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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1966, p. 6

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I Tii.CnadianStategnian, Eowmanville, Oct. 26, 1M88et about ithe une turne asIl~1Yopotnie t la ___________________________________________John Mynon; Richard Osborne, man LUmtIAI10t Samuul Maso, James and 180 AeSn'E Sswerhwee, hsew IWilliam Rundle, Willim 0ke, theinar utsd;nthv u'a* a ~~~ ~Toma Worden, at ~ ~ ol~ Jswt Ii a~ the saine chances as their OUnu, c rdBHS.wt atrhs hlftm so-instruments cannot b. heard C a11 to Im o g I L L . i and H ~~e . Man ~had no ier sit from Mr~. The girls were t their be nalregteig o H i touof E enezer .uurcrohr.Afe er aer i.Cre a uts Mgaieadtccheerleaders were a those unfortunates, enligliten- Over 120 layn fo cospr atrsple fe n~ To y fthree HSIicock irotiieru, John, Sales. ecaet mk Usltile bit différent For tOement, or whatever, ha: cOrn. the Bayaof Quint ofrnei ihM.ODI William and James arie. nled eriotdteGrdewo intcoe yofise Tedlbrohtafe mn "rieOn Sruuel took ciatone, and set If bot wnn MIzp.h and Shen, and called the, Then William Courtice togeth- nie studenis. Yus. as before, quite a show, it's too bad but pracichetobenaieeodptCo nieof If Ebenmzr, sayfin, Htierob ath the Lord helped us." erwith i nRob<e.êPO he doniied lits irregular togs dn make i sm msak nact lth e foe.eputont a have just retundfo fe h ofrne i i lai Sàmuei VII, 1. rltoIoteLie n u nhm odadbdtie let anybody tell you tiat you weekend retreatatElnogehcodsetiHlySrt On tits Cenannialday, s tic arentBiblebrothers already mentlonied, salesman a c t o. Attention, Even thougi we're it in won't be heard because 10 on the shoesofbatultwrknmny ay.F 'O hsCnena aa h aetBbeChristian the vlaeo outc nUcarrlved, to be followed vryBowrnanville Drama Work- the rmiddle of thefotU sea- guitars will. Don't let ay ien Lake, frho Ptrniin l ak nStr vilageof ouriceon heshortly by Levi Skinner and shop, he'd be great In some Of son the coaches of the basket- body tell you that the music *th annlve ur !thc bulld- them belng John Kynon, who In the year 1919 an enclosed NMNTERS your pys. Naturally, lis bal .teanis are thinking of that will be square because if bOrOughi.Thiswateltieeng botis or » d ofp ai s church, we came made lits leadquarters ini shed was arrangcd from tire iirst act was as tic bad sales- Coing seson. Tic seniors it is, Peter, Paul and Mary, year that layme r mtsInisvrl enceto tb anotier milestone in tic Cobourg and as an active min- former open sheds wîich were Tic following le a liut af man. Dressed in lits long hair started practicing last weelc Bob Dylan and otiers are Conference havethedo-tl i tatte tahd b$=Jry oiftils communlîy. ister for tic Bible Christian necessary ta sielter fie lhors- ministera who have served tuis and swlnging' clappers lie and Mr. Bal bas already cali- aise square. Want ta be a gether te share aweedo eie acnu hi ic K tm hteresting avents are Cliurch, laboured among tic cs ai thome attcnding tic reg. churci ince Its dedication: went tirougli fie act ai oeil- ed ail interested in playing star? Have you got a guitar? inspiration and Crsinii aJssCrsadt i 3: I nted th fi ouÛdlng of tarly eutlers..Ris circuit en- ular ciurci services. 1870-1872-Bey. R. B. Denike; ing a subacription ta bis muni. bantara basketbali. Maybe this Wiat are you waiting for, lawship. wr ntewrd Mfiponeer diurci In South campassed a territory ai smre Tic carliemi churchinliitic 1872,187-Bey. J . C. Pom- Of course he did cverything year B.H.S. will have a Bask- tiere is a great club wiich Jack WilliamsofFakod A wrsop n Cluc DâÈungon.In fie years 1832 200 miles reaciing as fer west viclnity was the Wesieyan eroy; 1873-1876-Bey. C. j4_ he shouldn't, forget tic namne etbail C.O.S.S.A. champ along you can juin. and his faithful pann on no a odce yJn aMd 1833, missloattes were as Oshawa and includlng Churci, Bethel, sltuated on Simpson; 1876-1878-lRev. R. afi us awn muni, ialk In a witî aur football team.Th reanraiOtbrmlcorefr10 onsBaty rm Ha lonC- sent t Upp~ anad fromSoutiDarligion.No. 2 Higiway about a mile HLare; 188-188-e. E. E.tanduad enaunould ner-f Everybody, widc awake and promises to b. hopping with preparing for thi ofrnefrncadaco an Afier preaching services lad and a haif çast of Caurtice, Howard;t1881-1882-Bey. F.estand, and deny dnoceedge of busliy - tatle bee héd fr sme imeat hil th Moscthooi on ÂTudy fresh rrom Areal great group wil enave Lvcn C.alEa the homes in this community, leyan Churci was apened in W. Stevenson. img. ~didnt work, te ay sa Elton Davidgend.thBey. Bruce the first chû.rch, a log build- 1876, In 1884 the Wesleyan Mcii- tie leasi. Next was hlm goad their long weekend. AiTvrtee ad te dcrtos 'he Bey. Bruci coglMDua odce ak ing with- a cottage roof, was Since its -inauguration, Eb- odist, lPrimiture Mcthodist, alesman act. With liair slick- tesho ere were rcmind- promise te b. from every- from Sudbury, woli l hpaotFiha ok n erectcd In the year 1838, and, enezer ha. been the worship Methodist Episcopal and Bible Cd ak etloaking clothes ers ai the Thanksgiving week- wiere except Mother Gnose, profession as a lwe an-tl o eiae epei fl illowing the custom ai that place ai three difierent de- Christian Churches united and and besi beliaviour, he again end. First, il was Tuesday. As ail other Hailowe'en dances came a minister a h ntdSduyhv omdapo period was called a ciapel and nominations. First known as the Darlingion circuit wiîî sets out tea mdl a subscription Second, everyane in the school the dress is costume. Re-' Church, was the teesek rm cle ieie hs given tic Biblical namne "Eb- the Bible Christian Churchi two charges, Maple Grave and ta hlm muni. This urne hc was expecting turkey sand- member, it's cheaper if youre er. He told tichen htlv epeaeaalbe2 or enezer . Thiis log chapel was became Méthodist in 1884 Eb)enezer: 1884-1886--Bey . now hr nme uses proper wiches for lunch today, ta- dressed up as a witch, goblîn, was the distincivebdea a aasc ehn on the corner ai the present when the Mount Carmel con- Whitlock; 1886-1889 - Rev. anguage and knows wiat lic marrow, the day afier, the or invisible man (try that the Christian.Tohv thscisro pependsrs, the prement church. Tic Sun- Ebenezer and together with James J. Liddy; 1892-1895- the subsriplion. Good advice, sure everybody e n j o y e d soon so plan ahead and get be completelyhnetwhac. day School was arganized in the Maple Grave saciety fanm- Bey. Leonard Phelp; 1895- You bet. Thanksgiving and I cspecially your costume ready. As with himself, with othest n ih A h ofrneedd 184cd tic South Darlington cm-. 1898-Bey. Dr. W. G. Marvin; Tuesday marked tic an- hope you did. ahl the other dances ti year God. When we tk hsscBy teea rno a GrNwThc second cburch building cuit. The third denomina- 1898-1901-Bey. J. S. I. Wil- nouncing ai the winner ai tic This year the Students' anything can happen s0 be ebgntse ofNwwas aframe structure huit tianal change came in 1925 son; 1901-1905--Bev. Josepi poster contest. She i Patty Council is trying ta îorm ready for everything but thi we blegintatschm hnscoe himnfrte16 an the corner and accupied when ih became known as Ward; i905-i908-Rev. John Fair. With her fantastic men- clubs of varying interests for expccted. us from God.Thnw cn ýuiospiiii Exponsu PoIicy part ai tic arca now uscd as Ebenezer United Church. Butler; 1908191 1-Rev. Joseph agerie ai little people running extracurricular activity. Thi Just one reminder thal the cast off these barirsanth aparking lot adjacent ta the The name ai the circuit was Barnes; 1911-1915 - Soford ail over the wali uelling sub- first of the clubs iormed was B.H.S. Seniors have nlot lost love of God can creit u 1915-1919-Bey. R. A. scriptions she took home a the Glce Club. When ane fîrst a game se don't keep any ai lives and f111 the.Onya -- ~ Puc ofMmd givng service as the homc af Darlington ta Courtice. Dilue; 1919-1923-S. P. Boyce; great big pink bea. Honour- hears "Gîe Club" he naurally thc players ram a practice we become filldwihtelv / jp Puce fMily Mr. George Barber. It was Tic first musical instrument 1923-1927-C. C. Washington; able mentions are extended ta thirîks ai a small group ai and came la sec thcm once in ai God ourselves, a chv - jKw ouan ou fmiy m put up in 1848 and was dedi- uscd ta aid the choir in lie 1927-1930-Bey. H. Slainton; Neil Richards for is twin homcly-lookIng people bravely awhile. lpve for othens. Orfrtcn cated in December ai tiat worship ai sang, was the tun- 1930-1934--Bey. H. C. Wol- building poster, Rick Dolan singing off key in accompani- -Barry Krawchuk. cern is love for tebehe,~ r- ýba"n"alsiicfflteC6tioagainst year, frce ai dhbt, aitich first ing iork. This was rcplaced fraim; 1934-1942-Bey. W. C. and hlm beckoning pirate and ment ta a hanpsichond. This in thc Churci aichitan ffo eavyxpcnse ofa hospital.. service. whcn Mr. Thomas Wordcn Smith; 1942-1945-Rcv. H. C. Jim MacDonald with is is far irom the ruth. This tien we launchat b ic ANeSA IO, .4n-in0gll1ness or injury. Yeu In tic ycar 1866, anc hund- brought is bass viol ta the Linstead; 1945-1950--Bey. F. Egyplian mummy. Thiis year's Gice Club is made up ai sing.W/worldD. 4K'VII ~ut eso o r. at£ rd yers goby te wîî-services.. Later, Mr. Robent Yardley, 1950-1957-Bey. L. contest was tic first and we ers wihh ability and in many H obbs School A îdspecial fere aitc OAIFDSlO I: planned ca-aperation ofthc Courtice played the flute and Somerville; 1957-1962 - Bey. hope e have more intic fol- cases experience. Tic groupweenwsthwrsopo -.I wnale os. Ad ti n-wliale cammunity, tie present continued ta play Ibis instru- H. Stainton; 1965-1966-Bey. lawing ycars. will have practices duringýB aween a h -sraSca b aiordtemetmain building was erected. In ment aiter tic first ongan was D. Arscot (Associale Min- On Wednesday ticeIra- noon hour and after achool.B ts VYriItD Commitment conud h j'orfmil'mcedanbudet th cnstucionaiihi eifieinstalled in 1873. Ah first the ister); 1962-1966-Rev. J. P. murai Senior Football League Any students who dcaim tl'zcy Harry O'Dell, who a ute thc limem waseed an burgt h osrci ned thise organ was situatcd in iront ai Romeril. Summen Assistants started. The league is made have notiing ta do ai noo turned from Indi heeh th im asbrndontebnly Mark Johnson has been serving satc-, ;AR us for tie details. roadside, west ai tic churcb, the pulpit and surroundcd lby -Harvey Murphy, Rugglcs up ai four icams, tic- members hour, here 15 your chance. nical missianaryaiteUte 'tie brick wms sccured îrom tic choir. Laten when tie Constant, Russell Crassley. ai wiich were chosen ai ran- Gel' off your pedestal and quIt Thursday ah tie Whitby Church ai NortierIna.Fv -Bowmanville and tic lumber gailery was addcd tic organ" OFFICERS 0F dam inani a volunteer's list. your crawin', join thc Gice Public School lie second ai years aga Harr tlne fro narb sw mll. Mchwas movd ta tic gallery and EBENEZER CHURCH 1968 Team one, captained by Don Club nd gel withit. tie Ahl-Star football games Elini Lodge andmay an i r m e a b y s a m l s M c i t i c c h i r a t t ie r e , i n a l l y t ie y T U T EY-C r o , c a t a i n e d p l a y e d t ca m t o , T e e w s a c m r c l b a s b dw r e p a s d a n n w a - aioftic labour was byDae pigt,îomedtTRwUkSTiTEESIn ie-îst al Td Booe uantace wîî niaIte AR INtO gratis. supidmovcd te tic present alcolve. Gardon Vinson, Glenn Pickell, with teanionwomoandclgbon top. So About tic ycar 1878, the Ebenezer bas always enjay- Jack Gay ladin o tp.Sog and Music Club is- look- received a pass in front af tic spoke ai theican mnad ai te coirandaddtioal erytalnte chir nd i' Nich ay KenCouticne ad-hurgainsti cwe atîcr n mg for members. Througiaut net and made il 1-0 for Hamp- womcn from Canad î;ee U H L T R Bavama ~ liefctaolchocrearcdpeaple tn. In tic seond hali givng tandrinivs in the se - "IV' room for regular churci serv- 1947, ta aid aur choir, a vsn good. All spectators are wel- w : JAISIES ,.,~l... ices. Tien a fcw years laier gencraus member ai tic con- ELDERS-.Wilircd Brown, came s0elong as they refrain wo play tic guitar. Tiose Robert Muir made it 2-0 for ice aithie peapleaindaOe10KngS..Bwayle JAMEScvews uîtt las gregation, Mn. Boy W. Nichols, Clerk ai Session. Stan Cov- irom baoing, ciening for tic with electnic guitars arc tic Hampton by scoring on a corn- important projetwa thPoe62-31FeEsiae tiec og a and l accodae donated an electric organ in erly, Hilton Tink, Kenneth otien team, and laugîing. most fortunate for thcy haveier kick. idrilling of well aprvd the cor. Tusdaccmwas e192mcmory ai ils parents Mr. and Counlice, Norman D0w n, At 12:40, Tiursday, B.H.S. :GENERAL INSURANCE tnde1893iandThis am ime89 Mrs. Fred Nichols, long urne Robent Couritice, Lloyd Down, had ils first Pep Bally. Tiere Kii L . owanileSunday Sciool roorns wene residents ai aur community. Murray Osborne, Garnet Tubb, was music, tianks la tic duel buili, being canslructed main- Also, lie chair alcove was Mrs. H. Mackic, Miss Ann ai Charles Ewerh and Jirn 'OMMe. esîdence îy fmm tic maîcrials ai the renovated mnd anranged as it Hoît. re.Tr wsntta- 62-43Mount Carmel Churci. Mount is today. Tic organ was STEWARDS - Ciairman - ment, tianks ta tic girl cheer- 43»5681 6359Carmel Churci was locaicd 'dedhcated by the pastor ai tiat Walter Brown. Treasurer . leaders wio taught al ai us about a quarter mile wesh af imte, e. W. C. Smith. Nw Harold Muir. Alan Dowi, nw and old cheers. There as part ai aur centennial ah- Wcs Oke, Brooks Pearce, Ed were lots ai predictions, thanks cale a new organ ta serve the Tink, Boss Hawke, William dents who attended. There iorship and praise in tuis Henry, Charles Elliait, jack were previews with tic Rcd century-old, beloved churci. Locke, Art Burgess, Bon Wreckers lctling us in an mcv- Organisîs have heen:, Eliza Bickie, Frank Reid. eral ai their secret Pîmys. And Wadc, John S. Bundle, Ida MANSE COMMITTEE iinally but far irom leasi, Wade, Mrs. A. E. Bundle, Mrs. .amn sore adC there were tic great guys ai SuppI,.d bv THE ÔSMAWA WHOLISAULiffliMI W. B. Counhice, Viola Rundle, crly, Mns. H. Tink, KeiV tic "Bcd and White". Il was 64 5 oMrs. Chas.Found, Mr.M. H. Omso Cecil Found, MIs. r e 30th:rc was tha e -. Stmples, Louise Osborne, Hazel E. Snowden. luk jusItich first ane ibis Bundle, Mrs. Glen Pickeil and *MISSIONABY AND MAIN- year. Mr.Eric Caurtice. At__3:00_______________thegreat Atic years passcd certain football game. For tiose who PAJO ON and .bettr»ent aif thie struc- À co ANCE§ TREASURER - turc eecced In [866. [,atè-iii_1Cucio a In C.-- TE ay +tic nincheen iwcnties, elcctric RAT 3. DILLING CEMETERY BOARD-Mur- UAATEDllghts were installed in tic Ciartered Accountant ray Osborne, Bon Bickle1 Don roos 9RCurcTStee Muir, Wes Down. Advisar and tic shed. In 1952 a kitci- 6336 L. Courtice. ,* en c was added ta tic cash ai tic NOMINATING COMMIT- IK ~ E T F C T S Sunday Sholad tthis W115 E CGGN TEE-Mr.G. Pickell, Ee acc wais installed, a well was PhonLi erty823 .3612 Bvîn Wrwn H Machie, Wmlter __ * isud t 5-ea trmdug and a watem pressure sys- ron Issud 1 o 5-ear ermteni was put ia operation. WILLIAM C. HALL CENTENARY COMMI'ITEE TABLE-RITE CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY Tien as tic communiiy B.Comm. -Chairman - Harry Gay, Mrs. -RDO LEBADBE *earn 61/% interest, payable haIf- grew hi was iound necessary Cimrtcrcd Accountant G. Annis, Mrs. W. Bickle, RDO LEBADBE ta build a Christian Education 36% K ing St. E., Oshawa Kenneli Courtice, Ann Gay, SILOIN, PORTERNOUSE, yearly by cheque. Centre for tic use ai tic Telepione 725-6539 Gerda Courtice, Louise Os- i younger members ai tic con. BURROWS, SELBY & C0. bonne. W NG, BONELESS, ROUND, *authorizcd investment for ail gregalion and misa ta serve as Chatered Accauntantsc a hall for tic many necds ai 323 King Street West ~ y yÎ~ 4.and trust funds. provîde accommodation far 725-6451 - 728-7554UDUAl STEA K S or1 CaadahIsuace Copnisan cing comm hun-tWollawA Onialo C day Sciool was enlarged by MG.sEdmond, C.A. adding a wing ta tic cast and __________an_________of____ souti ai tic chunci, whihe the ChroFoloin ilnsSaitw TEbasement was improved raCand urlaElaMyHokdy utilized for additional class 7, urcd at daMenayHos-ay fl LU aoms. Tic Christian Educa- G.EWNMNDC or RUM P ROASI r enreaiEbnze Uit Cirpacorpial BwanhlelonTus ,-..~-- isu ra n e he was pneaeceased bY hem Insuanc parents in1925, by her sister 13ONALD A. M[«GRZGOR- ihzzld in 1956, by her brother ; i1 Life, Auto, Homte Sidney in 1957 and by her SAS.A.1N01i Grad AND Inourae only sistcr-in-law, Mrs. Sid u. 54' King St. E., Howmmanle Hockaday, on August 17 ai Phone 623-5962 tuis year. Sic was also pre- M Il Il29C SOF Laa Srvyig dccemsed by a gnand-nephew,R« Land___________________ Miss Hochaday is sunvived W H I P P I N G C R E A MRRM D. BROWN by ber nepîcw Ernest Hocha- Can. No. 1Gd. Bradford Gm. 4 9 atW e ' ego inr WHPIG(MP.ENG.. O.L.S. day and grandniece, Evelyn ie nH c da._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Mmm Bmrr Brawcm), Misses ( Celle 121Iuee 623.-251 h. i s uriven e d y. nc c2-21ousin, Ms ay Hockaday, 3lMR9c L S. B. e MAe PINT Mo ig g s Tic funemal sevice was arw Extra K. MILLIGAN ield from tic Marris puea SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO- C h a p e 1, Bawrnanvllle, on A 5 ~ Large 2 Plane 1 r 16 Tbursday, Oclober 6, and was Heads K. CHRISITE - HGLN RE PHONE 623,54M FOR DELIVERY Ili'st Momigage Funds conducted by Etey. Charles A B G 225MSA.RU PHN 2354 F RDLIEYResidences . Farms Catto. Internent was in the TSSOEOL Business Properties iamily plot, Bawmnville TI TR NYMS .BUE - WLODL piom iry Amongthe many beautirul floral tokens, evidence af tic KEITA. DILLET. O.D. esteen In wbicb fie decemsed GLEN RAE DAIRY 118Bo wmanville IGA Foodlinertitute KimS ST W. BOWMANVILLE Toçin 623-3252 en:ds. a ma£u UP Mon.-=e- Thum ri. Palibeamers were Messrs. eu am .. ' 9 a.m. to 5 vin. Wesley Werry, Francis Woi- W MN V ILLE U Wed. and Sat. - 9 -1à ten Don Taylor, Bac Pascoe,1 Thurudmp 1vntffl 1Il Page and Harold Balson

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