&.l Canad1an Stateammanowmanvlle, No. 2, Ion *,Forthcoming Articles for Sale _ Articles for Sale Cars for Sale - Help Wanted NSotice to Creditors Ra saerSl Real Estate -1__________ Marrage GOOD used furnace. Phone FOR Sale, large size crib and '57 DODGE Custom Royal 4- CHRISTMAS tree harvesters. NOTICE TO CREDTOýRS SERVICED lot 120' x 55u1LBAC. rak~ Ett 623-3661. 44-1mattress. Telephone 623-5342. door. Caîl 623-3403. 44-1 Cali Mr. Schwartz, c/o Gen- AND OTHERS Write Advertjser 759,c/ The G yLB an r.-John Ban CHEST of drawers, $10. Cail 44-1 1958 4-DOOR Hardtop Pontiac, osha Hotel 723-4641, Room 602. In the estate of BERNARD Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box na ounotv e, t eae d .rthoîng3-7276.44-1 FIREWOOD, mxxed dry, bard- $300. Phone 623-7276. 44-1 _____44-4* LORENTSON, c0o m maonri.1 y 190, Bowmanville. 4-1Realtor mpxrTiage of their daughter, WATER for sale and delivered, iPhonè 728-6852. bu-jit mDS, oto $200 teion e hildren's nurse-maid, live in.' retired, deceased. BSNS nBý-avÏý 2-4 1 16", Mr ai e- alCifPehc 6-13 ul mtr 20 TlpoecProsperous, going concern. neth Werry, son of the late 32-tf MUSKRAT coat, size sixteen, Newcastle 987-4310. 441 Other help kept. Cail 623-2473. Ail persons having claims Will take real estate on deal. BwavlePoete bnand Mrs. Kenneth Werry QA tasoe nbr.Iod condition, % length; very ONE '9Ce.4do,6 uo 44-1 against the estate of the above Write Advertiser 760, c/o The 623-3393e P of caNew.caesmareag Edwn Stab, RR. 3 Newwreasnabl. Phoe 62-557. maew-on '58.Chev staionPhoneESE62f-55i7t7.me. entioedoate '5th.TownCanadantSatesan, PO Bo Price St Exeutîv typeMembrinsaeaStd.Ditric 44-1* ApyNw DthOe of Bowmanville in the County 190, Bowmanville. 44-2 bungalow with mayexrsI RalEteBod Churplceh inBo t.m anvlle - - e.43-3* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _wagon, 283 motor; one box Restaur n eH w aDu 1ch ,Oe n -of Durham who died at the- This home is being sod c -I * Saury, Decembnle ,AE o aeaddiee USED Skates - We also accept t'-Biler. Phone 623-3238. RsarnHgwy15 ee said Town of Bowmanville, on Saura, eemer3 1AERfo al nddeierd tad-nso nw kte.LIdPhone 983-5001. New3 ,tlyfurnished. Ci oa AM 6, t :3 oclok. 44î~24 hour service. Caîl 623-5756. rd-n nnwsae.Loyd 1959 FORD 2-door hardtop, - ---- 4.2the lOth day of June, 1966,Ne 3 Bedroom to inspect. 1iAr oac am 1 t G3:30S' Winer coat4, 6 29-tf Ellis Shes, King St. W., Bow- V8 reconditioned in o t o r, FEMALE Clerk f-orgrocery are required to file proof of Deth manville. 44-1 sta'dard shift, body in excel- store. Full or part time. same with the undersigned on Bick ungalow NotEnba READ - At; MerosiafiuPhoska623-3088.1441. Acme; one Findlay heater, Newcastle Garage, or Phone phone 623-3541 or apply in December, 1966. Mahogany Trlm drive. Asking $17,(5.Trs an riain 6.0 Atwmanv i l PAhRonew tires8. .00x1Colr wood; one vanity 983-5101. 441* person. 44-1 After that date the Public Customi Built Cabinets Waverley Rd. 2Bero l8 AeDarFrmnr aauxiîîaryvpanionoand helperr4for a -thrltciute testat roe hatng e-is-ul Pie sorsan eren.lag bms,2 pins Ol es66 , ShertAllread, aged IRone 623 re, 8340x4,1dresser. Phone 623-3821. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN,, Deluxe WIDOW or pensioner as coin- TutewI rce ods lie aeebungalow on lot of 6'x15,Cbug odbikhue esa,2,mounited on rims, for '64 Ford. -44-1 pnmodedlepe fr radio and . th.etaehain r- l55 n0jIuinumnsorsa 66ctob AIder ae IPhon on314l4-1y $8raioad,900.r ipefral $27v igadony oth - ToeFlrms. skn oly$,90 4nths, beloved infant daugh-,, ---- -- - - -USED washer parts, motors, heater. Licence J23450. Pric- womanpefrbl o ie in, ardonl the hldhv aims o $l5I5ntopen te o kin of Ross and Sharyn AU.- GJRL'S used skates, size 8; Beatty, Thor and Crosley ed at $1 ,295. Will take brade prepare meals, no other bouse- w~hh hnsalhv a tw amnoe eofr iePe tc am-30Arsna aR.R. 5, Bowmanville. used clotbing, size 10 to 12- appliances, nationally adver- and arrange ternis. Caîl Ray work; five-day week. Phone notice. For further Information Cetrl bt er etngNwonil; -om oe ýe as eldintheMorisCaîl 143 Queen St. 44-1 * tised line of furniture. Paddy's Lathangue, 623-3418. 44- l' after nine, 623-2939. - ---da 0f Otorono hs1966.nraho wt rvice was held in the Mrris ___________ 44.1*DATEDf torontot9is6. th Cal 623-2970 systemn, in good stat fr-lrebra tem.Vr frneral Chapel, Bowmanville, ,GOOD mature cob corn, off Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Lclrti tr.PBI RSEYal rs bo handîe some degree of book Administrator. 44-1 Dpe i*lock. Interment Bowman- Hampton_263-2088. 43-3 GURNE-Y-heater,-bu-rns-w-ood RIDE bo South Plant, General work and banking. Write to _L.__ L y- W4le Cemetery: 44-1 ÉSTUDàEBAKER Service-n-- or- coal, white enamel. G og oosOffice, 8 to 5, MondaylAdvertiser 761, c/oCanadian i DuICEex 160 Acre Stock FE ND i dwrm, 3 o _____ eog~cîr Concession St. Bic2fa mleOhaaExlenin ~RON-A Meoril Hs-and used parts. Graham's Welch .. ,Bwmoil Friday. Phone 623-5958. Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- AND CREDRS REL STRANE AD iydelno ag o eîe odbidn ta, owmanvileon riday os,Ga-ag-416-263-22.33. 4-fiahRoad ai Courtice, Wsi -44-lf'man'viIle. 44-1 A1OHR ISRNE118' x 175'. Askingi 590 Otl or 28tb, 6, Mayc ESclauoaialhile 1H0igh School. Nights only. - - ___ -DAETrirppy N THE ESTATE of ELSIE BowManviIle -3 .Liery .with îow down paymetOd ny$500-Trs Ocoe 8h 96 ar J E eait at c of w44.1* ARDL ere upW A N T E DLULU M A Y REYNOLDS,-36Lbty CrtasTreeFarm toria Fraser, aged 75 yearsyou wa ,ai eullen Hard-1- -__ ___- ste price. Phone eveningsFLLTESpntrdeas. 623-7264 Close to hospital,.3bdomPntoo,10crshoe bovd ifofWlimHware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ONE Paiz stable cleaner, 220'i986-4870 or write P.O. Box 30,FULTM Snsedead.hmonlreot berovwR.. , oneillia H ....-__ -1RxT' Al persons having cdaims BWAVLE-Qenvr Bon ..1 yoe ,rVle 3-tf 1chain, right hand delivery, Port Perry. 44-1 MAliLE L EI.~~RK ia gainst the estate of the above j ar $5000 do' for market. Only $20.000s wother of Ivan, George, Merv- 30 AE go qaiyheavy duty drive, 7 years old: ATDFrt' tr ae fteTw Street--3 Bedroom brick, g-'$,00 dwn. M, Alan and Clayton. Service f hay, 49 bl.SelI anv one Ptz circe feede, 60' od ±OO328 nofntowmnleih ont rW Bah ac *shlinteMorris Funeral 1quantity. Telephone 70 r 14 bunk on 30' swing arm, 2 by PeacocnLumber bd., 328of uhmorser ee s. 'of Durham, SpNnsieradeeased. equipped. Askinv $4.0 ihTotStemRtet-2 Ciapel, Bowmanville, on Mon-,Bethany. ___ 43.3* years old; priced economicaly. wod Lumber, green from saw, WRITE ADVERTISER 758 ýwho died at the said Town of! BOWMANVILLE - Conces- $2 000 down or $3,0(0cs, ars edl ih2sras «ey at 2 o'clock. Intermenî:s-- y iî Seldon Parker, No. 2 Higb- sa0wn t our specifications Cutie/o The Canadiarn Statesman'Bowmnanville. on the 3rd daylsion Street-I Bedroom brick.ý Orono Ceetery. 44IwitSEA uremer weatber wŽ' Newcastle. 4! î bfr heîe~,P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville o-eImbr16, r ~Lovely condition. $18,000 wibh' Liberty St. N. 2Ars ls $050Trs ________ tery.4ms. 1ih school.winAskinnd $3,000 bwithethe enicas10oacreteparc196s awith oo.bonAlibeehnkilis it. 44-1' 44-2 quircd 10 file proof of samelem osho.Akn 9CHISHOLM---At Oshawa Gen- 623-3871. 44-1* FIRTH BROS. - __REAL EST ATE S ALESMAN ýwith the undersigned on or be BOWMANVILLE - Horseyil$1,000 down. botsraKna iî tral Hospital on Tuesdav I -- -Kn E hno6381 VVork \Vanted Wanted for Bowmanville fore th7h ayof DS t Bdro rckeageEnmile ra.$e00-$,00dw. ovÎember ist, 1966, Linda May BUYINeor seling frnitur f47 ea. ecemberree-123st Chihom, ge to mntsor appliances, caîl Elmer, BRING VOUR BEEF HOUSEWORK by hour or Pr1r eligexeiec. x 9 r that date the Execu- Pied1 Bdom / soe hmnOIE _____ _____aged wo _ont- --pJobeCeana r After lot with shade.ew f beloved infant daughter of Hmtn: business 263-2294 - OR PORK TO U~S cdayPhoneo 623-2732. 44-1ipen ceana' ge ruhelp yutrixwl r sdt itiuel. deILE cuo atro.An, nfraeag erOoo-2soe rc rsdne263-2695. 6-tf BRS n onsakrato imwt rvnthe estabe, having regard only Road-2 Acres with largelwith low down paymeî Wneflviw ae od Victoria Streeb, Bowmanville: INSULATION, blowing metb iTe*i ýxPhone 983-5241, Orono. rcod' to salesaimsoofawtlosh gar sister of Bonnie, Gary, od, with rock wool. Work-44CUSecor f sals. Cotact loyd, shall aehad no famicebuse cononleces CUTTIN44-1G. Lee, F.R.I., Vice-President, DATi$1i1,o50aviITertissAN.2 narnsuabeor CHONSKILrglt. Liaura. Rested ai the Morris estimates, Harry L. Wade,pelb craesPhn62-7. Ave. E., Toronto 12, 487-3333. 1hrdysoon Lage bildiArones Nw2hoes b Funral Chapel, Bowmanville Phone Newtonville 786-2256. 5c er lb.4-3 cardables. Phonebunalo623o-726 PAI HDIS rors. Aski000Stree for sercelo ntemet Bw- - _38-tf - 44-1 -40-f K _____ Excutix omt~bngalowcn-Iarelt CnesinBomn 4,r servce dn Werenesda ai _DRIVING instruction in your' PART TIME CARETAKER hy hem solicitorsveniechaes. $Suitab.e rmsVLAfony 5,00bownuvle.g-ecom rckhoe 0,anville Cemetery. 44-1 TY P EWRITE RS, $49, noIFABULOUS Jungle Sale ait own car. Phone 728-78601 Applications will be receiv- Hodgins & Fleming, purchae $ r 10,0re.ier liares cî:Lre o 0'x31' xe mony own $ wly.Ad Wlso' Funiur. To-Osawa 4-1 d y he ndrsgne utiO14Fhnkwa.et Wehae-sveal10 cr IgetJhgenen- 87-49 lnt ale. $1,00 -Tems ers, Cashiers, File Cab., new, mendous Savîns! No dealers, MiÏ--ModaveNbe 14/66 fo Bowmanil11Onro. parcels and weil located town, 100NLIN-At the Hospital for use'd, rentais, service, trades g ,CLMETPoultry, Custom a vm ramie, narj Assistat C44-1 Onta-3loos.treet, Bowman-l Sick Cildre on Sturda, pleae! Ne 1967movillees- 7-room rebrickrfrhome, 2 (October 29th, 1966, Joyce Mar- oflOsHawitngan). 42thtef cutesmart design, Phone Newcastle 987-4353. 1er for Courtice Secondary _Ken lot.CAIl -ed 26se-26ba3s. skohn$1F.OoDOp' ret Conin, inferOshthaear, --ffa uhions, $9900. H-ak 3-1School. Dutios to commence NOTICE TO CREDITORS !Law,~rence (C.FWhite -623-2158F.uein tofrs-Tm. grtCnii e 2heaH-ak- a ona osbe las ntoEtt fRLHEri rde 2-50I REAL ESTATE LD odwiw onavle kloved daughter of George BISHOPS New Improved hay Swivel Rockers, $34.95. PoloeÇONGmîhe ia aysit applysinowribl . statinngtex.'KN EsT H oICKS. rne rdly 2-3 anîd Helen Conlin, West Beach, 'andpsuemixtures, blenderi Lamps, $ 10.95. 3-Piece Wal- YONGeorto chillren i wnperine andqualifiatins to' . -N ____HICKS. on o wocilrn now erecead uliiatos4a4-IlIBowrnanvIlIr - 14 FakS.2bdomodrfaebn der ise o Btt nd pascetro sed era ntBedroo ut,$3.5 i Al persons havîng cdaimrs ---Phone 623-3950go nlt6 2.4pe Çeargsistervofcetty hldiand r ci fieed. Vemalîit oom neteSuit, $3 home. Phone 623-2450, any- M. A.MacLeod, Administrator against the estate of Ralph 1ea. oorti. ,D orriserVunealChapel, recl clover. Seed corn - Unit-ISmOhTpMîrsebadtm. 41 n erbr-raue,181Kenneth Hicks, labeo f thePtrKwl r AR AMa gigmn oe 400-Trs f3owmanvWle, on Tuesday at ed Hybrids, Pride Hybrids, naines, $38. Bunk Beds, corn- WE will sharpen your saws - Church Street, Bowmanville. 1 Township of Darlington, inb REALTOR concern with cailleadm-MpeGre-Exptoa 8o'clock. Interment Newton- Seneca 155, Jacques 850, War- plete, $65. Smootb-top Con- You will enjoy your wood- 44-I 'the County of Durham, deceas-i EEALISRcbinery. Holstein ilkcn au we rnfre. Vile Cemnetery. 44-1 wick 263, Canada 606 and tinental Beds, $55. Decorator working. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin ed, who died on or about the 152 Kingr St. W. BwANvilEtrc.Gobulig.Akrom1,soeyhe,2ae .eEconomy Blend. Your BisbopsiCushions, 99c. Chairs, Carpets, St., Bowmanville. 44-1* SELLING R8th day of September, 1966,1Bw vil.ng $45,000. Ternis.lo,2'x4'wimnpol 15ENNEY-At Memorial Hos- Seeds Rep., J. A. Rosevoar !Cedar Chests, Lampas, Has- A. are hereby notified 10 send in i 623-2453 APARTMENT SITE utbe$200-Trs ital, Bownianville, on Sun- 263-209.5. 43-Ïýsocks, Pictures, and many A.B A A RS TO FARMERS It tie&SrkSlctr e oe!W aétefr2 uis Ut èy, October 301h, 1966, Bruce nîan3' more. Wilson Furni- ;r el&'o Cn)Ldfor the Estate, Box 7, Bow- best selection of new bomnes ery torey rick ome, 4batse IWayne sonn ofge one ba, T O ES iure, 20 Churcb St., Oshawa. Plumbing& Heating ýBI &Sns (Caaa tdmanville, Ontario, on or be- in town. Located in various where. Priced b sel uhat eaat ee Lanricasonne yne.R nd3$5New 35 Nelson St.Bowanvlleleadint supplier. of Vitaminifore the 3th day of Novem- locations. N.H.A. Terms. Ex- TRENTON. 70 AcefmGodioe.2000-Tms Wayrca eny RR ,New-5 u Pets- 1.fand Minerai Supplement dl.ýber, 1966, ful particulars of coptionaîîy weîî built. Caîl in town, modernîzEd on.BokSreOhw .3 destle. Service was beld in OSHAWA REGISTERED -Dacbshund pp-reet to farmers, requires Iedi atelfory atter the saidan: on. Rad e Morris Funeral Chapel, rSTTeiael ate te ax dviio.RNI: y ý»wmanv1e, on Monday at TV division.pisstadCaîl:nh rdLyleE PRMasonLSME oiî aylf ovate, 16garage; recreadinbio"-112 364 ~~ hoe 63-516.,44-1 PLUMBING & HEATING SLS tN 0hay tsof Noemestr , 566 Th reoiebudng ltse22 96. oandZne!-. 18-0 80 p.m. Interment Bowman- Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa - Part Time Men Acceptable th soao h ettrwii 8 f. fotg.O ee n CONSECON AREA. 13Tre vtlle Cemetery. 44-1 Just East of Ritson Road TWO six weeks oId femnale Phono 623-3540 Sceau pîlat ilr-be distributed amongst thewar.'cefr.9Rodhm, Dial 723-81.81 oy terrier pups, good house PO o 59 ýev ulcmaybcig parties enitled thereto, hav- Lovely 3-bedroom b r i ckibatbroom. Good siz an al6339 TLNova Estella -At Day or night - Bill Leask, Prop. es white witb a little black. ing regard only to daims of bungalow in north end oiStream. OnIy $18.000( ai'AtrOpm 3~emoral Hosital, owman-la-if Pone Blackstock 986-4747. 78 Ontario St., Bowznanvillie Remîineration b>' commission., which the said solicitors for town, vemy close bo scbool. I~Msn 9-94 e coe25196Nea44-1 _______1-tf fFra neverp> tatlng te Estato -shah thon have Sborms and screens ihrougb-' u e 2- 25196,NoaPREPARE FOR WINTER DCSH D,-yaodfe SETC AN age, ti7me a;alaleto :el fo notice. oui. Oil hea1t. Priced to soîl bose hm.Locte cr Ke200i -62- lAie William Little, dear moth- "Alemite" mule, purebred and spayed. DTLT'T1. car te: Dthi E6hd aift obmner A incom80. emTw pat from luke. Hunting re.ac Whtm *6371 orof Alad of ch ornHil n. N Write Advertiser 763, c/o The PU PN hs2t a fOtbrAD noeHm!Toaat Price $3,600. Caîl: Lyl ao nyK>.--7309 rk of nAlwr o fon nHill.ECOAdNG Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box WHITEWASHING STABLES BELL & SONS S1966. i mksents on arelot. $5.000the392-3964. Alex of Downsview, age 75 Stops.rust and corrosion et 190, Bowmanvilîe. 441* (tCkA&StikADpA) n envaios n h Yas etdathBalw yuca' necrig- BERT TOMPKINS<CND)TD Solicitors for the Estate Of pasi few years. This is a roui 63 Acres with new, oe lr culuh-7374 runeral Home, Orono. ServiceFo etPoeNwovl 7-52P.rBX9 Ralph Kenneth Hicks, money maker. Offered ut the brick bungalow, newbr Was held from Lang Memorial W IEro osualbe____Caîl Colleet =41-tf LogeiPQ 44-3 able down paymeni. Balance ed ta soîl. chapel on Friday, Octobor 28. FIVE--oornhouse, avalable Longeuil, P._ Jhtermeni Orono Cemetery. W 1c-. Phono 623-5706. .44-1 FRANK BRINK _____-- 44-2--D on one open mortigage. 248 ACRE FARMwt oadFre 44-1 85 King St. W. Bowmaaville TWO-bedroomn a p ar tmn nt, ____RepairS 30 Acres on Solinu Roadbouse, 2 barns, 3 farm od. Phono 623-3134 beated. Phono 623-5578. 44-tf Trenching Vanted - South. 120 Rods rond frani- rHand.eskihadofctie$e25,oge0ebo0 Ç SeORNE-At Memorial Hos-_____ 44-tf DUPLEX, one and two bed- SEPTIC TANK ___70thRearn .Asig$0 e ar.'on.AskRnE 25,0. ErsPotFry9528 tîtl omnile o-rooms. Telephone Newcastle INSTALLATION thCetifled Watchmaker of lInvestment Propertîie: tonle;ouh, agJA cto Sae Ç y, October 31sb, 1966, Hem- B E E 987-4835. 44-1 Cash o h Spot Canadian Jeweller's Asma. We have two choice cam- . ; hun,nbshr bort Frank Osborne, R.R. 2 o orfezr lce a po -270or .ador______ C m-stream. Extra ubun-i Bowmnanville, in bis 851h yea ' frvorfeeeInkr FIVE-rom napartment. Appîy !Hampton 263-2270 foro Dead or Crippled Farm Go te efwtex i24-tf Stock. Plcked up promptly Marr's Jewellery inseca petiosfr yurgulw. nxous ta soîl. IRRY The uhmFresi beloved husband of Winnifred cen Beerc Ani__05Kig_.,-_____hoe ol___23-72 39 King St. W. turns. Bobh in first class con-ne5roedbikug-SasAmaonMdaNv Pezpningtan, dear father of ifat removed hefore >'ou but. buck door. 44-1 * * -RO MrgilFu am- dition. Real goad bei-ms uvuil- lows.5AlI mdem icaneit mniga :0pm Ifarold Osbone, Gardon and HIND9e-FRONTS 49. NEWCASTLE, 3 warm rmrna NERefrirreration able. ecs xeln Kenneth, bath deceased. Serv- SIDES 57pe lb.rze and bathroom for lderly Painters L TcnceNE4C66 I. o onel ic ws e n h Mrrs N o extra charge couple. Phono Orono 983-5639.an Properties RqireCafo Fupemal Chupel, Bowmanvilie, Ion,t w asie your mone>' on - - 43-2 and. Decorators We Honor An>' Bonus Curd - Honst-to-Goodness" Buyors 31, ACRES with 9rae on-Wdesa1t2o lc, ApineService onEhK2 on Wednesday t 2 o'cloc ft - Bu>' goodprime steer eef TWO bedrom upsiair apart- 27 Elgin St. - Bowm nil tipLac vnns a orne. Barn, stream adp LVSO In$erment Ebenezer Cemetery. Wf an upl>' apromer gerae mont in Newcustlece. Available l tAsking $12,650. Termsn al AE 44-1 eWe a se nya oer b îess et novw21.tPhono 9874621 Phon e 623-3075 Deadstock Service commercial and Domestie A. Code -- 623-265TmDnel98-24aIDraCui>SleArn of Beef l 5c perlb. legsNov, 21.Phone 98-4621.Highest Cash Prices for Dead Refrigeration - Milk Coolers 4,oDnely957 44-1' 9t and Crippled Farm Stock PoeBR TR P oaJ.*623-56 i CE nvlae odrfo-Ee> hr. :0pm S&YMOUR, Etie May - In HOUSE forrenl on 7AHigh- Jr._________ 41 o AE.SAinmdm o- vilgHessClteaSi O arn, wifeof aer 1 W, iiam O W M A N Vor L EN o 1 A. 986 -4246.noeB U R GTS S ac k sel Orn, coer2, 96 Et~ FR1 IDLOCKWT u, i unae atro; JACK BURET PR FRMDay. 623-5774 vninesa. Barn. Pie aClvs hFet.J .R MÎIY McLeod, in ber 92nd a, GIDraebthom Phono Long Distance Nights 623-3177se] yer ieo h aeWlimSYSTEM avuilable N,.1.9644-. I BURNERS - FURNACES Zenith 66550 (ne charge te you) Jck LARGE RANCH SYEIIhv eevdisrcin Seymour and dear aunt of PHONE 623-55789 - -.4-1 CLEANED Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 351-C-65 adrH dw e R I C A R D Inew brick bungalow wb t rmteEeurxo h Harold Seymour and Ettie 34t NUNISHED raom inciud- PLUMBNG REPAIRS 23-tf and ELECTRIC t. tached double garage.PuiyEaeofheleEsea (Mrs. Gardon Suggtt), boih of - - iýng kitchenette, $50 monthly; PHONE HAMPTON t.Relo wooded lob. Mun>'eta.Baeytosub ulcuc Troionto. Resied ut the Bar- rrALDier enra.Phn 63243 T RA C T oR Bawmanville. Immediate pas-1 BARNES & BYA MJ has apenings foi- lîmited num- B414D wlth 3 Pi. hitch seson4hoo-8- 1 PLUMBING &i HEATING f pupils. Phono 623-5060. B275D, 3 Pi. hltch & loader 4- SALES & SERVICE 44-1' Ferguson 2085 HOUSE, modern, central, rof-1 24-HOUR P WSeî-nces. Write Advertiser 762, ' ,. c/o The Canadian Stubesman, 'il uner Servicei =cmnte t oDu ù-YÏ Int. 3-furrow, 3 P. hiteh .O. Box 190, Bawmanville. SEPTIÇ TANKS AND o~ dinngmoom îa~Ji M.-F. 3 furrow 1TIEBU nble condition. Phono erguson furro EXCELLENT 112 acre fi-Ïm PHONE ITZ .44-i1 with bai-n. Right on High- HAMPTON 263-228 g w - n ef ' idg amrFerguson 6 ft. way 401, *Bowmanvîîîe. Im- TYRONE 263-2659 t wood.cutting wedges. On.lt -ton Wagon, $160 mediate possession. C all - arno983-5390. 44-1 Case Forage Harvester RUssel 9-5583, Toronto. 44-1 UPHOLSTERING i~outry, l featherNw Bi fer APARTMENT - One bedroom Save Dollars! Have >'our choit- nidat RP ,Beh e Ide& 4-wheel Spreader apartinenî in Bowmanville. tertield and chairs re-upholît- phoo, r13cîet Corne In Toda>' During Close ta hospital and sehool. oreS. Froc estimates, samplos1 p28-tf 7nrer3ati.nai Harvestor Immediate possession. Phono taken te home. KARLY TRADER#: BONus 6237540 after store boums. Budget Toi-ma ArrangeS ho.eci Wo&t com Fi ETatr di l~q.MODERIN 4-room 1,nmn~f H T R S le cllet 42-3 e pu E rae toSf a ow tacte heated, corner ing and Di.- FURNITURE A ND 9 usx-- frin Nov. 1 te Ja. 1 vision Streets. Immodiate UHLTR à pR u z hrstasPossession. F r e e parking. New Location1 troM71. on tainon,41 CWANEQUIPMENT CO. Apply' Sam's Famous Foiods,:,Corner King and Division 810.1 y'a ., Do Sianeant. 941 COin i .-BowmaaVtle 14 Division St., Bowmanville. j Phono 623-5m 12 t !nome on uo negP ve (I»ullv. .îose - i--' - '*s"i-'e nitrt Holders of R.N.A. certifliates start ai $3,600 and are eligible ta Park Rd.) Home features $13,700. Toi-ms, hiý for increments up la $3,900. largo kitchen plus dining HANDYMAN OPPORTUN- ert raom. Payments armunged ta ITY. Unfinisbed bungalow. Li SALARY REVIEW FENDING APRIL 1967 suit your budget. $11,500. Insulated. Large lot. Septic To $8,500 FULL PRICE for ibis tank and weIl. Higbwuy lo- Ne D ts:quaint 2 bedmoomn bungalow cation. Only $2,500 down. mi To unde,-buke a vaî'ietY of duties related tlu practical înursing, jsiouiofNc e wcsl.AI .LaIPooM.L . ca coveiece.and Exclusive a porsonul cure, and tborapeulic activities of mental patients. BRAND NEW nd il,00 can.h fe er aI i BRugND w EWhni 20d ow cn. Donald MoBusjo>' w023-30 3 Bedroomn brick bungalow. eIMotJ 6381 Qualif ications: Ultra modern kitchen and Phyllia Meiobbio *823-7159 A minimum nf Grade 10 education or upproved equivaîenthraom. Close ta shopping, Thomnas Donneli>' *985-7264 f eduatin; luecy n wittn nd pokn Eglih; bilt>'1in the village of Orono. Full Lylo Blason $- 92-3964 gct edulain funyi rtean pknEgih blytprice $ 15,800.Ro ads Btny3rPi deltucifuil>' and effectivel>' with mentaîl>' ili patients; goad1 COMMERCIAL Corner Lobtou 44.1n Bthny3 r i physicul and mental health; porsonal suitabilit>'. ai Wuverly Rd. and Base Line. _ __________- 24 Suitable for varieus linesos f R o dB ad De Fringe Benef its:lighi industry or business. o ma dB d Frin e B nefts:Cail for delails. Avaflable - Include annual vacation, annuai menit incrouses, uick louve fWilf Hawke, Orone 983-5274 OM an bor avibL- credits and good health and pension insurance. RwrRih - 6.-54PoO nd23295boar furhber 12 PLEASE AJ'PLY TO: J Gai-net RiearS 623-7387 information. _ 44-1 hor I Milford MeDonald -623-3911 ROOM and board available TH Peron elOficD orothy Vivisa 263-21381December lIs, privato home. livi "4--441 iai 623-5610. 44-1 Pi ruck, tractai-, implements, îy, grain and fumniture, prap- rty of David A. Wilson estube, xit 24, Con. 5, Cartwright 'wnship, 3 miles eust of Îesiloton an 7A Highway, ane îile south on Wilson Ave., nSaiurday, Nov. 5. Ternis .sh. Sale ai 1 o'clock. Ted ckson, Ted Spencele>',uc- mnoors. 43-2 [YGENIC Supplies-(Rub iods) mailed postpaid 1 lain sealed envelope With ice liii. Six samples 25e 4samples $1,.00. Mail Ordef )pt. T-2. Nov.-Rubbeo". bx 91, Hamilton, Ont. 15 Livestock For- 25 ON'E-Year-Old Legbai-f ens. Phono 983-5764. 44-1 'REE beef hifers, 22e lb. ve weight or 42ec dresse Lono 6232353. 4W- Personcd