Thé Canadian Statenman, Eowmanvfle, Nov. ,2 98, D rh m -H W ns TrC"ri teMr. and rs. Alez C,&ItwiiGfRRiOWNIEB lSth ANNIVERSAIT Report from Queen's Park Octobe1I7thws a very special evenmng for aIl those people in Cartwright who are Movement. The Mother and belhcae ous- In an effort to assess the Select Commlttee on Agingý Daughter Banquet took the Iflg and leisure are the four needs of this group. and ta1 are making a series of visita'3fr f itdy at o ~t1en65 le o og a rn fa te jrsîcin ..the Brownies who were celle- prbem hich tdyIldwasad en furf Canda.brating the lOth Anniversary Ie nome 1,400,000 senior ther împroving the tprogriammoeBowie dktËen, 6 yarsof ge ndfor Ontario's 508,000 elderly, The first o these visits as ftefudn fBon qZFin the members of the Ontario! made during the week of Oct. in Cartwright. After a delight- -j lth to the prairies provinces, fui dinner of bar-b-eue chick- na d included the cities of eak and altericenspu WnEnipg oRna agryIal enjoyed a stroli down THERE ARE fote Brownies and their leaders. agoedhoehssior ctze aged hotel, seiorcitzen!. ..... .First there were the usual hosig medicare protoasts: To the Guide Move- A ((IftC LITCs, and nursing homes, . ment, given by Mrs. B. Gunter grAC D E T am mae osilaortend replied tat by Joan Sug- imembers ta compare these gitt. The Toast ta the Moth- with similar programmes in ers was given by Karen Camp. Ontaio. o dubt he sudybell who in a very well writ- of the programmes adopted by tnadsncr pehthank W iiu u B LL>the governments of the prairie :ad all the mothers for the help Provnesandeui n e terunderstanding they give to cminging ta obtain difficult badges. A bull doesn't injure, maimn or kili by accident.i session of the legislature. Mrs. H. Crawford replied, Hodo to ups.Discussions with the Minis- thanking Karen for the very Hede to ups.jters of Health and Welfare in nice things she said. >;these provinces revealed some Dvso omsinrMs An overnight change of temperament bas changed 1 unique and practical ap- Hivion premseined the many "a quiet bull"l into a purposeful killer. pag hs othnrolesofr-service stars to the following: A sttemet byMr. oss10-Year Service Stars, Brown AThateeme by Mr. RossOwl Mrs. R. Turner; Tawny To a i orfr fti agr n re heat her, pr mite as-Owls, Linda Kyte, Joan Sug- Y o u a n i d o u r f a rr o f t h i d a g e r a n d b r e d I c h e a n, to t e c m m i te e w asg itt a n d M a rle n e T o m c h ish in ; bigbest quality cattie through the services ýrather significant. Any juris-1 9-Year Stars, Captain Mrs. 1. of ourbredig o-oertiv.1 diction, Mr. Thatcher saidj Durham County's 4-H Potato Club won the Ontario Soil and Crop Improve- Thompson, Lieut. MS. J of yur beedng c-opratie. that is considering compulsorvi ment Challenge trorphy at the Ontario 4-H Inter-Club Competitions recentlv in 14arlow: Cadets Judy Swain, imedicare should have second ' Elizabeth Thompson a n d thoughts. In Saskatchewan,- Guelph. Shown from lef t ta right are coaches Oliver Daîrymple, AgriculturalNac orl;7YrSt, CENTRAL ONTARIO (AIlLE where bis government in- Representative and W. H. Rutherford, Fruit and Vegetable Specialist; team mcem- Taw*ny Owl Mrs. E. Swain; 6- lhrtdsuch a programme bers Barbara Walker and Allan Trew, Campbellcroft; James Barrie, Gait District Year Stars, Cadets Judy Coch- ernm tent omeiCalc.F osshve Crop Improvemnent Director; and Assistant Agricultural Representative Bob Mont- rane, Joan Harton and Judy BREE ING ASS CIA IONrisen steadily te the pitt gomery who also coached. -Ontario Dept. of Agriculture and Food iMrs. G. Paisley. ,where they are endangeriig, District Commissioner Mrs. Pboning heurs weekdays tilI 10 the economy. one poor wheat f L(.. m A U Whîch is the Better HKteistintanGude on crop, he said, could place the . Durham Couny 4- i.H ..u te eranstsho e ieMalcolm with her Ail- For Sunday service in niost areas province in an embarrassing i looks after ber home, children Round Cord. She aiso an- phone Saturday 6 - 8 p.m. financial position. cm iteWfS P t o mp iio and ail pertaining ta their nounced that there is another Members of the cmite is P tt o p tto welfare, or the ane who helps Brownie Pack starting in Listed in local directories. were impressed by the low~ nalpaet ftecuc Caesarea, with Mrs. G. Gettiris rental housing programmes in, The Ontario 4-H Interclub sented the Durham 4-H En- and commuî-ity. This was fol-'as Brown Owl, and that from Manitoba and Saskatchewan Competitians were conducted~ gineering Club. Sharon Lar-1 lowed by a hearty discussion ýnow on we shall be known as under which long terni bar- Friday, October 2lst, at theroR..,Nstto an and then a quiz on Being a.Cartwrîght Brownie Packs. rowing by the province is an University of Guelph. T-iitBrian Knox cf R.R. 1 Hamp Go Crsta.Captain Mrs. I. Thompson pre- ~~I U UI U~ important factor. ýwas the 36th year of the com-'ton represcnted the Durhami Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- sented Marlen e Tomschishin ~Iiw* *r *u m~ Manitoba with a senior1petition conducted by the On-14-H Dairy Caîf Club. law, Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Mar- with her Quarter-Master Cer- Arcul-1 The demonstration team o! law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick David- tificate. Marlene bas bad six Age and Opportunity Bureau. ture and food. Philip Winslow, R.R. i1 Ida sari, Mr. and Mrs. William years camping and bas attend- ~II~ E IEDIf'âLJ ~This is a voiuntary body made DuhmR Mahaffy and Mr. and Mrs. ed camps in the U.S.A. F UNI VERYOUI E up of representatives of the sented by four ty as repre- FadJhnervil in ao.ici ,e Bria Hamilton attended the Tawf y Owl Swain then took medical, educational, social senting variaus clubs and a in the day. These two baya Tronto Milk Transport As- aver and as Mrs. N. Malcolm service, and business seg-1 demonstration team, repre- are members cf theNot sociation banquet at Seaway showed coloured slides the A U Ements of the economy. As an senting the Quinte District. Durham 4-H Cal! Club.Nrt Towers, Toronto, WednesdaY Tawny Owl described thern. AT TiflE advisory group it plays an Durham 4-H Potato Club witb We wish ta thank the team evening. We saw pictures o! the firat imprtntrole in surveying iteam mfembers Barbara Walk- members for the fine repre-, The Anglican chicken pie Brownie Pack ho]iday, held in needs and recommending pro-:er, and Alan Trew, of R. R. 1, sentation which they gaveI suPPer Frîday night was well 1959, and they have had anc DIU A lIEkN ED EA R grammes for the aged. Campbelcroft, tank top hon- Durham County at the Coar- patronized and enjoyed. every yearsince; sldes o! the R OYA I L lR FA IR Saskatchewan with some'ors and place first against 12 petition. Misses Ferne Crawford and 13rownie Rally held at Orono 88,600 elderly residents iS the teams from across Ontario in' Ail o! the teams represent- 1Florence McLaughlin, Toron- in 1957, and pictures a! the oniy province with a comnpul- the Potato Competition. Other ing Durham County were ta, were weekend guests cf parades held every Fair Day. .4e b r 1 1 sary medicare programme. team members c o mi p le t i nl g coached by Mr. A. O. Dalrym- Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe This ail was very interesting No e b r1 - 9Under the programme each were: Ted Skinner of R.R. 1, pIe, Agricultural Representa- and ruhbakmn me resden isrequired ta pay a Tyrone, and Terry Malcolm o! tive, Mr. W. M. Rutherford, The United Churcb was maries ta those o! us who were low premium which covers ail R.R. 2, Janetville, represent- Fruit and Vegetabie Speciai- packed Sunday morning. The with the Brownies at the be- Corne to thià year's Royal to be sure. It's got medical buis, but not eye ing the Durham 4-H Swine ist, and Mr. R. W. Montgom- choir sang an anthem. Rev. Gi .s omething for everyone. Funfor everyone. You'Il glasses, drugs, or dental work. Club in the Swine Competi- ery, Assistant Agricultural Romeril gave a thaught-pro-t Tawny Owl Swain thef Cc The availability o! land at tion. Wes Lane o! R.R.4, Representative for the Ontario voking sermon !rom the text, igave a few o! the highlights of fea IMse al the events you've neyer stopped enijoying reasonable cost In this pro- Bowmanville and Jim A*i earmn ! giut*eSferLti'Cide t aethe 10 yearsoBrwisbchf -and many more. There are lots of new attrac- vince bas ailowed for corn- o! R.R. 2, Bowmanville repre-and Food, Bowmanville. Unto Me, The Sacrament cf vere startcd in October, 196 1 munity type housing prajects Baptism was administered te with Shirley Turner, Gwen tions. Added excitement. for the aged, where attractiveEn e the fo]lowing: Mary Arn Ballingall, June Armstrong qui l%(',,w wih fou aparmentsdaughter of Mr. and 1Mrs. and JosieHaitn h Sesome of the world's finest livestock. O)r in each are gopdi a vii- 15* CKotheChmbenain;Enanr mentionied the help received the flower shoW. See the work of some of the lage like setting. Mre agtro r n rmorgo redi ud In Alerta theprovnce s- Ms. Gerald Kelly; Craig Alex- ing, Mrs. Doris Marlow, who I In Albertamcu phtthepheprovinakec s- in cic dnte a aythinst ii te os o ohe fscnain ehiit.stuetiano! os for the ntyPn-ing M at h 1rc, augteo Mr. and romargodfin i ud in te hst o oter &dmtng ehibts. trutionof omesfortheGardon Paisley; H le a t h Ilar the first Brownie Pack. 1957 Aged butthese homes can- There were 15 contestants Esso special prize o! $15 given EMaine, daughter o! Mr. and saw aIl busy on the Baden 4; nat compare with those oper- and a dispiay o! saine expert ta the winnnig plowman using Mrs. James Jamieson; Julia Powell Project. The money Hforse Show ated under the Ontaria pro- plowing during the annual a two furrow mounted plow. Marie, daughter o! Mr. and raised fromn this went ta Port gramme wbere the province Durham and Northumberland Judging was donc by Wui- Mrs. Peter Vanderbeul; a Perry Hospital ta buy a crib &0 secf=l4%r-lengand . ... ... .provides 50% of the construc- Piowing Match held SaturdaY liam Timbers o! Stauffviile, Lyn, daughter of Mr. afd Mrs. for the Children's Ward and Fc jumping daïly at the Royal tien cosand 7 %of te op- a h ly elg ama an experienced ex-plowing Keith Van Camp; Brian Royi97assa tefrtGud t d70~f t a th LlydKeioggfam a Gerg, ~i~ r.Company fre.This aiso Horse Show. $poeal Sundy Alberta, with a senior paPu- The contestants' rester was many matches leach year ihr a ap was the first year cf Mother inaine n oi.mbr 3.lation o! 101,000, bas, bow- anc of the largcst in recent throughout Ontario. In St. John's Church, Rcv. awend Du96er anquets. Be-w lever, a unique programme o! years and this gave risc ta the R. C. Rose dclivered a finureendTwy w "eeosaeowtmst r-: ».. nursing homes. These are ail hope that interest un campe- sermon on "Forgiveriess". ulieBie rcle h tiktaece.privatély owned with the tition piowing might be et-B AC [USI otWer, r iss htSimn rstutr ags *W~ gWo.provnce payng $4.50 per day tring a revival stage in this B A K T C otPry and Captale Sim innThucosonbads : uEznings: $4.00 and $3.00 for each resident in the home. area. Wright, Oshawa, visitcd the Brond OwtinTopnad (neddfor last week> Will Forder's, Sunday. t i B unr ri (Intended Turner.00 rnec2iv0d Sudy aiee 300ac $.0The individuai resident pays A spokesman said Saturday The Candace Unit met at Sunday guesis o! Mr. and tcir Bue and BownTr- $2.50 per day. Operating un-jihat ir ycars just passed the the home o! Mrs. Marwood Mrs. Erie Barr ard Beverley crs Lamps. Sa&wday Matinees: $2.00 der provincial regulations, the1 number o! contestants had McKee, Tuesday mornirg, werc Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sini- Th esc are just some o! the Gknemlprogramme provides excellente R cen 25esrnallanthatcthedafituretwith 12 ladies and crie child clair, Geoffrey and Ian; Mr. highiights o! the past 10 years ~~~~~~~i~~~~v r G n al A m s i n $ 0 ; S de ,s 0 ; Ch dr n 5 c re aard ac om modaton atoo th c m atch w as b com ing a attending. M rs. N eil M alcolm and M rs. R oss D rew , O shaw a. of G uiding in C artw right. A I- Pa*n or1,0 ar nte rud.In Alberta ail goverrimerit mt Ifcocr.1presiding, opered wîth a Messrs. Roy ard Harold MeiT- thaugh we are just a very buidins ae esined by Durirg the day a goodlyTmanksgiving pocin. Laughlin wvon 5th place in the sIal community, we are far government arcbitects result- number o! visitors attendedl Mrs. Roy McLaughlin gave borseshoe pitchirg competiti('n Ibetter equipped than some irg in standard plans in alat the site te watch the plow- the Devotional on Steward- at the Match at S% larger places. This is due orily UERUm~ EA D aras. Ahomefor he a edjmci. ship which ircluded a hymr. forth, Friday, the l4th. That tae uslisbddiae R O YA L VII îEK mFA I or an auxiliary bosprita.i1in Gordon Br;rdford o! Peter- Meditatin ari theadig-F eve1ig -th -Adterwvi oe h aegvn5 ert and Hugli AlÎ un ýwonathe Eatof's aperied the meeting with an Gerald Kelly and girls. improve the following road: ,;iarz~~ ivrwi appropriate quatation. Fol- Mrs. Frank Bailey . plomanundr 1 yersOf Mrs. Cecii Hill read an address ierntMr. and Mrs. William Partef he ecod Cncesio Rod bingpar oftheage. en "The Sacrifice o! Thanks- Bailey, Allistor.I , , -' Pato heScn oneso oa en ar fteThe International Harvester givirg. Of!ering received and Ian Ferguson, Torante, spent' /, *original allowance for rond between concessions one and Company prize cf $10 went te dedicated. Mrs. Fred Dayes the weeknd and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Budd as the top con- led a very intaresting discus- Grant Ferguson, Mary, LornR two ir tho Township of Darlington, through part of Lots 'testant in the utility ciass sion on chapter 14 o! Jesus and Elaine were Sur'day gucats 32 nd 3 h to sid irt ad Scon Cncesiosusing plaws cf three or more-Christ and the Christian Lite. o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright I furow. 1Mrs. Walter Wright, who and famiiy. Donald Tiney won thewith bier husband, attended Mr. and Mrs. Noei Morton sud te xpr pri te ert in lan s i sa d L ts 2 nd 3 i th Fi st ndvin e. his mea s a ~ Parents' O rientation D ay at and boys, O shaw a, called on Md to eproprite cerain lads in aid Los 32 ad 33 i the Frst cnrsind- Watserioo aLutheranateroollegeanthelegoytha RoBand B erguerusnn', Second Concessions of the Township of Darlington required fer the erabie saving in construction gave sonne very interestîng Sunday. afoesidrod.costs but does fat allow fart excerpts from the address Mr. Ray Mauntjoy, Water- afreai rad variety in design. given by Dr. Wm. Vilaune, 1c*ù, spent 't weeknd at home, The vîsit o! the cammittee President o! the coilege. Seven Miss L i n d a McLaughlîn ta the prairie provinces was members and ane visitor at- spent the weekend with Mis$ The proposed bY-law and plan showing the lands affocted -net oniy a tact finding mis- tendcd. Janice Crawford. Bob Mc- sn but aise an exercise in Eleven members o! the Laughiin sper.t the weekeid may be seen in the offices cf the Township Clork in the Township Hall. public relations. On se ntany Esther Unit met at the home at New Liskard, and Mr. and occasions aur hasts expressed o! Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Wed- Mrs. Keith Van Camp and - their . appreciation for aur nesday evening. Leader Mrs. !amily and Mr. and Mrs.Wl e The Council wiIl hear in 'person, or by. his or- heï counsel, visit, and for the aPPartunitY Arnald Taylor gave a reading bur Toms werc Sunday gue'sts ~>'- aget o soicioranyperon ho aim tht hs o he lada illb. a exchange ideas con a com- on The Hymr o! the Week, o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- aget r sliito, ny eron hoclani tht is r er ans wllbe mon problem. Members a! the which was "This Is My Fath- Laughlin. >'Jv 'ju iial affected by the. said by-law and who applios to be heard, camroittee in thanking their er's World". Mrs. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Kcith Johns- prjdcaYhosts emphasized the gaod Dorreli and Mrs. Harvey ton, Belleville, visited Mr. and, will and better understanding Graham gaVe the worship o! Mrs. J. A, Jobrator, Thurs-' "< I DATE» this 14th day of Octohe, 196M. created by sucb viaits. It scripture passage, mditation day. mande one realize that Canada andi prayer. Mrs. Harold Mc. Mr. and Mrs. Les Gibson, is alter aU aons nation and If Laughlin asa n g' "Wanderful Toronto, visited Mrs. Cecii -We reason together, ailowlng Words of Lite". Judy -Mount- Hill and caiied on Mrs. J.A. W. EBulmx.9our mlnds ta dwell on thon joy p!ayed a piano sain and1John star, Sunday. things whicb we bave incer- ýLinda, Mountjoy gave an ac-: A Flett family gatherirg was mon, thon unlty mnust be a cordion selection. Mrs. Hazi vey held at the home a! Mr. and natural xeait Grahamn gave a readins onZMi. Mervyn Graham, Sunday,: Nor -Power DUAL -DUTY' ;aranteed 48-months of full powered performance; combines "Hi. :pcity' te spini zero cold engine fster and longer, plus "Hi-Water" eature tht protects th'e plates tl'ot produce the power, whec, yau Drget ta add water. Aso the exclusive dvantoge of Power-Sealed >y-Charge that ensures bttery frshness. Exceeds new car equipment 6-Volt - Fits Chev., 1950-54; )o>dge, 1 935-55 (most); Plymouth, t939-55; Pontiac, 1949-54 (20- 22 series) and many others. 12-Volt Fits Chev., 1955 - 66; Chrysler prad. 1956-66 (miost); Ford prod. (most) 1956-66; Pan- iac, 1955-66; and mony other lte mode Is. lIï;wsTALTO 1595ý DRY CHARGE S CASHand CARRY 70COUPONSj r ASSOCIAT e v f ff Iightweight big Po wer chah, saw sPIONEER more power...high speed cutting and perfect balance for greater production in any pro fessional ares. Morton's Hoskin's Farm Supply Ltd. General Store Eowmanvlfle R.K. 2 Blackstock OiitaiIO 1