The Canadian Statasman, Bowmnvifle, Oct. 28,1M0 B.H.ese NEWS It was a tight race with the of iai ur magazine sale lead- IIgalthe way until the last py when BMH.S. pulled out in fotand won. By seuling p560 worth af magazine îubciptions we passed aour 1of$~3»3. To celebrate a lemnsVictory Dance was held on Frday. Cathy Mc- Murter, whose announcements bad been heard througbout the Colthe previaus two weeks X erncee. The music was rved from a selection af ~ uar hits and several LP's. e dance was ftee, if you soid g subscription. 'The most important event ai the evening was the an- nouncing of the winning tprms, the top salesman and 4te giving of the prizes to the jflesmen. Mr. Curtis, we were worried that he wasn't oing to make it, struggied in âbout an hour late with al the prizes and news of the gontest wîth Clarke and Court- tpe. First we have the win- zitng forms. liC was the lucky ton that won the weight of their home room teacher, Mr. Brunt, ini choco'late bars for selling the most subseriptions -dû the chosen day. 12B is naw the proud owner of an tee crearn party for being the iixst forin to reach 100% par- tLdipation. l0B aiso won an tee creani party for being the torm with the highest amaunt of sales per person, $10.10. 12D, the poor'feliows, is the the unlucky form which will have to clean up the mess left by lOB and 12B because thcy were the fanm with the smail- est participation. Tom Joncs Io now the hero of the school lécause he was the top sales- man. By selling $51 worth of magazines he has won him- self the right ta choose from a great lit af prizes which Inelude an electrie guitar, bin- oculans, camera, just to name a few. Last but hlot least, the prizes for attaining the variaus levels af $10, $20 and $30. The Bruce Colweil Trophy Cross-Country Race was heid on Thursday. Congratulations are extended to Ian McQuarrie %who ran a good race and wallc- ed off wth the trophy. To ael other contestants, especial- ly Henry Dykstra who was second, you ran weil and tried torbest. OnHallowe'en, that is Mon- &aY night, there'à going to he ïa great dance. A swinging group wlll be there ta provide the entertaiient. It's prom- -ised tbat there will be pienty ,àf action spread profusely around the sehool. It's a costume dance and those flot jnx costume wili be punished 'with higher prices. There will 'be prizes galare for special dances and for your costume. With great music, a Monday Aiight, plenty of people and lots af action, what could go wvrong. Get your costumne Fedy flow and win a prize. 1 The Senior Football team is lxaving another great year and Io going ta play McLaughlin 'en Friday for the right ta go en ta COSSA. Go see and support themn if you can. OBITUARY MRS. W. P. ROGERS 7te death ai Mrs. -W. P. iRogers, who celebrated her *90th birthday last January,l ,,ccurred at Newcastle on 'Wednesday, October 12, 1966. ,Although in poor health for tôme years, death occurred sudderxly from an heart at- tack. .Daughter ai the late John -tnd Jane Robinson, the for- iner Anna Blanche Robinson was born near Shannonville, Ont., and received her educa- toan ini Belleville and districti schools. In 1900 she married the Reverend William Pome- roy Rogers who predcceased bey. .Mrs. Rogers resided in Bow- znanville for several years and lhadlilved in Newcastle for elght ycars prior ta her death. ýA housewife, her interests centred around her family, church and home. SThe deceased was a nien- ber af the United Church of Canada and was active in al tnited Church organizations. She was a former President, Oshawa Presbytery, Women's .,issionary Society, and was elo a leader of C.G.I.T. groups i the variaus towns where she resided. Former M hes served by Rev. and . qgers include Demor- eetville, Waoler, Miiibrook, U!tenton, Port Perry, Napanee, JW.prwood, Tweed, Newcastle exd Tara. - Mrs. Rogers is survived by tue son, Raymond R. Rogers, *nd by two grandchildren, 'Wlinston ]Rogers and Pauline (Mrs. John E. Bernes). The funerai service was 1 d ram the Marris Funeral 0i"peI, Bownianviile, on Fni- 1ae October 14, and was con. ~ted by Rev. E. C. Wood- &ind of Newcastle United =~o Cenetery. wsu *. Pailbearers were Messrs. 7on ickard, Irwin Calwili, mêwcastle, Charlie Glenney, l4ndsay, Ross Stevens, Gar. **Marti and Clarence AI- Un Bwanville. - - -u - à L M LARGE SIZE POLYETHYLE NE BOOT TRAY Big enough ta hold the family's rubbers and snow boots. Built-up edges hold melted slush. Color choice of grey or*sand. REGULAR 94.c ..7 8oz. 1.i98 kIE REGULAR $1 .24 VALUE Heavy Duty BROUM RAKE Flexible sp r ii g mets! Unes whisk-up unsightly leaves andi grass. Long 45" vamnlshed hard.. wood handle. Buy riow and Savel .......99 SAVE! 36" x 72" SIZE SPECIAL PURCHASE.' REGULAR $1 .85 STORM WINDOW BATTERY BOOSTER KIT CHARGERy CABLES Recharge your battery Clear "Plastic Storms" stop chilis and where ever iyou go. 12- Borrow starting eut heating bills., Can be used rnn volt, 2 amp output. in. tram another car's bat- tie nor routdoors. stalls under hood. Plugs tery. 8 .tt. insulated 6 SCOTCHGARLD ttmes 21cdoo.....« r......into nearest 115 volt, 60 gauge alumninuni cable MOUSs pray..onfi Reglar2ie....cycl.e.. id clips. tector. Gives i, 48 x 7V" SIZE-.-Reg. 25c .-... . 8 outiet... 8.98 1-. volt -«,~1.66 iast in g pratec spt,.Pl n watr rpelaIt nM1JýIUULýý ~1 mr b - thiefa,. fabnie pro- 811 fabrics ýtion tramn 1 tains - toc! p.- »,- '4 1 li ù Û I qLWÀ1 Special! G.E; or WESTINGHOUSE LIGHT BULBS REGULAR 2 fer 59e VALUE. - Your choice of 40, 60 or 100 ýxatt. 24 G.E. TrimLite BULBS STANDARD BASE MOGUL BASE Reg. .88 Reg.S$119 50-100- 100-200- :41 IfrPaiuIr44 'PS ~AS LIN ~SUl~L1g9 ffiI TtfAWS ~ttORIN 6ASoLI~ CHROME PLATED 3-Section AERIAL Regular 2 2 LoniZ range reception. Ex- t,.nds Io 57". Universai fit. Rattle-proof, rustproof and lifetime lubricated. POLY!ThYElEN "RUBBERMAID" CAR -MATS Bardahi Gas Line ANTI FREEZE W indshield COMPARE AT $5.65-"Coronado-nod. OPR T7cPe.nsfoe a ernsthn t prtet ndenhnc tda3Slines, fuel pumps and carburetors. xeeps luxuriaus interiars. Full wîdth, ribbe gsfefrmi adwt o.quk desin. ourchoce.blac, bue r rd..sub-zero starta. 12 ounce. SPECIAL SALE 4129INTERIOR CAR PRE-HEATER Windslîield Washer ANTI FREEZE lKo ice ta icrape this win- ter. Protects ' wndshield Step into a warmi car on zero clays. 50 COMPARE AT 74e - Prevents annoying completely. Easy hook-on- watt tan forceci heater. Mounts under and dangerous slush trozen windows. WilI ta -the -door installation. tihe dash or on the floor. Coniplete wj f f7 not treeze in container or harm car's f in- 110 voit cord and piug. COMPARE AT ish. 40 ounce graduated see.throug4 plas- Universal fit. $9.98 - Sale Prîced at ................. tic bottie. AIL METAL St orm Door LATCH $.1.17 Ideal ta keep storm door ciosed secureiy for the cold monthis ahead. AIl steel - fittîngs incluided. OUTDOOR TAYLOR Thermometer Keep an eye un ,vhat'g with the weather. 81,4" x~ 21/4 wide. Easy read scaie and swivel bracket. SQUEEZE TYPE S'PONGE MOP 1pécia Sale Price9 Spring ioaded for fast and vasy clean-ups. 45" bard- %vaod handie. Thick and Ihirsty cellulose 8ponge. LAMB, PILE Steering WVheeI Cover 1.69138 Warmth and dxiving comfort et your fingertips. Uiaiversal snug fit, with the aid af strong elasticlzed edges. ORLON FUR BREEZY SEAT ReU.98 26 8 Polyethylene Plastic grid con- struction. One side Io snug orlon futr, sumnmer cool plas- tic fibre on the reverse. PHONE 613-7111 160 CHURCH ST. PICK UP VOUR OSHAWA GENERALS HOCKEY SCHEDULE HERE 1 e *BO WMAN VILLE I -I. ý 1 1 wý,c EASY TERMS SAVE MOTO MASTER RAD IATOR STOP a LEAK A mnetallic seal in a cube form that seals radiator leaks in 5 minutes, and prevents costly anti-freeze loss. SALE PRICE .-...... 1 -~ anapr 1 \\-'l ýý7 Wf eV - ! EXTRA! Loi il"M' and Caro7 lid Carry ONUS iup. Sà