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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1966, p. 6

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-.iCetters &fc 021 lth Ave. S.W. 9! Caljiary, Alta., -DM jJohnny: 1No doubt You'l1 b. sur -Prîaed to bear froin me. Bu thr's so mucb to tell abou thswonderful country thai 1 Juat had tb tell someone and tbis being my first trip, ýOuI West naturally I'n *thrllled and enthused. Per. 'h2PS if I was used to ail this 'beauty o! lake sud mouf. ,tain, I too might take it ai. for granled. Ken and I have had a wouderlul trip. Mmnd you, we'vestuck pretty chose tc -the rauis-C.anada I-ignway, a marvellous pieoe of road ouItbrougb these pictur- esque mountains. But one can see ail the bcauty of snow-capped peaks, tbree- covered siopes, vast can- yrons with a ribbon o! blue away, way down, and as well, stop aI the many bis- torical sites, teiling the leg- end o! some feat o! bravery and endurance. Our car had some diffi- culty in Oie mountains. Ap- ,parently, this trouble, some- thlug to do with the car's breathing o! thin air, is quite common. We went as far as the Colombia Ice- lields aud decided not to pusb our luck. I took a rol o! color film, wbicb turned out well, to my great de- light, se l'iU have my pic- turcs as a perpetual re- minder o! aIl this beauty. It felt rather eerie going througb the tunnels and suowsbeds. At Kicking Horse Pass we were fortunate lu seeing two trains going througb the double-loop tun- nein opposite directions. They looked lîke toys. We stopped at the famous goverumen t fish-hadders on te Fraser River below lCamloops. These were buiit L£i 1921, 1 believe (I dîd't makc a note o! date), to en- able the crimson-eye salmon to reach Ibeir spawning f rounds up-river, and thus incrcasiug the revenue for the fishing trade. One o! the thriliing things t me was the overnite camp we made near the farnous ]Rogers' Pass. It was, mnci- deutally, the ast nigbt, o!ficially, for Ibis camp 10 remain open, so we were "guests" of tbe B.C. Gov- erument. Rîgbt in front o! aur picnic table we bad a KIP~ ST W. HALF PINT 40C 66 1with final $udging of a Beard - Growing Contest, a Publie School Centenulal Mural Exhi- bition, witb cooperation o! m. local scbooh m ar is in this district; a Barbershop Quar- tet and a ticket draw for it ;worthwhlle prizszin conjuuc- it l ion witb a wbing-ding p! a '- Idance. How's that for a start., es For their main Meature on eAugust 19th they plan an dAntique Car Rally in the ýeafternoon with a full programn yat Oie local park. lu the ev- e enlng tbey plan a Centennial àtBail with antique costumes and prizes, an ohd-tyrne fidd- jing contest and square danc- ,ing contest. Quit. an am- ebitious prograrn we must eadmit and v'ery encouraging. eHave you pianned your celt- rbrations yet? esman, B3ownville, Oct. 12, %9 Jlie 8chtor close view o! Mt. Hermit and glaciers. At 5 p.m. it was rather cool, so our even- ing meal over (aud dishes It doue) we walked along the It noisy mountain stream, anc kt noticed some buge stone piers, and wondered why they were there. Later we n learned that the governmént * ad left tbem there as a tribute to Major Rogers for pioneering three crossings a o! the Loop Creek from the flhecillewalt Valley into the Rogers' Pass. The stone piers were to replace timber tresîles, but as it bappened, were neyer used, but aband- roued wben the Connaugbt *Tunnel was opened in 1916. * We bad a wet weekend ini Vancouver, but enjoyed it *nevertbeless, and managed to visit most points o! inter- est. Crossing over ta Vic- toila, we fell in love with that pretty city. with its streets made colorful with bangîng baskets of flowers. Indeed, there are flowers everywhere, and so many o! tbem. The famous "Bu- cbart Gardens" are ail tbey proclaim for them - a Iruiy wonderful and alrnost un- believable place. I bougbt several packages of seeds raised there, sOarnm really looking forward to rny next Spring's plantings. And now we're back here in Calgary, which we like immenseiy. We'Il probabiy stay until Ken bas had bis f iii of bunting, wnich is really good here. I find the Seople very friendly and ind and the cierks in the stores rnost cooperative. I had one eye-opener here. I decided to go downtown lsst Thursday a.rn. as it was a lovely day. Ken was away. Well, it turned out it was 'Bay Day" - they appar- ently have two a year, and this was the Fali-roundup. I 'was supposed to look for sheils for Ken. I was there before the store opcned - jarnmed mbt a revolving door. It was 9 arn. when I finaly, found the depart- ment. They were ail gone, and il was a quarter' after 9. I said to the clerk: "How corne? - I was here before the store was even open". "So werc hundreds of oth- ers", was the reply. It's been so nice to re- ceive the Statesman. It's like a breath o! home. I se iwhere curling is soon going to start. Hope sorneone sees that my narne goes into the pot. -They're curling here .~~ ~~ already. Ims odw The opening Faîl meeting o! S ~ and sec the Big-4. I've seen the Friendshîp Club o! Trin- an awful lot here - more ity United Cburch was beld than some Calgarians, wbo in tbc Cburch Hall ou Friday often can't direct one 10 afternoon, September 3th, some certain place.. But witb 48' members lu attend- Ihere's stiih more ta see. You suce. can sec the suow-caps frorn Mrs. Claude Ives welcomed -here' -' bhey're realiy cov- those present aud conductedi ered wîth fresh snow. tbe meeting. 1_ý'Wc saw- bears sud lots of_ Rev. G. K. Ward look chargeE imlnf nsd biids not;ý fat- ef the worsbip penlod with. the ~. wyour pollcy 'Ive to Ontario on our way. singing o! a byn n sd scrip-1 AZ That night at -Rogers' Pass turc reading and a Ialk on -~un osUN1 'il ahways remember. It birds sud relative to scriptunc il t~papor was 38 degrees in the morn- passages and from whicb ar ing. Needless t aw lesson on faitb could be drawn.b *didn't cook breakfast. The A solo "Tbe Garden o! To-a c~,ts hope this never bappeuis weather bas been wonder- morrow" was reudcred byf ,A» you But if trouble mer fui, and so bas the Western Mrs. Lloyd Ayre and accom- f :.oud Ilke ~~Hospitality. Iu spite o! it panied by Mr. Ward on thea ,ýthWd trie,,you an on a81, ll love returning home, piano was cnjoyed and Sp-c ý0tOur sevice and couvera for Best wisbes from bbce both preciatcd.a Wour wefare when w. haudi. O! us- A musical siugsong of fav-A V The Fietchers. ourite songs was led by Mrs.e ;Wour isurance. And, your pol. (Ken and Qucenie) A. Cole, accompanied by Mrs.a ýkY wil bc backcd by ft* P.S.-Jobnny, tberc's so R. Hallowcll. This concludedp ,ýIlarffOtd Insurance Groupý- much to tell, but I gucss you with "Count Your Many Blcss- tI esn organizaîlon known the prcîbably bave heard euough if gs'. t Ivnd Swe for itsfai trat. aready. . Mrs. Ted Morris then mInro- il ~~duced Mr. Forresl Diliing who r ~moî1 Plchler.Btrshowed films dcpictiug birds tf ,,Zn usto oiyholYELVERTON sud wild lîfe sud explaiucd YELV RTON the purpose of bauding birds a for the DepI. o! Fish and Wiid 1 Ou Thursday evening, Jan- Life for data on bird life aud a etville Centennial Cornrnttee habits. me tteitiun etry Apcueo lca a odme otbinr. iuin avicen ty nalPctre o a calsoN-S STIJ IT l ol hoe o Mr.BihDavi inhoui Pak ws aie sowr STUÀ%l .r ne Jauetville wbhicb Bill sud the Mrs. A. W. Harding thank-' family are in the process o! ed Mr. Dilliirg for bis veryr Irenovabiug. fine work. U NJA ES The comrnittee at a previous A nice lunch was provideda *meeting had hsntefxg by a Unit of bbc U.C.W. b 'GENRAL NSURNCE up o! the local Janebville Flowers were given 10 those l GN ALISRNE Park as their Ceutennial members haviug birîhdays or ý 14 Klnt St. 3. 'Bowmanville projcct - a very worthy one, wýeddiug anîversanies during in -toc. the monîh o! Septemben. Next Ot SOffice Residence Iu order to raise money for meeting will be heid at 2:30 ar 62-593Iis aud other Centenulal p.m. ou Friday, October 28th li '6-581celebrations, tbey are plan- sund will take the forrn o!a ni ~Mning a "Sping Bail" in April Hailowe'en Party. leWMANVILLE mtWson la avallable as an ~ 1%67 BAUMONT loption with ail engines.O D I Available only with the 396 V8 engine is a 3-speed, 3-ele- DAVID ARCHIBALD WILSON Yelverton, an uncle, AfchI# metctoemantieyran - n b> Harvey Malcolm Wilson of Lifford, as %tell as Xati autmatî trasmisionnephews and nieces and a outstandlng for quick shifting It was with shocked dis- host of relatives, friends and .':~:.vwith maximum smoothness. ble olwdb a sense of grief and personal oss, that neîghbours. Yelverton community greeted Death came swiftly to Da. this community in the person East Coast. On Tuesday h. NICOLAS M. KNAPP 'of the late David Archibald passed away shortly after be- The death of îcîas Wilson, in his 60th year. Dave ings admitted to a Toron iola Mar-!was born at the first farm hospital where he was rushM ~>y shal Knapp 57 years, occurred!north of Yelverton, the eldest by ambulance. ~~ ~ ~ at Memorial Hospital, Bow-'0ffou onff r adMS. unral arrangements were Z manville, on Sunday, Septem- George E. Wilson. He receiv- carried out by McDermnott- ~'ber 5, 1966, following a brief ed his schooling at Yelverton's IPanabaker Funeral Home ini illness of twro days. littie White Schoolhouse on *Port Perry. Mr. Harold Stob- Styling changes exnphasize the Jean, dlean contemporary lines of popular Son of Mrs. H. Oke and the ýthe Four Corners (S.S. No. 1). hart, minister for Yelvertori Beaumognt for 1967 exernplified by the Custom sport coupe (above). Freshly-styl. late Mr. Arthur Knapp, the l I 1931 he married thelUnited Church, provided a edZ eaures include new hood and fenders, rear panels, and new grille and head- deceased was born at Castle- former Ruth McQuade and message of comfort to the be-. lights exclusive to -Beaumont. Front and rear bumfper bars have also undergone toit here he received his edu- since that time has farmed reaved. Interment took placu-- tn. On June 25, 1927 he the former Sydney McQuade on Friday at the Union Cerne- styling changes. Available in two series - Beaumont and Custorn - and in marrled the former Hilda Viola farm situated on the Cart- tery, near Cadmus. Palibear- nine models, Beaumont is available with rnany options and accessories, includ- Hobbs who survives. wright-Manvers boundary in ers were Messrs. Stewart Mc- ing front disc brakes on ail power brake-equipped models. A luxury 4sports Catright, Quade, Bert Gibson, Grant opton, aaiabl a etracot o Cstm Sor cope an CStrn onertbl O Mr. Knapp had lived in Dave has followed the Wil.. Edgerton, Lloyd Fallis, Dick opt -ion,alales ato et fostontCstoS p etr or Cno e n Cutor coertibl sawa for 17 years and, at so tradition of exempl Arche and Ivan Drain. The onl, ncuds trto ucetfrntsetscetr foo cnsoe it ethr -speed the time of his death, his resi- rywle foerbaeswr or automatic transmission. Engines available for Beaumont range from atEo- ene ws t 0 PtrciaA ervcetohiscomuntyan nolme10-psx ptoa EooOshawa. Before moving thebeits church. David was cofids an negbu. nofam 10-h sx p t a Eon-Jet 350-hp V8. Latter is available only on~ he had resided in Peter- imember of Yelverton Unit ed The many' floral tributes Custo mn models with the "sports Option." M any new standard safety feat r s I- bru h a d B w a le e C uc n a, tru h te pes t e prse th hil clude the GM-developed energy-absorbing steering colUmn which telescopes up was a salesman with Jackson years, served in almost every esteemi that the deceased was to84ice.Atmtv upy saa capacity, elder, steward and lield by all. Following fun- to ¼ nces 1AtootveSuply trustee. A successui eral services many of the Oshaa, nt.- PPulr widsheld reuce glre 15-h Ecnofame250The deceased was a mnember and meticulous farmer, always friends gathered with the Beuosha nt. - Po pu1 insed edcd £1ar 5-h coolme20six- of King St. United Church, found time to assist enthusi- rel'qtives in Yeiverton United Beumn bsunegoestl instrument panel and wind- cylinder, incorporating ail the Oshawi.. He was also a mem- astically at community and Church basement where re- ngchanges for 1967 whicl hil pe rsadbds.Mteso th rurthe ephasize the lean,sied ieram anbad.feteso th 230 englue, be fteMsric Lodge and church improvement bees freshments were served byr clean cotemporay linesof Thergare plety of otions buofftheigAs ociatedapaCanadiate whereatbisCaabilityhrashia carpen-a thearladiesofdieseovertonrt U.C.C.W ;his exceptionaîiy roomy, com- and accessories for Beaumont, and horsep ower for extra iper- Sriving esies is ier a ed.iligyace fortable car, General Motors too - power steering, brakes formance. Two V8 engines H Si g eie hswfýd of Canada announced today. and windows; power-operated are also availabie as options at aid a Viola, are two sons, Ron- Dave was a reliable neigh-:~-~ Important new safety features tajgate idw frsainetacs. ee areth Arthur o! Lindsay and bour whose services were ai- lav ben ddd a sandrdwagons; speed warning buz- .275-hp Super Econoflame 327 Robert Gerald of Scarborough, lways available in time o equipment on ail 1967 Beau- er; eiectric four-way seat and the 350-hp Econo-Jet 396 and his mother, Mrs. H. Oke need. In the past the deceas- nonts as weil. adjuster for bench seats; power with dual exhaust systern. o! Cobourg. ed served for years on th Beaumont is offered in two convertible top; Positraction The latter is availabie only Also surviving are two S15t_ Dirtro!htSh DuBrhm Fd, a MA/6 eries - the Beaumont in a rear axie for back-country on Custom models wth the ers, Mrs. M. Knight of Co- two or four-door sedan, con- travel; radio; stereo tape play- "sports option"', bourg and Mrs. W. Bickei of eration of Agriculture, a Past ertible and four-door station ers; vinyl roof that adds a Oshawa.IPresident and Director o! theT/tMSE wagn; and the Custom two- speciai styiing flair ,to tp A !uiiy synchronized three- w.Dra oo eia ev loir hardtop coupe, Custom car; deluxe wbeel discs; shad e- speed transmission is standard The funeral service was beld ices, was in earlier times an lour-door sedan, Custom four- lite glass; head rests; beavy- nail Beaumonts except the from the Nortbcutt and Smith active member of Canadian 448 .. .oor htartiopCst forwutauseson and tach-mter option" and Econo-Jet 396 V8. on Wednesday, September 28, Court Manvers, and an ardent - or stavtinwgolneC oee. On the latter, a speciai fuily- and was conducted by Rev. curier in Cartwright Curling ar cnvrtbl.Front disc brakes are option- syncbronized 3-speed is avail- W. Herbert of King St. Unit- Club. Arnong the Beaumont's at- ai on all power brake-equîpp- able as an option at extra ed Church Oshawa. Inter- Letomurhilss re ractive, freshly-styled feat- ed cars and a new 91/ in, cost.met asi Bo anilbswieRhadhimth res are a new-hood and fend- power brake booster replaces metery.As nBwmLM o or isls re rs, rear panels, and a new the former 8 in. oine to reduce o 8 e gn q i p d C raoi erv ice in- r. A ne M Q a rille and headlights exclusive pedal pressure. modeis, a fully-synchronîzed was held Tuesday evening. bis on'ly son Lloyd and wfel ARLINGTON oBeaumont. Front and rear Other new Beaumont 1967 floor-mounted 4-speed trans- Palibearers were Messrs. Glenda of Scarborough, his; U H L T R )umper bars have aiso under- features: A fusible liuk aI the mission is available ps an H. Henwood, S. Craig, Peter- parents, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeER îenttionsud ouldngs ri electia lcircuits wti option while the 2-speed, 3- borcugh; A. Burgess, W. Out- E. Wilson of Yeiverton, and;102 King St. W. Bowmanvill. ne new syli and orldngsa-riug junlction licirtecwtai element t or q ue converter Win, R. Jackson, Oshawa, and brothers Norman of Yelverton, Phono 623-7341 Froe Estimates iew. Rubber cushion buniper the body from overheating, if Powerglide automatic trans- W. Mitchell o! Cobourg. Vneo oot n ako uard areoptinal.a short shouid occur. There is A iuxury "ýsports option". an improved "bot" starter for ackage is optional on the cohd weather and power wiud-PicseetveO.121,1,15 'ustomn sports coupe and ows have been wired tbrough ' ersretergtt ii 'ustomn convertible only. It the ignitioni switch. All-new W eev h ih olri onsîsts of slim strato bucket t i re construction providesqu ttes 'ont seats, centre floor con- greatiy-increased quahity.atiis ole with eîther 4-speed or A new method o! fastening ;*8LC iutomatic transmission, rear improves back seat retention. nder louvres, wheel discs, j*. stinctive exterior trim and To make Beaumont even ~~~ entification and, with an op- more theft-proof, key coding C R S - À@ÀDRO T A anal 35-hp Econo-jet 3960 Vg has been improved by increas-5 ei ngine only, racy red line tires ing basic key patterus from -».*COUD id a horizontal double paint, about 80 to more thani 200. f c t fi e n4 S, t v1 m ti >e ordered. The Beaumont series stand- ird features include foarn- .ishioned front seat sud front irmrests; brigbt chrome ac- =nts complementing decor- ior-dcsigned color-keyed pat- éirn cloth and vinyl se'àt-up- tlstery (ail-vinyl on cZon-* ,rtible and station wagon>; nyl beadliuing, rubber floor ats. The Beaumnont Custom 55s its own distinctive Inirn id identification; deep-twist lor carpeting; autornatic ront-door courtesy light; front nd rear armrests; electric lck, foam-cushioned seats,1 id deluxe steering whcel. 11 series feature: Rocker pant- Is whereby water and air are Iowed to, enter the rocker anels lu controlled amount nough a cowli miel ahead of ie windshield, continuousiy ushing away rust or cor- )sion-causing elements whihe ie car is being driven. For ail Beaurnts, theres cboice o! 18 bandsome Magic rror colours, 13 o! which ýe new for 1967. For Beaumont 1967, the -140- hp Econoflame 230 six-cylinder or 195-hp Econoflamne 283 V8 (depending upon model pur- chased) are the standard eng- ines.__Englue options are the Emsineu Diroctory Accou niancy- RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 J L .COGGINS Chai tered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanviile Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 36%/2King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & C0.- Chartered Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmnond Burrows, C.A._ The 1967 Beaumont line bas Chr nracii significant new safety featunes r prac c as standard equipmcnt on sll G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. nodels. Chinopractor Outstandiug among these is Office : anew dual master cyiinder 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Horsey SI brake systern witb warniug Phone 623-5509 îgbt. Front sud rear brakes Office Hours: By appointnt are controlled separatcly sud indepeudcntly. If one or the D Cher or both brake cyiinders D fe n£fa nre not functîonîng, a warning DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. igbt wiil appear on the instru- 75 King St. E. Bowmanville ment panel. . Office Houri A new cnergy absorbing 9 a.m. lu 6 p.m. daily teering wheel is on a new Closcd Saturday aud Sunday iM-developed energy absorb- Office Phone - 623-5790 Ing sbecning colurn which Res Phono Newcasle 987-4261 elescopes at a controhled rateTRN.DDS when force is applicd at eithcr DR. C. F. CATTADDS )r both ends. Even afler Office dclscoping, thc sleering sha!t 75 King St. E. Bowma.nville ilows bbc car bo be steercd. Office Houns: 9 am. 10 6 p.m. daily Other new safety features Closed Saturday and Sunday nclude push button seat bell Telephone:__Office 623-5459 Lickles - front sud rear; - - ___ ront seat beit retraclors; pas- DR. E. W. SI enger-guard door iocks ou ail L.D.S., D.D.S. onrs; new foldiug front seat Office in his home îck letches on two-door mod- 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville s sud station wagon foldlug Phone 623-5604 eais; sof t, low profile window1 Office Hours : untrol knobisuad coat hooks; 9 a.m. t0 6 p.m. daily îergy absorbing instrument Closed Wednesday - Saurday mcnl witb srnooth contoured nobs sud levers;, foun-way In su ra n ce izard warning flasher - _________a____ aash-pull bulton activates all DONALD A. MacGREGOR our tunu signals, lu an enierg- Lite, Auto, Hfome ncy, as a warfing to other Insurance iotonists; an Inside day-nigbî 9% Kini St. B., Dowmaaville haller resistant vinyi edged Phone 623-5982 iirror with breakaway s .J '.....- mlr.1 st G te w or al in bi fri se do er pli er Pa ,A lane change signal iu th e declion signal coutrol ellm-. liates turu signal flasbing afterth driver changes lanes. Aaifromn normal signal op- era= n , the driver can openate thesigais by holding the leIversiigu a mid-way position. ,hen ho neleases Iti the Sig- 1na Iatornatically &top flashi. A il o!ithsse sa! ety features; ic! course, are la addition ta those already incorporated in Beaumonta as standard safety features, iucluding: Front seat i shoulder bell anchors; padded i instrumnent panel; padrled sun i visors; dual speed windshieà'd wi pers; windshield wésher; backup lights; outulde ltsar. 'view, mirnon; tire safetyt rnlm. conrrosin .5j â rake f<nes; sa!eiy door latches -and hinges; ~uulorm shit a d anti (Ppli ); thi t A.aiU zurveying MERE![LL D. BEROWN P.ENG., O.. 121 Queen St.- Bowmnanville Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 SAMU &HAMLTN - OHONO Phone 1 r 16 Fij'st Mortgage Funds Residences - Farina Business ProDierties KEITH A. DILLETTI O.». 1Optoinetriat 143 King St.FE.- BownmnviI1. Offcem ourrEyoItoen Mon.-. '. -ThuZL- rL 9 &.m. to 5 O.m. Wed. and Sat. - 9 -Il lburuda3r evornl HIRE'S A FALL TREAT! -,AND WHIPPING CREAM PH-ONE 2ffS44FOR EIVERY GLEN RAE, DAIRY 2 id WEEK IGA BRANDS SALE CHOICE PEACHES 4 -7c P'E'AN'UT BUTTER 49C PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 65C CHOIýE TOMATOES 2 55C CREAM STYLE CORN 3 49c CA TS 1 (J P 2 35c %-L 10% .- ýGý GIN 4f,ý n CHERRY PIE 4,-ýc OBITUARY MRS. MABEL E. DISNEY A long-lime resident o! Oshawa, Mrs. Mabeh Emma Disney, 190 Simcoe St. S, died on Friday, September 30, 1966 at Oshawa General Hos- pital in ber 81s1 year. She bad been in !ai!ing health for several years. Born at Haydon, ont., she was the daughter o! the late Mr. and Mns. George Wright. Mrs. Disney was Past District Deputy President o! Oshawa's Rebekah Assembiy; Past Presi- dent o! Rebekah's Ontario As-1 sernbly. She was a member of Rebekah Lodge No. 38, LAPN; member o! Pythian1 Sisters; Order of the Eastern1 Star; King St. United Church( Wornen; a charter member of1 and past president o! the E. A. Loveli Home aud Scbool Association; Albert St. Homet and School Association sud thie Canadian Red Cross Society. She is predeceased by twoÈ husbands, Charles Goyne, who f died iu 1910, and Lleweliynè Disney, who passed away inu 1939.t Surviving are two daugh- ters, Mrs. Eari Armour (Ilene), t Toronto; Mrs. Thomas White (Amy), Oshawa; one sou, Ed- e ward, Oshawa; fine grand- 9 cbildren sud two greal grand- t, children.b Funerai service was con-g ducted Mouday, Oct. 3rd fror nr tbc Arrnstrong Funeral Home, r Oshawa, to Oshawa Uniong Cemetery. Friendship Club c Views Movies sc On Bird Life 9:

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