy Nichols Motors Limited, m 21" overniglit case turn at the offence, scored first local person to take delivery of the new and congratulates Mr. Kennett. Incidentally, Nichols Sales the fi-st touohdown on an off exciting sports car, the Chevrolet Camaro, introduced Manager Fred Owen advises that since the new models tackle play with the extra this year by General Motors. This one had been the appeared, the response has been beyond expectation 00n' t Miss This point by Don MeMurter being hit of the Roy Nichols Motors Limited, Auto Show for the many models of Chevrolet, Chevy II, Chevelle, true. Dennis McFeeters, the Special Offer excellent offensive and de- held here recently and had many admirers, but Mr. Corvair and Oldsmobile. RegUarl $3.50fensive player, scoreti the Kennett was the first to sign an order aithougli Reguaîl $3.50next touchdown when he pick- No o/ $1.0ed up a fui-rble and raced 50 I c. lilidren pi-esent. ?&s. L. No ,1 3.0yards for a tbuchdown. The I~~rf~ m extra point was wide. Lai-iy IW%.cenIIJ 5yOIIIied in H Iuntsi lle Stainton openeti the meeting the trim, elegant lines Simpson, the fullback, got .:' » with a poerin "Think It Over," sorne key blocks from the «.*N andi at this tinne thanked Mirs. MiddleMfStheTEneIunggagedAshton for opening her home can be yours for the middlfo the lire aon acd.. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .._ to the Enniskillen ladies. X ow Iow price of only vefothtocd nwh $31.50. You'II be proudth extra point beinggo.Ms K. McGill gave the de- 1àMorrison scored on a 50 ta give this luxuriu adps nirnpa xc-~- votional. Itymn "For the overigh cae a a ift te perecty h Gu an Bi .. Beauty ot the Earth" was t even pruer a Te xra Do cMgtrsugThe scripture was tak- ha ven rue oasetab DnMMre en f-o m John and Romans. - haeone a your OWfl. a good. Guy Parks rounded Sh ~~e ciosed with prayer and out the sonrng on a quarter-......n. "Take Timie to be Holy" Ctive choice of colqurs- back keep arounti the end. hy ng ~~n and women The extra point try was wide. %i' M. .Asto!asi Se endeti the highest soîg~..:;..: hreo h rgan w gam-e ever stageti on the back hre ftepoga.To camus f BH.S interesting readings w er e In any gaine cd football if. given by Mrs. J. Siemnon andi R ' tbe professional or hg Mrs. Toms. Two poems were scol EtheS:arPL efensie get . radby MsI.LSharp. Mrs. I GIFT SHOP gceltedtnieta s*. Ashton- closeti with a poemn 623-5747 the bail back for th ofecndititogansnite sive tearn and also when able BOWMANVILLE score points theinselves. This ohildi-en went swimnnin.g. year, B.HS.ibesdwth .,, Roll cahi was well answer- such a teain led by I-v Col- - e by a recipe for "Blue Mon- well, Chai-les Ewert, John day." Minutes of the last Hooper anti Fred Strikwerda , meeting were i-ati and ap- who re i on 0% o theproved. It was decided that tackles made this year. These .<thCritscad S' sown G R O V E wfore ithDoas9o%:Fete at next meeting at Mrs. A. Terry Draper anti Randy Sal- . -y' It was as decideti lows make up the front line of thv tusrkey supper. =oe te detence. Backing these el cor-espondence was read anti lE R I A up there are Ron th teaurr9 rpot.i Grv 2-91 corner men, with John Hugh- e- es the middile man. Don Mc- .1*- *ciusslad suipper prepai-ed Murter ai-d Dennis McFeeters .-*. by Mrs. Ashton anti serveti in' the tdeep men, who arei- . -',. pdcdocsinhyb etfe N & . .ý.r other cottage was enjoy Glhcdoo nay. .ef Z' e--.*. . d. unit 1 also provitied santi- Tihisdtec ashlpt y.~ wiches anti cookies. for the e lL KThisdefece hs hepedchiltiren. Mrs. L. Stainton 59 B.H.S. win many of their Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lloyd Heard are shown mn the above photo oloing. moved a vote of thanks to 2 j YC garnes this year. Mi-. Brunt their mariage in Bethel Tabernacle, Huntsville, on Saturday, August 13, 1966. Mrs. Ashton for a very en- Dsit on jug) hw-as pt egetan eellnt The bride is the former Miss Jean Luella White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jybeatron year. Let's hope it can con- Daniel White, Huntsville, and the bride groomn is the son of Mrs. Gwendoline The U.C.W. met at the to, he fnals Phoo byThatherStudio Sept. 2lst at 8 p.m. Mrs. I. .5 for 9£ 9 CPhoto by Thatcher.S. i Sharp openeti the meeting whnCourtice phays B.H.S. at wwere Thk"Harts ar ) pcasGalore! Bowmanvi'lle's back campus. A r Tanksgîvîng Sna e" n hne r.ýt0 So hynotcae ot nd ee A n ounce Engagement guests of Mr-. anti Mrs. Ress i-y for opening hier home Saewhy not tcemadiost antiF.see PUCHSEoui- teaim play harti-hitting th ais r.F erry N UCAEexciting football. Mi-. andi Mrs. Loi-ne Lamb gave the devotional, chooeing ,NCETO IN he nxt amefor he un-were visîtors of Mi-. anti Mr. CEor TOWI The x neferct th uDon Lamb, Bailieboro. i-s i eineppsait. wl2th, Mr. anti Mrs.Donald Wearn, " O CKEY TICKETS Corten the - ppostio awiusbeStephen anti Susarene, Dun- Courtice the back campusat Mr. LEAF GARDENS ot B.H.S.taspnhst ek Aiso on Thursday during the adMs .L er n ,Y, OCT. 29th hait-turne oft the exciting foot- Ssn ball gaine the girls et grade - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick SN A HOT 12 anti 13 stageti the football ~an-d Bill, Scai-berough, e SUt A gainee oftte year when they Peiks t. and Mrs. S. R. O-O E ieti their hanti at football .. -i anti Mr. M an. Mrs. Ed Coombes d RO LS herewasnog~e ithe ~i and girls, Miss Clara Page, 11 gaine but the grscertainly - ornovsie6wttMsh --Philip anti Kairen, Oshawa,... -' - - hli Montiay supper with R. Giiffin's. Mi-. anti Mrs. D. B. Kay, .~ "- »~I~w--Toronto, spent the weekenti with Mi-. anti Mis. Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Ros ~Sharp, Kathy and Gordon, Mi-. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, LintiaanJae eeSdy dinner guests. During the af- Mr. and Mns. Loi-ne Bowins, Orono, are happy to tei-noen Mi-. anti Mrs. Ivan S'har-p were pî-esented with a announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra pole lamp for their î0th wed- Lane, te John Richard, son ef Mn. and Mrs. A. J. ding annivei-sary, from the Bailey, Sterling. Mariage will take place November family. 1 t7pmUnitedi Church, Orono. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy MeGili, ilat7 .mMr. anti Mrs. Keit .h McGill anti boys were Monday even- ing Thanksgiving d in ne r ENNISKILLEN guests et Mr-. anti Mrs. j. Our Thanksgiving Sunday the literary quality ef the Mr-. Herbert Wi-ight, Linda morning service hati a very Book et Job. Oui- attention and Janet spent the weekenti STARTING THIS SUNDAI informative message fi-cm ou- was cailedti t observe man's with Miss Marguerite Wright, minister as she euhagized on integrity anti steadfastness as St. Catharines. Mr-. anti M.s. OF BEING ABLE TO DI portrayeti by Job anti the N. E. Wr-ight are to returin WITH DIRECT DISTANCE woul4 de was tackle ea-ch Book et Job pi-evides the home with their son Herbert other, but .,they certainhy latest in psychology anti psy- Mr-. anti Mi-s. RusselL Qimis* TO REACH MOST DISTAN titi. The tackles s=omf the chiatry. We, hîke Job, have ton were lest Thui-sday tea girls matie were reallIy out- bitter experiences anti prob- guests et Mi-. anti Mrs. Ar-thur standing. The plays they uset hemns te sihake oui- faith but Tasnblyn, Casnbray. were sanie of the ones the theY serve ta make uls imoi-e Mis. A. Perigoe anti Miss lt's this easy . . . senior teain uses against their sure c odtGt. The uniteti Jr. Marilyn Perigoe, Caesa-ea, opposition. The helmets on antiSi-. chairs under Mirs. E. Mr. anti Mrs. F. W. Werry saine ofthe girls were rather Wight's direction anti with were Sunday dinner guests of 1 o il""adbc large but when either team Miss Susan Wearn as organ- Mr-. anti Mm. T. Werry. Mrs. 1 o il"'adb got the bail they certainly ist sang the anthein, "Just a Perigoe anti Marilyn remain- nected ta the Long knew what te do with it. Closer Walk with Thee." Next ed fer a few days. ntok Thie referee wais none other Suntiay. Oct. l6th, is aur an- Miss Linda Lloyd, Enfielti, nto tban MT-. Wolff, aur Vice- nutal Th-ank-fering service Mms. N. Coflacutt, Bowman- Princpal, anti Mr. MdcMullen, at 11 a.m. The guest minister ville, Mr-. anti Mrs. R. Griffin who were tiecked eut in the foi- this evient will be Rev. wei-e Sunday evening Thanks- 2) Thon you dial the thri gai-b et an ad lady with a Ohma. Catto of Hampton; the giving dinner guests at Mr. o h raCd i red wi$g anti a long flw united choir will pi-avide spe- andi Mm. W. Griffin's. Toi-e.. a o e ( dres. heofficiating by these cial music. Due ta tee change Mr-. Steven Bai-tek, Tr frorn the oeo the ph~ two refèees was something in tiine of the church service onto, was a weckend guest at ta beholti. They caileti one te Suntiay Scmool sesion 0. C. AshtoVs. are using). penalty teain anti wiil be at 10 amn. Mi. and MrB. Clarence Av. walked it off against tee Mr-. anti Mrs. Russeill Oimis.. erY, Lindta andi John wem-e ather. If tîhere hati been more ton helti a family gathering SulldaY evcaing dinner guests 3) You thon dial the sever time to stage this gaine. I Sunday evening to aelebrate Of hMiss Elsie Oke anti Mi-. o h ubryu thnk ane team would have the lOt-h wedding anniversay A . Oke.oftenm r ue scoired. Maybe another gaine of Mr. anti Mr. Ivan Sharp. Miss Shirley Avery, Peter- n orcali ii coulti be stageti Those present besities the bor'ough, Mi-. Murray Mar. n orcai1 m While the girls trieti their honoreti couple were Misses shall, Bowmanville, w erie and automatically put 1 hanti at football the boys trieti Linda anti Janiet Sharp, 1&f. gueots et the White-Marshall che.i-lcading. Time* boys mnder andi Mrs. Ross Ashton anti Weddlflg on 8atirday at Way- the direction di Toi-iy Nichols famnhly, Mr-. and Mia. L.loyd inOUth, NS. Dro ihc 1fr ss m loti in many outstandi n g tsoln, Bonald andi Ray, als U.C.W. Meetings retisacDIlnls.ovo cheera. The crowti also help- in honai- of Miss Barbera The U.C.W. met et the And you wli flnd tin rates art surpi ed Ti-ry with the cheera.lAshton's 1Oth birthday. home of Mrm. Will nshton, lt your dfrectOy for "etIl& Maybe li the near future they Mi-. anti Mis. Allan Wer-y, Cesrea, on Auguit l7th ai oauld chea et another aime? andM Sharea and Jmue 2 p.m. With 33 adulta md 181 O'PEh FOR BUSI Our restaurant has been redecorated ai renovated for your comfort wiIl re-open for business. FRIDAY, OCT. 14t1 Wheth.r it b. a coffee break or a fiL will .njoy cur courteous service our loyal patrons for their patience duri We Specialize in . SPAGHETTI ',,LASAGNE Olympia Resi KING ST. E. N ES S ind Ml1 course mal, you . we wish to thank ing thoe. renovations. RAVIOLI ETC. taurant BOWMANVI LLE ~The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvflle, Oct. 12, 1960 "Thanksglving"' as her theme. The scriptuire was taken fromi DeuteronSmy. chapter 8, anti ese closeti with prayer. Mrs. R. Sharp was in charge of the pragram. Miss Sharon WeMr favoreti us with a de- lightful piano solo. Mr. Ever- ton White showed us some lovely pictures ot the- trip ta Great Britain accompanieti by a very interesting anti in- foi-mative commentai-y by Mars. Whbite. Mrs. F. Stenger favoreti us with a lovely vo- cal sale. Mms R. Sharp than- kei ail wbo hati helpeti with the pi-aian. Roil cail was weil answereti by wearing your oldest piece of jewelleryj end telling its history. Min-i utes ofthe last meeting werej read and approveti. Treamrw ei-'s report was given by Mr&. R. Vu-tue. Mis. L. Wearn i-e. porteti on Christian Educa- tien. It was decided to put the Observer in ail homes la the comimunity. Mrs. A. We.- i-y anti Mrs. W. Griffin wifl make new floral arrange. maente for the chuoeh. The prices for the turkey super will be Ieft the saine as lest year. Meeting closeti with pryer. Unit 2 served, a dainty lunci anti social hall hour was en. joyeti. Mms. E. Wright had the Chr-istmas cartis displayed andl many took ativantage of the o'ppomrtunity ta get thefr uca for Christmnas. DECORATE VOUR HOME THIS FALL WITH A CHEERY filasterpiece"s MURAL Beautiful fuil-colour murais of scenes to match the decor of living-room, recreation room or any room in the house. - WIDE SELECTION AVAILABLE The Do -It -Yourself Kit includes: the "Masterpiece" MURAL Wallpaper paste and Printed Antique Gold Framne ABERNE THY'S Paints & Walipapers 33 KING ST. W. BOwMANVILLE Y, YOU'LL ENJOY THE NEW CONVENIENCE [AL YOUR OWN LONG DISTANCE CALLS 9DIALING. IT'S THE FAST AND EASY WAY iT TELEPHONES IN CANADA AND THE U.S, Dme con- Distance .ee digits it differs hone you n figures ecalling nediately through. aieot..Suc fun. irlslngly owl IT'S AS EASY AS DIALING A LOCAL CALL When you finish diallng and an operator cornes on the lino - give her the full seven figures of the number on the phono yau'ro calling fi-rn. Your directory contains complote DDD information and lists of area codes in Canada and the U.S. Make it easy for. yourself. Jot down the numnber beo re dialing - and keep it ini front of you as you dial. IMPORTANT - It 18 flot necessary ta dial "P' before you place a local cail to numbers in your own ex. change or ta, other nearby ex- changes, where no long distance charges apply. *BELL., Doetancai LhOODMWat fi 17g tobdng da.* _______________ _______________ -I 1 1 y j -- -W 'w IVF 'w Ivr IVF lqw IV, m

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