fcushion of white peau de soie.IU icrI F I ~ dficiis the unanswerediThe Canadian StaeW aEwavle c.2,16 The reception wau held in ing va .rhL.nUCladteelayed answers of St. oseh'sParih Hll ol-prayer. N ext Sunday the ser- lowed by a wedding supper at vice Wiî commence at 11 a.m.1 the Memorial Park Club PONTYP O House. The bride's mother In the United Chu.rch, thel PJ received wearing a street- chose as hi e "piefper rnbckaai toyc teterbl raet W d i g 4»length turquoise dress with chs a issrmon "ersonaliWl eeIa lc oiewht etebaReligion." The choirý sang after missing a cul fi ae erCrifwe white accessories and corsagee Thank Thee Gd." Mr. weeis. I have he1 o ag u bra epe wr Romeril cnducted a very un. about it, fnt Iram te n w kle, inl d a y n r of white shasta 'munis and hldygeiobtfo eysho uis twam deep psin carntie o. S e M r. and M rs. Bruce W itherly's readers of this colum . I wl l a u e t n o i e l a e was aise d by tho e a s - infant son, David Scott W ith- try and catch up n w bu ne n S ut rn aes a d P n montherk greenar a s trterly. David is the grandson dutwl iss l e n g t h d a k g r e e n r e s s w it ha i M r. a d M r s. M a c o l m E m - a n t e v e n ts .d i t n e r m s c e a t - lace top, matching hat, blackoe r.son.demrsMo ar ie eaevr ga awl ey TeWlhaevr iaccessories and corsage niesn hcfesn r ie.W r eyg YE GRON 1mohr eeiedte ust hieshst mui adye-long residents of Cartwright corne back ta ourvilgMr.hstaepopeadhe j w G R O I m e r receive dr e guesor-s lw hitc a t a unsa d ye T o w nship and faith fu l atten - arry V an W ier in e h a e m i c r y p t y Orono U ited Ch rch, Or' weari g a blu dress nd cor- low Car ations.dants at the United Church as had a few we ek' h ld y U f ru aey I dd fo Orn ntdCuc rsage af white carnations andý As the couple let for a here. in the Ukrainener ie.pt cpaigafr Hrd e, was the scene of a very yellow r oses. The groom's honeymoon in Nashville,OnTedyOcoe1, FrcsisneasvnsstsTamsnalelngesen petty candle-light service on mother, who assisted in re- Tenn., the bride was wearingOnTedy cor1,aFacs nefs Priday evening, September ceiving. ware a two-piece jade a two-piece, double knit beigetonhiComeeung Hal Bla nd 24yas the a en afeeseia uit ns 2nd, 1966, at 7 o'clock when green dress, and her corsage suit, beige and brown feather gte h eot aigasmfggnlmn rcnih RuhMdln adn a-was of white carnations and hat, deeper beige shoes'. and stock, ta organize the Cart- g ghtewright. anstoricalenSociety.roThe.good tim e and en ja e v r o r n g o ii e . T l g h er ai M r a d rs S en e in r se .han dbag, brow n gloves and .ofi cer s for i s ociety.w d w eT he deu m s ' r d n Ke d , On , an A fter the reception the: corsage ai yellow sw eetheart ofNe s f r t i o i t are- m inute afit. sn e e s m a h . H a X~'r. lvi K e th eo, son o! b rid e an d g ro o m left fo r a ! roses an d b ro n ze 'm u n is. T h ey C ai m n M r J. K L w - I W 3 W th e g t I r a d l d ta es in F l s C e c ry Mr. nd rs. larnce eorence; Secretary, Mrs. John in papers, and saw o V h lianpto, Ot.,wer untedshort trip. For travelling the will be residing at R.R. 2,.ThngingayOcar1. In niarriage. bride w ore a tw o-p ece green ' N ew castle' a a l o ; T e s r r r r . D l e t B w n a suit, complemented by a cor-! Bruce Mountjoy; Committee, V'TITrtre rmCvcHsia Re . a l Lo g ofi i d sage ai w hite and red roses M rs. G rant Thom pson, M r. . . I iw e c s e u d r e t s r e y et the double ring ceremnony.1 They will reside at Mill; MILLSON- WOTTEN ~ Harold Martyn and Mr. Earl notntl uighrsa The church was decoratedi Street, OronoThe marrage of Mss Patri-vrs rel Miss Diane Turansyr h nhsia e ubn a Wit w it a d pnk gldilij O t- f-ow g est we se ci Muie W ten, dau htr a.. M uriel C mmitte or 197, but oM tr al wa ho e it M W ar gad ta re for the occasion,.ýfM.adMs er o.na omitefr16,btonra a on The rida pary eneredfroni McCord, Sask., Toronto,roMranMs.HryWt Thmrd]pry neeMrember of the Cartwrightand Mrs. Turansky o h r hte rea rtn the hur h t th st ain o! W hitby, O shaw a, B ow m an-1 ten, R .R . 2, N esteton, and M r. Ne t t n u. w.M . nd rs T o m s t v- t y a e in f r h a t . ]H a sen , Mly e Soul, M King af T ow nship co nm unities.i M r. and M rs. A lfred M ilison, N est eton U .C .W h d t S n ay i er a ne s x ee srea m _ _ _ _ _,_ _ n , a s s l e n i -e n s a r r i v e d h o m e i n T r n o h s b eh a v t d .o d Almost aonthUpotatohcro }Ieyden, organist, who as nBacksck Uttedholdayi fEl dfcrne Hea en, pl yed by r. Rud 1 R R. in T ron a s o leU nizd October m eeting at the home h li ay in ngan . i nee at d o accompanied the soloist, Mr. TURK -SWEEP Cu ah n Saturday aiter- ofhere are ne reports adireativerostr Ross MetcalfaiampsonRalpmonaddler mrera3, 1966 ti--- there Ttook themtgraund or tirribattd sields. sang "The Lord Is My Shep-1 Bouquets of white shasta 53 'lc.Bsesa pn ec !tepeienMs ihsTe o e ordhaig upe herd" and "here Ere Yoi Imums Tuesdaythaiternoan.! 5:30thelab-.taaksec ofnPio!sethe oonderfulsidamagersorspoor. qualiays hedW a nd Whee E e t.uI muns e dasRed athe atlle o!and white gladioli formed an M r. and M rs. A lvin K eith Yeo are show n in the above photo as t ev leave Jackend the mehet hi rihad g Kd edal gan ad a iry St J s p h s o an C a h l J attractiv e settin g fo r th e cere- th e y Jackso nti ghe h n a od w a th r.Br w n s e ta ra t nhat r Given in marriage by her Church, Bowmanville, for the rnony. Orono United Church by car following their wedding in the church an Friday reeding, "The Ten Commeand- riyngtfrtertre fether, the bride wore a îoveîy rmarriage on Seturdey morn- ean ihtfrt fulllenth own ! witeing, September 10, 1966, et Rev. David Northey officiet- evening, September 2, 1966, at 7 o'clock. Forrnerly Miss Ruth Madaline Gordon, ments for Happiness", follow- supper. However teewspe i.adMs alc rayoln tfeaenhdwth gooclok aoMiswMriaJo ed. Mrs. Gardon Strong play- the bride is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Spence Gordon, Kendal, and the ed, by the Lord's Prayer in' e good crowd cansidrnthGoo 0OseaM.ad rao tfet nrcedwthI ceoc f is aiaJ-unison. Hynin 577, "Corne, night. Mr. McCoyplydteMsBtthdivderan Guipure-type lace appliques, henna Sweep, daughter o! Mr. ed the weddîng music and ec- bridegroom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo, Hampton. ye thenkîuî people, corne agnwieilswr wi-eti 98 hyhdrsd and designed with gracef and Mrs. Jan Sweep, R.R. 3 companied the bride's sisters, Photo______________________________________________________ Te evtinelwaggvennichenoye. efoslkcslt hw lily-point sleeves with buttonsl Newcastle, and Mr. Jack Misses Norme, Carol and Joae* yMs rol ilas h pa nted rs. R. .Whte aascttndpry and loops et the wrists. The Turk, son of Mr. and Mrs. j.lWotten. nsS. heevin The od o! ewuh enjhed.Lca HresEr pet shaped waist released deep Turk af Cooksville. White Given in marriage by lher M rie n Jo e h K ra Aiioi huc rde rnoShe Weldiams- se olos, e s oeplîgsoeRew. trstee petadtegwnesa-bows, centred with white father, the bride wore a floor- and W g"TeGd fLa hn h angisncîvd n ce td ya ae rmm dbo hta 'munis, nierked th e ngth oanaiseîte ylo thb c a s . A i r e d u st p w . .ny ov r t f e a w t sages ro m .M tt. 6- 25-34, and com plim ents on the g od s p ov r t e r er i w th ec es cre nt d by ala e trled b wcaae boga dy e ta e ta w-p inth ..Psa m 136 show ng th t w per. a a d n ey f w a k p r re s caught her shoulder- Rev. F. K. M alanle officitedl sleeves and scalloped skirt ~frt y n 5 9 W l u h a d L n p n h e k n t re o k n n te os S£ t must put the kndmo o r n r.Ed îlegt9 Veil, and she carried and Mr. Van Hoof played the paels. Lace flowers adorned tfields" closed9,this part hanet their cottaethLae Ks-cuigagethf ae 1 bouquet of white and pink weddlng music. Mr. James, the. neckljne and the beck the fmeeting. d h prtof hixintg erdiewy nt eiiburstLelt oses. air ws solist. waisthad bw accntsPotentieleetireeogbuixersthdrovra rs .B g ester ai r a oos . ~Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, assisted Mr. and Mrs. Tho maai 'the bride, was the matron cW The bride, who wa ie nylon net veil feli ironi .. honor, wearing a full length i araeb ear he antos fthi ~~~~~~ ,,~~~~ Vine who read the scripture iemuly have mevedinotirbtwhuestattyhd blue sitk sheer dress eut in wore e formeal length gown of' and she carried e bouquet o!f asgs e hree h e oei eebruh giadt e u.Ei emir style lines with a white peau de soie with scoop red roses and white 'munis. pasae, a cageo te e.hm' . etr paeldon hece-neklne lngpinedslevsAsmidofhoor Ms Study Book and gave a very Mr. and Mrs. WesAnesneceswdthhnerha interesting talk an Chapter 14, ai Moosomin, Sask., an Mr ben et g e d din î g o tre front.Asifodeth and chapel train. Lace apli Maxine McKee, R.R. 2, Nes- "No saidwesouldhave ape-axeeewr rcn ust htgnsit ag sheer started on each side of ques, centred with rhine- eawe na lo ent ndhresnta adnd thMr. ars.Rg llot ilso ea rs. in r thecetefotndfui stenes, -enhenced the neckline, gw !de aei mie~ Grecian sotest for skirt front and train. A cuni- style with a wide midrif! f sotes oflo bn f ae.Amtcie o ne, and contrested the lusts Mr. and Mrs. Georg lrntific ed hydi thesies ndbec o te te ackaithhemir watnesof e thheisteakmndire "'a Sirt. hefrutse!thesuime hmehnehewee- efue hei aliensauti skirt. She wore a cutrwas aise adorned with the tteepiritwThewrsitdesigned withhom on headiec aidres-mterlsainieapplique. Her shoulder e iloating back panel. She S c,~¼ .~.. . .~ piritarlove, w asnsepoeuc.ndM. Wi ecrwsadn rases and carried a bouquet o! length veil, accented with wore a beadbend of three *P~.~~tat it wlone ba rein ih nrgst Sundayceveig Gî AN OA whiteand ink crnatons. rhinestones, îeîî iraniae dus- white carnations and her bou-~.....~jTeei erno avs nan hog Mr. Edwerd Haass, Teun- ter beadpiece e! wbite roses quet wes e! white 'mums .-..... .. . u.. . . .. . . .' vîl mn. Love neyer faîls. with Mr. and Mrs. TeCat- OROD PLINE ton, was best man for hsndbrccaeouquet wa Mr. David Wotten, RR. 2,~~~4.4{~ hi etetn rtero h!the Christian life. She closed Church and SundaySbeîLSIID brather-in-law. The ushersof red roses, white shasta Neteabohrewh '. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .n th at en"cTe ,seGdhow-wrnig h ev.R.C. Whit were Mr. John Gordon, rono, 'munis nd ivy. bride, was best man' and the in sta eca e o e igwt e.R bohrothbrdadM.ushers were the grom's bro-~..*~ ihape ATe" hw eehl suulSne TTSA Mad fhoo ws is he, r GronMilonýin the beauty e! nature. Ques- in charge. He read tcllt Poo8330 Stanley Yeo, Hampton, bro- Coreen Sweep, the brides-1 Orono, and e cousin o! the 1.........ti.. .. . . . . .. . . . . .n ahiely hedissin tok on "my aen cethta h unu etiI ther o! the groom. maids were Miss Margaiet b ride, Mr. Willie Jebn(sona ....a... . .d. .pa. isusio ordon".YHe p oke wrd e ThereepiorwacbldatSwepnndMisaeoa Seeeliddsy.it .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..ndTeMusnesserid olawncmfot ndcherte heco-Lindsady. iute the Orono United Church and the ilower girl was littIe' A reception was beld, fo. ,. . . . dwThe muines, tbank yfou g-cfregatind tegert aeyta auditorium where the bride's Miss Elizabeth Sweep, ail sis-, lawing the ceremony, in te. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .ad esodntehepesn tosereato avi.feln u1aue ters e! the bride. The seniorl Christian Educetion Building. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .ra d he raicîlour uc he rouenand sumethi.. 'anà.i atnatwreistet;Tebride's niether received f.. .. . avorite Bible passage" was up with words af ithpam lengtb dresses of peau de soie, wearing e three-piee teal welawee.baI.Irs"MGacisufcenfoEIîkHUjthi. ~- scoop neckline shor bell-shapr pale Pink rsu ed os g e a i Bruce Heaslip and M rs. Sad-~ thee". The ch ir sa ng " eriV n ed kir, acetedby cu- ssitedby hegrom'smoterder volunteered te act as a the Cross" with Mri. A ot e r d i r , a c n ed k b y a c u m - a s s i s t e a b y st e lr o m 'sn i o h rN o n i n a t in g C o m m it te e a n d e r p la y in g t h e o r g n . T e À 1 o S d î a , s e y h merb nd a d ba k bo . Th wh wer e p stel pink broMrs. Nesbitt and M rs. Saddler be utiful bask ts af l er 0000 ~ ~~~1meid of or was in wine cade jacket-dress and corsage . .aconitcfrchrbxewr em»lêMLPar h y a c i n t h b l u e , t h e o t h e r p a s - A i e r t e e e p i n h ..Mo k a i t e r f l w e r s f o r e A -da y S ce h o o l hends e e s h uato el p ink . T h ey w re m atch - h ap p y coup le le t f r a on yve ar S u d ygr w g U i. D e o th a n - a m .E o s i n g l a r g e , l t - b o w h e d d r e s - m o n i n N r t j e r n O n t a r io .M r . G o g B w e s a v a v e r s a r y s r i c s e t S i l h anda y .t <- f ses with veiling, and carried For travelling the bride wore .. . Geo.reei get ouns",gand N ewansvic esxt Sine u ~piio lohi . DOWiicascade bouquets of white a three-piece lnnsuti .. .Mr.VnecnteacntssrveinKdaiseigmfmJ, shesta 'munis an'd pale pink navy and white, white acces- ... , .anrs" hchwsVo biitdan.Kna carnations. The ilower girl sories and pink orcbid cor- on. .. wih a wnb wes i a Shrt-skrted hite age. hey îhl rside t R.R " . ~ ~. . ..Mrs. Roifel. Mrs. Win. Mercer wety t uneateee«oyaik wa i S or -ki t d hi e sa e T ey w ll r si e t R . .The m eeting closed w ith the the Tor nto G eneral H o p al mp s nt V o id ve !rock wîth overskirt ir' pink 1, Tyrone. nMna.Ms an luan h wr aSvra iselneu soJMizpeh benedictian andaonMna. isCtere jm , v white dainty lunch was served by Stewart is looking efterKn-irapddc ota apink bew and e blue bow. prier tealber marriage. Hastes- She carried a basket filled ses fer the parties were Miss Ms oesmvdavt laegv e wih hieshst 'uisan SaonLameof thanks ta the hostess, Mrs. heîp lher out,.hcosclyhlahe i t w h t s h t a ' u i e n S h r n L r e , B l a c k s t c k , a d e , a d t i b e p C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t aer n e s a a s i u a e g o t o pale pink carnations. Mrs. Donald Milîsen, Oshawa: ... a ddtermndke schail o eatMlply-ls o omr-tsu o BcDn .oed Mr. Lea Turl<oa Etobicokead Miss Mexîne McKee of4: afternor'. ville who are celebratin hi mmn n unW*~~wfr was best mnr for his brother Nestleton.____ 25th wedding anniversr.Aile ~eain o f and the ushers were Mr. John Darty05 fhld i e eanderzwet, oi Bowmenvilie, PORTER -RAHM ~foriliem Cttdddm and Mr-. John Turk o! Pert redit, another brother o! the 1 lTkstekUntedChrc ____________UnitOddCDays?" Àà Sweepbrother o! the bride, pink gladioli and white chry. ____________as ring berer. He crried senthemunis, formed the set- Clean rs C h c/d tiAg Seturdey, Septeniber 24 ~~Acrigt rs eot 1966, for the marriage ofM i','..'. h aoel o re' Carol Anne Ph.d1 ht-M.adMr.Jc tr r hw i h bvepooflown hi he onraepeitondi ne da nt, d a enigBac-thshappy iones and wi sh-1!hewekndal O r* *~ * ** ~ J dent, ressed in a gold, floor- an apîesMondav and Tuesdày wîth !eniîly wr oet ii * length gown of satin-backcd O'ered ay eigMr. ber sister, Mrs. Tom Perigoe, wîth their brother and theirits tm to tln QUALITY MEATS bengaline with brown velvet and Mrs. Richard Devisoxî, Caeerea. On Wednesday Miss, parents - Mr. and Mrs. George 47 King St. E. Phone 623-5081 bodice un empire weist style, were guests of the Wallac ias accanipenied Mrs. Windsor, Ballantrae, Mr. Ted Al aur Meets, Fresh or Frazen, are o'.Isetd and accented by gold evening Marlow Co. Ltd. et the Milki Otto Bragg, Bownianville, ana ý Mairs, Canningten, Mr. and OPEN THURSDAY - FRIDAY 71T1, 9 P.M. cet He hedrs wsaTrsp'esbnqtet he were dinner guests with Mrs. Mrs. Ivan Mairs, Ceokstawn,l brwnvevebw ltogld Sawy otlTaane. Bragg's sister, Mrs. Sami Caw-I'Mr. eand Mrs. George Sellers Lenonles ulcy, Tender nylon net veil, an'd she car-! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ny-. ker. Nestieton friends are, and Mr. and Mns. Bud Virtue, ROLL 9 9Cfl SHORT RI îdg hyateu Is. jland were Sundey dinner' pleased ta welcome Mn. anîd, Bownianville, and Mr. Normer' PRIME RIS or LAVERIBc Mr. Ken Porter, Pontyponl, guests with her parents, Mr.i Ms akrt h oi Mairs, Nestleton. This happy A Q n was best man for bis brother and Mrs. Wm. McCabe, Yel; munity. family reunian Is a mernor- ROAST ROASTS 6 9 b and the ushers were Mr. Raloh , Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wil- able occasion for the parents Ponter, Scerborough, enother yellow roses and white car-! lianis visited lest weeke witb of a very fine famîîy. C i t t a Freshjy Ground Brown'u brother af the groom, and Mr. nations. 1her mother, Mrs. David Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs HAMBURG I BREAD Paul Rahm, Toronto, brotherjCThe bride is a graduete aof Mullen, et Hillsdale Mener, were Sunday dinner guests 2 Ibs. 9 9c i 5 . o! the bride. Cin tright High School andi Oshaw~a. The iliams werv withM ra nd Mrs~ .Arthur h pca u o oe Mthe Christian Educatian Cen- Imperial Bank ai Commerce, their daughter and her bus-~ sister, Miss Betty Briggs, andonsa b p.lIie Fresh Pork WTC FO tre, wbere the bride's mother Part Perry. The groom is a band, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Fal- Mn. Herb Hamner, Toronto,o, .. tAICAE&~A Ireceived wearing a rose lace graduate ai Mîllbroak High lis and iemuly, Bowmar'ville. * were Seturday visitons with 2 Ibs.9 c IN STORE mtching jacket, black acces- General Motors, Oshwa. Thevl was home for the weekend. Mrs. Dodds and daughter SPECIALS sories and corsage af pir'k are residing in a Canawood! Linda is atter'ding Bruno'si and Miss Broad, Toronto, were lleao roses and white carnations., Apartment, Orono. Sho for Hair-styling. Thisî Sgturday visitors with Mrs. HOME FREEZER SPECIALS The graom's mather assisted Prier ta their nierriage, the' is e 30 weeks' course with thi'Lerenza MOuntjoy and called l)237. FRONTS SIDES HINUS te neceive, and she chose blue bide was given a shower by opportunity fer practical ex-I nM.adMs Briggs. lb 4 c b.I 6 c lace ever tafieta, witb white Miss Linda Venning, also e perience. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson, hat and corsage af yellow presentation by employees o!' Mrs. Hettie Cale has ne- Paîgreve, were Mondey guesta SiDES 0F IL 55c l.65c rases and white carnations. the bank. itunned tramn a pleasant ten-. witb the Bruce Heaslips. NA e ro h fn r n ' m ,t **DE OF lb avRag - J .1 Before leaving for their trip, Ater their return reni1 day vacation with er son and. ý r' Inc Presbyterian Church ,.w WWNew ton P lE c ic Nhigntr', nd t n rp, the couple were bis wife. Mr. and Mns. Gardon 1 Sundey morning, thc Rover- T a@Uer7 c M . v r uCtmmdapdFe.! Mhgnthe bride donned aihor'ored b a cammunity Cale, Brantford. ;ndFred Swann preachcd filsNTO Limited AU FeeurOrdes Ca a" rapp FM reenwool suit with black 3hower and presentation in1 Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- second sermon o! the series _t ýacceasories and corsage of I Blackstock Recreation. Centre. ers were Sunday evesutin - .onl Prayer. lie spoke o01 c___________the___________