"i Êt W-0 0 -0 0 - liTe cmnadia sttMman. EomwIl.l% Nov. 2,Ilm SPO RTOPICSI Ladies MajrBwigau By Virak Molmun 6320Teai: Who B" W. 21;SGa 29 Amm 0. Patfield 3- C. Bwr 6,O ihr2123 .Cl <Contnued from page eight) H Donoghue 2D oUi27JBar34-6,.Ppe J. Tennant 3 - J.aero2,M.Kg30.7,HD. aM ply the trumpet that way ln Mexico. Add ln violins, B. Buttonshaw 2 - hPri Ew2122 . oi27 2 à tý osbya trombone, and a group of nine or te- 0. Etcher 2 - L.Matr an27 IVuSms willkeep you entertalned aIl nlght, as they wander . Colins 303-27,D.Jl27S.ikel_ __ throughout te o SM igHelBl303-D.J279,____1:3 On Sundays you can see a vast amry cf paintinga on M. Harrison 277, E.BceiB utnhw2t dlalay by artiata L2 a couple of Mexico City parks. Tis~ collected on the over 750 p 271K. Stpen 263.J I ~ Hies1S la "ls the day to head for the floating gardens at.Xochlunilco T uth f led by Samn Adarn (who took mo ix26. * itfeldTri__ when a multitude of boats are decorated with flowers, spellng the hlgh triple with an 839); M. King 756, D. Ji 63 .L iti . eut naines of Mexican senloritas. Bow ling ~MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE Martin, Byron Holmes, Steph- John CowelPal or e , rH a rty B ale Black ï5.atfel 6, H. Dpw61M arsn____1 Becently the water has become muddy and sornewhat SCKEDIIE pFOR en Brnlett, Neil Gof, Doug Ar3'le gathmBrHanCMatyn aind ogJ.Bndthe____ stagnant, an item which the government Intends t eey B ~ ES sATUEDAy, NOVEMBER Sth Vivian, David Oudshoorn, Ron GrmHaeau aialzn h . TeamSn dM al _____ 8 before the 1968 Olympics. In the past perhaps you have Tice 59 McMullen 0; Cox 5, Game Time BPint oachd-Stuck. ton Ail tar : oh s 300 orRoger r s ile 3prusc.owr______ D.Pstn1j ach -aDuke BruntoDon onlcoxhmid JohnAFowleg. RageasHameat withya were _______ilJ.________ see amove ahoV'onXocizilc. ltoug nt 8 b8U Brso O;Pasat 3, Mount- 8.m.p- and Doug Parker. Dave Mark Siernon, Ted Puk, Dennis handicap which gave him. the M.Tennant flas It had beena boat trip is stili worth-while, complete joy 2. 7:0ý-.Panthersvs Pirates Purdy, Paul ?Jones, Robert Livingstone, Michael Hobbs, high single to date of 367, fol. Pri ______ wth lunch, liquid refreshmenta and uiriachi music provided Teaml Standing 7:40-Lions vs. Pee Wees Turney, Donald Smith, Kenny Stephen- Hobbs, Donald riçh Wo aeyb lodHaD. BBJonsa__ _1 by rchstas n ohe flt-bttmedboas.Thee wreCox ________ 25 8:35-Cubs vs. Huskies Livingstone, Max Johnaon, er, Timothy Jozkoski * ospes y Thornpson, Rusa Hate- 0 Etcher_______1 - byoceta nohrfa-otre ot.TeewrTice _______ 13 9:15-Braves va. Flyers David Vance, Bradley Rundie, Larkln, Ricky Leblan~c, ,.-'a Martyn and Sam Ptfed_ ____il O J JV hundreds cf boata being poled along by the natives, the Mountjoy _ _____121:0Red Wings vs. Bruina Bruce Osborne, Boyd Knox, Wilcox, Grant L xO~ arqç. -Jini Allin was th olis_______i day we were there, proving it ias till a popular attraction. Bryson 9 10:50-Aces vs. Atoms Jan Bennett, John Parker, Gibbs, Dennia Broome, D8vong ~oith*e 86 who match- H: Donoghue_____ Befrewe ef onou vcaton soeoe ho vialted MeMullen _ _ _ - 8 11:45-Rangera vs. Hawks Larry Brunt, John Whiternan,.MaeGregor. 'the.h1<lAdit spore.S.Bkei_ _____ Mexico laat year told us flot to miss the Ballet Foiklorico. Bngh Single . "'-'- _« L. Martyn When we gave hirn an inquiring look, knowing hie wasn't D. Bromel__ 197 12:25-cornets vs. Orphans f>~v ~~~ . 1 1 .L~l J. Baker -_____ much for ballet, hie asaunaed us it was quite a show. Actually R. Tice------------ -- 177 1:20-B.T.S. va. Canucku Mi VIl e tsI Tie WViiL> 220 GamfeSsf1nvd lit la a presentation cf colorful and entertaining regional D. IgI Double 2:00-Generals vs. Bantams 0? 0~ ~ D. Collins 258, M.'Lws22 D.Bromel -----_ 345 2:55-Mt. Rayais vs. Maroons 81 M. Harrison 277, H.SE nc cacspeetdl h har f the Palace of Fine Arts.. R. Tice 238 3:45-Leafs vs Bar y aren Cala scored by Jini Crawford with a 232, S. Bickell 23421 . d a ce llreent cd nthe Thete llrc scmn o BNA OSPes oeTeGm t Cheers and shouts were éli the assist going te Jina WiliaPlmr22,K.Se It as xcelen. Icidntlly th Fokioicoiscemng o BNTA BOS leae Nte-he ameatthat could be heard in the last at 1:30. Whitby received N.yPaler22, K. StPes24 tic OKeefe Centre next spring. VanDniel 5, B r u n t 0; 3:45 p.m. is a Pee Wee League 10 minutes when Bowman- three penalties in a J N Gold 2he. atfeld23S After five days hi Mexico City we journeyed abouon Coombes 5, J en son 0; game. ville came back i a blaze te tirst went te, Jim. Arnold foi hunded mleste aplae caledTaxauOne agin e Donoghue 5, Nickerson 0. PEE WEE HOCKEY TEAMS tie the score 3-3 with Whitby holding, Eric Sandford receiv- Albert Kerekes, the new h drdmlstaplc aldTx.Oc gi ehdTeam Standing on Saturday night. ed a penalty for slashing and press reporter, who wil be beçu advised to stay overnight by at least hait a dozen Donoghue 25 Rangers: Coaches - Jan Oud- Whitby startcd the sconing Bill Cawker's penalty was for putting more than his share people who had made the trip trom Canada. We wondered Nickerson ______ 16 shoorn, John Westover. Paul with a goal by Arnold assisted tripping. Jim Crawford scor- ante the colunin is known O wha wa teretekee ustrm gin staigt e Aaplca VanDriel_______ 12 Hart, Bnian Cowan, Gary by Sandford at 1:35 and 14 ed his second goal from jJi about the school for his aware- whtws hr o epu fo oigsrigtt cauc.Coombes ________ Ovenden, Dale Cowle, Ralph minutes later Ccc Giffin scon- Wlllis and Chnis Watson at ness, ability and quick tangue. Extensive renovtest u ntio aeIO w torkd ad ctes, h muat e ad qte descre Taove- Brnt __ 8 Milis, Larry Little, Ronald ed again for Whitby, assisted 15:25. While Arnold was Hes a natural when it cornes been eompletedei nvt o .crel u wored djetivsthe mut b ued o dscrbeTax - run 5Smith, Terry Baker, Donald by Sandford, time 15:44. serving a holding penalty to writiflg. and we found out why yau should stay awhile. 111gb Single Sylvester, Stephen B r u c e, In the second period Whitby Bowmanville camne back te tic O n Monday, Oct. 24 the enyoucurossevewhhr Srwe vrarge llieith erofteR.* Donoghue -___ 154 Michael Ormiston, Eddy Van- scored the only goal at 2:30, the game wlth Kim Rogers students had the pleasure of beacfebrkorui Sprwle ovr arugedhilaid ii Uc hartcf icR. James ___ 122 derbyl, James Mann, Chris McConnell unassisted. There earning the honours tram Jeff listeniflg te a few of theircorema Siera Madre Range, Taxe has changed little ince the early 111gb Double Terbune, David Cook, Richard were three penalties, al three Stuart wlth cone minuite and tellaw students whe had the f_______________ 1700's..lI fact, because cf Ita appearance, building of modern R. Donoghuc ____ 282 Nemisz, Wayne Hicks. going te Whltby, Arnold for seven seconds remalnlng in pravilege of attending UnitedSpiaingU . ,-'ýtrcture Is prohlblted in onden te preserve the aid charm. R. James ------------ - 242 Leafs: Coaches - Larry Dcv- clbowing at 20:00 in the first the game. Nations seminars at variaus JUNIOR GIRLS_ tt Tom Wilson. Robent Mas- . id er o lsig t I h etnila. universities. Neil Richards orThis la ane place where you have te be on the look out Ayre 5, Firth 0; Henning 5, seRobert SimpsonCameron 181 adArodfor triing dons Bowanvile tied fo went te Queen's University e-Italan F frunscrupulous gie h very nlcely allerte take you McMurter 0; Patfield 5, Cowan Creighton, Stephen Baron, at 18:10. second place &long with Whit- wbile Elizabeth Braden and toan f four hotels- the eot expensive i the place, . T iStnigMlonRbnoaom o- I the third peniod Bow- by, and with your support at Lloyd Clifton represented usSPGET * RAI I anyls ro e a -ou u r nyoro e aStning 1 ahan, Gary Reid, Kenny Fer- manville broke loose, scoring their games, they just might at Waterloo. They told us ofLSAN aidalo povdea lurheu turhi ou ow Cr.Henln ~ris, Dale Carpenter, Douglas ail their three goals. The end hp li first, s0 get eut and their various meetings and Instead we had a motel picked out before we got there Ayre-____.____1 Gearing, Michael Kowalski, flrst Bowmanville goal was cheer them ta victery. Their activities and aise enlightened aPZAPE C EC an nypidaothlfwa emight have otherwise. Firthil ________1; Peter H a m ilto nR a ndy - next game is Nov. 12 at the us on some of the projccts Ha wmigpoexeln iwadeertigteCwn8Coonibes, Douglas Terry, Rod- NKiI Bowmanville Arena. which the U.N. is new carrying WHEN ENTRI N GATnm ee eHd a tsinarg poolee ln otuw n erting heCowan - 2erick Thompson, David Pres- 1r vi e _______________ on. As well as being aur ne- oterhoel oerd.Wcwee is frtnae i btinngMeu Single_____ 2ton, Ricy Conahan. .presentative at Queen's this POE6375 a young taxi driver who tnadcd a lessen li improving isi lhSnl Hawks: Coaches . John Bowling League i summer, Neil wiUl be going te ForT-utOdr C. Ayne 195 Miîner, Doug Brough. Bernie ve is Expo in Montreal next Spring English for a tour of thc city at fewen pesos. That nlght F. Henning - ---- 185 PîazeGay ilo, ale Aerge ora aioalmetng Oread: amntsmtryneU he took us te the Catamnairous nlght club where you move 111gh Double . Talor, Ricard Hllo, Chalres coad17 I 1 fonratuationsal ength Oues te a different level for ecdiact. There we saw the flying S. Firth 3 HTton r iccH Ron Calds Doris Tokns1778Hcongratulatflns andQthf luck cagles which we described ithis columi ast year after J. Patfield 39 Kaiex, Bin oSinton ad Mryskeldin 177 OnmWldnnsdy bath ai au seelig them at the Wald's Fair. Also on the bill was a fine F enig31McMahon, Bill Walls, Brian Marlene Stacey 1n.5 By Sharlene Cala girls' veilcybail teams trounc- JUNIOR BOYS Tighe, James Stephenson, Betty Brennan-_ __ 174 cd ail their competitien ata calypso singer and a limbo dancer who stomped on broken Holroyd 5, Brunt 0; Wilson Donald Bradley, Steve Sylves- Edna Elliat ___ 170 Bawmanville J uv enle s tournament li Whitby. We KING ST. E. glass yet. 5, Preston 0; MacDonald 5, ter, Steve Rowe, Kim Vavian. Dot Stark ______ 170 downed Hamiton 13-6 an Sat- were glad te sec the girls take WhUle shorts and ladies' slacks are prohibited i Mexico Bouwmeester 0. Bears: Coaches - Dun Uliey, Laura Miles - _____ 5 urday nlght aI the arena. afier aur Senior Football team L City, and a shirt and tic are almoat a must in thc evening, Wlo Team Standing Justin Murray. Nickios Wind, Marg Wade - i___ 60 The tiret period cf play was of which vie are ail se preud! Wilson_____ 20 Martin Wind, Rodney Sellers, Joyce Stacey- ___ 158 a clean, close-checking period Yca BOWMANVIL;LE! Acapu~lco la the exact opposite. Picture if you will, Ibis Holroyd 20 Jimmy Peterson, Roy Ver- Joy Brown -1____ 5C with only'anc penalty handed lI intramural football, teana lowly scrlbbler havlng egr meals dellvcncd te peel-side as Brunt_________ 10 burgh, Kenny King, Danny Manie Tnim___ 157 out, te Gary Baker for hook- No. 2 came through witha wc spenit nuch of our time there, taking time eut tram Prestoni________ 9 Coty, John Bond, Larry La- Helen Henderson. 154 ing, at 11:00 even. Bowman. 14-0 win aver their oppanents swiannng and lying i the sun, only toeat and write soe Bouwmneester _____ 8 turski, Tommy Woolner, Russ Ina Brown ---- ----_ _ 154 vil le tok an early 3-0 lead te win the campinsip. MacDonald - _ __ 8 McQuaid, Grant Snowden, Bemniece Henderson - 15o after tallies from John Oyler Members of the teamn are: D. Mucb can be written about Acapulco. Despite all the R. Wilson ---------- 216 er, Paul Sarginson, Arthur Olive Henderson -___ 142 with anc. Knawchulc, D. Slcep, B. Jack-A wodru hnsw swi eioCt, h i asw .Bouwmeester ---- 210 Doyle. Sharon Brown -___ 134 Bowmanville scared aI the man, M. Oke and L. Lenmon. A A BL woendt lthis w e fmorsaw ia ec erty he mcsix day wR. 111gh Double Red Wings: Coach - Dave Sharon McKnight - 134 2:38 mark cf the second pcnied Way le fight, fellows. lI case V abpe toa ths wonld-vacauti on t ra eetenacjy . Bouwnaecstcr __-_ 394 Snowden. W a yne Martin, Betty Bothwell____ 128 with, the goal going te John Mr. Brunt needa help an the- ---- abec heelr vcto.R. Wilson------___ 376 Kerry Milner, Morris Mead- Deloris Walkey 109 Qyler tram Gary Baker and Senior Football lcam (whlcb Once marc aur new tound Mexican friend Angel Sanchez B. Holroyd _ _ 320 ows, Paul Sheeban, Doug Lorna Dennis -____ 105 Robent Large. A minute and la bighly unlikely), belI1 know ;,Went-euteo1 1h swa5o,to make sure we didnt miss a thing. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Kramp, Michael Leblanc, Shirley Matel ____ 88 33 seconds later Dennis Hom- where te look. Wlthouî hlm we neyer would bave really "scen" Acapulco. Cain 7, Etcher 0; Bradley 5, Douglas Bragg, Bryan Heil- Nettie Savery ~-~ 80 eniu!c tallied framn John Qylen On Friday the studenta of fo Isbeuiflbeces ncc IeBeaupnie 2; Hatcly 5, Coiville amn, Bob Joncs, Kenny Noble, 200 Games and Robert Lange. While B.H.S. held a gigantic pep ecý The cily la famousfo t euM ecsnefth 2. Randy Baker, Douglas Smith, D. Tompkins 200, L. Miles Barry Welsb of Hamilton wa rally and bad a anake dance ,aâoot pepular being Playa Caleta, kncwn as the mornnng Teain Standing Douglas McKnight, Gerry Mac- 203, M. Wade 206, H. Hender- serving a haaking penalty, thraugb the main sîneets of 1,beach. Playa Homnos, where wc sîayed, la used mostly during Hateiy 25 Donald, William Reid, Grant son 210, E. Elliott 212, B. Bren- Robert Large scored on the Bowmanville. This was 10 the afternoon by surf bathers. Cain_________ 22 Martin, Fred Ryan. nan 227, J. Stacey 239, M. power play fram Wray Wren. cheer our fabulous leam, an te à Beaupnie _______ 18 Aces: Coach - Keith Smith Skelding 275. dcli and Bnian Peters. victory against M.C.V.I. in One af the niost beaulitul spots, particularly noted for Bradley________ 16 and Ken Tabb. Butch Steph- Gaines Won Hamilton finaily gaI an the Oshawa. # anisetIs l Pie dela Cuesta, actually located about eight Etcher -3_n,_ohnJohsonPulart_ ___1_scre__________ nRyc. oming up i November la E[ nifes ort ofAcpulo. naro gtip f sngbbecSinglele11i n, David Poole, Donald Ben- Ash _________14 man scored uriassisted. Brian Tnip Day on whicb the men separates Ibm Paclig rtr a lagoon. However, despite the W. 23-30Si H.Mgl e nett, Babby Luxton, Peter Fin ______ 7 Petena came back 50 seconds are masters and the girls are W.Leis27-00 . ooeNowlan, hlpHansEiEm5 later tram Dennis Homeniuk obliging servants. Thisa la0 beatity of tbe area, crashlng breakers and treacheraus curents 235-258, S. Cain 213, J. Brom- hii ansEneEm _____ and John Oyler. The final samething te which ah Ithe niale swlmnalng unsafe. cli 201, R. Selleck 213-204-210, goal ai Ibis periad wcnît t students are loklng forward Abeve ail ne anc sbauld visit Acapulco withaut taking D. Sellers 228, R. Etchen 225, AALeo Cote ai Hamilton froni te (the baya anyw~ay). I the iKA IL Ui seneilmie rveavn b naulanlePurt . Bradley 276, N. Goodwin Bob Brown. evening there will bc the R__ th sene l il div oerth munai t Pero219, J. Donoghuc 202, K. CobbM E U L R Bowmanville tallied ne leas Sadie Hawkin's Dance when fTA___________ Marquez. Prom your high vantage point the vicw ai Aca- 250-234-230, S. Mitchell 219, B. (New or Experienced) Iban six limes in tbe final the girls wil gel their chance MI v >__ pulco and thc enlire bay area ls magnificent. We had always Caiville 216, F. Burns 222-213, peidt opeete.soning.ta.ask that cule fellow lhey thaught Ihat the island of Barbados, the Rocky Mountains M. Hately 223-223-214, R. Leal OPENI NGS AVAILABLE pei tal ett e n-sc g. would notice tbem more. an rn aynweetebs eha en u hs200, B. Welsh 240. u. nis Hamcniuk fram Robent Albert Kerekes and mlght beat thein ally H___Triple FREE I ST UC IO ,NI T Lange at 1:17, Thre minutes New Bary Kr'ab huk. Juat beyond Puerto Marquez wc enjoyed a boat trip m. Hately 660 November 3 - 7.9 p.m. tram Bnian Pelers. Leo Cale game an Friday in Kinsmen P R E S T ON through the narrow jungle-like waterwayu, wbere a bird- W. Lewis______ 689 scored while their îeam was Sîadium. B.H.S. won aven walcher wouid be righî inhilis glany. Nearby ils anoîher H. Moore ______ 633 ALL WELCOME shr-handed, unassisted, Tam McLaughiin despite theter- R. Selleck _______6271 t Car l, hrtersoe ra tvte- li ds(Bwavlevs. m beach where we really had a lime plawing inla the breakens. Carter_________ - us MOVI NG & STORAGEowman We enton bm np lthJoh an May PeuI aiOshwa < nw nîvile f & ison, John Oylen aconed tram Oshawa). B.H.S. bas now won __ Rob h ri ihJonad ayPoto shw,%ent Larre, Brisaiptersthe nigbt te go ta BellevilePH NE 6 3-49 Atou cen-ie otlwere people frani al aven the uvR zu- qua. £IMuMwr #%Is 24 At urocansaiemoel cupe f uy fomCagay ennst17, 20258; rwoD 0MNS 1.9 5.5 Fn Belîs _______24 - CLIP MAGAZINE Upitcd States and Mexico, acul fgyWfo agr ennsta7, 20258; rafoD. __ iu3 F 10_Combines_ 23 villa wbom we spenî an enjoyable evenlng, an airlne tew- 235, F. Allen 218, 206; J. Mac-. ~ Combies ______223IERCI OMZL ardestram Vancouver, some Germn olymplc aIbletca, South nab 242, 205; B. A.Uen 264, N. CUSS rkcrs ______ 2 -LIERC1L8N UZL I Amnincansanad Scandinavians. Woodcock 224, J. McKnlghI MSS ' 1 t,2$9.95 powerope weive 2 18LLEGH 217, 256; E. Luke 253, R. Bnock Si.s l o ____-j _241___ And there were a dozen businesmen frorn the midianda 265, 296; H. Snowden 230, 275; B222 $ 1 3 9 952 anyone. Vie had a long interestlng ta]k wli several of Uiem 201. 286; P. Buma 230, 220; R. J.CA.Bo38d&2010 conc nlgbt au we watched thc Ortiz-Ranos lghtweight chaamp- Ovenden 211, D. Bond 248, D. MEN'S - Sizes 6 bo 13 D efc 215 REGULAR $18295 McReelis 225, J. Bond 230, E. A oe215 lonship flght on television froni Uic Mexico City bull.-ring. Robertu 229, B. Griffi Sr. $11 WrightOy 212 U Don't imagine Il was carried here, but Il was qulle a flght. 217, L. Vesna 256, 211, 220. $11-95 $2 -9 W. HaIcly _____ 206 S E IAL V ICE Reterce Biy Conn srtopped Il uuddenly ln the fifIla giving Averages J. Luxton _____203 capo rzthvedc hnRmsssan aetH. Snawden_____ 219 BOYS' - Sizes 1 to 5 1 G. Brewster_____ 202 ________________________________ R. Brock _____217 R. Wright 202 above the eye. J. Bond _______217 $ .95- 4.JF. Blackburn_____202 AMVUUMLA NJ. . . e. Hlowever, the doclar at ring-aide sald Il wan't senicus. R. Wcstlake _____ 201 -$189 The Bell. finally put a stop Hall ai heur later Orliz wus given ten minutes to retumai J. Macnab ____ 196 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED ON NEW SKATES le the winnlng ways' of 11e .24 $U - 3M M to Uic ring aid continue. Ho did't anid Ranm was awarded B. Wetlake ____196 _________________ Reclaimalors by belting themi23-$8 uu 4 a 8l~ tbc tille. We haven't heard If th. rosI of Uic boxing wonld G. Prout_____ 195 SECOND HAND SKATES FOR SALE 7-in ushe crcas ints. eira 20-$.5 .0 r 52 _____________ut________________________ husi UicD Bon 191]Powracoe b poir nts. 30.30 -"$&3517 it appeared as if Iheir countryman Coun had gcofed. B. AGlni r ____190 __________Linoof_____________and________ ___a Anohe atrati wllw Uicth four bcsaic G. Marshall 188 AAMEI5 -AWOENS - fUILfDEN S 5-2 wln over the Tan Belîs N.____ 15anh Mlwigt ooe YOUB HUNTING SUPPLY HAQATR a tbrce haur boat trip lai Acapulco Bay. Included ithe Fr. Stubbert -___183 ua vr 5-2 victcry aven Uic Braldens. price i aili you can drink, whlch bas caused the natives M. Dakin _____ 182 W INT R FO TW i MAter being thumped lai weci M iE f to dub Il Uic "booze crulme." Tbey msa have danicing, but E. Archer ._____182 teOffce oyskamA Cc il yu ca tea youselfawaythe ceney isprety nie to. 'J MeKight180witb a 5-2 declalon. over teUicE GR sports scene we willlwrite about t Nhtnjal-alai, horse- B. McReellu ____173 I4 oyd EliSTShoo. eda 4-3qekeris oer Uic raln, b 111e lmpesai oulo'statstcMay Aldread ___1711 KN T .BOwp4ANVU E bury aid saîed Uiem aay v 95 jaq stW. Bowmamvil.Po" S4 A$iMtheLite lypu n HusoR.fgb KCrawford i171 with a 4.3 score. D. solan - 1711 j NO lomstb"avmoeu bowlrS L