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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1966, p. 5

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eThe Orono News Mni. H. H. Barlow attcnded Mms. D. N. Myles on Monda: the Seminar of The Ontariol Mr. Bruce Tennant, Mr. Rc SehOol Trustees and Ratepay-; Morgan and Mr. Frid Vai ers Association at the Inn-on- denveen are patients hitt the-Park, Toronto, on Thurs-ý Memonial Hospital, Bowmai day and Friday of last week.tville. Mr. Elford Cox of Wiliow- Mn. Jim Pollard of Orill dile was a dinner guest of Mr., spent the weekend with i Mi Mr s.Reg utno e-, parents, Mr. and Mns. Georg .dy flast week. Polbard. L (rs. D. G. Hoaper is visit- Mm. and Mns. Wilfrid Bom Ing Mr and Mrs. Dean Hodg- man and son Eric of Enfil son, Ajax. were recent Sunday dinna Mrs. Keith Taylor of Bramp- guests of Mn. and Mrs. Milto ton spent Thusday of last, Tambiyn. week with hem mother, Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Vance Coope M. Chatterton. o! Oshawa visited Mr. an Mrs. R. K. Squair and Mrs.î Mrs. Chas. V. Cooper on Sal frwin Bragg o! Bowmanville,I urday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Fostemi Mms. Stan Payne, Bowma: Of Port I-rope vîsited Mm. andi ville, visited hem parents, Mi Mmi. W. S. Moffat.1 and Mms. Hamny Rowe,a Mr. and Mrs. David Phaseyý Sunday. and famiiy of Tyrone visited 1Mns. M. Shemwîn is stayiri Mrs. Charles Wood on Sunday.j with hem son, Mr. Laurenc Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Coop-! Shemwin and his son Walter. @r, Mm. and Mrs. Lawrenceî The Oshawa Pesbytery wil Greenwood, Linda and Brian!1 hobd their October meeting i were Sunday dinner guests of I St. Paul's United Chumcb Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer, i Bowmanvilbe, on Thumsdaý Oshawa, celebmating the birth- October 27th, at 7 p.m. At day of -Mns. Walter Bryan of l p.m. the onden o! the day wil Bumketon and the wedding' be ta hear Rev. N. H. Me anniversamy of Mr. and Mrs.i Kenzie, MA., D.D., who is ot Cooper. furlough from India and wil Mm. and Mrs. Frank White be addressing the mhemberso o! Trenton were guests of Mr. Pesbytery. Anyone wishing and Mmi. Wm. Robinson on to attend from the Orono cor. SundaI gregations is invited ta do so Sunday Theme will be open discussion Mme.' Luther Bamnababi who Mr. and Mms. George Mit. 's staying at The Lodge Nurs-'hl and children o! Oshawa Ing Home, Newcastle, spent, Mi ss Bnenda Mitchell and Mi Monday'at hem home. Simon Klostma of Peterbor. Mms. Henry Smith o! Gra- venhurst visîted hem mother ough visited Mr. and Mrs YOscar Adams on Sunday. IMrs. J. Noden and MisE Viola Noden of Toronto spcnt the weekend et their Orono house. O M M The Drama Festival wibl be held on October 27th, 28th 623 -3303 and 29th in the Onono Town Hall at 8 p.m. fer At the regular Sunday on WaMTIming service at Onono United Wflh IREChumch, Rev. Basil E. Long baptized Jocelyn Ann Kemp, MCE daughter o! Mm. and Mrs. George Kemp; Gardon James Hardy, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Hardy; John David Johnson, son of Mr. and Mms. David Johnson; and Stever Ray Saman, son of Mm. anc Mns. Fred Saman. NOW OPEN Extensive renovations to our interior have now been cornpléted. We invite you to corne in and enjoy our courteous service whether it be a coffee break or ful course meal. Specializing in .... -' Italian Foods SPAGHETTI *RAVIOLI LASAGNE PIZZA PIE* ETC. WHEN ENTERTAINING AT HOME... PHONE 623-7153 For Take-Out Orders Ready I minutes atter you caH. Olymp0aRestauraint KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PRICELEq BLOOD DONOR ( Wednesday, Nov Lions Centre, Bowm Exchange Vows in St. Paui's United Çhurch Early Autumn Wedding ay. with Mr. and Mrs. Eler Wil- Bowanville is holding a Loy ~bur during the week. . dance in Noverber. Hampton in-ed Mr . RmondFarroMv. B and Zon Doubles Club ishi-. the DeHlart of Brooklin n Friday. vited to attend. Mandr Mrs. Ben Killens lia Wsuppe? wichatendthe Turkey ge Sunderland the end of the nionth. W- ~Mr. and Mrs. Ken Poolerr !Id and family, Oshawa, visited on ierSaturday with Mr. and Mrs. ,od Sid ersey. 1 arn glad to say er Mr. ersey returned home lait~ >er Tuesday after spending quite nd sorne time in Sunnybrock er Hospital, Toronto. id On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lt on Luke, Robbie, Terry and' .'~' Lori were supper guests with rr. Perry. ng Service for Hampton church cewas taken by our own minse Rev. Charles Catto, with Scrip- ~ turc John 6, verses 1-13. The miracle of the five loaves and in two fishes which fed a multi- tude of about five thousand. Children's story was on "Be- the children's hymn "Whenliv t rNt"Hlo e Comneth." Other hymns were "Jesus Stand Among Us", "He ................................'*LedthMe"Sermon was on dicionB ins'Bee. !ired of plain. omec nSn up with aur new Sunworthy wall- n.da", October 3th, for cuc aes Walpapergivesyour raoms t- Mr. and Mrs. Robert De Wayne Elliott are shown service and Sunday school. Pel'snalitYatowcost ... adds de. t- signing ~the regîster in the above photo following Cu~ha apo,90 20 sign, dimension, diama-as weilas St. Zonl10:30 a.m., Eldad a2.00 r.their marriage inSt John's Anglican Church, PortnonSudycolwi b color. Walpaper is practical, too Hope, on Saturday afternoon, September 24, 1966, at 10: 15 a.m tHmtn 0:0 -Iasesly ty rgt 3o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Mary Eliza- at Zion and 10:45 at Eldad. Corne in today ta niiake the mmut bethBevn, augterof r. nd rs.LeoBev n exunaOct. 3th, o cf """'choice! behBvnsagtro M.adMsLoBvn Newcastle Hi-C folk service yu Oshawa, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. wl ehldaR:0p..Rv embir...ît Un m M yWail- ~. ~. Brce Ellitt, Newtnville.E. K. Norman of Bridgenorth M Bkl O Mr.andMrs Jhn illam Woowar sownin heaboe pot, echag-Photo by Udvarhelyi Studio will be the speaker. Lunch Abernethy's Sed marriage vows in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Friday evening, navy blue suit, white feather Siemon, Colorado Springs, U.S. Hampton Youth are especially PAINTS nOctober 7, 1966, at 7:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Gail Patricia Hobbs hat, matching accessories and Dr. H-. V. Siemon, Toronto, invited. & WALLPAPEE dagtro i osipMyrIa .Hbs n r.Hbs o_ corsage of red roses and ste- were weekend callers at the . Don't. forget Baptismal Ser- 33 Kinlg Street W. uauîîLr f Hs vur~~p Myo Ivn Hobs~"uMr. .~1Uu~ Bwmanville, phanotis. They will reside at home of Mrs. A. E. Billett. viceS wîll be held next Sun- Bowmanvllle d and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woodward, Toronto. R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Miss Janet Dulmage spent day at Hampton, October 30th. 9_____ Photo b lodMcRobbie A bank cek the bride at- the weekend at her home in Th Jak& iRCu of I tended Bowmanville Central Cherry Valley, Ontario. the waist. They wore match- Public 'and High Schools. -Congratulations are extend- s ing petal headpieces adorned When ini High School she was ed to Mr. Douglas Charles L 1with veiling, and carried Junior and Intermediate ath Ferguson, Newcastle, and Miss ICI colonial bouquets of white letic champion. The groom is Dianne Elizabeth Tink, Solina, 11.r01e. mums and pale pink carna- employed at- General Motors. who are to be joined in wed-, ntions. Both are accomplished eques- lock on Saturday, Oct. 29th. j__Mr. Robert Leggette, R.R. 1, horses, and have many tro- long and happy life. à Newtonville, was best man phies for their fine horseman- Mm. and Mrs. W. Lawrie, and ushering were Mr. Tony ship. They are members of B1owmanville, were Sunday Wilkins and the bride's cou- the 5 Point Club. ainner guests with Mm. and sin, Mr. Donald Gi, both of _________ Mrs. W. Holroyd and family. Bowmanvulle. Mrs. M. Hickey, Oshawa, Have you The reception was held at 1 EITO was a Sunday visitor wîth Mr. teFlying Dutchman Motor H[AMPTON 'and Mrs. Lionel Hickey. found ELLIOTT - BEVAN Hotel where the bide's mo- Mr'n r.B mlMs Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard* ELOT-BVN The bridaI attendants, Miss thrrcie ern ig, Linda Smale were visitors last with Mr. and Mrs. Frank to planned Linda Gervax, Miss Carol green and gold brocade suit Sunday with Mrs. Wilf Smale Ballard, Columbus. Mr. Ralph In a double-ring ceremony McCartney, Mrs. Linda Bevan, with matchîng tulle turban, and family as Mrs. Smale re- Ballard attended the A.O.T.S. financial securit'7? in St. John's Anglican Chumch, Miss Janice Webber, and Miss and corsage of bronze 'ilums turned hmOt t ri ahradSnBnutFi Port Hope, on Septemnber 24, Jean Fletcher, were gowned and yellow carnations. Sl'e v homie, Ocngt.ip8thLro, a ather aind Son Bant n-Cali: 1966 at 3 p.m., Mary Elizabeth, alike in formai sheaths of gold was assisted by the ros Florida, where she visîted and Mr. and Mrs. Harold BalsonTh M tulL eofC ad daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo peau de soie, featuring an em- mother who chose a green stayed with hem sîsters-in-iaw. and family spent Sunday wîthTh u alLfofCnd Bevan, Oshawa, was united in pire waist, a bodice of Chan- brocade suit with green and She aiso visited Sarasota and Mm. and Mrs. Allan Balson at marriage to Robert De Wayne tilly lace, elbow 1 e nl g t hi gold metallic turban, and cor- many other sites. Kingston. Mrs. A. J. Balson REPRESENTATIVE: Elliott, son of Mr.,- and Mrs. sleeves, and a graceful float- sage of bronze 'mlums and Mrs. John Burrows also has visîted for two weeks with Dnl .Wlh Bruce Elliott, Newtonville. ing panel of matching peaui white carnations. returned home after an enjoy- her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- 23oSns C etRoa, The Canon Revemend Win- de soie, gathered with a bow Before leaving for their able trip to the western ett Cryderman, in Solina.23Sne od ston Nainby officîated aftd the at the back neckline. They honeymoon in the Georgian provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilroy Bowmanville, Ontario wedding music was played by wore gold flowered headpieces Bay area, the bride donned Mm. and Mrs. D. R. Biilett, of Brighton, Mm. and Mrs. AI- Phone 623-5641 Mm. Cohu. with matching short veils, and her travelling ensemble of aPort Credit, Ont., Mrs B. Roy lan Wilbur, Oshawa, visited' Give inmariag byhemthey carried baskets of Au- father, the bride wore a for- tumn flowers with tmailing --------- mai length gown of silk or- ivy. ganza over taffeta, with a fit- Mm. Russell Elliott was best i . ted bodice, a front panel of man for his brother, and the I lace, encrusted with pearîs, ushers were Mm. Michael Be- j and long lily-point sleeves. van, brother of the bride, and v_____ The four-tier, shoulder length, VM. Bruce Elliott, brother of bouffant veil was caught to a the goom. floral headdress and .she car- The reception was held at rîed a cascade of Zorion the Masonic Temple, Port sweetheart roses, stephanotis Hope, where the bride's mo- and ivy. ther received wearing a print- îng accessories and a corsagef .~~*of pink sweetheart roses and carnations. The groom's mo- ther assisted, wearing a tur- quoise crepe dress withl1 matching lace coat. She wore matching accessories and a corsage of deep pink sweet-I hert roses. The bridal ThJySA ON O suit nd a oav0 elbwi BB ll was honored tohae THE fl tethe groom's grand- B A T mother, wearing a teal bluel ~. sweetheart roses., - -- - .. .. s the coupfle lef t for a, The bride, who was givenf in marriage by hem fathen, ýJA' wore a full length gown of (, ersonial ev inn highlighted by a Guipre lace MOESWLjESOIGTH AETI ARTED panel fmom the neckline to the MDL ILB HWN H AETI ARTED hemline. A matching redin-' wasdeigedwih frra1 Cm*et lne o wigsan hair accessories . .. wig rentais. 1ength tain accented by an, inset Guipre lace panel ex-I "~T ful engthofn the train. the Tne Iatest in hair colouring with the new colour redingote was styied with. E LlINnIg em pointed over the . accelorator, machine. Colours in minutes. to an orchid-shape headdress, .RFEH E T R W and her cascade bridal bou- RFEH E T R W 1'. nd otisandwhit canatins.FOR INFORMATION CALL 1, Newtonville, was matron of i.n4 honor and the bridesmaids S alvon of 9:00 p.m. wrIMr.Clyde Mutton and TheS bey Hobbs, both of Bowman- eBat iaivle mpr seahgowns o Amer- 5 IGS.W BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 6213-7691 23-9010 1 with scoop neckline and el.ANSLNINOHW WT RNHSI bow-bength sîceves. MatchirigMANSLNIOHWAITBRCES . lace enhanced the bodice and BROOKLIN AND BOWMAN VILLE sleeves, and the gown design. included a flowing panel £romn

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