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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1966, p. 5

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.rincipaIof Queen 's College P resents, 'Marking Rev. George K. Ward, Sofficiated at Trinity UtieiChurch 13lst Anniver- ary Services on Sunday, and ,the large church was filled to capacity at both services. The eV. Elias Andrews, M.A., X'xcipal of Queen's Theolo- gical College, K i ngs t on, preached at both morning and evening services. In the morning after the Organ Prelude was played by ..=.rhur Collison, organist, Mr. Ward gave the Cail to Wor- 'ikhip, and the Invocation with Choral Response. The hymn A 'Christ is the Sure Founda- * tien" Was uung. After the Responsive Psalm came the children's hymn, "Will Your Anchor Hold." Trhe tenor solo, "Will Sing New Songs of Gladness" was, For 1 ei enga ide Inspiring'Sermons 131sf Anniversary 1sung by Dr. S. L. Rutledge. the Covenant was described Peterborough. The Scripture by Dr. Andrews. He seid that lesson wes Exodus 25: 16-22, a slab ai pure gold was plac- 1Ephesians 2: 19-22. The pas- cd on top ai tbe Ark ai the tarai prayer by Mr. Wamd Covenant and cailed the was followcd by the Lard's Mercy Seat. Gad wanted this Prayer said in unisan. ta be a place wbere He could The anthcm, "Surely The dmaw near al the people, the Lard Is In This Place" wes preecher explaîned. next. Then the Doxology and "There were no church Oifertory 'Prayer. Dr. Rut- buildings wben Paul wrote ledge sang a beautiful solo, "You are the temple ai the "How Shall 1 Sing That Ma- living God." Do not tbink ai jesty." The hymn "Lave Di- the building in wbicb w. vine, Ail Loves Exceiling" worship, but think oi the was sung by the choir. congregation. or the assembly The subject ai Dr. Andrcws' ai Gad's people. sermon was "The Temple ai "Paul says God must be God." He spoke ai Hebrew found in the beert ai people. bistory, perticularly ai the Wc are the temple ai the liv- time the Lard spake ta Moses ing God. The temple. in Jeru- asking for gifts ai ail kinds, saem wes built sa Gad could thet a greet sanctuery could commune with the people. be built. We tbink ai the churcb as the The building ai the Ark ai place for this, but wbat about tomormow whcn we go back into the warld? We s0 aiten think ai the church as some- thing sepemete irom ourseives. We sbould be the chumcb et eh times. girlsDr. Andrews said thet in ~jîr1sthe days ai the Roman Em- pire the soldiers of Caesar's Legions alweys went toae cer- tain temple in Rame ta get .th the fire ta carry on their im- pratwarame. "We must aiways carry the fleme ai His work into the womid about us iging 0 that the world rney know the living God is among us," Dr. Andmews urged. "The choir sang In the .,as.mamning, "We Have Great s.Tbings ta Declare About o. As members ai the church surciy Gad bas donc great things for us and bas brought us into rcconciling grace. We sec the necd ai it when wc examine aur lives and other lives. Let us remember that no amount ai understanding ai ourselves cen relly cleanse * * »the selfishncss ai the human 3 - heart. Model No.TR123150.......$15000 from the "Diamnond Treasure" Collection Corne in and see our engag- ing fashions. Styles as modern as tomoyrrow. created by C OLUMBIA Diamond Rings others from $100. ta $10,000. at ... àKooper's gewelleryt 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE ask us for your free brochure '"How to Select your Diamond"è "Man needs ta reconcile with God, and we in turn with ance nother. If wc think about the national situation today we sec the necd for this recancilietion with each other. We as Christiens must show the world that we are the temple ai the living Gad. Wc must be on aur knces ta show the wold the necd ai reconciliation. .49The cammandment ai love must be put into practice through the churches. Evcry- one, no matter wbet calor, class, or cmced, must be taught this love tbrough the churches. "Jesus and bis disciples wcrc going out ai the temple anc day, and the disciples said ta Him 'Look et that beaujiful temple,' with just the same kind ai amezement we might have caming out ai e great building in Toronto, or London. "About 40 yeers later nat a stone wes let ai this megni- ficent temple. Romans de- strayed it but another anc wili be reiscd. The construc- tion ai e spirituel bouse of lovcly stones could be buiît up as e boly temple ai the Lord. Comparisan could be made ta a beautiful residence being built in Kingston with evcry stone difiement. No two ,,people are alike. We are al individuels and eech anc could be a living stane ini e spirituel building ta teke the place ai the aid temple, so that tomomrow out in the world wc mey be part ai this temple ai the living God," Dr. Andrcws steted. The hymn, "I Lave Thy Kingdom, Lard" was sung. Benediction was given by Mr. Wemd. Mr. Coilison playcd the orgen Postludc. At thc evcning service the Invocation and Choral Re- sponse ioilowed the Organ Prelude. A hymn, "Stand Up, And Bless The Lard," was sung. The Scipture lesson was Ephesians 6: 10-20, Phil- ippians 4: 4-9, end the iirst antbcm wes "Beautiful Gar- den ai Prayer." Aiter the pastoral prayer, the Lord's Prayer, and the off crtomy prayer, the second anthem, "'Ail Beautiful, The March ai Days" wes sung by the chair. Then the choir and the congregation sang a hyrnn, 110, For A Heamt To Preise My God." Dm. Andrews was introduc- cd by Mm. Ward, who had been anc ai Dm. Andrews' stu- dents et Pine Hill, Halifax. Dr. Andrews' sermon et the evening service was entiticd "The Church And The Mod- crn Mid". His tcxt was Psalm 27, verse four: "One thing I have dcsired ai the Lard that will I seek ater: that I may dwell in the bouse ai the Lard ahi the days ai my lufe, ta bebald the beauty ai the Lomd, and ta enquire in bis temple". For thc Psalmist caming ta the temple was a highlight ai bis ice, and religion was its essence, Dr. Andrews pointed out. He went ta be- hold the beauty ai the Lord, and this beauty is God's Grace, Love, and Kindness", the preacher expiained. "He went ta enquire into the meaning and purpose ai life itself, and ta find ways ai making bis own life mean- ingful 50 that it wauld have an impact on the world around him. "As the Psalmist cauld look upan thc bcauty af God, haw much more we as Christians must feel wben we bebold the. bcauty ai lave for mankind in the. face of Our Lord and Saviaur Jea Christ, W. nust not think that the.churcb ,will unswer all questions, but in the churcb we wil ilnd the prafaund meaning aif iaith . We know we wifi not have to walk al=ne but wifl A ~Â 1J:11.1MrLPalmer rnany happy r. The Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanvlle, Nov. 2, 198 Autum n Wd ginrHmponUniteda Churcht'rmn e In tELIZA ETHVILLE sed ways vegetables are used Manvem ,old-time iamily r!E IA E I IL ntetbe h o reatian has been revived 'wtiiOlth al, h or ways ef a qae ac cu.Intu- Church services were at cooking potatoes, vegetables tiis given for beginners, Garden Hill on Sunday. Sun. and meats that go together, bath old and yaung day school was held here.. and rules to follow when Last week a goo number Mr. and H. Quantrill planning a hot vegetable plate. attended ta learn sorne initia] visited with Mr. C. Quantrill On Achievement Day we have steps and mavements. Mr. and who is in Oshawa Hospital, the topic, "Vegetables For AUl Mrs. George Timins pravided on Monday evening. the Family," and Barbara the music on piano and violin We had aur annual hot tur- Walker is going ta give the with Mrs. Noel Waod direct- key dinner on Wednesday commentary on it. Doris ingt the dances. evening. The weather was Beatty demanstrated how to Iis planned ta have teams excellent and we had a good make stuffed potatoes. At af callers and players and ta crowd. the end of the meeting we ate rotate the location of the Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson themn and they were very classes fram week ta week spent Thursday in Toronto. good. araund the three churches in The car racing enthusiasts The fourth meeting af this the Parish of St. Mary's, Trin- attended another car race at unit was held at Mrs. Beatty,$ ity and St. Paul's. Janetville on Sunday. Last home'at 7 p.m. an Octaber 17, Guests irom outside the Sunday the racing car broke 1966. We discussed what parish are welcame when ac- dawn but Ron Mercer bas chowder is, what vegetables campanied by a charter mem- purchased another and he may be scalloped, vegetables ber. and E. Fowler are again in that may be baked or stuffed, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott, the race. and we discussed variaus Lindsay, were Sunday guests Mrs. James Muldrew spent ways to cut raw vegetables. with Mr. and Mrs. Walter a day with Mrs. V. Walters Joan Trew and Nancy Fawler Neals. and Mrs. A. Smith recently. made a baked cabbage cas- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Chase, Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill serole. Janice Cann and I Michael and Karen af Fever- visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Helen Trew, made a cream 0 sham were guests with Mr.- Holden, Guelph, overth tomato soup. Helen and Kar.- *.and Mrs. Addison Scott for the weekend. en Stec and Kathy Cook madle -. weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker a relish tray which was very Mrs. Harry Bigelow is a Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. R' attractive. It ail tasted 'very patient in Civic H-ospital, Westheuser, ai Bowmanviîe, good. kX Peterborough. spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Edmunds and Miss Mrs. Thickson. Joanne Edniunds ai Oshawa It was -Shiloh Anniversary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rass Services. Mrs. Walters and " I Carr during the weekend. Mrs. Smith were with Mr. ~ #~-~: ~In lieu ai their regular and Mrs. R. Savory, Stark- meeting the members af St. ville, and attended the Shiiloh . Paul's Anglican Church Wom- anniversary. en had reserved seats for the Mr. Milford White took the AOTFELWML * ~~~~ matinee performance of "The Sunday school class on Sun-/4MA$"E IE ... Sound ai Music" in Peterbor-day and I presumne he is ta OLDETA ough. Later they had refreshi- take it next Sunday. Every- iià.. ments at the Miss Dianaonisecme y Retaurnt.Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland, ** :Bethany Athletlc Association Oshawa, were at Mr. and Mrs. A meeting af the Bethany L Mudrew's. Athletic Association was held Mrad rsGib, sh an Sunday aternoon, with aa h aehdtect Bob Gilmour presiding and aa h aehdtect ~'O ~...~Mrs. Harold White as record- north af here, sold it ta r. ig ecrtay.a friend ai Mr. and Mrs. Mor .1 ~. » Plas wre adeta olda ris, and they will vacate over DARLINGTON New Year's Eve dance in the teWeed Township Hall, with light re- Tethr mein aiur PH L ER fresmens t besered. unit, "Dressing Up Vege- . . .. . .frCommitstes were appintd tables" was held at Mrs. 102 King St. W. Bawmanvllle ta ookaftr he arius e-Beatty's home at 7 p.m. an Phone 623-7341 Free Estimates S.s' ~~~tails ai decorations, lunch, Otbr7 96 edsu _______________ advertising, etc. There was a discussion re the skating rink in the Ath- S~ letic Park and a number vol- unteered ta get the ground 4 rpared for ice surface.T A ....................Gardon Smith, who is man- ager ai the Bethany hockey team was given permission ta Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edmond Couroux are shown in the abave photo as they g aeanew pead fo hnS £ TC L I ettheir wedding cake at the reception held following their marriage in Hamp- sw and omh eaddiTna ton United Church on Friday evenin O ctober 7, 1966, at 7 o'clock. Formerly first hockey game is scheduled Miss Donna Grace Wilbur, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ta be held at Port Perry, Hillis Wilbur of Hampton, and the brid egroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. sunax atrna, oeme Edmond Jsp Couroux of Kendal. Photo by Astor Studio A further meeting is called COUROUX - WILBUR wore a white velvet and dress with matching coat, fo ovmerltha 23 crepe frock in the saine de-iblack accessories and corsage 4-H Club Standards ai white and sign as worn by the senior ai dark bronze and white The Bethany 4-H club and bronze 'mumis, bathed in the attendants. Her headdress was 'mums. their leaders Mrs. Harry Ryley soit glow ai candlelight, waS a white velvet Tom Jones Following the reception the and Mrs. John Neals entertain- the attractive s et t in~g n bow and she carried a nase- couple left for a honeymoon ed members ai the Women's Hampton United Church for gay ai deep rose carnations. in New York State and Eas- institute and club girls moth- the wedding ai Miss Donna Mr. Gary Moore ai Toronto, tern Canada. For travelling ers at a dinner in the United . Grace Wilbur, daughter ai cousin ai the groom, wvas best the bride wore a green and Church Sundey School hall on Mir. atn and MrnHli man and the ushers were Mr. black check knitted suit with Saturday evening, deman- WilurHapto, nd r.Ronald Moore ai Toronto, also l?ack velvet bat, black glaves, strating their recent course, RayEdmnd ouruxsonaia cousin ai the groom, and black patent shoes and hand- "Dressing Up Vegetables." Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Joseph Master Clarke Wilbur, Hamp- bag, and corsage ai tangerine The tables were attractiveM Couroux of Kendal, on Friday tn, brother of the bride, Mas- and yeîîow carnations. Tmey with vegetable centrepieces evening, October 7, 1966, at ter Kevin Wilbur, another will be residing at 208 Crom- The dinner included. baked -7 a'clock. The bride and her brother ai the -bride,ý Hamp- well Ave., Apt. 2, Oshawa. potatoes with hem stufllng, a attendants walked from bher ton, was ring bearer. He car- Aclek ypit t ehaa s sdedrand1evaea . hr hom a h nab àr a cushion made ai the Clinic, the bride attended tpsg asrlbkd__L LSE Re.Ca,1at ifcae.samne material as the bride's Hemyesai salads with pumpkin QLW PC Re.Ca.Ctoofcae.gown, trimmed with French Hapton Public and Courtice pie for dessert. ONVO RC 1The wedding music was play- lace. High Schools. The groom at- Fallawing the dinner Mrs. $5 ed b Mr.Doulas ewel Th reeptin ws hed ~tended Kendal Public Schaoi Ryley introduced the club MLT WTHFA SAI db aMso aDomplasnie the TDe rectan omn ity ein-and Bowmanville High School. members: Mary Cochrane, soloist, Mrs. James Smales. trHmon Tebrd' He is an employee et General Mary Suerd, Jiil Wood, Sheila The bride, wbo wes given ter Hampceiv e erig a Motors and is a member ai Wood, Norma Smith, Grece SINGLE VISION LENSES in merriage by ber father, coat and dress ensemble ïn the Oshawa Flying Club. Smith, Nancy Mortan, Kathe- ;wore a formel lengtb white maoss green and gold brocade Guests ettended fromn Osh- leen Morton, Betty Ami Mor- THIS WEEX @MILY siI empire sheath. The empire *Îrth brown accessories and awa, Toronto, North Bey, ton, Marguerite Beer, Wendy Ti GTO bodice, feshioned witb a scoop corsage ai dark bronze and Cash Bay, Kendal, Orano and Preston, Mary Ann Martichen- TEfS UTSTANDING OFFER IN OPTICAL NISTORI 1neckline and elbow length yellow 'mumis. The groom's Hampton. ko. Mrs. Ryley elso gave a Never before has -King such Sonsatonal Savings. For tii..fir,* sîceves, was ai French cbrded mother assisted to receive and Many parties honored the brief commentary on club tme ;M Our bsory. we are ofFerinq GLASSES to you at à fraction above lace with whlte velvet trim- chose an aqua green linen bride prior ta bier marriage. work. aur cost. For THIS WEEK ONLY you can buy thec finest National ming - the sîceves and bodice, Ms ldsBro n a- Ms ageieBewo Branded first quelify Single Vision Glasses COMPLUTE with thé. frame of Sad acthe straigtwceekr ghter Erlyne, and Mrs. Eve- bas completed 12 units In 4-H your chioce a+fthe ONE LOW DISCOUNT PRICE of only$12.0 wais accet e b A two Chs lyn Dewell and daughter work and who will receive 65 STYLES, SNAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROMA slit ettheside. Adetch-Carolyn, were hostesses for e ber Provincial bonors onl Choos. the. Glaises fuît you want and only yott need for your ipecial able crepe train, bigblighted kitchen shower. Miss Sharon Achievement Day ini Novem- requiremenfs. Select from à wide assortment of frimes, the one de- by rechcodedlae dg .Wilbur and Miss Marie Flett ber, wes presented with silver sqecrd especially for your taite, persoacJty and faial contour. King ;ing, feIl fromn soit gethers at* held a miscellaneous sbower sugar tongs. Two other mem- ofr h raefVlecdti gefQilyi N O te yo eitvieil and er'ur- at the former's home in Osh- bers, Miss Elcanar Porteous PRICE. Won'* you compare ... comparison proves. See King and Sève! tier nylon net veil was caughtawa. The bride's aunt, Mrs. and Mrs. Ross Neals, who bed SAE OSTEL ENSS UR Y, OV 16 ta a wedding ring crown ai Grace Cryderman and daugh- previously won Provincial SAEPSTVL NSSTEX FLA-NOV.5P16 matching rench core laceh anars were presented with IPTKI Sathe n c renacascade bouquet btroM sh.;r- mmbers clu house ai God where anc will i the b Grd ilent Ifsn find the blessing ai unsciiisb -_the______________ ness, and the purpose that It's ginger ale 1ts ime to think underlies lufe, be said in that's deliciously conclusion. BEmm, ' After the singing ai a bymu, différent. b u "J.esus, Thou Joy ai Laving Teuiu ao Aiter 20 years ai service, Hearts," Benediction w as h uiu fa Mrs. Ina Palm~er retired on given by Mr. Ward, and the and darker amber Monday as telephane operatar "' 1 Organ Postlude was pieyed. with the Manvers Municipal 't* L O ta t fo Prior ta the 11 o'clock ser- color is from Telephone Systemn. Mrs. Mor- /0 vice In the morning Mr. Col- gnBglwwl elc e lison gve e 2 minut orgen an original recîpe ga Bieo wllrpcebr ... .... r a lio aea2 iueognas operatar. î'.~r JI recitai. The pragrem includ- treasured by Mrs. Palmier is recagnized as .ha c'i- n e ed "Soeur Manique" by Fran-Wîo' being a very faithful operator. eDhr'J i f'(,i(,L cois Couperin, "Three Cou- Wlo' During ber 20 yeers she bas . 7 rantes" by Frescobaldi, Guil- for 92 years. seen the switchboard enlarged ...""' hepeaqftfolvd imant's "«Noei Alsacien", Fan- from 27 Unes ta 76 lines. In h$ect gffolvd tasia ini C Minor by Adolf ber early years, operetors bcd Cans ai ibis apecial time Hesse, Bacb's «"Gott, durcb ta egster time tickets and 4 deine Gute (chorale prelude),l loak aiter the baokkeeping as01yr. and the Andante from Sonate wl as aperating the switcb- I C Minor by Rheinbergcr. board. With the expansion ai Recital was given by Mr. Colz and naw these duties are odapitet lc lison priai ta the evening ser- teken cere ai by the secretary. rl ponret lcD vice. Mr. Collison first play- 6 8 E treasurer af thc System =,l 263-8472. 1 d Robert Franz's "Dedîca- Mrs. Palmer rclsmn to.Thswsolwe yM B interestlng incidenta ai her A m a. Sang", the Theme fram Sym- GNERAEsucb as ires or ilinesa and N ey~i f Mendss an's nAigs fr clare rt n emergencleaas phonie Pathetique by Tschai-A2 hnteoeao lyda TR NOLm e I M WtrMusic, and "Sec Whatj services for those lnvolvcd. Love Can Do" by Bach. Zveryone joins ini w1shing Corporation of The Township of Darington NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the proposed closing of the original Road Allowances between Lots 12 and 13 and between Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the *Township of Darlington lying south- erly cf the lands owned by The Canadian National Railway and pro- viding for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council cf the Corporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Council meeting to be held on Thursday, the l7th day of November, 1966 at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime there- after will consider passing a by-law to stop up and close those parts of the original Road Allow- ances ini the Broken Front Concession of the Township cf Darlington lying southerly of the lands cf The Canadian National Railways as foliows: (a) The. original Road Allowance between lots 12 and 13 being the extension southerly cf the Scugog Street road allowance. (b) The. original Road allowance between lots 14 aMa 15 known as Martin Road. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the. Council of the. Corporation cf the. Township of Darllngton proposes at the same meeting by the. aforesaid by-law te authorize the sale cf the sald stopped up parts of the original road allow- ancu téte abutting owners. Tii. proposedl by-law and plan showing the. Ipads affected may b. seen in nmy offices in the, ~ownship Hall. The Council will hear in person, or by bis or ber counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who dlaims that bis or ber lands will b. prejudicially aff.cted by the. sald by-law and who applies t. b. heard. DATED thus l4th day of October, 196& Walter E. Rundle, Clerk.

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