The Canadian Statesnmn. owmanvMle, Oct. 26.,1968 Births Articles for Sale Articles for Sale For Rent Work Wcmted Real Estate for Sale IReal Estate for Sale Real Estate frSi~elEtt o STACEY - Laurje, Michelle JWATER for sale and delîvered, 2,000 USED bricks. Telephone APARTMENT. T e l e p h once CUSTOM work, men's and MODEJËRN _brick bungalow, 5. e 0 CEfrii Crwih OE OL A and Wendy are happy ta an- Cati Cliff Pethick 263-2131 623-3368. 43-1 623-3197. 4- os tailoring. Caî 63387 ro10o0e rodoo aAC3RErof onsi, 0ares rkbl nounce the arrivai af their 32-t1 HORSES boarded. Telephone NEWCASTLE, 3 warmros__ 43-1 to-wail, full basement for rec- 10 acres hardwood.Iml fN n new brother, Greggory Frank, QAT straw, stored in barn. 263-2060. 43-1 land bathroom for elderly1 FREE pickup of househalÎd dis-- reation purposes. fireplace and Brick Bungalow south of 7A Highwa.Shoi A 9 lbs. 4 ozs., born Tuesday, Edwin Staub, R.R. 3, New- ILCRCrne ienw couple. Phone Orono 983-5639.1cardables. Phone 623-7276. attached garage, large and 4-pce. Ceramie Tiled Bath bus service. OiledradJuthLHO E October 18, 1966, et Memnorial castie. 43-3* $50. 6237685.n4ge,___________ 43-2 ____40-tf spacious lot. Fully furnisifed, Mahogany Trlm M. Wilson, Nestieto.Cd elEtt n nuac Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud $50. 623-7685. 43-1_____ if desired. Telephane Orono Cutm ultabnt 41-8435 parnt ar Fankan Shr-WATER for sale and delivered. ONE hydroplane, ail fibre- TWO bedroom home, 11/2 miles CLEMENT Poultry,1 Custom 983-i93 atari5netsweek6-986-4B3s95en ron.43.* 2 hor srvie. ali 29-tfgls.Poe2393 Highway, ail conveniences. Phone Newcastle 987-4353. ___-1 62-76-e--o-ecs- n o ikn, ed o rezr as __ - Full Price $15,500.00 P. E.62-64 31 CWcoraspberry canes and Phone 987-4467. 43-1 _________ 3841 W STORSBERGEN-Freddie and CHESTERFIELD, suitable for wheat straw. Phone 725-6046. --E-aprmnt eteWW.mdac rto hi- Frank RclEtl Down Payment, open te offers G A E Patricia Storsbergen are proud cottage or rec. room. Sarn 43-1gMOEN prtethate, IL id neo tochlV o frhe nfrato ,to announce the arrivai of Turner 623 -5069. 43-1- frig and stove, large living ren in my own home hy the LIMfTEDFofuie nrmtn iheirson, BiIGyDAbRrnrOetober SURGE muking machine, anc m, aus ony. ppy a ayor wee. all623-2183. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville .al 623-2970 Rea EstaeG AEL ther1966, Bat Memorai Horspiauit nd iline fo 0cowsgood condition. 623-3957. Statesman__office.___ 40-tf _________ 43-1 __________ Dvso 7,_166,_________Hosita,_uitndRepeinefEstatews e)owmanville. Speciai thanks Sam Turner, 623-5069. 43-1 ___ 43îAPARTMENT one bedroom, IS your saw dull? Wan't eut62-33__________ 4tf 8S. IoFy onsD.H n-MPEdnn omsiewt OURTLAND apples by the situated on Ontario Street near in a straight uine? Bring it to Member Oshawa and District 623-3341 8Dvso t JossFayond sh , Dtr. HSf. rMPLdiningleom sutenith bushel. David Werry, R.R. 2, Qucen. Possession Nov. 15. us! F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Real Estate Board eerKwlJ. ___________________leaves, $35. Phone 623-7276. Newcastle. 43-i $60. Cail 623-2147. 43-1 Bowmanville. 43-1* Cobouri Are 2334 ______ _____ ___ ~lREALTOR 3 cehbyfra Marriage 43-1 GOOD mature cob corn, off FIVE-ROOM apartment, two A.BA6 FasAcGEEA NSRNEw rbe pinhrobbyoo RGNL nee. , - - ~KEYS cut au.toatically, whi1e Haptnr23088t-3ns.Tleneb drooms horwaerreat, Nv. mb1nAcres with 8-room brick,52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle home with modem r vn-hmsi omnil n 433Rs.Autenspre3erre4. 4-g &3-45 tînarriage is announced oflware. 36 King St. ., Bowman. HAY for sale, first grade, 40c b tv n, 6 32 34 e t n o a locone ni e s. Gronod 2-4 3e cs sig $ 60 0.s ro n i g dsrc a k ___________________fill.______ ;aniou t sll.PhneONE-HALF duplex; also a.35 Nelson St. Bowmanvllle Oly$14,500 -Teri . ladies bus30yacForoffriendly, hon-i 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie WILL seli or trade- for what 986-4426 Blackstock. 43-1* one-bedrooni apartment; Bow- tf1 Are it -erom seilaO-o20 o 30acresai coh1ceepace Mawbey, Wilberforce, Ontaria,lhave you, 3 acre lot in Hamp- STUDEBAKER Service, new manville. Possession Noven- 6ro osifdo an odSuh ,tn$14,900 - Terms. !frontage. baîg sig$.0 ..3r. and Mrs. Harold Henning, Phone 623-7276. 43-i Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf EXCELLENT 112 acre farm PLUMBING & HEATING l6 ce ih7ro os, rsetSre.Petg.~~ urdal, O ntriond, Sa66. UYING or selling fu-rniture DMIRY Cool bulk cooler with with barn. Right on Highway1 Phn62350lresea.L-td ohbugow 1,4 sq1.tTri. ,uowanvillter 2Onai, on9Sa.-4P1,ne 623-3540 large stream. ocatdnrhbnalw ,4 q eet.Newovle- 2387 43-1* or ppliances, caîl Elmer, four milk units and mator. 401, B anll e 9-5831eP.iatxe15aio Lindsay. $16.500 - Termns. Stormns and screens. Tappan f Mrin oohed 76-99 ___________________Hampton: business 263-2294 - Phone 986-4426, Blackstock. possessin alRse -53 "'"i~ stove. Asking $19,800. N.H. Hlere is an apporuiytiHlnBabok-6376 Deaths residence 263-2695. 6-tf ______ 43-1* Toronta. 42-2178 Ontario St., Bowmanville 110 Acres with house and A. Terms. owfl e gravel pit %ihsnnîr~ acet-Mnla12 LAYS usn cl ot FOTEN oae ithAPARTMENT, heated, four 1- f barn near Pontypool. 75,000 ae. nl$3o 1_____usnSelcat RN-EDladrwt good pruned Scotch Pine Frank St. Brand new 3 bcd-wte. nl$30.Prcs41 ALLIN-At Memorial Hos- 'sable coller, large size, lovely power tekeofi pump for row rooms, anc bedroom, Silver SEPTIC TANK Christmas trees. Large cut- room brick bungalow. Storms Were neyer lower. - ..pital, Bowmanville, on Wed- fur, good condition. Phone crop tractor: price $75. Cali and Wellington; aduits only. ting this year. $20,000 - Ternis. and screens. Tappan stove. Neweastli a ilesday, October 26th, 1966, Orono, Area 416, 983-5047. 983-5853. 43-i Available Nov. 1. Telephone PUMPING 20 ce tc . iiesttbu nton 1,21 uidn ltmi Albert Henry (Harry) Aluin, -43-1-- - 623-5984. 43-1 20Ar tc am Ne. Bestey n w. $127.Bidnlo10x15' odRAESAEROR - - - - -3,000 BALES good qquality WHITEWASHING STABLES South Monaghan. 9 - roano ,.A.Trs location, surveyed;ga -retired grocer, aged 88 yearUSEDwsc;atmtrby 5 ae d n ONE large, furnished house- BSRTom$26.00arge rn tems. 1E - husband ai the late BirdieBety Thor and Croslcy quantity.Tephn70rî keeping room. Marricd couple BiERarTr.TapaTsoe. cahKIhne62-33 * Dilling, dear father ai Mar- eepBeatr1ty,50-Trm.wt crot Tpa toe 100 ah rappliances, nationally adver- Bethany.4.-3 or two fricnds. Close ta hos- Phone Newtonville 786-2.552 185 Acre Dairy Farm ot Storms and screens. Uniquel Orono'TD'l~ garet and Lamne, Bowman- tised line ai furniture. Paddy's albme o pitai and Goodyear, Apply Caîl Collect 41-tf ai Cobourg, l0-room brick plan. 1,220 sq. feet., AskîngI d . STN.-Sbsn. ville; Una (Mrs. W. B. Milier),lMarkct, Hampton, 263-2241. KEMAC olbre o coal or 47 Queen Street. 43-i1-homail cnein.Barck $19,099. N.H.A. Terms. Two 1 pend Hallowe'ennthsia7romidroldbcki OsswhaGwtru; GrerJ.C.rudewod ang; CP.TENTonodrorangKeB;N ore, conenincs. ar'll 2-t--y.9 aomhom -easlygo9 codiion Ht wtd ,Snowe), Winisk, Ont.; Marioni- -----______ hand pump, 21 it. 1 1/" pipe. PRMN-onberm FA KBIK 37 x 88', 28' x 50',. T ta choose from. duplheatedub ,.(Mrs. Maurice Proctar), Brock- INSULATION, blowing mcth- Phone 263-2095. 43-1aatent in Bowmaiiville. T'7' ngsprings. Excellent Double garage,, with ail, ,vile ad ac, obur. es- dwith rock wool. Work- _ - Close ta hospital and school. nci$2,00iîngFndn i ouht - nga te ori Fnr uaated.Fr1 FOUR-seater 2-picce chester- Immediate possession. Phone SEPTIC TANK 2 ce Nwate8- meke your house payments9 per onthant o Jnga el, ornvise. rlemasipgante.F fielyln aer,$15;poe62-7CARLISLErehor. 4 crsatAVE.te.- h nt u ii6hoeaRooprmon Çhpl omnil.Service esiaeHerry L. Wade, 1e, nylon.9; covers, $95;pls637504i3rstr1hur.INSTALLATION room home. Large lhen hausehventebuy this om eextadOo the Chapel on Friday at Phone Newtonvile 786-2256. lms 1.5 lo ap,____________ 31H m'o 2327 with raom for 3,000 layers,drva. 2:0PM nemn o-38-tf $14.95. table lamps, $4.95-; TWObdH mptn p263-arn0 Will trade for apartment help pay for it. Cail Picturesque ServiceSaint onon aae ae ________ modem spiit level home, upsairpia arn inanville Cemetery. 43-1 TY P EWRITE RS, $9 dresser, chcst ai draesment, private bath and en- '-' - 310hacreuglo. st00 okfrn ar] for tatfine faî wadetar10q i.01bilig nNecste ec !moncy down, $2 wkly. Add- Murphy Fumniture, King W.' trance, $90 monthly, includ- 0J M Terms. Praperties are seîîing fasttrce 'IRVINE, Larry-At bis home ers, Cashiers, File Cab., ncw, Bowmanivîlie. Phone 623-3781. îg heaAcetok hydro, waterhefie and Atpr lvig re. ls on Seturday, October 22nd, used, rentais, service, trades. 43î* garbage. Available Nov. 21. Painters Newtonville. Two streams.!We nced yours today. Pleaslivingra. lsitaa noewih2bdomsdo ae e~4966, Larry Irvine, 27 Flett Bill Hamilton, Raglan (North pj1p~Phone 987-4621. 43-1 * Sevcn-room home with aIlýll o poitettols frontage. Presently noîgrnvto.Togon3lo ýStreet, in his l5th year, belov- af Oshawa). - 42-tf BSO' New Improvcd hay4rom prtc, and Deoaos cneines. Two barns. Ter-1 Evenlngs, call20,00gas and pasture mixtures, bicnded MODERN 4this officet, iffor particularsTeris.. : d son af Mr. and Mrs. Allan MAURE for sale; -lso M-a _fo riidsce. era d, corner King and ý27 Elgin St. - Bowmanville .5 CEfr erPr SIrvine, dear brother of Janet sey 18 spreader, only usediadSrncaiafDîaD ivision Streets. Immediate' Phne63-054r Acres near Oshawa. A oe---6324 Oshawa and William. Restcd et the twice, and Duitt cattie aileran aaa lafDladpseso.Freeprig Phn 62305 FotgonSmeS.Go .Kwl r 2-88RsauntndI ýNorthcutt and Smith Funeral with drum aif insecticide. La- red claver. Sced corn - Unit- pyssesio. Famur c e parking om.Pantdbansý31 r. Choice corner oain.Hdo ;-îlome. Funemal service wasication. Newtonville. Phone cd Hybrids, Pnide Hybrids' AppiviioSt.,s Fams Foods Stream. Good hardwood bush.Adon arctg 'w held et 2 o'clock Monday after- [Toronta 489-0039. 43-1 Seneca 155, Jacques 850, War- 14Diiio 4Bwmn '~ASPHALT -A IG ,l mk ofcus ie ploying over 100 persne.A-t__- moan. Interment BawlTanvill 'OR wick 263, Canada 606 and .1 --_ _ _ RVWY Wudmk ofcus ie John F. Deit prîce that wilî send hc i f A-L oe CONPicker, New Idea two Economy Blend. Your Bishop s WOULD uit fou aduits Prîced for quick sale et seiaus buver scrambigf Cemetemy. - raw, narrow, with sheller. Ex- Secds hep., J. A. Rosevear, Ground floor apertmcnt, two'1 Ah Work Guaranteed $500-Trs REAL ESTATE LTD. his checiuebook. ELETT N CR A D r n R n ) - cellent condition . used n c 263-2095. 43-2 bedroom s, kitchen, living- - Contact - S en cV ac re a rcel ne ar hoe 2- 394 Fra0 F. emshave , 00-a30. 00 IN UNs ~ XAD rn Rn) ycar, $1.000 saving. Roblin room and bathroom. Com- STEPHENceprclna Poe63-90Frm io( Suddenly, October 18th, 1966, Farrn Supply Ltd., R.R. 4, FR~TBO pletcly furnished, dishes, wash- TPE FUELS Kendel. Two streems, hard-- rtro r. uyGbui evcmything needed is here. Phone 623-5410 wood bush. $l0,.500 - Terms. DAIRY FARM as a gainglcounerHoms, avallefrIBo anle-36bryN aister ai Mrs. uby Gabauri of-47 King E. Phone 623-5081,wner would like ta ent ta 0Arecih tem eroncern ih cte n ameHms-ml odns6376 o f T ornov , w eai AIR u nss el H a li ndsN -t ay, Pl onl34- 1 2. 43 1 .50 A res w th stream , neer n , wîH att i n d m e- tn_ w ith buildings - 10 t 30- H se mani and Mrs. Russell Oke of!New Woolens, Wool Blends,I RIG OUR BEEF middle-aged or aId people-29fCsetn TrusramhecierHstimlko- acres.BWMNLE Bowmenvillc. Private service. Corduroy Wooi Tartans, PrintsI OR PORK TO US who wvould board him for re- JACK BURGESS goon pond sites. $5.000 - $1,5(ing $5.000. Tuildrms. Bi oro 2387 l o. rcd asi SCremetion. 43l*in Cotton, Chiffon, Silk, Wool, 'We Speelalize g $45,0u0.d rert.sHeBhas hisdow _______ Feit Squares, et Goodbrand private bedroom. Garage, OIL BURNERS - FURNACES 10 Acre scenic stncam parcels DIYFRnrha alnWoha 8-95BWAVLE-Cuc .1,$MITH, Ettie Evelyn-At Part Fabrics, 28 King St. W., Bow- CUSTOM CUTTINGIgarden. 263-2204. 41-tf CLEANED near Newtonville. $5.000 - Oshawa. Excellent modemn Helen Braybroa 2-05Sre.4Bdoomsda mavle-4- --P -G EAR Tri.buildings, eut, stable cleener. Pcrmy Memorial Hospital on - iom and PLUBNARPARS Tems Over $21,000 yearly milk, Frank Hackett - Manhl R2fmi oe ls aeey Tuesday, October 25th, 1966, ORDER NOW-Custom made Kornan oard PHONE HAMPTON 10 Acre parcels on peved ceu.Po clhrao 3 Ettie Evelyn Scott, beloved Drapes îrom aur mansmp. 5c per lb. W nec6-15hodcoe aBwevlequr el. oC el Mm. DonlyJtm. roadclos a! oAmthur seSmithCal: Mr Aonell ý4Wf fArhi .Smt n.fprint anu plein Wan____263-215 $6,500 - Terms. nother ai Neil and Glenn, Dralon, Fibreglass, etc. Free 1 GNTLMA desires roomn Mail Address : o7GijacsinSrt.3Bdombck Columbus, in hiem 73rd yeam. Estimetes et the store or taken HueTRNO.7Acefr ResingettheArmtrng un-inyou hoe.Goobrad A Eand board, weekly. Telephone P.O. Box 543 - BowmanviIIeý Kendel, terrific view, 1/ý in town, modernized borne. R I C A R1 tasi j tn tteAmtogFn inyu oe odrn 263-2310 noan, or aiter 5. acre lot, 6-room home an pv aî.Pn.Reyfrsb erai Home, Oshawa, with fun- Fabmics, 28 King S.WBow- EY SO Ki_______ ____ MotBRen.torndO.MANVILLfor hur erel service in the chapel on imanvidle. StW, 41-3 1 NURSER TO K43 l untjoy cd road. Only $l0,900 - division. Cail: Lyle Mason Lta., StRt.3Beeoalrck a 'hursday, October 27 a2 T Lease explred on our out-of- F-î -ABcckhoe Service Terms. 392-3964. Bw avle ae ag o.Oe o pa.ItretOhw"t2O EStown property. ___________ ___ Bownienvilie, Prospect St. - CONSECON A R EA. 143an J'VVfDIRENCHES - DRAINS 3-Bedroom home, lot 65' x 130'. Acre farm. 9 Roomed home. C .m. termen43-1s$50wa EVERYTHING MUST Go HOLSTEIN eifer, sptted, FINATOSAND $290623-2503 NIKLEN-Suo Ce e e y 3 1 O H W F O U N DAapr x 0 o t s l . V i o E T I T N S $ 2 9 0 - T ernis. B throom , g od size bhe .R ad 2 Ac e , 4 b d on s VAÀN CAMP, Ray-At bis OH W vegen Farm, R.R. 1, Enniskiilen. SPI AK Bowmenville, King Street - Stream. OnIý $18.000. Caîl: rëieneo WdedaOc 4SUPYLT.HIK EWB Phone 10 room duplex, lot 64' x 168'. Lyle Mason, 392-31964. Honsey Streetlreiaebos.Cnei tober 26th, 1966, Roy Van 12-18 Inches, ea. $2.69 -__ -ackstock 986-4737., $16,500 - Tcrms. 5ACE otofPort cdhoe. Geood codtio ECATE-Nw bd Camp of R.R. 2, Bawmanviile Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa JUNIPERS, PFITZERS, Cars for Sale ___ 20-tii1*Ontario Street, Bowman- Perry. Stream, 30 acres pý Cld oe.t etriSholroobnaowolctial Inhs8s er eoe u'Just East af Ritson Road ;SABIN, HETZE, ANDORRA,--vle 7-room brick, 2 bath-1turc. Only $1,750 dawn. Cali:' ClohtsemmdiaeCposesion hbi s 8flE ast ern o e'd bus Dial 723-8131 'Il l? inches, ea.---- $2.49 52 DODGE heu-on truck, A C E M A roomns. Asking $16000. Open Tom Donnelly 985-7264. 1$14,500.e . ba ihe dn e s.N.ownear Day or night - Bill Leask, Prop. l good repair. 623-7276. 43-1 A KR A o fes ens OVL.20Arsi 'Cs ugl I(Joyce) and Sami. Resting et FoeigSrb u-L 0T-eýàr-e- X A AIGRwmanville, Concession Si. bouse, hemn. Located 1/ mile'on Prospect St. 4 pe ah ECSL ero ea N ome.cut ad smric tFuR Et E RED BARBERRY dn y. ie n w Wif. LOADING - TRENCHING -4-bedroo mn brick home, large fom lake. Huntng area. Prce 011 funace. This is a et bu gl w o nce o. Qw r emal ome.Funcal srvic et ItL E ,18 Inches - bughv 69 Maindonald, Phone 623-7025. i Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and lot 105' x 310'. Excellent $3.600. Cail: LIyle Meson tactive well built niu asi pnf? 2 o'clock, Fridey aitemnooin. In-I wth purchasc ai $3.00 - -- rethSIRA 43-1 Fill Delivcred valu et $18.000 - Terms. 392-3964. $15.900. fes terment Bowmanville Cerne-' worth of gasoline 3Bi. Wth IREA,-----------CHýEVROLET sedenw,ýith I2*-Hour WATER SERVICE BwnnilLbrys 63 ACRES with new, modemn Third St. - $2.000Don HGWYN.2-Nar 43-1 au wlI reelveFREE BILLIADI, 3 f t. to 4 it. --59e 1good tires, 60,000 miles. Ralph Reasonable Rates loew r ach buaows, fiacejSbrckmbunarlw, e haPre- Attractive 7 yr. odbikPetnRa.2Ars e~ 1CORAL GLASS TUMBLER HONEYSUCKLE, 3 to 4 ft. 99e Virtue. Telephone Hampton 62ý3-5756__-__BOWMANVILLE l,2'b0trooqs fi r pce 'Sdt e. Prl add rc bungalow. Lots aiete.ro0raebnaocn WATSON, William- At the' (4 dificrent sizes - These are just sampes.. 1263-2526. 43-1 --- -18(0s.i.linspc,3cdtse.I $13,900.vnics.$000wttei, Blvd., Bumlington. an Tuesday, 1SL OTNE nai; n 5 hv tto ,tianai well huilt home. $31.500 with buildings, hîghway la- dlSte October 25th. 1966, William iH WX. KNAPP'S SAECNTNE watio nc583 Chev.station' PLUMIBING & HEATING j-Terms. cation. Tbree duck ponds. Storey and balf bichoeEneBdey - 2350 WWtontbs ocdhubad iThrug TisWcked agn,283moan acoox SAESSAERLCESrna& ewHoesbytaseC.Eit grae.Ths sgaweraenA.eaeryTh2i-63 Daiy uly.dea boterai AUTOS LTD. LIBERTY t966ilem. PoeT 623-3 23 24-HUE0 C H O) N S K I. Large lots. 248 ACRE FARM, with iethm n n hti Hugli and James Watson, 24 Base Line Bowmanville 16CHVOEImea 'Oil Burner Service Priced irom $15.300. hause, 2 haros, 3 fanm ponds. ireasonably close ta ve- Gu LE AN Haitn ono tny42-2 cmSEIE so htecring nti, powerbee, SPI AK N Maple Grave area, No 2 Handies 75 head ai cattie year thing. $3.000 down. Cmeek, Mrs. Stanley Johnson- -- - 128 Liberty N., Bowmanvuîle oer steres. poe 623-5194 TILETAKBED Highway. Large lot,. 5-roon, round. Asking $25.000. Terms.i 4 Bedrooms elo (Catherine), Mms. F. Ross SPFCIAL - 6 - tan wagons, 1!,' Miles North af 401 ohreta.Poe6359 IEBD brick bungalow. Ideal retire- 70 ACRE FARM. East i ii this brick homeonmly6371 ~ent (Agnes) and Mrs. Doug- $160,00; Inter. B275D tractar, 43-1 lafiter 5:30. , - __43-1 PHONE ment home. $1390-$.0'NtoilehusemlreS., ecstLag lt as Mimne (Helen), al ai Bur- with loader; Ferguson 2085 ____ -- 62T PONTIAC -d-r6 1yl, AIPTON 263-22883d00wn$400st eam tra unfinhoshebn dacentSiforNmesale, orbuld 'lington: employec ai Dominion tractor, Inter. Cub Lovboy, LCst 2sadadtrnmisonrada_TYON 63260 - 'down c ae oe,3igtrao. Axiotra nshd ng dacn on. 11.00-aerm.BwaviePoet V Foundries and Steel.Ri7tig with 42" mouinted r STOCKER estck For Sale_'snw dtirsm50s'6ionda UPHÔRONERîG bdra26lu3u-2ii650 CESwt rae jWs nd eramh nt the Rabinson FnrlHmmower; Inter. B414D tractar,ctte-or aSotr , lie nw, $75.Tele I lrostaluschols. soping, orne.ARES, stam9a d n.Newcastle aovi odsaea ear King St. E. et West Ave.,,Inter. 3-furrow plow, 3-paint cie n erigodrpoe6320.4~*Sv olr!Hv oreCsigend Park oad area. Askime ang 1,650.Trernsd p.l 2Yamidbckunloau umsrisndcees Mamltn.Service in thelbitcb; Massey-Fcrgson 3-fur- now. Telephone NwoniicieaALIfuipo1ed crildad hirie-pnlt Znd24inO,6a5$1900omDnnly 8-76. r OteyC. 8.x12'lt.Akigony$890 r y. 4 3- riqmy f9 ýI r vstr ý, make aler; V se 1 65 EXTRA-good quah ity H rel e nonf;,3 exfýteiar m fbc,11 teil n d h .-ihomeç - Acr__ xvith_-h-e.ooni_ om.Ail modmconven- M(f Ra dv,85 0i m c lte c n ii n ie Wbool Board requests tendersWhy Pay More. . Notice is hereby given that 1963 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-DOOR STATION WAGON te 9 pd..Caî1 Tom Donneily aIl canveniences. Situtdolodonpyet (ASTSpestrNo. 2)eîoitsTK DVNAE I have complied with Section 9 Autunin Gold witb tnim ta match. One ow Ner cen264 (AT pesN.2)frit AEADATGEO fThe Voters' Lists Act, and Excellent condition. Lic. X10391. 1 Roy Feuler - Orone 983-580111 956.3 TAT1 ,aHiyibtwIeenMn achol fr te reen het- PRSET LW RIES that I have posted up et my 1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DOOR SEDAN JcLUienaN-63-4 CH RVICOUER T A th and alibunetor IeantigFrs ilg salons Delivenies aiFRTLZ AS YOU NEED office in Hampton, on the 26thPt Yeo--- 623-3077 odmlvnqatesEquip- Orona ih1oon rc oe ag 4000sgals.r over. Ap- FRTLZ 6 cyl., automnatie transmission, wbcel discs, white welLPbraib ae owstte or FOR day ai October, 1966, the list tires. Black witb maroan tnini. Lic. 18672E. Ken Hockin --623-5055 ment included. Veny anxious New ranch bungalowwt tnhos io e rv j*oximate annuel consumptionofalpsn etldt vei t 0 tls. R aes, Sincrtr-I Pod in the municipauity at muni- 19623NFORD GALAXIE 4.1>001 SEDAN led Kruiger --723-7900 ta seli. attached garage. FirepaeI hd ie npaet Mgo ~~~~~.ancd Forarr*s cplelections and that such Custom radio. Turquoise with tnini ta match,.CaeMClog 2-83HNYA POTN'fml am euiu ae 1 ce okbe si Treasurer, P.O. Box 100, Bow- list remains there for inspec- Lic. H93986. Joe Barnoski - 1 23-5787 ITY. Unfinishcd bungalow. tian in north end ai rn.$800 ir&anville, by Monday, OctoberiFor a ComPlete Fertiliser tiail. flCERLTDUXBLA 2OR Andy Keji- 721-019611nsulated. Large lot.i pi $19.300.10Acewih9ro bu ifflt, 1966. stating fixed nr!Prfflam - Sol! Testlng - n,1he19caiuonal 6 CHEVRLTh DELUXE BELtansisio. TrqoisOR trmRwrdFretank and weil. Highwy a Bldg. Lotwihalmdmcnnecî, riuùct.uatingp pice per gallon!Crop Recomniendationa - ulk AdA Ihecb aî uo al 6 yl it etmai tanmsson uruis2,500imIHoad are -'ctn nl 2.0 dKning S.E. cwaSt. areban12E.,8' 10ace àWspecitlcatîons. 42-2'CSO Speading vaters ta take immediate pro- ta, match. One owner car. Lic. H97962 Brooklil 655-38531 Lreatatv o CUSTOM 1- - ceedinga ta have a",y omissions 1942 COIIVAIR MODEL 769 4-1>001 SEDAN George Heston - jW. Lit Photo M. L. S. Laretracielto onalwra. Asking $2n2! or errors correctedt accordig Automatie transmission. Seafoam Qrccn. Clean car. Port Perry 985-97 and Exclusive wcn. errasîn 225.Wil88,0 wt owdgnp P9 nd18 TUE TIEN» te law, thse lait day for appeal Lic. J4602. IAlter Bours Cali: cnie esnbeofr et CEED.E being thse StMday -of Novons- Ls oadàenjy 6331 antRc > maii pd 1 inber, 198. LQmDn d-latoy-12 61Tmre Rcrd -62-39a9 ceswthareithue LT,. October 1966 . O ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. 1j d at. he 63-70e2six 3-oThomas D<cLibl 2-19DrtyVv.n-2643 0arswrai.Akn pUmt Sbr usuius 2e.NEWASLE - ONT W. E. RUNDLE.EwmnlfaCous-tic idce.rhne62-73. 3- To3sDone-9764 WIHowaerood8-27 Wig0hit o dw oy p S 90~EWCASTLE .- ....21 -- . --- DOG, Golden Retriever ai Lyle Maman--39394IordWgt-6-24me. 1-38 ?NOv.RSIbbO'Ce RjIS. «-715- 38 -41-1 ur Clerk of Township f011 uu4SUU 284206 ed Danny. Call983.50O92. Rom »avtdson -. 5afy 302îMUltord McDonsid- 239jWeLasdSiExlio 1. 3-1 434 oVIL.L.-S.6 43-