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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1966, p. 16

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p10m 1! II 1 51111mo The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, Nov. 2, 1968e Farm Pond and Water Tank Help to Save Home Mr ars'Mn. --1d" * Mr. and Mrs. DnBok h raue r and family were audygv h eoto ak r T ls C n d a u -visitors with her bthrwiefo trkydnr.R ad famiy Mran Mr.MClgaearpronF. Rlph Taner, ayvle nlwhpPannn n Sunday with heraretM.nucdteewudb et and Mrs. AlexTanrStr-igatS.Pu'Chc, Sm G m n o todIng.BomnilNv4tth S ~~~~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. C.P.Salwthadakdfsoefou on Sunday visitedhebrtemebrcoltyanatnd 6 ~~~~~~~~~and wife, Mr. .and Ms m r.Gena odce SoâÀmna cutisAshton, family, Caeae.ildicsino Mr and Mrs. BetS1 .Mcol r.W (FROM PAGE ONE ) 1 love transistor radios, cherishWhl there they obtained per- den and famfl o rs .Crdranto has changed little themi, and will go to any isin to be the first civilians by Mrs. Molly IEro nti.Metn lsdw luethe daso Spanish rule. lengths to obtain one. to sail aboard a Chilean Naval Toronto, visited telte' eeito n oilhl harchitecture is pre- "Beamed directly to the ship with a scientific expedi- sister and husbandM.adhuia noe yal 30ant, and much of the Indians are special programs tion, and spent two weeks = rs Whitney Grs an hsnarrow and dark from radio stations financed by this way cruising in the Ant- daughter at Listowe .The a population is the Communists of Peking. arctic Ocean. OBITUARESerm SThere is a modern These broadcasts are in the "Buenos Aires, capital of sslas C. Husaeawshot but it is in disrepair. native Indian languages as Argentina is the Paris of South ursdaythe event a R. EREAN Isoals true of machmn- well as in Spamish and Portu- America, an enormous and lux- fare 11 ighby or MmThere are some modern gese. The recurring themes on urious city. The great cities of Raaphorstpa frMr.Saa Inporhalhfoww . but not enough. these Red programns are food South America are beautifûI ed with thre 'a peet-yarMs.GoreLin,7 eare the main export. and land. and in some ways more mod- Mount re pece fBueMMla Die shwde fe in the villages is vir- "ALso available to the In- ern than those of ledrth Am- taken completely yu1sOtbr2, 96 tteOh Olyuchangedi from the days dians a'e the programs of the erici. They also have older Mrs. Raaphorst thane hs'aaGnea optl h &the Spaniards. There, is a Voice-of America but it speaks sections typifigtebst of present for theirlveygfwainhr6tya. unýications problemà in only in Spanish regarding Spamish architecture. In con- Teblneo h vnn•Tefre eseSue h ado , many Indians know high ideals and the American trast they almost all havewapesntypntigms dcsdwsbonFruy their own tongue, and do way of life, which to people ghastly slums. social chit-chat. ih ots'2 97 tRga n a zàLunderstad Spamish. Roads who have never even seen a "In Buenos Aires there ls served a dainty 1uc.M enarsdn fteOh few and mn poor condition. tap in their lives means very great bitterness because of the and Mrs. Sam Raaphrthv w isrc l e ie L e is a lack of equipment, little.. political and economic collap- sold their place Mr.Ligssuvedb bsek of money, and lack of "«Japanese settlers have .ex- ses of recent years. All .is Mrs. Pulse, who tak oss e usad agtr þuowldge.tensive individual investments blamed on. Peron, the dictator, sion the end of thi ot.Mradasn oad l "hrare few motor cars in the low altitude coastal reg- who bankrupted the economy. We welcome Mr.oOsw. Itecutry, and a car costs ions of South America. They Peron did raise the standard Pulse and family to u o-As uviigaetoss :ftimes as much as the same are a good economic influence. of living for the workers, who • munity. Mr. and Ms ap es r.Atu hicle would in the U.S. There "Chile and Uruguay are h would welcome him back, os r etn naatet Gae n r.Ll oly some mechanization in agri- only true democracies in South Therefore Peronism is stronger in the Bellman hosjs1oho Bwavle he lture, but on most farmas America. These two countries than Communism in the Arg- east of the overhea rde rtes Abr lt fRg en are used to pull wooden have a higher standard of entine. on Highway 2.laWteSueofcgg s. Equador is the world's living for all their pople. "The pampas (prairies) pro- Mrs. Allan SnoweM.IlnadRsllBonf teust banana exporting "Chile looks to Europe for duce wheat and beef for and Mrs. Ron RogesMpeBwavl;an three S= r, and another one of hier traditional culture rather export. The caittle ranching in Grove; Mr. and Ms o rncideSot an gifi main crops is pyrethrum, than to North America.- The Argentina as in Uruguay is Goodmurphy, Oshaa,mor-adKen a-chief Ingredient of insecti- population of Chile is 80 per done by the picturesque gau- ed to London on Sna o Temmra evc a des. cent literate. Chile has some chos. visit the former's duhe eda h rsrn uea -Mr. Vincent explamned that of the finest universities in "Uruguay has the most ad- and the others siste Mr) oe coe 8 nemn *th the exception of those of South America.. vanced social laws of any On Sunday morming, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville firemen had used all' the water their Mrs. John Aitchisonwoir a nOhw no ee egdry65pSot "hlTheaCommunists hanvefoot Sout Americau ountrythIts Howýard Millson and family, R.R. 1, Enniskilen, pumper c-arried, a line of hose was strung to this farm patient in London optlrmitro ig r ret Aei is llieratefandtht stdents andinthe Unionrs.tyApcapt arciy, ontdofeo. Un- .have burned to- the ground had it not been pond. This picture shows a fireman and neighbor Ro Ralo erisited MradMsedCuconctdheer 95 per cent of the Indians great proportion of both uni- fortunately today Uruguay is for this pond and Cliff Pethick's water tank. When hooking up the gas-operated auxiliary pump. bara Worsley andfalyrvce Ire are unable to read or versity students and union in economic diffHculties as a London, "te., men subscribe to what they result of the over-extension of imports are smuggled. ThislFiesta in Rio de Janeiro is the Don't forget the cr t S"The wealthy classes mn think are Communist beliefs. social services. In addition toidiscourages home industries bright spot each year in the MO V E on Saturday evenintMreMS ATU .SI South Amnerica are fabulously "In Chile there is an in- its great cattle business, Uru-'and deprives governments of lives of the slum dwellers as P LG RV Grove in C.E. Hall ute ae sdel ikls xýand have greatinfluence creasing middle class of skill- guay produces sugar and needed revenue. In most of well as for the more affluent. This community was shock- bereaved wife and, family in particulars in comingeet.FiaMs rhrL mt alhu as te re c ases I mhni u oaed.tradesmea arbagu y counryU ta me a t nthe exe Everyone enjoygttengala and edhelastWednesdaymorni the loss oothusband ant v s. Mr. and rt rs.Ms on Aey.rra Hsia an almost indescribable Chile suffers natural clisas.. recently its capital city, Asun- but not necessarily obeyed "railate ewcai al fRy drnVa nihnCmphd asd alltersVisitmorsanmeat ivesFyoeraMr. andM rs ak eidn f h olmu rty. For instance in the ters, earthquakes and tidal cion, had no electricity, sew- "•• Brazil, cost $200,000,000 and aa um h gti i a h a aphm ttmrson a ititfrmayyas h atefRiapseres 20 aiies. th we poorand smetes ar ne olsaning hempyins une of Brazil, which was once a omy. Brasilia was planned and mumity is extended to the myss, Mrs. Tom Densem, MVrs. 11y were in Blackwtroih omrEteEey wthtsees2 sarniin ofe d ra nd herprog are S til ionihgwa buity fundsmonarchy. One of -the most constructed in order to bring Emma Byers, all of Toronto; Sunday to help the omrsSot h eesdwsadu îhr kind. o Chile has ofstable econmy res.Silcived ic b Paraguy from enlightened rulers was Em- the centre of government in- ance between the country's Mrs. Fred Gale, Whitby; Mrs. daughter, Mrs. ThomsM he fth aeM.adMs Sers xpoied wihihscoppaer ies inomthete ied bN ainanday the peror Dom Pedro who made land and-help in the develop- negroes and its East Indians. Gail Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Tomn enaar celebrate her irtdy hmsSot onFb 0 H er fs xonedac ors oth, and gpratmin esitete U.Siatoughthisonadeypasibreta stronh central gov- nment of the interior of the The population of Guiana is Lodge, Silver Springs, Mary- They also visited withhrhsl84 tTrnsewsmr R ork who lvne Pnathers ot and on ierrdel ear-m.S.arked or educaionywsemn, btlewsoe- country. The architecture of 45 per cent negro and 50 per ville; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beggs, bndand mily.redteeJue6193 Wokrwoi inamong 'Futesuado. "Tha elerarefrewchtooi n. thrown after he freed the the new capitail is magnificent cn atIda, r icn Mr. and Mrs. Burke Gale, The U.C.W. met tte Arsdn fteClmu "I'es n nsarese wos."Chile has an areà called Paraguay. Women in this slvs but somehow sterile. Already said. He told the club that Fenelon Falls; Mr. Bob Gale, hrhHl nOtbr2t ititfr4 erMs *n for edat andwesPtgnirihaciae som-outrsaemoreemncpae Lovely Rio de Janeiro is a slums have grown on the out- the Aluminum Company of Fenelon Falls, Mrs. Kay Burg- at 8 p.m. with 18 baispe-Sih a eyatv The rent a lot of land for what like that of Scotland. than elsewhere in South great city. It has the most skirts where live those, who Canada has huge investments ess, Toronto. Peent Ms.C.eenhm ic-mmbroClmusUie emslve an ar alowe by3reat numbers of Scotsmen America because of the man- beautiful harbor in the world worked on its construction. in the mining of bauxite in Mr. Don Brown, friend Mr.Peiet pnd h etigCuc.Sewsamme e owner to wod rk alon ted stldinPtgnibvrte oe hotg.and wonderful beaches. .There "The great River Amazon Guiana. Mel Saari, Toronto, were Sun - withla readinFrDy o fteUiedCuc oe day a week. The other six days years, and started the enor- Brazil is larger than conti- sn aildsrmain mstretclies from horizon to hori- The Vi e-Prsdent of t a iiswt thefrerschyet.Uit2wsi f h cuc .nmttie they work for him. They are mous sheep industry there., In nental United States. Only Brazil. Origmn is not a barrier zon. Once there was a flourish- Canadia Clube of West Dur- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. chrge o.flthworsievc.getsucs ihhrcli aidfly cntsa aybu hae his area there are now 6,000- two per cent of Brazil's land to social status or, public offce ing rubber industry in Brazil· ham, Mrs Wilbert Teeur- Brown, brother David.Ms .Finofra the vation of flowers he on1 aeofsix cents, and ?00 seep.GI assaid ttth er cultivated,Bazdlsy rriaheeibteewheoncat nth entwho presided at the meetHïThe many friends of Mr. Hyrn 258beg hnkg n miiesuvebywr s cesties sfrom a tore than in Scotland, and the in- by roads. There are enormous 'ae',n-he'ae-os'there is a grand opera house RinselbsehncedofMresi- entarr ttit aretleaed to 711 wa read musntMshelanqln f oubs wned y theosameIsan abitants speak English more falls nd r f Sae rnileSo ethaRio de Janeiro has horrible wherearuso alovoneati RusellBeft haswnked l . homefomhospital.rtrnd Fre naCorinhiansr teraped ndhde.Sh «we.Tey cannotelevere The speaker said that he these great falls could provide "Rio de Janeiro has the Manaus is a ghost city as the ilrativenddes, ndohisuc eMp-wr. and rs. aySntowdt e 9,tverse -1.Mr.FlnffDoMac 1,190 til thefirdebts relaid and-and his family visited Puerto hydro-electric power for all greatest annual increase in bottom dropped out of the tio11 i go wi h such excep- w lere oThursdy strs w th ra theTmeiatonfloe h emra evc a iilthei simpssible n mostndWilliam, the most southern South America east of the population in the world. A country's rubber market. At than a.ygo tues.I is sthader m.iteranMrhs. R. R . e by prayrmh wrhp lshl2ct47atteArsrn ses.Intdss is ssedsilein ons settlement in the world. While Andes. Sao Poulo is an indus- new home would have to be present coffee is Brazil's chief thoua pc i wor tha n, ise and husband, Mr. ed wiroos.ath metn29 intsofFnraeoe.Itrmn a ae.Idet from fs athe oon on Tierra del Fuego their trial metropolis with a popu- built every minute and a half export. ' dedsen t or , adiehve adMrs. H J ok. l, ag-ast mveetingowrerean nOhw no eeey May be severaÏ hlrnhaC hr pitureslatin o 00 0okeupwt0teicraig0uaatefomrBritish with a prestevt unieto tr s M d a o ra.vMsCr aecws .Wnfe gsri of et e wn k oLlathe full blooded Yfghgan Indian. the continent. One hurse aill "The four day Carnival struggle fsrthe ticàldomi-Vincent.Mr epl od r ermeeSun isitoaw rs tR. ds, teling u s ee w hcodutd h sr a-the city of kings. The presi- oent of Peru is surrounded by 2nre pomp and ceremony and 1Ïmore power than any fNbùarch. In Peru voters fol- low a man, not a political pogramn. y 7"Americans are disliked in *eru as they are in most of South America. There are everywhere "Yankee Go e" even on an ancient observatory. There is a large Inca popu- lation. They live and trade qgnong themselves today. The¼ women look like grandmothers àt the age of 20. The Incas gre.ý artistic even in the most ? adverse circumstances. Because tiany are undernourished, to 1look fat gives status and the Wromen Wear layers of color- Adl skirts and petticoats in an etempt to look larger. .-"The Incas do beautiful . Boliviat is the only ;;n in South America in revolution as opposed to aehdat cal insurrections.- Ï: 1952 the government of. via hung the president of workers union. Then aill. ïpeople revolted, overthrew<1 vernmnent, and gave land peasants and serfs. The ie baring systea o igramofsochl e i ' SAVE$30.00VSVE$$20.0 . N o w B o liv ia h as aea d r u h e s t S V 3 . in Bolivi have slightly since 195 1. The tht ,w*M*theoia"t; 5. iece Dns tl ubeP esta5 1c obePdsa .ad seknown tha heIn Texturedt Teak adsutExes0TblSit obtaned Styled for teyoung OMdns , WhoWgigtdwlu roieo a ee'ld prefer the trim-line style. PF",Wrt*rïlnedube edstcs.l . edestal plus four (Wheel €at nhs...tefu wvlcar curved upholst4e back fatrea omyaig bck.. meam of waffle seats. 5 ~Extra Chairs $25.95taordigov-ftvn.

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