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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1966, p. 13

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PIorthomboeraud & Duram H.alth Unit Report lcI'ert for Septeniber 1966 children completed the initial Caanmunleable j>jse . series af Quad vaccine and 39 During the month onîy _19 received a reiiorclng dose. esftai communicable disea-e Thirty-nine children rcceived Were reported, being chicken- their primary dose aifsinaîl- »Fsamnella, iniectious pax. A total ai 117 children M ttis, german measîci, mcd attended Chuld Health Confer- ?isles, Inumps and erysip- ence. Nusa No rabid animais were re- As part ai the Health Unit Ported. Rabies preventîve programme in the contrai of treatinent for anc persan was communicable disease, t h e dispensed. public health nurses visit Tuberculouis patients and contacts ai cases At threc monthiy chesti in their homes. This month clinica, 72 persans received a there were 44 visita ta casesi chest x-ray. and 46 visita ta contacts of! Ont aild case was discovcred cases or auspected contacts. In( aknd added ta the register. addition, nine visita werc There was anc death from a made ta anc tuberculosis casei cause other than tuberculosis ta give nursing came. during the month. The nurses arganize thei The Medical Officer ai manthly chest clinics which Hcalth attended four train- are held in the sub offices. ing sessions given priar ta the Patients these cli-r znass tuberculosis and diabetes ica are rcierred by thc familyr detection survey. Tuberculin physicians, and are sien at1 tcsting ai the achool children clinic by cither the public l began on September 26, 1966. health nurse or Dr. Waddcll,t Immunizatlon the clinician irom Division ai Seventeen clinics wcre hcld Tuberculosis Contrai, Belle-a during the month, at which 27 ville. Twenty-nine hours of TRAVELOGU ES We really mean it when we say 0 0 . Ote Our Çuest AT THE BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL Thursday, Oct. 27 for the Colaur Travelogue entitled "The Soul of Mexico" ta be shown and narrated by the famous Romain Wilhelmsen. Show commences at 8:00 p.m. sharp. Corne early - this is a professional travelogue - there arc no reserved scats. I 1 c I r t d y o a a 'I c p &TYR&&ONE 1A- Once yative seen a full colour Rotary Tyrone had beautiful w( Travelogue, you'll want ta sec more of them. ther for its Anniversary Sg The alace i ar sries isavalabe ~vices on Sunday. Bath sý The alace o ou vaiablent he vices were well attended Iow price of 6 admission for $500. The people from the three paij purcasermay se he tcketin ny mnnorai ur charge, as well as ma purcase ma usetheticet i an maner frienda from Bowmanvi he chooses - single admissions, two admissions and Oshawa. Gueat spcn] to treefils, treeadmssins t tw fims, for bath services was Rev. to treefilm, treeadmisios t twofils,, E. Cresswcll ai Claremo etc., and the tickets are also transferable. formerly ai this charge.1 cnjoyed bcing among1 frienda whom he served1 This is aur 1966-67 Series - each date is a five years týbetween 1945-5( Special music in the aitemnoi Thursday Night: was providcd by Tyrone Se Nov.24t - NORT AMRICN WID LFVP ior chair singing "Pmaise C Nov.24t - NORT AMRICN WID LFE" Gad and King", and guE ~'. an. th -"BERUDA ISL 0F EST".aalist, Mrs. Nancy Jcyea Jan.5th- "BRMUA -ISLEOF ESVOshawa, sang "The Spirit Jan. 26th - "RUSSIA" Gad." Gucat choir for the evenii Feb. lth - "HIGHLIGHTS 0F ETHIOPIA"> was Ebenezer senior chc Marc 23d - NEWZEALND"with Miss Louise Osborne Marc 23r - NEW EALAD"arganiat. The chair gave May 4th - "LONDON TO LAND'S END" beautiful rendition ai "Set Yc The Lord" and "Corne Ui ta Me." Thmec ladies ai tl choir, Mrs. Wcs. Down Mi These will provide excellent faniily enter- Lloyd Down and Mrs. Murr tainment. Interesting and educational for Osborne sang "The Old Rui adultsalike.ged Cross." Aiter the cvenir adultaalike.service Rev. Crcsswell and hr wifc, alang with membersi Sec a Rotarian For Tickets Ebenezer choir, were servt lunch. in the Sunday acho 6 ADMISSIONS $5.00 - USE AS YOU CHOOSE room by several ladies ai t], angregatian. The dccoratior werc made by the Explorei NOWm DDD PUTS A CONTINENT AT THE TIP 0F YOUR FINGER! etc.... Have YOU tried Direct Distance Dialing? Throughout Ontario - throughout Canada - throughout the United States. you can dial millions upon millions.of num bers direct, prac- Stically as easily as y u dial your local calls! 0f course - you're interested in just a very few of those millions! But here's the point: wherevér *yeur relatives, your friends or the *firins you do business with may be located, you can reach almost every one of themn by simply 'diaing their telephone numbert In bringing you this simple, fast, easy and inexpensive new service, we at Bell hope ta make your tele- phone more useful than ever before. We're working very hard so that your phone works vcry well - your phone and ail the other communications services you get only from Bell. Dirait aistemnomDiatins inseu Convenient ...sueh full. And Yeu waIi and the rites are surprusingly lewl Cenouit yur directory for dtais.L *BELL Long Diilance. tMe naja bési hng to boing theru i~~~~lt Urg anra. - rtei pnarhpa Club 50 arc holdina tur- club work. - Mrs. Ryley announced that key supper next month and the Bcthany 4-H Club are U.C .W. ladies are invited ta holding a dinner for their help with baking or aerving. mathers and Women's Insti- Contact Mrs. Baker or Mrs. tute members on October 29th Penwarden. M r s. Rowland when they will demonstrate Coombes repomted an the pro- what they have been taught gres aif the Harvest Home in the present unit "Dressing canvass. Mrs.- J. Woodley Up Vegetables". called upon Mrs. Coambes The program was in charge who showed us the intcresting ai Mrs. Earl McQuaid, conven- picturca which ah. and Rowlie er ai Agriculture and Canadian took on their trip ta Scatland, Industries. M r s. McQuaid Wales and England last sumn- gave comments on the motW mer. Following the benedie- "Let Us Give Thanks", with tion, Mrs. A. Hoar was aue- thanksgiving prayers ofiered tioneer for a variety af goods by Mrs. Gladys Maleolmsan, whieh rnembers had brought Mrs. Earl Weatherilt and Mns. ta bacat aur funds. Vincent Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mur- Mrs. Thomas JennIngs gave. phy, Glenn and Jamie, New. a humorous poem "We Won't castle, visited his mat.ber, Mn. Have To Scîl The Farni". The Edith Murphy, and attended members jained. in singing thie afternoon service at Ty- "This Land Was Made For rone United Church. Other You and Me". Mrs. Vincent guesta ai Mi,.. Murphy were Jackson conducted a contest Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, with Mrs. George Neals and Mrs. Isaac Murphy, WilIaw- Mns. Roq Cari, winnlng prizes. dale. AI] were supper guesta Mns. Hector Morton express- ai Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- cd the thanks ai the, membsj Laugbuin, Nestieton. ta the. hostesa and all who ha du Sar alaie Mr. and Mrs. taken part in the prgram, R., Burlrgeansd children irom also invltlng ail ta attend the the village Having sold their November meeting which wil home to Ray Davey, they have b. held at her homneand wîll nioved ta a arin ear 1Poý ;,tur@ Homne Economici and anadian Stateman, Eowman'lelt 2,1 nursing trne this month spent on these clinics. Audiometry jThe audiomneter schedule this school was planned ai firat of September. There b. no change fromn laut3 in that ail children begir school and those in Grade wili b. tested. Referrals1 other grades and alua chlldren repeating their at sehool, will also be dot This month, requests tests "early in the fail" referrals which had1 made during the sun months took up most of time. Sanitation In preparation for wt work on housing, contrac request approval of bulc lots in which private se' disposai installations are ne sary. Seventy-two such were inspected 'and apprci As the demand for serv increases, so also does the quest for information various aspects of envii mental sanitation. Two hu red and thirty-one intervi by public health inspec were held. In some instar the requested information be given by telephone: for ample, in regard to insecti rodent control. Seventeen inspections refuse disposai sites w mnade, and where imprc, operation was c on si de r necessary the municipal thorities were contacted. Meat Inspection There were 1,131 animals spected by a veterinarian d, ing the month, and of thE .2 or about 1 per cent, w~ condemned. In addition, portions were condemned. General Remarks Mrs. Mildred Witherly1 joined the office staff in Bo nanville and is working pa ime. We were pleased velcome back to the MiIlbro district, Mrs. Lyle Nattre publie health nurse. M~ Nattress was on staff for fe 'ears previously. Visitors to the Health 1i office in Cobourg this mot riluded Mrs. Elizabeth Co an, fromn the Nutrition Bran f the Departmerxt of Heal Toronto, and Miss Helen Et erington, nursing advisor Public Health Psychiatry Le Ontario Hospital, Kingstc Charlotte M. Hornei B.A., M.D., D.P.H., Medical Offîcer of Health and Directci t usBETHANY q e rAbout 250 sehool teaches s machine aitheii Bethany Ski tte attendd the Federated Wo- Hilla for this winter. This e wiU men's Teachers Association of will assure mernbers af good year, Ontario Fail Regional Confer- skiing aver a lengthy .season. nilng ence at Lindsay on Saturday. Lait winter rnany important efive Those attending fram ths dis- events and ski - meets nad ta from trict were Mns. Jean Argue b. cancelled due ta the un- any (Victoria Associate President certainty af the weather. yeux Hostess), Mrn. Belle Smith and Work is already in pro- flC. Mrs. Ernestine Robinson. The gress on the his and this for theme for the conference was winter will see artificial snow and "Communications",.a accomplished fact. been Mrs. Ina Palmer spent the "Sure snow would attract nmer weekend in Peeroruh ist many vstn skiers to the f te ig wthMr. and Mrs. Hally area on weekends. MeMahon. Mr. A. 0. Dalrymple of inter Orbee Challice, Blind River, Bowmanville, Agricultural Re- ýcoswas home for the weekend presentative for D ur ha m ctora with his mother, Mrs. Richard County, was gueat speaker at [dig Challice. the meeting ai the Bethany ýee- Alfred Watling, Toronto, Women's Institute on Monday lots spent the weekend with Mr. night at the home of Mrs. aved. and Mrs. Robert Gilmour Bruce Ryley. vices har. and Mrs. Malcolm Smelt Mr. Daîrymple dîscussed the e re.havesold their home here Changing Agricultural Picture. on and are rnoving ta Port Hope "Agriculture can be defined as ron- ti wee. man's attempt to overcome und- Mrs. Ada Clark has returned the limitations of nature in iews from a threc week's visit with order to raise anld harvcst a etors her Eon Dr. John Clark and desired crop. As w. look at inces family in Niagara Falls. the -agricultural economy ai cn The Bethany Girls' 4-H Club Canada and the demand that can met at the home of Mrs. John is aheadfoth rlw and ceals on Saturday, continuing know that we will have to with their course "Dressing produce more food in Canada, of Up Vegetables". not only to fecd ourselves, but xerea The menu waa. planned for other parts of the world. veda dinner on Saturday, Oct. 29 Farming today is part of a r e d whcn the girls will be hosts great c o mpl1ex including au- ta their mothera and members manufacturera, suppliera, pro- of the Bethany Women's Inati- cessors and distributors, cm- tute. The dinner will dernon- ploying about 40 per cent _of i-strate the variaus cookery the Canadian labour force. dur- methods taught during the Over 100 years ago Lord iesc, course. Tennyson wrote 'The aid ord- verc Weights and measurca Of er changeth, yielding place ta 23 canncc-t vegetables werc dis- ta the new and God fulfilîs cussed. Plans were also made Himself in many ways unlesa for Achievement Day. ane goad custom should car- has The Peterborough Ski Club rupt the world'. ýo-have announccd plans for the "This is Thanksgiving mnonth ýart- installation ai a snw-making and Pcrhaps thase of us who ta are. in agriculture d on oc- -ook and were on the "Pilgrim" casion sec ican ycara as wcll cas, theme. as plentiful years; pcrhaps qrs. Congratulations ta Mrs. L. warking with nature wc re- aur J. Hoaper on lier 83rd birth- alize the importance ai giving day an Sunday, Oct. 23rd. thanks for thasc things. We Jnit The Hi-C graup is holding have neyer had a famine in ,nth a Hallowe'en party ln the hall Durham County. ow on Friday cvcning. "It has been paintcd out nch Mr. and Mrs. Merton Mavin that aur population will soon lth, and Brent, Oshawa, Mr. and be doubled and that means 7,h Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bowman- that we must double aur food in ville, werc guesta ai Mrs. A. production. Canada is thought at Wood and boys. af as an endlesa land ai farma, ton. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Paterson but this is nat sa; only five r, and famiiy, Oshawa, wcrc per cent ai its 3.8 millions * Sunday guests ai Mr. and square miles is uscd for agri- Mrs. J. Waodlcy and C. W. culture. Farmland will prab- >r. Waadlcy. ably neyer cxceed 15 per cent. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, There are a quarter ai a mil- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue lion fcwcr Canadian farma visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Leslie now than 25 ycars aga, but Virtue, Oshawa. today's farms have incrcascd ,ea- Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent, Osh- in average size from 240 acres ber- awa, wcre gueats ai Mr. and ta 360 acres. Yicld wcnt up ier- Mrs. Lamne Phare. at the same time by 25 per by Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Poolcy, cent. lncrcascd productivity ints Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. bas meant that one farm work- iny Rusell Virtue. er today produces food for ille Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, approximatcly 32 persans. In ker Hampton, Mrs. W. Macdonald, the 1930's this production ied A. Bowmanvillc, wcre guesta ai only 10 persans. There are nt, Mrs. R. Scott. many wha feel that intensi- He Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith fied production rather than his and family, Miss Lynn Yeo, opcning new lands is the key for Hampton, and Miss Lamna ta increased production ta pro- 0). Yeo, Oshawa, were guests ai vide for the future popula- )on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vancyk. tion." en- Sunday visitors at the home Mr. Daîrymple eammented ur ai Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar an the necd for education for est wcre Rcv. and Mrs. A. E. Young people ai the future. of Crcsswcll, Claremont, Mr. àËa 'The boy, or girl- Who will be ai Mrs. George White, misses a succesa in agriculture (or in Lorraine and Marilyn White, any other field) will nced as Ing Bawmanvillc, Miss Jo-Anne much education as they can oir Hoar and Mr. Ken McQuaid, get. It is up ta parents ta sec as Oshawa, Miss Marie Draper, that their children do reccive a Enniakillen,, Mr. John Hoar,1 a goad education." He rccom- ýek Toronto, and Miss Linda mended the value ai the 4-H rn- Smith, Peterborough. Club wark, the Junior Farm- he Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skin- crs' organization and the bene- .ra. ner, Mrs. W. F. Park, Bow- ficial training receivcd through ay manville, were guesta ai Mr them. tg and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and "ýWe must realize the im- ng family. partance ai agriculture and is On Friday evcning the the importance af education af Tyros wcre exuberant gucats for Young people. In this ed at Simcoe Hall Boys Club, changing world those wha are aIl Oshawa. The.boys enjoyed . educated certainly will be ie swim and variaus gamea such better preparcd ta face the ins as archery, etc. Everyonte changea that will take place. rs indicated a wondcrful even- In 15 years, 60 per cent ai the Eing. Thanks ta those who jobs that people will be do- provided transportation. ing are probably not even Everyone here and in the heard ai at the present time. aurrounding communities is "At thîs Thanksglving time invite& ta corne and hear Rev we should be thankiul for the Glenn Taylor, Chaplain ai past and the good thinga that Ontario Training School for have came aur way. At the BOYS, at Tyrane -Home and saine time we have an obliga- PLAY!lekoohm j 1WIN~~GetYVosr FreeCaiToday! Canada's Finest Red Brand Beef SPECIAL FEATURES THE KING 0F ROASTS - SHORT CUT - SAVE 20c Tasty, Econorilcai - SAVE 10e Cut As You Like Themn - SAVE 24c ec Brausing RIBS 39,b RIB STEAKS 85Ib BURNS CAMPFIRE - SAVE 28c BREAKFAST BACON1I87 Presswood's Brand - SAVE 16c Capaco Pure Pork - SAVE 1O WIENERS cP:49cSAUSAGE 11k59c Sopsy's Genuine Vac Pack Save 20c Iit A E4 COR BEF RISETSHOP WITH CONFIDENCEI ESTE A K-PSAVE S c hathar Frash, Frei Pm h .d arM Pkg. 2C 791b; CGOVERNMENT-INSPECWEDI o Fresh Produce Features DepClFaue FRM GOLDEN YELLOW CHIQUITA - SAVE 4c Purex 4 Colours 2-Roli Pkg. SAVE 4e, BANAAS1O Toillet Tissue29 lb 44--] i. Pk - 48 z-Pg-SAE- Ontario Grown Faney SAVE 10c 4o.Pg 8o.Pg AE6 6-Qt. Quick Quaker Oaits 49c CUKILAND RPPLES Basket65 Heinz Pure 11l ai Bottles Tomato SAVE Sa Large Lusejous SAVE 9c KETCHUP 2.for49c CamraG A ES l-.4 cGold Seal 1-lb. Tin SAVE go Calera RAES2 Is 9 Pinkc SaUmion 69c" G ood Va lues AEc Golden Dew Parchment 1-b. Pg AE 9 Robertson's 4 Varieties 12-oz. Jars SVSeM AR GA R INE 3 for 95 C MA M L DS 2fr c Ivory 24-oz. container 10e OFF PACK AoRtMALADE 2fo69c LIQUID DETERGENT 89c VormnsSAVE 17e ln akg Eoffee Sprits - Victorias - Chocolate Chlp lO-oz. Pkgs. Gingakg e OFF PACK DUTCH COOKIES 3for$1.OO Spic end Span Clecaner 91c Swift's 24-oz. Tin SAVE 6c Coronation Stuffed Loose Pack15-oz. Jar Se OFF PACK IRISH or BEEF STEW 53c MANZANILLA OLIVES 69c. Prem 1-z i SAVE 4c Seott 4 Colours 4-Ral fkg. SAVE 4o LUNCHEON -MEAT --59c TOILET TISSUE 53C EctnAdiintDominion's Own Brand __ SAVE ON COMPANY 45 BRAND PRODUCTS NW Richmello 1-z a D u T - :; E ~NUT BUTTER .... 37c âRIN& Domnino Fancy 48-oi. Ti=s GRANDPRIX TOMATO JUICE 3-.$1.00 O FI 91 P IXCA4J. Domino Choice 20-ai. Ta FRUIT COCKTAIL... 39c SPECIAL - SAVE 200 @ io l *Country Girl 20-os. Si»a oz CHERRY PIES ......43c SPECIAL - SAVE 20 U cANS Richniello Pkt. oa121 4 Delicions Flavours: Cola-Ginger Aie SPECIAL -SAVE 10e Orange Soda & Lemon-Lime Soda Rcmlo rne 16-o.lm __ __ _ __ _ CHIFFON CAKE .... 49o ALADljVE;E;ITMS INLOSHAW ::TIM»E iWTC EVRY:!fiURSDAq TYRONE

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